× woods

dense with trees. there should be a path to guide you into the forest and back. don't stray of the route or risk getting lost. 
k chungha β 3 years ago
@w yibo β (No problem~ <3 you're just as amazing for squeezing a reply in so quickly)

In a much brighter and happier mood, Chungha peers out the window, chatting every so often with her driver about the most random things, giggling and happy over the success of the mission so far. But that's not saying that none of her plans ever take a turn for the worse. She always has a backup plan and it rarely ever fallen to that. She trusts her subordinates, her big large family that watched her growing up. A mix of humans and wolves. However, all the upper levels of her pack are wolves and the lower are humans. They rarely ever mix and the humans are always under the wolve's control.

So when she steps out the car after arriving at the narrow and overgrown path of her favorite spot, she flicks her long hair behind her shoulder and gestures of them to drag her ex out of the car, or so she thought.

"Damn, you smell that? Ah, the sweet sweet smell of rain and damp wood... Strong enough to cover any weird scents of blood from the human nose, aint it?" With a laugh, the rare beta pops her glossy lips. She then pauses, taking a deep inhale of the clean smell, free from the dirty humans before signaling for her subpack to drag the gagged male deeper into the woods, trailing after them and only stopping when they've arrived.

Standing there, Chungha reaches for her switchblade as well as her gun, one in each hand after clipping and loading her handgun. "Listen here. You were nice.. I liked you. Until you ed up. And because of that, I'm gonna play a game for you. You don't know these woods but I do.. You'll be in heavy disadvantage but- A chance is a chance, am i right?" As she speaks, the two wolves finally let go of the poor male, finally giving him some type of freedom and handling him straight over to the rare beta after a rough shove in the shoulder that should send the man to his knees.

"You ready for my game, sweety?.." Chungha purrs into the man's ear, the head of her gun tipping the man's head and forcing him to look at her though that action was completely unnecessary since he's completely gagged and the bag was still over his head.

(Hope this is okay!! i'm moving slow lol i'm so sorry pls lmk if you want me to speed it up~)
w yibo β 3 years ago
@k chungha β [] You're amazing! & thanks for the extras, it helps!

Yibo had simply been skateboarding into town when he got caught up by two guys that looked like they could literally bench-press him. He'd told them they had the wrong dude. He'd told them his name, handed them his wallet, done everything he thought he could... Nothing seemed to sway them. So he ran, dropping his skateboard and his phone along the way somehow, but narrowly escaping - Or so he thought. He didn't wait quite long enough before peeking his head out and catching there attention. Needless to say, a single hit had stunned him long enough for them to tie him up and gag him, so now he couldn't plead his case at all.

Sliding a little bit as he was pushed into a vehicle, Yibo's muffled voice rang out against the gag - not that anything could be deciphered, just a bunch of disjointed syllables and the sounds of him sputtering over his own tongue. When he heard the plan for him though, his fight came back, feet kicking wildly until they connected with something - In this case, a seat.

That lovely little indiscretion earned him another elbow to the face, the act of which made his nose sting - he was pretty sure he could taste blood from it. What the was going on here? Yibo calmed down after that though - he worked with the public. He couldn't afford to take time off to have rhinoplasty, nor could he miss work to heal too much. He needed to be mostly unscathed when he left here... If he left here. Hopefully they'd take off the bag before they started cutting. He just knew that this was wrong on so many levels and he needed to convince them somehow, he was definitely the wrong guy.
k chungha β 3 years ago
@w yibo β It's been over a month since she last broke up with that ex of hers. She caught him cheating on her with some hoe from the streets, a from the lowest chain and it fuels her with anger. But, instead of disappearing from her sight as all her other exes have done after threatening their life, this stubborn man merely continued to bug her, sending her pathetic sob stories and sorry essays, stupid flowers that were cheaply arranged and fake bags that he claimed are real. Tired of his , Chungha decides it's time to end it all, once and for all. So she plans out a whole scheme. Grab the man, gag and bind him, drag him into the woods to teach him a lesson. With things planned out, she slides into the front passenger seat of the black car and told her men where he was supposed to be and how he looks like, making sure the plan was clear with them all before sending them off.

Half an hour later, her men come back with a man. They shove him into the back seat, forcing him to sit in the middle as the two men sit beside him, squeezing him into a small area. Satisfied, Chungha looks into the rearview mirror to look at the man.

"Listen here. I told you to leave me the alone and disappear from my life. Not only did you not listen, you decided to be pathetic and do all that . I warned you that if I see you again, I'm castrating you. You know I keep my promises... So guess what?" Chungha laughs as she signals her driver to go, allowing them to drive them into the woods. "You're getting neutered."

(I hope this is ok!! To clear up any confusion, Yibo's now gagged, hand tied behind his back, and there's a black bag on his head lol that way, chungha wouldn't know she got the wrong one.)
l donghyuck Ω 4 years ago
Donghyuck walked silently towards where he typically practiced shooting. Just a few targets that are set up in a fashion that tests his range and abilities. This one was different. He set up a target that looked like a human. Without the details. He patted his pistol, humming softly. "Let's see how we do today... Hm?" He mused to himself. He walked a normal distance to where he usually stands. He hummed softly and started shooting the target. Taking different angles and aiming for other spots. More than just the heart is fatal. Donghyuck is super sweet... Until you piss him off... You'll wish you never said or did what you did...
s yuqi β [A] 4 years ago
@j jeongguk β Nature had a therapeutic effect on Yuqi after a stressful week at the clinic. Noticing her busy schedule starting to take a toll on her health, the doctors and nurses urged her to take a break before anything bad happens. She was touched by their worry, and definitely glad that they convinced her to rest, otherwise she would probably have dropped dead already.

As she continued her stroll, Yuqi noticed someone collecting leaves some distance away. Tilting her head in curiosity, she approached the male who was busting himself, noticing something on his wrist every time he bent down to pick up a piece and the sleeve rode up. She suspected it to be a tattoo marking of some sort, though wasn’t sure what the pattern actually was.

“Hello there! Are you having a nice day?”
j jeongguk β 4 years ago
Jungkook was just minding his own business as he walked, the cold crisp air came upon him just like any other night, "Silence is golden." He loved it when it was quiet much different then when he was younger, his parents always fighting, leading him to become an orphan. It was moments like this that he treasured and had to keep in the back of his mind while he did his everyday work. With every step he took he felt more of the cold air surround him like a blanket that made him feel calm and tranquil, being careful not to step on any leaves so he wouldn't crack anything around him. Leaves were an important symbol to him as he left it on any of the dead bodies after he was "done" with them. Sighing to himself he picked some leaves up as his tattoo showing the number "76" showed slightly on his right wrist to the open and the cold air brushing on it, he rubbed the number that had been sloppily covered multiple times as the number changes day by day. "One day I will stop counting, but that day won't come for a while."


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evilgamegyu 3 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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