× vip

for special guests.
don’t wish to have privy eyes nosing into your business? Flaunt some wealth and rent yourself a vip room. Has a bar of its own, a dj if required, and even a stripper to put on a show for you if you desire.
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@w jackson α "right away" the answer came out automatically as the costumer asked for a drink, making him turn around bringing the bottle for the male along with a glass and placing them down "ice?" waiting for a reply, he did as he was told before settling down for a bit, just looking at the alpha who seemed to be deep in thoughts before his deep voice suddenly rang into the rather not so loud room, most of the noise coming from downstairs where the main hall is located. "hmm?" he tilted his head in a mix of confusion and amusement, wondering if that's what rich people worried about nowadays, as usually it's the poor ones asking each other about wanting to be rich and not the other way around.

"Doesn't everybody want to be filthy rich?" he asked back with a small chuckle, as once upon a time he was filthy rich and he knew exactly what that feels like, but at the same time he knew the exact price he had to pay for it all "but nothing is for free in this life, even if you're born into richness you will need to make sacrifices if you want to keep living that way" in his case it was his freedom and basically his happiness. Those were one of the few things he sacrificed while living back in his old home with his parents while enjoying the money they had. "It's stupid......to hope for the impossible, so I'd rather just live in the moment and do my best then" he replied back after a few seconds of silence, refilling the costumer's glass from the bottle of the whiskey bourbon.
w jackson α 4 years ago
@n jaemin β It wasn’t like his whole day was particularly stressful, and to be honest, nothing had really gone wrong, however, he couldn’t wash off a pang of worry that had been bothering him for the past hours until he arrived here.. in the bar where his foot had brought him. On his good days, he would’ve gone to a place much more luxurious and extravagant, but tonight, he just wanted to be lowkey as possible. Chill his mind and body with his favorite drink “whiskey bourbon please, a whole bottle” he immediately requested once seated on one of the stools in the bar. Really he could’ve just bought one and head home, but there’s just a certain fulfillment whenever he’s drinking at a bar.

Jackson eyed the man that was serving him, he wondered what kind of life this man has, is he contented? Does he dream of some sort of upgrade? Or is he just tolerating life just like him? Not knowing that fate’s about to play with the two of them, Jackson started to drink, and as he got halfway through the bottle he asked the bartender “do you wanna be filthy rich?” that was just meant to open a conversation between the two of them, but who knows if he liked the other he might give a bigger tip.
l han α 4 years ago
@l ten β Han had seen countless fake smiles in his life. The moment he had been born, his cosmos had been filled with a myriad of simpers, shades of black and blue like bruises across his consciousness, the memories stemming and taking root. Sometimes it felt like a horrible flower, growing in the center of his chest. Son of an empire, alpha male, born to be the pride of his father and the apple of his mother's eye. A priced possession, talked about like a racing horse and treated even lower than such. He wished desperately to be rid of those smiles, of the ever present need to branch out and grow thorns.

And yet, even in the dead of the night, in the lair of wolves in sheep's clothing, he was still surrounded by nothing else. The smile on Ten's lips had his own curling, a twitch that made one side rise up like an angered dog and in that moment Han thought that, perhaps, he was nothing else.

"Quite the contrary." He gave back nonchalantly, not waiting for Ten to spiral into a long list of things the club had to offer. He was sure there were countless ways for a man to find amusement here, different colors and brands of poison. To each their own and to their liking. The more, the better. Han himself though, was sure that he wouldn't be able to find even a snippet of what he truly longed for. Not here, anyways. It was a feeble attempt, grasping at straws that easily snapped under the touch of fight scarred fingers.

"Your dancers are exquisitely trained. It wasn't their performance that irked me, rather the very obvious way everybody in here seems to be waiting for me to either open my purse, or the fly of my pants. Has me wonder if one of my family's attorneys called before I arrive here." He flicked his wrist, throwing a rebellious strand of hair out of his forehead when he finally fixed his eyes onto Ten, studying his features, lips splitting into a feral grin, the wolf in his chest finally simmering, fogging onto the surface of his human body, like steam on the lid of a slowly over-boiling pot. "I'm sure none of that is your fault though, is it?"

His legs uncrossed, stretching as the heels of his polished shoes clicked onto the floor with a sound of utter finality when he pushed himself out of his seat and stretched his arms above his head. His joints were stiff, shoulders cracking noisily. Now, standing, he noticed that he was in fact taller than the beta, even though not by much. It was surprising to him, for a second and he was sure it was showing on his face, his eyebrows shooting upwards in half-stunned silence. Standing in the door, surrounded by the flickering lights of the club behind him, Ten had seemed tall, like someone Han would have expected to be able to control an establishment like this. Momentarily, he felt amused. Perhaps it was the man's aura that made him appear so tall, even though Han thought to himself now, that in a way Ten seemed small. Fragile where his features were soft and his eyes were deep and dark. But some kind of violence always bubbled inside of all of them, animals after all.

"So." He cleared his throat, walking around the table he had been sitting at to fetch himself the bottle of fine whisky he had ordered for himself an hour ago from the cooler, condensation and melted ice dripping over his hands and down his wrists, dampening his sleeves and making the sheer, white fabric stick to his his skin.
"What else would there be that I could order myself?" The question was thrown at Ten without emotion, expecting nothing but the usual, endless string of words and offers and affirmations of his satisfaction. His family's name was a dangerous one to some, in the end. "What could my father's money possibly buy me that I couldn't get myself out there, Ten?"
The name rolled of his tongue smoothly, like the amber liquid pouring into his glass and covering the ice cubes he had dropped inside, the crystal ice cracking at the touch of alcohol. A sip, cold and bitter, his eyes flickering upwards again as he cocked his head to the side, an expectant purse tugging at the corners of his lips.
p chanyeol α 4 years ago
@b baekhyun Ω Perhaps it was a bit cliche to insinuate that the entire world stopped as the omega closed the distance, this time facing the alpha, but that was exactly how it felt. Time itself stood in wait, anticipating the utter sinful events dared to unfold within the dance floor of a night club of all places. Though it was clear that the pair were not fated to be mates, it could have been a possibility that, in some weird universe that the pair found themselves in, there were ual fates in which the pair were tied together via a red cord. In that moment, it felt as though the string had been wrapped around the pair, locking them in place as Chanyeol's hand slipped around to grip the omega's rear with no regard for prying eyes. His hardening member was pressed against the omega's inner thigh, allowing him to feel the growing girth and length fully. "I won't deny that the thought crossed my mind. Are you the type of to get off to that? Because I won't hesitate to your brains out in front of the entire dance floor if you'd let me...." The alpha's breath brushed against the omega's cheek, allowing him to feel his pent up ual frustration in full force. The hand that remained on Baekhyun's hip gripped harder into the flesh, fully intent on leaving a mark at this point. Umber, nearly predatory irises were focused on the omega's own orbs, gauging his every move, trying to interpret the thoughts within the metaphorical windows to his soul--perhaps if he searched hard enough, he'd find the omega's intentions. Surging forward and leaning down just slightly, the alpha's brims hovered a mere inch from the omega's, and Chanyeol's tongue darted across his own lower lip, dampening the expanse before he spoke. "If I ask first, will you let me taste the slick that I can smell leaking out of you at this very moment?"
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@w jackson α Running his fingers through his hair getting it away from his eyes, Jaemin took his time writing few things in the journal in his hand which was more of a wish list than it was a diary, but it contained a lot of important things to him, like how much he's spending and saving, how much he has left to save up for his tuition, and just all the things he wants to get once he's stable enough financially, including a few clothing items. And that's the exact reason why he carries it around with him most of the time, just afraid of leaving it home.

Once the door opened, he snapped his eyes up, hands quickly placing away the journal on the far end of the little bar by the flower vase, deciding to pick it up later when he's done since he has no big enough pockets to place it in. Instead his focus went back to the costumer who just came in, gracing him with a charming smile as he asked which drinks he would want for the night, today having to work in the vip hall, which wasn't bad at all since it meant richer clients who most certainly gave better tips, and maybe he will get someone's attention on him and he will end up making a few extra bucks in a comfy bed.
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@l han α Disdain was a sight Ten long since gotten used to. Meeting self-righteous rich weans trying to act all high and mighty, intimidating personages for their own delight. It was a phenomenon he had grown to see a lot after opening his club. Some wealthy wolves were gentlemen, sweet and soft-spoken, always praising the dancers and thanking the bartender who was on duty. They were a pleasure to have, individuals Ten had no problem with and would even love to see the presence of more often.

Others, however, had gotten their luxury to their heads. The obvious ones included them mistreating the bartenders and nitpicking on them, alongside harassing the dancers and making them flee from the room as soon as their performance was over. Those were terrible, but at least Ten could take care of the problem — call on security to drag those men out onto the street and making sure their names would be on the club’s blacklist.

There were a few, however, who were much subtler in their power abuse. Words dripping condescendingly while mock-praising their partners, sentences seemingly innocent though the tone underlying their comments proved to those listening otherwise. They were the worst — acting as if they had the Earth in their palm, able to decide on what goes and which doesn’t, seeming like they held some sort of power over everyone around them.

These people with God complex — generally people that Ten hated the most, whether human or wolf.

And, as it seemed, had the unfortunate luck of entertaining.

Never would Ten allow annoyance to show on his features, only letting a serene smile to plaster on his countenance as he observed Lu Han, even as the words were obviously meant to attack. His eyes turned up into crescents, narrowed with the lift of his lips at the edges, obscuring the inquisition sparking in his gaze as he kept his distance. His posture was still straight, hands held behind him as he examined the other, the gears in his mind whirring as he thought of what to continue on with next.

“I see you’re not amused by my dancers then,” started Ten, words slow and deliberate, calculating and steady. “It is truly unfortunate. I’ll have you know, each of them are unique in their own style, and aren’t trained in the same way to ‘worship’ our customers. So I do apologise that their methods don’t suit your queer taste.” A bow, low enough to be polite, just enough to to normally prick at one’s annoyance. “If you would wish, I can always ask more of my lovely staffs to entertain you. But, if that is not what you’d prefer, I can always direct you to other services that our industry can offer. Unfortunately, as for offers that aren’t already included into the package of being a VIP, you would have to specifically order them yourself.”
l han α 4 years ago
@l ten β Sick. It was feeling settling deep into his bones with each minute trickling by, like burgundy sand falling through the narrow of an hourglass, pooling in his stomach like the fine red wine he had ordered for himself at the beginning of the night. A glass raised to his lips to stain his lips a deep crimson, the kiss of blood, as it ran down the length of his throat and filled his muscles with heat. It was a feeble attempt at swallowing down the feeling crawling up his spine, the burden once upon bestowed upon him without him asking for it. Not even here, in the den of sin, the seventh circle of hell a wolf could freely explore, was he free of the leash around his neck. Mr Lu, they called him, bowing and shying away from his words, as if he was some big bad, ready to devour little Red Riding Hood.
He scoffed, crimson exchanged for amber, as the drinks grew stronger, the more his mood soured.

Everything was perfected, everything glittered and gleamed, polished silver to burn his skin. The silver spoon in his mouth had never tasted more like acid and rust. The owner of the club must have caught wind of his reputation and name the second he reserved a VIP room for himself, heck, if Han would guess a bird had song even before the thought had solidified in the back of his head. Freedom was hard to come by these days, it seemed. Demons, almost defeated, now sided with and bubbling to the surface like the smooth surface of tar, heated and blistering.
He scowled, hackles rising as he swirled his glass, rolling his eyes in boredom at the dancers doing their best to entertain him. They were magnificent, their movements perfected and surely engraved into their brains and Han could appreciate the beauty, the way their bodies moved in perfect sync to the beat. It was horrible.

He had long asked for the owner of this establishment to be summoned, reclining lazily in his plush seat, legs crossed as the tip of his foot swayed to and fro to the music, arms on either side of him on the backrest. Dismissed, the dancers left him and the room suddenly felt stifled in silence, although the bass was still pressing into his ears from all sides, making his head swim and his eyes dance. Dimmed lights, colors blurring into each other, forming crystal rainbows in his peripheral and then sliding away into cyan as the door opened the outside world streamed in, a wave of sound and smell that had Han's nose wrinkling in disgust. In stepped a man, tall and slender and certainly handsome to some. He straightened, although not rising from where he was sitting, eyes flitting over the man now approaching him, a displeased frown tugging at the corners of his lips, deepening with every word the beta before him uttered. With a clear of his throat he sat up, his glass clinking onto the table a little more forceful than intended, his voice nothing more than a rumble when he gave back: "No. It is not Han of Lu Pharmaceutical. It is simply Lu Han. I am not here to have people crawling up my because of my heritage. You must be the infamous Ten."

Honeyed eyes, dripping with revulsion focused on the other now, his body tilting back with his spine straightening, his mouth still scowling although his words were pleasant, if anything.
"I've heard nothing but praise for your little, well, establishment. I can see why, now." He simpered, light catching on white teeth, in eyes that were sparking with something sitting underneath his skin like a thorn. "You must have served several of the mighty wolves ruling the world, seeing how practiced your entire team seems with pleasing someone who is most likely to spend great sums of money here. I just wonder...."
A finger, slender and manicured exquisitely, tapped against his chin, running along his jaw to disappear into his light locks, his hand running through his hair as his body tilted back against the seat once more.
"I wonder if you, as the owner of his place and host of the night, can offer me a little bit more than very obvious kissing to actually make me consider spending the ton of money."
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@l han α Stories of irresponsible heirs to big-named companies weren’t unheard of to Ten. Being a man who ran the most successful club for wolves was bound to hear stories of individuals from all walks of life at some point. Not to mention, he had hosted for countless of these figures before, so he was going to learn a thing or two about their background or overall personality in no time.

Tonight, the only son and inheritor to Lu Pharmaceutical, Han, had graced the club his presence by paying a visit and renting a VIP room for himself. Just like the usual for customers paying for the VIP rooms, Han was given a bar of his own with a few dancers to entertain him, all for his eyes only. They also made sure to put on songs which the successor would enjoy, making his experience as luxurious as possible.

Much to Ten’s surprise, he had been called to host for the young man — an occurrence which, though happened a few times before, was still considerably rare, few and far in between. Still, he didn’t let the sudden summon of his presence to deter him, not bothering much with his appearance before advancing for Han’s room. Either way, before he opened his club for the night, he would always dress himself in his best attire, in case of occasions such as this.

Walking through the main hall of his club, the wolves parted like the Red Sea upon noticing his presence, leaving a perfectly clear path for the owner of Children Of The Moon. There were greetings thrown, though most of them just minded their own business and continued dancing. There were also some sneaking shy glances at him, embarrassed to be in the presence of the man who created the place.

Not long later, Ten had reached his destination. Knocking on the door to alert of his arrival, he pushed it open and quickly slid inside, the resonance of a booming bass quietening once the door shut. A polite smile adorned Ten’s features as his gaze fell on the man in his expensive suit, walking towards him casually. “Han of Lu Pharmaceutical, am I right? I was told you’d like to have me as your host for the night.”
b baekhyun Ω 4 years ago
@p chanyeol α It was a pitiful development, the circumstance of parting in a way that had their wicked game slow to a cadence of gentle rocking, outrageous in its own right. Regret washed over him in a tidal wave of cooling sweat, beads of respiration rolling down the small of his back, cooling in the sudden abyss opening between them. His senses were alert, his mind sluggish with pearls of Sapphire booze, the blinding stroboscope of neon dancing across them like drops of moonlight falling from the sky to bathe them in fleeting scenes of mischief. Music, blaring and suddenly overwhelming, enveloped them in a cocoon of forced silence and Baekhyun found himself leaning on his tiptoes, putting weight on his own personal brand of sudden inebriety, almost as if chasing after his fire, the sweat of his skin and the touch of his reddened lips. His tongue flicked, swiping across his bottom lip, tasting like sugar and spice, unpleasantly acerbic. Their gazes met, windows of their souls blown wide open by the alcohol and the thrill of the dance, the adrenaline pumping through their veins, riding on liquid boldness. Space around them ground to a halt, a chance ticking by and disappearing into the ocean of bodies brushing up against them like the shore. A handsome specimen, indeed. A breath of air, filled with honey and wine, a chuckle rumbling through his body and vibrating up his spine as it arched, neck craning back as he laughed, the glass he still held coming up to cover his bitten, raw mouth.
"Shall I accept your apology and just let you do as you please?" He mused to no one but the neon above their heads, mind swimming with a dizziness not unwelcome. Air, in through his teeth at the touch of a daring hand underneath his shirt, fingers tightening in the other's locks, his hackles rising as the animal inside him threatened to blast its chains. And then, a sigh, swallowed whole by the noise and yet he was sure the handsome stranger behind him felt it, shaking him to the core as his abdominal muscles engaged and contracted underneath the touch. "Are you planning on taking me apart right here and now?" He questioned, twisting in the other's arms, pushing forward to snap the last thread of self restraint to hold him together. Any semblance of control gone from the world, his hand slid through silken strands, teeth nipping on a strong jawline as he pulled himself up, lips and words and breath hot against a sensitive ear, tinted with pure desire: "Where everybody can see?"
p chanyeol α 4 years ago
@b baekhyun Ω Small, minute pricks from the smaller male's baby hairs at the base of his neck tickled Chanyeol's brims as they ghosted over the surface before he reluctantly pulled his head away, creating distance between the pair's upper bodies--though he refused to distance their hips from one another, and he continued his movements, slowly grinding against the stranger's posterior with no regard for prying eyes. A lecherous concoction of lust and greed, two of the cardinal sins, clouded his judgement, tainting his former innocence with concupiscent desire in combination with the liquid courage coursing through his veins. It isn't until the stranger's voice graces his eardrums that he even makes an effort to halt his actions. In the setting, it was nearly impossible to hear the protest that spilled from the stranger's lips, and if he was being honest with himself, it nearly went in one ear and out the other as ebony irises focused almost entirely on the stranger's roseate brims to the point that even time seemed to halt, or perhaps it was the alcohol slamming his neural system that made the crowd seemingly move in a delayed pace. The raised pitch at the end of the inquiry is what reverts time to its typical pace as the taller male glances down at the stranger, this time meet his gaze. "Forgive me. May I grace your skin with my lips, handsome?" He questioned, tone playful and teasing, yet sincere in his signature deep pitch. His digits slipped underneath the hem of smaller male's shirt and danced along the taut muscles of his abdomen as an impish grin graced his features as he awaited an answer.
b baekhyun Ω 4 years ago
@p chanyeol α Pinpoints of pain burst open underneath his skin like spring buds, blooming into purple desire clogging his airway and he pressed into the touch, chasing after it, craving it like a dying man would seek out absolution. Baekhyun was the sinner, the ache was his exculpation in a moment of carmine lust. Nimble fingers slid from the man's belt, gracefully traveling down the expense of a thigh pumping with muscle, pressing in between their heated bodies. It was a carefully executed touch, a dance of its own. A ballet performed for a lusting crowd, ready to go in for the kill. And yet it was barely there, hidden in the press and slide of their bodies together, a song whispered between them, as old as time itself. The touch of lips against his heated skin felt like the kiss of ice, stinging, painful, relieving and his throat worked around a sound of pleasure. He twitched in the man's hold, pressing back harder, seeking relief in the endless pressure building behind his clouded eyes. He felt intoxicated, drunk on a high unknown to man, ready to snap like a rubber band pulled too hard. A kiss like a thorn, placed on his vulnerable neck, had Baekhyun's eyes screw closed, fingers cutting loose from the other's thigh where he had been digging into the delicious muscle with viscous fingernails, soon to find a home in sweaty tresses of soft hair. Curling in, like one would chastise a dog, he held on as his spine curved and he was able to turn his head, breathing out words dripping with greed, the desire to touch skin.
"Touching is one thing, stranger. Did I give you permission to kiss, though?"
p chanyeol α 4 years ago
@b baekhyun Ω The carnal desire was fleeting, yet ever-present and his fingertips curled around the smaller male's hips, digging into the flesh. Pheromones ran high as their bodies melded against one another, and Chanyeol flared his nostrils as he leaned down, running his lips across the stranger's neck, taking in his scent to the point that it nearly became overwhelming--igniting the alpha wolf within. However, he managed to remain composed, though his lips were pursed, exposing his canines, grazing along the subtle curve of the ivory expanse. The crimson sea washed over the pair and baptized them in an ironic red hue; it was though their sin was drowned within wave after wave of concupiscent desire that had manifested itself into a visible entity. Encouraged by the stranger's lack of resistance, the taller male's hips pushed forward, pressing his groin up against the cusp of the stranger's . Each movement drove Chanyeol further off the cliff of inhibition until there was no foreseeable means to stop himself. Lithe digits held the stranger's hips in place as he continued his ministrations, lips ghosting across the stranger's nape, pressing fleeting, burning kisses into the skin.
b baekhyun Ω 4 years ago
@p chanyeol α The smell of sin and debauchery was heavy in the air, clinging to Baekhyun like a second skin, slithering into his lung with every breath he took like a beast soon to bloom in his chest as a horrible flower. Wonderful to look at, but every touch would prick your skin like the spinning wheel putting Sleeping Beauty to rest. His soul was on the hunt, cut loose off his puppet strings and he threw his head back with the last sip if his drink, glistening on his lips like Sapphire poison while he swayed to the thundering beat thrumming underneath his skin. Beating inside his chest more than it did vibrating through the air. It was hard to breathe, here, in between all those gyrating bodies. Some kind of innocent pulsing behind his eyes and bubbling in his chest like acid. The omega soon felt hands around his wait, a body pressing into him from behind and the spark of excitement that raced up his spine had him laughing, recklessly. He pressed back, clinging to his glass for dear life as his sweaty palms slid over the crystal, threatening to loose their grip, the glass surely shattering on the floor like his self control. His head tipped back onto the stranger's shoulder, feeling blindfolded by the sensations boiling down in his blood until there was nothing but sticky syrup left, filling him up like molten lava. Emboldened by the man gripping onto his slender frame from behind, he swayed his hips, his free hand sliding back to hook his index into a belt loop, tugging him ever closer, face tilting to breathe a puff of hot air against the column of a long neck, white and pink and blue in the neon lights shimmering in his peripheral.
p chanyeol α 4 years ago
@b baekhyun Ω Acrid smoke wafted through his peripheral, clouding the rushing bodies within the club in an ethereal haze. Crimson rays flickered across the crowd, offering dim, blinking illumination like a red sea. Weaving his way through the crowd, sweat clung to Chanyeol's forehead. The concentrated bodies raised the temperature to nearly a sweltering point and the lights from the stage made performing nearly unbearable. Saliva clung to his mouth in an attempt to dampen the cavern to little to no avail, and while in search of a beverage, his frame nearly collided with the mahogany exterior of the bar. Heavy exhales clouded the rim of the glass as he brought it to his lips, and he leaned back against the bar, surveying the crowd; it seemed like a typical night for the nightclub, but the liquid courage in his cup made him bold--perhaps too much as, before he could stop himself, his hands slipped around the waist of a stranger and he began to grind against their rear without a second thought.


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evilgamegyu 3 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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