× street

St mikael’s street.
taking a stroll on the sidewalk? Making your way to work or university? Just be careful of pickpockets or the occasional robbers. Oh, and always look back! You’ll never know who is watching.
j hoseok α 3 years ago
@y shiah β (Is this plot being continued?)
l ten β [A] 3 years ago
@k seulgi β The soft and smooth voice of a friendly lady pulled the little girl out from her sobbing, a sniffle passing her as she brought her gaze up to look who was talking to her. The woman in front of her was wearing a police uniform, immediately indicating who she was. Ray only barely managed to contain her cries as she listened to the kind lady talking, trying to hold back any more tears from being shed even though she was scared and confused and, obviously, lost.

“I-I don’t know,” stuttered Ray with a soft hiccup, rubbing her eyes from droplets that still fell without control. “I was with daddy b-but,” resumes the little girl before a sob tore from again, more tears rolling down her cheeks as she recalled. “I saw a pretty balloon and followed it and when I tried to tell daddy about it, he wasn’t there anymore!”

The realisation seemed to dawn on her ten fold after speaking it out loud, and started crying once more, seemingly much harder than before. “Daddy is not here! I’m lost! I can’t find daddy anymore!” The thought of not seeing her father ever again caused Ray to tremble in fear and anxiety, scared that she won’t ever find her daddy.

() I’m sorry if it’s a bit short ooo u w u ;;
l ten β [A] 3 years ago
@l taemin α Changing into an afternoon attire took lesser time than expected, given Ray didn’t stay in the bathtub longer like usual and was out within a few minutes. After fitting his daughter into her favourite dress, Ten drove them to Taemin’s place, his little girl singing along to the songs playing on the radio, mostly Disney soundtracks. It felt like he was listening to a concert rather than the radio, though he wasn’t complaining — he’s convinced she could be a singer if she kept that up.

Upon arrival, Ten drove around the area once, just to be sure there weren’t any patrol cars lurking about. Once he deemed the location safe, he pulled up into a parking spot and exited, also helping Ray out from the passenger side. He picked her up to cling to his side before advancing to the front door.

“Why don’t you ring the doorbell for me, baby?” Ten requested as he pecked her cheek, prompting a happy giggle to slip from Ray due to the gesture. She did as her father told and pressed the doorbell, quickly wrapping her arms around his neck again for support. The door barely opened halfway before Ray was cheering, “Uncle Taemin! We’re here!”
l taemin α 3 years ago
@l ten β When he got home the first thing Taemin did was double check that the door to the basement was properly locked. There was no one in his private work studio at the moment, but he didn't need Ray stumbling her way down there anyway, not anymore than he wanted Ten to see what he had set up either. That plan was coming together slowly, and sooner rather than later Ray would find herself down there but not until Taemin was ready for that. So for now the basement was securely locked. He even went so far as to move the bookcase next to it to hide the door. The less questions asked, the less lies he had to tell.

He knew that Ten and Ray would be back any minute so he did a quick scan of the room to be sure that everything was in place, tidying up a little bit more since he really did have a habit or forgetting himself when he was working. He'd straightened up quite a bit the week before but he was always finding things he'd forgotten or overlooked, like the random sewing needle stuck in the arm of the couch. Half of his house was really just a replacement pincushion.
m sae Ω 3 years ago
She hated this street, it always made her feel anxious. She knew too many families in this area, and it was far too close to the house her father still owned. She hated everything that reminded her of him, and she hated that the quickest way to her University from her apartment was this street. Someday's she could take the long way, but today she had over slept and didn't have time to avoid this street. She kept her head down as much as she could while she walked, trying not to run into anyone.
j hoseok α 3 years ago
@y shiah β /I am please when the man slams the door on our faces, actually quite surprised that he actually listened. Which also made me think that the man just enjoyed picking a fight with young women, and hadn't expected a man to step in/
How was it your fault? I waited five minutes for that to open his door for that, it's his own fault for not getting off his to take it, especially when it's raining/
....you need a drink?
Alright, well let's go get one. That's all you'll owe me
I'm off anyways.
/holds out my hands for you, to help you stand back up/
Come on, let's get you cleaned up. I have some ointment in the car
Unless, you want to go inside and fix yourself up...
And change? You're soaked.../thankfully I am not due to my rain jacket I am wearing for work/
And I helped you because I wanted to, not because I had to...
I'm Hoseok by the way...and judging your smell, we can go somewhere safe for that drink
/my eyes settle on your face, my head tilting in response. Your scent was also another reason I came to help, our kind should help each other/
y shiah β 4 years ago
@j hoseok α //it was unexpected to find you defend me. though, entirely grateful, i still felt a bit guilty as i continue to chew my lower lip. my neighbor grew furious before slamming the door in front of us both, probably too frustrated to really fight back
//i was busy fighting back the tears that it took a moment to fully register your question. i heaved a short breath as the pain also slowly processes in my head
i-i'm fine. it was my fault anyway.. breaking his package.
//i sniffle as i rub my shoulder, trying my hardest to comfort myself or at least feel relaxed enough so i could speak clearer
thank you. i owe you one.
//i gradually got better with a few breathes, but still flustered, my face still red as a beet
i definitely need a drink after all that.
//i laugh, trying my hardest to make light of the situation, as i squat below, my knees slightly giving out from the pain
thank you again.. you really didn't have to.
j hoseok α 4 years ago
@y shiah β /I had just finished delivering all the mail and packages in the area, joggin back to my car so that I could get out of the rain/
/as I am passing by the first house I delivered to, I see and hear an minor altercation/
/pauses just long enough to get the gist of the conversation, one that was quite stupif to me/
Excuse me, is there a problem?
/approaches the stairs to the apartment building, my eyes trained on the owner of the package as they rant on about your destroying the package/
Well sir, if I remember correctly
I waited a good bit, ringing your bell for you to come and get your package. Isn't it of your own fault that it had become damaged?
Here I thought you just weren't home. Of course something would happen to it in this rain
/looks at you and sees your red knees, scuffed up from falling/
And look, because your package was so large, taking up most of the step, she fell.
Don't be an .
Are you okay?
y shiah β 4 years ago
@j hoseok α //exhausted, i finally reach my apartment building as i straighten my bag and walk upwards the stairs. i suddenly slip on the wet flooring due to the rain and land on someone's package marked fragile all over it, accidentally breaking it in a matter of seconds
//i gulp nervously as i hear the door unlock, seeing her neighbor building up in frustration over the display
//although i got myself up and bowed - so many times - they stubbornly held their ground. flustered, i bit my lower lip, praying that someone nearby could help clear it up as i couldn't find it in myself to do it. my words stuttering out in incoherent muffles
i-i'm sorry. a-anything i can do?
f barbie α 4 years ago
Barbie decided to take a brisk stroll on a cool night to get some exercise in. The cool night air hitting her face as she strolled along the street. She loved being out at night but she made sure to keep her guard up just in case.
k seulgi β 4 years ago
@l ten β [] hh sorry this reply is crappy, i'm so tired rn jfwejnfi

If there was one thing Seulgi hated more than having to attend festivals and events that were packed full of people on the street. It’s events that seem to just mush together the general populace and those attending said events. It seemed to make her job even more difficult, due to the excess amount of foot traffic that she and her /team/ had to control. Of course there were your average security guards on the scene, but unfortunately, they didn’t have a right to arrest the few groups of individuals who thought it funny to get rowdy in a public area and cause a scene.

“Shouldn’t there be some sort of ‘do not cross’ or ‘no trespassing’ sign?” Her partner chimed in after stuffing his face with some sort of doughy delight. To this, Seulgi simply sighed and rolled her eyes, watching as the crowd moved along, some stopping to mingle with one another whilst the others made their way through. “You two stay here, I’m going to check on the others.” She didn’t wait to hear their response and made her way into the crowd, thankful as those around her purposely moved over to make room. It helped that they were dressed in full uniform, despite the sun battering down on their bodies.

Nearly halfway through the crowd, the clear cry of a small child rang through Seulgi’s ears, catching her attention immediately. Raising her hand, she gestured for the crowd to split or move along as she made her way closer to where the voice was heard. And within seconds, she found the hunched over child, bawling their tiny little eyes out for their father. “Hey there sweetie.” Her voice was soft, and gentle as she squats down to the child’s height.
“Is everything okay sweetheart? Where’s your daddy?” Seulgi wore an inviting smile, reaching over to gently pat their head. “How about I help you find your daddy okay? I promise I’ll even have all the good police guys help find him too okay?”
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@k seulgi β () I’ll be writing in Ten’s daughter’s POV uwu


Ray wasn’t sure how she gotten there. One moment she was by her father’s side and following him around, then the next thing she knew she was all by herself and her father was nowhere in sight. She remembered her father was purchasing something from an apothecary, leaving her to her boredom. Soon, her eyes caught sight of something interesting and she followed it, wandering away from her father. She followed the intriguing object until she realised it was a pretty balloon in the shape of a cartoon character, and she giggled at the sight, automatically turning to speak to her daddy.

That was when she realised he was nowhere around, and she was surrounded by unfamiliar faces.

“Daddy? Where are you?” Ray’s voice was quivering as she looked around herself, eyes beginning to tear up the longer she was by herself, fear finally overtaking her. “Daddy?”

Ray ran through the crowd, passing by the legs of tall adults and accidentally bumping into some of them. She didn’t care though, her panic making her more focused on trying to find her father. Very soon, she stopped in front of a shop, still unable to find her daddy, leading her to cry openly now, sobbing loudly as she crouched down, curling into a ball while covering her eyes.


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evilgamegyu 3 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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