× cafe

for a fast eat, small but cozy place, sells cakes at the counter too. 
k seulgi β 4 years ago
@l taemin α "You - Games.. of course it's all just a game to you. Taking the lives of innocent humans just to enjoy yourself...right." Leaning back in her seat, she cocked her head to the side a bit. Dark curls tussling down her shoulder, landing with a gentle bounce. Seulgi sat silently. simply eyeing the man for a few seconds, ending her silence with a hum before nodding once. "You're right.. it's fun. It's been a while since I've had a challenge like you. This would be the perfect time to record our little conversation and get some incriminating evidence against you for the case. Enough evidence that could actually lead to an arrest - but, i'm off for the day. I'd like to just enjoy my coffee..alone."

She smiled, though there was nothing genuine about the simple action. Raising the mug by its handle, she brought it to her lips and took a sip, letting out a content 'ahh' afterwards. The beta was so close to just cuffing the man just for poking and prodding at her. She knew this was all just fun with him, no real intentions of giving himself away. Even if she had recorded this conversation, it would have led no where. So far he hadn't even spoke of the missing persons, nor the act that followed after. To anyone else it would have just sounded like a wrongly accused man flirting with the cop.

How bad did Seulgi want to reach across the table and gran the alpha by his throat, and just the mere thought brought a growl in her base of , faint enough to go unnoticed by the workers and those seated around them. Though just as fast as the growl started up, she snuffed it out, taking another sip of her coffee. "What about me makes me your favorite Mr.Lee? Is it because I'm a woman? I match the profile of your missing victims?" Seulgi shifted in her seat a bit, her free hand now settled comfortably on her lap, or what she hoped it looked like to the man in front of her.
k seulgi β 4 years ago
@c tzuyu Ω The sound of the woman storming out was music to Seulgi's tuned ears, humming contently as she situated herself in the seat. One leg crossed over the other, her eyes glanced over the menu above head. Though her attention quickly shifted towards the omega speaking, raising a brow at the words spoken. "Heated. And no need to thank me.. it's technically my job, whether or not it was called in.. or if i'm on duty or not. Gotta help those in need I guess. Though this one was more of a personal matter." She said with a bit of a jingle to her tone, raising her hands to her head to imitate that of wolf ears.

"You should stick up for yourself more. Don't let people like that walk all over you just because they think the customer is always right. You're a person too, which means you also deserve respect. If anything, spit in her drink next- " Her words then trailed off as she realized those around her could hear, and she had just spoke of her own occupation. " I mean- next time, don't allow yourself or your workers to serve someone like that. Kick them out."
h joshua α 4 years ago
@l taemin α Joshua knew things like this would happen, especially when he's working at places like this where complete strangers can walk in regardless of their status. But he especially picked one that many alphas would find to be too feminine and omega-y, whatever that means. However, that doesn't mean that alphas don't stop by. They're rare, once a week maybe, but they always leave quickly, uncomfortable with the number of omegas that are just sitting there and chatting away in the cafe.

He doesn't mind, he much rather that they don't come in at all but when they leave as soon as their orders are made, it makes him relax and can continue throughout the day. As an alpha himself, Joshua knew that not all alphas are bad but he has yet to meet one that doesn't make his skin crawl with fears. So when one of them waltz in like it's no big deal, orders a drink, and proceeds to sit down, it made him anxious.

The alpha's now fidgeting with his cups, fumbling around and trying not to mess up his current job of taking the order of the omega before him. He knows he's omitting pheromones of fear and it doesn't help that he didn't use his scent and pheromone blocker as meticulously as before. He woke up late this morning, hazardously spraying it on himself and running out the door.

His fear only heights as the other steps back into the line again and approaches him. So when the alpha before him opens his mouth, Joshua's now sweating buckets. His eyes are casted down, hands fidgeting with his nametag on his chest, hoping to block out his name before the other and giving himself a chance to relax.

"Yes?" he asks, grateful that his voice comes out rather smoothly and not as broken as he thought it would be. Perhaps, luck might still be on his side after all. "How may I help you?"
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β At the silence he was given, an awkward yet bitter smile spread on his face as he averted his gaze to observe the people on their path. It looks like he truly hasn't spoken about his first adoptive family before. They were amazing people and raised him well while he was in their care but they were human. Sehun didn't see them often because his monthly disappearances during the full moon would become suspicious and he couldn't put an entire race of wolves in danger. Besides, how would he explain it to the wolves he did know? He preferred his first family who were humans to an all wolf family that was wealthy - doesn't he sound ungrateful? It was messy to involve his human family with wolves and he knew that, maybe subconsciously that's why he never mentioned them. A lot of wolves are prideful in what they are and don't take kindly to humans but if they learned that he - a wolf himself - took humans as family more than fellow wolves, that's a problem waiting to happen.

Yibo's character was something he had full faith in and he knew he could trust him with this. His seconds of hesitation was for another reason - how would Yibo look at him after this? A discussion about the conflict between wolves and humans has never come up before. It's not like they deliberately avoided it but they were always surrounded by humans and it never arose in conversation either. Yibo had always been the one to share and today, he had been the one to speak the most - it was his turn to show his trust. "I'm adopted, my first family had two kids and they treated me well but sometimes things were a bit tight." Sehun began, instinctively tightening his grip on Yibo's hand when he paused and sighed quietly, glancing down at Vivi to find a reason to smile. "They raised me since I was around 6 or 7 to about 12. I got really sick one night with fever and body pains, eventually I was placed with another family - my current one." Sehun answered vaguely, still weary about his words because they were in public right now. It got the gist across hopefully - his first family were humans and when he got his first heat, he was placed into his all wolf family. "My sister is from my first family, I don't see them often and talking about it is complicated to say the least."

A terrible feeling welled up in the pit of his stomach, how must this look to Yibo? It wasn't distrust, he wanted to insist but there was no blunt way to speak about how he felt without going too far. Sehun had to choose his words carefully because their friendship was just starting again and talking about anything related to his family was ugly and complicated. "It's not easy to talk about this in public and there's a lot of underlying issues that aren't pleasant to listen to," He spoke carefully, a tight expression on his face as he debated how to go about this. Sehun sighed, deciding that's not the best way to explain things and shook his head before he looked at Yibo again with a firm expression. "I trust you," Sehun began again, wanting to make that clear first and foremost, squeezing his hand as he looked for the right words. "I truly do, I could tell you everything and not even flinch. It's just - a lot of time has passed since back then and now, my only concerns are my work, my current adoptive family, my friends, Vivi and you. That's it."

The friendship he has with Yibo was most important and by being as honest as possible, it was a step in the right direction - he hoped. Sehun exhaled softly relaxing his previously tense posture and his expression slowly softened, in some ways it was a relief to make think clear. Had they ever expressed the significance of their relationship verbally before? He wasn't sure but it was always implied, he thought quietly. The final thoughts that Yibo had about his event made him smile in amusement and nod. "Let me know if there's anything I can do, I want to help."

"Must you be so cruel?" Sehun complained softly with an embarrassed laugh, the touch to his cheek was tender but too sudden, definitely not helping in terms of his awful flush. He reached up with his free hand to hold Yibo's wrist and was going to pull his hand away but changed his mind, letting the wolf do as he pleased. His embarrassment was already exposed and there was nothing he could do to change that, compliments always made him uncomfortable but coming from Yibo, it just made him want to crawl in a hole and hide. Sehun would have admired Yibo's adorable expression to his compliment if it wasn't for the words that followed. The embarrassment didn't stop there apparently and the playful remark about his name made him sigh in exasperation. "I really can't say a word around you.." Sehun suddenly bent his head forward and leaned his forehead on the other wolf's shoulder, the flames on his cheeks and ears traveling further. He barely resisted the urge to hide away in the wolf's neck and instead stayed where he was, one hand intertwined with Yibo's and the other still holding his thin wrist in the air.

A familiar bark and pull at the hand he was holding reminded him of Vivi's presence and was silently relieved to find he was spared from this conversation. Sehun didn't say another word about their 'moment' and squeezed the hand still linked to his, his gaze turning to the white pup. He bit his lip and quelled the urge to laugh at how Yibo referred to them, instead reaching down to call Vivi over. "It's alright Vivi, I know." Sehun calmed the dog and nodded his head at the younger wolf, regaining his composure now that the moment was gone. "That's right, it's down the block. There are several paths we can take but I usually go down the left one because there's open space for Vivi to play." He explained, and nodded his head in the general direction as Vivi automatically took that path. The adorable dog was pampered too often that it would automatically go down that road, he rarely had the heart to say no. It has become a regular part of their walk ever since.

The glances in his direction told him everything he needed to know and he smiled warmly, squeezing his hand to reassure the wolf. "Vivi is a pretty intelligent dog and knows when not to bark, he only needs the occasional reminder." Sehun smiled, ready to defend his adorable white pup and not letting Yibo worry about his words. He continued to lead them down the path, the trees lined up on either side as people passed every now and again. "As long as you set him in your lap and pet him, he'll stay quiet and fall asleep even. We can watch a movie later if you aren't busy or too tired and you can find out for yourself." He invited casually, glancing with a small smile so the younger wolf doesn't worry too much about saying no. Sehun's already pretty satisfied with their outing so far and didn't want to pressure Yibo into staying longer.

[ What do you think about moving this to the woods maybe? I figure it's close enough to a park^^;; ]
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β Sehun's insight - rather than pushing him away, as Yibo expected of the 'rich' wolf - pulled him in more. It sounded like there was a lot more understanding of the perceived lower-class practices than he would have expected. It wasn't due to his influence either; flitting back through memories made Yibo sure he'd never brought Sehun around his family. He was always too embarrassed of them and their lower status, and by the time that he was comfortable enough with Sehun to make the attempt, they were gone. It was a shameful missed opportunity. He'd always enjoyed the thought that his parents would have loved Sehun. His father would have attempted talking business practices or politics, and his mother would have fawned over him being too thin for his shoulders. Such sweet memories of his parents and what could have been, blending together; their faces, their voices, how much they would have loved Sehun strictly because he was a wolf and a friend. They would have probably pushed for the pair to date... Yeah, he could have seen that happening as well. Needless to say, the surprise that had painted his eyes, widening them a little, was tempered by the sadness in his eyes and the bobbing of his Adam's apple, Yibo swallowing away such things. He shouldn't be sad now. He had too much to be happy for, like this afternoon. The warm hand holding his so kindly. The dog leading them through the streets. Sehun.

His thoughtful pause was only tempered further, Yibo falling into silence as Sehun mentioned a sister - had he mentioned a sister before? He couldn't recall if he had or not, but certainly not one who ran a catering business. That sounded like it would have been grounds for being disowned in the elder's very competitive and frankly arrogant-sounding (since he'd never met them) family. He couldn't help but cut the other male off. "You have a sister? Seriously? How do I not know this?" Of course, it was phrased with a joking tone, Yibo's shoulder bumping into Sehun's purposefully, but there was hurt beneath that. Did they really not know that much of one another? Or was he just oblivious this whole time to his friend?

While the information was helpful - and definitely something that the young beta would put to good use for his neighborhood cookout - it opened another can of worms. What did he and did he not know about Sehun? Today he seemed so different, but what if this was his real persona? Was he just like Yibo, only amplifying certain aspects of his personality around the other, and if so, why? He suddenly felt like the worst sort of friend, and second guessed everything about them. Should they be holding hands or standing so close; should he have invited himself to be a second 'daddy' to Vivi? Maybe this was too much for Sehun. Maybe *he* was too much and that's just why they never talked about these things. It brought a wave of concern flooding down Yibo's body, acting like a chill that coursed his body, making his thin fingers squeeze Sehun's. He'd have to work on that - being a better friend. There was no way they could be anything if they weren't even close as friends.

"Ah... Well, you are right about the rest of the stuff, though. I think if I sit down with my Manager, I should be able to iron out most of the details in a few hours. I'll just plan it like a family party, which leaves a lot open for others to chip in, and doesn't make the schedule too strict. I suppose the only thing I'll work on being strict about is what I can control... You know, food." He let loose a breathy laugh, his lips to soothe them, as they were drying out with all this talking. Yibo wasn't used to being so vocal on his days off, more the type to sit in silence and rest his jaw that worked so hard every other day... Kind of like Sehun with his hand warmers, Yibo's downtime was spent saving his precious tools for the next day's trials at work.

It was after this action that he looked at Sehun's brightly rosy cheeks, unable to help the smile that tugged his lips in the wake of laughter. He pulled them to a stop, looping the leash of the dog around his wrist, bringing his free hand up to rest it atop one cheek. "Silly, your hands are so warm, they'll never help your flush go down." He teased quietly, pressing his cool palm to one cheek, then the next, watching Sehun's reaction with genuine joy. He really was cute in his own right, sweet and boyish in ways that were unexpected. If the younger had known it could be so easy to make him blush with a simple compliment, he would have done it more often. Goodness knew Sehun was always dressed impeccably, looking so cool and chic without trying. Another laugh bubbled out of Yibo's chest, making him look away. He was definitely not used to the compliments either though, so if this turned into a cycle... It would probably end up with them just giggling together and blushing. Yibo kind of liked the sound of it, but the young man pushed the thought away, giving a squeeze to the hand that was still laced in with his own. "Don't you know, Yibo is Mandarin for 'Prince'?" He asked with a playful grin, deflecting the compliment so he wouldn't get too pink himself. As it was, he couldn't stop smiling, even as he bit down on his lip to try and stop himself. He couldn't even keep looking at the other beta, or else it felt like he might falter and actually get too close for their friendship now.

If this were a drama, the moment was there - it would be the part where the two main characters realize that they are in love with each other. There would be a confession, a kiss, surprise (though not really, since it was so heavily foreshadowed) all around, and then they'd go about their happy lives, suddenly a couple with no real worries. This, however, was not a drama, and as Yibo's hand came down from Sehun's cheek, about to rest on his chest, there was a sharp yank and a bark. Apparently they were taking too long for Vivi to wait, the bichon looking between the two men with it's head cocked; barking one more time to show his dismay with them. Quickly, Yibo stepped back, letting the leash handle fall from his wrist back down into his hand. "I'm sorry, baby. Daddies just needed to have a word with one another. We'll go on to the park now." Yibo's shoulders rolled as he looked at the other, his teeth caught up in the flesh of his lower lip still, expression outright shy now that they had shared this sort of 'moment'. "I, uh... We're close to the park, I'm assuming, since Vivi is suddenly so insistent..." He stated, halfway between asking and telling the other man, taking the first step to follow in the steps of the demanding little bichon. "Vivi, you silly boy... What are you going to do when Daddies want to watch a movie together? Will you bark through that as well?" Yibo was playing, of course, teasing the pup about the need to have all the attention of both men on himself, rather than each other, but he didn't quite filter his words enough, looking at Sehun to check if his words had fully registered or if he could take them back. Based on the way his companion's features flickered, though, Yibo left well enough alone, not wanting to dig himself into a deeper hole by trying to back-track now.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β The smooth pale hand wrapped by his own hand had remained in its place and gradually warmed up to his own temperature. It was an innocent gesture that quickly became sweet and intimate. It wasn't his intention to keep his hand there but Yibo had seemingly taken the first step this time and Sehun had to show that this level of affection was okay - more than okay! They were holding hands, he quietly realized, and they were so close together that their shoulders touched constantly - so, he smiled. His pink lips spread into a pleased expression as he resisted the urge to play with the man's fingers and instead focused on his voice. Sehun's eyes followed his white bichon, making sure he didn't stray too far and left Yibo to gather his thoughts.

The thoughtful yet serious behavior he could see as the younger wolf spoke made his chest squeeze painfully. How much of himself did Yibo suppress to keep him happy? Sehun knew that Yibo acted playful and joked around because it would make him laugh. But it didn't mean that Yibo couldn't be himself, not when he knew what the wolf was like during college. It was the part of Yibo that he knew best and missed more as the days passed but he didn't know how to tell him that. Yibo's intentions were always clear to him and if he wanted to behave a certain way then how could Sehun dare to complain? The way his eyes went distant but clear - lost in thought, the slight tilt in his lip and wrinkle in his brow indicated how serious of a matter this was to him. It was a side of Yibo he didn't see often but enjoyed all the same, the small quirks to this side that were awfully familiar and nostalgic. It stirred at something unspoken and hope began to fill his heart, maybe they were getting somewhere finally.

"The solstice is an important holiday for a lot of people, especially in small communities. Although it will be difficult to pull off with the limited time frame, it's not impossible." Sehun spoke thoughtfully, a small smile pulling at his lips as he remembered the few celebrations he experienced. It was a large dinner usually with extended family invited and everyone participated in making food, while the youngest kids were placed to play in the backyard with older kids watching them. The food was always delicious and the conversations at the table were loud but cheerful - very unlike the parties he had to participate in during his teenage years. The celebrations with his first adoptive family were very different from his second, one he enjoyed and the other was best forgotten. "All you need is good food and a nice atmosphere for people to enjoy it in. It's a lovely idea in my opinion - for your neighborhood to be able to spend it together is a sweet gesture." He decided with a nod, a small understanding smile on his face. "You want to thank the people that raised you and looked after you as a child. The circumstances might have been difficult but you spent those years happy and safe. That's more than a lot of children could ask for."

The first family that adopted him was a middle-class family with three kids to look after, including himself. Money was tight at times and he didn't get to go to the best school or get the best things. But he was still happy to be with them and didn't mind using hand-me-downs or sharing toys. Sehun knew the world they lived in wasn't easy after his years spent in the orphanage and matured quickly for a child. With this family, he got to spend a few years genuinely happy and looking forward to the next day. That's why he knew what Yibo wanted to do, it was the very same reason why he regularly gave money to his first family, helped his former siblings through college and visited occasionally. It never would have occured to Sehun that Yibo didn't know this about him - the early years of his life just never came up in conversation. It left him silent for a couple of seconds to realize that all Yibo knew was his life with his current family, who were wealthy and problematic. How could Yibo even consider becoming close to him when he came off as a rich kid?

As their fingers intertwined, Sehun lightly squeezed his hand and rubbed his hand with his thumb. How distant of a person was he - to not talk about the years when he was happy as a kid? He quietly listened to his thoughts, only interrupting when Vivi was walking too far or if strangers came too close. "A friend of mine, more of a sister actually, she's a professional chef and runs a catering business. For an event like this, I'm sure she wouldn't mind volunteering to help you cook and prep along with her staff that was available." Sehun smiled, tilting his head thoughtfully to the side and idly wondered how long it's been since he's personally met up with his former sister. The terrifying thought that she would use this opportunity to talk about his childhood days made him sigh, but he didn't mind, he trusted Yibo with that side of himself. "I've seen the events she works for and they definitely count as an army," He reassured with an amused smile, she was more of a tyrant with the staff being her subordinates in his opinion. "And you have my number already, I'm more than happy to lend a hand by cooking. Besides, there's no way in hell she won't use this opportunity to put a rich kid like me to work and order me around," He complained dryly but a laugh still escaped his lips showing how he didn't have an issue with it. If anything, she will only torture him for an hour or two before deciding he wasn't worth the effort because he wasn't the type to complain anyways.

"There really isn't a lot of help I can offer on that side of things. Once I put you in contact with my sister, she should have plenty of information for you. A catering business uses plenty of take-away containers for transportation and she can help you figure out a menu, along with the quantity of food you should get." He answered, tapping his thumb quietly against Yibo's hand as he considered the problems he was given. As much as Sehun wanted to offer money he knew that Yibo wouldn't accept it and didn't give that option another thought. "Maybe find some volunteers that would be interested, the offer of good food from a top notch restaurant can come a long way." A small grin on his face, there was no doubt in his mind that the restaurant Yibo helped run had amazing food. Although he didn't know much about this line of work, Sehun wanted to help where he could and thought for a second before speaking. "The advice I can offer is to prepare in advance and minimize the amount of work wherever possible, there would be less mistakes made and more wiggle room that way." A warm smile spread on his face that was lopsided because of his amusement, who knew that his work in a surgery room could work in this sense as well?

Immediately, a pink flush washed across his cheeks and ears as he looked away and touched his face with his free hand, trying to cool them off. The sudden switch in topic caught him off guard and the embarrassment that flooded his body at the compliment was too quick to suppress. Sehun hadn't even noticed the gaze on his face, too lost in thought from their conversation and trying to think of people he knew that could help. "I'm glad you think so but the closest I can get to a model is my height." He offered a shy smile as he composed himself. Naturally, his gaze fell on the younger wolf and quickly noticed the features that were much nicer than his own. The softer edges and elegant nose, paired with his beautiful smile and bright eyes - how could he compare? "Personally, I like your features better. You look more… noble?" Sehun slowly described, tilting his head as he tried to find the right words. A soft laugh leaving his lips once he did and smiled brightly, meeting the wolf's gaze to show he was serious. It took a second to regain his train of thought when he realized how close he was, Yibo's warm brown eyes and brilliant smile were suddenly all he could see and it took his breath away. "Like a prince actually - a handsome yet beautiful prince from a fairytale." He was being brave by saying this but it was the truth and he had no reason to hide that, he reasoned, especially not when he could see for himself how good looking the wolf actually is.
j hoseok α 4 years ago
@c tzuyu Ω It's a date then/gives you a playful wink in response/
Do you want to go this weekend, or another one?
It's up to you when you'd like to go
I am always free
/rests my chin in my hand, checking the time very briefly, seeing that my own break is nearly over/
Cole slaw is one of those things that really need to be made a certain way in order to taste good
Their's is great, and matched with the chicken is even better
/stands up from my seat and rests a hand on your head briefly, almost giving you a pat/
Tell me next time I come by when you wanna go
I have to get back to work, so I'll see you later, okay Tzuyu?

(You wanna move to the woods so they can take their hike uwu. Do a time skip)
l taemin α 4 years ago
@h joshua α There wasn't necessarily anything special about the cafe. It was just another cute little coffee shop on the streets he wandered coming too and from work. He had stopped in a time or two for a fix but it had never stood out to him in anyway; not until today.

It was a subtle scent, barely noticeable above the aroma of brewing coffee and freshly baked pastries. Likely it wouldn't have been noticeable to someone who wasn't so familiar with it. Taemin, however, was highly accustomed to the smell of fear and the traces of it he picked up when he grabbed his drink were easily more enticing than the latte he'd ordered.

Leaning against the drink counter he took a casual sip, letting his gaze travel over the baristas trying to pin point which one of them was giving off that scent. None of them necessarily looking nervous, but only one of them seemed to be refusing to look at him. He was a pretty thing, not generally Taemin's type but pretty nonetheless.

"Excuse me," he called, a pleasant smile on his face as he waited for the man to turn to look at him, wanting to see the name written on his name tag. He'd missed it when he was picking up his drink. He knew he probably shouldn't have been tempting fate with is own unstable instincts and moods but that delicious hint of fear was far too enticing for him to walk away.
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β The soft sounds of their steps and Vivi's little claws on the sidewalk was enough between them for Yibo; the swish of Sehun's coat against his thighs, his breathing, the pulse he could hear in his own ears. This sort of comfortable silence was never comfortable for long, but with it came a silent understanding as well. This was okay; they could be close without losing out to hormones, pheromones, or whatever other -mones there were to be messed with. They could just exist, together. Yibo's hand stayed with Sehun's, the ever-warm palm that had ghosted his skin too many times to count now finally where he wanted it to be: pressed right up to his. The other still had a leash wrapped comfortably about it but that was no issue. Even if Vivi pulled a little bit, he was still small enough that Yibo didn't have to do much to get him back in line. Cute, but bossy - This dog definitely suited the other beta.

Of course, Yibo knew the comfortable silence would be broken, but to have it broken so soon into their walk had him a little surprised, to say the least. Sehun was so talkative today. Normally it felt like pulling teeth to get him to open up, speak his mind, share things. Today, he wanted to lead the conversation, and it was a welcomed change. Yibo knew there was a lot hiding beneath the surface, so many additional layers to his friend that he wasn't yet close enough to know, but hopefully this new game would allow them to explore some of those things. He'd placed so much trust and faith in Sehun over the years... Of course, that only added to the feeling of weighing the surgeon down rather than lifting him up. Hopefully they could change that, and instead of adding to Sehun's growing list of concerns, Yibo could be a person he felt more comfortable sharing his own with. Even if the elder was choosing things for him to talk about, it was still a step in the right direction. He was taking charge of what they talked about and when, rather than Yibo stringing him along in a goofy, lighthearted manner.

This was also new territory to the younger - a side he didn't often get to share with Sehun, their visits always full of him joking and being playful to offset all the worry the other male held; the other beta was far too serious most of the time. Now, though, the younger got to be a little serious himself. Of course, he wouldn't shy away from being a little goofy here and there, but it was a relief to be himself, and not an exaggerated version thereof. His head wavered side to side, thinking about how to answer. The idea was really just that, an idea, but he knew it was going to happen eventually. Now he needed a date and that seemed like a lot of pressure. "I'll probably do it for the solstice, which doesn't give us much time, but I think it would be special since so many people celebrate already. My little neighborhood is so full of folksy people that I think the sentiment would go far with them." He peered over at Sehun for a moment, wanting a gauge of what the other thought of the plan thus far, since he was kind of pulling it out of thin air.

Part of him wanted Sehun to say that it was too close and there was no time to make magic happen that quickly, if he was completely honest. Yibo wasn't exactly ashamed of the neighborhood he grew up in, but knowing Sehun as well as he did... Well, he did worry about bringing him around. The area was old, worn in, and nearly historical in appearance, but the people there were genuine and kind. That's how Yibo was raised, and the atmosphere he knew. Sehun's life had been far different from that, in what Yibo understood: There weren't concerns about money, or electricity going out because the block's fuse panel was so old it got overloaded easily, or parties where everyone brought a little something because it had been a rough month and that was the only way to ensure everyone ate well. It was never outright poverty, but the young beta knew that it took someone from his neighborhood to understand his neighborhood. That's why he was so intent on giving back, of course. That and the many people who continued to support him and take care of him after his loss. Those people could never be thanked enough. Giving away a meal here and there would never kill his business, and was probably actually a reason it was so popular. Nobody was ever turned away, from the richest man to the poorest. Some called it bad business, and 'disgusting' to let unwashed, down-on-their-luck types into a place that served such wonderful food; Yibo would always say that's why it was called a family restaurant. Nobody turned their back on their families.

He took in a deep breath and let it out as a sigh, his eyes far away, but apparently tracking the dog, fingers slowly moving to entwine themselves in the elder's. "I was thinking of doing traditional dishes so that the grandmas and grandpas would really enjoy it, but I'm not sure if the cooks can handle that on a larger scale. I might end up giving up a few days with clients to make that happen." He was just thinking aloud now, airing out concerns and wrinkles in his plan. "If you know anybody that can cook or likes being in a kitchen, I'll gladly take their numbers. An army is probably what I'll need to feed the whole neighborhood." Luckily, once he announced this - probably later on today with a phone call to his dear manager - word of mouth would spread it quickly. In places like Yibo's little neighborhood, good news moved fast. He chuckled at the idea of an actual army, moving together to make meals and send them out, his head tilting towards the elder once more. If they were standing still, he'd be close to resting his cheek on the broad shoulder he'd admired from afar in the bedroom, but since they were walking, it was just a tilt, making the young man look like a curious pup.

"An army of cooks... If only. I also want to arrange deliveries to the people that can't make it out to celebrate with us. I'm sure Manger (X/insert name here) will gather all of that information for me, but that's another logistical problem to worry about. Then I'll need take-away containers, delivery runners, a packaging line. So many people will have to be involved, I'm not sure if they'll see the payoff in the work." He liked this, being able to be completely blunt and unapologetically himself when it came to how he ran a business. His people were always the first concern, whether it be workers or guests. Everything else was secondary or tertiary to that element. "If you know anything about streamlining production thanks to all of your operating room coordinations, feel free to jump in any time." Yibo brought the conversation back around, smiling at Sehun once more, his warm brown eyes lingering on the other male's handsome visage for a moment too long. So much for subtleties, he caught himself thinking, lips parting to apologize and then clamping back shut; only for the younger to laugh softly. "Sorry. I didn't realize how good looking you were with your hair messed up like this. You're practically a Givenchy model now."
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β After accepting the leash from the younger wolf, a kind smile formed on his lips as he spoke, "You can pick any of them - I don't mind." Sehun crouched down to confirm that Vivi's leash was secure and gave a few scratches. He observed Yibo's action, quietly smiling when he chose one of his favorite pairs and confirmed with only a glance that they did fit him well enough. "Let me know if they start bothering you, I'm sure we can figure something out." With an amused curl to the smile on his lips, Sehun obediently handed the leash to him after standing up straight. "Vivi, behave with Yibo." He gently reminded the bichon and chuckled when he met Yibo's gaze, already the younger wolf was so attentive to his pup. "At this rate, you really will need visitation rights." Sehun teased with a bright smile, creating a comfortable atmosphere once more. Not that he was complaining, if anything it would make it easier for the two of them to become close with his dog acting as an adorable buffer when necessary.

"I usually walk Vivi for around an hour or two?" Sehun answered thoughtfully, leading the way into the elevator and pressing the button for the ground floor. "The walk is around 30 minutes but I spend time playing with Vivi in a small clearing at the park or just let him run around." He explained, reaching over to scratch at the dog's head with a small smile. "But on days when I'm free like this, I spend most of my time outdoors with Vivi and read a book or something. If you get tired or bored, we can head back here then." Sehun laughed with a sheepish smile, he truly did pamper his dog. Given how busy he was on certain days, he liked to spoil his pet wherever he could and that included long walks or play time. He would often feel terrible for keeping his dog indoors for too long, especially when he was such an energetic and adorable breed.

Now that they were enclosed in the elevator, he was awfully aware of how strong his scent was on the younger wolf. The sweet scent lingering on Yibo's person fulfilled one of his greatest desires and yet it pained him. Sehun didn't know what to think - why would Yibo intentionally wrap himself in his scent? Not many wolves would take kindly to being covered in a scent that wasn't their own or their mate, so why now? Maybe it was a step to becoming close friends again but at the same time, they can't be too close either, not when it was something they both originally didn't want: a relationship. It was a foreign concept for the both of them in college and Sehun had related with that - his one-track mind always focused on his goals. Until, it wasn't anymore - not when he had Yibo by his side constantly and then, things became more complicated. Sehun had to deal with his adoptive family and their controlling ways and Yibo was dealing with his loss, it wasn't the right time. There was always something that held them back from that final step and five years later, it felt like there were a thousand steps between them.

He was content with his life and every once in a while he was happy. Sehun knew that and it was enough at first but getting his pet only made him aware of how distant he was from people and Yibo especially. The times he wanted to share the antics of his pet but held back so he could surprise him in the future reminded him of how he wanted to be close to Yibo again. Now, he was trying to bridge the gap between them and it seemed like Yibo was too. But it wasn't easy and sometimes scary; he knew that the delicate balance between them felt like it was fragile and he had to be patient. Was Yibo on the same page? He had no idea in all honesty.

A soft chime announced their arrival at the ground floor, Sehun stepped out of the elevator and felt both secretly relieved yet disappointed to not be surrounded by their combined scent. He waved at the man at the front desk with a smile and pushed the door open for the duo. He drew in a breath of fresh air and relaxed again, at least he wasn't wound up with tension anymore. "It's that way. I'm sure Vivi can lead us at this point but I'll make sure we stay in the right direction," Sehun chuckled, his intelligent dog already walking down their usual path.

A couple of people would always look back at the white ball of fluff, it wasn't a popular breed and especially since Vivi was young, it did look like a child's toy or plush. It made their walk interesting every time, he thought with an amused smile. Sehun was observing the people in their path when an arm wrapped around his, and it caught him by surprise, falling behind a step. He turned to look at the younger wolf, who was only an inch or two off from his own height and quickly hid his surprise, tilting his head with a curious smile on his face. The pout Yibo had on his face made his words sound petulant but adorable as well and a smile pulled at his own lips as he averted his gaze to stifle a laugh. Sehun pulled himself together lest he embarrass the younger man and turned back to nod, an understanding expression on his face. "Right, of course." He agreed easily with a content smile, joy clearly written in the way his eyes turned to crescents. "I don't mind," Sehun explained quietly in their usual vague manner but took the chance to squeeze the wolf's hand briefly to reassure him. He was more than happy in this position, it was closer than they were earlier after all and turned his gaze away to look after his dog again, hope filling his chest.

"You mentioned hosting the free meal event earlier, did you have the date set already?" Sehun asked quickly, noticing Yibo's strange behavior and trying to distract him with something else. It was a genuine question and an easy topic to talk about as well, it was better than talking about himself that's for sure. The issues with his family were more than enough to scare anyone away and it was something he deliberately avoided with Yibo. It always made him feel unappreciative for what he had and there were things he simply didn't want to share, not when Yibo admired him like this. "If there's anything I can help with, let me know. Other than showing up early and staying late to help - that's a given already." Sehun said with a bright grin, looking at the younger wolf to hear his thoughts on the matter.
[post deleted by owner]
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β The younger wolf was on cloud nine after Sehun had given him every blessing and sweet look he'd imagined in his mind, thoroughly enjoying the attentions lauded on him. All of the fears of his anxious mind were laid to rest, and everything seemed like sunshine and rainbows for now. Yibo was going to let his guard down a little bit at a time, without trying to expect too much. That seemed like the only way to allow himself to get closer to Sehun; one baby step at a time. Today was definitely more like a headfirst tumble into that territory, but hey, babies did that too. It still counted, since they were moving forward.

Sehun's bright answer to his wary question quelled some of the misgivings that were starting to rise up, but not all of them; just enough to give hope. "Mmn," he hummed, head nodding to the idea. It sounded very good, and as always, the elder thought of everything. Food, water, the dog, their shoes... It was hard to be apprehensive when Sehun was such a good planner. So Yibo took Vivi and held onto him, looking over the collection of shoes. It was definitely nothing like his own, but that was okay - As long as they weren't his precious Air Force Ones, he'd wear anything to go run around in the park. Waiting a beat, he took the leash from the elder's hand, carefully clipping it to Vivi's collar before he put the dog down, holding the leash out for his companion to take onto his hand. The younger beta took that time to select a pair of worn-in and comfortable looking Chucks, lacing them up and wiggling his toes. Just like everything else, they were a little bit too big; just enough to be comfortable and close enough to not be a tripping hazard. "Let's go!" He cheered, shutting the door and taking Vivi's leash back, more than willing to hold tight to the supposedly "rebellious" pup as they made their way into the hall, and then the elevator.

"How long do you usually walk him for?" Yibo asked sheepishly, scooping up the dog so they could ride the elevator down safely. It wasn't for any other reason than to see how long they'd be able to stay together. Even after the little trip to Sehun's apartment - and the promise of a return visit to gather up his things - he still wanted to drag this out as long as possible. Though... If they had to part ways at any point unexpectedly, Yibo could be fine with that, too. He could at least steal Sehun's shirt, and keep the elder's scent with him a little bit longer. He wondered what it would be like to wake up with this scent surrounding him, curious if it would give him the same fuzzy feelings he'd gotten in his apartment? It would be a private little experiment he'd have to try someday, if things kept going this well.

It had him thinking, though - they'd been this close in college, almost inseparable at some points. When had things changed? Had it been him initially to pull back? He couldn't even remember any more, since that time period when he'd withdrawn from everything came with the strong emotional blow of losing his parents. Things seemed like they'd get worse before they got better, and while he'd leaned on the elder, he didn't want to take too much. He knew he was being a burden. That was why it had started - to keep from being a bother to the wolf that helped him so much already. He'd never truly gotten over those feelings of being a weight, even now, wondering if this was asking too much, waiting to be cast aside. That's why Yibo acted the way he did: it was easier to pretend you were in control and withdraw before you got hurt. That left the question of now... Was he ready to stop seeing himself as an inconvenience?

Stepping out of the elevator, Yibo set Vivi down on the ground so they could walk freely outside, smiling as he was lead around by the four-legged fluffball. "Sehun, which direction are we headed? I don't know this side of town and don't want to get lost." He said softly, watching the dog run, then sniff, then move to the next spot, content to explore everything with his black button nose. Vivi looked like a toy, and Yibo could never get enough of that cute little face. He was careful to keep the pup away from the road, however, already an overprotective papa to the dog.

This whole afternoon had the younger beta feeling a little wild and reckless, still floating on that high cloud Sehun's approval gave him, and of course the embrace of another's scent, paired with an adorable pup at the end of his hand. All he needed now was Sehun to really make this a complete picture. Still overdressed, he thought, amused by the coat when the weather was nice enough, closing the distance between himself and the other beta. As casually as possible (if there was such a thing), Yibo sidled up to the elder, switching the hand the leash was in so he could wrap an arm around Sehun's elbow, keeping them a lot closer than they usually got. Without waiting for an argument or question, Yibo sheepishly looked sidelong at the other, his lower lip slightly pouted. "So I don't get lost," was his excuse, and a damn good one, he felt. He did mention he didn't know this side of town, right?

It seemed silly to make this a game, but it was all he knew - they knew, really. They already played the game of skirting around one another, they would just be doing the exact same thing, but opposite: rather than finding ways to push one another away, now the goal would be to find ways to bring them together. Vivi was a good start, as was being invited to the other's home. Now he'd have to make a similar move to keep the ball rolling. Yibo began to ponder on said move as they walked, careful to keep up with the elder beta's carefully metered steps and trying very hard not to look at him every other moment just to make sure this was okay, and would continue to be.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β The grin on the younger wolf's face spelled trouble but he didn't say a word, letting him have his fun. Sehun looked at the dog currently on his bed and he took a seat, pulling the animal into his lap, "Your other daddy will be back any second." He soothed the barking dog and waited patiently on the bed, politely keeping his gaze on the dog. "I know your other daddy is amazing but still, I raised you these past few weeks." Sehun complained, scratching the head of the dog until he settled down on his lap. "Looks like co-parenting will work well." He spoke thoughtfully with a pleased smile, he wouldn't have it any other way.

Yibo in clothing that he literally just wore, the small part of himself that was possessive couldn't be happier. The earlier flaw was that his fresh clothing only held a bit of his scent but this shirt had been on his body, and his scent was stronger. Sehun exhaled shakily, pushing any and all inappropriate thoughts away, refusing to acknowledge the light flush covering his cheeks. "You look amazing as always, Yibo." He didn't hesitate to answer with a sincere smile, thoughtfully looking at the man in his clothing. "You do pull it off much better, it looks casual," Sehun agreed, a light tone of complaint because when he wore the shirt, it was too formal. "Let me just fix one thing," He placed Vivi on the bed carefully, and stood in front of the other wolf, using both hands to fix the folded sleeves a little. "If you like my hair this way, then it's fine by me," Sehun chuckled lightly, it feels a little messy to him but it looked fairly natural, so he didn't really care. He didn't keep messing with his hair and let it be, reaching to fix the stray strands of hair on Yibo's face. He fixed his sleeves so fixing his hair wouldn't be that big of a stretch right?

After walking back to the bed and carrying his white ball of fluff once more, he returned to his side. A laugh leaving his lips at the comments and didn't let Yibo think for a second longer before speaking. "Yes, you look amazing and I look more casual now - we are both set," Sehun smiled warmly, stroking the other's hair unable to resist. It was all he could say without overstepping their boundaries. The length of the shirt complimented Yibo's slim figure and his dark hair contrasted nicely in comparison. Beautiful, gorgeous or handsome would work perfectly also but it was a bit too soon to say that. However, letting Yibo doubt his decision was something he couldn't allow and indulged himself just a little.

The uncertainty in the young wolf's tone instantly chilled him to the bone and made him freeze as the younger man turned away. Oh no, not again - not when they were so close already. Sehun had been too wrapped up in this quietly intimate behavior from them both and let his guard down too soon. He had to tread carefully to keep this casual and innocent, no more stray thoughts or touches. Because Sehun knew that voice, the kind of voice that refused his cautious invitations back when Yibo just got out of college and found a good job. By that time, they were both in a stable place in their lives but busy with little to no time for each other. He understood, of course he did but it hurt and dispelled any hopes he had for their future as friends even. They both took a step back from their friendship and maintained a distance ever since because it worked better than being rejected in favor of work. There was no way that he would allow their current trip to be a repeat of previous attempts. Sehun cared about Yibo too much to allow either of them to hurt each other again and hid his thoughts of hope or concern for their future.

"I packed everything we need already into a bag and all we need is Vivi's leash. I already packed a couple of snacks in case we get hungry." Sehun explained with a small excited smile, more than ready to put their little outing on the right track. The stop at his home had opened up a can of worms that he didn't dare think about - it was tempting yet painful because it couldn't be, not now. "Come on, let's pick out shoes and we can go." Sehun walked to the doorway, the bag on his shoulder and reached to pull the man by his wrist but hesitated and instead clapped his shoulder, indicating for him to follow. Vivi excitedly barked in his arms making him laugh and held out his dog to the younger wolf. "Hold Vivi while I put on my shoes. He will run and hide if you let him go - he's in the rebellious phase, it seems." He explained with a fond smile trying to lift the mood, scratching at the cute dog's head. He opened the doors in that hallway and his collection of dress shoes and casual shoes were organized in separate sections. He pulled out a pair of Vans for himself and put them, neatly tying the laces. He put on his grey coat again and took the leash off the hook from the wall, asking with a smile. "I was thinking of going to the park nearby? It's nice and there should be plenty of places to sit if Vivi gets tired."
c tzuyu Ω 4 years ago
@j hoseok α /nodding a little bit/
Mmmm... Yeah... That sounds like fun~
/giving a small wave to some of the people walking into the cafe/
Yeah~ I get what you mean. I'm all for it~
/humming softly, eating a bit more food/
Oh? I've never really been a fan of cole slaw but I'm always one to try things~
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β That sentence lingered in Yibo's mind - 'I'm going out with you - why wouldn't I need to dress up a little?'. What did that mean? Was he like a mate? Or... Just another junior he had to stay 'professional' around? It pestered him as he waited, all changed but still wearing just his undershirt. He had wanted a specific shirt that he couldn't have quite yet, but Yibo was willing to wait for it. He took the pup and brought Vivi up to give kisses, booping noses with him. "My little cutie. Just wait, Daddy is almost ready." He promised, as though Vivi's little yips and growls had anything to do with Sehun changing once again.

The younger beta couldn't help but sneak a peek at Sehun while he switched shirts out - it's not like he could see anything save for a sliver of torso and broad shoulders anyways, so what was the harm? Well, it was in the way his entire body heated like he'd just stepped into a sauna, and the way he had to set Vivi down before he squished the dog, hugging him tightly. He probably shouldn't have looked, but that ship had set sail and Yibo could only wear a star struck smile when Sehun made himself available again. "Almost." Was the only answer he gave, grinning ear to ear as he ducked back into the closet, plucking the very same shirt Sehun had just been wearing off the hanger and rolling the sleeves up one more time; letting it hang loose and open over the plain white shirt he'd been wearing all day. Sure, there had been other button downs, but they didn't smell quite as good. He was fully immersed in the other beta's scent and it was... nice.

Emerging from the closet a second time, he went back to Sehun with a bright smile, obviously seeking approval in his choice of outfit. "Sorry, but I make this look better than you do... Oh, and your hair looks good messy. Like you... just woke up, but put effort into looking that way. Does that make sense?" Yibo's nose scrunched up playfully, hoping the smile looked good enough that Sehun wouldn't notice his fingers wiggling, itching to run through his hair and make it even wilder. He kind of liked seeing the elder male in some semblance of disarray; it made him feel like a bad influence in a good way. Like Sehun would actually loosen up a bit when he was around.

He tilted his head, lips still curled up ever so slightly, watching the other male and his dog. They were cute. This felt... Nice. Domestic, even though Yibo doubted he'd ever have the propensity for such things. "I'm glad I picked a good shirt for you... And myself, of course." He tried to sound smug, or teasing, anything but the ball of nerves he felt at this moment. Part of him wanted to sit back down on the bed and say forget the walk, let's just lay here. Another part wished that he could go back to just five minutes ago and actually dare to touch Sehun's bare chest, kiss his shoulders, rest his cheek on the other's warm, honeyed skin. His daydreams were really getting out of control, weren't they? "Well... we're both ready now... maybe we should get going?" He asked, this time a little more uncertain, as if waiting for the elder to pick one of his daydreams out from the looks on his face. Even though he didn't really want to, Yibo took the first steps back towards the living room, brushing his hair back from his forehead with a low sigh. This was probably a terrible idea, given how close they were getting quite suddenly.

He thought about calling it off, making some excuse or another to leave right now so he didn't get his feelings hurt or feed the growing disappointment he felt whenever Sehun parted ways with him or stopped texting back before their conversations were over. It was on the forefront of his mind and the tip of his tongue, but Yibo just couldn't bring himself to actually vocalize it. Even if it meant being hurt later on, he wanted something like this to happen for a long time now, so he didn't say anything; simply folding up his sweater to occupy his busy mind with something simple and mundane while the elder gathered what they'd need to head out.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β This entire time, there were sweet words the younger wolf spoke to his dog reaching his ears and he couldn't help but flush lightly, a light pink washing across his cheeks and ears. Co-parents? Daddies? Yibo knew how to embarrass him even when he wasn't in the room, and in this case, he didn't mind. It was a sweet idea that they would both raise this pup as if it were their child. It crossed his mind more time than he would like to admit and he would happily allow the arrangement, but it was unclear if the younger man was joking. The love that Yibo had for dogs would definitely work towards his goal of bringing them closer. All of their cafe "dates" had become shorter and shorter and Sehun won't even consider the thought of being even more distant from Yibo, so this was the best remedy. By spending more time with him, his thoughts and actions began to hover and even push their invisible barrier. To touch his hair, cheek or hand - it was too tempting and his hand itched at the thought. Most of all, he didn't dare speak freely - he was a straightforward person and this careful dance around an unspoken topic wasn't him but if it meant keeping Yibo by his side a little longer, then he will.

After folding up his sleeves, he saw Yibo with his messy hair and a light flush from playing with his energetic dog probably. It made him laugh as a warm smile spread on his face, his hands curled into fists and resisted the urge to pull the younger man closer, then fixing his hair himself. Sehun pulled out his thoughts when his outfit was brought up, "What's wrong with my outfit? It's casual." He asked, looking at the man with an amused expression as to how this conversation even started. "I'm going out with you - why wouldn't I need to dress up a little?" Sehun argued, they were spending time together for longer than one of their short meetings so might as well dress up. The touch to his chest was surprising yet intimate, he raised an eyebrow and sighed, giving in easily. He accepted his dog into his arms and lightly scratched the dog's head with a soft smile. "I'll wait then - take your time." He acquiesced easily, sending off the younger man with a laugh and stepping into his kitchen to pack the necessary items for their walk. A number of outdoor toys, dog food and water, and some snacks for them as well, went into a bag.

A quietly pleased smile pulled at his lips when he was called, how nice would it be if this was everyday. Sehun carried his dog into the bedroom and stopped at the door to take in the sight of Yibo dressed in his clothes adorably and sitting on his bed. His own scent mingled with Yibo's sweet one and made his heart stop, he quietly exhaled to pull himself together. This was perfect - oh so perfect and he would do anything to make this an everyday occurrence. Sehun didn't dare linger too long lest he give himself away and placed his dog into the arms of the wolf. He paused to look at Yibo a little longer, no doubt in his mind that this man was beautiful in anything and smiled happily, "You look great Yibo. I can't even tell they are my clothes anymore." He swallowed thickly and turned his head away, picking up the black shirt before he walked into his closet. "Wait here, I'll get changed." He didn't bother to shut the door, distracted by his own thoughts of the young man still on his bed and ed his shirt. He placed it on the empty hanger and put it away, before pulling on the black shirt, running his fingers through his undoubtedly messy hair.

"Are you satisfied?" Sehun asked, walking back into his bedroom and stood in front of the younger wolf, presenting himself with a bright grin. "Ignore the hair, I know it's messy. I'm not like you with constantly perfect hair - must be the advantages of having it longer." He needed something else to focus on or else all he will think about is Yibo in his clothes and in his bedroom. "You did pick the right shirt though - I usually wear this when I go for a run or walk Vivi in the morning." Sehun idly commented, reaching forward to pet his dog and smiling with amusement at the adorable pair. He bit his lip to prevent any further comment, the urge to ramble again because of this tempting situation on the tip of his tongue.
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β "I'll have you know, my hugs are the *best* you will ever find." Yibo challenged the remark about Vivi leaving his actual owner so easily with something that was almost taunting to Sehun: 'Come find out for yourself' was definitely the subtext there, but he knew better than to say those words aloud. Continuing to fawn over the pup, the younger male was all smiles, the color on his cheeks fading down to a dull rose across the top of his nose and high on his cheekbones. This was heavenly. If only he could raise a puppy of his own - Much like Sehun, he didn't think there would be time for such a thing, but certainly, if the other beta could find time to do it, he could too. For now though, he'd settle for this. He got to spend time working on his relationship with his friend, and playing with Vivi. It was a win all the way around.

Caught off guard by the sudden touching of his hair - hands so gentle that he couldn't have been sure if they were actually there with his eyes closed - Yibo let loose a low, soft laugh. He was really unable to say much, his voice trapped in his throat as he longed to nuzzle Sehun's strong, valuable palm. He could imagine kissing those hands as a sign of affection, Sehun allowing it as a promise of the trust they had. Oh, daydreams... Yibo had to take a moment of thought before retorting; the younger wolf putting the dog him down on the ground, searching out one of the many plush toys that the bichon had scattered about. Just like that, Yibo was a child again, on hands and knees to play with the pup; nothing but smiles and bubbling, happy sounds in his throat. "Mm, you won't be a third wheel. You'll just be Vivi's other daddy. I did say *co*-parent, after all." Yibo stressed the "co-" prefix as he tossed a toy across the living room, laying down flat on his stomach to await the dog's return and grinning up at Sehun. "We'll be in this together." His smile was cut off by the dog running back to him, a slobbery plush toy being pressed right against Yibo's smile. He choked briefly, sputtering in surprise before he chuckled and threw the toy again. "Go change, hyung. I'll be here."

Just like that, the matter was settled; his heart was still rattling off-beat in his chest though. Being so close was definitely more of a challenge than he had given credence to. The young beta forced himself to think of other things, focusing on Vivi and their little game of catch while Sehun changed. He playfully called to the pup, laughing and cheering and generally having fun as he layered on praises and affections. It was clear he was smitten, even just from the sweet din that arose in the living room. He didn't think about what the other might hear, however, and he definitely said something about Vivi having 'two daddies now that love you both very much'. Of course, it was all just sweet talk that he didn't expect to catch anyone's ears.

By the time Sehun arrived back in the living room, still looking stiff as ever, Yibo had taken off the chunky knit sweater and was wearing a much more fitted plain white shirt to pair against the jeans that hugged his every curve. He got up from the floor, hair mussed and cheeks warm, scooping up Vivi in the process with a shake of his head. There were much more pressing issues than a drink at hand. "Sehun... Don't you own a plain t-shirt? We're going for a walk, not to meet your mate." Yibo chided playfully, coming up and pressing a palm to the other's chest, digits idly playing with a button. "There's no need to be so dressed up if it's just the three of us." He offered a smile to soothe those words, handing Vivi over to his rightful owner. "I'll find something more suitable for you, just you wait." He nodded, exchanging places with the elder and heading into his bedroom.

Yibo took playing in the other's closet as a personal challenge, and it was twofold. First - Resisting the urge to bury himself in all of Sehun's clothing. That was hard, given the scent that he'd been hit with when he first walked in was ten times stronger in here, probably thanks to the bedsheets. It left him pleasantly lightheaded once more, making the task at hand just a little more difficult. Second - and what he had to focus on - was finding clothes that said "I know how to relax," rather than, "I'm obviously a stick in the mud." Yibo took this very personally, wanting to make sure Sehun took this afternoon out and about as serious as any one if his surgeries. He went through the closet from one end to the other, pulling out a pair of jeans with a dark wash for himself, and finally finding a few plain t-shirts in the back of the closet. The younger male selected a black v-neck, and set that aside for Sehun. He changed up quickly, folding his own pants and laying them on a corner of the bed, cuffing the new jeans that were just barely too long. "Sehun, come here, please." He called out, sitting down next to his jeans and waiting for the other to heed his call.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β "It was still brave of you to take over the restaurant and spend time to make sure it was run well. You contributed plenty." Sehun argued with a light frown, catching the wrist that insisted on patting his shoulder and used his free hand to squeeze those cold pale fingers. "You probably spent way too many late nights working on both jobs, so don't overwork yourself." He reminded the younger man as he gently put his hand down before putting his own hands away. The cold touch lingered on his fingers even with the heat engulfing them the second they entered his pocket, it was a pleasant feeling. "Fine, fine! But don't you dare un-invite me or else I'll make sure to withhold Vivi," Sehun shamelessly threatened back, chuckling as he was nudged once more and returned it with his elbow.

The surprising suggestion for dinner almost made him stop right in his tracks but the instant curl on his lips and his excited gaze spoke for themselves. "Dinner it is then. I'll look for a nice restaurant and make a reservation," Sehun agreed with a casual tone, deliberately not making a big deal out of it so he didn't panic Yibo into saying an excuse again. The fluttering in his chest and the flash of heat on the tips of his ears were his only show of surprise, caused by the intimate nature that this congratulatory dinner could be. After all these years of going no further than a short meeting at a cafe, this was a huge step up towards their relationship becoming less distant. It made him excited yet scared at the same time, but it was just a dinner to celebrate Yibo's success, he reminded himself and dropped the topic entirely.

Although he was adopted by a wealthy family, Sehun was well aware of his place as a spare from the start and the second he had money to feed himself, he paid them back in full. It never felt right to spend money, even his own and he was working on that. His home was the first time he spent a significant amount of money on, right after college because he was determined not to return and his home was in a good location and a decent size. By the time he was a full fledged surgeon, it didn't match up to the homes of his coworkers but he loved it all the same. Sehun was always on his own after distancing himself from his adoptive family and keeping only a few close friends, so he didn't mind his small home. Now with Yibo visiting, he wanted it to be nice enough for the other male, a timid feeling rising in his chest before he ruthlessly pushed away, refusing to think further on why he felt that way.

"Already finding a better embrace, I see.." Laughter left his lips as Vivi happily left his arms for the younger man's arms and placed a hand on Yibo's back briefly, nudging him further inside. Sehun took the time to hang up his coat and put away his shoes, following the pair further into the modern styled house. He lived in a tall building with one wall being made entirely of glass in the living room and he the lights to further brighten the room, revealing a minimalistic style that was now scattered with dog related items - toys, bowls, bed. The affection he had for his adorable bichon was truly on display now and he didn't even mind, the pet was too well behaved to say no to anyways.

Sehun took the other's coat and hung it up beside his own, laughing at the demands as he strolled back into the room. "I don't think I'll have much choice in the matter - a couple of seconds alone and already so attached?" He complained for both the adorable dog and the charming wolf to hear. The pair were on his couch and it looked so natural that he wanted time to stop, how nice it would be if this was every day. But for now, it was a start. "We'll need to discuss those terms asap, I refuse to be a third wheel." He stood beside Yibo on the couch to pet the dog's head briefly and he smiled, his eyes turning to crescents. "Vivi, behave well for Yibo." Sehun pulled his hand away and with an amused smile, he reached out to brush the younger man's fringe. In an equally affectionate yet teasing tone he said, "Yibo, don't you dare run off with my pet, I'll track you both down." He smiled teasingly, pulling his hand away to walk off into his bedroom, "I'll go change first. You are more than welcome to anything in the kitchen and you'll find Vivi's food there as well."

The bedroom was the same simple style with a large bed in the middle and a smaller dog bed beside it, a tall bookcase and other pieces of furniture that were all orderly and clean. A few small plants were scattered, trinkets that were most likely gifts and the odd photo frame of his friends and a single photo of his first adoptive family - not much else. After picking out a casual outfit, consisting of blue skinny jeans that weren't obnoxiously tight and a white button up shirt that was tucked into his pants. Sehun left his bedroom with the door open along with the closet and folded up his sleeve to his elbows, preferring it that way. "Yibo, I left the bedroom and closet door open for you, so you can pick out clothing. My shoes are all by the entrance, so you can pick those out after." He explained, looking at the younger man with a warm smile. "Do you want me to get you something to drink or did you find the kitchen yourself?"
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β Yibo knew that the other wouldn't understand the shoes, but it was something his mother had always told him; 'If you're going to get a pair, you better love them and make sure you can wear them every day. Shoes are expensive and should be taken care of." That's the only reason he ever wore name brand sneakers to match his department store brand jeans - They were going to be expensive so his parents had always insisted on quality to last him. He just took things a step further now that he could buy his own clothing and shoes. "As long as they aren't all dressy shoes like those, I think I can manage." The younger nodded, trying to think about it. Everything on his frame seemed just a tad bit smaller than Sehun; hopefully their shoes would be close in size as well. He'd hate to be swimming in a pair that was three sizes too big or something equally ridiculous.

Drawn to the over-excitement that Sehun seemed to offer in place of his good news, Yibo could only smile sheepishly, shaking his head. "Aiiiiii, you always say that! I barely do anything, you know the manager handles 98% of everything that goes on!" He playfully swatted Sehun's elbow - more of a fussy pat, honestly - and continued to die from blushing so hard he felt like his head might catch fire. He really was given too much credit. He just did all the back office work and the business ran itself. Yibo was lucky to have a very good manager who loved what they did, and loved honoring his parents - No surprise it was another one of the neighborhood kids, a few years Yibo's senior. "Yah, if you keep talking like that, I'll permanently un-invite you." Yibo threatened when Sehun made his adorable complaint, taking a step closer to nudge their shoulders together. When did he get to be so cute?

"You're too much, but I'll definitely let you know. I don't want anything fancy for celebrations, though! Really, just... Take me out to dinner or something like that." Well, there went that idea - Yibo finally admitting that he'd like it. Of course, Sehun could take it so many ways, seeing as this was for a celebration and nothing more... Right? Hopefully there wouldn't be too much dwelling on the idea. Straightening himself up from how close he'd gotten to the elder, Yibo looked up at the building with an awed expression. 'Not the fanciest' still felt much fancier than the little home Yibo had, and it was enough to make him wonder how much something like this cost - He probably couldn't afford it. Plus it always made him a little sad that Sehun felt the need to preface things about himself with monetary value. It was a layover from his childhood, the younger wolf knew, but Yibo hardly knew the whole story. It was still nice, and as long as he had a roof over his head... Well, who cared? Certainly not the younger beta.

The scent of fresh, crisp lemongrass, mixed with sultry sweet honey filled his nose the second he entered Sehun's apartment, carefully taking off his shoes and setting them on the rack, a little woozy and flushed from how heady Sehun's scent could be. Outside, it blended into the fresh, early summer days, but inside... It was overwhelming in the best way possible. Taking a few deep breaths, the younger tried to get accustomed to it as he saw the white floof jet across the floor towards them. "Oh, Vivi, my darling sweet boy..." He cooed, offering first a hand, then both his arms to take the pup once it was established that he was okay, and not likely to be bitten. It probably helped that he shared a similar note of sweetness in his pheromones when it came to easing the dog into his presence.

Promptly acting like he lived here with Sehun and Vivi, Yibo draped his jacket over the back of the sofa and sat down with Vivi on the couch, gently patting, petting, and generally baby-talking the bichon pup. "Sehunnie... I'm going to keep him, you have no idea!" The young beta cooed, pulling out his phone to take several pictures of just the dog, and then selfies of him with the pup. They'd get along well, he could already tell. "I am demanding visitation rights, co-parenting, everything, right now." He teased, looking up at the elder while Vivi laid across his body, the dog's front paws near his chest and his back legs atop Yibo's lap; the younger male's arm lovingly petting down the fluffy coat of the dog.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β It was a nice pair of clean white Nike shoes and that's about all he could see, but most likely, they are expensive since Yibo really does love famous brands. In comparison to his own plain work outfit, Yibo had a casual style that suited his usual preference and made him smile, it reminded him of their college days. "I figured that would be the case. You always did love your expensive shoes," Sehun said with a laugh and taking the chance to look at their pristine condition. "They look very nice, that's about all I can tell you. My shoe collection is nothing like it but hopefully you'll find something suitable." After noticing his extremely tight jeans, he figured that Yibo could probably use a new pair of pants and luckily their height difference wasn't too big. The idea of Yibo wearing his clothing made his heart race and flush a soft pink at his ears, but he deliberately ignored it. It did make him think of Yibo being covered in his scent and it was a dangerous line of thought that dyed his cheeks a little pink. Sehun coughed, and tried not to think about it further but a timid smile still appeared on his lips, knowing he had to reply. "That's fine by me, they may fit you a bit long but as long as you fold it, you should be fine." As they walked shoulder to shoulder, he kept the slow pace because he didn't live far anyways and was in no hurry to get there either. Sehun was pleased by this simple action - walking together became a luxury somehow, when during their college days it was a daily occurence. Although they tried not to, they did drift apart and it was painful to think about how close they once were in comparison to now.

"That's amazing! I'm glad it's been successful for you. I honestly don't know how you do it - running a business and then, still finding time to be devoted to your job." Sehun smiled just as brightly, happy to see his excitement and proud to see his hard work pay off. At the imaginary thought of the amount of work it must all be, he felt stressed and exhausted on his behalf. It was never anything Sehun could do but Yibo was talented and capable, so his success was really no surprise. It did remind him that he really did need to look after the younger man to make sure he didn't become overworked. "That's a lovely idea. I'm sure your parents would have loved it." Sehun smiled warmly, knowing how much his adoptive family meant to him and someone needed to tell him that they would be proud of all his effort.

"The betrayal! You haven't even met Vivi yet and already I'm being ignored." Sehun complained with an exaggerated frown, nudging the man with his elbow but found himself smiling rather quickly. He knew the man was joking but he didn't dare let the subject linger for too long, in case if the other man got the wrong idea. "Let me know the date and I'll take the day off. I'll come by and help you set up." He said seriously, looking at the younger man to meet his gaze and show he was sincere with his offer. He was always happy to spend more time with the younger man but in this case, he genuinely wanted to see his restaurant and help wherever he can. "I'll bring Vivi too, I'm sure he'll love the attention." Sehun laughed, pleased to see that Yibo was already fond of his pet and didn't mind one bit. "I'll even stay to help you clean up afterwards and we need to choose a day to celebrate your successful business too! I won't take no for an answer!" He looked away so Yibo doesn't have a chance to reject, already thinking about what he should bring for this kind of occasion and how they should celebrate later.

"This is my building. I like my home and it's not the fanciest building in the world but it's enough for me." Sehun smiled awkwardly with a shrug, he grew up not having much and wasting it on luxury never crossed his mind. It was a modern suite with enough room for himself and a dog, but not much else. He opened the door for the younger man before taking the elevator upstairs. "Make yourself at home, but brace yourself also!" After arriving at his front door, he unlocked it with barks already heard through the door and immediately, a white fluff ball rushed to his feet. Sehun chuckled, bending down to pick up the dog even if it wrinkled his clothes and bringing him to Yibo with an excited smile. "Yibo, this is Vivi and Vivi meet your lovely second caretaker, Yibo!"
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β Yibo was more than content to let the elder male ramble on. It kept him from having to say too much to fill the empty air, and that was just dandy by him. At least then he couldn't let any more words slip, or allow himself to sound slightly jealous and territorial over something as simple as a dog and whom Sehun chose to help raise it. He really couldn't believe himself sometimes, but it happened, so... It was best just to move on. The afternoon was nice, Sehun was more talkative than it seemed like he'd ever been, and they were going to pick up a dog to play with. This was literally paradise to the younger beta, yet he couldn't help but feel a little silly getting so excited over it.

There was definitely an extra bounce in his step as he walked alongside Sehun, mindfully comparing his skin-tight jeans, oversized cable-knit sweater, and pure white Nike Air Force 1s to the other's semi-professional attire - a tie and Sehun could go to a wedding, work, or a funeral. It was kind of scary how well dressed he was. Probably an every day thing for him - would he even have clothes that would be more suited for walking a dog? "You know I'm going to need at the very least a pair of shoes. No way am I getting these babies dirty." He smiled, nodding down at the white canvas, blank as fresh snow - and the way he wanted them to stay. "But if I can help myself to anything in your house, I might just have to take a look around and see if you have anything more comfortable than these jeans." He could have said a number of cheesy things, silly lines that ran through his mind like: "If I can have anything, does that include you?" Or "After today, I can really say I got into your pants!" These things made Yibo laugh to himself but they were definitely not thoughts to share. They crossed that invisible line that kept him from walking any closer or reaching out to hold onto Sehun's elbow playfully like he'd done in the past. The space between them was so small, but felt like miles the closer they were physically.

Beaming brightly, he nodded to the question of the family restaurant, a silent show of good news to come. "We're actually up a lot this quarter, which is great. I can afford to give everyone bonuses!" It made him excited to give back, like his parents always had. Money was never a goal in their world, just a necessary evil that they happened to have to live with. Plus, with his wages as an SLP, he really didn't need to take the profits from the restaurant. "I was thinking about hosting a free meal event so everyone in the neighborhood could come get a good meal without having to cook now that it's warming up. Not right away, but soon. Would you come by?" He asked the question with a hint of hesitation, not liking the public side of working in the restaurant. He needed a comforting presence there if he was going to do well, and right now, that was only Sehun. Or, maybe... "If you can't make it, I'll just take Vivi with me. He can be the restaurant's mascot for the day." Yibo looked over at Sehun with a playful grin, this one honest and not done just for the sake of making the elder feel better. The idea actually made him happy - Sehun coming to his restaurant event, bringing Vivi, them getting to share something special that wasn't a cup of coffee. Those were the sorts of memories that he wanted to hold dear when he thought about Sehun, not their purposeful-but-difficult dancing around the other to make sure everything stayed "friendly".
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β "I keep a couple on me at all times, Yibo. The head of my department never fails to give me extra and if I don't take care of my hands, where will I be?" Sehun laughed, as a surgeon, his hands are his livelihood and the second they even start to fail, so does he. "If you melt, then I'll know for sure that you're warm," He argued, a small grin on his face filled with mischief. He accepted back the hot pack either way and stuffed it into his coat pocket along with his hands to keep them warm. The silence was all Sehun needed to know that Yibo disagreed and he sighed silently, looking at his empty cup thoughtfully. "I help people at a critical point in their lives and maybe save them, yes but you are a constant companion for those who need you and that's even more amazing, don't you think?" His lips curling into another smile before he turned to look at the other after expressing his thoughts. A surgeon doesn't really interact with a patient for longer than the extent of the surgery and the people who aid them afterwards are far more valuable in his opinion.

"I have full faith in your capabilities." Sehun said in a serious tone that is common with doctors but the bright smile on his face after the fact might have lessened its effects. It was a given for Yibo to eventually become close to his dog after he told him the news, it never crossed his mind that he wouldn't be present. If anything, Sehun was prepared to convince the younger man because earlier was the perfect example that a dinner with just them two was too soon. "My patients just really liked the therapy dog at the hospital and I figured once Vivi is old enough, I'll have him trained as one." Sehun explained after noticing the slight edge but not addressing it in his usual straight forward manner and smiled quietly instead. Vivi was in fact a calm tempered dog, very sociable and looks similar to a toy, so it would work very well.

"Yes, I can be selfish sometimes. I'm not that great of a person," He said dryly, glancing at the younger man's antics with an amused tilt to his lips. Yibo never failed to make him react to his playful ways, whether with laughter or sarcasm but for Yibo to simply be there was enough for him. Sehun knew that the younger man wanted him to be happy and that was why he never restrained himself in front of him, he could laugh and joke freely. It was different from the way he was raised and even in his workplace, there were always expectations. But by Yibo's side, all he had to do was be himself. Now, if only Yibo could be the same and be himself, then this would be perfect. However, it was unlikely because there was too much left unsaid and ignored, until then, he can only hope. "Yes really. Now that I have a pet, I plan on being responsible for it by being present. So I cut back on my time at the clinic." Sehun explained and smiled in Yibo's direction thoughtfully. "I figured you wouldn't forgive me if I didn't take care of my dog and that includes spending time with my pet." He laughed at his excitement and stood as well, pulling on his own coat. As he adjusted his sleeves, he froze at the mention of a kiss and laughed it off, not willing to break the light mood. Sehun noticed the redness in the younger man's face and was pleased to see it wasn't him for a change. "I know what you meant, Yibo." He smiled, attempting to break up the awkwardness and patted his head, lingering for a second to touch his hair. "It's not a big deal, I don't mind." Sehun would have liked to say something less ambiguous but it was a risk and far too soon at the moment.

"I walked today, so it looks like you'll be taking your doctor's orders after all." Sehun shook his head with a teasing smile and tucked his hands into the pockets of a long grey coat. "I'll lead the way," He smiled and nodded in the general direction before setting off at a slow pace, not in a hurry when the weather was nice. "I was thinking that we could take Vivi for a walk, if that's alright with you? It's a nice day out and he likes to stick to a specific schedule anyways." Sehun laughed, his own habits rubbing off onto his pet. He was still in his more formal wear, a pair of black slacks, a plain white button up shirt, and dress shoes. "I should probably change though, this is my work clothes and I rather not ruin them. So we can head up, drop our things, and then go for that walk with Vivi." Sehun paused and looked at Yibo, who was always particular about his clothing and shoes. "If you want to borrow some of my clothes or shoes, I won't mind because I did spring this on you out of the blue. You are welcome to anything in my house, actually." He said in a warm tone and looked away with a quiet smile before he was tempted to say anything else that could potentially cause the younger man to give an excuse.

Ah, he was rambling earlier. Sehun felt nervous about this because they haven't spent actual time together outside of their cafe "dates" and now, they suddenly were. He couldn't even remember the last time Yibo went to his place and was relieved that his habit to clean was useful in this case. "Oh, I never got a chance to ask about the restaurant, is everything going well?" Asking a question to keep their conversation going after rambling for so long.
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β The soft praise brought heat to the younger's ears, flush dusting lightly over the bridge of his high nose as the rest of the act faded away, leaving only his secondhand embarrassment from how hard Sehun was laughing. A few sets of eyes looked at them and it only made Yibo even more self-conscious. He kept his head down, demure until the other calmed down, hardly needing any more encouragement for the color that painted his features. Even just that small pat, those few words... In a different setting, a different time... It was enough to make him want to sigh, instead settling for blowing the air out of his lungs as a puff designed to shift his long hair out of his eyes. He really wanted to challenge that talk of walking, like it was so easy without daylight hours or motivation: 'I'd walk if you walked with me' sounded far too forward though. Definitely not something that he should say to Sehun.

Yibo's brows creased slightly at the sight of a second pack - where did this man have them all hidden at? "If you keep giving me hot packs, you're not going to have any left for yourself, Sehun-ah." He sighed, pushing this one back with an equally kind smile. Take care of yourself first, his gaze implored, though his lips didn't quite say that. "I might melt if you make me any warmer." Yibo assured, both hands settling in his lap to cradle the one hot pack he already held, fingers hidden as they fiddled with the small packet, lips remaining slightly curled. His smile was genuine, but embarrassed; he could never put himself on such a high pedestal. Sehun saved lives. Yibo just helped people speak again. They were worlds apart, and there was no doubt in his mind which was more important; still, it flattered him to no end that Sehun thought so highly of his vocation.

The pinch at his cheek made Yibo perk up, unintentionally having gotten lost in his own thoughts, his hand coming up to rub the spot Sehun's fingers had been in, laughing softly. "You don't need two teenage girls when you have a twenty-two year old right in front of you that happens to be the world's best dog-sitter." Though the words were meant to be playful, there was a slight edge to them, wanting to keep Vivi between himself and Sehun. Was that asking a lot? Maybe - But it wasn't like he asked for much the rest of the time. Tea for himself, and coffee for the elder. A text here and there whenever he had time. He tried to keep things relaxed, as much as he wanted to ask more and generally be around more. Maybe Vivi could be the chance to do everything that he wanted... If Sehun would allow it. There was still their invisible maginot line to hold - he'd forgotten who started it, and who kept it up, but it always kept them separated by a hair's breadth more than was agreeable. They did it both to each other, he was sure, but why... He couldn't honestly remember right now, the opportunity looking him in the face too much to deny.

"Selfish? You? Be still my heart, I didn't know you had that setting!" Back to joking, no more moping or getting caught up in his own mind, lest Sehun catch on and think something was wrong. Yibo set aside his now finished glass, pulling up a sleeve to check the time after handing the mobile phone back to Sehun - It hadn't even been an hour. This had to be a new record for shortest date ever. He looked up, ready to say his goodbyes and make promises for next time (even though they both knew it would be a repeat of this), when the last sentence caught him off guard. "Really... You're not going back to work?" Yibo was stupefied by the news; being a dog daddy really was changing Sehun in some unexpected ways. He bounced out of his chair with a bright smile - brighter than even his childish act - and took his coat from behind him on the back of the chair. "I wouldn't pass this up for the world. Oh Sehun, taking a full afternoon off and not running away the second he finishes his coffee... I could kiss you right now." It was obvious that last part was not meant to actually cross his lips, the younger beta looking up at Sehun to take in his reaction, wearing a sheepish smile. "I mean... You know what I meant." He shook his head, not even bothering to try and take it back now that it hung in the air between them like a fog, something wet and warm and awkward enough to earn the tint from cherry blossom pink to fire engine red along the shells of his ears. Thank goodness for long hair and the warmth of the afternoon sunlight; maybe those could be his saving graces.

"Uhm... Shall we head out? Did you drive or are we walking back to yours?" He continued to speak, hugging his coat across his flat stomach, thin frame buried behind the layers of heavy textiles, like he was trying to hide something. It was fashionable, he'd always argue, but in reality, Yibo dressed the way he did to ward off people wanting to talk to him. He'd learned through the years that if you looked unfashionable or frumpy enough, you'd get left alone. Same thing went for if it looked like you were wearing a mate's clothes - which was more the style that he went for these days; but now he was wondering if Sehun would think something was wrong when he caught sight of just how baggy the hoodie was on him. He'd have to make sure to take it off once they made it back to the elder's home, just so he could be sure that didn't happen.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β Why must he keep the conversation going? The reminder of the senior and junior relationship made Sehun want to frown because of what it implies. Yibo looked after him and acted playfully to keep him happy - he was well aware of that. Isn't that what a good junior would do? It was a constant concern in the back of his mind that maybe their friendship didn't mean as much. Sehun sighed quietly and eventually, he smiled softly, letting that conversation pass without another word. That was until he heard his curious comment. Now that's a thought, would he hop on the back of Yibo's bike? Despite his own reservations and fears, the answer was simple: yes. Sehun had no doubt in his mind that he would dare because it made Yibo happy and he trusted him to keep them safe. "You'd be surprised.." He said softly and glanced at the road again with a fond smile, the things he would do for this man had no bounds.

The truly childish behavior surprised him to the point of laughter, Sehun's face lighting up and his eyes turning into small crescents. "I can't - give me a second," he gasped with his face flushing from his laughter as he composed himself so he could play along. He didn't get to see this side of Yibo often, the sweet tone and cute face was his deadliest weapon because it was so out of character. The sugar coated words were the truth but with an additional element to make him smile. Of course Yibo never failed to make him happy and he hoped to do the same. "Yibo did very well," Sehun praised in a warm tone and with a joyful smile, reached up to rub the area he flicked with his thumb and patted his head briefly. His face and ears were tinged pink from his earlier bout of laughter but he was happy all the same. "All you need to do is go on regular walks and your health will be perfect." He hoped it would fix his pale complexion and make him happier because staying indoors will only worsen his health and mood.

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of yourself," Sehun instantly argued with a light frown, already digging out another packet for the younger man to use for his other hand. He held out his hand with the hot packet in it and smiled brightly, "Your health is most important and that includes your hands as well." He insisted quietly, Yibo's work was equally as important and there was no comparison, he worked with patients that had their own set of problems. It was admirable that he would choose this path and put an incredible amount of effort to succeed, it impressed him every time. "The work you do is just as important and amazing as my own, don't doubt that," a sincere tone in his voice and a proud smile on his face said what he didn't dare to say himself. He cared about Yibo, more than he could ever admit and was proud to be by his side this entire time.

"The name Vivi came with him already but I thought it was fitting and I couldn't come up with anything else myself." Sehun chuckled sheepishly and shrugged, he wasn't creative in that sense. "He prefers human food but I mix in dog food as well, it's healthier that way. He likes soft toys and bones but not squeaky ones," He laughed, remembering the funny day when his dog was frightened by the seemingly random squeaks. He had been itching to send Yibo a text and ask if this was normal but turned to a search engine and recorded it for Yibo to see eventually. Sehun was pulled out of his thoughts at the pause in Yibo's tone and he frowned to himself, understanding a bit of what he was thinking. "Hey, Yibo," He called and pinched the man's cheek to get his attention, hopefully stopping any further negative thoughts. "I wanted to surprise you today. I didn't tell you from the start because I wasn't sure if I would keep him but it's only been a couple of weeks and you didn't miss much of anything." Sehun promised, a bright smile on his face."I'll still need help from two teenage girls every now and again but now that I have you, I'm sure I'll raise my dog well." He laughed, shaking his head at his own words about depending on two young girls that weren't dog owners either.

"I would definitely recommend it but for now, let me be selfish and use your dog training prowess on Vivi only." Sehun teased with a bright smile, there was that thought that crossed his mind before. A dog they could raise together and it eventually became what convinced him to go out and buy a dog on a whim, splurging on the best dog supplies he could find in the process. Sehun accepted his phone back and smiled with excitement at the request he was looking for, but still finding himself hesitant to ask. In the end, he decided that being rejected twice in a day is not that much of a difference anyways. "I have the rest of the day off today, so if you're up for it, you can come over to meet him." Sehun asked with a small smile that wasn't too hopeful so he didn't pressure the younger man. But already he expected the usual excuse and braced himself for it, by folding his hands over each other on his lap, forming fists.
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β Yibo could see the sting his words had and hated it. That was never his intention, to see the other hurt, but Sehun was not very good at hiding things. The way his lips twitched, itching to frown or bitten together just a tad too tightly, the flick of a brow. His face was a book, and Yibo was well versed in the language. It was nothing. It had to be nothing. "And I am being an very good junior by not exposing my favorite senior to my bad habits. Goodness knows you'd never hop on the back of my bike to go into the city." Yibo tried to make it sound like that was the only problem with them meeting at a different time or place, not his frayed nerves or awkward disposition when it came to ideal types, crushes, and the like. He wanted what he could never have, and that was the truth - one that was best reserved from the exemplar of all Yibo's 'wants'.

Whining a bit with the flick to his forehead, Yibo used the cool pads of his fingers to soothe the sting that would never hurt as much as he played it up to - but only because Sehun was so careful of his hands. "Ouch-- Sehun *hyung*, I wasn't lying and don't need to..." His lips jutted outwards, cheeks puffed, trying to make light of the cool words with a pouty, childish act, going all out with his hands on his hips and a saccharine baby voice. "Yibo eats twice a day and sleeps at least six hours!" Of course, here he was again, playing the fool, but it was the truth: he was getting better about taking care of himself. Mostly because he didn't need to be another anxiety weighing on Sehun's mind. The same reason his motorcycle had been parked for the better part of a month. The silent things he did to try and make himself less of a burden. His smile faded down, from something playful to something simply content, and not quite reaching his eyes.

Those same eyes that blinked in surprise when he was pulled away from abruptly, and instead had a hot pack forced into his palm. He couldn't help but stare blankly at the way Sehun wrapped up his hand and held it lightly, breath catching in his throat and making his adam's apple bob a few times as he swallowed away the croak that threatened to jump into his voice at the kind act. "Silly... You're the one that needs strong, warm hands. My patients only care about my mouth making the right shapes." Of course he was going to downplay this as much as humanly possible, seeing as it nearly cost him his steadfast, joking facade, but he kept the hot pack anyways, hiding it - and the hand holding it - in his sweatshirt's sleeve. Was it weird to want to keep a disposable item? Because it felt weird, but he had the feeling it would stay in his pocket for a while after they parted ways, and long after it went cold.

"Vivi? Where did you come up with that name? Or did he already come with it? Does he have a favorite treat brand? What about toys? Ohhh, look at his little face..." Yibo outwardly fawned over the dog. Of course he was smitten with it from just a few photos and a video of the little bichon walking; he loved dogs more than he loved people. It also made him happy to hear that Sehun was being a good dog owner. Good dog owners were happier people, there were studies to prove this. It really did make him happy despite all the misgivings he may have had about being replaced by a four-legged little friend. "And you've had him for how many months without telling me? I would have asked to help, at least a walk here and there, or maybe taking him to the park to go play." Yibo's tone wavered, hanging somewhere between earnestly upset that he hadn't been told about such a big change in Sehun's lifestyle, and happy that he was enjoying the dog-dad life so much. "Ugh, seeing Vivi just makes me want a dog even more... I don't know how I'd manage though." He finally handed back the phone with a little frown, looking at Sehun. "You better tell me next time you take him out. I want to come with you and meet Vivi for myself."

Hopefully, that little doggie date would be sooner rather than later, Yibo caught himself thinking, another reason to spend more time together. Sure, he did help out at the restaurant some weekends, but really, he could make time if it was for a Sehun... 'and a dog,' he reminded himself, thinking about it silently. How could he already forget the centerpiece of the conversation at present? The answer was simple, really, sitting across from him and already done with his coffee. What more excuse did he have to keep them together for a little bit longer - Was there even one? Yibo knew that Sehun wouldn't take another cup, but he wished for some strange alternate universe where this date would last for the better part of the afternoon, not just the hour or so they'd usually spend. Wishful thinking on his part, of course, but it wasn't night time and there were no shooting stars to make his wishes come true. Instead, he simply wrapped his lips around his straw once more, finishing up the tea in his frosty glass.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β "Not the point..." He complained weakly, embarrassment leading him to look away and eventually, laugh at himself. Sehun rubbed his cheek with the back of his hand subtly to check if his face betrayed him with redness. Every meeting, he is somehow teased and left speechless, his pale skin doing him no favors in this aspect. Yibo has such thick skin that it's practically impenetrable when it comes to teasing, it's another loss for him. But it didn't end there, the rejection stung and when he took a sip to hide his lack of composure, the coffee was bitter. Right, an innocent dinner date was too personal and pushed the invisible boundary that kept them distant from each other. Sehun almost forgot their silent agreement to never go further than this and that /this/ is all they could ever have, now he has to clear the air. "I was being a good senior to an unhealthy junior, but you're right, we're both busy with everything. I'll just send you annoying text messages instead." It was enough to end the conversation and firmly draw the line between them again, fixing everything but nothing at the same time.

They were amazing friends and he wouldn't trade that for all the lives in this world - this realization was surprising at first but now, pointless. Sometimes he would be too honest and make mistakes like before, but Yibo - kind and caring Yibo, never failed to put him in his place. After setting down his now empty cup, Sehun pinched the bridge between his eyes at this man's dangerous hobbies and his own pains with the matter. "Don't even get me started on your motorcycle hobby - just stick to the skateboard and stay safe, please." The concern and fear that flooded Sehun's body instantaneously made him tense up before he forced himself to relax - the number of motorcycle accidents he has seen terrified him. But what right did he have to say no? It wasn't his place as a friend, only ever a friend, and so, he remained silent. The reminder that Yibo also enjoys this practice was unpleasant to say the least, a vague smile was forced onto his lips. Sehun sighed, rolling his eyes at the casual wink and reached out to lightly flick his forehead. "Why can't you just lie to me every once in a while? Honestly, eating and sleeping right is the only way to live long and be happy." Sehun idly complained, still keeping one hand on the faintly warm cup and the other in his pocket to keep them warm. A surgeon's hands is their entire life after all, keeping them at the right temperature at all times was common practice.

His job was difficult both physically and emotionally but those moments of happiness and compassion was all he needed to keep moving forward. Sehun spent all his time at work, with patients or by himself, so for those day-to-day struggles he was on his own. He didn't like to worry Yibo or be tempted by his kindness because it would make him believe in something more and inevitably ruin them. Sehun learned to never dwell on those bad days with patients and with years of practice, he would let go of all that grief to enjoy another day of life. This time, the reprieve from his somber mood was the soft words of admiration from his dear friend and the cool touch of an elegant hand. Both were too sudden that he lingered for a second too long before he finally eased the mood by laughing softly and pulling his hand away smoothly. "Your hands are cold," Sehun focused on that as a distraction and reached into his pocket for a hand warmer packet. He flipped Yibo's hand and placed the packet into his palm, he used his other hand to curl Yibo's fingers into a fist. He briefly wrapped both of his pale and constantly warm hands around the fist to ensure it was working, before he pulled away with an understanding smile. "The point of the story was the brave young girls, not me but thank you, regardless." Praise, as always, made him uncomfortable and more so from his closest friend but he didn't linger on those thoughts for too long either, it was an issue related to family that he hated to think about.

"It's a boy! I got him a couple of weeks ago now, I wanted to surprise you since I knew you would ask for a story." Sehun smiled brightly, already pulling his phone out to show off photos of his growing white bichon dog. He handed over his phone and leaned forward to observe Yibo's reaction, well aware of his fondness for dogs. "I hate to admit it, but those persistent girls were right, Vivi is an amazing dog." A pet was never an option for him but to get those stubborn girls off his back and the idle thought that Yibo liked dogs too, was enough for him to get one. "I took time off from the clinic to spend time with Vivi when he was young but now that he's older, I have a dog walker and a good dog care shop for my long days." Sehun explained with a shake of his head and a soft laugh at the concern on his face, he truly did like dogs. "Now, I don't spend as much time at the clinic as before so I can look after him properly and walk him. I developed better habits because of him." He laughed with a sheepish smile, who knew it would be a dog that would force him to abide by his own advice?
[post deleted by owner]
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β "Don't you remember, those are the exact characters you use to spell out 'Yibo'?" The younger male teased, fully engrossed in enjoying his time with Sehun. Things always fell right into place when they were together. It was nice, simple, and so very needed against his daily life. Well, always simple until Sehun mentioned doing something like a much less casual lunch- or dinner-date for their next established meeting. Those words never failed to make his mouth dry up, and his eyes shift to the side, trying to hide the sheepishness that washed over him in heavy waves. Those were the sorts of things that made him wonder what it would be like to have that question be asked in more than just a friendly manner - thoughts that were better left for awkward dreams when he did sleep. "You know you don't have to do that. I don't want to take up too much of your time - Just enough to know you're alive, happy, and healthy."

That was always the excuse to keep things at arm's length, not wanting to get too close out of fear or apprehension of what might be said or done to betray the friendship they'd worked so hard to cultivate. Yibo wasn't sure what would happen if he lost this, and he didn't want to find out. So instead, he made his focus on the tea in his hand, or the coffee in Sehun's for the time being until he could get his mind back on the proper track. "Better the skateboard than the motorcycle, right? As for the walks... Well, I won't make promises I don't intend to keep. Just be happy I'm eating and sleeping well, for the most part." The younger of the two flashed a cheeky wink to the elder, generally happy to be able to in this way. Nothing too deep, but still something entertaining. He wasn't always the best of class clowns, but he tried for the sake of the other beta - Sehun had more than enough stresses and pressures on him. It was his job, in these stolen hours of each other's month, to take care of Sehun and let him breathe.

Listening to the story was difficult, everything unsaid quite clear to Yibo. Those were some of his adult patients - car accidents. The people who had to learn to do everything again with a new, odd body; often talking was only part of the scope of Yibo's job. He helped them get up, sit down, quelled fears and apprehensions about life not going back to 'normal'. It was heartbreaking, and without thinking he reached across the table to lay a palm - chilly from his glass - atop Sehun's hand, his thumb gently rubbing at the webbing between the elder male's index finger and thumb. "You're a superhero..." He mumbled, awed as ever by the tale. Of course, it was sad, but like every rain cloud, there was a silver lining. Part of the girl's father got to live on in her new friend; they were basically family without even trying, and it sounded like things would only get better. There must have been more, knowing how many other organs were able to be harvested (eyes! they harvested eyes! or at least parts of them; that had disturbed Yibo and led to a series of nightmares about his eyes being stolen, rather than kidneys), and how many other lives must have been touched by one daughter's sacrifice, but the most important one was there. That was good enough for today.

"*And* you got a puppy out of this deal? I'm jealous! Where are the photos? Show me my new nephew or niece!" Yibo playfully pretended to be super into the idea, but truthfully, he wondered if the dog might take his place - A loyal companion that was uncomplicated and always around when Sehun wanted them there... Yeah, he could see that happening, in his own self-depreciating mind. He actually rather enjoyed dogs, but this also made him wonder how Sehun would take care of an animal when he was seemingly always working, and at such odd hours every day. "Will it get enough exercise?" He asked after a beat, looking at the other man with a bit of a frown. Yibo worried for both of them - That Sehun wouldn't have time for him, and that the dog wouldn't have a very fulfilled life if he couldn't get out and just be a dog.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β "You're too kind and stubborn," It was a complaint and yet - it wasn't. A bland smile on his face as he laughed at the familiar behavior, Sehun knew it was a lost cause from the very beginning but it was worth a shot anyways. His gaze turns down to the warm coffee with no milk and the right amount of sugar, a resigned smile hidden when he takes a sip. The coffee was perfect and this shop was his favorite - he loved the decor, location and the strong coffee smell in the air. But it was nothing in comparison to the company. "It's my turn next time - we'll go to a restaurant and I'll treat you to a meal." Yibo's behavior was of a well behaved junior to his perpetually tired senior and nothing else. He'll be a good senior and treat him well in return, the cup still in his hands to keep them warm with an amused tilt to his smile.

"You can't keep working all the time," Sehun scolded punctually, rolling his eyes at the bad habits and sometimes dangerous hobbies. Honestly, this man was worse than him and that say a lot when it comes from a surgeon, who spends their time in a high stress environment all day. "At least skateboarding takes you outdoors every once in a while but surely not enough." Although the fatigue wasn't obvious, Sehun had no doubt that Yibo spent late nights working and ignored his own body's signals to rest or eat on time. "Take a walk for half an hour minimum and go to the park to sit or read a book, you're getting too pale. Doctor's orders." He narrowed his eyes with concern but a practiced smile still twisted his lips. He didn't overstep the boundaries that existed silently between them, even if he was constantly worrying about the younger man despite a full schedule meant to prevent him.

"Let me think of a good one," Sehun tilted his head and looked down thoughtfully, laughing quietly as his eyes crinkled at the edges. The brightness in Yibo's eyes and the excited tone never failed to make him truly happy, taking a long sip to warm his throat in preparation for a short story that would please the younger man. The way Yibo looked at him wasn't unlike his patients or coworkers but it always managed to make his heart stop for a solid second and immediately, he felt better. Only Yibo knew the years of grueling effort he put into his career, it warmed his body to the very core and yet, it squeezed his chest painfully. Admiration was a powerful thing and it would explain away his accommodating behavior or thoughtful texts, nothing more than a good friend at the end of the day.

"There was a car accident with two passengers, a father on life support but brain dead and his teenage daughter, who was safe and sound." Sehun began quietly, he silently ran his thumb across the warm cup repeatedly and looked at the busy street. "My patient was a young girl with a severe heart disease, she was on the waitlist for a heart transplant for a while now." Not going into further detail to avoid making the story too depressing to hear, his finger stopping being the only show of discomfort. "The daughter was brave and kind - when she found out about my patient taking a turn for the worse, she signed the papers for her father's organs to be donated." His eyes became warm and a bright smile spread on his face, turning his head to Yibo to convey his happiness. "I performed the heart surgery and it was successful - the two girls are close friends now." The details were sparse and the ending was seemingly quick, but it was a difficult experience and painful for everyone. A laugh still managed to escape his lips at the reminder of the two childish girls, "I have a dog now because of them - they thought I needed the company."
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β "I don't know how many times I can tell you, I really don't mind." Yibo smiled, tone lilting playfully. "You like the atmosphere here anyways." Truthfully, it was just easier this way, he didn't get any funny ideas about their relationship if their meetings were purposefully casual. It could be easy to blur that line every once in a while when the younger got lonesome, so he did his best to stop those thoughts before they ever came to take up residence in his mind. He took up his iced tea and had a sip, then a second, humming and pressing his lips together. It was a habit he'd always had when thinking, unless he was working - then it was usually biting his tongue. Regardless, the dulcet tone should have been nothing new to the elder male sat across from him.

"Well, I could complain - but would you actually listen?" The beta teased lightheartedly, his features curling into a bright smile, eyes narrowing to match the sweet crescent of his tiers. "I'm kidding. There's nothing new going on with me - I still work too much and don't get out often enough. I've spent a fair bit of time skateboarding recently, since the weather's been nice, but other than that..." Yibo trailed off with a shrug, taking another drink from his straw and pausing a moment to allow Sehun to retort. He was sure there was going to be some sort of playful chiding for being so engrossed in work, or maybe the dangers of skateboarding - but nothing he hadn't heard before or come to welcome from the other.

"And yourself? Please tell me you have some exciting stories for me to live vicariously through you?" The younger male's eyes sparkled as he asked; loving the sort of heart-stopping drama that Sehun could go through in his career. Truthfully, he would have loved to be more like the other beta, but Yibo knew he couldn't handle any of that in the regular world - he was too much of an anxious person, prone to cracking under stress. Sehun was something of an idol to him in this way, giving him the chance to sit in awe of the sort of people that could be made through determination and sheer power of will. That and very, very skilled hands, in the case of Sehun. While Yibo was sympathetic to the sort of turmoil that sometimes occurred in the face of the elder's work, he still saw Sehun as being a sort of modern super hero in his own right; even more so when he thought about just what rode on Sehun's every move in an operating room.


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evilgamegyu 4 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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