`hazel village

inhabited by those who don't want to be alone in the forest; small, mostly for trading.
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k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 'You speak as if you think I won't worry regardless,' he answered lightly, a chuckle following, 'I'm one of /those/ people, if you hadn't noticed.' He shrugged as he admitted to his habit to worry over things he shouldn't and he even knew that but there was this odd feeling in his gut he always got about things so he couldn't just stop. 'Do you really think so..? I fully believe such pretty blues and all would suit perfectly fine to that type of land.. when it's in the right conditions and with me here, it'll still be the conditions you need.' He didn't try to hide the perkiness that came with not only lowkey complimenting him, but the idea of showing the latter just what magic he had up his sleeves. He wasn't against the idea offered but kept his mouth shut, letting him decide how he wanted things to be - it was his land, after all. The raven watched the movement of his hand in awe and peeked up to him after, trying not to show the smile that wanted to appear, 'That's amazing, you know?' he didn't think before he spoke, 'and, I suppose.. I'll try not to worry so much on it, I'll just have to rely on you saying something if you don't like it.'

'The only thing I can't offer, is well.. a way for you to, hm..' thinking for a few seconds on how to explain, his lips pursed, 'you know how you can see flowers actually.. reach for me? It's because I can, uh.. feed them, something like well, a bee.. but, it's a little more special, more.. powerful? It's really the only thing I can't teach or show you.' Hongjoong frowned slightly at his own words and ignored the flush of attempting to explain, 'Which, is why you'll just have to get used to me coming up the mountain and annoying you sometimes. If I could offer some type of substitute, I would.' He couldn't help but nearly laugh to himself because really, what could he put in place of his nectar?

Listening to him, he actually had to think if he'd ever said anything bad or felt any ill-feelings of the frost fae; he couldn't remember a single moment. 'I'm.. pretty sure I was far too faded towards you to say anything that wasn't good,' he mused, rolling his eyes, 'Mm, I didn't consider it obliviousness, Wooyoung.. I just, thought you were like the others in a way and ignored it. Of course, outside of the fact you didn't /act/ like them, I suppose it would be my own obliviousness that I'd be upset about.' He didn't really want to think about it, about his own twisted thinking on it because he was just in the wrong for his assumptions, not to mention.. he could have approached him but he wasn't going to express the fear that came with that. 'I feel like more people looked to you in a high manner than you realize.. probably because you /weren't/ the cliche image of your nature type,' he muttered quietly, briefly glancing down, 'though, I don't know if you'll fully get it but I'm okay with everything that happened, I mean.. I'd probably still be that quiet, whimpy little fairy that just let people treat me as they please had I not actually endured it all.' Hesitating, a deep sigh sounded. 'Seonghwa helped me when school was over, taught me I was a lot stronger than I realized.. I mean, anyone who could put a dragon on their knees has /something/ going for them. I've gotten to a point of knowing my own strength and, well, charming way with words. I should thank your mild ignorance for that, no?' The words probably shouldn't have been said with a smile but they were, his wings even fluttering a little - he had a lot of things to thank for his confidence and the power he knew he held.

Tipping his head where it had perched itself on the latter's shoulder, he offered it an affectionate nudge. 'I trust you'll make easy work of that promise but you know, you don't have to make them. It isn't your job to do anything for me,' he commented, 'I'm grown and we aren't in school anymore, I don't need saving from bullies or horrible self hating thoughts, well.. maybe on that last one but only when I mess up on something.' The laugh he let out was a little more whole than it previously was, mocking his own perfectionism. The raven was thankful for the transition in topics, humming lowly as his head bobbed in acknowledgement. At the mention of strawberries it was like a flash of light swam through his honey gaze, blinking up at him; 'Strawberries? That's.. what you're trying to grow? I can absolutely make that happen!' With the sudden delight of a child, he would have fluttered up from the ground had his wings not been in the state they were.

Having gone a little oblivious to the changing temperature, mostly because of the warmth that generally radiated through his own veins, he let his head tilt at the stop, curious. 'Oh,' he mumbled, quieting down and letting the younger do as he pleased, taking the moment to more or less admire him; he really couldn't help but feel that weird flutter in his stomach at the gesture. 'Thank you,' he wasn't even sure if the words could be heard, fingers clasping together to fidget amongst themselves.
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ "I mean..." Wooyoung started, tilting his head a little as he considered Hongjoong's words. He understood to a degree, changing the way something was 'supposed' to be wasn't always a smart option. This high altitude and cooler temperatures weren't supposed to have soft and fertile ground. It was always going to be a risk what that would do. And Wooyoung did love his snow. "I don't think I want my entire area converted into a garden" He finished with a soft chuckle. "I am a frost fae after all... It wouldn't really suit me to have that kind of... home I guess. But... an area that I can grow things in... maybe I can try make my garden a little further down the mountain rather than at my front door. Then you don't need to worry about actively changing the terrain of my home... just a small area near by" It was probably still not the best solution but he knew of a place not to far that could work if Hongjoong could work his magic over the land.

"But you don't need to worry about me alright. I have mountains to see the snow on... I can summon it." He held his free hand out creating a small flurry that barely survived under the still too warm sun. It was staying solid for a moment or two though, enough for Wooyoung to know the atmosphere was shifting. From warm suns to icy winds. Was Hongjoong warm enough? "I'm not so worry about losing my beautiful snow" He added flicking his hand to 'dismiss' the flurry letting his hand drop back to his side as he glanced towards the mountains. "This is something I want, so you don't have to worry. If you can do anything to help me be more... self sufficient I am extremely happy."

He laughed softly glancing back over his shoulder where he was sure the bee was back in the warmth already before imagining a younger Hongjoong talking to his bees about the handsome boy at school. All too loud and too many smiles... He knew what he was like back then. He was often told that he was too loud, and looking back on it with a far wiser mind, he was often 'scolded' for talking to those who were less than worthy. According to his 'friends' of course. Hongjoong had been one of those people, apparently, but Wooyoung never saw it. All he could see was a slightly quirky fairy that no one took the time to understand. A beautiful being bathed in gold and so soft and sweet. If only he knew how broken the other had been back then, he would have done more about it. But the past was the past, he couldn't change that now. "I hope you only told them good things" He muttered turning back to Hongjoong with a soft smile. "Though I am sure there was some frustration at my obliviousness if you had a crush on me hmm" He smiled knowingly and nudged the other gently.

"I don't think everyone adored me honestly" He muttered frowning a little as he let his mind drift back to school once again while he listened to Hongjoong continue talking. "I think... when I finally became more aware... when I think back now. My 'friends' were rather unimpressed with me a lot of the time. I was hardly he frost fae I was supposed to be. I was too soft and friendly rather than being jagged and cold. I am even aware of how they treated you, and how they wanted me to treat you" He sighed a little and looked forward to watch where they were going. "I'm glad I was oblivious to that back then honestly, I might have actually changed if I had been aware... but I wish I was strong willed enough and aware enough to change how they treated you. Seeing my smile behind your tears, or hearing my voice not directed at you... You didn't deserve that when the people I associated with were the cause of the problems. I should have done something for you back then." He let out another breath before shaking his head smiling quickly once more and looking back at Hongjoong.

"I promise to make that up to you now though. I can't change the past but I am a better person now. I can give you smiles and my voice as much as you wanted it... and now you can see my face any time you want to. I'll still do what I can to help make those things better Joong. I promise" He chuckled a little noticing the faint red dusting the others cheeks but kept it to himself. He debated the question posed and Hongjoong's obvious desire to change the topic. He'd play nice and do that, for now. He could tease the melissae later. "I mean... I am happy with just about anything I can use in baking. Apples are good, and you said I could grow those... Pears maybe... apricots, peaches, berries... I would love to be able to grow strawberries" He smiled softly and glanced at the ground noticing the frost starting to set in against the far browner grass now surrounding the path. The dirt was more solid as the moisture managed to stay somewhat frozen, and the path before them only got whiter and whiter as they moved.

Without much warning Wooyoung stopped and pulled his bag from his back. Having not bought much of anything he'd had a lot more space in there than he normally would and had though ahead to bring something to help the nature based fairy a little more with the cold. He pulled out the soft woollen blanket and carefully wrapped it around the others shoulders, careful of his wings, before clasping it in front of the other with a rather large snowflake shaped brooch with a nod. "It's going to get cold... I know it's probably not that comfortable for your wings, but keeping you warm is far more important, so pleasure endure it alright"
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 'It's.. it's different and it's something I want to be careful of,' he sighed, 'messing with and changing someone's terrain.. how their land survives and, and what you're used to.' The fairy was a bit hesitant, not wanting to make the other feel like he was taking a part of his home and turning it into something it wasn't meant to be. 'The snow and all is very, very beautiful of what I've seen and I don't want to take such beauty from you,' he almost whispered, shaking his head a little, 'but, if it's really what you want, I'll gladly give you whatever it is you'd like. Just tell me what it is.. and, and I'll make sure you get it.' He wondered if the younger could understand why he was worried, why he was concerned for his happiness. 'I want you to be happy with the result.'

Maybe he thought far too much; maybe he worried just a little more than he should have but that was simply who he was.

Hongjoong finally answered as he settled back at his side, content to be walking again and following along the path. 'Mm.. you were, once.. hopeful little mumbles and whatnot,' he admitted with a sheepish chuckle, 'plenty of my /friends/ know of you as more than just a handsome face. Of course, they aren't around any longer but you were mentioned quite enough.' He wasn't exactly sure why he felt shy explaining himself, remembering his stories told from his days at school, working on things at his desk and whining to the bees. 'However, that little guy, he knows you as.. a passing face I once knew,' nodding slowly, he offered the latter's hand a small squeeze, 'well, until now, because apparently you're my new protector.'

Thinking over the words, he clicked his tongue gently. 'Didn't think you let that one go.. but, what are you expecting? Some extravagant or embarrassing story?' The melissae mused, rolling his eyes, 'I'm sure you're very well aware that you held that pretty boy status, the friendly, popular guy that everyone seemed to adore.' He could feel his features heating up as he thought back, a pout forming over his lips when imagines began popping up in the back of his mind. 'It's stupid, Wooyoung.. but, I don't know, generally thinking of you made me feel better.. you don't know how many times I found myself crying in the bathroom and.. and the thought of your smile would help, or hearing your voice in the halls. I'd say it was seeing you but generally my glasses would be broken by one of your amazing friends so, I couldn't always rely on that.' Part of him hated talking about it but it was in the past, it couldn't bother him anymore and it wasn't horrible. All of his slightly good memories in school were always attached to the beginning or end of a horrific traumatizing movement, he realized, dropping his head against Wooyoung's shoulder.

The fairy looked around as they walked, feeling that chill seep through his small frame; he didn't mind it so much at first but his wings weren't very happy. He distracted himself. 'On the other hand, as to not embarass myself horribly.. what are you wanting to grow, hm?' He questioned, peeking up through raven bangs curiously, basically anything to get rid of the blush staining his skin, 'flowers? trees? certain fruits?' There wasn't much that he could speak on that wouldn't be boring as he didn't do much. Nature was basically his life aside from magic and his free time had been consumed by dates and outtings with his previous lover - he wasn't someone of many hobbies and topics.
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ "of course you like that" Wooyoung muttered, a playful lit decorating his words as he chuckled softly at Hongjoong reactions. A lot of his actions still seemed unsure and the fiddling with his fingers made Wooyoung believe him to feel as such, but his words were confident as he spoke. Once their hands fell between them Wooyoung found it was comfortable, holding the others hand within his own feeling the warmth that spread from the melissae to himself, a lovely calm warmth that filled his chest and trailed outward from there warming all of him. If it wasn't a mental thing he would have asked Hongjoong if he felt physically warmer just from their touch. He knew he wasn't 'ice' cold but his temperature was a little more chilled than the spring and summer orientated fairies, just enough that it was obvious. He wasn't going to ask the other about holding his hand, nor question the reasoning behind it. Hongjoong deserved whatever comfort he could seek in this moment and if this was enough Wooyoung would take it.

"Why do you sound like you're worried you will insult me" Wooyoung muttered and shook the thought from his mind almost as quickly as the words had left his mouth. He had a habit sometimes of not actually keeping his thoughts in his head. It wasn't really his business, but now he'd asked he felt the need to clarify. "I would have done that myself if I could. I can pull the frost and snow back but the soil... its stubborn" He added, almost pouting a little in the process. "You technically would be undoing the harm done to my land... Soil should not be frozen" He added, another playful chuckle following the words. "I am happy with anything you can offer me Joongie.

Wooyoung like the pride himself on being... aware. And away of Hongjoong he was. The more the other discussed helping him, and gardens, the more he brightened. His wings were slouching less, almost vibrating to shed some of the tension he was sure Hongjoong was carrying. The familiar shimmer to the action was coming back, the dirty hues turning metallic once more. The golden tones weren't back yet but there was a lightness in the raven haired male that he hadn't seen all morning. It was another wave of warmth to his body. He could talk gardens, he would have Hongjoong teach him everything if it meant the other could discuss something that brought him joy. He'd freeze his garden over again and again if it would bring the melissae joy to come and repair his damage. It was bound to happen anyway.

"I am a little worried" Wooyoung muttered frowning slightly as he eyed the bee once more. What had he actually done thus far to help. Sure the signs were there, signs that Hongjoong would heal, that he /could/ return home more one piece than he probably felt right now, But for the small creature to believe in him in some way. "I feel special and horrified... They don't even know me... I doubt I was a discussion around the dinner table often... that one guy with the handsome face." He shook his head slightly eyeing the creature once more. It was good to see Hongjoong happily interacting with both himself and the bee, a little more of that strange side of him that Wooyoung had witnessed coming back out. He grinned a little in response and nodded deciding to fall silent as the other bade farewell to the small companion. Even Wooyoung watched him leave with a small sad smile. If there was any chance at survival Wooyoung would have brought the bee with them. Perhaps even asked for his own friend.

He turned back at Wooyoung took his hand once more and smiles softly setting them off on the path again. "So... while we walk... are you going to tell me about that whole... got you through school thing? Cause I am curious still~"
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ Busying himself with the latter's fingers, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed at the idea of helping him; of creating such a beautiful garden for him of whatever he wanted. Hongjoong had pointed out he needed to take the land into thought but that didn't mean he couldn't do his little nature whispering. Whatever the frost fae wanted to grow, he was make sure it would happen before his later descent back down the mountain - it was almost a shame he needed to go but it wasn't the worst thing. 'Mm, infinite wisdom.. I like the sound of that,' he mused, finally putting a stop to his childish antics and letting their hands fall, he still held onto him though and would be quick to give the excuse of not wanting to be separated. He was far from a point in which he would admit that the warmth and security made some of that sadness fade away and he also wouldn't admit that being up the mountain, near the dragon caves made all of his insides squirm.

'There are plenty ways I can help, you know..? Besides.. well, myself.. I can always bring life to the frozen soil and keep it that way,' he was close to whispering the words, 'I wouldn't want you to think I'm harming your land or wanting to change it but, if you'd really like it to be somewhere you can plant whatever you'd like, I can offer that.' There were plenty things the melissae could give to him just with his being and magic alone but he didn't want to overwhelm or do anything he wouldn't appreciate. Brightening the more he spoke about gardens and growing things, there was a little bit of spark running through his again, wings fluttering behind him.

The raven snickered and bit into his lower tier, listening to his little ramble. In response, the bee floated away from him back to the smaller fairy, sending a message to him that earned an eyeroll. 'I'm not allowed to come back unhappy,' he mocked playfully, 'he must think highly of you to believe I'll return to them my normal self, you should consider yourself special.' He made sure to shift his expression, looking thought for a moment before shaking his head; 'If I wanted to see you stung so badly, I'd simply do it myself.. I wouldn't risk my lovely bees on such a task.' A grin accompanied his answer, earning a few little circles from the small creature who was clearly amused at the playful threat. 'I can't deny I am stubborn, however.. I will do my best to accept what you do to.. assist me.'

It felt weird almost, to have someone wanting to help him so badly. It wasn't something he put past Wooyoung but it was still a concept he was trying to grasp. His lips parted to question his motives but decided against it, letting a smile settle on his tiers instead. It was already starting to get a little cold and he could tell it was bothering his companion so he decided to stop briefly. 'One moment,' he mumbled and turned away from the latter to collect the bee against his palms, moving a few steps from him. One hand moved to collect a small vial from his bag, a soft lavender look to its contents that he let spill over the tip of his pointer finger. Cooing over the bee as he took immediate interest, he waited a few seconds before sending him off back home with a little wave.

Rejoing the other after making sure his hand wasn't sticky, he gently tugged at his hand.
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Whatever Wooyoung was doing he assumed it was the right thing to do. Hongjoong seemed far more responsive and receptive to things and he'd even seen that twinkle coming back out in the other. He wasn't a glow with golden hues but there was more light to him than there had been earlier. The muddied bronze seemed a little shinier and when Hongjoong spoke it didn't sound like he was seconds away from breaking any more. His voice was higher, louder, a beautiful melodic mix that was enough to warm Wooyoung to the core in a much softer way than the sun attempted to do. Hongjoong could easily melt away winters frost, and with it his own ice he was sure. He almost debating looking to make sure his wings were still held together from the sudden 'attack' Hongjoong had delivered. He restrained himself when he felt the short fairy take his hand.

Every touch was so very soft as if Wooyoung was something special, some so fragile and precious that Hongjoong refused to treat it as anything less. The light tracing of his finger over his palm drew a shiver from the fae as his attention was now completely focused on his companion. He could only smile back and Hongjoong looked at him, as Hongjoong smiled, as Hongjoong explained that he'd get a garden. He really should have given in earlier, focused on something that would actually grow where he lived rather than being stubborn but... who didn't want strawberries. He almost pouted at the thought of giving up the fruit but he could always go into town. It wasn't like he would never have them again. He just couldn't grow them. It was an ok sacrifice if he was being honest, he would happily give it up again and again if it meant he could listen to Hongjoong talk about something he cared so much about.

"Ok ok" He muttered looking forward again, his own fingers tightening around Hongjoong to return the gentle squeeze before relaxing again. He enjoyed the contact and the idea that Hongjoong wanted to be close to him. But he wasn't going to keep hold if Hongjoong wanted to let go. He'd been through enough and Wooyoung was not the kind of person to push for things. If Hongjoong wanted to keep hold, they would keep hold. "I will trust you and listen to you infinite wisdom" He added shooting a grin at the melissae fairy beside him. "Just this once"

He didn't want to dwell on anything that might make Hongjoong sad so he focused his attention on the bee instead. They were both still cautious with one another. Wooyoung wasn't able to really understand the other but he could still see caution. It was a test for them both and Wooyoung almost stopped walking to avoid doing anything that would result in an attack be it intentional or accidental. What he didn't expect was for the bee to have more guts than he did. While Wooyoung had been considering lifting a hand to the creature it had apparently decided that he was worthy of something and had begun to treat him as if he were Hongjoong. It was horrifying but at the same time, it drew a massive grin to Wooyoung's face.

That could have also been due to the flicker of gold that shimmered through the other's wings. It was only a second again but it was there and Wooyoung had caught it the second the sun had hit the golden swirls. For that one second, the sun had seemed brighter and warmer just like it had in the village. Wooyoung decided to keep quiet about it, to let it settle and just wait for when it has lasted a longer time. "Hey" He exclaimed, quietly for him but still loud enough that it probably would have echoed if they were a little further up into the mountains. "Don't go stinging me because he's stubborn." He added, gaze focused on the bee as his free hand pointed at Hongjoong in exasperation. "I am going to do everything I can... he's going to be the one to act like I did nothing just to see me stung... I'm not worth the loss of your life. You're better looking after him once I return him home."
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 'We both appreciate the thoughtfulness.' Looking up to the male, his eyes twinkled just so for once because it made him the slightest bit happier, knowing the frost fae was so concerned. He wasn't used to having people around him, let alone anyone who cared so much for him and his little insect family. The melissae followed his steps and let him lead the way, knowing he was trustworthy with it; he didn't mind putting his fate in his hands when it came to relocating. His eyes surveyed the area, taking in the nature that surrounded them and how differently it existed the closer they got to different terrain. The apology rolled right off of his shoulders, not minding one bit - he didn't care as long as he was outdoors.

Each word seemed to make him feel more and more upset, wishing he didn't see it such a way. Reaching up to collect the latter's hand, he brought it up to look over his palm, tracing it lightly. 'Nature is meant to survive everywhere if you learn what can handle it's surroundings,' he mumbled, 'Your home isn't the problem, nor is it your ability.' Hongjoong thought to himself for a moment, peeking up to him through black bangs, 'You know.. there are types of apples that grow in harsh, cold climates.. pears, cherries, apricots..' he trailed off with his listing, 'ah, plums, too.' It made him smile to think of all the things that could actually be grown around him and maybe they weren't what he wanted or what was ideal, but something was always better than nothing. 'You trust me to help, don't you? So don't see it that way.. I wouldn't promise you a lovely garden if I didn't have the means to fulfill it, Wooyoung.. and, it is my job, remember? If anyone can make this happen, it would be me.' Curling his fingers with the male's, he squeezed softly; 'Your hands are capable of a lot more than you seem to realize when it comes to these things.. you're just so hellbent on believing you can't do it.'

He was oddly content feeling his hand in his own, memorizing the lines and the comforting weight. It was something he found a bit of himself in, unknown as to why but he didn't argue with the light feeling it offered. It distracted him. 'Like most fairies, I find family in those that help me.. of course I care and worry, the same as them and it makes me happy to know I'm always surrounded by such love,' he nodded, nose wrinkling up and finally, he actually looked to pay attention to where he was going, 'but.. even they couldn't rebuild such a broken place. I don't suppose that's bad, I can always find a new home, it isn't so hard.. the whole forest is my home.' Parting his lips multiple times, he had to remind himself not everyone was as.. realistic as he tended to be. 'Not to diminish your optimism on my return.. I just don't believe I'll ever see anything the same.'

Hearing such fondness being spoken about the bee that found such enjoyment playing amongst his locks, he glanced up when it was gone and watched the way he buzzed closer. It was a cautious movement as if he was testing the words out and soon did the same to Wooyoung as he often did to the latter. He bumped and nuzzled along his hair much to he older's enjoyment. 'It seems he likes you too,' he cooed softly, brightening up slightly at the scene playing out. 'He wouldn't be the first I've lost and it's nothing new, so it's okay. They don't.. see it the same way we do.. it's the end of their jobs, simply put.. but he appreciates the sentiment and he's sure he'll still be around to greet you upon my return.. however, he's keen on the idea if anything is wrong with me, you might just be getting stung.'

He was slightly oblivious to what was happening until he heard the sniffle, tilting his head with a faint frown. Maybe it was his own view of things that made it more difficult to understand but he didn't question or brush the sudden show of feelings away. 'Alright,' he muttered, still keeping an eye on him, just for a moment, 'I doubt anything would make me question your attractiveness..and, the display that you aren't heartless makes it even more prominent but I'll keep my morbid words to myself.'
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ read top to bottom :)))

If Wooyoung could have conjured up hundreds of bees in that moment he would have, just to see Hongjoong smile. He would have said anything to make them all move around in a similar pattern to draw that happiness back out of the other fairy. The smile was still hollow, not quite reaching Hongjoong's eyes but it was better than hearing him bordering on tears. Tears and Wooyoung would have frozen if he didn't know the damage that would cause. Messing with the moisture from another's body was not a smart thing to do. He shook the thought from his head and watched as the bee fluttered around seemingly a little more carefree before he turned back to face his companion.

"Of course they care for you Hongjoong, and of course they worry '' He added, looking forward to make sure he didn't miss the turn off that was coming up. He could have led the melissae through the more common tracks of the mountain but he always found the 'back way' to be quicker. Harder on his legs getting through the snow but he'd work that out once they got that far up. "You worry for them, it's only natural that they would worry for you" He continued glancing after the bee for a moment before focusing again. "They want the best for you, as any good friend would... and we both know they are more a family to you than just a friend. I'm happy to know that they will be there for you when we go back to yours. They'll make that place a place you want to be again"

He let out a soft chuckle himself imagining the bees all working on removing the memories that would only hurt. Working to keep the smaller fairy's gardens looking stunning as he was sure they would look. When Hongjoong returned home it would be a beautiful sight, he was sure of that. "The things we love are always gone too soon" He muttered after a moment, knowing it was a risk to utter those words with everything that had happened thus far. Speaking of love and of losing it was a risk, but Wooyoung had decided not to dance around the topic and he wasn't going to. There was a love between the bees and Hongjoong, hell between Hongjoong and most of nature. He hadn't been blind to every plant reaching longingly towards him as they passed. He wondered to himself if they all wanted to return the colour to Hongjoong as well. Were they aware of the heartache he felt? "I am sure he will be with you... even if he's not physically here. They are all going to live on inside you, in the things they have done while alive. I'm sure I don't need to tell you any of this, but now I am rambling because I don't want you to lose him... hell... I don't want to lose him. It's strange, I'm still scared of him... but I've grown attached. He better make it until I bring you home so he can see I kept my promise." He muttered. The more he spoke the more frantic the words actually became and once he was finished talking Wooyoung looked away sniffing slightly.

It was kind of funny to think that in a few minutes he'd grown to like the creature. He'd been cautious in his greeting earlier, and thankful now in Wooyoung's promise. The idea of not being able to uphold that promise to the creature before it's passing was heartbreaking in its own way to the frost fae. He valued his promises almost more than anything and in a way, this was a promise that would never see its end. The one he was promising wouldn't be there to see the result, be it good or bad. He sniffed again before turning forward determined to keep his focus on the path even though his eyes were swimming. "Let's not talk about the death of those we care about... I will cry and then my tears will freeze to my face... it is not attractive"
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ His eyes darted back to Hongjoong as he felt the nudge, and saw the smile. It was almost perfect. It still didn't reach the others eyes but for a second he could have sworn he saw some of that golden shimmer return to the fairy. It was gone of course, within seconds, but it had been there and it filled Wooyoung with a strange sense of hope and pride. His words alone had managed to start the repair, he could actually do this. While he had no idea how he was going to continue to slowly help the other return to normal he was going to try, he'd give anything to see that gold return for more than a second. And by the sound of it, Hongjoong was open to his attempts. He let out another childish laugh and nodded happily. "I didn't want to kill your friend... so yes, the wrong time would be rather detrimental to healing your heart. Once we are in the snow and he leaves us I will start. Until then..."

He trailed off and looked around carefully watching for his path, only really walked by himself before guiding them both along it starting to head back into the mountain already feeling the sun lose some of its heat. The path itself was really no different, slightly compacted dirt that had paved his way and he himself compacted it. There was moisture in the dirt from where the sun melted the snow lower down letting it all flow down into the valley and sink into the soil around them. The sun glinted off small puddles beside the path and the grass reached higher and higher the further they walked. With no one coming out this way it was hardly cared for just left to go and thrive as it wanted to. Apart from where Wooyoung walked. He tried to stick to the same path, to allow what could grow to grow in the mix between hot and cold, and basically in a swamp. He muttered out an apology for the horrid conditions they were going to walk through, though he doubted Hongjoong really cared all that much about it.

“As I was saying” He added after making sure they were actually following his path already starting to see the mountain trees dusted with white. Had it snowed while he was gone? “We both know there is no way my house can sustain life” He muttered, his eyes flicking between the melissae and the path before him. “So, why agree to come and try” He finished letting out a soft hum as he considered this. “Not that I am saying you shouldn’t come and freeze at the top of a mountain with me, but… It's too cold, the soil is frozen, and it snows… almost all the time. Without you there to constantly look after it the garden is going to fail. I can make it snow, I can clear the snow away… I cannot unfreeze the ground. Or give them the sun they need” It was something that had been bothering the fae. Why would Hongjoong agree to this when they both knew it was useless. Now, without Seonghwa, maybe it made a little more sense, an escape, but he’d still had Seonghwa when he’d initially agreed so why.
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ It was like a silent conversation between them, the fairy and the bee, more so of a lecture to be recieved by him. He wondered how it must look from someone else's point of view but that didn't bother him very much. 'I will be fine,' he promised only to recieve a shake of disbelief; he found it amusing that they were so highly protective of him when it was the other way around in most cases. Both looked up towards the words and quickly, the little bundle was bobbing his way closer, flapping his wings in little patterns. The exchange would have brought out a delighted laugh had he not felt so gone but it did make him smile, head falling into a tilt.

'He says thank you,' he translated, causing the bee to happily fly in a small loop, 'he expects me to return that way, too.. though, I'm not too sure what he'll do if I don't other than worry.' Laughing faintly, he shook his head and shrugged; 'They worry too much, if you ask me.. I am still grown and can take care of myself.. most days but it's nice so I won't complain.' Hongjoong paused briefly and collected his friend against his palm, sighing. 'It should be me who worries, as they only live so long.. he most likely won't be here when I return.' He wasn't entirely sad per se, he understood and he was used to it, but it was never a fun situation. Whispering something to him, he buzzed up and fluttered around, leaving them to themselves for a moment.

Like always, the melissae heard everything and let it linger in his mind, thinking over it throughly to form his own response. He considered that maybe he was better off keeping things to himself and saying it would be fine; he would be fine. Shifting a little, his head tipped and he leaned to offer the latter's shoulder an affectionate type nudge. 'You say that like if you try at the wrong time, things will go wrong,' he mumbled, slightly questioning but he didn't linger on it, 'I can't say I have enough expirience with heartbreak to just say okay and move on but I do have the expirience with similar pain.. so, I will be alright.' He offered a smile, a little more on the normal, toothy side just to accentuate what he was trying to say.

'I appreciate your wanting to help, I do.. and, I would adore it if you could help with these things because I don't know if I'll be able to scrape that part of me together again on my own.' Being honest, as always, his gaze lowered with pursed lips, taking in the seriousness of the situation. 'Thank you.. for even wanting to deal with me through this. Now, however, I believe we have something of much more importance to look forward to.. your garden.' He wasnt going to completely admit it or hold onto it, he didnt want to.
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Wooyoung smiled softly as he eyed the two watching their interaction and enjoying the passion that had leaked back into Hongjoong's voice. As is had been obvious yesterday as the smaller discussed Seonghwa it was back now as he discussed the bees. Wooyoung was learning very quickly that Hongjoong didn't hide his emotions in anything. If he loved something you know, if he was happy you knew, sad was strikingly obvious. The passion and affection he spoke with when talking about his companion drew a smile to his own face as Hongjoong seemed to get lost in his own words finding the endearment and care to be so very sweet. Wooyoung knew well what the cold and altitude did to many creatures and something as small a bee was going to be no different there.

"Well, when he leaves I will have to wish him a safe trip home" He responded with a soft hum and a firm nod of his head. He loved the idea of talking to the bee, as ridiculous as it was going to be to do so. He wished that he would be able to bring the creature with them all the way, knowing that they would probably both be at odds without one another. "I'll make sure to tell him that I will look after you in his place while you stay with me" Wooyoung added, another playful chuckle erupting from him as his attention turned to the wing creature. "I swear on everything I am that I will return him as he was. All golds and brilliance" He muttered to the creature before turning back to Hongjoong. "Even I can tell his worry for you"

Even without Hongjoong literally spelling out what had happened, the picture his words had painted were more than clear in Wooyoung's eyes. He couldn't have seen it more clearly if he tried. Seonghwa was gone, he'd left him. Hearing the weakness in the other return, now that the topic was one that was less than pleasant broke Wooyoung a little more. But what could he do. Hongjoong was right, acting ignorant to it wasn't going to help either of them. He could distract perhaps, but that still wouldn't take it away. He would have to find a way to mend the fracture of the fairy's heart. Would ice be enough to do something like that... could he make a house a home again? Could he really do anything for Hongjoong?


The simple answer was no. He couldn't do anything, only time was going to heal this wound. He wouldn't play ignorant to it, but he would find a way to bring as much joy to the other fairy that he could. If and when Hongjoong was ready to talk, or cry, or anything in between he would be there for it. "Yes" He all but whispered in response, not wanting to break any more of whatever was holding Hongjoong together at this point. He walked in silence for a moment before letting out a breath. "You know... Once it's safe to do so... I am going to make you smile." He muttered looking back to Hongjoong offering a far softer smile, one he hoped conveyed the sincerity that he meant. This was not a joke, this was not something to brush away. "I will make you smile, and laugh... and I will slowly do what I can to ease the symptoms until the disease is gone from your body. I'll make every moment as bright as I can... and I will show you there is a life after... For you. Not for him"
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ The exchanged garnered a warm feeling, one he was happy to feel in that moment as it filled that empty void taking over; it was only for a seconds. He was always content when his companions seemed to enjoy the company he kept and he wondered briefly about how his main friend always seemed to steer clear of Seonghwa. There were times it was like the little guy was grumbling or upset but he never expected it was the dragon.. was he mistaken all along in his choice of relationship? His gaze shifted thoughtfully to the bee that took refuge flying around loose strands of black, almost like he was hiding in them. His nose wrinkled and he let his questions go for another time.

Hongjoong had lost track of his own thoughts and questions until the pressure around his shoulders had him flinching back to what seemed like such a dreaded reality now. What did make him smile, if only to himself, was how the flowers still seemed to stretch and reach out to him like he was a sole source of existence. His hand reached out and few pushed high enough to rub their petals at his fingertips in passing, such a common thing but they brightened with ease at the attention. He wanted to keep his mind in those seconds, in the thought that no matter what happened in his life or the world around him, the flowers would always need and reach for him.

Hearing the question and taking a moment to register, his head tilted and the bee appeared from it's hiding spot at the mention. 'He'll part ways with us shortly.. the cold is harmful to bees,' he mumbled thoughtfully, fingers dancing around the buzzing bundle, 'it'll kill him if its too cold.. bees rely on warmth to survive.' Hongjoong seemed to easily get lost when he spoke, trailing off and speaking of everything with such adoration. A sigh followed deeply at the comment and he debated telling him to just ignore whatever he was reading from him but he wasn't the type. 'Ignorance isn't attractive,' he answered and it wasn't an insult by any means; if he noticed, he had a right to ask.. though, it was still his own choice to answer.

Looking up towards the sky and the clear difference where sunny day met wintery mountain tops, he thought over the words to use. 'I suppose.. sometimes we make mistakes, we trust the wrong people.. /love/ the wrong people,' he spoke with an air of confidence like he usually did but that darkness was there, that sadness and heart break that would linger, 'I was met with those mistakes last night, after leaving the village and.. I wouldn't mind not returning if it weren't for my bees.. because, it's so often said that it's the people the make the home.' His voice finally cracked and there were tears at his waterline, threatening to puff up his features and stain his cheeks again. 'When you have no one to return to, it doesn't much feel like home, does it? And, I myself, have no one. A broken home now, is what I have. Does that answer your question, Wooyoung..?'
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Wooyoung had to fight not to pull away from the bee as it edged closer to him, not really sensing a malicious edge to the creature but not completely trusting it either. He wasn't all that used to creatures, only a few dared venture into the high peaks where he resided and most of them weren't all that keen on making friends, so being greeted in such a way had Wooyoung slightly on edge. But he managed it, he could feel the feather-light breath of air from the bee's wings as it buzzed past and then it was gone. Clearly they were both acting on caution in this situation. The bee was willing to come close, but not too close and Wooyoung was willing to stand still... nothing more. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and focused back on the melissae before him.

Whether the bee had greeted him as it were the norm to do with people, or whether he was silently hoping that Wooyoung was going to be able to even slightly fix whatever had happened with Hongjoong he didn't know. It was so obvious how down the other felt, how completely broken he was. Seeing him curling in even more on himself was heart breaking. Wooyoung wanted those moment of confidence back from yesterday, the glittering golds, the smiles, Hongjoong meeting his eyes. Anything more than these fractured words, dull tones and a fascination with the floor. Whatever was going on with the other fairy was clearly enough to shatter everything.

He let out a soft breath and nodded slightly. He debated mentioning the jars but figured Hongjoong wasn't in the right state to consider that. He still had some at home and he could Hongjoong back to town when they were done and get what he needed then. For now trying to at least help the melissae in some way was priority number one. Wooyoung wrapped an arm around the shoulder of the other and started guiding him towards the mountains, away from the village and prying eyes, and a sun that seemed to cruel today.

"Is your little bee buddy going to be ok in the cold?" He questioned once he was clear of the village and starting the trek further away from civilization, from the warmth and life and colour. He would need to get some of the gold back into Hongjoong before they made it to the snow, so that he could witness golden glitter over stark white. "Are you going to tell me whats up? Or should I continue playing stupid and just be... clueless over energetic Wooyoung?"
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ Hongjoong was, in every way possible, unprepared to face anything or anyone; he felt mentally unstable in a way that nothing made sense and his senses were exploding. Everything was too bright, too loud, too everything and it was going to put him in tears before too long. He was fully prepared to turn on his heel and disappear from the village but to where? He had nothing waiting for him anymore and home didn't feel like /home/. He had his gardens, his bees and any of the other creatures that seemed attracted to his presence but it was missing that warmth, the feeling of needing to return and so, he forced the idea out of his head.

Shaking his bangs until the slightly long black strands were shading his view from the brightness surrounding him, he turned his attention to finding if the latter had already arrived; a mission that quickly came to an end. Jumping nearly out of his skin, the fairy spun around to meet the fae and visibly cringed. He wondered what he must look like in his eyes, so dark and lost compared to his usual bright self. 'Wooyoung,' he greeted softly, that slight musical ring a lot quieter than it was supposed to be. Upon peering at the others features, he wanted to hide.

Along with his greeting, his companion buzzed closer to the point of nearly nudging Wooyoung, brushing past his cheek before returning; it was something of an affectionate greeting. 'My apologies.. I feel like I'm late,' he mumbled, lowering his head a little in a somewhat apologetic manner, 'I didn't get much sleep, so I've been.. dragging today.' He was positive his heart was painted not just on his sleeve but his entire being but he couldn't change that, he'd always felt every emotion far too harshly. After that, he fell silent; he didnt know what to say, his head being mostly empty besides flashes and reminders of the night before. He was quite proud that he wasn't still crying on his kitchen floor but without a distraction soon, he'd probably collapse.

'If.. there's nothing you need in the village, I'd really like to be as far away from the forest as possible,' his voice cracked in a way he hoped went unnoticed and he briefly bit into his lip, 'please?'
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Wooyoung had been waiting for a while, or had he? He honestly wasn't all that sure. Once he'd collected the things he'd wanted to taken to standing off to the side, hidden around a corner, swapping between idolizing the new found shimmer to his skin or searching through the ice of his wings enjoying seeing the imperfections. Thanks to one comment he had a whole new outlook on his own appearance. Yet he still his away from the people in the village as if sharing this new secret was the last thing on his mind. He wanted to share it with Hongjoong before anyone else got to see it. Hongjoong had been the one to point it out to him after all, the person to see how special he was. A part of his own mind rationalized that there was no way of knowing if these details had been things the melissae had noticed or whether they were just things he himself had decided held weight. He had to admit, only to the breeze, that he was curious about what had awarded him such a praise, but he'd deal with his own reasons if Hongjoong didn't wish to explain his own.

Then he spotted him, and his heart sank. It turned out, Wooyoung learnt, that Hongjoong wore his emotions far more obviously than he himself did. There was no change to Wooyoung when anger or sadness overtook him, but the beautiful fairy he had seen yesterday looked so very broken before him now. The golden hues were gone, almost completely, leaving behind bitter rusty bronzes that looked so out of place on Hongjoong. His entire being was folding in on itself and even the sun had seemed to forsake him as its normal warmth touched everything but the melissae. It wasn't like Hongjoong wasn't standing in the sun like everyone else, the light still beat down over his skin highlight those wrong tones over his body, but it didn't allow that same mysterious shimmer to fall in the air around Hongjoong. Wooyoung was frozen, stunned and held in place by the image.

Hongjoong was so beautiful, even in his misery.

This realization only brought up many questions, and while his mind attempted to find answers to everything the logical part of him knew. Seonghwa. He'd noticed it the day before, whether there were already troubles under the skin or not he didn't know, but he was aware of how much Hongjoong cared for the dragon. For him to be so hurt that he lost a key part of himself it had to be something big. If it was anything else Hongjoong could have asked his boyfriend to attend their meeting, enough to inform Wooyoung that something had come up, that Hongjoong couldn't make it. Yet here he was, standing there, discreetly searching. On his own. To face this and not send someone to postpone the trip meant there was no one to send. Wooyoung could see the bee companion, a little closer than it would normally be. He couldn't have sent one of the creatures to him because Wooyoung would have no way of knowing the message they carried. Hongjoong was forced to be here.

The question now was, was Seonghwa hurt? Wooyoung took half a step forward and froze once again. What would he do if he went to Hongjoong now? What could he say? Send the melissae fairy home to be with his boyfriend? Offer a distraction? Should he even mention that he had managed to work out so much? Or should he just leave? the last question weighed heavily on him as he debated it. It would give Hongjoong a free pass back home, he wouldn't need to feel bad about anything and Wooyoung would take being considered an if he had to. It wasn't who he was, he was friendly to a fault most of the time, and he'd always been the same, was it even plausible that he would stand up Hongjoong now. He may have been friendly to everyone but he wasn't all that good at actually having normal interactions with another person.

Wooyoung hesitated a moment longer before letting out a soft groan. How was he supposed to leave Hongjoong like that. No matter what was happening he would be there for him. If Hongjoong needed to go home, then home he would go. Wooyoung wasn't going to care about that and he was sure they both knew it. He shook the residual uncertainty from himself, put his normal smile in place and all but bounded over to the other gently tapping on his shoulder. From here it was even more obvious the discoloration the melissae had gone through. What had seemed to hold their metal like appearance before now just looked dull and lifeless. Colored marks over skin that should have been shining under the suns glow but instead did nothing. Wooyoung pushed the thought from his mind, trying not to let show just how aware he was of the others clear depression.

"Hi Joongie~"
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ "What?"

Hongjoong had returned home excited and practically buzzing with delight at his new plans; he was always happy for a little break in routine but the world really couldn't just let him be happy, could it? His night seemed to just grow worse and worse the moment he'd stepped through the door. Seonghwa had packed what was his and had waited for his return just to break the news; he was leaving. To be more specific, he was leaving the fairy all together - nothing left. Of course, he tried to figure out why, scraping together any conclusions he could. The dragon could barely go a day without him half the time, so what was happening? He didn't, no, couldn't understand where anything had gone wrong. He cried, apologized, promised to fix whatever had broken but to no avail and found himself watching as the taller walked out without even so much as a 'goodbye'. On his knees, watching he door shut, he felt like he was right back where he used to be during high school; empty, gross, and wondering just what was wrong with him?

Was he not good enough..? Not pretty enough? Why did he always seem to do something wrong?

He hadn't even noticed that night went by until he was registering his surroundings, crumbled on the kitchen floor and watching sunlight spill through the vine covered window. He'd only gotten about an hour of sleep from how much he'd cried, features swollen and eyes slightly red; he felt like he couldn't move, couldn't function. Returning to the village to meet Wooyoung had seemingly no time frame but he was already scraping some type of apology for being late - could you be late to a timeless meeting? Normally, the melissae would have already been up and running, tinkering with potions and fluttering around with his little companions to check on things around his plentiful fields but he barely managed to get up from the floor, shaking like a fawn on ice. It was probably an amusing to sight to anyone who caught him being lead around by bees at his fingertips due to not being able to see clearly.

The last thing he wanted was to be staring back a his reflection as his vision cleared; he looked like he'd been dragged through the forest and possibly mauled by something - he could confidently say that's exactly how he felt. Suddenly the blue in his hair made him sick to his stomach, being reminded of how his lover complained about it making a mess while doing it for him; he'd have to change it soon and he was quite thankful that with magic, that wouldn't be a problem. He couldn't show up looking the way he did and when he stripped to shower, it didn't make anything any better; too many reminders were left behind and they were going to haunt him for longer than he'd prefer but he couldn't do anything about that. Hongjoong wasn't sure when he'd ended up on the ground again, the streams of black from the potion he'd used pouring over mica-like skin, pretty much letting his body work on it's own as more tears filled his eyes and his wings, well, they just lay slack against his frame, not too happy about the water. If he kept letting himself crash the way he was, he'd be in luck to even leave his home and the last thing he needed was to worry the frost fae.

Soon enough he was moving just a bit better, changing and collecting a few things. He trusted the bees to tend to every while while he was gone as they often did for him but they knew he was better off being away for a few days and he was quite thankful. He was ready to go eventually, looking around once last time with a harsh cringe before bidding farewell to what he called family and heading out. He was accompanied by only a single bee to make sure he got to the village safely, wings slowly fluttering to their full expanse as the warmth rid them of any moisture left behind but despite how sunny and bright it seemed to be, the fairy was lacking in that field. His eyes didn't shimmer with that hint of flaked gold, the patterns lining his skin didn't seem so metallic and his features were still a little bit puffy; there was only so much he could do to make himself look presentable and those around that felt the need to pay him mind would just have to deal with that.

Stepping past the line that separated the dirt path from the forest floor made him feel light-headed, head tipping to the side and his cheek was met with a light brush of his companion. 'I'm alright,' he assured, offering a faint little smile. His steps were slow and light, occasionally rubbing at his eyes in hopes of keeping his vision clear. Looking around, he basically shrank beneath the gazes he received, feeling like he needed to be overly self conscious like he used to be and he hated it; it took everything in him not to start something in the quaint area. The raven peeked around in hopes of maybe the latter deciding not to show up; maybe he would get lucky and wouldn't have to face anyone. Would the world at least give him that?
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Wooyoung was practically vibrating as he woke the next morning ready to start the adventure with Hongjoong. Reconnecting with the other fairy had left him in a thoroughly good mood after he'd left the store the day before. He hadn't been able to say anything else as Hongjoong had left but he'd played the conversations over in his head many times that night. He dreamt of deep golden hues dancing over crisp whites and faint blues. His dream self played in the snow like he was a human child, collecting the coolness in his hands only to throw it into the air watching as sparkling golds twinkled around him as they fell through the golden swirls around him. With innocent wonder he'd spun amongst the glitter-like ice until he'd fallen onto his back only to be staring up seeing the sun shining though those translucent wings. Hongjoong hadn't been attached to them, and they were different, more swirls of golds but still the same meaning behind them. He hadn't been lying when he'd told the melissae that he'd fallen for his wings.

Even if he thought back to school, Wooyoung had always been awed by Hongjoong's wings, and the idea that the shorter male couldn't see the beauty that they were almost caused him pain. How much had he been hurt in the past to be unable to see his own beauty, and the beauty of something that must seem so second nature to him. Wooyoung lived in a world of white, grey and blue while Hongjoong painted the air around him in golds, and through those golds he could paint a landscape in so many colours, in so much life, so much beauty. All Wooyoung could paint with was white, cold and death. What must appear as nothing to Hongjoong meant so much to someone who was the polar opposite and he supposed it was the same the other way. Hongjoong had chosen to like Wooyoung's wings. The opposite of his own, opaque, boring, white and jagged. Nothing to Wooyoung, something he saw every day and something he longed to change. He could remember trying to break off the fractured shards of ice in the past, to attempt to smooth his wings out. If one looked closely at the inside of his left wing there were still signs of the mutilation he had attempted on himself. From a distance it was just different fractures but up close it was clear where he had snapped off sections. It hadn't worked, it had hurt more than he could explain and for a time his wing hung motionless against his shoulder, unwilling to even hold itself up. Wooyoung had learnt the hard way just how little he could change about himself.

He'd made a note to himself when he woke... He'd find a way to give Hongjoong the closest he could to his dream. He couldn't shed his wings, but he could graft the fae his own. Would they work as wings, not at all, but he'd work on it all the same. Maybe if he wished hard enough he could get enough magic to animate the ice and give the melissae a little more of a realistic idea of his own wings. He'd seen the way Hongjoong had looked at his own wings, with that same longing to reach out and just... touch them. A desire to have something that was such a juxtaposition to his own wings, god how he understood that same look, and god how he wanted to replicate something for him, in some way.

Before he'd slept and dreamt of golden swirls he'd thought back to school once again. He'd adjusted his mental image of Seonghwa in his head and it had seemed fitting. Seeing the small Hongjoong by the far stronger looking Seonghwa was such a sweet image. Hongjoong's protector in a way, that's how he had looked in his own mind any way. But there had been something in Hongjoong's voice and his words that had sat a little funny in the fae. For a second there had been an aura about the short fairy that had sent a shiver down his own spine. His words had held hidden meaning, a hidden depth that Wooyoung was not privy too, and the slight commanding nature of the others voice had made him question so many things. When he thought on it the image in his head had warped, just enough to show that perhaps Hongjoong was the protector not Seonghwa. A hidden strength and power within the other that was enough to bring a dragon to submission. It was an amusing image but not one he could completely shake. He was happy Hongjoong could be the strong one after everything, it was a nice thought to have. As long as the dragon never cause him any pain Wooyoung was happy.

There mere idea that Hongjoong had called him ethereal the day before played on his mind as he collected his limited supplies from his room and headed back out into the sun. He had no idea what the other had seen in him but he tried. He glanced at his own arm, holding it up to the sun tilting it slightly as he looked over the pale skin. It was nothing like the shimmer that was Hongjoong but he could see it. What looked like tiny flecks of ice and snow against his skin sparkling in their own silvers as the sun hit them. It was far more muted than Hongjoong's had been but it was still something special about himself he'd never really noticed before. He let his arm drop and turned to his attention to his wing extending his right wing up over his face like a visor and took the time to look through to the sun. In this position he could see the stark white cracks against the softer blues, he could see the layers, and the damage that had repaired. He could see the edges almost sparkling in the same silvery tone, and maybe, just maybe he wasn't as unlucky as he thought.

He'd always been confident and that confidence had aided his looks. If he was confident and sure of himself then other people would think the same. If he believed he looked good then he did, and it had worked... for quite some time. It wasn't until he was isolated on a mountain that he'd started to doubt his looks. After all, when you're alone and isolated with no one to feed your ego it tended to die. But now, looking at the light fighting to get through his wing showing all the different blues and whites they held he could truly accept it. Was it beautiful to him, not at all, but to someone, to someone his crystalline wings were probably the most beautiful thing in the world. Maybe being ethereal wasn't such a stretch to him after all. With a fond chuckle and the memory of telling Hongjoong to meet back at the same store he set off. He'd collected some seeds on the way though, just in case, before heading back down the path, so spring in his step and the sun hardly a bother on his back. The next few days weren't going to be super lonely isolated for months, the next few days he was going to learn to tend his garden, he was going to have fun, and he was going to hopefully organize for the melissae fairy to come and visit him occasionally. He was happy.
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 'I don't mind if you do,' he muttered, offering a lift of his shoulders in some pathetic attempt at a shrug, 'touch them, I mean.' Hongjoong watched with slightly envy as the latter put his attention to his own wings and his fingers twitched at how badly he wanted to reach out and trace the blue colored surface; of course, he would never find himself to the point of touching someone without permission. The fairy could tell he was being more or less studied in the moment so he needed to put his attention somewhere else before he ended up lingering on it; ended up lingering on his own features in the back of his mind. He wished he had even a sliver of the same confidence that meant he could admire the familiar features - he once again had to remind himself that he shouldn't be looking at another person the way he was.

Frowning, his gaze flickered and he shifted his weight. 'Comparison? Why would you ever compare, hm? All of us have different wings.. and, if it helps, I'd trade with you if only it was an option.' His eyes managed to stay glued to the wing until it was out of view, nearly letting out a whimper at his lost opportunity to admire them further. It made him glance back at his own, fluttering them to catch the smoother lines and odd little patterns.. were they that much to look at? He felt as though they were boring compared to something as intricate as the latter. Hearing the name cut his thoughts rather harshly and he found himself giving a slight nod; at least he could recall the dragon. 'That he is.. just a little taller, more defined,' he shrugged as if it didn't interest him to speak about but it was only because he'd end up saying something he shoulder, referring to a simple annoyance. 'Mm.. you needn't worry about that.. he knows better than to treat me any less than I deserve.' Hongjoong, if even for a brief moment, oozed some kind of confidence that faded away just as quickly. He could imagine it though, the male before him attempting to face Seonghwa- he'd probably be surprised on who won, however.

Tipping his head barely as he looked up to him, curious of what that little grin meant for the next moments to come. A hum of acknowledgement was all he gave, deciding he would deal with his potions and vials another day, simply for him to have a minute more to catch up. Despite his shy-ish demeanor and what he assumed seemed like a distaste for being in the company of another, he was content once things took a different turns - he expected a lot more of a bitter exchange. Glancing down at their connected arms with a soft chuckle, he nodded; 'I was.. but, I believe that should be followed by telling you that you've only gotten more stunning with time, quite close to ethereal, if you'd like me to be honest,' the melissae cooed, letting the compliments sound with ease. Listening to his suggestion of how things would go, he couldn't do anything but nod. 'I suppose that would be the better way to do things, hm..? I find it cute you think I'd tell you anything you're wanting to hear.'

With that, he pulled his arm around and showed a toothy smile, heading back towards the door that lead onto the dirt paths of the village. 'I'll see you tomorrow, Wooyoung,' he chimed, offering a little wave over his shoulder.
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Wooyoung's attention was drawn back to the translucent golden wings almost the second Hongjoong drew his attention to them once again. He'd be lying if he denied the others claims in anyway because he knew damn well it was true. The golden swirls seemed almost suspended in nothingness giving the illusion that Hongjoong's wings were just the golden swirls. They shimmered beautifully and Wooyoung could remember just how stunning they looked with the sun bathing them in a stunning golden hue and god would Wooyoung have loved to see that again. He could remember the shimmering golds that washed over the plants he was tending almost seeming to breathe additional life into the leaves. Hell he probably was doing just that, and now he could see that none of that beauty was gone. The metallic hues fracturing off the many jars bouncing almost unseen light around the room made Wooyoung feel like one of the plants that always seemed to turn towards the beautiful melissae fairy.

"I think I might be" Wooyoung confirmed with a short nod of his head finally drawing his attention back to Hongjoong's face grinning sheepishly. "I was just thinking about it... wanting to touch them I mean" He mumbled focusing in on the others face properly for the first time. Hongjoong had matured well, that much was obvious. Where he hadn't been unattractive in school his unique visuals paired with the golden nature of... well... all of him had made him stand out. But now with his well defined jaw, cute little nose, plump lips and almond eyes that if he looked closely seemed to reflect that same golden hue throughout. Hongjoong had become quite the attractive man and it was rather difficult not to respond to that in any way. Wooyoung might have been a little more carefree with his physical affection, but he wasn't going to do anything that could be considered too far on a taken man.

"I considered asking but I know how many of us feel about having their wings touched, I am very happy just admiring them" He added with a nod focusing on the shorter mans eyes once again. How much of Hongjoong matched the creatures he befriended so simply. The golds, the translucent wings, his connection to plants and his honey eyes littered with what Wooyoung could have admitted was pure gold if he was allowed to look for long enough. He quickly shook the thought pulling one of his own wings are far around his body as he could to graze his fingers over the chilled surface. They weren't really as sharp and jagged as they appeared, feeling much softer to the touch but they still resembled fractured ice. Like he'd carved them out and stuck them to his back himself. "Mine are nothing in comparison really. Pretty standard for a frost fae, but thank you for the compliment."

Hongjoong released his wing letting it settle back behind him without the normal flourish that came every time Hongjoong seemed to even twitch his own. He thought back to school and who else he could remember filtering them down by the description from the other. He could hear the affection with which he spoke, and a part of him longed to have someone to speak of with the same fondness. "Ah, Seonghwa" He repeated with a nod remembering the boys face from school. He attempted to mentally age the boy but settled for just imagining the two beside one another from back then. He had to admit, they looked amazing side by side, Hongjoong's more petite frame compared to Seonghwa's broad shoulders, height, and sharper facial features. If they had both grown as well as Hongjoong had he could assume Seonghwa was just as mindlessly stunning. It almost made him jealous.

"I assume he's all sharp features, kind eyes, and awkward posture still" Wooyoung commented with another soft laugh and the memories in his mind. He'd always found that the dragon male stood uncomfortably stiff. It was easy to pick his frame from a crowd because of it. It didn't seem the kind of thing that would have changed. "I can tell how much you care for him, and I hope he holds the same affection when talking about you. You deserve the world and he better be giving it to you. Or I'll have to have a word with him" Wooyoung half joked. He wasn't really foolish enough to go up against a dragon but if he found out anything happened to Hongjoong he certainly wouldn't shy away from a fight. Even one he'd likely lose. Hongjoong was all sharp edges and soft insides and that was formed from years of needing to protect himself. Now he would swear to protect him as well.

Oh how Wooyoung wanted to comment on that. The pretty face that got him through high school. Was that a flirt he'd heard coming from the melissae fairy. He grinned his playful grin, one that spoke easily of all the tricky things the fae could get up to as he quickly moved to stand with the shorter. "Oh..." He questioned head tilting just enough to show he was not going to be letting this little moment of joy drop at all. Hongjoong had relaxed around him enough to offer a compliment, and to almost force himself into a visit. Wooyoung was wrapped, the more Hongjoong relaxed the more he could be his normally tricky self. Ok, he still needed to hold back a few details, but he could mostly let lose and just enjoy the time with a friend. Isolation was always harder to deal with when he remembered what people being around felt like.

"Did you just compliment my face when I was younger?" He quipped, not bothering to ask as he linked his arm with the other fae. "I was rather stunning back then wasn't I?" He muttered wiping a hand over his own jawline, head tilted back just enough to accentuate the line of his neck and jaw making it seem as if he was thinking back. His eyes darted back to his companions and he grinned a little. "Why don't you head home, let your family know where you will be and get yourself some winter clothing. We can meet here tomorrow and I will take you to my home... and you can tell me all about this.. pretty face that got you through school. because I am /very/ curious about just who and /what/ that could mean~"
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ Hongjoong wasn't oblivious to the attention the latter offered his wings and despite his self consciousness after the torment they brought him, he smiled. 'You look like you've fallen in love,' he commented softly, glancing over his own shoulder as if to gesture to his wings, 'you're the only person who I've ever seen look at them like that. I'm almost surprised you haven't asked to touch them.' Oddly enough, he wouldn't have minded in that moment as he highly doubted the latter had an ill intentions. 'Yours are just as pretty, I hope you know that,' he added, 'but, I guess I'm biased.. blue is my favorite color.'

He had only nodded slowly at the parroted word. 'A dragon, you.. you should remember him,' he clicked his tongue with an amused sound, 'tall, black hair.. annoyingly supportive of everything in school, Seonghwa?' There was a mild amount of affection in his words, though he couldn't help but shake his head at the mental image of things. He was quite positive the dynamic they'd had back then would influence the position he was in now and he had to bite his tongue not to boast that no, the dragon was not the head or the relationship- he let it go with a clearing of his throat. 'I.. guess it is.' The bluenette lowered his gaze to his bag, having a lot larger of a war with his demons than he realized on the subject.

As he fell silent and took a moment to admire his features, he couldn't help but realize just how nicely the latter had grown, something he would've commented save for his own inability. 'Wooyoung,' he spoke up once he was sure the fae was finished, 'I want to help. Let me? My lover, my garden and my lovely bees can wait a few days.' It wouldn't be the end of the world to help the latter and besides, he could easily check on the others garden when he took his trips up the mountain - he'd already be close. 'It's the least I can do for the pretty face that got me through high school,' he mused, eluding heavily to his crush as he his heel, 'Come along.. I even have some jars you can take, too big for my use. I'm not taking no for an answer.'
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Wooyoung was mesmerized as the other shook out his wings. His own eyes darted back to the golden shimmer as the movement redirected light once again painting the glass covered walls in bright golden shimmer which refracted in the glass creating the most beautiful of colours within the glasses. God how Wooyoung wished he could achieve something even slightly similar, his ow wings almost twitching in distaste as his own mind insulted their ability. But really, could they light up the air around them with golden sparkles, no, no they couldn't. So Wooyoung was going to enjoy this, looking into the shimmering dust floating around while fighting the urge to move into it and coat his entire body with the golden magic. He faintly wondered how it would look if his own skin was bathed in gold like that but quickly decided that it would be much more attractive on the melissae before him. Gold was not really a winter colour.

Squishing his desire to reach out and touch the others wings just to see if they were in fact tangible things and not just golden light he focused back on Hongjoong's words smiling more as his attention focused back in on one word in particular. "Lover?" He questioned, almost vibrating with pure excitement. After understanding what the other went through at school he was more than a little happy that Hongjoong had someone in his life to worship him, and to give him happiness. He could never med what Hongjoong had been through at school, or apologizing for having never been clued into it sooner, but the sheer fact the blue haired fairy had found someone. "That's amazing Joongie" He muttered nodding happily and fighting down another urge to hug his companion. He was giving out so many hugs today, it felt nice to get to do that much.

It wasn't like he was completely alone on the mountain, others lived there, he was sure of it. And he conversed with them about as much as he did himself, which in retrospect was not a good thing either way you looked at it. But his own space, his own was far more isolated, he'd chosen it himself, carved into some isolated peak where his own personal winter wouldn't destroy everything for the others residing there. He knew of the fields that Hongjoong spoke of, He'd seen everything it was and had dreamed of having it himself. The stark white no longer appealing when he knew there were so many other colours that he could paint his landscape with. If only they wanted to grow. Plus, fresh fruits would have made for far tastier pastries and that was all he wanted to offer the people. A taste of something completely made by him. It was a bit of a fever dream really, but the idea of his own fruits blossoming and the idea that he could give life to something rather than take it was enough to make him stubborn.

"I do wish to be stubborn" He muttered frowning a little before quickly swapping back to a smile. "But you have someone waiting for you, and a beautiful garden I am sure" He continue glancing back to the bee offering the creature a smile, though he wasn't careless enough to try and greet the animal. Just like plants, creatures like bees were not all that friendly with him. "Plus, I wouldn't say what I currently owe could be called a garden. Its frozen soil, twigs and dead seeds." He added offering a soft chuckle to try and hide just how horrible his 'garden' was. "I've seen your work, those fields... so beautiful and it kind of inspired this whole endeavor... I hate to pull you from your lover, your garden and your friends to visit a lost cause who probably caused you a lot of trouble in the past"
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ The melissae found himself trying to bury more thoughts than he could handle, all of which came from just seeing the latter's face again. He didn't want to think of how he dreaded going to school, how he avoided people and most importantly, how often he found himself staring at that same face in hopes of somehow finding his life could turn into a sappy movie of sorts. It didn't help his blush when he remembered scribbling cute little things in his notebook about the frost fae and he looked away to collect himself; he didn't want to trap himself in the past, not when he could have been thinking of things that made him happy. He knew there were probably plenty of ways he could help his little gardening dilemma and a totem would probably do the trick if he could schedule visiting when it was needed.

He got lost again, in his head.

The mountains were where his main field was settled, not too close to the snowy tips but cold enough to keep his snowbells happy. He even perked at the white flowers that greeted him so happily when he visited, reaching out to him in ways no one else could expirience; when they were hungry, of sorts, it seemed they could strain close to uprooting themselves. Shifting his thoughts back to the other, his eyes widened again at the comment; 'But.. why?' He nearly whispered the question, simply because he hadn't been aware of how closely Wooyoung had observed him; how he'd acknowledged his existence past just being in the same vicinity. He was once again finding himself with that odd feeling at being hugged but it wasnt as bad as the first, even raising his hands to rest against his arms. He couldn't return it but he could show some type of appreciation. 'I.. I suppose.. now, I do,' he mumbled, thinking to his boyfriend that was probably awaiting his return.

Hands falling when he was released, he shook his wings out which caused the faint gold dust to adorn the air, much to his shyness. As he listened, a hand rose and the little bee accompanying him floated around his fingers, causing him to smile softly. 'They would be okay without me for a few days, I'm sure my lover would keep them company,' he answered, 'I have to go up there quite often due to the fields.. I take care of the ones up there, all except for the fire lilies.' He chuckled at the concern, offering something of a light, fond look. 'I can offer things that could keep them alive, if you'd like to be so stubborn.. please? I'll never turn down helping out a garden.'
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Wooyoung first felt a pout cross his features as the other pointed out what he already knew to be true. He was stubborn and refused to accept that he was trying to grow things that just... weren't going to grow. No matter how many times he planted seeds or how long he tried to keep the frost at bay, he lived in one of the coldest places he'd been able to find. Frost was embedded in the soil, nothing was going to grow out there. He was sure Hongjoong's place was a myriad of blooms and foods that give an exceptional beautiful to the land while his own was white, brown and occasionally if he got really lucky a small smattering of bright blues or deep purples as the hardier flowers attempted to bloom. It was something he loved about coming into town, seeing the different colours, the deep greens, yellows, a variety of blues pinks and purples. Anything was better than a hellish white landscape. But home was home and he was anything if not determined to grow his own fruit.

From the pout his features shifted into a grin as he noticed the others golden hue start to shift through pinks and reds settling a rather obvious blush over his features. And if that wasn't nearly as beautiful as Wooyoung's memories he didn't know what was. It was a familiar colour, especially on those not used to the cool climates, but he was sure Hongjoong's current flush was far from being blamed on the cold. He remembered back in school he'd often been the same, easily speaking compliments that others normally wouldn't do. He didn't hold back his words and no would he ever. People were often flushed at the was he spoke and the compliments he weaved though the air. Some of his closer friends had argued he couldn't be a frost fae with a tongue that so easily sung the praises of others, but his wings and abilities certainly countered that. He was just a sweet boy, who saw the little things and relished them. Even something as small as a smile in your direction was worth being cherished and every detail of it should be committed to memory. If something made someone happy, like the gardens did Hongjoong, he was going to remember that and he was going to make sure he never forgot it.

"Of course I noticed you in the gardens" Wooyoung muttered frowning a little as he thought back to school. As far as he knew he'd never given Hongjoong a reason to think he wouldn't notice that. Then his mind dawned on what it must have been. He'd taken quite a while to see how two faced his friends were. Where Wooyoung saw everyone as something worth knowing they didn't. He could only assume that Hongjoong was one of the many people they deemed 'unworthy' and in turn made school hell for the Melissae. It had to be jealousy that had tainted them so much. Seeing a being bathed in gold like Hongjoong was... His beauty held nothing to the other fae and they must have known it. "Oh Hongjoong..." Without thinking about it he pulled the fairy close once again, careful of his wings as he slowly moved his palm over the others back attempting to be soothing. "I wish I had seem it sooner... You deserved to smile that brightly every minute of every day Hongjoong and I seriously hope you have people in your life that help to bring that smile out"

He offered the other a gentle squeeze before moving him back to arms length a happy smile over his features once again, trying to lift the mood. If school was a horrible time for Hongjoong he wasn't going to bring it up again, as much as he could help it anyway. He was very aware of how much Hongjoong was shrinking in on himself and he finally removed his hands from the others shoulders. "I couldn't make you come all the way into the mountains" He muttered noticing the bee flittering around for the first time smiling fondly at it. "What would your friends do without you getting home on time... and it's far to cold for a fairy like you... It's hardly fair when I know I am just being stubborn and... I'm a frost fae... I can't grow plants... I am nothing like you. I kill plants."
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ Hongjoong took a moment to study over his features and more or less find a comfortable median with the small feeling that took over; he didn't mind that at all but the closeness was kind of eating him alive. He'd never been good with being close to someone, like he just clammed up and shut down entirely when someone took interest in him. He took note of the way his gaze shifted and it only took a moment to figure out where he was looking; the way his wings twitched and fluttered painted gold on the walls and it suddenly made him self consious, as if he wasn't before. Melissae weren't common, therefor different and different, even among such creatures as themselves, was seemingly bad. Tipping his head, effectively moving his bangs from his vision, he was about to say something when the latter finally returned to their conversation.

A muttered 'I'll see' spilled from him as he listened, noticing his little line of events that couldn't exactly come to be without the first part. 'I can't imagine growing anything is too easy in your part of the land,' he pointed out, not that it needed to be, but it did mean it wasn't just him at fault. The bluenette raised a brow when he was mentioned again and soon, his features were burning a dark scarlet and he was positive he could've hit the ground at any second. 'I.. wasn't aware anyone ever noticed when I was around the gardens,' he mumbled, 'I didn't exactly have any other reasons to smile while attending that hellhole.' His wings tucked in slightly as he looked down, trying to keep himself coherent and not drown in the timidty creeping through him. 'I.. I could just.. come and.. take a look..?' He offered far too quickly for his mind to catch him, realizing it was probably a mistake to help.
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Wooyoung leant back in as the other spoke straining to hear the words from the fairy considering how quietly he'd spoken them. It wasn't all that strange for Wooyoung to be faced with similar situations that required him to actually focus on the words being spoken to hear them but with the statement being made he was a little surprised there wasn't more fire in Hongjoong's voice. He was quickly distracted however as the others wings shifted and the movement made the light filtering in catch them again reminding Wooyoung just how uniquely beautiful they were. Even at school he'd known how stunning the others wings had been, in the light, in the dark, it never mattered. Any tiny amount of light hitting them made Wooyoung almost jealous that his own icy blue wings couldn't look that nice. His were all sharp edges and fractured lines and by comparison they were nothing. He figured it was normal to lust for something you couldn't have, and a fairy like Hongjoong, blessed with those stunning wings, curious markings and beautiful eyes was the exact opposite of Wooyoung and there for everything he wished he could be.

"Me?" He questioned being brought back to reality at the others voice again, eyes pulling away from the wings to focus in on his face again a bright smile crossing his features. "my ability to make a garden function is failing... I need more fruits and I need the jars to store them, and the jams I make from them. Just long enough for me to try and make this garden thing work again" He muttered eyes glancing over at the jars he'd been eyeing once again before turning back to Hongjoong. "You were always good with the gardens at school, I remember you were always out there with the bees and I swear that was the only time I really saw you smile... You looked so beautiful out there bathed in golden light with you're little bees fluttering around. I remember wishing I could see you smile more like that..." He trailed off a little thinking back to that time before blinking back to reality. "Do you think I could pick your brain... get a little help with my garden?"
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ The male was still trying to scrape together the full realization the latter was actually standing in front of him, further away from home than he'd ever expect to find him. He hated that even after the years had past, he'd probably still find himself swooning over the fae and that just brought back memories he had thought he was over; thinking back to his glasses and the many days of being teased made him cringe. Hongjoong hadn't be prepared by any means for the arms around his frame and he partially malfunctioned, unable to move and feeling smaller than he was. It wasn't the worst occurrence possible but he often didn't feel comfortable being touched, especially by someone who wasn't all too familiar with.

Staring at him like a deer in headlights, he glanced at one of his hands then back to him; it wasn't even a secret, back then or now, that he didn't like people being close. He kept quiet though and just listened. 'I'm sure those 'friends' are the same ignorant creatures they were back then, I doubt you're missing anything to catch up on,' he commented and despite how venomous the words were, he said them so softly and light that it barely sounded like an insult. Eyebrows pulling together, he didn’t feel the need to make the comment about himself and without realizing, the touch to his hair made his wings flutter just the slightest. 'Mhm.. I had to find that vibrance somewhere after school, now didn't I?' He muttered, not even directed at him, 'I was dropping a few things off, it's my job to make sure all the plants and farms do well, after all.. I was /just/ on my way out before you stopped me, however. And, what brings you here?'
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Wooyoung could only let out a soft chuckle as wide eyes turned to him clearly telling the frost fae that he'd startled the other. Not that he supposed that would be all that hard when you were running into someone after... how many years had it been? He was still a little surprised to actually run into someone from his school days, and it being Hongjoong of all people was rather hilarious to him, so much so that as soon as he heard his own name from the others lips he'd wrapped his arms around the slightly smaller fairy pulling him into a tight hug. Wooyoung was, and had always been, rather physically affectionate. He never went too far with it, but he did like to push it a little. Would Hongjoong enjoy a hug from an old acquaintance, probably not.

He pulled back from the hug leaving his hands on the others shoulders to hold him at arms length looking over the fairy carefully before nodding. "Yeah... I don't come down very often" He started offering a short shrug before grinning a little more broadly. "Maybe I should if I can catch up with friends from school. You are looking amazing Joong. You really grew into yourself, wow" He shook his head a little before taking another moment to let his eyes trail over the other male before lifting a hand to curl a blue strand around his finger. "And I love this colour, so vibrant and full of life... So what are you doing here?"
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ With pursed lips, the bluenette's honey colored gaze looked over a selection of little vials mostly perfect in size for his potions. 'I wonder if this is enough..' he mumbled, talking to himself and his traveling companion; a tiny bee that often flew around him when he left from his side of the forest. It took a moment to work out the math in the back of his head and gauge how much room his bag had. He'd only be able to get six, he'd realized, frowning as that meant he'd need to either come back far too soon or figure something else out. The fairy was easily in his own world as he stood up, going through his bag to see if there was anything else he needed to look for.

That search was cut short when he was brought back to the reality; his name was the last thing he'd expected to hear. Turning on his heel with slightly wide eyes at being startled, he blinked and found himself faced with someone that seemed all too familiar for his liking. Fingers curling into the strap of his bag, he offered the tiniest little nod; 'That would be correct,' he muttered, perhaps more inclined to pretend he wasn't painfully aware of the others identity, 'I.. didn't expect you to be someone I'd run into out here, Wooyoung.' Hongjoong showed a friendly smile, ignoring the rude urge to frown and just leave the shop; he still needed to be there, sadly.
j. wooyoung ᶠʳᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵃᵉ 3 years ago
@k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ Wooyoung let out a soft hum as he let the sun beat down on his body enjoying the warmth for just a moment before it already started to bother him. He loved the sun, he really did, but the way the rays seemed to burn into his skin every time he came into the village just rubbed him the wrong way. It was too hot and too bright right now, but it was a lot nicer than the dismal grey he was used to. He loved being a winter fae, the crystalline brilliance of snow and ice sparkling under the far gentler sun beams, the joy of children playing in the chill. Ice skating, snow balls... the freedom of youth. And on the other end, a crackling fire, warm cocoa, a loving embrace. Winter was truly the best season if you were to ask him. There was only one small problem with everything winter was. Nothing grew in Winter. No matter what Wooyoung tried to grow (with the exception of a few berries) He couldn't get anything to survive the harsher climates he himself created deep in the mountains. Originally this hadn't been a problem to him, but his recent decision to grow his own fresh stuffing's for his pastries was starting to take a toll on his mind. Today's trip was for seeds, fruits and jars. He would stock up and once again attempt to fix his crumbling garden.

He shook the thought from his mind and hurried through the village hoping to get into a store and away from the sun as soon as possible. He could enjoy its yellow glow once he was away from its burning rays. The closest location to him was going to be jars, which was probably a good thing, he could collect them, take them back to his lodgings for the short trip and then seek the fruits and seeds he wanted later in the day when the sun had less of a bite. He slipped expertly through the streets, avoiding people easily and basically just making a nuisance of himself as he normally did only offering childish grins over his shoulder when someone called him out. Within minutes he was slipping inside quickly noticing he wasn't the only person there but not too bothered by someone else needing the same store. He could exist in the same space as another fairy. Humming almost silently to himself we went out checking different jars contemplating how much stock he needed to get to get him through until his next trip when he was sure his garden would still be dead. He was just about sure when he realized that the other person in the store was very familiar, and how many people could be that unique. Quickly forgetting his previous endeavor, Wooyoung turned his focus on the other customer taking in his appearance before heading over to tap the other on the shoulder. "Hongjoong?"
k. hongjoong ᵐᵉˡᶦˢˢᵃᵉ ᶠᵃᶦʳʸ 3 years ago
@j. wooyoung Hongjoong was always reluctant to make his bi-weekly trip into the village, usually due to the looks he got and the comments made by people who didn't really know what whispering actually was. It wasn't really his fault his eyes and wings were different colors, nor could he comment on the faint iridescence patterns on his arms; he'd long gotten over being self conscious of them but it was still annoying. Grimacing a little as he passed one of the shops, he did eventually smile when arriving at his destination, settling down two jars on the table in front of him. Despite the noise about him, he was the only of his kind in the area, so his work was something to be proud of in his mind.

Part of him was aware he could just shut everyone up.. he had the power to but that would result in a power trip no one wanted to see. With a sigh and putting on a smile, he tucked away the idea of his controlling abilities and began looking around. There wasn't much the village could offer him book or supply wise since he often found what he needed offered by the forest itself but he didn't mind. The melissae eventually found himself at a shop for vials and jars he actually needed, putting a halt in how quickly he'd wanted to leave; hopefully he'd be left alone until then.


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a290d6713e8e4cadb889 3 years ago
huhu if its still active.. yoshinori from treasure??
[comment deleted by owner]
7bf3aeb37a80aa98627f 3 years ago
a&r Sakura Miyawaki please?
TaeKook 3 years ago
Stray kids who eould you like to see
[comment deleted by owner]
Pruddykiddie 3 years ago
hyunjin please and thanks.
-jewel 3 years ago
left the upvote and fav for y'all :D
c4bfa3e4e435a5de4deb 3 years ago
wong yukhei, please.
gospel 3 years ago
lee sunmi please
-Malus 3 years ago
A&R Jung Wooyoung?
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