( ▲ ) : han river



come to this relaxing place with your lover for a date or or a blind date with your partner in matchmaking. the popular site is very beautiful and romantic, perfect for a first date, confession site, or even a proposal site. consider coming here with your partner and start something special.

(♡w/s) choi minki 10 years ago
-stares at the river, sighing-
song jieun ♥c/p 10 years ago
*walks across, looking at the pretty colored water*
Oooh~ How pretty~
*keeps walking along*
choi jinri (sulli) ♠rc 10 years ago
@kim shin yeong ♠p Oh...
choi jinri (sulli) ♠rc 10 years ago
*sits down and rubs my pregnant stomach*
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) [ do you wanna do this on walls until the bus ride/getting food is done? Then it can go to yoona's house? ]
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona he faked a gasp, horrified even. "oh! how can I forget that day? you're so terrific that morning", a pause then he continued again " that I'd die in pleasure". sometimes he was sweet like vanilla, bitter sweet like chocolate and dumb-ly fluff like cotton candy. " but you know.... your morning face is very cute in fact. I had to get out of the place before bad things happened at godly hour". what he said was true. to him her every expression, word, action ever her eating style is adorable and he couldn't wait for to see them again. "there comes the bus. lets gooo! ". he helped her to get inside. the bus was not that crowded so it was easy for them to get a seat near window at the back.
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) "When you saw me that one morning without my makeup on, woo, my bare face." She laughed and shook her head, reaching up to rest her palm on her forehead. "Oh, the memories. ." When Yoona looked up at him, she smiled. A smile that reached her eyes and made her face seem to glow. One that was contagious. This as the happiest she'd been in a long while, now that she had finally had reconciled relations with this man. This man next to her that had changed physically, but even though he got a new hair cut and had— from the looks of it— leaner muscles, his personality was still the same. And she loved that.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona he huffed, cheeks puffing out; he was a man and man don't get scared except their mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives, daughters. for him girl friend was applicable and that's all he feared off, if yoona gets angry its better to kiss her palm rather than find an escape. "you know the only thing that horrified me is you". he teasingly said, eyes full of life as he looked at her glowing frame under the night sky. she is so breath taking that he could not help but kiss her on cheek.
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) It had been months since he had had her cookies. In more ways than one if you caught her drift. Slowly, she swung their hands after he had intertwined their fingers and she smiled softly, humming. "I have horror movies. I'm not in the mood for romance, nor am I a big fan of that particular genre." She clicked her tongue against the back of her teeth before chuckling. "So, you want to watch horror? You're not gonna get scared, right?" She teased lightly, knowing that it was hard to scare this man.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona "hmn.... sure! I love McDonals & your cookies too. been a while since I ate them".he adjusted his shoulder to her comfort as they walked beside eachother, experimentally he laced his fingers with her's. even though they'd go slowly he couldn't resist the urge to least hold her hand. " by the way which movie you have? I want to watch something horror. I'm not in the state to watch romance or sort of things". what he said was true, he couldn't handle romance for nao
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) Did she still make cookies? Hah, of course she did. "D amn right." Yoona grinned and held onto his hand tightly. She started to walk with him, resting her head on his shoulder and just enjoying being close to one another. It was nice to have old differences reconciled. . "So, chicken nuggets? Wanna just stop by McDonalds since it's open at this time?" Guess who was going to have to spend more time at the gym? This girl.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona he was glad to have the invitation so he quickly nodded his violently like a kid; not that he acted so childish around others but she is a special case and he was even a tiny bit embarrassed about it. " can we buy some chicken nuggets on way back? oh! and do you still make cookies? " if they're going to watch movie he better grab his food as well, food is his second love after dragons. he grasped her small palm and, and like before, it fitted well in his giant one.
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) He always did love to swim. She remembered the one time they'd visited the beach. . She chuckled and the memory. "We can actually walk to the bus stop and take the bus there; my house isn't too far from the main road. What do you say?" She'd totally ignored the apology, beause she'd already completely forgiven him.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona a soft smile formed on his lips, had reached up to palm her cheek. " sorry for making you cry for those night". he indeed felt like a jerk, one wrong assumption of his insecurity and the two had to suffer the consequences. " and yes! I'd love to watch movie, sw- SWIM! you got a swimming pool? ". he gawked at her. " you gotta take me there! "
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) Yoona looked down at her feet and smiled shyly, shuffling them slightly. "I sometimes wear your shirts when I'm doing laundry. I guess I just missed you too much." She chuckled softly and looked up at him from under her lashes. "So what do you say? Wanna get acquainted with my new place? Watch some movies, maybe take a swim in my pool?" Even though Kris was a _____, he was her _____ and he was her best friend in a sense.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona " wow! " was the first thing he said after the surprising 'shut-kris-up' act. he grinned at her, nodding frantically. he found it very amusing that she stiill invited him to her house. even though they were not together as in together but he still love her company plus some quality time to patch up their relationship; friendship. then he decided to a little. he faked a gasp. " you still have my clothes? " he eyed her suspiciously.
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) She did him the honor of shutting him up by pressing her lips to his once more. Her hands framed his face and her lips smiled against his. A heartbeat passed, then two, before she pulled away from him and settled for looking up at him. "We'll go slow. . For now, I guess," She grinned after she spoke, taking a moment to pause. "I moved homes by the way, you should come to my house with me sometime." She was basically inviting him back there tonight. Even if they weren't going to do rather intimate things, she wanted to be comfortable with him and get to know what he'd been up to the past months that they'd been seperated. "I still. . Have some of your own clothes. ."
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona there came the dynamite! he had no clue what to answer even his mind go blank, his expression changed for a spilt second before he composed himself. " uhh... " what a great way to reply. he wanted say a lot of things but seemed he hadn't a slight knowledge about 'verbalizing' them. he took a deep breath, giving a mental on his back. " I want us to be more than friends but I also know that we can't be like that, for now, in my opinion. if you ever let me then I'd like to start anew. but for now time is what I think we needed. if we're meant to be we'll be no matter what" he said in a soft voice, taking a pause he continued " I came back cuz I wanted to know weather I was loved or not. some unanswered questions were eating me up from inside. now that I know it was nothing like that I'm feeling a bit better not that I feel awesome since we're friend zoned.. god! please shut me up" he was embarrased at his own stupidity again.
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) "Yeah, we're good. . We're more than good," She cupped his cheeks and she rested her forehead against his. "So, do you want to be friends, or maybe more?" She'd give them a shot again, or if he just wanted to be close friends than they could do so. But at least they were 'good'. They were alright and she wasn't sad anymore; she didn't have to go through nights crying, she didn't have to sit there and be. . Alone, wondering about the what if's. Her conscious was cleared and she had no quarrel about anything.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona he was in bliss till those words left but he didn't show any sign of pain nor gave a shocked look at first. he had prepared for the worst and he was glad he did but for some reason he wasn't feeling that bad at all. least he found out that he wasn't cheated, being loved and mostly he didn't fall for a wrong person. if they had to be friends, let it be. he'd not let past hold him back. within a minute he nodded his head, smiling softly; not a fake one. " if you're okay with us being friends then I'd not mind as well. its better than being deserted without a friend". his lips stretched wider and wider. " so we're good? ". once he was cleared about his doubts he found the calmness he wanted though it'd take time to let go of her but he would.
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) She smiled as he finally responded, it seemed like ages before he did. Yoona let out a small sigh and rested her cheek against his shoulder when he pulled away. This felt so right but. . So wrong at the same time? She'd forgiven him, and she still loved him, but something wasn't right--- Kyungsoo. Crap. Yoona chewed on her bottom lip and ran her fingers over Kris' jaw. "I really have missed you, even as a friend. Even if we can't be more than that— if you don't want to— I still want us to be friends. . And don't you run out on me," She chided softly.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona for a while he stayed still, wondering weather he was dreaming or it was really happening but soon he melted down at the feeling of her lips on his. His subconscious took over, like before he pressed harder against her lips if possible & moved them on her lips in a slow rhythmic way. no rush. he kissed her for a while then pulled away and stared into her brown orbs. he didn't dare to say a word, afraid he might say something really stupid or nothing at all but in fact he was afraid of being rejected. and why he wouldn't? it was his fault after all.
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) She sheepishly smiled at him and took a step towards the tall man, one hand coming up to cup his cheek. Yoona smiled softly and rested her forehead against his, a small sigh escaping her. "You really wanted that kiss, huh?" She mused softly, a small laugh bubbling from her lips. She leaned forward and placed a small kiss on his lips; it was an innocent, small kiss. Nothing more, nothing less. Her lips didn't move, she wanted to see how he would react to it.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona the secene unfloding before his eyes was quite entertaining to watch & that poor guy even couldn't say 'stop' to her. serveed him right! He was laughing silently, his shoulders shaking as he tried to keep the sound unheard. past memories of him being beaten by her for silly reasons were still clear in his mind. she hadn't changed at all. hearing her apology he looked up, grining as if he was drunk. " I'm disappointed that my long wanted kiss was so close yet I couldn't have it". he had mood swings, period.
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) Yoona hit the wallet out of his hand— along with the photo— and set her foot on it, giving it a rather good stomp. "Were those flowers for me? Hm?" She didn't even care how rude she was being; how dare he come to her and interrupt such a tender reunion between her and Kris? Yoona snatched the flowers from his hands and smacked her ex-boss upside the head with the bouquet, petals flying everywhere. "I told you not to come near me!" Each syllable was a hit to his head, and she didn't stop until he was covering his head, cowering on the floor, and there were barely any petals left on the flowers. "Go away! I will go through with that restraining order if I have to, you little insect!" She threw the remins of the flowers at him, her eyes pricking with tears. Not tears of sadness, no, these were tears of oure rage. He scrambled up, not even looking in their direction as he scampered off. If he ha a tail, it would surely be between his legs right now. Yoona let out a small sigh and ran her fingers through her hair. "Sorry you had to see that. ." She mumbled, stepping away-- oops, the b astard had left his wallet there.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona He wanted to laugh his heart out. 'cockroach' even as a guy he hate that species, kinda disgusts him. all his thoughts were lost when his eyes landed on the photo, from afar it did look nearly real but Yoona isn't that slim nor her skin his dark slightly then those desperate words. he wanted to murder that guy. how dare he to call her with his name! 'them'? as his patience limit was reaching to its fullest, she broke free from Kris' grasp; she was trembling with rage, roaring like a volcano. He was happy at the same time felt sorry for the poor guy. believe him when she is angry, even god can't stand against her let alone poor mundanes and Kris had the taste once too when he just dragged her away from some boys because he was, still is, sickly posessive.
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) Yoona shrugged and let out a small huff of air. "Maybe because he's a cockroach and cockroaches seem to survive everything." Her eyes scanned the other with hatred reflecting in them. A small 'tch' left her lips and she was about to tell Kris that they should go when /he/ spoke once more. "W-wait," He began, his voice sounding desperate, "Yoona please! I love you! Don't you remember all those times we spent together? The pictures we took? Me kissing your cheek and. . And holding you. . I have them in my wallet as a reminder!" Yoona just stared at him in confusion as he fished into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He opened it and grabbed a picture— a horribly photoshopped picture at that— and showed it to them with wide eyes. ". . Not only did you just show us a fake picture. . But you photoshopped my head onto a girl who has a darker skin tone than my face." At the end of her sentance, her tone rose and she slowly pulled away from Kris, face reddening in anger.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona to say he was happy would be underestimate, he was ecstatic; feeling he was the king of the universe, could jump into the han river to calm down. her lips were so, so, close to his but, fate must hate his happiness, he couldn't even have a slight touch of those lucious plum lips as a quite familiar voice; crow voice, was heard. how could he forget that voice! that b@stard's who played with the two of them. his eyes darkened at the sight of that man. he gleed in joy when she hissed at that guy. he only growled at that man. "why he is still alive? " he hissed, framing her in his arms posessively.
im yoona 11 years ago
@wu yifan (kris) She remembered one time she'd played hide and seek with him; well, he didn't know they were playing at first. She'd hidden in the closet behind one of his coats and almost blew her cover when he had called her. Good thing she thought quickly and threw her phone on the bed. Yeah, good thinking. . Not. She'd blown her cover and then tried to scramble through his legs. Haha, bad thing to do. One hand rested on his and she leaned into his touch. "You're not the only one who's condition worsened. ." She murmured softly. And just when Yoona was about to lean into him and kiss him on the lips— to see if there was still a spark there— she heard a familiar and bone-chilling voice say her name. Her old boss stood next to them, his eyes wide and confused as he stared at Yoona before they turned into slits and glared at Kris. "What are you doing here?" Yoona's words came out as a hiss and her eyes narrowed. If she was a cat, she'd be fluffed up and hissing right about now. He just sputtered and looked at the flowers he held. So, he seemed to be meeting someone. . Hm, poor girl.
wu yifan (kris) 11 years ago
@im yoona He smiled a little, wondering how could still pull that stupid joke; dumbest joke might he say but cute like her. " you know I don't like hide and seek " he whispered softly, amused that his voice wasn't broken. " I never liked it when people, a few ones, I care for hide things from me". He wanted to say that he might have assumed that Yoona actually liked that boss and dated Kris out of pity. " I love to chase after you though. I thought I'd be back to normal if I stayed away from you but it only worsened". his hands held her small frame closer to him. he wanted to do more than holding her but was too afraid to do so, what if she got pissed again; her anger is something he is scared of. it took him months to get back to seoul again after his moping and self pity. he thought only seeing her again would make his choased psychological state calm, he needed to see himself if she really was dfine with out him and some answers too. he didn't except this to happen at all.


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-labyrinthine [A] 9 years ago
semi hiatus fourteenth to eighteenth november
-minions 9 years ago
( sehun will be leaving bc
http://www.roleplayrepublic.com/blog/view/55254 )
sseulbear 10 years ago
sohyun left due to inactivity
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Chanyeol left due to inactivity.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Chanyeol's going on a two week semi-hiatus.
whatthefuk 10 years ago
Myungsoo is leaving.
whatthefuk 10 years ago
Myungsoo is going on an indefinite hiatus.
undefeated 10 years ago
applied as tiffany,again xD
undefeated 10 years ago
Tiffany left
JennaSooYeon234 10 years ago
Sojin is leaving soz
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