
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 3 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ smiles softly and raps his arms around your frame, returning the kiss and rubbing his nose against yours
you've been okay?
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 3 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ H i missed you too, sweetheart.
returns every kiss you give him, cupping your chin with one hand to leave a kiss on your lips
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 3 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ i missed you, baby
giggles and squishes your cheeks, peppering your fishy lips with several kisses
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 3 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ H hugs you tight and smooches all over your face.
My best boy
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 3 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ imma pull you here for shnuggles uwu
plops on the bed with you and pulls the blanket over us
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Lee Hoseok❂(住吉会) Jungkook immediately put his arms up when Hoseok reached for and grabbed the hem of his shirt to pull it off of him, the coolness of the room feeling nice against his now bare skin. Like a lot of people, alcohol made Jungkook's temperature rise which ultimately made it uncomfortable for the male. He welcomed the cool air around him. The more the merrier; however, he wouldn't mind feeling the other man's body warmth against him either. He more than welcomed that. "Did you have fun tonight, Seokie? Was the party enjoyable for you too? Or did I make it hard for you to really enjoy it?" Jungkook asked and gazed up at him, a small, almost apologetic smile resting on his lips.

Whether he was sober or flat out drunk or high, he knew he could be a handful for anyone. He didn't mean any harm, and he hoped that whoever was with him knew that. Letting forth a giggle, he lifted his hips to help make the process of removing his pants easier for Hoseok then remained seated on the edge of the bed. His face lit up when the other agreed to stay with him, feeling as though he were over the moon because he wouldn't be alone. Cooing, the boy leaned down and wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck, dark orbs gazing at him and taking in every feature of his visage that he could.

"Thank you for staying with me," he murmured and rested his forehead against his. "You always take such good care of me. I would be even more of a mess without you around to make sure things are in order." Now standing up, he helped the other stand then proceeded to help remove his shirt. "Mm, won't you let me show you my appreciation, handsome?" asked Jungkook, his dainty hands rubbing over the strong chest of the other. Nothing had really happened between the two of them before, but Jungkook didn't mind if something did. He wanted to repay Hoseok for always protecting him and being there for him for so long. Sure, he often gave him free drinks and such at the cafe, but he wanted to do more. Leaning closer, he pressed a kiss against his chest and hummed. "What do you say?~" Jungkook asked and took one of Seok's hands and placed it on his toned , pressing his own body against his.
Lee Hoseok❂(住吉会) 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ H Hoseok reached out to snake an arm around Jungkook's waist as he wobbled his way over to him, his muscular form an unwavering pillar of support in case the younger male didn't have the best balance in his current state. As he accepted the black tank top, reality began to sink in as the other made his way back to the bed. Hoseok himself was guilty of sleeping in the more often than not, so he couldn't blame Jungkook for liking less clothing when he slept. But the reality was that he'd have to strip him down to put him in such a meager excuse for pajamas.

Approaching the bed with the tank top in hand, Hoseok set it down next to Jungkook before reaching to grab the hem of the other's shirt. "Alright, off it comes." He warned him before lifting the shirt up and over Jungkook's head, exposing his lithe torso. It wasn't the first time he'd seen him like this, but it always struck him just how pretty the barista was. Letting the fabric fall into a pile, he carefully helped him into the tank top and then dared to go for his pants.

Usually when he was asked to stay the night when his hand was busily undoing the fastenings on someone's pants, it meant there wouldn't be much sleeping and so Hoseok was shocked still for a moment. How was he supposed to deny him when he plead with him like that, though? Shaking his head incredulously with a fond smile, Hoseok knelt down to help pull the pants down the length of pale legs. "Okay... I'll stay. But only because you asked so nicely." He acquiesced, trying to keep his gaze from roaming up along those bare thighs.
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Lee Hoseok❂(住吉会) Kookie sat on the bed and fell onto his back, the room spinning around him as he stared up at the ceiling with a drunken smile. He almost hadn't heard the other speak as he was drifting off into his own world, but he sat up and looked over at Hoseok. "Mm, please.." Standing up again, he managed to walk over and hold onto the stronger man and nuzzle into his neck. He soon opened the second drawer of the dresser and hummed, pulling out a black tank top. "This.. I don't wear bottoms to sleep except for , hehe."

He handed the tank top to Hoseok and stumbled back to the bed to sit on the edge of it again. He couldn't help but stare over at the other man, his eyes taking in his physique and casually undressing him there. Surely his jumbled mind didn't do that well built body any justice. He his lips at the image, though, and hummed quietly. "Seokie, you'll stay with me, right? I don't want to be alone," he mentioned and chewed at his jestrum piercing a little.

Truth be told, the stripper hated being alone. Perhaps that's why he took on longer shifts at the club during the evenings most of the time and longer shifts at the cafe during the day. His mind was kept busy. "Pretty please?"
Lee Hoseok❂(住吉会) 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ H "Kook, I don't know if-" Hoseok began to protest as the slender male made his way through the apartment toward his bedroom, but stopped himself with a disbelieving shake of his head and a smile. Maybe if he just stayed for a little while it'd be okay. Even if only to make sure that the other was safely tucked in.

After locking he door behind himself, Hoseok followed Jungkook up to his bedroom. Their friendship was a strange one, he has to admit. He wouldn't say they were particularly close, but he did feel a fondness toward the barista and wanted to make sure he was taken care of. Perhaps if he had less reservations, he would have given into Jungkook's advances, but considering their meetings happened so frequently where there was alcohol, he wouldn't feel right about it.

"Do you want me to help you change into something more comfy?" He asked as he made his way over to the dresser, but didn't open it. "Which drawer?"
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ Jungkook cuddled into the man's warm body as his arms tightened themselves a little around his neck, his nose rubbing against San's. He never forgot why he fell in love with this man, and he knew he never would. Their love wasn't something so forgettable, insignificant. San, aside from there at the end, was so respectful, so gentle and sweet, so undeniably caring. He knew the man was still this way despite his new position, and he didn't give him much of a chance to prove that to him. This was their second chance, and Jungkook promised himself he wasn't going to let this man get away. No, he couldn't. A smile welcomed itself onto his pink tiers as he stole another kiss and nudged his nose against his cheek.

Soon, a deep blush painted his cheeks when the man spoke again, and he couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips when San admitted to owning him, making him. Jungkook believed it. San made every last bit of him, molded him into who he was today, and by default, that meant he owned every inch of him. Just as Jungkook wanted. "Collar me, brand me, and ruin me as you desire, master," he whispered hotly under his breath and got up from the bed for a moment to strip down into his black and red lacy underwear and stockings, finding himself back on the other's lap in no time. He loved how his lover had not started touching him and kissing him again, showing a sign of respect for how he ended things only moments earlier; however, he didn't want to stick to his decision made earlier. He needed to be one with him again. Seven months without being able to touch, kiss, taste, and love San was pure hell. Their reunion should be one that's so special and raw, emotionally and physically.

Slowly, his hips began to grind back down against him as his delicate fingers tugged the other's shirt off and tossed it aside. "Remind me of how it feels to be with a real man, a true god. Remind me of what it feels like to be your perfect little doll again and use my body for your pleasure." Kook pinned the man down against the mattress and began to trail kisses down San's body, nipping and on the skin while he worked on undoing his pants now. When his lips reached his waist, his hands gripped the waistband of his pants and tugged them down, dark eyes gazing at the outline of San's large bulge in his boxers. Without any hesitation, he leaned down and dragged his tongue along the clothed shaft before mouthing over it gently and ling on it in a teasing fashion. He wouldn't continue without further say so, though, his eyes searching the other for permission.
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ H San had no idea where this night was going to go, from the moment he stepped outside, to the moment then in the bed, to the afterwards. But he didn't mind. It was good, no matter where it was heading. Jeongguk had allowed him to stay, to pick him up, carry him to bed. The way they spoke to each other was indicative of change, which was promising. But it would be precarious for a bit. Their slow getting back together. San had to be extra careful, not only to keep him safe but to not up again. He never intentionally did anything to hurt Jeongguk, but that only meant he had to be better at being aware of how he treated him. Especially if he was stressed, which was part of what led to their blow-up and their split.

But damn, could he not really focus on that now. Nor should he. Jeongguk started off talking sweet, touching him sweetly, but the way he started to mention owning, giving himself in mind, body, and soul to San... He felt himself heat up, shiver, and silently inhale at the thought, at the notion that he was not only a king to Jeongguk, but god himself. Nothing got to San's head quicker than power. Being given it, told that he had it, gaining more, implications of it, submission solely based on his ranking in the food chain sent shivers down his spine. Maybe it was innate. Maybe it was because he had finally made it. But either way it /really/ got him going. Especially coming from Jeongguk.

And Jeongguk knew that.

San returned the kiss to his lips with a low rumble in his chest, fingertips trailing up and down the other's sides, legs, back, shoulders; wherever he could reach. He looked at Jeongguk as he spoke, his gaze a bit cloudy from the unbridled love for the man, yet flecks of desire found their way in there, simply from the way the bun was speaking to him. He couldn't help but murmur out, "That's right, baby, cause I own every bit of you, made every bit of you. And I love every bit of my perfect little bun." He sat up slowly to hold the other closer, one hand supporting the small of his back while the other held up his own weight on one of the pillows, and he brushed his lips against the other's, looking up through his lashes at the other with a faint smile. San didn't mind if Jeongguk still wanted to wait or not, but that was ultimately, and obviously, Jeongguk's decision, so he didn't lean any closer, didn't pull any closer, or hold any tighter.
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Lee Hoseok❂(住吉会) Like most people in the world, Jungkook hadn't had the easiest life. He had been beaten down and scarred by many, his heart broken by family and lovers and those he called his friends, and also suffered with some mental illnesses that he hated to even acknowledge. So, he did what he could to not have to face the reality as often as he could by drinking, getting high, having with strangers, and even killing. It was a wonder he hadn't been caught, though most of the cops around were pretty lenient and would allow nearly everything to slip by.. So long as he had something to offer, and he did.

Party-going quickly became an every other day kind of thing. It was the best place to find easy alcohol and drugs that helped him forget about the past and even the present struggles of life. Sadly, the parties started to become rather dangerous for the stripper, so he often called his good friend Hoseok to accompany him. He was a broad and very muscular man, and they had formed quite a close bond, and he knew he could trust him when he was too intoxicated to defend himself from those who wished to harm him. Jungkook held onto the stronger man as he was helped back to his apartment, little giggles and batting of his lashes occurring when he gazed up at the other.

Being so intoxicated was a gift and a curse for him. It helped him forget and made him easier to get along with, but it also made him all the more flirty and . When Seokkie wasn't there to protect, he was likely to go home with a stranger who would take full on advantage of him, but he knew with this man, he was completely safe. However, Jungkook had already mentioned that if things were to happen with them, he wouldn't mind it. He would totally put out for Seokkie when sober. Another fit of giggles erupted from the stripper as he was leaned on the wall and had his shoes removed. When he was free of his shoes, he pranced and stumbled through his kitchen and towards the stairs to his bedroom. "Hoseokkie~" he sang out, "come to bed with me, hm?"
Lee Hoseok❂(住吉会) 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ H Now that Hoseok was in his late twenties, parties were something he endured rather than enjoyed. He'd experienced plenty of them when he was a rebellious teenager and throughout his earlier years in the gang that they didn't really have any more to offer him. However, that didn't mean he didn't find himself reluctantly treading the waters amongst the hopelessly flailing drunk and drugged from time to time. More often than not, lately he was there just to keep one specific person afloat. Jungkook...

Wonho knew the route to Jungkook's apartment as well as his own by now. With a strong arm looped around the smaller male's waist to steady him, he helped him into the elevator and pressed the button for his floor. As the doors slid closed to trap them in the suspended metal lift, he became even more aware of the ashy scent of cigarette smoke clinging to their clothes and hair. Not as pleasant as the sweet aroma he'd usually come to associate with the dancer. It was an unpleasant reminder of all these nights when Jungkook lost himself too deeply in the bottle. Not to say he wasn't still as delicate and beautiful as ever, but there was something... cancerous - wounded - that ate away at him beneath the surface that Wonho was too afraid to uncover.

Once they were in front of the door to his apartment, the broad male gently patted Jungkook down for his keys so he could let them inside and he proceeded to help him lean against the wall before they got too far. "Hang on a sec. Let's get these off." He coaxed as he unceremoniously knelt down to help take off Kook's shoes so he didn't trek them through the apartment.
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ Jungkook listened to the man as he sniffled and nodded, nuzzling into his neck and hugging him tighter. 'I'm not going to leave unless you tell me to' replayed in his mind. He wouldn't leave. He would stay with him. Did he deserve this from San? Probably not, but was he going to say anything against it? Hell no. He needed San. He needed him back then, now, and in the future. Forever. Jungkook couldn't bear to lose him again. Never again would he allow himself to live without San, not even if he would bound up hurt again. He swore to himself that he would be there through everything.

He wrapped his arms and legs around San when he was picked up and allowed him to carry him to the bedroom. When they reached the room, he carefully put his feet back on the floor and crawled onto the bed and pulled San down with him, running his fingers through his hair. "So long as I have you, I am happy. No matter where we are, what we do, what we go through –– just please be mine and make me yours again. I want you to own my mind, body, and soul. I will give my all to you. You're my king," he mumbled and pressed kisses to his neck, trailing his lips up and nibbling along his jawline. "My god.."

The boy carefully massaged the man's scalp as his lips finally traveled up to capture his lips in another kiss. With his free hand, he pulled the blankets up and over them as he wrapped his legs back around the man's waist, his orbs gazing into San's now. In those earthy shades was his spirit with the sort of magnificence that extends a minute into an individual endlessness, a paradise in which he wishes to visit. "You are my drug. One touch and I am instantly intoxicated by you... Whatever you want to do is what we'll do and there isn't a thing I can do to stop you - not that I'd want to. Just your scent sends me into a heady trance.. , Sannie- What have you done to me, huh?" he tried to laugh quietly.
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ H tw // talk of self harm ;

It hurt to hear the quiet sniffles and subdued sobs from the other. He knew he caused them, and he knew better than anyone else that Jeongguk's mind wasn't the kindest to him. It was ed up of him to make it worse the man he loved so much. But San deserved all the guilt he felt, didn't he? He'd let get the best of him and get to his head. Karma, right? Karma had gotten him before he did the deed, perhaps. Or... maybe it was good karma being given back to him, hearing the way the other slowly spoke, hugged him, kissed him, told him that he didn't care about anything else except for them being together until the end. It was nice to hear that the feeling was mutual.

Those fresh, rigid scabs, and bumpy old ones. It saddened San to feel each and every one of them. Not because of a disappointment in the boy, but because it just that the mind had to be the way it was. He loved this little bun all the same. And it washed over him, the fact that Jeongguk had started again. He wasn't dumb, he could guess that their split was the reason why, and it left the expression on his face even more grim than it already had been. He let him ramble, let him turn him, hug him, cry on him, kiss him. He returned the kiss that the other pressed to him, and he could taste the tears. "It's okay," he murmured against Jeongguk's lips, pulling away from the kiss to speak more.

"You don't have to apologize for anything that's happened. You don't have to apologize for cutting contact, for feeling things, for having insecurities, for being 'ed up in the head.' I'm also a little ed up in there too if you haven't figured out. You don't have to apologize for questioning me, you have every right to after all you've been through and all we went through. I'm not going to leave unless you tell me to. I'd do anything and everything for you to make you happy and comfortable. Including making other people's lives a living hell," he spoke, every now and then giving the other a little chuckle so everything wasn't too somber (he'd been nothing but serious for the past seven months, he needed a little laugh every now and then).

"I will give you me, I will give you money and fame and fortune and fancy houses. I'll give you nothing but meaningful , just like before. Even the opposite if you want that. Anything and everything. I want nothing but the best for us –– for you," San really could have gone on and on about how much he would give to and for Jeongguk, but he just stopped himself by pressing another kiss to his lips. A mumbled, "I'll stay with you, my love," slipped through his lips into the kiss, and he picked the other back up, carrying him to the bedroom just to hold him
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ Jungkook listened to the man closely, his heart twisting and flipping in his chest and his eyes starting to tear up. Everything sounded so genuine, probably because it was, and he was mentally fighting the voices in his head for making him question everything. He leaned over and hugged onto the man while he was still beside him but that was short lived when San stood up. A small whimper escaped his lips when they shared what felt like their last kiss. He couldn't bring himself to say anything for the moment, too many thoughts rushing through and jumbling themselves together in his ed up head.

Depression was the unseen, unheard, silent killer. It's the pain that's too much to cope with and too hard to deal with. One can't escape it no matter how hard he tries, because it follows him around like a black shadow that's on the inside, eating him alive. It has always told Jungkook that he was never worthy of having such love, of having a decent family; hence why his own blood hated him, of having a partner that he could depend on in times of need. Aside from the money, he took up stripping merely for the fact he needed some kind of love and attention, even if it weren't completely ideal. It was still love and attention. But now, he has this man that he feel in love with a while ago sitting there and expressing his feelings for him... Yet, the voices have been saying they are lies and have always been lies; however, in the deepest crevice of his mind, he knew that what San was saying was very much true. He wasn't lying.

Kookie watched as San walked away from him, those words hitting him like a freight train. He burst into quiet tears as he stared at the fists he had made and were rested on his lap, eyes now traveling up his arms at all the scars and somewhat still fresh markings from self inflicted injuries. He had stopped hurting himself when San came into his life. He made him feel valuable, but when they broke up - when Kookie decided to leave - he picked up the horrible habit again. He dug his nails into the skin, hoping to relieve some of the temptation of slitting his wrists right here. He was a up, and he knew it. Or so the demons said. He ruined his family, he ruined his first chance with San, and now he's probably ruined this second chance.

"I don't want you out of my hair.." he said, voice shaky and weak. "I love you and need you, San. Even through those seven months, I was so tempted to call you up and.. and hope that you would have taken me back.." Now standing, he sniffled and tried to wipe the tears away though they just kept coming and wouldn't stop. "Please-" he mumbled and walked over to the man and hugged him tightly from behind, crying softly into his back. "If I lose you again, that's it for me. The first time was hard enough and nearly ing killed me. I know that was my fault because I left.. and this will be my fault too because I can't get passed my damn insecurities. Please, don't leave. Don't leave me, I'm sorry."

He turned the water off and put the dishes in the sink before he turned San around and stared up at him. "I'm ed in the head, but I know for a fact that I love you more than anything else this world has to offer. the money, the luxurious houses and apartments, the drugs and meaningless , fame- None of that means .." he frowned and swallowed thickly and he leaned up, wrapped his arms around San's neck, and kissed him deeply. "I just want you," he mumbled against the man's soft tiers. "I'm sorry for questioning you.. Please stay with me? Allow me to make it up to you and give you all of my love, Sannie, because it's only for you."
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ H The only no that San ever truly respected was this kind. He wasn't a total monster, and he knew quite well what it felt like to have that no disrespected. So, when Kook pulled back and moved away, as much as San wanted to keep kissing him and touching him, he only chased the other with a bit a of a lean but then rested his arms on his knees. He didn't mind. It was a little tight in his pants from the grinding, but he'd manage. He grabbed Kook's top and gently moved the boy around to put it back on him, and then leaned back into the couch. "That's alright. It wouldn't be casual to me either. I may be high, but I'm still on earth. I only 'want' a regular old buddy when I've sent myself to a couple planets away," he shrugged, reaching over and giving the other's hand a squeeze.

Who was Kook to San? Did he even have to ask that? Kook knew well what he meant to San and /who/ he was in San's life. With their hands still laced, San rested them on Kook's thigh, and he rubbed his thumb over the back of Kook's palm and his knuckles. "You... are still the love of my life. My ride or die. An old coworker. My friend. I was eighteen/nineteen and imagined a future with you somewhere –– anywhere. I trust three people, and you're one of them," San was leaning on his arms as he spoke, and had started off looking at the floor, but eventually he'd turned his head to look up at the other. The corner of his lip twitched up yet again for one of his almost-smiles, and he looked back down. "Someone that I treated poorly, and someone I will always regret doing that to no matter what becomes of us."

San slowly stood up with ease after a pat to Jeongguk's thigh and a rather sweet kiss to his cheek. He adjusted his jacket by pulling it forward and smoothing it down. "I could go on, but if we're talking about sobriety, I'd rather gush to you when we're both sober. Which, I feel fine," he hummed out. He had to admit, he was already sobering up. Weed, wine, and beer only affected him as long as it kept coming, and would stop soon after he stopped putting them in his body. Something in the back of San's mind couldn't help but tell him that this would probably be the last time they'd speak. It felt like the closure had been given, and that some last kisses had been shared; that there wouldn't be one last time for them to be intimate.

"I'll get out of your hair after I do the dishes, my love," he held Kook's neck as he kissed him one more time, taking his jacket off as he walked to the kitchen. He draped it over the chair he'd sat in, then grabbed everything from the table, and started to wash it all by hand.
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ Jungkook hummed and pressed his against his hand before raising an eyebrow when he felt the tattoo on the back of his neck. "Huh.. A small world. I'm glad he's protecting you. He's really nice when he wants to be." he said with a nod in response. "Oh? Get a little clos-" Kookie stopped and blinked when he was suddenly lifted, his arms and legs wrapping around the man as he was carried to the living room. He was soon topless and straddling the man's lap again, his hips immediately beginning to grind down against him.

He hugged his neck and kissed the man deeply, missing the way he tasted, the way he felt, the way he held him so tightly. The pang in his heart came back, though. The bittersweet memories of them fooling around or making love every chance they got, waking up next to one another, smiling and laughing at nothing - Everything filled his mind at once as his body rubbed up against his. His fingers tangled in his hair and gave it small tug, further pressing himself against him. But he soon stopped himself and pulled back to look at San. "As much as I would love to continue, I'm not sure I can," he said and his lips. "I have a feeling if you were completely sober you wouldn't be the least bit interested.. Who am I to you, really?"

"You should know that this won't be seen as a casual thing to me. Not when my heart is still so caught up on you, and you might want this now, but who is to say you will want this or me when you haven't had anything to drink or smoke? Huh?" He had tried so hard to get rid of these feelings, and when he thought he had finally done so, San comes right back into his life and here they were on his couch, about to be intimate again. His insecurities were screaming at him left and right and he couldn't help but hiss and look to the side. "Your best bet is to find a regular ole buddy if that's what you're wanting. I'm sorry." He frowned and got off of his lap to sit next to him.
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ San was glad to hear he was forgiven. That year or so they were together was a long chapter, and the seven month one in between felt longer, but it felt good to know there was the rest of the book left for them, whatever that may be. But sentimentality was out the door once Jeongguk started to touch him back and speak about his life. To him, it was incredibly y to see and hear that Jeongguk had succeeded and worked his way up.

"That's my boy," San murmured while he breathed in, then smoke trailed down Jeongguk's back as he breathed out. His free arm wrapped around Jeongguk's beautifully trimmed waist, hand giving his a firm squeeze. "I'm glad you got yourself such a loyal protector, it seems we both have the same man looking out for us," he hummed and placed the end of blunt on the table and used that hand to guide Jeongguk's to the back of his neck. Just to let the other feel the slightly raised skin where a similar tattoo was. His eyelids fluttered a little and he nudged Jeongguk up to look at him, tugging him closer by his waist. Another lazy, dimpled smile pulled at his lips as he leaned in, his voice as low and as quiet as it could get, "I missed waking up next to you every morning, little one. Let's make up for that lost time and get a little closer, hm?"

He scooped Jeongguk up in his arms, one wrapped tightly around his waist, still, while the other did its best to wrap the bun's legs around him and then hold him by his . He carried him to the couches, and already started to take off some of the other's clothes, leaving him shirtless in his lap. San's eyelids were starting to droop, warm inside and out from the food, the drinks, the drugs, and the closeness to the one he missed so dearly, but he still leaned up and slotted his lips between the other's for a series of light kisses. Jeongguk tasted so good, so mesmerizing. Just like always, and San already found himself as addicted as before and in need of more. San tilted his head and moved his lips on the other's soon after, though, to press their lips harder together for a deeper, more heated kiss. A soft sigh slipped out of his nose after the sounds of shuffling clothes and soft kisses had quieted down, and he held onto the boy's waist tighter.
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ "Mm, glad to know I didn't cross any boundaries. He did get what he deserved.. That bastard of a man should have been taken out sooner, if I'm honest." Kookie said and gazed over at him, watching him in curiosity. The bun noticed that smile that he loved so damn much, but something about this smile was different. y either way, Jungkook thought, but there was something more. there had to be. He decided to brush it off for now. Maybe he would find out later. He uncrossed and crossed his legs again, his skirt riding up in the process to further expose his tattoo, which he looked down at for a moment. It truly was a beautiful tattoo.

His attention was quickly brought back on the man seated across from him, biting his lower tier and humming a little as he listened to him. He felt the bitterness he once had slowly deteriorate at the apologies. "No, what you told me doesn't forgive it, but I'm more understanding now. Seven months ago I didn't understand what I had done because you'd never said or done anything like that to me before, so it.. It really ed with me, and when I tried to explain my feelings, I did feel very invalidated." Kookie finally admitted and blew the smoke to the other side. "I appreciate the apologies very much, Sannie.. Of course I forgive you," he offered a smile, a faint blush shading the apples of his cheeks. "I would prefer you to be in the rest of the book."

Jungkook finished his second glass of wine and his eyes landed on the hand that was touching and caressing his thigh, sending chills up his spine and tingles to his lower region. "I worked my way to the top at the club. All the hard work paid off. I have them eating from the palms of my hands," he snickered as he reached over and d San's inner thigh, massaging the area gently. "Managed to start taking better care of myself. Got some new piercings and obviously some tattoos.. The Black Dragon.. he is my protector now.." He mentioned and took a drag before placing it between San's lips. Swiftly, the bun straddled San's lap and draped his arms around his neck. "And of course, been missing you like crazy, baby. It feels like it's been an eternity since I've been this close to you." Jungkook leaned closer and dragged his tongue up San's neck before biting at the skin.
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ "You get served what you dish out," San repeated with a little chuckle, leaning forward to eat again, picking his gun back up. "Don't worry, I hated him as my boss, as my father, and as a man. He certainly did deserve to have his prized possession backfire, didn't he? It was his favorite weapon that did him in," he looked his gun up and down before locking eyes with Jeongguk, a lazy, all-telling smile finally pulling at his lips as he took the blunt back and blew smoke out through his nose. Oh how right that little bun was about karma, and San hoped he wouldn't get some of it back for what he did. As much as his father was rotten to the core and deserved every bit of metal and gunpowder in his jaw, karma probably still had something in store for him for taking a life.

A few moments passed of eating, drinking, smoking, and San was just about full, so he leaned back in his chair again and looked the other up and down. "And I know it's still recent, and I don't forgive myself, but I do apologize for what I did to you. None of what I just told you forgives it. But I am sorry for what I did and said to you. I regret it every single day. The chapter may be done, but I don't think that means the book has to end," his voice softened again, and he finished his glass of wine, handing the blunt back over to Jeongguk with a few flicks to clear the ash after he scooted himself over a few seats. "Enough about me coming clean, tell me what you've been up to, little love," he murmured, hand resting on and caressing Jeongguk's thigh with the tattoo on it.
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ Jungkook nuzzled his nose into the crook of San's neck, rubbing over his back and sighed quietly. It was only when San shooed him back to his seat did he actually get up do as he was told. Now seated back across from the man, he ate some of the garlic bread, his eyes locked on San, and listened to the man as he continued to speak. He decided not to interrupt again and allow San to finish. He felt kind of nervous as the man continued to tell his story.

Honestly, he felt horrible about what San had gone through. Having to face the death of his mother, being 'trained' and forced to do his late mother's job by his father at the age of seventeen, dealing with those people on the streets and still risking his life - he shouldn't have had to experience and endure any of this, but life is a pain in the . When San pulled his gun out and pointed it at Jungkook, he didn't flinch or cower in fear. He simply stared at the barrel and allowed a small smirk to creep and take form on his lips. He wasn't afraid of San, of getting shot, or of even dying. He welcomed death, if anything. "San.. The love of your life assures you that he won't say a word. Not because you're holding a gun, but because he is still loyal, still trustworthy. Anything you say will be kept here."

Jungkook took the blunt and took a long drag as he leaned back and crossed his legs, blowing the smoke to the side. "Sannie," he started again and shook his head. "First and foremost, I hate that you had to endure so much for as long as you had to. I hate you had ti endure any of it all. Second, wherever your mother is now, I'm sure she loves you still and is proud of you for coming out strong. Third," he paused and tried to carefully choose his words as he took another drag. "If what I am about to say upsets you, please understand that it's not my intention... I just have no sympathy for your father... Before, when you referred to him as merely your boss, I couldn't stand him. Now that I know all of this, the scumbag got what he deserved." Jungkook's eyes darkened and his face hardened as he took one last drag and passed the blunt back. "Karma is a ing , and she knows where every single motherer lives. You get served what you dish out."
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ conscience* not conscious //
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ Jeongguk knew himself best, and then San was second. Who else would San put as first? No matter, they were past that, and already well into the serious stuff. His arms s around the other's body when he hugged him, pulling him into his lap and squeezing him tight. They were just at the tip of the iceberg. "You...?" he mumbled, chin resting on Jeongguk's shoulder. "You must have questions..." he completed the sentence he thought was forming. "I can probably guess them, so I'll just keep talking, yeah?" he gently waved Jeongguk to go sit back down and keep eating. He took a few more bites himself and then sighed.

"Why didn't I tell you? To keep you safe. Because my father didn't want people to know he had a son. Less relations, the better, right?" he started and looked up to Jeongguk, flicking the blunt still in his fingers mindlessly. "My mother sold herself to help oversee the drug trade, which went through that den I mentioned that I now own. Makes sense why she and I worked so close to it. She would get information and tell my father about it, make sure things went according to plan. She was shot and killed as a warning to my father, but we don't know who did it. And I still don't know what the warning was, but. Whatever. I took her place once I turned seventeen, after a year of... being taught by my father," his voice was low and easy, but it faltered and he thickly swallowed when he mentioned his father. He took a drink, another bite, and even another drag, blowing the smoke onto his food.

It only then hit him that he was telling someone who could so easily affiliate and get involved with any one of the other two gangs as well as the police all of this information. Jeongguk was his, but at the same time, San was in a more dangerous position now as the boss, not just the boss's secret of a son, so he had to keep his guard up despite his trust for the man across the table. He sighed and pulled his gun out and pointed it and Jeongguk, though it was already on safety and his finger wasn't even curled around the trigger. "May I just add, if you leak any of this ing information, I'll have to get all the names you told, kill you, and then kill them before they get to me. And I really would not like to add a tally for the love of my life on my hip, nor have his blood on my hands and his death on my conscious," San hissed. He let the gun go and rest on the table, giving a quick wink before sitting back and staring right at the other.

"One night, seven months ago, at dinner," San started out with the truth, but soon started to recite the lie, "we were eating. I heard the gun and I heard the shot fire, but somehow I was still alive. I knew he hated me," which was so far from the truth, "so I figured it would happen at some point. But weapon backfired, and suddenly I was in charge. I let it get to my head, and now we find ourselves here seven months later," he so easily breezed through the story with that same low voice, but he sighed once more, extending the blunt out across the table to Jeongguk. He'd probably need a hit or two after all that, and San took a sip of his drink, using his free hand to start eating again, though his stomach was a bit tight after talking about his father again.
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ "It may be, but I have always found you attractive. Even when you were at the bottom of the "food chain" with me. You have never once been unattractive," he said and squinted his eyes when he heard the bitterness in his tone. "The second best? Who could possibly be the first? You know everything there is to know about me, I didn't even tell my childhood best friend. What's with the sudden-" he stopped and bit his tongue before he took a breath. It wouldn't do them well to argue. It would get them no where. He knew that.

"Thank you, Sannie.. I've missed cooking for you, honestly," he admitted quietly and ate some of the alfredo, using one of the napkins to cover his mouth as he chewed. "I.." he started but stopped immediately, taking in the information he was being given. He was the son of the leader of the gang he once worked for? His father made him do the work his mother once did? Made him? Why? The questions in his mind came to a halt when he realized the man's voice cracked, and he felt his heart hurt for the man. His poor Sannie. He didn't know everything that he had gone through, but he had seen him during his down times, and it always hurt him. Gazing over at him, he wiped his lips and quietly got up and rounded the table to pull his seat out a little and lean down to hug him gently.
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ "Well, I know that's the one good thing about me that's changed, so I dunno what else it could be. But I know you're not superficial or shallow. I should be the second best to know that," San growled and leaned forward a little before catching himself. They weren't here to be bitter at each other or fight over comments. San had asked to do this to explain, to catch up, to give any closure necessary.

He followed over to the table and sat down in the chair he always sat down in. Across from Jeongguk. With a bite of garlic bread and a forkful of food, San purred. "Still the best cook ever," he, again, almost smiled from across the table. A drag from the blunt and another exhale of smoke through his nose, and San was leaning back in his seat with a sigh. "Jeongguk, my little bun. I'm his son. I inherited the gang and the gambling den he owned, just down the way. That's why I worked so close to your club, he made me do what my mother did before she got killed," he explained a little bit, and he could have sworn his voice cracked. Both at the thought of his mother, and the memories of what his father did to get him there all washing over him. Though he stayed still, his gaze fell to the food and his brows knitted together to make his gaze harden, taking a few more bites of food and bouncing his leg
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ "That's.. true, but not much has changed in the apartment.. Maybe some new furniture, but that's it." He shrugged and started draining the noodles over the sink. He raised an eyebrow and shot San a look in disbelief. "Really? You think that's why I find you more attractive? You being the leader of a gang doesn't mean to me.. I hope you know that. I'm not as shallow as you might think I am," he replied and grabbed some plates to set the noodles on then poured the sauce over them. Despite the jab being made more at himself, Jungkook still felt as though he took some of the blow. Though he was a little irritated, he still put on a smile and started on the garlic bread.

"I'm all ears then," he replied and took a drag of the blunt, blowing the smoke into the air slowly. He listened as the man spoke and grabbed his glass of wine, taking a sip of the beverage and leaning on the counter. "I do remember.. You came to me several times about how much of a pain in the he was-" he said, recalling those times San ranted and raged about his "boss" how much he couldn't stand the guy. Honestly, Kookie couldn't stand him either just from how upset he made San. But that last statement pulled him from his thoughts and reminiscing. 'It was my blood.' - This sentence replayed in his head a few times, making him tilt his head and chew on his lip ring. "Your blood? Please, do explain what you mean, San. My brain isn't want to comprehend on that bit of information alone." He grabbed the oven mitts and pulled the garlic bread from the oven so it wouldn't burn and set it carefully on the stove top. After setting a couple pieces on their plates and grabbed some utensils, he made his way to the table and set the dishes down.
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ The only noise San made for a while was a soft "Mh," in agreement to the dinner plans. Could it even be called dinner? Whatever, their meal plans for the night. San loved when Jeongguk cooked. He had a way of making things smell even better than most professional kitchens could, but he supposed he may have a bit of bias for the guy. His head tilted a bit, he kept his gaze on Jeongguk as he lit the blunt for him, and he inhaled against it while it lit up, smoothly blowing out smoke through his nose and around his septum ring while flicking the tip of the blunt. "Never know, rules change just like things change," he muttered, following Jeongguk over to the kitchen.

One thing that didn't change was Jeongguk's forwardness. He liked it a lot. Even with their split, San still loved him, and still found him incredibly beautiful, so the compliments didn't phase him. Nor would any slightly flirty remarks, which he knew he wouldn't be holding himself back from. "You always had a thing for movies about gangs, I'm not surprised you find me more handsome now that I lead one. Too bad I couldn't hold myself together and keep you in the movie, huh?" The comment was biting as it was scoffed past a puff of smoke, but it was a jab at himself, not Jeongguk.

Blunt hanging from his mouth, he poured a glass of red for himself, and white for Jeongguk –– funny how it matched what they were wearing, wasn't it –– then handed it to him, leaning against the door frame. "We might as well start now, I'm sure there's a lot we're going to talk about. Probably from my end, because I'm the one who's got explaining to do," he started off with a sigh, pressing the blunt against Jeongguk's lips for him to take a drag, then immediately took another one for himself, turning his head to the side to blow more of it out of his nose. "First and foremost, you remember Ina's old head, yes? That I worked for him? Well, my work wasn't what got me to be his replacement. It was my blood." The stop in his sentence was sudden, but he took a sip of his wine and he looked over the other. He quite honestly could have kept going, but he didn't have any idea where to go from there. His past? The "accidental" death? And he didn't know how to get to either of those, really, nor did he know how to dance around his father's death. He'd rather keep that truth between him and the man whose alias was on his neck. So he kept quiet, and let it sink in.
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
@Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ Jungkook softly shut the door behind them and he couldn't help but to smile and allow a small giggle to escape his lips. "Leftovers? Honey, I'm never one to leave leftovers, even to this day.. I'll cook us something real quick." He said and grabbed a couple wine glasses from the cabinet then proceeded to pull white and red wine bottles out afterward. "Pick your poison," he hummed and set the bottles down for him. He turned back and began to gather some necessary ingredients and some noodles from his pantry. "Does chicken alfredo sound good to you? Maybe some garlic bread, too?" He began to boil the water before adding the alfredo noodles, moving onto the sauce. He hadn't cooked for San in such a long time. It honestly seemed so much longer than seven months, but perhaps that was because of his feelings for the man. It felt like an eternity.

He looked over his shoulder and tucked some of his long curly locks behind his ear. "You're allowed.. There aren't any rules here besides don't break or steal anything," he laughed at himself and shook his head. "How could I pass up sharing a blunt with you?" While the sauce and chicken cooked on low and the noodles boiled, Jungkook walked over to San and simply gazed at him. "Forgive me for my directness, but you've only gotten more handsome since the last time I saw you.. Not that I expected anything less, but.. you are truly like something out of a movie." He hoped that wouldn't make things anymore awkward between them. He usually complimented people without much thought, and he didn't think this should be any different, especially if what he was saying was true. San had always been so attractive. He took San's lighter and lit the blunt for him before handing it back to him. "Anyway, would you like to start catching up now or wait awkwardly in silence until dinner is ready?"
Choi San☬(稲川会)♜ 4 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook♙ San half expected Jeongguk to decline. He was the one who stopped the communication after all. And San understood why, but still, a part of him expected it to still be cold. The other's touches had faded from familiar to damn near foreign. San knew that Jeongguk had held him like that, with his hands on his chest, but the feeling was straddling the line between downright new and distantly bittersweet. The touch to his neck to soothe felt even more distant. His mind was racing with what ifs and his heart was pounding in his ears. He walked in and tilted his upper body to the side so as not to bump into the other, and it dawned on him that if he did explain, it still wouldn't really be the truth. He'd been thoroughly mistreated, that's true, and he was still the old leader's son, but his father's "accidental" death and San's subsequent short grieving period didn't line up. Jeongguk knew that San was –– or at least used to be –– sort of sentimental, so... Maybe he was overthinking.

He turned to look at Jeongguk still at the door, and his gaze softened a little bit, the corner of his lip twitching up for a fraction of a second. "Wine, and if you've got any leftovers I'll help you finish them off," he answered, the gruffness in his voice fading for their time together. From the pocket of his leather jacket, San pulled out a blunt he'd rolled, just in case he decided to go out. He had some harder drugs in the inside pockets, but he'd save those for later tonight, with or without Jeongguk or clubs. God, was he going to need to get himself high enough to reach heaven after this. "Would you like to share? Or am I not allowed in here?" he breathed, mindlessly bouncing the thing between two fingers, putting it between his lips while pulling out his lighter


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Kaworu 3 years ago
Kame is leaving, thanks for having me
ItadoriYuji 3 years ago
I’m gonna drop Yuta Yuta because I’m not active with him :(
I’ll miss this place and hopefully will rejoin soon if the opportunity comes
-oliver 3 years ago
Letting y’all know that I’m leaving mingi bc I’m not active at all
It was nice while I was active though ♥︎ I really loved it here
912c5d2bc21ae1b6c24a 3 years ago
Hey, I'm really not around so I will be leaving Taehyung. Thank you for having me though! ♡
37e94f1464e94d4f7c30 3 years ago
<3 Taeyong is heading out- thank you so much for havin me!
blueydotmp3 3 years ago
leaving jaehyun

Don't want to be selfish and hog a character, thank you for the opportunity!!
DiabloEaterMfkr 3 years ago

Ish meee

I'm sorry I'm not very active here at all
So for now I will say goodbye. But if I can get a better muse for someone I shall be back. I'll be keeping you in my faves! ♡
maddiee 3 years ago
can you add and reserve jeon woosung (aka chillin homie) for me pls? ^w^
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