+ connections




p. hyemin 4 years ago

Available : ( 0/3 )
Gender : any
Species : any
Occupation : photographer / product founder
Genre : slice of life / if requested
Relationship : business / friends / fwb / romance upon request

You're looking for a suitable model to represent your product (if you're a founder) or for your photos to be taken (if you're a photographer). You came across her Instagram account and took a liking of her work so you decided to hit her pm. That is how she got hired, or you can invite her for an interview before hiring.

[X] Can be tweaked and plot further in pm
x. dejun (H) 4 years ago
↷ dorm mate

↬ male
↬ any species
↬ university student

↻ you were the roommate sharing the same dormitory as dejun. whatever chaos that happened in your shared room, you knew, which was why dejun’s parents came to you regarding his experience living on campus. you provided the android memories of his human counterpart’s life as your dorm mate.

↝ you two don’t necessarily have to be the best of friends, acquaintance would do too since you’re both just dorm mates
↝ your character will know what dejun is and what happened to the actual dejun
↝ further discussions in pm
x. dejun (H) 4 years ago
↷ taken connections

↬ long time friend

↝ connection has now been deleted from room
b. summer (H) 4 years ago
〘 the disappearance act 〙

- male
- any species except for vampires, faeries and androids
- be older than summer who is 29

during the time summer was completing her magician school years, she had met you outside of the boundaries of the said school which was only be seen and accessible to those who are and practice magic/magicians. It was during a school break that spanned over three months that she met you at a club where most species congregate. you was noncommittal and frankly had never cared about relationships but something changed between you and summer that day and slept together. after realizing what you did, you just disappeared without a trance and summer had been spending that entire holiday looking for you. Speeding up time to now, you bumped into her at the apothecary and things went haywire.
b. joohyun 4 years ago
「 Bonded Sibling 」

- Human or Faerie
- around 18-25 years old

They aren't adopted or something, she is Irene's close friend and also a provider of blood bag for them so they won't hunt for food. She cares for Irene because she saved her from the bad vamps long time ago and Irene is thankful to have her too.
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
【 taken connections 】
° sibling-like friend
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
x. dejun (H) 4 years ago
↷ taken connections

↬ ex-lover
↬ forgotten friend

↝ both have now been deleted from connections room
[post deleted by owner]
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
[ connection wanted - talented sibling ]

x gender doesn’t matter
x either human or halfer (anything other than faerie halfer would be half siblings)
x the character: you are one of Hyeonju’s older siblings, and undoubtedly the most successful in the family. You passed all of your exams with flying colours and even excelled at university, then for a while you completely vanished, nobody having a clue as to where you were. Finally you’ve shown your face again to the relief of your family.
j. jeongguk [A] 4 years ago
「 connection wanted - vampire 」

[post deleted by owner]
j. jeongguk [A] 4 years ago
「 connection wanted - long term doctor 」

× gender does not matter
× Any race but vampire
× the character: I haven’t figured out too much really for what they can do together but a part of Jeongguks is that early on his career, he was nearly mauled to death by a hostile vampire in an investigation gone wrong. You were the doctor who saved his life and has been the one to do subsequent monthly check ups when the pain starts to flare up.
m. stella SH [A] 4 years ago
「 connection wanted - a friendly face 」

× gender does not matter
× species; preferably a human, halfer, magician or faerie. but open to all(vampires included if you're friendly)
× the character: before Stella's disappearance, you were her best friend in life. you may not have shared her goal to help bring peace between the vampires and the rest of humankind but you were supportive enough even though you constantly worried about the danger she put herself in. unfortunately, after a mission gone wrong, you received the call that Stella didn't make it. That was over a year ago. Now? You've moved back to the city after your mourning period and in a strange turn of events, you stumble across a homeless woman who looks strikingly like your deceased best friend; it's only a coincidence that they share the same name, right? .. right?
[post deleted by owner]
x. dejun (H) 4 years ago
↷ drug dealer

↬ either gender
↬ any species

↻ you were the person who provided for dejun’s drugs. when he didn’t pay up for the drugs in a long time, you confronted one night. an argument ensued, following an all out brawl. it was pure accident — when you pulled out a knife and stabbed dejun with it. you fled, scared for your life, leaving dejun to bleed to death. the thought of having killed someone ate you away- until you saw dejun again, all healthy and fine. you apologised to him profusely for attacking him and asked if he was okay, only for him to look at you confusedly and ask, “who are you?”

↝ your character may or may not find out about what he actually is
↝ your character can either decide to regain his memory or leave them be
↝ further discussions in pm
[post deleted by owner]
k. sunwoo 4 years ago
connection: the alpha sitter (0/1)
gender preference: none
species: werewolf
requirements: preferably older than sunwoo (20), has to be able to kick his whenever he's about to snap at people that he doesn't has a chance against, when he gets himself into trouble or is about to act on impulse, to make dumb decisions.
[=> sunwoo's right hand.]

connection: pack member (0/4)
species: werewolf
gender preference: none
requirements: show loyalty, that's literally everything. share or at least accept sunwoo's belief in paradise. don't mind a family-like bond with other pack members.

connection: on/off partner
gender preference: none
species: human
[!] & romance
requirements: be oblivious to the fact that he's a werewolf, preferably a student, preferably around the same age (20), deal with a push and pull relationship that's technically not even official, just... fit.
backstory could be something along the lines of they've met in uni, started to hang out and crush on each other, however sunwoo's pretty much of a tsun when others are around, your friends really want you to dump him because he only shows affection when you're alone and they hate him, however you're so drawn to him that you can't let go. sunwoo's focused on his search for paradise and his studies, therefore the both of you don't have that much time together ㅡ it also seems odd to you that there's a time in a month (around full moon) when he doesn't reach out to you at all. you have mixed feelings about this, about him. sunwoo loves you, but he can't tell you the truth about himself as it protects you, his kind and himself. undoubtedly, though, it kills your relationship.


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henggarae 3 years ago
Skrt skrt And pokes head admin
Hwannie 4 years ago
What kind of job would you need my chara to have for the overlapping plot? I like to be usefull. c:
Unknxwn_ 4 years ago
Can I.......... have a second? :3
moonkitten 4 years ago
can i get
im nayeon as my 2nd? owo
Cutaepie 4 years ago
Would a demon be allowed?
schnuggldiwuppdich 4 years ago
v. sofia18:40:21Reply
I'm looking for children

halfer, dad is a were-beast of choice
max. 24 years old

human or any halfer
max. 31 years old
pref. an orphan who never knew he had parents
silvanna 4 years ago
could i get choi soobin please?
schnuggldiwuppdich 4 years ago
Hello, can I get Sofia Vergara as 3rd please? I have several plots for Yuta in the university, and one for Yuri in the casino.
wonholic 4 years ago
may i reserve nam joohyuk?
moonkitten 4 years ago
hihi can i reserve min yoongi?
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