Dance Studio

Dance Studio
ic, in person, please no emojis or links
coded byΒ yxgurt
jongup m. 7 months ago
jongup m. 8 months ago
@lucas w. Just when he was about to blow past it- not being the sort of teacher to pick on someone randomly if no one were to volunteers; Lucas once again is stepping before him. Jongup was pleased that the other male was willing to try it after he had seemed so hesitant and a little awkward on his feet earlier. So, he began counting for him, his head nodding with each beat. "good. well done," he compliments softly with an amused smile before he was allowing the male to go back to his spot and they were off to the final leg of their class. Pressing play on his phone after explaining that they would at last put their movements to a proper beat. He demonstrated once for them before he was restarting the song and allowing the class to follow along with him. They were only able to go over the moves a few times before he was stopping the song again and turning to face the class. "that'll be all for today," he says as he sits down in front of the mirror once more. "you don't have any homework today, but if you want to practice, you can." he looks at all of his students as they move to gather up their belongings. "I'll see you guys on Thursday."
lucas w. 8 months ago
@jongup m. They had gone over the routine multiple times and by now Lucas had gotten the steps together and pretty on time. In his mind, he was a dancer now. He knew when they added music he would be even better but that didn’t explain what possessed him to raise his hand and volunteer. No one else had volunteered so Lucas would just be a show of his own. He was up and standing before Jongup with a goofy smile of full confidence. “Count me out coach,” Lucas half laughed moving into the routine dramatically adding extra little flourishes to lighten the mood as Jongup counted for him.
jongup m. 8 months ago
@lucas w. After getting the rest of his students attention to announce that break was over, they got to work once again. Going over the eight count of steps before he was moving to the next ones and they were spending a few minutes learning those— and so on until it was time to layer every thing he’d taught over music. Having the class watch as he demonstrates what it’s supposed to look like before he’s turning to the class with his most /teacher/ smile. “Anyone want to try it before we do it as a group?” He questions as he tips his head curiously.
lucas w. 8 months ago
@jongup m. He stood up from the floor with a groan, arm swinging haphazardly to collect his water bottle. Lucas wasn't so assured by the tone of the other but he was sweetly surprised at the laugh he produced. Lucas was growing on this instructor. He ccould already tell. The plan was to talk Jongup down and out of this shell but that would have to happen another time. Break was over and it was time to get back to dancing again. So reluctantly Lucas took his space in the middle towards the wall awaiting further instruction. He was sure with the music he'd get this routine, but also... he'd find a way to get Jongup out of the studio.
jongup m. 8 months ago
@lucas w. “Is that what it sounded like?” He questioned softly as he studied the other, he wondered if the male was always so chatty with all his teachers? Or just the ones that he doesn’t feel comfortable in? He was brought out of his thoughts by the males barrage of questions, another laugh leaving him at Lucas’ inability to accept that he might not be being seen as fun right at this very moment. “I’m sure you’re a very fun person,” he agrees easily enough, setting his water aside as he regards the man with slightly amused eyes. “I’ll have to pass up that offer,” he says— he didn’t know if it was appropriate to go out with his students…. “But thanks for the offer.” His eyes narrowing a little before he rolled them at that. “yes, I’m old enough. break is almost over, get back to your spot.” He points behind the other as he pushes up to his feet once more.
lucas w. 8 months ago
@jongup m. "Well hold on now professor," He interjected after catching this grin playing on the other's lips, " You sounding like you don't think I'm a fun person already." The audacity of this man. It was nice that he was loosening up more, it made him seem more human and less as a villain lording over his grades. "Do I not seem like a fun person?" He leaned back as if he was offended, "I see you got a lil bit of jokes... I can be fun tho shood. You just gotta see me in action I promise I'm not as embarrassing as it sounds. You should come out with us have a couple of drinks... or... " He knit his brows waving a hand in front of them, "Wait a minute, are you even old enough to drink?"
jongup m. 8 months ago
@lucas w. Jongup couldn’t help but wonder if Lucas was the type of person who drug out his words nervously, his head tipping to one side as he as he stares at the other male. Rubbing his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he looks down at his phone once more. “I don’t think my dance class will make you any more fun of a person, unfortunately,” he says with a tinge of amusement coloring his tone. Setting his phone down at last once he finally chooses the song that he wanted, his gaze sweeping over Lucas’ gangly form before he raises his shoulders in an honest shrug. “Find something you like, or something you’re good at. I don’t want to have to be the one to tell you that you being embarrassing is a harder fix than you actually picking up dance.” Chuckling as he picks up his water bottle to take one more drink from. “After you find something you like, or are good at— and then you practice.“
lucas w. 8 months ago
@jongup m. As his instructor spoke, Lucas nodded brows furrowed in attention. He could tell that Jongup had been dancing a long time because he moved like it wasn't even a thought: instinctual. "Before you could walk, is a long time," Lucas replied incredulously, noticing the smile and returning it. Lithe fingers tapped on the cap of the water bottle, opening it and taking a quick sip while in thought. He really only joined the class to have something easy and low stress to add to his major's requirements but the way that this instructor looked while talking about dance he couldn't say anything like that. The second thought will be the better response. "I feel likeeeee.... all the dancers on campus are the funnest people to be around. So I wanna do what they do." He shrugged, watching a few people's reflections as they loosely practice on the break. "I don't wanna be out embarrassing them more than I do. What's your getting better at dancing--- and don't say practice--" He held up a hand to stop the other, "That's the typical answer, what's the nonexpected answer that also helps?"
jongup m. 8 months ago
@lucas w. Looking up from where he had grabbed his phone to scroll through for the song he wanted to play during class, his gaze fixated on the water bottle that had been sat next to him, then at the man who had sat across from him. Was water this students symbolic apple for the teacher? He grabbed it nonetheless and took a sip of the drink. “Thank you,” he didn’t get a chance to remember everyones names just yet— probably wouldn’t until at least a week into courses. His nose twitched as he looked back down at his phone; the student had the physique of an alpha; long limbs and broad shoulders, but Jongup couldn’t tell with the mix of smells trapped in their small practice room. “I’ve been dancing since before I could walk,” he says with a upturn to his lips, setting the water bottle down next to him. “what made you want to take up dance?”
lucas w. 8 months ago
@jongup m. The drink did sound appetizing. The temperature of the practice studio had raised so much that he needed to remove his hoodie. Quickly he tossed it with his other things and grabbed another bottle of water bringing it to the instructor and setting it beside him. “For you,” He nodded towards the water bottle, “Sooo…. How long have you been dancing for?” Lucas took a seat across from Jongup, downing half of his own water bottle in one go. He wasn’t sure what possessed him to start this conversation but maybe it would help to understanding dance better. Dancing wasn’t on the top of the list of things he was great at, but this was just day one. He would get it… eventually. He would research it until it made sense. “Did you always like to dance or did you start in a class, like me?”
jongup m. 8 months ago
@lucas w. Watching his class go over the steps again, Jongup found his gaze wandering to a few students who seemed a half step behind the others. His head nodding along with the beat that he had set up before he turned to face the mirror once more. “Follow me,” he said before he was moving through the steps again one by one. Going over the steps a few times before adding the counts once again. By the time they had finished, he was satisfied that each of his new students understood the counts and the movements separately, even if their bodies and thoughts weren’t of one accord just yet. “Counting is just a way to make the moves make more sense in your head,” he says as he walks along the length of the mirror, not wanting his students to feel discouraged at feeling awkward with the timing at first. “like- like… slowing them down from the big picture,” he stammers through his attempted explanation. Then he was shooting a little smile and waving a head. “Grab a drink, and we’ll go onto the next one.” He paces back across the room to sit down against the mirror once more. “We’ll be learning 4 eight counts today, then layering them over music so you can get a feel of what it’s like.”
lucas w. 8 months ago
@jongup m. Stretching was something he could do. Lucas was no stranger to this kind of conditioning, this was the off season but usually he did these things at baseball practice. ‘This isn’t so hard’ he thought to himself, eyes flicking around the studio.

The reviews said it was good filler class. Extra notes were that the teacher was cute which Lucas could see that held up and also that he was awkward which Lucas could maybeee see. His words seemed rehearsed but maybe that’s because he did this same thing every class. When the instructor started going through the steps that’s when Lucas got a little concerned. There was a blatant division between his peers of those who actually danced and those—like him— who were baby Bambi, on ice with FLIPPERS! There were only moves between 2 counts and somehow Jongup squeezed an entire paragraph into one second. Eventually Lucas tried to blend in and not draw attention to himself but he was delayed at least one step behind the people around him. Nobody knew the steps in reality so he was confidence he wasn’t the only delay in the class. As long as the instructors eyes didn’t rotate his direction. ‘Seven and eight, seven AND eight where the this AND come from’ he thought trying to figure out how maneuver back on the right beat.
jongup m. 8 months ago
@lucas w. It was his second time teaching this class and /hopefully/ the last. His first time teaching last semester had left more than enough to be desired— the students were uncommitted, and he was awkward as he tried to lead them through the course; but Jongup was nothing if not stubborn, he would get the hang of it if he tried hard enough.

So there he sat, back against the mirror as he watched his Hip Hop I class trickle in one by one. He took a deep breath and let it out as he waited a few more minutes for any stragglers before he got started with the lesson. Leading the class through their warm up stretches before he was going over their objective for that week. They would learn how to count then learn a few simple steps to coordinate. He went over the 8-count three times before he was breaking it into 4 parts of 2 counts. Going over the moves in each part a few times before stringing it all together once more. “one, two.” He walked along the length of the mirror as he watched each student. “three, four. Five, six.” Snapping his fingers with each count as they moved to help them stay on beat. “Seven and eight. Good.” He nodded to himself as he made his way back to center. “One more time.”
lucas w. 8 months ago
@jongup m. The dorm was left in disarray; clothing piles in various heaps from the bed down to the floor and spilling over onto the desk. Meanwhile on the other side-- Lucas' side-- the desk was orderly, a lamp setting a pale glow over the desk casting its light to the militantly crisp bedding. He couldn't study here. That's why he had only came in to switch clothes and drop off his backpack before he headed over to the dance studio, slipping a hoodie on and tossing a gym bag over his shoulder on the way.

He walked to the studio with his hands huddled within the pocket of his hoodie, a few leaves falling into his path signaling the changing of seasons. Today was the first day that the actual instructor would be here and so far the first day was a breeze. They had only gone over the expectations but everything seemed self explanatory: do the work, get the grade. Pulling the door open he stepped in, finding the studio from the day before and setting his bag in the back of the room, switching his shoes to those with better grip and checking himself out in the mirror while catching the eyes of a few others while glancing around the room.
yetao h. 9 months ago
Yetao tied up their hair, freshly bleached to a soft peach color, and watched themselves in the mirror as they stretched their limbs out, joints stretching beyond normal measure. It was normal for them, who had been dancing since before they could even walk confidently; plus it was always fun to imagine that they were a doll, not that they would tell anybody that was the narrative they ran with in their mind. Ballerina Barbie - it kind of fit with the new hair.

Regardless, Tao went back to their bag and grabbed their phone cradle after they felt sufficiently stretchy. They set up their phone, suction cupping a mount to the mirror around chest level, and placing their phone in it. After checking the camera multiple times, Tao left it alone. He needed to record the dance if he wanted to see it how the world would see it, and wanted to check his own performance. The omega hummed to himself, grabbing the remote and turning on the music at the same time he reached out to tap the camera button, starting the countdown through the intro music; falling into the routine as soon as his cue came up.

[open starter, tag to claim!]


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gotohellu 8 months ago
Can i get byun baekhyun?
PMR501 8 months ago
Hello, could I reserve Luhan?
zeriri 8 months ago
could I reserve zhang yixing?
DamnDaehyun 8 months ago
Could I reserve Lucas wong?
lovestay 8 months ago
Can I get Hwang Hyunjin added?
smoothbrainediggy 8 months ago
could i please have kim namjoon?
KUSHPANDA182 8 months ago
I'm interested....

Can I get a Aaron Liebregts please?
DreamlessMaiden 8 months ago
can I have dove cameron please
Ashley23 9 months ago
ashæey vee for me please
8c5e28106187b50f1b19 9 months ago
song mingi please
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