× bakery

pastry shop.
a place where fragrant baked goods are on display for you to choose. much like a cafe, though not serving any savoury dishes to solely focus on pastries. you can either pack or eat on the spot. 

owned by shuhua y
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@l taemin α Ray giggled when she was picked up and given a peck on the cheek, listening to Taemin’s words until she was being set down again. Although Ten heard the exchange, he decided not to say anything on the matter, only offering an apologetic smile to Ray when she looked at him inquisitively, ready to ask if she could stay the night with Taemin some day. No matter how much Ten indulged his daughter in, this was the one case he would not allow his daughter to be concerned with.

Ten followed Taemin’s nod to the black sedan across the street, nodding his head in understanding. “Alright, Ray needs to change out of her clothes anyway,” mused Ten as he picked the little girl up, who immediately clung to his neck. “Be careful, okay?” He told the elder, even though he probably didn’t need to. He turned to Ray and said, “We’ll go back first to change then go to Uncle Taemin’s, okay?”

“Okay!” Ray nodded eagerly, waving to Taemin. “See you soon, Uncle Taemin!” With one last glance to Taemin, Ten settled Ray in his car before also getting in himself, driving off back to their place.

() timeskip to the evening? :D
l taemin α 4 years ago
@l ten β "We can go now, princess," Taemin laughed, nodding in agreement as he slid out of the booth and picked Rey up, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he did so. "One of these days you'll come stay the night me," he promised her, looking over at Ten for a moment before he looked back at Rey with a smile as he brushed her hair out of her face. "My beautiful little princess, we just have to convince Daddy to agree," he kissed her nose before he set her back on her feet, checking that he had his wallet and his keys before he lead the way out of the bakery, holding the door open for Rey and Ten.

"I'll see you both back at my place then?" He asked, glancing around for a moment before he looked back at Ten. "Don't go straight there though, I need to take a bit of a detour," he explained, nodding casually towards the nondescript black sedan across from the bakery that he already knew belonged to one of the officers tailing him. He was enjoying making their job harder, it was kind of entertaining. He was waiting for them to step up their game and take him in for questioning, but so far they were only watching. It seemed wrong not to give them a bit of a show to keep them entertained.
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@l taemin α Ten smiled, but it was obviously a reflex rather than any form of reaction. “No, it’s fine. My staffs can run the club by themselves too, I trust them. It’s not like the place will burn down without me for one night.” Although the explanation, it was obvious from his mannerisms that he didn’t want to leave Ray with Taemin not because he felt it was a bother, but rather he was scared and worried.

“Okay then, if you insist,” relented Ten with a chuckle, nodding in agreement to the latter statement. A huff of amusement left his lips at Taemin’s comment on his own housekeeping skills, musing, “I sometimes wonder how you still can manage to survive with how engrossed you can be with work. One of these days, you’ll find yourself lost in your own mess.”

Ten turned to Ray in time to find her finishing the last bite of her cake. She gleefully announced, “I’m all done!” Then without wasting a beat, she slid off from her chair and tugged on Ten’s sleeve as if to hurry him. “Come on, daddy, let’s go!” She quickly rushed to Taemin’s side afterwards to pull on his shirt too in excitement. “We can go now, Uncle Taemin!”
l taemin α 4 years ago
@l ten β "You do have a club to run, you could always leave Ray with me for the evening, I am capable of watching her," Taemin pointed out, though he wasn't expecting a positive response from Ten on that one. Taemin was a lot of things, but ignorant wasn't one of them and he never blamed Ten for his reluctance on letting Taemin be alone with Ray, it was entirely founded. Taemin wouldn't have let him alone with Ray either if he were in Ten's shoes.

"I don't mind cooking every once in a while, it's nice when I'm doing it for other people and not just for myself," he admitted, shaking his head with a smile to reassure Ten's worries. "Besides, I should probably help make sure Ray eats healthy too, and not just sugar all day," he chuckled, watching Ray finishing off her cake with an affectionate smile. She was adorable, she would look so cute in his dresses, and he couldn't wait to see her in them. He'd been working so hard on them for her.

"Hmm? I did finish mine," he said, a bit distracted as he finally pulled his gaze away from Ray to flash a smile at Ten. "And my place is actually clean again finally. I swear, every time I start a new project it looks like a tornado went through, I have such a one track mind sometimes."
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@k taehyung β If there’s one thing Ray loved dearly with her whole life, besides her father and her favourite uncle and her friends, it would be the pastries in the local bakery.

It was another day of fetching Ray from her daycare. The little ball of sunshine, always hopping around as if never low on energy, her smile so bright even the star shied away from her. She was just, in her full glory, like the sun itself — brilliant, upbeat and a happy virus that everyone needed.

However, just like any other day, when Ten asked her what she wanted to have for lunch, Ray responded with:

“Cakes, daddy! I want to eat cakes!”

He briefly wondered if spoiling her with too much sweet was the reason for her hyper personality.

Even so, being a father who could not say no to his own daughter even if his life was on the line for it, he agreed to her suggestion and drove to the usual bakery that they always frequented. As the afternoon proceeded, it seemed customer density had also dwindled, leaving only the workers and a few clients who won’t start work until much later on. The bakery was relatively vacant, enough that Ten could see some staffs wiping the tables and sweeping the floor as he pulled his car up in a parking lot and killed the engine.

Ray dashed out of the car the moment she was let out, leaving behind her father to catch up to her while she entered the bakery and rushed up to the display counter. She plastered her hands against the glass case as she eyed the cakes on display for the day, a soft awed and happy sound leaving her lips, gaze twinkling with excitement. She inspected all of the treats that the bakery had to offer before her attention was caught by one particular sweet — the mirror-glazed galaxy cake with macaroons of equal aesthetics decorating the top, her orbs widening in wonder at the beauty.

Ray glanced up to the working staff and smiled brightly, asking excitedly. “Mr? What is that cake called? I haven’t seen it before!”
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@k taehyung β A louder moan echoed through the closed space as Jaemin felt teeth sinking into his skin, right where he was sensitive in that specific part of his neck, and it was as if flames burst through his whole body making him momentarily arch his back in a mix of need and pleasure. The whole experience was nothing new to Jaemin, he had just as often as a grown up person did, but why did it suddenly feel so different? Why does it seem like every part of his body is burning with desire? He really doesn’t know why, and he would probably never get the answer to those questions any time soon.

“your baby” mumbles carelessly, wondering how does the other boy still has it inside of him to like that when they’re in such a situation. But then again, Taehyung never disappointed to amaze him throughout different situation and he should expect nothing less right now. “I’m not a pup! hyung don’t call me that” he was getting whiner, he could see that clearly, but it was as if the sudden babying was effecting him more than it usually does. “I’m your baby, hyung….I’m all yours to take, I’m all yours to claim” says without an ounce of shame in his voice. Only getting even more whiner as the boy’s body suddenly moves away from his own making him look up in surprise.

And for a second there he started panicking, it was as if his heart stopped beating seeing his hyung move away from him. Was he leaving? did you come to a sudden realization that this isn’t right? Did Jaemin have to think of a way to fix this? The other boy can’t possibly do that to him, right? He can’t leave him hanging just like that, he’s not cruel as far as Jaemin remembers. And Jaemin was only capable of letting out a breath of relief once the said male took a seat down on the table seat having a rather perfect view on his spread thighs.

Jaemin never moved as fast as he currently did in his entire life, it was as if his life depended on him getting out of his pants, so he had to get it done as fast as possible “What are you thinking of, hyung? I want to know, can’t you tell me, hmm?” questions, wanting to make sure the two of them are really on the same page while he was pulling down on his pants, letting it pool down by his feet before forcing it off with both his shoes, leaving himself only in his boxers and oversized hoodie which did nothing in hiding his lower body because of his current sitting position.

“hyung” whispering, his dark orbs stared right into the other wolf’s, his lower lip between his teeth as he sat up, moving a bit until he was by the edge of the table, letting himself be exposed to the boy, the form of his hard obvious under the thin fabric of his boxers “I’m feeling hot.....too hot"
k taehyung β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β The incessant wrath of Taehyung's hormones are merciless enough, but the boy's breathless words are the deadliest warpath. The ache in Jaemin's moans, setting his insides aflame. The encouragement behind them shooting straight to his groin. The elder never stood a chance and--- if Taehyung claimed an ounce more of sanity right now--- he'd have wondered immediately how he'd gone as long as he had without doing this before.

"That's my good boy," he murmurs, voice silken. Roped heavy with desire. He listens to the other but can't find it in himself to stop touching. Claiming. Devouring. His teeth drag down the expanse of Jaemin's sinewy neck, feeling a vein at the prong of his canine. Biting down hard to lift the blood pulsing there just to the surface, sow a bruise meant to be seen by all. "Oh? You're not my 'baby' then?" Though he finds himself quite fond of the term, the fact that the other could oppose it--- even in the wake of passion--- stirs something in him. "Tell me what you are then, pup..." Kisses scattered across olive flesh, spanning from Jaemin's Adam's apple to his chin. Hovering sweetly over the corners of those parted lips. "With that pretty mouth of yours, tell hyung exactly what you are."

The reality in the other's words doesn't exactly break the 'spell', but it does sit within Taehyung long enough for a decision to be made. "Perhaps you're right," he accedes, peeling himself off of the boy entirely. And though he's not at all concerned for his own exposure, something disgustingly possessive in him can't have anyone else knowing the scent of this wrecked boy beneath him. He's certain in his current state, he won't manage to talk his way into a peaceful confrontation. Even the threat--- the promise--- of blood on his hands has Taehyung fighting down a smirk.

Instead, he steps back. A move that looks too keenly like retreat, like regret... But his scent's still too thick and his hands have made no intention of prying themselves off of Jaemin anytime soon. "We don't, actually," he offers, kicking his leg back to drag a chair before him. Plopping himself down until he's facing the boy fully--- the younger wolf strewn still across the table, with Taehyung scooting forward like a glutton at his last supper. "They're all outside. Told my boss that was a bad idea, that it couldn't hurt to have at least one at the register." But , is he glad she never listened. They'll all regret that decision someday. But not now, not tonight.

Instead, Taehyung finds himself tapping purposefully at Jaemin's knees before parting them gently. "If you're thinking what I'm thinking, sweets, I'm gonna need these to come off." Delicate fingers pinch at the fabric that separate him from the display of heated flesh before him.
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@k taehyung β A shiver run throughout his whole body thanks to the wet trail the other boy left on his neck, the sensation just adding up to the intoxication he was feeling due to the strong scent engulfing his whole existence at the moment. “dirty” is the single word that left his mouth which was a weak attempt of convincing the older to not anywhere else near his skin as he was sure he was full of sweat, and he wasn’t sure how the boy would find that. “I’m not a baby” even with everything happening, he still refused to be called a baby, not liking to be seen just as his age, after all he thinks that age is nothing more than a number.

But maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t mind it if he was called the boy’s baby instead of just a baby.

“yes, yes! I’ll take care of you! I’ll be hyung’s good boy and take a good care of you” his words were just as frantic as Taehyung’s actions. The hand wondering too close to his crotch was like a walking oil getting closer to the source of fire just waiting to make the flames bigger and hotter. “, hyung…it feels nice, don’t stop” he almost whined at the sudden tightness on his balls, barely able to register what’s being said to him. It was certainly a wonder how he ended up like this within a few seconds.

It was the soft tone that brought him back to the bit of consciousness he had left inside of him, that same tone that made it seem like it was meant for a child who has troubles understanding things clearly. “No” he stated after a few seconds of silence, the restless hand on his clothed member only making him release a desperate moan. He really took those few seconds of silence to think things through, and what were the chances of them making it back to his apartment safely in such a state? Sure they weren’t hopeless omegas in heat who couldn’t defend themselves, but he still questioned their ability to resist temptations if they were thrown their way, and their ability to fight back if they ended up meeting the wrong people while soaking in pheromones like this.

“No, hyung….let’s not do that, please? I….I can’t, no /we/ can’t, it’s not safe, hyung, we need some kind of release to lessen the smell a bit or we will attract the whole neighborhood” he knew that he was right, and he needed to convince the boy that it was indeed dangerous. “does the bakery have cameras?” he questioned, knowing exactly where he’s going with those words.
k taehyung β 4 years ago
@l ten β The morning is encompassed by its usual mood.

The genteel urgency of rush hour as lycans and humans alike flit in and out. Dog walkers settling their pooch in their arms. Businessmen with only a second's glance of time on their hands. People Taehyung recognize who've frequented this place enough to have a 'usual'. And, of course, the odd novelty. New faces that would grace the back of the line, always pondering their options. Eyes widened understandably at the cushiony array spread before them. Taehyung always likens the bakery's wares to a carnival of breadgoods, and the look on the faces of their customers only furthers that.

He chances the breakfast run with his usual half-grin, consuming the energy that comes with it. The soft piano notes of Studio Ghibli OST's tinkling overhead, the muffled chatter of mothers inquiring to their children--- striking deals on what they could get now and what can be saved later for daddy. It warms Taehyung's heart all the same. Brings a fullness, something akin to family. Something he and his siblings hadn't felt in quite a while. Call Taehyung a er for sincerity, and he wouldn't even doubt it. He gets a front-row seat nearly everyday to witness people at the wakes of their daily lives, their raw selves before the masks cake on. Before the hustle begins and the beauty of a new dawn is snatched from their fingers.

And as the pace of the bakery begins to wane, the beta can't help but procure his phone. Snapping pictures of their newest additions, he tends to the bakery's social media platform. Barely registering the footsteps of an oncoming customer.
k taehyung β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β He's beyond himself now. The "Tae" the boy speaks of, somewhere clouded and weightless as his dormant lycan clambers to the surface. All claws and teeth, uprooting Taehyung's humane foundation and every boundary he'd set between himself and the younger male. He'd always found Jaemin attractive, of course. Anyone with working eyes could easily accomplish that feat. And Taehyung's wolf feasted off any iota of unsated desire that it could. Starting with the male's breathy moans... He'd made a mistake placing himself in such proximity, the husk of his ear just a hairsbreadth from Jaemin's parted lips. That sweet voice honeyed with wanton approval.

It was bad enough to desire the other, but to see that it was reciprocated. To hear it... To /feel/ it.

Taehyung's grip only tightens as he buries himself again in the other's neck, his tongue lolling out this time to a fat strip along the juncture there. Absolute worship in the framework of the boy's very taste. The saline savor of Jaemin's sweat coating his palate. All poised so dangerously against a canvas of milky flesh... It's sinful, really, the way that he could feel for the wolf beneath him. "Baby," he murmurs, thoroughly triggered by the softened 'hyung' that jolts his core. An honorific that he'd once claimed with pride, now sullied in the claim of something else... But, , does Taehyung absolutely love it.

"Only fitting that you like it. My scent--- You're the cause of this, after all, yeah?" It's only half-true, really. Taehyung's scent was already mangled long before Jaemin had even walked through the door. But the boy's presence and his genuine insistence to help certainly did him no favors. "Gonna take responsibility, baby? You wanna be a good boy and help hyung so badly?" His right hand wanders to the jut of Jaemin's crotch, palm pressed in earnest. Purposeful circles imprinting in the heat he feels there, muffled only by the layers of clothing that separates them.

And suddenly the awareness of their state of dress irritates him... They're still at the bakery, after all. Public awareness just yards away beyond the windows. But with the cloak of nightfall and lack of nightwalking pedestrians, the elder is certain they won't be seen here. "How about this, then?" his hand dips until his fingers cuff the imprint of Jaemin's balls, squeezing firmly. "Your place is close by right?" He releases, squeezes again. Restless hand finding its way back along the other's clothed length. "We'll head there. I can carry you if you need. But I'll need you to be patient." He lifts his gaze then, those usually ocher orbs now painted amber as he beholds the prey beneath him. The sweet wolf who'd offered himself up like a sacrificial lamb.

Taehyung cants down to press a tender kiss to each of Jaemin's eyelids, his tone softening sufficiently. The 'hyung' in him returning with a fullness, so terribly fond of the younger. "Can you do that for me?"
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@l taemin α Brows furrowed in worry while an arm rested on the backrest of Ray’s chair, a defensive and protective move from a father ready to pull his daughter away from danger. Ten nodded his head in understanding at Taemin’s words, realising the latter was serious with his comments this time. “I’ll keep a lookout,” murmured Ten, some form of reassurance and promise to Taemin. “I won’t allow anyone to hurt either of us- especially Ray.”

“Well, I /do/ have a club to run,” mused Ten thoughtfully as he rubbed his chin, soon shrugging. “Oh well, I’ll ask my manager to look out for the club tonight. It’s not like it’ll burn down in one night.” He chuckled, leaning back into his seat as he finished his dessert, setting the fork down. “You don’t have to cook dinner for us though- I don’t want you to busy yourself any more than you already had,” stated Ten, genuinely not wanting to trouble the elder.

Turning to Ray, Ten rubbed her back and remarked, “We’ll go to Taemin’s place after this. But first, you’ll need to finish your cake.” Ray eagerly nodded and continued eating her cake, nearly done with her treat and clearly excited to visit Taemin’s place already. Glancing to Taemin’s own share of cake, he playfully chastised, “You should also finish your cake or else we won’t be going back to your place anytime soon.”
l taemin α 4 years ago
@l ten β "There are much worse people in the world than me," Taemin pointed out, keeping his town low and quiet so that Ray wouldn't pick up on what he was saying. "I'll never claim to be a saint, but I'm not the only monster out there either." He knew he wasn't a good person, he was aware that what he did was considered wrong. He also knew that he wasn't leaving a body count like the police thought. His murders were being lumped in with someone elses' and it worried him that there might be someone worse out there far too close to home. "As long as the two of you are safe, that's all that matters."

His expression softened at Ray's excitement and he nodded in agreement to Ten's words. "Definitely, I always want to spend more time with you. You're my favorite princess," he pointed out, finishing off his cake and checking his phone. "I don't have any plans tonight so you're welcome to come over and stay for as long as you like. I can cook dinner, or order something later if we start to get hungry. Unless you have to be somewhere this evening?"
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@l taemin α ten only silently nodded to taemin's words, not entirely convinced but based on experience alone, he was sure the elder could handle it, so he let the topic past. at the warning, ten couldn't help the amused chuckle slipping, even though it sounded slightly empty. "why? to beware of strange uncles like you? i don't think i have to worry too much about that," mused ten with a small grin, shaking his head while nomming on his last matcha brownies, continuing, "i'm alive up until this point, aren't i? i don't think i need to worry too much about the night."

ray let out a soft exclamation of awe, already bouncing in her seat and eager to see the dresses. "can i see them after this, uncle taemin?" at the next line though, she turned to her father, eyes wide and bright with eagerness. "can i go see the dresses, daddy? please!" ten chortled airily, stroking ray's hair. "once you're done eating, we can go. i'm sure uncle taemin would want to spend more time with you too."
l taemin α 4 years ago
@l ten β "Of course, I'm always careful," Taemin promised with a reassuring smile as he glanced over at Ray. She looked so content with her cake, it was adorable. "Oh I know, it's ridiculous, I have to extra careful wherever I go. Not that they have any actual evidence, but still... I'm debating laying low for a while now that this latest collection is out and doing well. I don't really have a need for another muse at the moment, and I'm rather sure that I'm not the one they want. Don't get me wrong I've...put a few of my muses to sleep when it was necessary, but most of them are fine when I leave them," he pointed out, frowning a little bit as he glanced out the window for a moment. "Be careful when you're out and about, especially at night, okay?"

He couldn't help but smile at Ray's excitement though, glad to be moving on to a much more fun topic. "Of course I have dresses for you too. I was waiting to surprise you with them, they're beautiful and all for you," he promised her with a bright smile, reaching across the table to poke the tip of her nose. "You'll have to ask your Daddy if you can come see them, I bet if you've been good this week he'll say yes."
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@k taehyung β Jaemin was expecting something to happen, obviously something /anything/ was bound to happen after his words, be it an acceptance or a cruel rejection, but he wasn't expecting to be pulled up from the floor he was weirdly starting to get used to, the sudden yank making him yelp in surprise, hands moving to the other beta's shoulders, holding onto them tightly as if he was afraid of ending back again on the floor.

"you just as unbearable" states back rather childishly, but he was too stunned to properly think of what he's doing or saying, his full attention on the hands roaming his body and the hot body between his now parted legs. "...." if him grinding on Taehyung did things to his body, then Taehyung grinding down on him in such a fervent way was wrecking him, a curse after the other leaving his parted lips and into the void bakery, his hand moving up before the fingers thread into the strands of the older male's hair, just resting there.

"yes...., tae....it really feels so good...you smell so good" by now he was far more intoxicated to care about the aftermath of what's about to happen. "....more, I want more tae....please" Jaemin himself would never believe that he's capable of turning so weak and needy within a matter of a few seconds, even in the arms of someone as close as a brother to him. His brain starting to feel as if it was melting down as the temperature of his body raises up. "hyung..." he's used to whining out to Taehyung going all 'hyung, hyuung' on him, but with the current situation, there is just something different about his tone that even surprises him how sultry he sounded to his own ears..
k taehyung β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β Taehyung practically foretells his demise--- rationality unwinding at the seams. Patchwork fragments of everything he'd been to this boy and vice versa. The fond brotherhood, every sweet and tender moment. Stained black. Dissipating with every touch.

You are to me, he wants so badly to say. Wants to offer every rebuttal to perhaps convince Jaemin otherwise. To run. To salvage whatever benevolent thoughts he'd had of Taehyung all this time. But instead, he's accepting it all. Goading his way into it, even. And the older wolf nearly lifts his head to meet those stubborn eyes before he feels it... The way Jaemin's crotch meets his own, that steady grind that embeds that silken warmth into Taehyung's forsaken body. But it's the wispy moan that meets him that does it. Or rather... undoes it.

Undoes /him/.

Taehyung lifts himself up, dragging Jaemin with him--- arms wound tight around him til he's nearly lifted from the floor. "God, you're ing unbearable," he grunts, settling him down across the table and pressing down... Down... Into him until it's his own body that pins him against its chilled surface. "This---" Taehyung's hands lower til they're at the other's thighs, parting them easily. Reveling in the lean swell of muscle cording through each of them. "Is this what you wanted, then?" He mimics the other's action, grinding clothed crotch against clothed crotch. But harder, more fervent. Until the only thing stopping the other beta from sliding up the table are Taehyung's own greedy hands.

He repeats himself, this time as he cants forward--- tongue sweeping hot against the other's throat. "Is this it, Jaemin?"
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@k taehyung β Taehyung can't refuse him, but it's more like Jaemin doesn't want to believe that the other beta is capable of refusing him, not after the fact that he was the one who started this, not after he made something inside of Jaemin snap just from the current position they were in. And even though the words were trying to push him away, the tight hold on his wrists and the way the boy's scent kept on thickening only served in convincing him otherwise.

"I'm not a child!" he almost felt offended that Taehyung would assume he didn't know what he was saying, because even though he was younger he knew exactly what he was implying. And for some weird reason he would rather if it was him doing it with the older boy than a stranger who just wants to take advantage of him one way or the other. He was being weirdly possessive, it was an old ugly destructive trait of his, but he was never able to control it before so why try now.

The growl made his whole body buzz and shiver in this weird way that he couldn't explain, so he just stayed still, his hand not moving an inch away even after they were released, and instead he let himself be scented and manhandled. "Yes, I'm sure" his lips were moving on their own, it was as if he was having an out of body experience, and he didn't know if he liked it or not. "I'm not ing stupid, tae" he almost snapped in irritation, feeling like a child at the doctor's being explained to what was going to happen once he's inside the office so that he doesn't get scared.

"you can take me....you can me, I won't break" as if to prove his point, his hands came in contact with the boy's back, roaming around it before he tried an experimental rut of his hips, making him grind his lower body against the male's, their making the much wanted contact, a small moan echoing through the four walls which were probably filled with their mix of pheromones.
k taehyung β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β The shoppe collapses in on them. Or rather, it feels that way. Suddenly too small, stiflingly unbearable. Taehyung's periphery wanes until there's nothing left of him but the boy before him. The leaping pulse from his neck... Those chestnut orbs peering up at the elder, and Taehyung could swear he sees himself there. A hideous reflection of his unyielding lust. Because it seems like all of his control was leaving him--- pouring now into those sweet, inquiring eyes.

"You don't know what you're saying," he argues, not because he doesn't want this. That very moment, he can feel his wolf, restless beneath his skin. Honed in on its temptingly compliant prey. Jaemin's far too willing and Taehyung--- every ugly piece of him--- is feeding off that now. "Take car--- Do you even know what you're saying? I've been through this before. I can handle it, just."

Every point Jaemin makes whittles at Taehyung's pitiful resolve. It's laughable, really, how close he already is to jumping the boy all while claiming he couldn't. But the young wolf before him isn't the precious kid he'd grown so fond of. And he's not the doting hyung he'd come to visit... Not now. A growl of frustration tears past Taehyung's lips, and at the other's neck before he knows it. His face burrows in the hollow there, inhaling that intoxicating scent. All the while, his his hands release him only to wander the trek around the other's tiny waist. Pupils blown, breath spilling in ragged puffs. He needs to get them out of there.

"Are you sure?" He asks, voice totally unrecognizable even to himself. It's an octave too deep for his usual timbre, but he can't bring himself to care. Not with the warm body he cradles in his arms. Almost reverent in the way he dances his lips across the skin there. Skirting his breath up Jaemin's Adam's apple. "I need you to clarify with me. I want--- to you, Jaemin. Is that okay? Are /you/ okay?"
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@k taehyung β What was happening? What did Jaemin do wrong? He could see the boy freezing on him, and he was scared, so, so scared to disappoint, to be told he did something wrong, to be explained to how much he ed up. It was all too much...It reminded him of too much, and for a second, it was as if he was back 'home' all over again.

But it didn't last long, the feeling was gone as fast as it came, instead it was replaced by a yelp of surprise that oddly sounded as his own as his hands were suddenly yanked away from his clothes, the close distance making him want to stop breathing for a bit, as he could smell every bit of his friend like this, and it really was intoxicating, way more than any other scent in the club, way more than the alcohol he has been serving all night.

"Tae..." he spoke out but his train of thoughts was cut off just like how the distance between their bodies was gone, and his breath hitched up, his own mind getting clouded with the current situations, his own needs coming up to the surface after being held down for the whole night. "my scent?" of course it was his scent, why didn't he think of that before? Maybe because he didn't think the male would be able to smell him that much? But then again just because he can't smell himself doesn't mean others can't too, even Taehyung wasn't immune to this kind of situation.

"I..." he started, taking a breath trying to clear his head but it didn't seem to work no matter how much deep breaths he tried taking "I don't want to leave....No, I won't leave, Tae" his words surprised him, but then again he refused to back down on them "You're shaking....let me take care of you, hmm? How can you walk back home like this on your own?....the alphas...they're raging, god, even an omega can take advantage of you, is that what you want, Tae? A random stranger in your bed? A random stranger in your house where the kids are?"
k taehyung β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β Despite the fog draping the forefront of his mind. Despite the fact that his focus is pivoting in every general direction. Taehyung knows the exact moment he s up.

It wears itself in the widening of Jaemin's eyes. The lapse of his words, stolen from him by bewilderment. The soft jut of his lip as he questions the situation--- And god, Taehyung can't blame him. Even he's unsure of what this is right now. All he can see is his dongsaeng, precious Jaemin, confused and visibly flustered. Trying with all his best intent to keep the status quo between them.

"Bothering m--- No. Nana, baby, don't worry about it---" He freezes with Jaemin's next actions. Eyes like a live wire, zipping down to the nimble stretch of the younger male's torso as he lifts his hoodie. Taehyung's almost certain he can't move fast enough, but somehow his hands find themselves gripping Jaemin's wrists and pinning them back. The elder wolf hovering over him, barely able to stand the proximity--- let alone the thought of what could've happened next. "I don't care how many wolves you've got on you, you have t---"

God. ing hell, he smells so... alluring. Sealing the distance between them was clearly a fool's move, as Taehyung's grip on the other only tightens. Teeth clenching as he trembles above Jaemin. Barely keeping it together as it is. "God--- Your scent. Jaemin, do you get it now?"
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@k taehyung β [] DON'T WORRYYYY, IT'S OKAY!!
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@k taehyung β Jaemin would have felt offended if anyone else told him he smelled like , he would have talked back, but this is Taehyung we're talking about here, Jaemin would never get offended by his words.

"Obviously I smell like ! You do realize what today is right? I have been in a club full of raging hormonal wolves, so it's no surprise I smell a bit like every one of them" answering back, he pulled on the hem of his hoodie a bit so he could sniff it wondering how bad it is, and for a second he questioned if he should get rid of the clothing right now, but then again he would be left with only a thin shirt on if he does that so he ended up deciding against it.

His eyes snapped up, blinking in confusion as he was asked to leave, the request nothing less than odd. Taehyung never told him to leave, no, the boy always welcomed him with open arms, so why would that suddenly change? Why is he suddenly unwelcomed in the place he considered as his second home especially at night? This was making him put a million and one possibilities to what's happening.


He knew how dumb he sounded answering like that, but he felt like his throat was closing in on him that it was almost impossible for him to breath properly, let alone actually talk. And so he took a few seconds to calm himself down, observe the boy in front of him, trying to assess any kind of change. From how his hand was clenched tightly to how his orbs seemed to be unfocused. All of this made Jaemin further confused, and for a moment it clicked.

"oh, is the smell bothering you? I think it's mostly on my hoodie and I can throw it away if you have anything else for me to wear, I'm okay with that" and with that he started pulling on the black hoodie, trying to get out of it, because the weather if it meant he can't stay here, it wasn't even cold to start with.
k taehyung β 4 years ago
k taehyung β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β He sees it like a reel. As if he's watching from behind his own eyes.

The moment Jaemin approaches the shoppe, boyish grin a lit by the streetlamps above. Shadows scattered at his sweet cheeks. All the way to when he enters--- Taehyung swears he'd had his hand on the lock, swears on a lot of things in that moment. But he hasn't the time to think about that when Jaemin waltzes in smelling like a ing pheromone factory.

"Woah, wait, ." He grits out, hesitant to follow the younger male. Feet moving anyway because he'd follow the boy anywhere--- 'hyung' duties rightfully intact. "I look like ? You /smell/ like . The hell are you wearing?" And the thing is, he doesn't even smell bad... Not at all. Rather, Taehyung smells every bit of him stronger this time. Jaemin's usual scent now swollen thick. Clogging. Absolutely suffocating.

Taehyung's trying desperately to keep up the childish banter between them both, but he's certain his tension is palpable. The slight tremor in his frame, the clench wringing his fists tight. He gazes at the other and only then notices the thin sheen of sweat. The way it clings to the curvature of Jaemin's chin, glides in rivulets down his tender jugular.

This is bad.

"You can't be here, Nana. Not tonight. I've gotta get home."
[post deleted by owner]
n jaemin β 4 years ago
@k taehyung β "goodbye, see you tomorrow"

With a small wave and those words, Jaemin made it out of the club using the back door, exhaustion taking over his body, skin almost dripping with sweat, as his hair became far messier from the state it was in during the beginning of the night, and he was almost sure that he stinks with the state he was in. It was a long busy night, and the fact that tonight wasn't like any other night only made things harder for him, all the scents mixed with alcohol and perfume were intoxicating to some degree, to the point that he had to get out for some fresh air for a few times throughout his shift.

Fingers running through the slightly damp strands from water, a bright smile appeared on his expressions which was illuminated by the full moon's lights, steps getting bigger when he noticed a familiar face greeting him from behind the closed door of the destination he was headed to.

"look who we have here" he joked the moment he opened the door, leaving nothing between him and the male, and for a second there the smell of smoked ood with a hint of patchouli invaded his senses to the extent he had to try to shake it off him with a small head shake, eyes finally focusing back on the smell's owner after a few seconds. "you look like !" his smile only got bigger with the continuous teasing, as he walked to one of the tables knowing that the boy will follow after him in no time.
s yuqi β [A] 4 years ago
@y shuhua α Yuqi rubbed her chin thoughtfully at Shuhua’s words, drumming her fingers against the glass cup of the mango panna cotta. “I can come over and help you out with preparations if you want? My shift in the clinic won’t start until night time on weekends. Besides, I can sneak a bite from your cooking while I’m at it!” She grinned cheekily before eating another spoonful of the treat, bobbing her head left and right.

“I can be a judge in a cooking show, can’t I?” She patted her chest proudly, beaming. “Maybe I should consider it.” An amused chortle left Yuqi at Shuhua’s words, nodding her head in agreement. “It is! You know, it’s so hard to not alert the humans about pregnant men. We have a basement parking lot built in the clinic for the purpose that staffs can drive the ambulance there and rush the pregnant ones up without anyone noticing.”

“ to be sick, I guess,” mused Yuqi with a chuckle, scooping more panna cotta to eat. “There was a little girl who came in with her mom today. She had a tear in her oesophagus. I don’t know how it got there but it seemed quite painful.” She shook her head. “Luckily it’s nothing too series, but the mother just wanted to know why her daughter had problem singing since her vocal instructor noticed.”
y shuhua α 4 years ago
@s yuqi β "Well, I'm thankful for extra hands I got in the kitchen, we could probably make more batches than five when we get much busier." She grabbed a stool nearby and sat, letting her tired feet to rest. "You know, you sound like a judge from a cooking show, giving comments to the chef with exaggerated actions," She giggles, letting Yuqi to enjoy the dessert as Shuhua waves at her workers that are done for the day.

"As a female alpha, I find that hilarious. In humans, males are usually the ones who impregnates, and females are the ones who carries the baby. But it's a different case in wolves, and to think that I could get someone pregnant too." she unties her apron while giving a small laugh. "Well, humans and their weak immune system." she shrugs.
k taehyung β 4 years ago
@n jaemin β "Thank you. And please... do come again!"

The words are clipped between his teeth. Knuckles bone-white as they clench the undersides of the counter for the last fragment of his control. Taehyung had known from the start what day it was, the vulnerability he'd be reduced to. How utterly vulnerable the rest of the world would look to /him/. But he couldn't rope his way out of this one. He'd swapped far too many shifts, left far too early--- all to make time to lug his siblings around. The bakery had been forgiving every time. But not tonight... not when he'd needed it most.

As the last customer all but meanders out, taking their sweetest time in doing so, Taehyung whirls around and lurches. Head in his palms, teeth gnashing so hard that his gums begin to pulsate. EVERYTHING in him is pulsating, really. And all he has to do is clean up and head home.

He rounds from behind the counter, heading to the door and catching a picture perfect view of the sky. A deep indigo smeared with rolling clouds, grey hues to counter the otherwise moonless night. He's about to flip over the 'open' sign, when a familiar figure's quick approach stops him.
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@l taemin α Ten didn’t try to question Taemin on what he had in mind, knowing he wouldn’t tell him anyway. “Just be careful. I wouldn’t know how to explain otherwise,” mused Ten as he nodded to Ray, hoping it was enough indication to what he was trying to say. “They know about my connection with you, so they’re keeping tabs on me too.” Ten chuckled, shaking his head. “You don’t want to know how many of them tried to sneak into my club to watch the activities there, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. They’re adamant to get you.” He tried his best to keep human noses out of his club, though some police tend to find alternative ways somehow. “I need to employ workers to sniff out these people, I feel.”

Ray gasped loudly when half the cake disappeared onto Taemin’s plate, pouting sadly and looking like a kicked puppy. She grumpily poked at her cake for a bit before finally eating it, her frustration quickly dissolving once she got a taste of the chocolatey favour. In no time she was as happy as a lark again, swinging her legs with happy hums.

A snort left Ten before he could stop himself, covering his mouth to contain amused chuckles. Ray on the other hand seemed to catch on to what the two adults were conversing about and sat up straighter, looking at Taemin hopefully. “Does Uncle Taemin have dresses for me too? I want to see them! Nana showed me her dress her papa gave her. It was very pretty! I want one too!”


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evilgamegyu 3 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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