〄 video editing

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Where directors of music videos and commercials go to work on their media.



ᵗʳᵃᶤᶰᵉᵉ n. jaemin "sᴇᴠᴇɴ" 4 years ago
@ᵐᵛ ᵈᶤʳᵉᶜᵗᵒʳ k. taehyung "again, i'm not a kid!" he protested with a whine. jaemin had always been acting up this way, being all bubbly and child-like, when in reality he was 19 years of age, almost reaching the ripe age of pure adulthood – but did he care? nope.

his eyes widened when he could hear the familiar loud noises of what seemed to be like a mixture of gurgles and growls, precisely the one stomachs would make when one's starving, and he blinked at taehyung twice before chuckling, "you should've gotten yourself something to eat while working," he shook his head, "don't you think that i should be the one babysitting you?" he teased.

"really?! sure!" jaemin was already up on both feet when taehyung mentioned that he would treat him to the convenience store, smile as bright as ever as he quickly yet carefully placed the swivel chair back to its original position. hopping towards him, he linked an arm around his and pulled him along.
ᵐᵛ ᵈᶤʳᵉᶜᵗᵒʳ k. taehyung 4 years ago
@ᵗʳᵃᶤᶰᵉᵉ n. jaemin "sᴇᴠᴇɴ" he clicks his tongue at jaemin’s response. “i didn’t realize my job included babysitting.” taehyung stares back at jaemin without uttering a word, wondering what the boy seemed to be so deep in thought about. the comfortable silence that permeated the room helped him clear his thoughts and it was only then that his stomach decided to remind him that he hadn’t eaten anything for the past twelve hours. maybe running on two cups of black coffee wasn’t the best choice but at least he was still wide awake.

taehyung gets up from his seats and stretches his arms over his head, the sound of his bones cracking all too satisfying. “since you’re not planning on sleeping soon anyway, want to go grab some food? we can get something quick at the convenience store.” he grabs his thin black coach jacket hanging on his chair and slips it on. “my treat,” he says as he grabs his wallet and puts it in his coat pocket.
ᵗʳᵃᶤᶰᵉᵉ n. jaemin "sᴇᴠᴇɴ" 4 years ago
@ᵐᵛ ᵈᶤʳᵉᶜᵗᵒʳ k. taehyung seeing the other putting away his work for a moment, jaemin's huge pout was immediately replaced with a smile, one that was awfully radiant as always as his eyes were crinkling up in happiness, finally satisfied that he was able to capture taehyung's full attention. placing an arm up on the table with his cheek perched onto his palm, he couldn't help but to silently watch the male closing his eyes, exhaustion from all of the hard work clear on his features.

it made him realize something – when you thought that you work hard, there were also others who were working harder – and he envied taehyung for that. he envied him because he could sense his fiery passion for film making and editing, yet he should've put his health first before anything else. snapped out of his thoughts, jaemin pulled out another pout and lightly smacked his arm, "i'm not a kid anymore, tae," he deadpanned, though in a rather playful manner, "and they don't have to find out! plus, i'm with you so technically, i'm safe."
ᵐᵛ ᵈᶤʳᵉᶜᵗᵒʳ k. taehyung 4 years ago
@ᵗʳᵃᶤᶰᵉᵉ n. jaemin "sᴇᴠᴇɴ" taehyung continues to work on his project while the other sat besides him, having grown used to his presence by now. it’s not like this was the first time jaemin had come by uninvited to watch him work. he squints at the screen in frustration. he had reached a point where he was only growing more aggravated each time he replayed the video. maybe jaemin was right, if he continued on at this point he would just end up doing his work more harm than good. he makes sure to properly save all of his files before putting the computer to sleep and finally diverts his attention back to jaemin with a weary smile. he doesn’t like it when others see him all stressed out like this.

“my attention’s all yours now so quit complaining.” he’s never told jaemin this but he admired how seemingly upbeat he always was, regardless of the situation. in moments like these, it was pretty refreshing. taehyung heaves a small sigh of relief, leaning back into his chair and closing his eyes. he stays in that position for a few moments before his half-lidded eyes make their way back to the kid sitting besides him. “should i walk you home? i’m sure your parents would be upset if they found out you’re out past curfew,” he teases, the corner of his lips curving to form a small smirk.
ᵗʳᵃᶤᶰᵉᵉ n. jaemin "sᴇᴠᴇɴ" 4 years ago
@ᵐᵛ ᵈᶤʳᵉᶜᵗᵒʳ k. taehyung jaemin gave a nonchalant shrug. "i couldn't sleep, so i decided to have... well, you know, a self-tour," he replied as he rocked himself back and forth, the smile on his face radiant as ever and never faltering. truth be told, the trainee was indeed slowly familiarising himself to the place, the building's passageways slowly but surely engraved in his mind.

as he was told to go home, the pink-haired male puckered his lips into a pout and dragged an empty swivel chair for him to sit on, legs pushing the glazed-looking wooden floor back as he scooted close beside the elder, "but i'm not tired..." he mumbled, though possibly loud enough for the latter to hear, "and you need rest too!" he glanced at taehyung momentarily before his eyes were fixated on the screen, watching as he was clicking on random tabs and tools he didn't even know what was for. pondering for a moment whilst tapping his fingers on the table, jaemin then started to speak again, "tae, at least take a break? it wouldn't hurt..."

he could see the bags forming underneath taehyung's eyes and his eyes were slightly glossy and teary too. the thought of how long the elder had to sit and face the computer screen started to worry him. "taehyung," he called out once more with a pout that was much more evident than before, sulking that he wouldn't even spare a glance his way, too focused on the screen and on his yet unfinished work.
ᵐᵛ ᵈᶤʳᵉᶜᵗᵒʳ k. taehyung 4 years ago
@ᵗʳᵃᶤᶰᵉᵉ n. jaemin "sᴇᴠᴇɴ" if taehyung stared at the screen any longer he swear his eyes were going to fall off. he had been editing away since 9 in the morning when he received last minute notice that his editor had fallen seriously ill and was unable to work for the day. he supposes he could’ve passed the job on to someone else but he was always very particular about how he liked things done. being a perfectionist was what made his art truly shine but at times it was both mentally taxing and self-deprecating. needless to say, he was more than ready to go another few hours.

taehyung is so engrossed in his work that he doesn’t even notice the door to the room slamming open along with the familiar ball of joy that came bursting in. it’s not until jaemin approaches him from behind that he takes notice. taehyung pauses his video and takes his headphones off before swiveling around to meet the boy’s gaze. “what on earth are you doing here, jae? it’s…” he searches for the time on his screen and deadpans, pinching his nose bridge in exasperation. “almost three…” jaemin’s presence usually had a special way of making him feel better but he was beyond exhausted at that point to even show a reaction. “go home and get some rest,” he says softly before turning back to his computer.
ᵗʳᵃᶤᶰᵉᵉ n. jaemin "sᴇᴠᴇɴ" 4 years ago
@ᵐᵛ ᵈᶤʳᵉᶜᵗᵒʳ k. taehyung jaemin knew that he shouldn't be wandering and roaming around the building at such ungodly hours – and by that, it was already past midnight, his phone displaying the time as he used its flashlight. 2:26 am.

jaemin returned his gaze to the front. he didn't really have a purpose or a reason as to why he was here in the first place. he somewhat just had the urge to take a walk and maybe explore the building with hopes that he wouldn't get lost in the dark, though as he turned around a corner, he could see one of the rooms with its lights still on and bright. curious, he peeked through the small glass window on the door, eyes scanning around the room to see if anyone was even in there – and he saw taehyung sitting on one of the swivel chairs, glued to his computer, looking like he was working on something. he switched his phone's flashlight off and shoved it into his pocket before twisting the cool metal doorknob open.

"taehyung, surprise!" he beamed as he closed the door behind him shut, pink hair bouncing in all its joy as he skipped towards the male. it wasn't even a planned surprise. to be honest, he didn't even expect to see the latter around. he peered at his computer screen. "what're you doing?"


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tupinchedios 3 years ago
DamnDaehyun 4 years ago
hi guys. forgot to pm. o/
persica 4 years ago
do you guys have a wishlist of faces you'd like to see?
popcornyhx 4 years ago
Could I have Joey Chua as a manager?
NeoWorld 4 years ago
may i please have Jeon Jungkook as a trainee and Song Mingi as a trainee as well?~
m41h34r7bu7 4 years ago
Hiii so I have a teeny tiny question to ask. I was just wondering- do you need more staff than fans or vice versa? <3
PapaGyu 4 years ago
Hi, I have a few questions about this concept ^^
Do the fans have to have jobs or would you like some obsessed NEETs that follow the groups around?
vinnivece 4 years ago
applied for ryujin who i happen to reserve four days ago but forgot my account's new password sorry for the delay!
shogun 4 years ago
jung jaehyun please
scampi 4 years ago
hi jungwoo invited me here can i get a third
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