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Kim Taehyung☬(稲川会) 3 years ago
Some super vague connection ideas i guess lol

Yakuza ▪︎ Ideally Inagawa -Kai ▪︎
"I took you in" • "You ruined my life"

A is the one who introduced B into the gang. There is a fine line between complete resentment and admiration towards A. Things escalate and the pair find themselves involved in dangerous situations (dealing with rats/losing the money/idk….).

Maybe the two started off as caring for one another or maybe B was nothing more than a pet project. Either way, their lives have been intertwined for a long time. For better or for worse.

No sherlock • off watson
Civilian, yakuza, policeman, anyone/everyone?

Basically a friend or bestfriend. You care deeply for one another, always got each other's backs. You laugh, cry, bicker. End up in all kinds of scenarios together. The good, the bad & the weird. When Tae is not lending more than anyone can afford then threatening those people to pay up, he actually has a lot of love to give. Please give him a chance ;; applications are officially open hehe

Policeman ▪︎ Good or Bad cop. *Either works and depending on which one, can easily be easily adjusted. Can keep it light or make it dark.

The two of you cross paths frequently, thus get along rather well or perhaps way too well, to the point where if you were born into any other life then you'd probably be the best of friends c: Or maybe it was a recent thing and you guys met at a club one night and a few days after Taehyung ends up across the table from you... as you interrogate him ... ^ ^

Either way over time, Taehyung often finds himself at the station (How's mr snuggles? Is that a new chair? Oh aren't you being spoiled ;) He helps you out way more than he should. | You always get him out of trouble, but at what cost?
Jeon Jungkook♙ H 3 years ago
I have some open plots up on my profile now :)

Also, if I still owe you a response and you want to continue our thread, please do let me know.
Kim Sungkyu❖(山口組) 3 years ago
I haven't thinking of any plot yet... orz
Wu Yifan☬(稲川会) [A] 3 years ago
I've got a starter posted in the Inagawa-kai jacuzzi room if anyone wants it! But otherwise I've got some plots I'll be putting up for offers!
Min Yoongi❖(山口組)♚ [A] 3 years ago
I have plots on my wall
Kim Youngjo☬(稲川会) 3 years ago
〚Partner in crime〛
+ yakuza only (Inagawa-kai)
+ rated, can include triggers
+ partners, fwb, something in between?

You and Youngjo have met years ago and decided to stick together, noticing that you're thinking in a similar way and even have matching interests.
Pretty much a dangerous duo, unpredictable and out for blood with regular.. sessions. Is there going to be love? Who knows.
Min Yoongi❖(山口組)♚ [A] 3 years ago
also friendly reminder some people have posted like (taeyong and jay I noticed) random starters in rooms so if you are in mood just feel free to hunt them down and reply to them ♥
Jung Jaewon♙ 3 years ago
[ currently looking for : ]
- pre-established relationships.(anyone)
friends! I'd love some family ties! brothers, cousins, etc. etc.
- ex-partner.(yazuka)
you were his world and ultimately due to your decision in calling things a quits, his demise. upset with your decision and unable to process it, he sets fire to headquarters in a raging fit.
Son Youngjae❂(住吉会) 4 years ago
connection !

☼ f●r●i●e●n●d●s.
↬ around eric's age
↬ member of sumiyoshi-kai
↬ any position
༄༄༄ you and eric have been very good friends for a while, and you were the one who introduced him to the clan when he turned to you for advice as he was looking for a new job. you know pretty much everything about him, and you know where his priorities are, and you see no problem in advertising a job as a "pet" to him - after all, eric wouldn't have to get too involved with the actual gang activities. would you even tell him that he ended up in a gang?

please read profile for further information.
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Song Mingi♙ 4 years ago
༺❈ Handyman

༺❈ for anyone, really

༺❈ Y/N calls Mingi to their home because their sink stopped working and they assume it’s because of a stuffed pipe. A normal repairman would’ve charged too much which is why they decided to call a handyman. While he’s in the bathroom getting the work done, someone else knocks at y/n’s door and when they open it their apartment is stormed by a person with a weapon that seemed to have followed mingi due to a personal grudge. A fight erupts. (Everything after that can be plotted in pm’s or winged)
Jung Haein♘ 4 years ago
[ taste of your own medicine ]

it's normal practice for haein to test drug replacements on himself before introducing them into the market. but what happens when he messes up on one the proportions and it turns him into a needy mess.
Jung Haein♘ 4 years ago
[ captivity ]

haein doesn't appreciate you reintroducing illegal substances into the territory he's kept clean for years. and when words and peaceful discussions don't work, there's only one thing he can do - give you a taste of your own medicine (but only he has the supply for)
Min Yoongi❖(山口組)♚ [A] 4 years ago
also friendly reminder some people have posted like (taeyong and jay I noticed) random starters in rooms so if you are in mood just feel free to hunt them down and reply to them ♥
Ten Leechaiyakul❂(住吉会) 4 years ago
() reposting / edited

⤥ lover

↬ police
↬ any age

↻ you and ten are a couple, living together in the same apartment. you are a well-respected officer who puts emphasis on law and justice, while ten is a dance instructor part-time artist. the two of you love each other a lot — the only problem was, ten didn’t mention he’s an assassin.

↝ definitely preferable a police officer who puts the law before all else
↝ contains drama, probably dark stuff, and lots of angst
↝ can either start with them already being a couple and we’ll work our way to the drama of finding out ten is an assassin; or start off with them slowly falling in love and make it into a wholesome thread of the officer actually changing ten’s mannerisms
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Jeon Jungkook♙ H 4 years ago
it helps me keep track to just keep them haha. i'm too lazy to find and code a tracker.
Min Yoongi❖(山口組)♚ [A] 4 years ago
if taken just delete them silly
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Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
"Rock, Sword and Shield" (yakuza (preferably from gumi))
Taeyong has been through hell...and probably so have you. From before the gang, to now being so heavily involved...and he really has you to thank for helping him through it. Thick and thin, somehow you both connected, and really formed a brotherly bond where you knew how to look out for each other, even before help was verbally asked for. You are someone Taeyong seriously cares for and knows, factually, he can depend on...

- brotherly relationship
- NO (unless it comes as natural as my acne- which trust me, is too natural -_- )
Lee Taeyong❖(山口組) 4 years ago
"Chained" (yakuza)
Taeyong is a pet to his own gang, but that doesn't mean he isn't shared among other's. If you have enough influence (or money) you can have a sugar daddy or baby in very little time. But you and Taeyong have a interesting history...to say the least. Taeyong has to bid by your rules at night, but day time...he is not afraid to fight back. You've seen both ends of the candle, and yet you still don't mind burning both. Taeyong can't disobey you're wishes...but you both now know secrets of each other. So, you are chained together, going in the vicious cycle of play and pain as you wish to consume each other...in the clean and most gruesome ways.
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Ten Leechaiyakul❂(住吉会) 4 years ago
⤥ witness

↻ your loved one(s) was killed in cold blood before your eyes, and before the murderer left, he spared you one last glance. those eyes, void of emotions, an endless pit of darkness, an abyss your soul in and spiralling into madness. now, years have passed since you buried your loved one(s), and just then you saw him again — the same man who took them away from you, you could never forget those eyes.

↝ can be a civilian, a policeman or a yakuza, doesn’t matter
↝ involves angst and drama, some really dark stuff depending on what we discuss
Lee Hoseok❂(住吉会) 4 years ago
darkest before the dawn (police or gangster officiated with the police): it was the naive mistakes of his youth that landed Wonho where he is today. For years he's felt trapped, without any hope of escaping the gang life. He's seen people try to leave and, if they didn't end up dead in an alley, they end up tied to serving the gang somehow. Usually with debt. But maybe there is a way out, some method of wiping his slate clean and starting over like none of it ever happened... Wonho just might have found that deal. If he gives them the head of the snake, he could have a new life all his own.
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Lee Hoseok❂(住吉会) 4 years ago
stockholm syndrome (tw: abuse, knife play, gun play, , blood, dysfunctional relationship): This person was a hitman hired to kill Wonho and weasled his way into his personal life through Wonho's volunteer work with troubled kids to get him to let his guard down. He used some sob story about being from an abusive family and Wonho felt so pressed to help him that he fell right into his trap. It was supposed to be an easy job. Lure Wonho into a false sense of security, get him alone, and then take him out... But that wasn't how it turned out.

Much to his surprise, when the truth was revealed, Wonho wasn't upset about the betrayal or his potentially imminent death. Instead, he was understanding, telling his would-be killer that it was okay. Most people begged him to let them live if they could still talk, but Wonho didn't. The hitman didn't end up having it in him to kill Wonho because he realized he was a good person outside of the gang, yet he couldn't just fail his mission. So he ends up holding him hostage and cripples Wonho so he can't leave while he figures out how to deal with his colossal up.

Over the next few days, his captive tries to get to know him and the hitman can't stand it. He can't like a man he's supposed to kill, let alone the first one he /failed/ to kill. Eventually, he lets Wonho go by knocking him out and leaving him on the street somewhere, figuring he could fabricate an escape story to get his boss off his . The thing is... he can't forget about the annoying guy who got away.

Wonho thinks he can get back to his regular life, but next thing he knows, the guy shows up at his apartment. The hitman is attached to him, but he just doesn't know how to deal with the things he's feeling, so it manifests as possessiveness. He assumes it's just a possessiveness over the job, in a 'no one can hurt or kill you but me' sense. It's like over the course of his life, he's forgotten what it's like to be a real person, to have any meaningful relationship and open up to someone. All he knows is how to cause pain and destroy, so the only outlet he knows for his powerful emotions is to hurt. Even though what's between them is ed up, Wonho won't stop trying to get through to the emotionless lump of a man with affection and warmth.
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Kaworu 3 years ago
Kame is leaving, thanks for having me
ItadoriYuji 3 years ago
I’m gonna drop Yuta Yuta because I’m not active with him :(
I’ll miss this place and hopefully will rejoin soon if the opportunity comes
-oliver 3 years ago
Letting y’all know that I’m leaving mingi bc I’m not active at all
It was nice while I was active though ♥︎ I really loved it here
912c5d2bc21ae1b6c24a 3 years ago
Hey, I'm really not around so I will be leaving Taehyung. Thank you for having me though! ♡
37e94f1464e94d4f7c30 3 years ago
<3 Taeyong is heading out- thank you so much for havin me!
blueydotmp3 3 years ago
leaving jaehyun

Don't want to be selfish and hog a character, thank you for the opportunity!!
DiabloEaterMfkr 3 years ago

Ish meee

I'm sorry I'm not very active here at all
So for now I will say goodbye. But if I can get a better muse for someone I shall be back. I'll be keeping you in my faves! ♡
maddiee 3 years ago
can you add and reserve jeon woosung (aka chillin homie) for me pls? ^w^
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