× casino

ka-ching, ka-ching.
do you have the guts to bid a gamble? all the lipsticks and chateau that are colour of wine. don't lose your chips, they are your money. 
w jackson α 4 years ago
@c chanhee α [] issokei no pressure < 3

“Chanhee, what an adorable name, so you’re Korean?” he leaned back against the soft cushion as the liquor was starting to soothe and relax him. “that was rather personal” another chuckle escapes his damp lips, there was just a different vibe coming from the male near him, was that a scent of –‘alpha’ he took a mental note though he took a second whiff just to make sure that his nose wasn’t failing him. How could he only realize it when he’s been spending probably almost an hour with the latter? “Interesting” he mumbled under his breath.

“well you see…” Jackson started to explain further about the server from earlier, “I’m a huge fan of casinos, and the man before also has some sort of attachment with places like these so he chooses to work in them, it just so happens that in every casino we’d always see each other so- yknow we’ve learned each other’s preferences and boundaries.” Maybe there was a slight lie from that, he’d make sure that he always knew even just one person in casinos he’d go to… just in case there was trouble.

Giving his neck a few cracks he eyed the glass Chanhee was holding, making a mental bet on how many shots will the other make before passing out. Jackson leaned forward with a finger gesturing for the younger one to come close before whispering “are you a new breed or something? I can’t seem to figure out what kind of wolf you are…”
c chanhee α 4 years ago
@w jackson α [] oh no i didn't see this until now im soRRY also don't mind the length uvu

"Oh, oh no - don't apologize, now!", the younger rambled, shaking his head lightly upon releasing another soft bubble of laughter. First of all, the alpha in front of him was older. Secondly, he wasn't actually offended.
You could never just assume people would understand, although Chanhee was pretty sure that the other was emotionally skilled enough to tell what's sarcasm when he hears it and what's not.
"But thanks, I'm glad I dared to do it. You don't just see all too many men with pink hair."

In fact, it was something kind of unique, and once again, the young alpha felt a light boost of confidence - oh, lately, he's been receiving lots of compliments, one hell of a lot, actually.
His eyes had been stuck on the ice cubes in the other's drink for a few moments now, shuddering internally at the thought of how much they'd cool the drink down - he had sensitive teeth, very sensitive teeth so.
"Oh, no worries. I came with friends, but they left already", he replied, tilting his head to the side curiously.

Did he just see a weak spot there? The way the other now started to shift on his spot was a common indicator for an attempt to win some time to figure out a smart response - he could've been wrong, however, he wasn't a psychology major, an excellent one even, for no reason, after all. His response was pretty convincing, and he wasn't here to judge the other anyway. "Oh, does that mean he works here? Or... is my brain failing me right now?" To avoid getting a headache over this topic, he simply decided to shrug it off nonchalantly. "I'm sorry, I totally forgot - my name's Chanhee." His expression shifted when the other alpha poured him another drink as he already felt slightly light-headed - oh, he knew he shouldn't give in to the temptation, yet he did. It would've been rude of him to decline his generous offer. Immediately, he picked up the glass, figuring he probably wouldn't last all too long if this kept on like this.
w jackson α 4 years ago
@c chanhee α He’s one to quickly notice when someone’s being snarky, but this one made Jackson cackle his heart out, indeed the latter had a point. “sorry about that, it’s just really eye-catching, the luck would’ve just been because of you and you alone” flattery is one of his strong points, sometimes on his good days he’d go to the extent of humbling himself just to win over certain stubborn people. That rarely happens though. It hasn’t been 5minutes and he poured himself yet another shot.

Dropping a couple of ice cubes on his own glass, his attention was piqued at the way the latter’s face made a displeased expression once he downed the content of his own glass. That was enough to come to a conclusion – not a drinker. It was a cute sight, he rarely meets people who have very low alcohol tolerance or just really not a drinker in general. “cute” he was unable to voice out his thoughts although at this point he doesn’t really care whether he was heard or not. “by the way, did you come here alone? Or are you with someone? Ahh, that was rude of me, I’m only asking this now” he chuckled awkwardly, grabbing his moistening glass to chug another shot.

Jackson uncrossed his legs only to cross it again but with a different leg on top of the other, the younger one seemed to be a very good observant, he thought to himself. “well, let’s just say that we have different roles, it just so happens that his was behind the counter, does that make sense?” he comically wiggled his eyebrows, a hand lifting the bottle over to pour the other another drink. “also, your name? do I have to beg for it or something?”
c chanhee α 4 years ago
@w jackson α Chanhee couldn't keep his eyes off the auburn liquid in the glasses in front of him for quite a bit. 'How would it have that colour?', he wondered, his head tilting to the side absent-mindedly. It looked expensive. Then again, Chanhee didn't know the slightest bit about alcohol, except for the basics - there's a lot less alcohol in beer than there is in whiskey, for example. And if he had a good day, he could differentiate between different kinds of beer.

Chanhee wasn't too used to seeing this side of the world, he wasn't used to being in fancy places, and for sure, he wasn't used to blending in with these kinds of places. Well, he obviously didn't blend in all too well, otherwise, Jackson wouldn't have known Chanhee wasn't a gambler right away. The younger alpha's gaze shifted over to the other once he spoke again, his fingers now drumming on the glass rhythmically, unsure as to whether to raise it just yet, or, more like, what to do with it at all. "My hair, you say? Now if i was to dye it black, would your luck leave you, with that logic?" There was feigned worry within his questioning tone, however, his comment had managed to make him chuckle under his breath.

Watching the other raise his glass called some panic in Chanhee, and he was quick to mirror his actions, the bitter sweetness melting on his tongue causing him to swallow lightly as it lingered on his lips. "An old friend, you say", he then continued, nodding slowly, "and even though you meet so often, you don't end up hanging out together?", he asked, raising a brow in curiosity.
w jackson α 4 years ago
@c chanhee α The server that has been serving Jackson came back with a bottle of his favorite drink, Whiskey Bourbon, a go-to liquor whenever he is sad, alone, happy and or celebrating. After he slid a couple of bills for the attendant's service, he crossed his leg over the other, leaning forward to pour himself and the younger male in front of him a fair amount of the alcohol, unsure if the latter was a drinker or not.

Jackson shook his head, although he loved being praised and such he tries to work on not appearing too overbearing and cocky. He tried to be as polite as possible, was it working? He has yet to find out. “I’m not a champion per se” he countered the other’s claim as he reached to hand him his glass “let’s just say I was extremely lucky tonight. Maybe because of you and your adorable hair” what was it with the hair talk? Jackson couldn’t seem to let go of how… pink the other’s hair was.

He took a full swig of the shot he had just poured, “now that you know my name, may I ask what yours is?” angling his body to face the latter’s direction, he maintained eye contact, eyes crinkled at the corners as he flashed a warm smile at him. “Interesting” he spoke whilst bobbing his head. “ahh that? He was an old friend from a different patron, we often see each other in similar places and this was just a pure coincidence actually.”
c chanhee α 4 years ago
@w jackson α The snap of his fingers felt nearly a little too epic to the younger alpha. He figured he seemed to have his connections. Chanhee may not know much about the casino, but he for sure could make the connection that maybe you shouldn't let another man alone with /your/ prize for all too long.
"Actually", Chanhee started off his response, still in awe just how planned out and thought through the scene from just now had played out, "yeah, I was wondering why me."

Keeping his voice mellow for the time being, he was truly intrigued, and to his own surprise, he didn't worry about his safety all too much despite having absolutely no base of trust except for the fact that he'd bought him a drink. Seems like that was enough for him. "Well, you sure are good at guessing ㅡ you got me there. That's kind of... embarrassing, considering I've got, like a champion right in front of me right now."

As the server had left them alone, Chanhee's eyes scanned the other throroughly, shameless as expected from a luxury loving toy of a boy. Vhanhee was quick to mouth the older male's name under his breath, just to get used to the sound of it ㅡ he didn't meet many people with names like that.
"That, I am well aware of, and it's relieving, to say the least." He clicked his tongue, the comment urging a small laugh past his lips.
"Ah, no worries. I don't know that many people, either. So this is rather lucky than creepy to me." He shrugged rather carelessly, then he flashed the other a warmer smile. "That guy just now, however, you two looked pretty familiar with each other ㅡ do you come here often?"
w jackson α 4 years ago
@c chanhee α As Jackson snapped his fingers, one ominous looking dude immediately approached him and took the case he was holding, at this point he was supposed to go back to the hotel he was staying at but seeing he just found a 'friend' to hang out with, he postponed his plans - anyway there was nothing entertaining that's waiting for him back to his place.

"you might be wondering why you out of all the people in here" he started to speak all while gesturing at an attendant to give them a spot hoping for something where they wouldn't be disturbed but open enough for the younger one to not be alarmed. ".. you look like you're not a fan of playing or gambling to say at least".

One server walked in front of the two, guiding them to a secluded spot of the bar, as he again ed his slim-fit blazer coat; taking a seat he uttered "Jackson". The older of the two took a moment to observe the latter's facial feature and overall physique assuming in his mind that this person most probably is a student. "it's not everyday that I'm generous yknow, I hope someone like me isn't coming off to you as a creep, I'm new to the town and I only assumed you'd be willing to accompany for now"
c chanhee α 4 years ago
@w jackson α Not being familiar with poker at all, Chanhee absolutely didn't see the fuss over the cards the other had thrown in coming, however, when it happened, he was quick to connect the dots - this guy had just won a /lot/ of money.
Good for him, he thought once more. The situation didn't impress him all to much - at least just not yet. If he thought he'd get him with his money, he was wrong. Kind of suspicious for someone to buy a random stranger a drink. What was it that he wanted from Chanhee? He didn't have anything. That guy looked way too successful as if he'd deal with him without having... greater intentions.

The response caught him a little off-guard, and Chanhee felt warm from the tint of shyness that now sparked up in his gaze. He was anything, literally anything but a lucky charm, but hearing that put a warm feeling inside of him. Watching the other button up his coat and simply turn to walk off, Chanhee's legs moved to follow him almost magically, despite the fact that his friends were waiting outside. Screw it, he thought, they'd figure.
"Oh, well, if that's what it takes, then sure." Giving a brief shrug of his shoulder, the younger male now reached up to push his hair back once more.At this point, he was a little clueless, a little unsure as to what to do - so he decided to just let him take the lead. "...okay, to be fair, that was smooth, though", he muttered, an amused chuckle following.
w jackson α 4 years ago
@c chanhee α In a calm and collected manner, Jackson took a swift glance at the card that was given to him, giving the dealer a pompous snort after seeing he already got a full house. It was a sure win and he was ready to get the heck out of the place since he had already won a fair amount of money for now. But as soon as he was about to throw in his cards, a mellow and soft voice appeared out of nowhere asking him directly with regards to the drink he had given.
"oh?" he uttered huskily, setting the card to the side as he turned a bit so he could see the man's face, ah- it was the guy from the bar.

As Jackson revealed his cards the crowd surrounding him went wild, and with this winning streak, he thought of a clever idea. "hmm, I think you're my lucky charm?" he spoke whilst collecting all the chips in a suitcase so he could cash them in later, he left a couple of coins on the table as some sort of tip before complete standing up, buttoning up his coat he spoke once more "how about you join me for a few more drinks? and then I'll tell you my name" and just like that, he leads the seemingly younger male unto the other side of the hallway which was an exclusive bar.
c chanhee α 4 years ago
@w jackson α [] wait dont mirror this i just,,, write long starters ghufidjgt

Clearly in awe about athe overall atmosphere of the casino, Chanhee had managed to let go of his common worries and awareness, what was there to worry about when you were out with your friends, anyway?
As his friends had left, he let his gaze wander across the hall, cheerful sounds had attracted his attention soon enough - resulting in him looking over at the source of it - a few people had gathered around a table, and he just assumed someone had good luck today.

Good for them.
Oh, if only Chanhee had known just how much more was about to come when his eyes met this certain stranger's.

Given the fact that all these people seemed to have gathered around him, Chanhee just assumed that he was the one everyone had been making such a fuss about. Not allowing to let awkwardness rise, Chanhee simply leaned back against the post behind him, and habitually, he raised his hand to push his hair back briefly. He was surprised, however, when only moments later, a waiter had halted to hand him a drink. accepting the glass, he was quick to look around, confusion evident in his movements - his friends had just left, there was no way they would've ordered something for him, after all, Chanhee only really wanted to bask in the atmosphere, the illusion of luxury and seriosity as it was something he didn't have a lot in his life. Chanhee's confusion didn't remain unnoticed to the waiter, therefore he pointed back at the stranger from just now.
why, why did this happen as if he'd known he was about to leave? Had he been watching him?

Curious as always, Chanhee kicked himself off of the wall and headed over towards him after thanking the waiter. "May I know the name of the first guy to buy me a drink?", he asked, both amusement and slight befuddlement evident, yet his eyes were sparkling with interest as he glanced over his face.
w jackson α 4 years ago
@c chanhee α "I guess it's just beginners luck?" a smug yet charming smile stretched Jackson's lips.

Almost everyone's attention in the casino was all on the jet-black haired male for winning the second set of poker. That was no surprise to himself of course but seeing how people here were so awed he couldn't help but bask on the attention he was getting. Newly opened and now he was making a name for himself, Jackson was the type to be a low-key gambler when fishing for money but this moment was different.

"would I interest you for a refill, sir?" a waiter was standing a few inches away from the gambler seemingly keen to serve him, but before he could respond he overheard a loud chattering from the open bar. 'aye chanhee, we'll meet you in a few minutes alright?'. Jackson's attention was fixated on the male from afar, the latter had a very eye-catching pink hair. "how about you buy me that man a drink" he requested to the waiter as he pointed over at the other male.


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evilgamegyu 4 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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