× mall




y. shuhua 4 years ago
@x. dejun she was excited to meet up with her good friend after such a long while, the exams occupying the majority of both their times and keeping them apart. it felt weirdly out of place not seeing the boy for so long, considering they were attached at the hip ever since they met each other in middle school and had been the best of friends ever since then. she walked with a spring in her steps, enjoying the music playing through her earphones while looking around, trying to spot him. she spotted him engrossed with his phone sitting on the bench, pulling out her earphones, she slowly crept up behind him whispering a small 'boo' by his ear, anticipating his reaction.
x. dejun (H) 4 years ago
@y. shuhua it was after the exams, meaning one week of holiday before students needed to return to campus. dejun took that opportunity to call shuhua and invite her out for some shopping spree, or at least having fun at the mall. it's been a while since the last time he had went out with his friend and played in arcades or surf through boutiques, he actually quite missed it. growing up with shuhua practically his whole life made not spending time with her unbearable, he had to at least take time out for his friend once a week, just like his family. they agreed to meet up at the south entrance of the mall, dejun sitting on a bench inside as he waited, scrolling through his social medias for any news update.
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@s. seungwan Hyeonju grinned wider at the sight of the others grin, taking it as confirmation that she hadn’t been confused. As soon as Wendy was close enough she dragged the slightly older woman into a hug. “Wendy it’s been so long!” she chuckled as she spoke before taking a step back and looking the woman up and down. “I grew up I guess, only a little though.” she giggled again, poking her cheeks slightly before moving closer to Wendy again, pinching her cheek gently. “I’ve been following everything reported about you! You’re so brave you know!?” she beamed as she spoke before nodding and then realising that she’d lost focus. “Oh you wanted help? Did you want flowers? I’ll make you the freshest arrangement I can, with only the best flowers of course!”
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@s. seungwan Hyeonju had spent her entire day at the flower shop, tending to the flowers and making various brightly coloured arrangements to place in the windows to try to attract more customers to the shop. She was lucky though, most wouldn’t have bothered making quite so many arrangements as they would all die far too quickly, but thanks to Hyeonju’s heritage flowers had the uncanny ability to avoid death for much longer when they were around her, with the slightly wilted ones even peeking up when she came to work.
Smiling to herself, she was working on another arrangement, this one focusing on blues and pinks when she heard the door open and a voice asking for assistance. Instantly she brushed off her apron and stood up, walking to the main room of the flower shop and grinning. “Of course, how can I help you today?” she looked the woman up and down before grinning even wider. “Wait? Seungwan?”


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henggarae 3 years ago
Skrt skrt And pokes head admin
Hwannie 4 years ago
What kind of job would you need my chara to have for the overlapping plot? I like to be usefull. c:
Unknxwn_ 4 years ago
Can I.......... have a second? :3
moonkitten 4 years ago
can i get
im nayeon as my 2nd? owo
Cutaepie 4 years ago
Would a demon be allowed?
schnuggldiwuppdich 4 years ago
v. sofia18:40:21Reply
I'm looking for children

halfer, dad is a were-beast of choice
max. 24 years old

human or any halfer
max. 31 years old
pref. an orphan who never knew he had parents
silvanna 4 years ago
could i get choi soobin please?
schnuggldiwuppdich 4 years ago
Hello, can I get Sofia Vergara as 3rd please? I have several plots for Yuta in the university, and one for Yuri in the casino.
wonholic 4 years ago
may i reserve nam joohyuk?
moonkitten 4 years ago
hihi can i reserve min yoongi?
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