× main hall

the main room.
where all the fun is. Dj station at the back, bar in the middle, dance floors on either side. Stairs leading upwards and corridors to the back of the club could be found too.
j hoseok α 3 years ago
@k seulgi β Despite the loud music, Hoseok could hear the lewd noises that emitted from Seulgi. Both the wet sounds of his ing into her and the pleasure filled moans that she made from the work that he did inside of her. “Good girl,” he whispered into her ear in response to her accepting his fingers. Her tongue made his length twitch excitedly inside of her, the feeling causing a bout of pleasure to wash over him.

The girl moved in ways that he did not even need to force. The alpha groaned against her ear, the rocking of her hips to meet his s could make him within seconds. Of course, it didn’t, Hoseok held back enough to not shoot his load in her prematurely, but if she kept this up...Thank god she was a beta at least. She had no chance of getting pregnant if he did end up in her right then and there. As someone glanced over, Hoseok allowed his hips to roll against her in a way that makes it seem, once more, that they were merely dancing lewdly.

Hoseok had a small hope that someone would catch them, that they were being watched. However, if someone did see right now, they would never finish. Or maybe he would but she would not be fully satisfied. He wanted to draw it out for as long as possible, wanting her hot to clench around him desperately as she came. And how was he to do that if they were told to leave for ing on the dancefloor? Yet, despite his thoughts, each roll of his hips, each pushed her to lean more and more forward, allowing his length to push more deeply within her.

It would certainly be much for satisfying for him to her completely bent over or on his knees. The moans that she would produce from his balls hitting her with each would be even more enjoyable and beautiful to listen to. But sadly, they were in a place that it was unacceptable to twist Seulgi into positions that would please them even further. “Harder? Mm, judging how you’re trying to yourself with your fingers too, you want that more than me,” he chuckled, having felt her arm press into his as she moved to rub her .

“Don’t blame me if we get kicked out.”

With that, Hoseok bent her forward, at a more optimal position for him to her. It was similar to their first one, one where if they were just grinding along each other, it would seem as though she was just dancing on him once more. But, with the way his hips slapped against her , her body shuddering in response to the hard s, it would be hard to not notice that they were doing the unholiest of things on the floor. “Oh god, babe, I’m .” Someone nearby said, possibly having noticed the free unfolding in front of them.

It didn’t take too long for Hoseok to , his fingers digging into her delicious thighs. The alpha became more aggressive with the other, growling in response to her own body clenching around him, to her moans. She felt so good, to the point that Hoseok didn’t want it to be over. But once he came, he slowed his movements once more. His hips once again merely grinding upon hers until his flaccid slid from her now leaking .

“Next time we should do this in a place we could get in trouble,” he said with a breathy laugh, his fingers searching for her entrance to please her more. “Are you done sweetheart?”
k seulgi β 3 years ago
@j hoseok α Seulgi was never one to take direct orders from anyone, not her boss, and damn sure not some alpha who thought his ranking meant he was truly above her. But something about the low growl in the back of Hoseok's throat drove the beta wild. She wanted him to tell her what she could and couldn't do, the mere sound of authority in his tone made her even more wet if that were even possible. Tiny whimpers sounded as his fingers explored before his fingers inserted into her being, causing a hitch in her breath. All she was feeling were his fingers and yet she was already puddy in his hold, every fiber of her being was falling apart with each his digits made inside her, stretching her enough to what she assumed was his liking.

Just as he removed his fingers, Seulgi could feel something prodding at her womanhood, only to slam deep within her. Her eyes widen and vision blurred for a few seconds before noticing his fingers in front of her parted lips, forcibly being shoved into , the beta let out a whine of pleasure, more than sure any noises she made was covered by the bass of the club's music.

No part of her was patient enough to wait for any movement, so she bucked her own hips forward only to bring them back right after, muffled moans sounding as his shifted into her. Part of her wanted to get caught, just so all the onlooking eyes could see how much of a mess she was in the alpha's palms. But then again, despite her overly drunken state, her pride had shown through and kept any extreme actions at bay.

A panting and whimpering mess with each , Seulgi was amazed at the length and girth within her, sure she could feel him tearing away at his inside despite the controlled s. Each seeming to get deeper than the next. Oh how bad did she want she bend over a table and hike one knee up, giving him a full display of her wet mess. So many thought swirled through as she felt him move in her. How would it feel to be on top, or what magic could his tongue work?

She wasn't the easiest girl to please, but boy did he do something to her, Or maybe it was the excessive alcohol they had consumed mere moments before ing in the middle of the dance floor. Yet, the beta could feel a familiar knot forming in her lower abdomen. Rolling her hips back against his, and even letting her own fingers travel under her skirt, pressing against her , she could feel her own already stirring.
"Harder, I-I know you c-can and want t-to." She somehow muttered loud enough for him to hear, unsure if any one else had caught onto her words.
j hoseok α 3 years ago
@k seulgi β The scent of arousal filled the air around them. At first, the male connected the smell with those that were around them, their bodies rolling in much more unholy ways than their own. Obviously, there was more than just him getting in the club and being on the brink of letting go. But it became all clear just whom he was smelling when Seulgi responded to his highly suggestive words. The sweet scent of her own arousal, once he knew it was she that it came from, became stronger by the second.

The alpha’s lips curled at the bold statement of ing her ruthless right there. And quite honestly, he wanted to. Desperately. It was something that he would not have thought about, obviously, not with the way he had been fairly subtle compared to her regarding such an act, however, the alcohol in his system added with her /very/ detailed words riled him up. He salivated at the idea of risking their being noticed, at others seeing him ing her. Who cared if they were seen? Didn’t that make it all the more exciting? Knowing that someone was watching him screw her? “You came across as one of those good girls, I didn’t expect you to be into a bit of exhibitionism.”

No sooner did those words pass his lips that the beta had dipped forward, making her fit so perfectly against his hips as she slowly rolled and grinded herself against him. Each moment that enfolded after was exhilarating. As his hands found her s, with their perked up s, Hoseok couldn’t help but give them a gentle pinch. And what seemed like seconds later, not enough time to fully process her bra-less chest, Seulgi guided his slender fingers to her soaked , causing him to groan in pleasure at the feeling.

, it was so wrong, yet he couldn’t help himself. “Did you make yourself wet thinking about having me you right here?” He whispered against her ear, his breath sounding wet and heavy as his fingertips searched each fold of her womanhood. “And you’re right, I doubt anyone would notice it. Just be quiet and we won’t have a problem.” With that, the fingers of his guided hand slipped into her entrance from behind, two fingers because she seemed like she could take the stretch. Using her skirt as a curtain against their deeds, Hoseok ed his fingers deep into her, allowing himself to add as much force as possible as he discreetly slid his fully erected from his pants.

Typically, he enjoyed allowing the woman to multiple times before allowing himself to her. However, tonight with both the alcohol and Seulgi’s bold advances, Hoseok couldn’t wait another second. With the help of her skirt, Hoseok was able to hide his true advances, despite his fingers with covered in a suspicious liquid. Nobody seemed to bat an eyelash when his hips snapped forward, causing a soft slapping sound from her connecting with his peeking hips. It was in this moment that Hoseok felt the most control, pulling the beta’s back into his chest as he ground himself against her, opting to make their acts hidden. “Clean them,” he demanded as he reached around the other’s face, forcing the fingers covered in her juices into .
j hoseok α 3 years ago
@k seulgi β (Go read my pm ekwjwkwk hehe)
k seulgi β 3 years ago
@j hoseok α [] hh SAME TBH til i reread what you sent for like the nth time hhh
but okay bb uwu
j hoseok α 3 years ago
@k seulgi β (Tbh I really forgot that this was delving into WHOOPS ill pm you more of what j need to ask and stuffs uwu)
k seulgi β 3 years ago
@j hoseok α [] SNKSDLK o f f i c e

i'm choking u//w//u
j hoseok α 3 years ago
@k seulgi β (Wow this was really hot and I shouldnt have read in the office wkwnwkkw)
k seulgi β 3 years ago
@j hoseok α [] HHH i dont remember what i said seul was wearing, but lets pretend she's in a s k i r t for this e u e

"Took a few years of different dance classes before really getting into playing good cop. Might as well let those lessons show, even if its on some sleazy dance floor." Her words were light, a faint chuckle following after, though she was sure the sound was drowned out by the music blasting mere feet away from the two. As she felt his hands rest on her rib cage, so close to her s, her cheeks flushed a rosy hue. With even the slightest misstep, or if someone were to just bump into them, his hands would brush over her top. Some part of her knew, in such a public area, it was wrong, but the idea excited her. The thought playing out in her head repeatedly as they continued to move to the music, causing the buds of her bosom to peak up, the lack of a bra making it all the more exciting.

Seulgi continued to grind herself against the alpha. Her eyes closing as the bass from the speakers poured into her body, the volume of the music around them masking the hitch in her breath once she felt his arousal press into her backside. The mere feeling, through the layers of clothing had Seulgi's left quivering at the possibilities of what the night could possibly have in store for the two. And based off of Hoseok's bodily reaction to her dancing, she was quite sure both their heads were in the same place, despite the alcohol's influence. If anything, she was sure it was what gave the extra boost of confidence.

"I don't know about you...but somewhere more private would be nice." This itself brought a moan to , though she swallowed it back. She didn't want to excitement of their public adventure to end just yet, though she did agree, somewhere private would definitely be much preferred. Yet, as the alcohol continued to settle, her confidence grew to unimaginable heights. "Lets not let the excitement end here just yet, imagine as these drunken eyes, not paying one bit of attention of what we do right here. You could have me bent over, ing me ruthless and no one would even bat an eye." She tilted her head back, speaking the words close to his ear, being sure no one surrounding them heard. Who knew if what she said would turn the man away, but Seulgi didn't care in that moment. The young beta was having fun.

She rolled her hips a bit, dipping her body low enough for his palms to brush over her s, bringing her body back up, Seulgi bent forward, rolling her against his manhood in what looked like a simple 'in the club, twerking on some guy.' Standing back to her height, she reached back, taking one hand in hers before guiding his fingers under her skirt. The beta was truly curious as to how far the male would go with others around them. Her womanhood was practically soaking at this point, and she didn't care where they did the deed.
j hoseok α 3 years ago
@k chungha β Hoseok couldn't help but stifle a small laugh when the other's scent changed ever-so-slightly. There was something underlying as to what was riling her up enough to have such a strong scent suddenly, and with what her attention was turned to at the moment, Hoseok could only guess. "For someone that just scared off a man, I am surprised you're getting jealous over those girls. Unless I am wrong, and you prefer another woman at your side." Hoseok tossed the towel onto the counter, smoothing out his still-damp shirt as best as he could.

A grin spread across his face when she grips his hand strong and continued to insist on his receiving a drink from her. "Well, Chungha. I wasn't suggesting that I would disappear on you. But if you insist on merely having a drink with me, then that is fine." Although his intentions were pure originally, her comment amused him enough to a bit. What would it matter if she never got to repay him anyways? That insistence was almost cute in his eyes. "I'll get a whiskey on the rocks," he called to the bartender, leaning against the counter, his elbows rested naturally against it.

"So, who taught you to give a handshake like that? Trying to tell me something by asserting your dominance or what?" Hoseok said this in a near-serious voice. But his smile made it clear that he was merely teasing her. Typically, he received those shakes from other alphas or even just other men. Even human men did it. It was always clear that they would be doing so to try to intimidate the other, hence why he never wanted to continue on in the field of work that he majored in. He had a temper, and that small gesture was something that he often found disrespectful. "If you are, then just say it. No need to beat around the bush. It's nice to see women that aren't alphas be more dominant anyways."
k chungha β 3 years ago
@j hoseok α "If they're that easily offended and has the power to intimidate me then perhaps, they enjoy the power that comes with their status, making my words valid," Chungha states, shrugging as she takes another sip of her drink with a soft sigh of content. Her words don't quite make sense but she doesn't quite care at this point. The liquid courage already slowly seeping in and making her say things that she would usually think through before saying. She's in peace again, with no annoying people to bother her and it feels downright amazing.

When the alpha starts to dry himself, Chungha peers over at the other with a small nod before her focus is placed back into the more interesting scene before her where the feminine girls flirt their way to their target and get what they want. She gets a hint of jealousy, her scent turning something similar to acid rain. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why she hates being here. It makes her lack of femininity stand out even more.

"My name? Chungha," she turns her attention back to the alpha male once again, reaching out to shake the hand that was held out for her in a firm grip, just like she was taught since she was little. "Why don't you go ahead and order your drink? You seem like you're on the edge of leaving and I suggest you take up my deal of the drink before you disappear on me."
j hoseok α 3 years ago
@k seulgi β Hoseok begged to differ when it came to the woman stating that the dancers enjoyed what they were doing. Sure, maybe some did, and possibly they all smiled in ways that made one believe that they were enjoying themselves. But for others, it was possible that this was the only job they thought they could manage, and possibly...they dreaded the idea of being seen and touched by others. However, despite his belief, Hoseok did not say anything regarding it. It was not in any way his right to put a damper on her mood.

He was surprised by the ease that it took to be able to lead her onto the dance floor. But then again, the alcohol was speaking for the both of them at that point, judging from their equally flushed faces. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Seulgi,” Hoseok said just loud enough to be heard over the music. With their getting closer to the crowd, the sound only seemed to get louder, and the bass caused his pulse to pound with it.
The beta’s taking his advice to relax was certainly freeing, especially with the way that her body moved. With how stiff and honestly a bit snarky she was previously, he had not expected her hips to gyrate in such a manner. If he hadn’t made it obvious that she was to dance with him, he could have certainly watched her roll her hips all night. But her dancing on him was just as pleasant as the thought, his fingers danced up and down her arms as they swayed against one another.

“For someone that doesn’t enjoy the people around, you sure know how to dancing like one,” he said with a soft chuckle, his lips hovering just above her ear so that he did not have to yell. The alpha took this opportunity to press his hips against Seulgi’s backside, allowing them to have no space between them, no longer just having the appearance of grinding on each other. With their closeness, Hoseok’s breath heightened.

Of course he had placed himself into an awkward situation and was not able to resist guiding his hands up her waist, settling them on her ribcage, just beneath her s. To be so bold in a public space where other club-goers could see was definitely the alcohol talking. But it was also something that was in the back of Hoseok’s sober mind. Seulgi was an attractive woman, there was nothing wrong with trying to get lucky. Maybe not here exactly, it would be quite odd, but he could initiate it.

His head dropped, allowing his face to press into her neck. The continued motions of their hips grinding together made it very clear just what was going through Hoseok’s head at the moment. At that point, what was there to hide, when his groin gave away his thoughts. “I don’t know about you,” he murmured into her sweaty skin, “But somewhere more...private would be nice.” As if Seulgi did not get the gist of what he meant, his right hand fell to her hip, holding it securely to hold her still enough to feel his arousal. In his drunken state-of-mind, anywhere seemed good at the moment.
k seulgi β 3 years ago
@j hoseok α [] you're fine love uwu, albeit our situations were different, I took forever too and I'm patient
j hoseok α 3 years ago
@k seulgi β (Sorry that I am taking so long iwandjns work got super busy, and I am trying to go in reply orders .-. hhhh)
k seulgi β 4 years ago
@j hoseok α [] sorry this is a lot later than i said i would send it, i took some medicine and passed out when i got home ;;
k seulgi β 4 years ago
@j hoseok α "Thing is..they enjoy their work, which is what makes watching them...enjoyable." She chimed in with a smile playing at her lips, chuckling faintly as she watched a familiar body sway himself up on stage, flashing the dullards below the stage a smile. Be it fake, a mere act in order to earn their pay, Seulgi still enjoyed every bit of it. Or maybe it was just the past /dancer/ in her.

Her attention was fully on her beloved friend, waving her fingers a bit as the male dancer sent a friendly wink in her direction. It wasn't until the alpha spoke up, gesturing towards the very dance floor she dreaded setting foot on. Her lips pursed together, unsure of how to respond to the inquiry. Thankfully though, the sound of more shots being poured shifted her attention once more. Drinking, something she wouldn't have turned down no matter what the situation. Unless on the job of course. since most humans found it to be 'unprofessional'.

Each shot went down just as soon as the glass hit the counter, burning the back of Seulgi's throat, and bringing a peachy hue to her cheeks. At this point, she was pretty much shimmying to any sound she could follow the beat to. Whether or not she knew the song playing. The next thing Seulgi knew was, the man before her was leading her from the safety of the bar and into the crowd. What made her agree? She was unsure, but something about the way he spoke and moved was enough to convince her to let loose for at least one night.

"Hoseok you said? I'm Seulgi, call me Seul or whatever." The corners of her lips curled upwards in a smile, swaying her own hips to the beat of the music, fingers raking her locks back from her face. Raising her arms, she draped them over his shoulders, matching his rhythm with much more ease than she expected. A wave of heat spread over her already flushed cheeks once his palm pressed against the small of Seulgi's back, drawing her body closer to his. Taking his advice to 'just relax', she took in a deep breath and ignored the smell of sweat from the other club goers and turned around so her back was against his chest. Swaying her hips, practically grinding against the alpha, Seulgi finally let herself enjoy the moment.
j hoseok α 4 years ago
@k seulgi β (Okay! Take your time ^.^ {i forgot about what happened with you hhi am sorry and good luck at yoir appt})
k seulgi β 4 years ago
@j hoseok α [] yes love, I'm sorry. If been dealing with medical insurance, the car insurance, figuring out work, etc. Stressed beyond belief but I have replies typed up on my laptop I just never got around to actually sending them ;;
I'll send yours when I get home (at my follow up appt right now) :")
j hoseok α 4 years ago
@k seulgi β (Are we continuing this plot?)
j hoseok α 4 years ago
@k chungha β A brow rose at the sound of the woman’s laugh, making Hoseok wonder just what she found so funny. Was it the fact that the other man got away, or was it the sight of Hoseok’s white shirt clinging to his skin? Her next words made it all the more apparent as to /why/ which made him a bit flustered, if not, even a bit offended. “No. More so because it is just a normal thing for a person to do. I do not care about your ranking, quite honestly. You could be an alpha as well, and I would still step in.” Hoseok pinched his shirt, holding it away from his skin.

He really hated that wet feeling, especially when it was in a place like a club, which was already humid with the hot breaths of those dancing.

“You know, even an omega has teeth,” he said as he sat beside the beta, giving her a brief once over. “And even an alpha can cower in fear. You should be careful about those stereotypes, you know. Might offend the wrong person.” Hoseok continued, a smile adorning his face. Although his expression stated otherwise, Hoseok was angry over the fact that she was judging his actions merely because of his being an alpha. Something he had always resented being. And besides, for a beta, the woman seemed quite selfish, so she should know all too well just what wrongly stereotyping a person meant. “A drink would be nice. You know, I really do hope your words hold some truth. I know it was an accident, but I prefer to not wear the very thing that I am trying to use to have a good time.”

The bartender came around with a towel for Hoseok to dry himself. “Thank you,” he offered, rubbing the towel into his hair before pressing the cloth against his chest, soaking up a bit of the mess. “I should probably head home soon, honestly, I don’t want this smell getting stuck to me later…What is your name, by the way? I’m Hoseok.” He offered a hand for the dark-haired woman to shake, a smile still pressed on his face. He wondered if he should suggest them meeting sometime, since he wouldn’t stay long enough for a drink. Should he suggest some other way for her to repay him? Or would she take it the wrong way? It was not as though he minded if she did, he did go to the club compared to a regular bar for other reasons. But he wanted to make a suggestion in order for her to make up for the accident.

(That's okay! Just give a length you're comfoetable with please)
k chungha β 4 years ago
@j hoseok α The female's eyes immediately fall onto the man that was now on the ground, an unpleased frown on her lips as the man scurries off. She'll remember that face and if she runs into him again, she might just grab him and teach him a lesson. If her subpack was with her, he wouldn't be able to run away like that. Perhaps luck is on that man's side.

With a loud sigh, the rare beta returned her attention back to the alpha before her. Who? Was the first thought that ran through Chungha's mind as her eyes narrowed at the man. He's not necessarily her type but he wasn't exactly ugly either. In fact, he's pleasant to look at, especially since he's soaking wet now.

At his words, the rare beta laughs, settling back to take her seat on the stool after signaling the bartender for some type of towel so she can toss it at the other. Her fingers, reaching for her other drink that she ordered so she can take a sip and ease the anger off her shoulders a little.

"Of course, sweety.." Chungha purred, running a hand through her glossy black hair. "Why? The alpha in you couldn't handle a fair maiden getting harassed, hm? I'm not one of those stupid omegas that need rescuing."

Shrugging, she gestures for the other to sit down next to her so they can wait for the bartender to come back with a towel. She knows she should apologize but man was that something hard to do; so to make up for it, the rare beta turns to look at the other, brown eyes glimmering with amusement.

"Want a drink?.. Not to splash on to you but to drink? I'll pay."

(It's kinda short, sorry!)
k seulgi β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β [] sorry the delete was me, i hadn't finished typing ;u;

Slim fingers raked back through her already tussled locks, a pinkish hue spreading over her cheeks as the alcohol warmed . She let the question rack through her head a bit before tilting her head, humming softly before shaking her head. “Abuse? I wouldn’t call it so. Just an unjust case of bullying. But then again, when is bullying ever just?” She gave a quick shake of her head before finishing up her drink.

She had to admit, coming to the club as often as she did, it was a wonder she didn’t drop everything and join those on the stage. Forgetting the worries and issues of safeguarding human lives on a daily basis, it’d be a dream to the beta. Of course though, she chose her path…and she was going to stick with it ‘til a reason to quit would come up. Waving her hand towards the bartender, Seulgi requested another glass, flashing a forced smile before shifting her attention towards Seonghwa as he began to speak.

“Insensitive s- that’s definitely for sure. Had I known how hard it’d be to keep everything under wrap, I would have just chosen an easier job. Somewhere closer to here.” As she glass was brought to her and filled with the liquid she was waiting for, Seulgi watched impatiently as it filled. Taking hold of it the instance the pouring had stopped, downing the burning drink within seconds.
“Mind keeping me company for the time being? I wont keep you all night, I just find myself relaxing easier when talking to you. Then again, it could be the alcohol.”
[post deleted by owner]
j hoseok α 4 years ago
@k chungha β Just like any other person, Hoseok was in the club to have a good time. Although Hoseok was still getting used to the club scene, not having been there often in a long while, he did hang around the bar, allowing himself to enjoy a few drinks. Alcohol always made ones time all the more enjoyable, especially in a club such as this. The drinks numbed his senses enough to not be have to have the strong scents of the wolves be so overpowering, but they weren’t enough to ignore the woman that was being harassed not too far away.

Out of curiosity, Hoseok drew closer. Both people were too distracted by each other to notice how close the young alpha had gotten. The man, distracted by his groins own thoughts and pleasures, and the woman, well she was too engrossed in telling the man off. Hoseok would have laughed at the woman’s insults for the man if she were not being ually harassed. They were amusing, in a way, sounding like the insults a spoiled child would throw.

Hoseok only closed in more on the couple when the man got up, pleasantly surprised when the young beta shoved him away. She was strong, strong enough to push off someone that was twice her size. Quite interesting for someone that was merely a Beta.

In the time that the young woman turned, the enraged man tried to close in on her once more. Without even a second thought, Hoseok’s hand darted out, grabbing the other at the back of the shirt to drag him down. The man falling to the floor from the sudden force of being dragged back. And even though he struggled, Hoseok refused to let go. It was moments like these that Hoseok was grateful for being born what he was.

Suddenly, cold liquid splashed into Hoseok’s face, his dark eyes squeezing shut upon impact. “Ah, I should’ve known what you were turning around for,” he said nonchalantly as he raised a free hand to wipe the alcohol off of his face. Of course, the beta was turning to grab her drink, what else could she have used to make the guy get away? Due to the intrusion, Hoseok’s grip on the man loosened, allowing them to run off. “Too bad I didn’t use him as a shield,” he continued, watching as the other stumbled hurriedly out of the club. “You’re okay though, right?”
k chungha β 4 years ago
@j hoseok α Tired from running errands for her father, Chungha makes her way into the club. It was time to relax. Luckily, her father was too busy to assign someone to watch her, leaving Chungha in complete control over her own safety which was rare. With a happy hum, she sits down at the bar and orders a finger of whiskey. While she sips away at it, someone far from her type slides into the seat next to her and begins an attempt at conversation. Uninterested, Chungha replies with curt and fake answers, never sparing the man a second glance. When the man offers to buy her a drink, she nods and orders the most expensive one just out of spite, especially when he starts to brag about how he's power and all and great in bed. When she realized that he was still trying to chat her up after she politely told him she's not interested, Chungha turns to look at him with an unamused look on her face. "Listen here, cockroach. I'm not interested in your ty business and your ty car. Your watch is fake as hell and if you don't leave. I'm gonna have to make you leave. I told you once and here is your second warning. Get out of my face before you regret your decisions." Outrages, the person reaches out to grab her wrist as she attempts to take a sip of the drink. The action merely makes Chungha angrier and she jerks her wrist back. "Unhand me, you peasant." The other merely scowls and rises off his seat, crowding into Chungha. Tired, she shoves him away from her roughly and turns around to grab her drink, whipping back around to splash the man in the face only to realize that the person from before her has disappeared and is instead replaced with another person who's now soaking wet from her drink. "The ?"
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k taehyung β Seonghwa knew that quite well, that wolves came here because they wanted to just not think so much about having to hide a million things from humans. They just wanted a place where they could have fun too without someone finding out that they weren't all that they seemed to be. Freedom was something they could find here, and companionship was too, so long as you met the right person. The employees of the club didn't exactly let ed themselves off, but if a customer came along and happened to sweep them off their feet, or vice versa, it wasn't exactly a bad thing. "Mm, though the only form of companionship I offer is a performance an a listening ear. I don't do anything more than that," he hummed. It was so obvious that the other beta was worried, so he wanted to make it clear to Taehyung that Seonghwa never put himself in such a position where he was completely vulnerable.

"Mhmm, just a year," he hummed softly and smiled to himself. "Well, you're not totally wrong about that. I've been dancing ever since I was little, but I've only been in this job for about a year, and only at this club," he explained. He listened to the other go on and smiled, hearing how genuinely upset the other beta seemed to get with just the thought of the scum of both their races trying to take advantage of people. "So, what I'm hearing from you, is that you really hate those sorts of people... and you think I'm pretty?" he teased with a all too knowing smirk upon his lips. He sent the other another wink instead of a verbal response.

The beta dancer wasn't surprised that the other was a couple years older than him. It made sense in several ways. He laughed at the way that the other joked about such a thing and shook his head in amusement. "Hmm, perhaps I'll call you hyung only outside of the club then," he grinned. "I only recently turned 22," he shrugged. "I would call you hyung in here... but, this is my domain and unless someone specifically asks, I tend to just drop formalities in here. It makes everything a little lighter, don't you think? Not needing to worry about an extra layer of societal normalcies?" he asked.
k taehyung β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β The performance from before has apparently long-since ended. And somewhere in their musings, the dancer had abandoned the stage. Many patrons were leaving their places at the booths to make phone calls or catch a drink at the bar. And though the music had died down, the swell of company now flanking them only makes Taehyung tense. The wolf in him unsettled by the proximity, the claustrophobic stench of the air around them. Nights like this are usually followed by a brisk race in the woods, towing his younger siblings along to get their energy out before bed. But not yet--- not while he's still intertwined in the camaraderie of the man before him. "I can see why, I think," he admits. Sheepish at best, but candid all the same. Always reflecting of those around him. "Wolves come here because they need something. Whether it's freedom or companionship." And perhaps that's the only other reason Taehyung's still here. Though places like this aren't exactly his scene, it's refreshing to see his kind beyond their pretenses. "You offer an ear for them. And for most of us, that's all we could ever ask for." But as he says this, the boy can't help but wonder if this sort of thing is reciprocated.

If Seonghwa, too, feels just as safe. Just as heard.

"Only a year?" Taehyung hopes his surprise doesn't come off on the rude end of the spectrum, his words slipping out before he can think better of them. "What I mean is... You seem like someone who's danced all his life." Even in the way the other carries himself, Seonghwa perhaps is one of the types simply made for hospitality. Extroversion and confidence rolling hot in his veins, the sort who feeds from interactions. All coupled up with the natural talent he wields. Taehyung can't think of a more perfect position for someone like this.

And though Seonghwa's confidence is definitely something to be desired, Taehyung still can't help the concern for his safety. His words do well to convince him, but the cyan-haired beta knows better. Knows that sometimes it takes more than sass and a well-aimed kick to the groin. "I'll have to trust you on that then," he claims, regardless. "People are ing crazy nowadays. Wolves and humans alike. They see something they like--- something pretty--- and automatically wanna claim it." Or ruin it... But before the boy can ponder on that any further, he's met with a wink that nearly sends him off his stool. He chuckles so hard that he doubles over, thoroughly impressed. "You really do know how to run a person, don't you?"

Taehyung's not at all surprised, though, to know of the other's flighty sleep schedule. Considering his night job, he's impressed Seonghwa gets to sleep much at all. "I'd like to take a shot in the dark and say I'm a bit older than you. 24 going on 25 to be specific." Though he's far from his next birthday, the other doesn't exactly need to know that. Instead, he puffs out his chest and peers down the bridge of his nose at the male beside him. "And as my first hyung-ly duty, I'm encouraging you to get as much rest as possible." His charades last for a solid five seconds before the boy all but deflates in his seat, a lighthearted smirk suspended easily on his lips. "Kidding. Do what you want, yeah? I'm not so stiff that you need to call me 'hyung', but... I consider it pretty damn adorable."
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k taehyung β It was both amusing and almost saddening to see such a bright look in the other beta's eyes just from his simple response. Though, he supposed that the other didn't exactly have too many people to talk to about this sort of thing. And even then, most people were quite strong in their beliefs, whether it be for or against lycans being recognised by the broader society, and didn't /want/ to listen to other people. Taehyung's reaction was just a reminder that those sorts of people existed, and honestly, Seonghwa had no real issues about living life more so in the shadows of human society so long as he could do still do things. He still had a willing ear to listen to other people's opinions and thoughts though, so he didn't find that the other's 'rambling' was all that bad. "Mm, if it helps some people sleep at night, can't really stop them," he hummed. "And it's really not a problem. You'll be amazed by how many different people I've listened to here at this club. I might as well be some sort of therapist," he chuckled.

He smiled around the rim of his glass at the other's comment, "Well, I'd hope that I'm good at what I do since I've been working here for over a year," he laughed softly. He took a proper sip of his drink and hummed softly at the question. "Not always how I operate. Most people who come up to me just compliment my performance or my outfit. I know a few regulars though and I've become friends with them, I suppose you could say," he reassured. Even if the other hadn't said anything about it out loud, the beta dancer could sense that he was concerned about him to some extent. Seonghwa was appreciative of such a sentiment from the beta, considering that they barely knew one another.

He saw the other's reaction and couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly since for Seonghwa it wasn't a terrible thing. "I can't guarantee how frequent or infrequent of an occurrence it is, but we are protected here. If security can't come to me quickly enough... well, there's a reason why I love to wear boots and heels so much," he grinned, taking the finishing sip of his drink and thanking the bartender for it before turning back to the other beta, "Makes people think twice once they know what it feels like to have a boot meet their crotch," he scoffed. He swiftly added himself into the other's contacts and sent a text to himself before handing the phone back to the other. "Just so you know, I can handle myself quite well, so don't worry that pretty heart of yours about me," he winked playfully.

He laughed softly at that and chuckled softly once more, "My sleep is quite odd at times I must say. Good to know that we can already relate on something with one another," he smiled. He tilted his head a bit to the other and hummed in thought for a few moments, "How old are you by the way? Do you care about honorifics very much?" he asked.
p chanyeol α 4 years ago
@n jaemin β The mindless flirting was expected, and most certainly welcomed, yet on this particular evening, it felt as though it was laid on thicker. Usually, it was a sweet, saccharine drizzle of a strawberry essence, but tonight, it resembled molasses, or perhaps that was the exhaustion speaking. Lifting one eyebrow, the alpha shrugged his shoulders, feeling the compliment inflate his ego beyond the point of return. "Enjoyed what you saw then, I'm guessing? Sometimes when I'm up there, I lose control. It nears the brink of.....animalistic." The final utterance was accompanied by a shameless flick of his tongue over his lower lip, knowing that the bartender would catch the subtle invitation. It was punctuated by a playful, impish smirk--one where the alpha's confidence was overbearing and only even more suggestive considering the pheromones that he was exuding.
k taehyung β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β Now this? This is new.

Taehyung finds himself swiveling on the edge of his bar stool, meeting Seonghwa's lax gaze because wow, did he just acknowledge him? It's one thing to feel as deeply as Taehyung's parents had--- clearly people who've seen the brunt of the worst of lycan discrimination. It's another to inherit feelings and ideals like Taehyung, a boy who had at first only sought to make his parents proud. A boy who, by blood, found himself aligning at the seams. Willing them justification, wanting only ever for their journey to be fruitful. But for this man, who owes Taehyung absolutely nothing, to listen and accept... It brings something warm to the older wolf's heart that, perhaps, wolves never lost the wild in their souls. The desire for more. "Yeah," he acquiesces, "Maybe not. It's a sweet dream though. The sorta thing that put my 'pack' at home to sleep at night. They're used to hearing me talk like this. But thank you for listening, all the same."

He observes as the bartender slides Seonghwa a drink, the slightest dose of envy cording his veins. But when he receives an inquiring brow, Taehyung merely smiles and shakes his head. With the children at home and duties to be fulfilled at the -crack of dawn, there's no way Taehyung's drinking tonight. "You're rather good at what you do then," he argues, returning the other with his attention. His fingers skit against the edges of the box in his lap and he's sure he'll have to take these home. "Managed to make a customer and a friend out of me in one go. Or is this just how you operate?" Despite the pomp behind his words, the beta can't help but wonder if they're true. If Seonghwa's honestly this friendly and forgiving to anyone here. It doesn't exactly rob Taehyung of the authenticity of the moment. But it bring him concern for the other's safety.

Unfortunately, his unease his confirmed with the bout of Seonghwa's next words and he flinches. Brows furrowing in the way they do when gets serious for him, when he can afford to shirk off his nonchalance for the weight of the moment. "I'm hoping that doesn't happen frequently... You guys are protected properly, yeah?" He's not stupid. He can only imagine how often Seonghwa's propositioned to. But judging by the other's scent, he's at least no omega... Still, the thought alone is enough to spike Taehyung's discomfort. He blinks back to the present when Seonghwa's hand meets his periphery, taking a moment to recall what the other had only just said and--- Oh. Shifting the weight of the box to one arm, he fishes out his phone and unlocks the screen. Handing it over without preamble. Casual composure stitched back into his features, as if the previous conversation had never even happened. His unperturbed default that keeps him as sane as any other.

"I'd love to. Hit me up any time, really. My sleep routine is pretty nonexistent so don't mind the time." He's also rather thrilled at the prospect of falling into step with another kindred soul tonight. Though the other might not be an advocate of Fate, it's clear this came to be with good reason. That this friendship, perhaps, is meant to happen.


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evilgamegyu 4 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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