
IC, in person, please no emojis or links
coded byΒ yxgurt
youngkyun k. 8 months ago
@yetao h. Though it felt like Yetao was putting in a lot of effort to be joyful, Youngkyun couldn’t help his overthinking nature and mentally question if Yetao was always /this/ happy.
Deciding not to ask, he had come to the conclusion that they are simply super friendly.
“Bribing friends with snacks…you are an interesting individual for sure. Do you find out what snacks they like beforehand or just randomly pick and see what they end up choosing…?”
He curiously quirked a brow as he did find it intriguing how much Yetao would do for someone they considered a friend.
When he heard that they haven’t had homemade kimchi, he couldn’t help the expression of shock upon his face before shaking his head in a “no” manner.
“ are definitely missing out. I will say most foods that are made fresh taste way better than store bought- Granted I don’t eat enough to probably justify that outlook but yknow~”

Youngkyun carefully stacked the food and placed them in a carry out plastic bag, while he listened to Yetao ramble off about all the things he liked, a few of their words getting small laughs here and there from him.
“Movie snack is nachos? They serve nachos at the movie theaters? Thats rather new to me. Do you like the original nachos or add jalapeño?”
Being somewhat spicy food eater, he is curious to know.

Youngkyun casually watched Yetao stand up and discard the empty containers that were left before he also nodded in response as they returned.
“Socializing is draining to me, at least. Don’t get me wrong. I like chatting just a lot of mental power for me. I did enjoy the food though, I definitely bought too much. I can take the eggs Benedict and you can take the rest home for left overs, if you’d like.”
yetao h. 8 months ago
@youngkyun k. "I like to bribe my friends with snacks." Tao shrugged, their grin still tugging at their lips, even as they listened, making mental notes of everything as they nibbled from the various plates. Even going so far as to venture for a bite of the eggs benedict, in spite of the fact that they questioned sauces that looked creamy, and held some sort of deep-seated resentment towards them. It was alright, but not worth going back for a second bite.

They clapped a couple of times, laughing in genuine delight that Youngkyun was playing along. The difference in their energy levels was apparent, but they appreciated how much it felt like the other was doing to make them feel comfortable. "You will have to introduce me to fresh homemade kimchi someday. I've only ever had store bought, so I don't know what 'good' kimchi is." They affirmed, thinking a moment and giving their own list.

"Favorite food is anything Italian, snack is Cheez-Its, drink is coconut water, sweets... Red bean or brown sugar mochi, side dish is aokappa and takuan. Movie treat is nachos. Kind of similar~ But also pretty different. What is a honey mustard pretzel?" The dancer didn't hold back on their questions, mostly because it was food related, and that was probably their real passion. Dancing could be damned if they got paid to eat all day everyday - but that was not their chosen career path. At least dancing for hours a day burned a lot of calories.

Yetao pulled back their forks and knives and all other manner of silverware that had been displaced when Kyun began to clean up, helping in their own tiny way, making a stack of the recyclable materials. They shared a look at Youngkyun, amusement spreading across their lips as they shook their head. "Dance doesn't require too many brain cells. I think that's why I have so many to waste at the end of the night, questioning if I was too weird or chatty for the people around me." Tao stood up and pushed back their hair, gathering the empty containers and napkins, taking them to the nearby refuse containers. On their way back, they shrugged, feigning as though they were putting real thought into the meal. "I mean~" They sighed playfully, continuing: "It was all pretty good. I'm not one for eggs benedict, but other than that-- Good choices, Kyun! Did you enjoy it?" They questioned as they settled back down onto the bench seat.
youngkyun k. 8 months ago
@yetao h. Despite feeling out of his comfort zone, Youngkyun tried his best to engage and show a sense of participation. He would hate if his acquaintance felt like he was not being social enough to their standards.
As he nodded his head a few times to their words and continued to pick at the food which was delicious but he merely did not have much of an appetite at the moment.
Once and awhile he would peek over at Yetao eating but his brown orbs stay focused mainly on the fruit bowl on the table, the excitement in Yetao’s voice did snap him back into reality once again.
His eyes averting their attention back to their company as he curved his lips into a sheepish smile before answering the multiple questions.
“Curiosity…huh? Favorite food pho. Snack is honey mustard pretzels. Drink Coconut water… sweets I don’t enjoy. Side dish kimchi but only homemade fresh kimchi. Store bought isn’t good to me. Movie treat is popcorn. Now what about you ?”
Youngkyun returned the various of questions as he had assumed this was Yetao’s way of either being nosy or attempting to comfort the other person they are with.
Despite it being rather random, Youngkyun played along for curious purposes.

Overanalyze, he repeated mentally before the sound of a tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth could be heard.
“I don’t think putting your brain that studies hard all day through all that is worth it. No need to overthink anything. Not like you did anything bad, you know..? But catching a break from all those events does sound lovely. Just hearing about parties sounds exhausting. Kudos to you for being able to socialize so well.”
Youngkyun spoke in a manner of calmness while he began to reach over and begin to tidy the food up as to make sure flies would not step on anything. Once he sorted it all out and closed the containers he glanced over to Yetao with a small smile obvious upon his face.
“Is the food good? You are the big foodie here so your opinion definitely matters. Bought it from a local cafe not too far from here. The owners seem nice.”
yetao h. 8 months ago
@youngkyun k. Yetao took a few more bites as they processed the point of view, tilting their head up and to the side a bit, thinking about it. "I dunno. I'd appreciate meeting someone similar to me. A different but familiar point of view, you know?" Tao countered, cracking open their drink and turning to the side to take a sip, avoiding pushing their drink into Youngkyun's face. When they were done, they capped the bottle again and set it on the table, pushing their hair back behind their ears to ensure it didn't fall over their shoulder with the threat of syrup lingering nearby for the bite of french toast on their fork. They'd hate to have to wash their hair once again this week.
"Mm? Maybe? Save for the protein thing. I can't with the powders and bars unless I'm legitimately out of options and don't want fast food. Bet's go. Rapid fire!" They called for the style of questioning in an almost cheering manner, swiveling to face Youngkyun with their smile on display, "Favorite~ Food? Snack? Drink? Sweet? Side dish? Movie treat?" Tao listed out the different categories smoothly, as though these had been rehearsed rather than off the top of their head. It was one of what they considered to be their many useless talents.

A laugh parted their lips, finding it endearing that Youngkyun seemed to be slow on the uptake - It reminded them of Jongup, and they got an inkling that they might have a certain type of person they gravitated towards. The shoulder bump reminded him of Jungkook, as well. If that was any indication of the current company, Tao felt even more comforted in the other's presence now. "You say that, but my brain is going to replay this about 73 times before I'm allowed to go to sleep tonight, and I'll absolutely be overanalyzing it each time." This time, they were only half joking, but their laugh made it seem like more of a joke than it really was.
"Plans? Afternoon and evening dance classes, but nothing out of the usual. It's a weekday, there are no good parties or things to catch up on like on weekends... I'm happy for the break, though."
youngkyun k. 8 months ago
@yetao h. Though he is intently listening, Youngkyun naturally gave off a laid back yet somewhat professional demeanor as his brown orbs glanced over to Yetao mid bite into a strawberry before he emitted a low laugh as he continued to chew the fruit before him.
“Well..normal isn’t real, thats true. And it wouldn’t be very fun nor intriguing if we were the same, right? It would be similar to looking into a mirror and I do that every morning..” he joked briefly at the end while he finished off the strawberry before reaching for the bottled water, his body shifting so he can face Yetao with an obvious grin on his face.
“Surprised you chose coconut water. I actually enjoy that beverage just as much. I suppose we have similar taste?”
Finding that Yetao was actually joking got a late reaction from Youngkyun as his lips form an ‘o’ shape before he awkwardly chuckles.
“Oh…I’m so bad with jokes- but what?” He spoke softly as he blinked a few times at Yetao’s next bold words, taking a moment to glance down at his arms then back to Yetao before shrugging.
“I mean…thanks? I wouldn’t assume that you’d do that on purpose though. I appreciate the compliment though. No need to feel embarrassed, pal ~” Youngkyun leaned over to lightly bump his own shoulder with Yetao to show a sign of support that its okay.
“As for my plans…going to a night class later today but other than that. Not much. What about you, busy bee?”
yetao h. 8 months ago
@youngkyun k. "Normal isn't real. Well, that's not exactly true... But your normal isn't the same as mine" The dancer hummed, sitting down next to Youngkyun. Their hands immediately fiddled with the bottle of coconut water as he took over handling everything, much to Tao's surprise. They hadn't anticipated the treatment, whether it be out of some form of gentlemanly duty or something else, offering the other a soft smile and a quiet thanks.
They began to eat in small bites from the omelet and fruit dish, almost choking on a piece of strawberry at the question which showed their joke didn't land nearly as well as they thought it might have. "I was messing around." They held up a hand in their own defense, cheeks dusting over in pink; embarrassed that they'd now have to explain. "Not that I was *trying* to feel you up, but you have pretty nice arms, so I can see why you're into protein powder, and honestly - I felt a little like a string bean after snuggling up to you." The joke now totally nuked and their face flooded with embarrassment, Yetao opted to move onto the next thing, reaching for the french toast and pulling a fresh set of utensils to cut it into smaller, sharable pieces.
"Anyways - Enough of me embarrassing the heck out of myself. What's going on today? Any special plans? Classes you'll have to run off to soon?"
youngkyun k. 8 months ago
@yetao h. As he listened to Yetao speak he started to open up the food containers. Taking a glance over, he took out a fork and set it next to Yetao on a napkin and did the same for himself.
“You’re welcome, Yetao. I think its normal human behavior but you are too kind. Also, none of this will go to waste. Whatever we don’t finish, we can each take some home or however you’d like to do that. I don’t have a preference.”
Taking hold of his fork, Youngkyun reached over and began to cut the omelette in small pieces, pushing them off the side as if gesturing that this is Yetao’s portion before he began to cut pieces for himself. The portions separated and Youngkyun making sure their pieces did not touch Yetao’s.
“Skinny dancer…?” He questioned as if he wasn’t sure if Yetao was being serious or teasing. He peered over to the other individual next to him with an obvious confused expression as he brought a piece of the omelette to his lips to take a bite, chewing quietly as he awaited for a response.
yetao h. 8 months ago
@youngkyun k. "You're incredibly thoughtful, Youngkyun," Yetao hummed softly, a smile painting their lips. "And I appreciate the effort you've put in. This was very kind of you." They concluded, patting the other's arm lightly before turning to really look over the variety of foods and drinks on offer. "Please tell me that none of this will go to waste if we don't finish it right now?" They asked, head tilting back to offer an imploring look - both for the waste of food and the expense that it must have been to Youngkyun; not enjoying the idea that he'd be put out in his efforts to do something nice.
The omega pulled the coconut water into manicured hands, surveying the options with a wary eye; balancing diet and desire in their mind. "Do you mind sharing? We can split the omelette if you don't mind giving up some of your precious protein to a skinny dancer..." Their silent contemplation washed away with the re-emergence of their usual smile.
youngkyun k. 8 months ago
@yetao h. Youngkyun read the message from Yetao and he simply nodded instead of responding as he was now scrolling through Pinterest photos of ideas for outfits and random recipes.
The time went by pretty quickly it felt like as he raised his gaze when he heard faster foot steps, catching sight of Yetao speed walking it seemed. His brown orbs squinted slightly only to inhale a deep breath when they made themselves comfortable next to him as he felt the soft grip on his arm.
“Uh…just us two. I wasn’t sure what you liked nor any specific allergies so I got kinda a variety? Also there is orange juice, coconut water and regular water too…”
He placed his phone upside down on the courtyard table as to give his direct attention while he then gestures over to the bottled beverages.
“You can decide what to eat and I’ll dabble after you. Does that sound okay..?”
Youngkyun being quite the inexperienced social individual, made interactions a bit more difficult for him outside of social media. He didn’t hang with many nor discussed with anyone other than students in his class when needed and professors.
yetao h. 8 months ago
@youngkyun k. Tao had the luxury of rising with the sun to work out so their efforts to stave off breakfast thankfully seemed to pay off today. They'd not been in the mood to dress up, donning a simple outfit to bounce down the stairs of the omega dorm, nails clicking away at their phone screen as the walked

[Text to: Kyun!]
- On my way. You're the best!

They grinned at their phone, tucking it into the pocket of their baggy pants as they made their way over, thankful to have a better recognition of Youngkyun's face now that they'd seen more than just his picture. It helped immensely, since the amount of food he'd brought would have left Yetao thinking he was preparing for a party, not just one other person.

Sticking to their promise - or rather, the joke made in their college chat - Yetao ran the last few steps and jumped towards Kyun, purposely pulling their landing to end up just next to the other rather than attacking him in a flying hug; hugging just his arm in greeting. "Who else is meeting us here, Mister "I don't eat"?" They asked with a cheery laugh, relinquishing their hold on Youngkyun's arm to look over the table.

youngkyun k. 8 months ago
@yetao h. It didn’t take Youngkyun long to head out as he was already dressed for the day in the early morning before moat people wake up.
He made his way down to a local breakfast spot and bought a variety of foods like eggs benedict, waffles, french toast, fruit bowl, and an omelette. He didn’t personally what Yetao enjoyed eating so he decided to go with a selection. He paired the food with an orange juice and coconut water but getting regular water as well just in case.
He carried the bags and food tray carefully down to the courtyard as he was sure not to drop nor spill anything. Making his way to an empty table, he started to lay the food out. With a nod of approval, he pulled out his phone and decided to text Yetao.

[Text to: Yetaoo]
-Come on down. I’m ready when you are.

() Outfit:


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gotohellu 8 months ago
Can i get byun baekhyun?
PMR501 8 months ago
Hello, could I reserve Luhan?
zeriri 8 months ago
could I reserve zhang yixing?
DamnDaehyun 8 months ago
Could I reserve Lucas wong?
lovestay 8 months ago
Can I get Hwang Hyunjin added?
smoothbrainediggy 8 months ago
could i please have kim namjoon?
KUSHPANDA182 8 months ago
I'm interested....

Can I get a Aaron Liebregts please?
DreamlessMaiden 8 months ago
can I have dove cameron please
Ashley23 9 months ago
ashæey vee for me please
8c5e28106187b50f1b19 9 months ago
song mingi please
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