× dressing room

Dress up
dress up
Strippers dressing room.
a place for the club’s strippers and dancers to put on their make up and attires.

jimin p
seonghwa p 
yeosang k
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β Seonghwa honestly shouldn't have wanted to tease the other so much, but he couldn't help it since the other had given him such a precious reaction. "Mhmm, well, whatever it is that you did to figure out my style, I appreciate it," he nodded. He didn't really need to hear the other's excuses for trying to seem less like a 'creep', because it was clearly done with such an innocent motive. It was adorable honestly. "I definitely will be wearing it," he reassured. He gave the other beta another hug, squeezing him just a bit tighter and for a bit longer.

He noticed that the other was in rather deep thought and waited a few moments, folding and slipping the shirt back into the bag that it came out of. He blinked a few times, not really having been expecting something like that. "Oh... well, that time, there weren't too many other customers, and it was obvious that you planned on staying, or at least wanted to stay longer. I managed to pass by close enough to see that your cup was empty... so I just made you another one," he shrugged. "Also, you may have begun to smell kinda like nerves and stress?" he added sheepishly.

He knew that there were plenty of city wolves who were unlike him, not everyone was born with such a strong ability to smell shifts in emotions and hormones as well as Seonghwa was still able to. Perhaps it had a little bit to do with the fact that he was a beta, the ones who used to be the sort of mediators of packs back when their people ruled the forests, that he was able to smell these things.
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β Rubbing the back of his neck, Jaemin didn't really know how to respond to the current situation as he was feeling a lot of mixed feelings. Embarrassed, relieved, excited, shy and many more feelings were put in a pot mixed together clumsily then given to Jaemin to experience. So he just stayed quiet as the boy fiddled with the bag before getting to see what was inside of it, and at that moment Jaemin held his breath in hopes that he did the right thing and chose something useful, because he really spent a lot of money on this, more than he would spend on himself even and he just prayed to all the gods out there that it will he something the boy would like and would actually wear around, even if he had to wear it for sleep or at home even though the clothing wasn't meant for those two things.

"oh" he said in surprise, a blush creeping to his cheeks yet again at the unexpected teasing, almost making him whine as it seemed like everyone around him had a thing for teasing him and just generally making life hard for him in a not serious matter of course "I've been working here long enough to catch your style...And we work in similar times too, most of the time" he explained in hopes of trying to cover up that he was actually keeping an eye on what Seonghwa was doing and wearing "I just hope you'll wear it..." his words were cut by the sudden quick hug, rendering him speechless yet again for another two seconds or so "...around" he finally finished his sentence once he was released.

Looking down at his shoes, he wondered for a bit if he should ask this or not, but after some time he decided to just go with it as the boy didn't seem the type to be offended or upset easily "I've been meaning to ask you something" he opened up another conversation with those words "why did you do that for me that day? What made you help me out? Or even notice my dilemma?" he voiced out with a small tilt of head, waiting in curiosity for the upcoming answer.
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β Seonghwa saw how surprised the other seemed to be, but honestly, if it had just been a random human, surely, Seonghwa would have forgotten their face rather quickly. But since the other was a wolf, it had been quite easy to remember him since at the time, Seonghwa had known very few wolves within the city. "Hmm, it is a fair distance from that cafe we saw one another in. But I found work here at this club and moved closer," he explained and shrugged slightly. At the time it had been quite a big leap for Seonghwa, moving out and trying out what it meant to live on his own. Unlike some people, Seonghwa thrived living alone even though it was his first time. It gave him the freedom he wanted and it was nice not needing to worry about a roommate considering his rather odd work schedule.

Seeing the other beta in front of him, he truly did believe that perhaps his gesture back then had really been something meaningful to him. "I believe you... seeing you here looking better than back then is proof enough," he nodded. He was always relieved and glad to see people living their life better than before. "Yes, I am. Not that I was in a bad place before, but I have a lot more freedom now more than anything," he nodded. He knew that there were parents out there who tried to reign in their children and try and create a sort of 'ideal' child, but thankfully Seonghwa had never been subjected to that sort of parenting.

At the permission, Seonghwa took it out of the bag and placed the bag aside for now before unfolding it and holding it up as he realised it was a shirt. He was grateful for any gifts he received at all, "Thank you," he said sincerely. He looked at the sheer fabric and couldn't help it as a chuckle escaped his lips. "Clearly someone has been watching me around the club, hm?" he teased with a playful smirk. "It is exactly my style, thank you," he smiled and leaned in closer to the other to give him a quick hug.
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β Blinking in surprise, Jaemin didn't know how to comprehend what he was just told because who in the world would have thought that the blonde boy would have actually remembered him from all that time ago. "No...I wasn't really shocked, like I mean, I was surprised that's for sure because I never thought I would see you here" it wasn't a secret that he went back to the cafe from that time a few times ago in search for the male in front of him but it was as if the boy just disappeared from there, even the other workers claimed that they don't know where Jaemin can find him, which he found weird.

"It wasn't just a small thing for me, believe me" he insisted, knowing that his reality back then was nowhere close to what it is right now, and he was pretty much touched by the smallest gestures out there and never considered them as a small help. "I'm doing much better right now, physically and mentally, that's for sure" ever since he ran away, he have struggled a lot that's for sure, but despite everything, he was always happy for some reason, unlike how he felt back home. "what about you? Are you in a better place?" he asked with a small head tilt, having already relaxed from the earlier shock as the two of them fell into a nice conversation, lightening up the mood.

"please do open it....It's nothing big, I promise" sure, the piece of clothing wasn't anything big, but it was certainly considered on the expansive side with the type of life Jaemin is having "I hope you will like it...I didn't know what else to get you since I didn't really know your preferences, but it was well rated online" the clothing was for sure on the popular side, and that made him a bit hopeful since what are the chances for the other beta to dislike the gift.
[post deleted by owner]
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β Seonghwa could almost smell how nervous the other suddenly became as he was caught. He stayed still, standing with a face void of most expression as he watched the other panic and try to explain himself. It was quite amusing and adorable since the beta dancer knew that the other wouldn't be the type to try anything malicious against someone, there were clear signs usually, and the other beta had never shown such behaviour. He had to admit that he was very surprised as the other beta continued to talk, pulling out the bag he had tried to sneak into Seonghwa's locker only moments prior, not ever expecting a gift of any sort.

He took the last few steps to close the still somewhat large gap between them and smiled. He placed one hand on top of the other's in a gentle manner and took the bag as well. "I know who you are. Perhaps not by name but I do remember your face," he smiled. He reached over and gently lifted the other's head to look back up. "It was probably a lot more of a shock for you when you came here and saw me like this," Seonghwa chuckled as he pointed up to his own hair. "I was only trying to make your day a little better back then. I don't know if that small thing is deserving of a present like this... but thank you, I appreciate it very much," he said.

He let go of the other beta's hand and smiled to him once more. "I'm glad that you seem to be in a better place than back then? Or at least, that's what I'm hoping," he said and then took a peek into the bag that the other had tried to put into his locker, "So what exactly is it that you got me?" he asked curiously.
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β The moment he was about to close the locker a voice echoed throughout the dressing room making him jump in surprise and turn to look at the voice's owner, his face paling the moment he saw it is because god this wasn't supposed to go this way. Fiddling with his fingers, he felt a blush creep up his cheeks which probably turned into a crimson red in no time, wondering how he should explain himself now that he was probably caught red handed and most likely mistaken with what he was doing.

"I swear I'm not going through your locker!" he raised his hands up in surrender as if trying to prove his innocence, praying that the other male didn't misunderstood his intention. "this" he reopened the locker and picked out the bag he placed a few seconds ago, knowing it's the only thing that will prove his innocence.

"I was just trying to put this here....I....I got it for you...And I'm not some weird stalker, I promise! It's like a thank you, for something you did for me back then, I know you probably don't even remember as it happened some time ago but I do, and that's all that matters to me, and I wanted to thank you somehow for the gesture, so I got you this" he knew he was rambling, but he was just so embarrassed he didn't know what else to do, so he ended up handing the dancer the bag after all his words. "thank you...." mumbling, he looked down waiting for the boy to take the bag from him.
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β The beta dancer had to admit that he had come across many faces, and knew many people, had known many people and they all came and went throughout his life. It wasn't very often though that he would come across someone who had been in his life - even for a very brief moment - before he had become a dancer here at the club. So, when he had first laid his eyes upon a certain bartender who had begun working at the club, it had taken him a few times to actually recognise him, and remember where they had seen one another before.

When Seonghwa had realised that this bartender was that one boy whom he had seen a few times in the cafe he used to work in, he definitely felt happy. Not for any particular reason though, just that the beta dancer was glad to see the other was seemingly doing better than he had been over a year ago.

The beta had hopped on over to the bathroom to freshen up a bit after having dropped by his locker, and so by the time he was back, he was surprised to see someone at his locker. His boots echoed slightly as he approached the person, only to realise it was none other than the bartender. He cleared his throat slightly, "I would've hoped that we could actually speak to one another before we go searching each other's lockers," he teased.
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β Letting out a sigh, Jaemin tried to calm himself and attempted to not cower out of this, the whole situation making him feel some kind of weird way which was totally weird because it wasn't like he was doing something wrong or anything like that. All he had to do was get into the dressing room after making sure it was empty, figure out which one of those lockers is a certain blond male's, leave the bag he was carrying there and go back to the bar, simple, right? At least that's what he keeps on telling himself.

After a few more seconds of just standing by the door, he mustered up the courage to open it, eyes roaming around as he peaked in, finally making sure that no one was around before he made it inside, as silent as possible closing the door behind him. "Now which one is his..." he asked himself, the gift bag containing a wrapped in a ribbon box coming to view, a he leisurely scanned the different lockers, praying to god that they're not locked since most dancers are present today, and he guessed they would only close their lockers after they leave the club, at least that's what he does with his. "Oh" he exclaimed in surprise upon opening one of the lockers and it ending up the one he was looking for as it contained the familiar outfit he saw a specific male walking in with earlier. "okay, this is it" he mumbled to himself, placing down the shopping bag inside the locker by the clothes, trying to hurry up as possible as he needs to get out of here as fast as possible.
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β "Drunk, ed, or both." Yeosang confirmed with a hum, seeing a bigger alpha boarding on the other side of the compartment and shifting nervously in his seat. He slipped his hand into Seonghwa's for comfort, letting out a shaky sigh.
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k yeosang α Seonghwa let the other lead the way and once they were in the train, the beta sat himself down beside the other. He stuck close to him, their thighs and arms touching one another. He could tell that direct contact seemed to calm the alpha more than anything else, so the beta planned on doing at least that for him. "There really aren't that many people around at this time... though I suppose the ones that are around are.. less than pleasant."
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β Yeosang led the way to the train as they got their tickets, gently pulling Seonghwa into one compartment before heading to a mostly hidden corner that had a couple of seats. He scooted in first so he could sit by the window, patting the seat beside him with a cute grin on his lips. "Come on hyung, let's sit."
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k yeosang α Seonghwa nodded and agreed that it did feel like that way. "Mm, it's an odd feeling, but not a bad one," he grinned and bought a ticket for himself too once he knew which stop that they would be heading to. They both got their tickets and headed through the gates and to the platforms. The beta kept the other close to him, everythingin him wanting to make sure that the alpha felt safe.
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β "I haven't felt awkward either." Yeosang nodded in agreement as they made their way to the station, pulling out his notes once they got to the ticket machine so he could get himself a ticket. "Like...I feel like we've known each other for longer than the day we've been talking."
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k yeosang α Seonghwa turned to the other and blinked a few times at the question. "I'm not sure if it's weird considering we all have that chance of meeting the people we click with in an instant... but I'll take it as a compliment," he smiled and headed into the station with the other. "It really is nice spending time with you though by the way. I haven't felt awkward at all with you," he shrugged happily.
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β Yeosang blushed when Seonghwa took the initiative to bring his hand back up to his arm, clinging back onto him and finishing his cigarette before flicking it onto the ground with a final inhale. "Is it weird that I already feel so safe with you even though we've only just properly met today?"
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k yeosang α Seonghwa handed his phone over to the other so he could add in his name and number, "Of course I'll text you," he chuckled. Once that was done, he hummed and saved the contact before slipping his phone back into his bag and pulled the alpha's hand back onto his arm as they walked the last bit before they would enter the station.
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β "Oh, that works." Yeosang stopped walking and reluctantly let go of Seonghwa so he could pull out his phone, turning it on and getting to the 'add contact' screen before it died in his hands. "Low battery. I'll just have to give you my number then, and hope that you'll text me back."
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k yeosang α Seonghwa nodded to the alpha and smiled with a chuckle as he saw the excitement and awe in the other's eyes. "Yeah, I'll look a bit further into it for you and tell you more about it- actually, why I don't I grab your number and text you the info?" he suggested and pulled out his phone and opened up a new contact page so the other could add in his number.
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β "You know of a dance studio that has a pole?" Yeosang asked almost in awe, brown eyes sparkling as he looked up at Seonghwa with a growing smile. "If you weren't my new best friend before, you are now."
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k yeosang α "Mm, I mean it all depends on how lenient the landlord is and how easily removable the pole is," he shrugged and had a light skip in his step once more. "If they all say no, then we could always go to a dance studio with a pole. I think I know of a couple a bit closer to my place at least," he nodded and knew that they could both use the same space at the same time since Seonghwa didn't need the pole.
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β "I'd like that a lot." Yeosang mumbled softly, smiling as he took a long drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke up to the air. "A bigger space, I wonder if they'd let me install a pole in a spare bedroom or the living room."
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k yeosang α Seonghwa could understand that since travelling the streets in the middle of the night, no matter who you were, could be a bit daunting and the favourite place for anxiety to strike. "Makes sense... Well, hopefully you'll save up enough and move somewhere closer to work so the travel time can at least be reduced," he said softly. He felt the other walking closer to him and had no thoughts of pushing him away. It took a lot for someone to admit such a thing and the beta would be the last person to abandon - both physically and emotionally - just because of that.
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β "My anxiety gets pretty bad pretty quickly, especially at night when drunk people wander around." Yeosang offers instead of a proper explanation, fingers clenching tighter to Seonghwa's arm as the other moved his hand up. He smiled softly as he realised the other wasn't forcing him to let go, and he leaned a little bit closer to the beta as they walked.
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k yeosang α Seonghwa nodded with a soft hum of acknowledgement, deciding not to comment on it since people had their own reasons. Smoking didn't really affect wolves in such an adverse way as it did to humans, or least, not as quickly or aggressively. He felt the alpha's hand on his wrist and gently held it and moved it up his arm so the other was holding onto his arm properly as they walked. "It's alright. I don't personally smoke, but if it's something that sort of... helps relieve something, then I won't try to force you to stop," he said.
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β "Uh, a few years." Yeosang answered vaguely, not really wanting to go into detail about why he started in the first place. He pulled out his pack and lighter and slid a cigarette before lighting one up, pocketing pack and lighter and sighing softly, blowing the smoke up so it wouldn't accidentally blow into the beta's face. With his free hand, he reached out absentmindedly to cling onto Seonghwa's wrist, his hold loose and slightly shaky as they walked. "I know it's bad but sometimes I can't help it."
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k yeosang α Seonghwa nodded with a very even gaze, "Yeah, it suits you, Yeosang," he complimented. He chuckled softly and continued to walk along with the other to get to the station, kind of glad that the streets weren't as packed as they were usually during the day. "Hm? I don't mind," he smiled, "Have you been smoking for very long?"
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β "Why, do I look good?" Yeosang asked with a soft breath of laughter, following after Seonghwa through the employee's entrance and laughing quietly again at his words. "You are, I see that now hyung. Do you - would you - do you mind if I just light a cigarette on our way to the train?"
p seonghwa β 4 years ago
@k yeosang α The beta grinned when the other said that, "I was hoping you'd say that," he admitted and hummed softly. He grabbed his own bag when the other was ready and slung it across his body. "Alrighty then," he smiled. He lead the other out through the employee's entrance and exit since he honestly couldn't be bothered to walk through the main club area. He turned to Yeosang and chuckled softly, "I'm taller again," he commented.
k yeosang ω 4 years ago
@p seonghwa β "You can keep it for now, I like how it looks." Yeosang smiled gently as he looked at Seonghwa through the mirror, taking care to wipe off all of his foundation since the other had most likely never seen him barefaced before. He hummed to himself before checking that it was all off in the vanity's mirror, tossing the dirtied makeup wipe before standing up with his duffel bag on his shoulder. "Alright, let's go."


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evilgamegyu 3 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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