× park

come be in touch with Mother Nature in this big bustling city!
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β Relief. It flooded his body like a freight train - it was a full throttle hit but not entirely unexpected now that he thought about it. By nature, Sehun was always a straightforward person and even though he avoided conflict, he disliked keeping things ambiguous and vague like before. But fear is a strange thing, it can make a person do something they didn't even like and his fear was losing Yibo. So he went along with it and internalized anything and everything that could put their friendship at risk. It was only now that he realized how much it weighed him down and put pressure on him to keep that line drawn in the sand between them in perfect condition. A distance - no matter how well intentioned - was still distance and it was clear now that it strained their relationship. Now the pressure to keep this distance was gone and he could finally relax a little and enjoy this moment as it was. Two people embracing, who were finally on the same page and taking a step forward to something more - something better, he hoped.

He said what needed to be said and there was nothing to be embarrassed about but this warm comforting embrace and their special blend of scents was something he definitely felt shy about. The lingering conversation about his status as a rare beta and what it could mean for the future was enough to burn his ears red. A ual relationship was purely a release for him and insignificant in his eyes but his relationship with Yibo was something else entirely. A simple hug was enough to leave him floundering because the itch to stay was something he never had to deal with before. It made it easy for Sehun to pull away wordlessly and leave the younger wolf to his thoughts, there was plenty left to think about for the both of them. Not that there was much for him to figure out really, if anything this moment made things crystal clear for him - he would keep going forward until the very end and whatever relationship Yibo wants by then, he will happily pursue.

Vivi was a welcome distraction and an easy way to restart the conversation now that their previous one was settled properly. He glanced at his watch, "It's been around two hours since we left, that should have been plenty of time for Vivi. I don't want him to overheat or exhaust himself." Sehun answered, pulling on his bag to take out the necessary items for his pet. "If you're still up for that movie, we can head back and order in? I can cook if you want but it seems a bit silly when we are planning to watch a movie." He offered again, not wanting to assume that the younger beta would stick around because they had a pretty heavy conversation. There was plenty left to think about and he understood that the wolf may need some time but he still had to ask, Yibo's company was still something he wanted. "You can think about it while I wrap up with Vivi," he smiled with understanding and gently patted the other's hand before leaving.

"Vivi, come!" Sehun called, walking over to the bowl split in half with some left over water and empty of food. He crouched down and refilled both before turning to his adorable bichon with the rope toy still in his mouth and dragging on the ground. He grinned at the funny image the dog and toy made, "Drop it - good! Now, go eat." Sehun picked up the toys and cleaned them diligently before putting them away in his bag. He took out a cloth and poured some water on it, then he wiped down the bichon to cool down his temperature. It was a sunny day out today and after all that running around, it was bound to be tiring for the dog. The white fur became damp and laid flat on the pup in a strange way that never failed to make him laugh, but it was effective.

Once the white bichon was done eating and drinking, he dumped what little water remained on the ground. Sehun called his pup to his side and took the time to gently massage the dog's body, particularly his legs. After adopting the bichon, he made sure to read up on the proper care of a dog especially since he adopted him quite young. It was necessary to provide some relief to growing pains and the general soreness that comes with running around. The fact that this provided them both with some time to themselves to just think was not lost on him. Even Sehun needed a couple of minutes to gather his thoughts and went through the motions of his usual care routine for his pup.

There was a second there when their flight or fight instincts could have kicked in. It was an impulse after all their years of avoiding and pulling away from any conversation that could threaten their friendship. The fact that Yibo didn't immediately leave after his brief speech was comforting. Sehun was guilty himself of almost backing down after admitting his rare beta status and the influx of embarrassment it caused. He had spent a solid decade believing he was normal and after finding out that he could have children himself was a difficult transition. After all these years, he has come to terms with it and didn't mind his true nature as a wolf but it was something he had never shared before. Sehun has to admit that it left him unsettled and uncomfortable because Yibo had always looked up to him and he didn't know if this would change that. It was silly to even think that because Yibo would never look at him differently and he knew that but it left some doubts that he planned to get rid of right now lest they ruin the rest of their day.

The bichon was lounging on the ground by the time he was done and looking quite pleased with himself at that. Sehun chuckled and attached the leash on to the pup again, standing up to his full height and tugging the bag onto his back again. He turned to the younger wolf again and smiled pleasantly, whatever thoughts that had been running rampant in his mind were long gone. He walked over to Yibo and tilted his head with an amused smile. "We can head back now. I'm assuming you want to walk Vivi back as well? She seems to have a preference already." A small note of complaint in his tone as the dog excitedly barked and hopped around Yibo's feet.
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β The quiet way that Sehun took care of Yibo made him worry. Why wasn't he saying anything else? Sehun had free reign to do or say whatever he wanted, no need to linger on the topic at hand - Especially when it could be very embarrassing. It was unnerving, and Yibo was sure that the elder wolf knew what he was doing and he didn't like it - It made him more nervous than he had been even bringing it up in the first place. Regardless of his spinning thoughts, spiraling out of control behind his soft features, Yibo kept a small, shy smile teased across his lips, gaze focused down on the care that the other took with his hands, each digit being treated to a dry bath of sorts, all the crumbs and any traces of his hurried snack gone quickly. 'Sehun,' he plead mentally, whining out in a place where only he could hear himself, 'hurry up and say something'. The false sense of security was flimsy and even the gentle squeeze of his hands was not going to be enough to make Yibo think it was any stronger than gossamer thread.

It faltered, falling away like a sheer curtain when Yibo felt the warm hand at the juncture of his jaw and neck, smile falling off his lips in exchange for them being slightly parted; ready to voice out his protest or apologies. The younger didn't even realize that he wasn't breathing until he gasped in from the nudge of foreheads, finding it cut off by the fact of him already having full lungs. It was official, Yibo was getting embarrassed now, and his cheeks were growing hotter to show as much. His gaze faltered, flitting upwards to Sehun's own deep, dark eyes and back down to the curvature of his lips; Yibo's hand gripping the other's tightly. Everything that came out simultaneously made his cheeks hot and his blood cold, the revelation of status and what exactly 'could be' washing over the younger wolf in rolling, hard waves.

He was sure his cheeks were blood-red, bright and hot, and his eyes officially dropped to the space between them on the bench, the one where their held hands remained. It was quite a lot for Yibo to take in, thinking of the offer that changed everything about them - or, at least, had the potential to. He left his head bowed, accepting the long, strong digits that raked through his hair, and the kiss that was given with a warm exhale on his skin. It was a small gesture, but one that meant so much more than he could have anticipated. Sehun may as well have grabbed him and kissed him full on for how caught-off-guard the younger male was, and all he could do was lean in, hugging Sehun tightly.

Yibo clung to the other male, holding him tight and finally exhaling all the breath that he'd been holding. Of course there was so much more to be said, things to think through and voice aloud, but those... Those would be saved. There was too much going on up there already; Yibo's head too cluttered with other puzzle pieces to try and cram in any more. "Let's talk it over soon." He asked - though, it really was more of a statement. They *would* talk about it, just not today, not here. Not while they were still so new, and just stepping close to one another. A very large part of Yibo had the urge to rip himself away from the elder and run away right now, because there were just so many revelations happening today. Luckily, he didn't need to do anything, since they already had a built in distraction - Vivi needed their attention, too.

Giving a smile as he slipped his arms from around Sehun's shoulders, Yibo leaned back on the bench and turned his head to watch the dog take his rope, tossing it and shaking it side to side in his teeth. Thank goodness for the small distractions he had. The warm afternoon, the scent of the other beta around him, the dog that made soft little growls that were nothing short of adorable as he played his own little game. There was no shyness between them any more, save for the wide-eyed wonder of the younger of the two; still unsure of what to do after the kiss he was given. On one hand, it could have been a friendly gesture, but on the other... He wanted it to mean more. That much was presently very clear to him. It was new territory that he couldn't wait to explore.

"How much longer should we let him play on his own?" Yibo continued on his train of thought, head tilting over towards Vivi, showing he was still referencing the dog - Much like before - the forgotten question meant to distract from the offer of becoming 'partners' in a sense, or at least, for a time. Yibo casually glanced from dog to owner, bringing up a hand to rub at his own cheek gently. They were still hot, but hopefully his fingers massaging the smooth curve would make some of the color drain off. It was a two-fold question: One, if they were going to be out here too much longer, in which case Yibo could definitely eat a few more cookies; and Two, for how their afternoon was going to play out. There had been offers of a movie and cuddling, and if that was the case, then dinner would need to be discussed as well. These little things would be much easier to go over and help give Yibo some of the order that his mind so desperately needed without having to shut out Sehun, since they would be able to actively collaborate on those few things.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β The corner of his lip twitched into a slight smile at the soft sigh he could just barely hear; did he honestly think that Sehun was unaware of his personality after all these years? He met the wolf's gaze, noting the concern within his usual cheer and immediately, his expression softened. He understood - of course he did and knew that he could only give in on this matter but keep an eye on him to make sure Yibo didn't go too far. "Alright, I know that sometimes it can't be helped but don't dwell on it for too long, there's too much to look forward to." Sehun insisted, reaching up with his free hand to lightly flick his nose in a scolding manner. An understanding smile on his face because he knew very well how easy it was to worry about someone they cared about.

Although the younger wolf was just casually playing with his fingers, it was an intimate gesture to him that made his heart race because his hands were sensitive. He was always very cautious with his hands after deciding his profession but he found that he didn't mind Yibo's playful touch, if anything, it was pleasant. At times his fingers would twitch involuntarily and maybe he was just a bit ticklish that a warmth would linger in his fingers. Sehun wouldn't mind if this could happen every day and a sweet smile spread across his lips, casting a warm glance at the wolf beside him. It was a line of thought that has appeared far too many times today, and only reinforced his desire to become closer to Yibo.

At the gentle scolding, he rolled his eyes playfully and gave the appropriate warm smile that the wolf was looking for. The added pressure to his shoulder was all he needed to squeeze the fingers tangled with his in support. And yet, the offer still managed to surprise him, a rosy flush rising from his neck as he fought to make a coherent thought or to even speak. Sehun genuinely didn't think that Yibo would make that offer so soon but based on the speedy retreat, the younger wolf would be willing to forget the conversation. The question was: did he want to forget? It would rewrite their relationship entirely but already he could feel the anticipation and nervousness at the thought of it - a distinct lack of fear of any kind. His answer came easier than he thought but the sudden question about his dog was an out and he didn't plan on taking it.

"A little but he's such a small dog that I try not to." Sehun replied honestly but effectively ending that conversation by not offering a follow up. He opened his bag and pulled out a napkin, reaching over to take Yibo's closest hand in his own. Not giving the younger beta a chance to deny his attention and gently cleaned his hand. Sehun didn't say a single word as he gathered his thoughts, falling back on his knowledge as a surgeon to efficiently clean his hands. A caring tilt to his already warm smile had melted the seriousness of his motions. He dropped the clean hand onto his own thigh before he repeated the process with the wolf's other hand. This time he tucked away the napkin into his pocket to throw away at a later time and then held his hand in both of his own. He smiled at the digits that had been playing so easily with his own just seconds earlier and squeezed them gently in a comforting manner. Yibo had been the one to take the initiative this entire time with his questions and his intimate touches. He enjoyed every single part and needed the younger wolf to know that he would happily do the same.

One of his hands reached up to gently brush along the side of the young wolf's neck and tilt his head up just enough with a push of his thumb at his jaw. Sehun had leaned forward and bowed his that inch or two difference between their heights to bump their foreheads together, a playful rebuke for Yibo's earlier retreat. His eyes fluttering shut briefly, enjoying their small bubble of intimacy and didn't let his brief scolding linger for a second longer. Already he was lightly brushing their noses together as a warm smile formed on his face instantly, remembering his earlier offer. He leaned back just a little to meet his gaze properly with their faces centimeters apart and gently d his jaw, before speaking firmly. "I don't need just anyone to take care of me," Sehun quietly reminded the wolf with a soft look in his eye but still wet his lips, feeling a bit nervous. "But I would like you to be there, Yibo. If it's something you want also." The warm smile became a bit timid but he was determined all the same to continue to speak, "I am a rare beta though so you should think about this properly."

By that point all the confidence he had built up was waning, Sehun wasn't one to talk about his feelings or desires in the first place because it wasn't in his personality. The familiar heat rising from his cheeks and ears at the mention of his rare status and the conversation in general made him give into an urge he's had for years. Sehun leaned forward so his face bent into a dark mass of hair and his free hand automatically, running through the younger wolf's long strands of hair repeatedly. His familiar scent was soothing, it made him relax and warm all at once. His mess of thoughts became orderly again and he squeezed the hand in between his own to keep the wolf silent, because there was more he had to say. "I would be there for you too," Sehun's lips brushed against his forehead as he spoke softly before he pressed a caring kiss, indulging himself for a second. He knew there was more he could say here but for now it was plenty. "We have some time until then or any that follow to discuss it further, but for now, we can spend more time together." It was the truth, he didn't plan on taking any other partner because there was no one that he trusted like Yibo but he wanted them to both be comfortable with this step, so he didn't mind waiting and learning in the meantime.
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β Sweets. How funny, of all the things that the other beta could make for a snack, sweets were not what Yibo expected. Especially not with how he took his coffee, which only made it more interesting. He looked over the packed boxes, humming softly in response. He wasn't hungry yet, but it was nice to hear that there was food available. He chuckled softly, giving the other a warm smile; more than content just to listen for the time being. It was crucial to listen, and allow himself to think about all the little pieces of his new puzzle and how they fit together, the added content about Sehun's family filling in a few of the blanks. There was more to the elder than he could have ever known, but they were well on the way to finding out all the little nuances of one another - probably Yibo finding out more than Sehun, but it didn't really matter to him. He liked finding out all of these little things.

A sigh followed; How did Sehun know he would worry about it? Yibo could only look over and give him another soft smile, his eyes curling up cheerfully. "I'll do my best not to worry, but you know... Sometimes it just can't be helped." He wouldn't admit to anything more, since it seemed pretty clear. He was lost in his thoughts, letting things move about and be mapped in his mind; Then again, he was far from hiding the fact that he was thinking too much. His hand moved, bringing Sehun's into his lap so he could play with the digits that so smoothly saved lives. It was nice and something he had only thought about previous to today, mostly back in college, when their relationship was different, and felt more fresh, exploratory, and something that 'might have been'.

It made him wonder what they could have been or done, given they only stayed so close while they shared classes. They may have stayed friends, but it shifted to be more outside friends, rather than scholarly colleagues. This meant a little bit less time spent together, but more time for having 'fun' - or at least, their idea of fun. It wasn't wild nights out like most other college students, but quiet nights in, studying together or watching movies and eating junk food - cheap ramen, if Yibo had a choice, finding something about the sodium-bomb of noodles and a hardboiled egg to be the best thing ever. What had happened to those kids? Even then, he was the only 'kid' between them, their two years seeming far more vast than they did these days.

Now it may as well have been days, compared to months and years; something only further pointed out by their close status as beta wolves - Yibo remembered the first time that he had let slip he was worried about going out on a particular set of days, days in which he felt uncomfortable due to his own budding hormones. That had been a fun couple of weeks while they puttered about finding out they were both affected in similar ways, finally culminating in Yibo's drunken confession about the existence of werewolves and subsequent verbal vomit about his life as a wolf - What a hangover that was, in more ways than one. That particular incident is the precise moment that the Chinese wolf decided never to drink again, something that he lived up to, even today.

That's why he didn't think it would be so strange to ask, the innocently posed question opening the door to a deeper point that he was surprised they hadn't talked about before. Of course, it was a personal thing, but what better to bring them together? his lips, the younger beta laughed softly; it was a quiet huff that could have been mistaken for a puff of breath, but that one sound was extreme relief. That told him a few things - One, that there wasn't a 'certain' someone that he would have to work around in getting close to Sehun, and second... Well, that was just his hope for what might come to pass.

"I see... Don't give me that look, mister." Yibo noted the smile, and shook his head, leaning in to rest his cheek on the other's shoulder momentarily - Just long enough for him to offer to care for the elder male - "If you should ever need someone to help take care of you..." That being said, the younger pulled back, his fingers even leaving the hand atop his thigh to reach for the container of cookies. That was bold enough for one day, honestly, and the effort of making such an offer made even Yibo question himself. Was that too much, not enough, too forward? He quickly stuffed a cookie into his mouth so that he could hide the fact of his nerves, and the reveal of just how deeply his feelings might run for the other wolf. He made it seem like that cookie was the best thing on the face of the planet, before dusting off his hands and looking over at Vivi, taking a break from the rope to drink some more water from his little bowl. "Does he play tug-of-war?" Another abrupt change of topic, but the younger didn't want to linger on such an offer, lest it leave a strange taste in their mouths. If the offer was unwanted, he would have rather let it be forgotten.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β The warm yet slender hand that held his own almost immediately made him smile, there was some relief and genuine happiness in his gaze. For a second there, Sehun had been worried that maybe they had taken a step back because of the quiet atmosphere that had lingered a little too long. He chuckled quietly, relaxing at the playful rhythm Yibo had set for their joined hands. "I have cookies and fruits - not the greatest combination but it's the easiest to pack," Sehun explained with an embarrassed smile, pulling out the bag that had had small containers with the snacks and two water bottles. He had an awful sweet tooth that he didn't get to indulge often to avoid developing bad habits but the occasional sweet snack here or there wouldn't be harmful. Sehun had set the bag between them for either of them to enjoy but didn't lean forward to take a snack himself. The thoughtful expression on Yibo's face this entire time was all he needed to know that this conversation wasn't over and he was more than happy to share.

Although he had suspected, there was still some relief at learning that Yibo's parents had been human as well. It was comforting to know that at least some of his views regarding humans would be shared but his relationship with his first adoptive family wasn't the same. "They probably would have since your parents sound like good people," Sehun agreed with a nod of his head, a small smile on his face as he debated on explaining further. "It's really not as /magical/ as you think, I spent a few years with them. They were a nice family with two kids of their own that I naturally saw as siblings. I was treated kindly and they provided for me - it was normal in every sense of the word." He paused, a slight frown tilting his lips before he exhaled slowly, the complicated expression on his face disappearing altogether.

At most, he spent five or six years with his first adoptive family and it was lovely - that was the best way he could explain it. The biggest issue was their financial struggles but even then, they had more than enough to get by. It was simple and easy to just go to school, look after his adoptive siblings, a couple of extracurriculars and so on. In hindsight, Sehun's preference for a simple lifestyle probably stems from this period of his life because it was the closest he ever was to happiness. As an adult, he can enjoy his work, hobbies, and even a pet with his only trouble being his heat or the full moon. Anything else, he avoided like his current adoptive family and relationships. Yibo was the exception; he enjoyed his company, their conversations and many, many other things that he didn't mind interrupting his - otherwise quiet - life in this way.

"I haven't been close to them for a long time now but I still look out for them and help them if they ever need it. For that reason, I'm a brother to them." His eyes followed his white pup playing with his toys as he thought quietly. It was a relationship that was built on a few years and the financial support he offered later on had put an even greater distance between them. But it didn't change the title, it just made things easier for Sehun to keep his own life private and on occasion, contact them to catch up. "But other than that, I would have to say we are fairly distant as siblings and they are fine with it - they know it's just how I am." He smiled in amusement at Vivi's antics as he played around before taking a glance at the younger wolf. "I wanted to tell you and it's nothing to worry about - is what I'm trying to say." There was a reason he didn't talk about it and for Yibo to worry about it for too long (like he would) wasn't the point in opening up about himself and his life.

For Yibo to talk about this… It was such a leap in topics that Sehun hadn't anticipated and it made his heart race because there were only a few reasons to talk about something like their heats. Before he even let himself think any further, he had to question: does Yibo even know he was a rare beta? Sehun tried to remember if it ever came up in conversation or if maybe it was something wolves could naturally scent but it's nothing he has ever thought about. He was always very careful about his heats because even if the chances were one out of three, it was a chance he wouldn't take. Because of that, his status as a rare beta wasn't ever something to worry about with other wolves. He didn't dare think about it any longer and would bluntly state it, if that particular conversation were to arise. It - of course, didn't stop his mind from running miles as he considered what this type of conversation even meant.

"You're right, it could be pretty bad sometimes. I often get body pains along with the usual symptoms and around this time period especially." Sehun explained honestly, gently squeezing the younger wolf's fingers to show he didn't mind the topic. He didn't know if the symptoms were different for rare betas but he didn't plan on lying either.. Yibo had taken a huge step here to talk about this and his mind wouldn't stop reminding him of what this could mean. So it was best to be as honest as possible for that conversation to ever occur. "Yibo. I always spend the time when I'm sick /by myself/ for good reason - while others can spend time with people to look after them." Sehun looked at the younger wolf as he spoke, emphasizing "by myself" to convey what he couldn't bluntly say out loud in public. A tight smile on his face - the only show of discomfort given the situation and tried to prevent any concern from bleeding into his expression. It was the right thing to do, he convinced himself, to be honest and prevent any miscommunication.
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β Yibo took the chance to sit down, still in far too much of a daze to do too much in the way of keeping up conversations. It was nice that Sehun didn't expect it, though, He instead let his eyes focus on the bichon, watching the gorgeous little dog go through his paces. Vivi was a good distraction, even just sitting and eating, or drinking from his bowl. It made his heart fill with longing - but what he was longing for was still a muddled mess in his own mind. Yibo looked from the dog to it's owner after a moment, the smile on Sehun's features as he pulled out toys to play with was absolutely adorable. He was so sweet when he wasn't being serious all of the time, in all reality, and it didn't matter what background he came from, right? That was the conundrum.

It made him a little bit more sad than upset to learn that Sehun's family - the one he would actually call 'family' it seemed, rather than just 'adopted family' - was human. How could he, of all people, not be trusted with such information? His family was human, too... Then again, he also was never 'fertile' as far as the wolf side of him went, so... Heats and ruts weren't exactly awful. A little fever, a bit of flu-like symptoms, nothing that was too bad, and his parents were always supportive. They knew, and they never once looked at him like a monster. Had he forgotten to mention it? It was something that he was racking his mind for, just like plenty of things today. Instead of having fun, it felt like he was taking on even more worry and concern; things he didn't want or need right now. It made him sad - Like he was weighing down Sehun even more. Should he even be here?

Yibo was always more sensitive than he let on, caring nearly to a fault, and took far too many of other people's worries onto himself; it seemed like this was going to be another. He needed a journal or something to pour his heart out to, time to clear things up for himself, map things out. That was just how his mind worked - Until he got to map things out, he wouldn't be satisfied with his own thought process. He couldn't *trust* himself, it felt like, until he had his time to follow through with every little detail that he could put down. Especially since this came to a dark area, thorny with unresolved feelings and 'what if's that he went through - and would have to re-evaluate now that it seemed like there was something... There. Something that he had been purposefully blind to, for probably far too long. The reason he didn't date. The one thing he felt like he would never admit to...

Drawn out of his own deep thought process, Yibo jumped a little to realize Sehun was next to him, smiling at him. That sweet, endearing look that made Yibo want to cup his cheeks and nuzzle their noses together like they were little kids; far too affectionate with one another. That was, of course, something that he wouldn't be able to do, but the younger beta didn't let that stop him from smiling in kind. "Thank you, Sehun." He nodded, head tilting to the side. Where did they start now that they had all these new things between them? For starters, Yibo took back the hand that had felt so nice against his own - He'd always assumed he had warm hands until he held Sehun's - playing with his fingers while he set about watching Vivi again.

"You... Should tell me more stories sometime. I'd love to hear about this magical family of yours. I can tell you about my parents in return. They sound a lot like your first family." 'They were humans, in case I never told you' - that was what Yibo meant, but you could never be too cautious about what was said in the open, especially given they were in a public park. "I bet they all would have gotten along." It was so tedious to have to think in coded terminology, how to say things without coming right out and getting to be so obvious. Even for the pathologist, it was a lot of extra wordiness he didn't necessarily enjoy. It was just a fact of life for their kind.

"Which reminds me, you never told me about the last time you got sick... Was it bad? I know it tends to be bad this time of year. I can only imagine it would be worse for you, too." Yibo knew this one for a fact. His own itch was worst at the summer and winter solstices, especially when they coincided with full moons, like this one would. Not only that but it would be a blue moon, something insane to think about. It would definitely be strange for them both, but the younger beta had to set out feelers before making an offer that might ultimately change things between them forever. He wondered if it would be too much, but given all the other boundaries they were breaking today, it seemed fitting to keep pushing and see what happened when they came out on the other side.
o sehun β 4 years ago
@w yibo β After finishing his piece, Sehun fell silent with a calm expression on his face and a small smile that tilted his lips ever so slightly. The sympathetic look made him sigh internally, it really wasn't that big of a matter in his opinion. He explained what Yibo needed to know and sure it was a bit risky to do so in public but it wasn't anything particularly revealing either. Sehun was a naturally cautious person, he wouldn't make a mistake when speaking about it and just felt the need to reassure the younger wolf despite his usual reserved nature. It was awkward to talk about his childhood in his opinion because it sounded ugly and sad but for him, it was just a complicated mess that he left behind a long time ago.

Although his words were brief, it was much sweeter than anything he himself had said. For the younger wolf to say so openly that he cared felt somehow more intimate to him. All Sehun had originally said was that he trusted him and some other words to explain his actions. The trust between them was already a given but to care was more ambiguous since there were plenty of things left unspoken. But it was still mutual all the same - his concern for Yibo's more dangerous habits and their regular meetings to check up on each other's well being were very telling. It just made him laugh quietly, even through his embarrassment, because caring or trusting they amounted to the same thing didn't they? It all came back to that unspoken conversation that may or may not ever have. A relationship like theirs wasn't easily defined or explained and Sehun didn't feel any particular need to do so. In time, who knows where things will end up and he was perfectly content letting things sort themselves out eventually.

The gentle touch of soft lips to his cheek left him stunned, Sehun fell a step behind before automatically catching up in a single step. He brought his empty hand to his cheek and couldn't find a single word to say. This was a line they never crossed and it wasn't like he minded, it just left him surprised for a second too long. His eyes brightened and a chuckle escaped his lips, Yibo was definitely on the same page it seems. The line that they both drew long ago was starting to disappear and it made them more honest and brazen in their actions. "Thank you," Sehun answered warmly, a couple of seconds late but the sentiment was there in his soft tone and kind smile. It was for a number of things really - the surprise kiss to his cheek, his sweet words or simply the wolf's company - all of it and more.

Sehun's eyes turned to his white pup, casually strolling about with growing excitement based on its tail as they drew closer to their usual stop. A soft smile lingered on his face, even with the growing quiet as they continued on their path. It was silent again and this time he didn't interrupt, letting it be. The conversation was far more intimate than he had anticipated, but it was bound to happen sooner or later. What he felt about his past with his adoptive family and what others felt when they heard about it were different - Sehun was well aware of it. He's an incredibly rational person and once problems have been resolved, he put them out of his mind. He wasn't able to see or speak with his first adoptive family often and that was fine with him as horrible as it sounds, so he moved past it. His current adoptive family is a problem only temporarily resolved and he always relied on himself to deal with it. Sehun was an incredibly private person that kept things close to his chest and the fact he didn't share was because he saw no reason to. It was senseless to worry the younger wolf or share things he didn't need to talk about. That's just the way he saw things but it wasn't a popular perspective, so he opened up and shared. Now, it's time to deal with the aftermath at whatever pace Yibo set.

"A little bit of both actually but first Vivi needs some water and food after the walk." Sehun explained, leading the way into a small clearing filled with grass and scattered leaves. He stopped at his usual bench, it was beside a tree and had shade, the perfect spot to read. "You can sit while I do this, it won't take long," He offered a warm smile, letting go of Yibo's hand after a small squeeze and put down the bag. Sehun paused for a second and looked at the wolf who had been pensive this entire time,"What you said earlier - it goes both ways." He ran his fingers through Yibo's hair briefly and smiled kindly, "I care about you too. If there's anything you want to talk about or ask, you are more than welcome to." He clarified and took out the necessary dog items to attend to his dog, instantly relaxing into his routine.

"Vivi, sit - now stay… very nicely done." He took out a bowl and filled it with water along with some dog food, then set it down on the ground. "Come eat," Sehun called with a small laugh, this pup was already used to their routine. But the orders themselves weren't always followed outside of it, it was still a work in progress. "Alright, I brought your usual toys and we can play fetch if you want," Sehun spoke, pulling out a couple of toys for Vivi to play with. A small bright blue ball, a medium sized hew toy and a long rope. He placed them on the ground and tossed the ball first, after a couple of rounds of fetch, the bichon switched to the brightly colored rope. His lip twitched with amusement, and held onto the ball, tossing it in his palm. "Everytime." Sehun laughed, letting his dog do as he pleased before he returned to Yibo's side. His expression instantly softened into a warm smile but the concerned tilt to his lip gave him away, starting the conversation at an easy place. "I bought a couple of snacks and water to drink, if you want."

[ It's understandable! Their misunderstandings and past history will take a while to clear up^^ ]
w yibo β 4 years ago
@o sehun β The younger beta felt bad; there was so much going in the storm that hid behind Sehun's eyes. This was apparently much, much deeper than he had given it credit for being, and obviously not a subject that they should be talking about in the open - It was too risky to be a wolf in the human world, in broad daylight, practically proclaiming 'hey, I'm different, I'm a monster' or whatever it was that humans thought of their kind these days. It just... wasn't realistic to be doing this here and now. Yibo wished there was a way to shut the other beta up, tell him to save it for another day, but... Really? He didn't want to. He wanted to know everything that he could about his friend, things that would make their bond stronger and deeper. It was selfish, but he listened, looking on at the other with a sympathetic gaze until Sehun decided for himself that he was at a point where he could stop.

It took every ounce of his being to keep from kissing Sehun's cheeks and cradling him in a warm embrace like his mother used to do to him; Yibo instead giving the very warm hand against his a gentle squeeze, the pattern of which were beginning to feel like an irregular heartbeat - something that brought them closer with every flex of muscles, but also something not yet ready to beat strong and hard. It would be fragile, if their grip was a heart, and they had to treat it as such. His features softened, and he leaned in, pressing his cheek to Sehun's pink one. "You can tell me everything or nothing, and it won't change how much I care about you." He breathed out, not wanting his voice to rise up and ruin the moment that was passing them by so quickly. "These are talks for another day, Sehun. Call me any time, and I'll gladly listen." Against his own better judgement but going with his emotional response, Yibo pressed a kiss to Sehun's cheek next, before letting them move apart to continue on their walk; not bothering to continue the teasing that he'd instigated. Sehun was opening up so much that there was no need to push things any further for today. The last thing the younger wolf wanted was for him to be overwhelmed.

He simply nodded as the other gave him some direction, though most of it came from Vivi himself, the adorable dog confident as he led the two wolves along. What a pack they'd make, Yibo thought to himself, the words playing in his head earning the quietest and softest of smiles across his bitten lips; stained in a deeper hue of pink from how his nervous mouth had been nibbling on the pair. It was a bad habit, but one that wasn't about to change any time soon. He couldn't imagine going back to chewing on his nails when he'd worked so hard to replace that habit with another. There was part of him that thought to comment on Sehun's words, or the talk about the dog, but Yibo had too much going on inside his own head now to fully devote himself to speaking. He simply returned the smile and nodded to the invitation, not wanting to blurt out everything that he was thinking. He simply walked along, hand held in the other's, dog walking just ahead of them. Where did he even begin?

There was the concern about how little he actually knew of the other wolf, if he had been lying or simply omitting truths - Did omissions count as lies if they were unintentional? And how to deal with this widespread extra family that Sehun had, considering he seemed to actually like them. How much of himself had he revealed to the other? Was he just as guilty of hiding things? It was easy to say that this afternoon and all subsequent conversations had put the young beta into sort of a tailspin, unsure of where to go, what to do, and what to say. Just when he thought things were moving him closer to his dear friend, he found they had never been further apart. The little stream of missed information that separated them was suddenly as wide as the Han River, and Yibo didn't know how to feel about all of this, without the luxury of time to think on it, and gain some introspection.

His thoughtful silence was only broken when Vivi stopped and sat, seemingly waiting to be let off the leash. They must have made it to the area that he was usually granted free reign of. The beta snapped himself out of his tumultuous thoughts, and knelt down to unclip the leash from the pup, giving Vivi a few scratches before letting him wander into the grass just ahead of himself and Sehun. "So... What now? Do you just let Vivi do his own thing and keep an eye on him, like babysitting?" He asked, tone still soft; Yibo, for once, was pulling conversation with some effort, forcing himself to say anything other than the things that were eating him up inside. His eyes fixed to the elder to await a response, trying his best not to look too upset by his own invasive thought process.

{sorry it's so short, OTL They got a lot going on, Yibo needs to process ^^;; }


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evilgamegyu 4 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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