₃ stone castles

ancestrial grounds
stone castles - qinghe nie pack's ancestrial grounds. used for worshipping god of swordsmanship.
coded by yxgurt
☾∙lan zhan ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@首∙lan qiren ᵃ Stone castles! Ancestrial grounds
兵∙nie jeno ᵇ 3 years ago
/walks in finding a rock to sit on in a meditation way as i set the sword down beside me closing my eyes ignoring the world around me
兵∙nie jeno ᵇ 3 years ago
@医∙nie hyunjin ᵒ /looks at you when you look up demonstrating the stance for you to observe and telling you which muscle to relax and which to strengthen as you hold the sword
this would make you a stronger swordsman, hyunjin
/with a raise brow, i glance over you with the sword that you now allow me to see before waving it off
I'm not old fashion like the other generals. yes there's protocols but anyone can pick up a weapon and learn.
Best part for you, you can heal if you get hurt, for the rest of us, we have to come to you or to other healers to heal ourselves.
/shrugs my shoulders since it's not my place to talk plus its not like i have much friends
I'm not gonna tell anyone. /grabs my sword holding it out towards you like how i would to a student im training
In exchange, i'd like to see what you got so far. strike at my sword
医∙nie hyunjin ᵒ 3 years ago
@守护∙nie yifan ᵃ My eyes widening a little as you help me with my position, looking up at you so close to me i take a breath as i put a strand of my hair behind my ear semi regretting the decision of loosening my ponytail , realizing that there's no chance you haven't seen that sword behind me i slowly bring it to my front holding it beside me
My voice merely a whisper but im sure you heard me
/Yeah , im- im interested ,, tho i shouldn't be , i- im a healer
Looking at your eyes as i speak
/they say ,, healers are too pure and their power,, our abilities get affected by this , by fighting and using mother earth's gifts , the elements against each other , its really old-fashioned i know , but thats what it is.
Thats why im hiding it .. can u ,, can you not tell anyone please?
兵∙nie jeno ᵇ 3 years ago
@医∙nie hyunjin ᵒ easy hyunjin. It's just me. semi patrolling through the area before i head home.
/didn't mean to scare you like that but is surprised that your stance was semi strong, just gotta put the other hand on your chest into a better battle position
I didn't know you're into swordsmanship, Hyunjin.
/he points his chin towards the other's back from the hiding sword
What are you doing here at this hour though?
医∙nie hyunjin ᵒ 3 years ago
@守护∙nie yifan ᵃ Hearing your sound startles me as i nearly jumped turning back in a defensive way tho my hand on my heart , my eyes widen even more as i look at you trying to hide the sword behind my back as i do a short bow
y yifan ge.. w what are you doing here?
兵∙nie jeno ᵇ 3 years ago
@医∙nie hyunjin ᵒ /walks out of class heading this was as I stretch from a long day of lectures, yawning softly, I debate between shifting and trolling the forest or to just walk around the area and enjoy the night sky once the sunset is gone
/hums softly as i stroll along the stone castle stopping once in a while to admire the way nature is infuse with our surrounding not realizing someone else was there as well
/the sound of the sword made me stop in my tracks as I listen, making my way towards you stopping just short as i watch nodding my head seeing how you moves along with the blade letting out a low chuckle
Relax and be one with the sword Hyunjin.
医∙nie hyunjin ᵒ 3 years ago
@守护∙nie yifan ᵃ Walking through the woods i could see the sunset , barely with the amount of trees covering the sight from the forbidden forest , i continued my walks till the gray stones and tall columns could be seen. Placing my hand on one taking a breath from the long walk to the stone castles.
The ancestrial grounds of the clan nie , our holy place for prayers the one that i practiced sowrdsmanship whenever I've got the chance , by myself. From recalling those mere techniques i remembered from my father.
Pulling the sword out of its sheath i started , swinging it in the air twisting and turning
Completely unaware that i had an audience


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Kim4Shim 2 years ago
hello~ huni~
ImmortalShizun 2 years ago
Sorry Zee is taking his leave. My muse has downed lately
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 2 years ago
Lee Taemin pls pls
TaeKook 3 years ago
Can I join
HaoTaro 3 years ago
Hey luv. I'm gonna take my leave. My roleplay muse is honestly completely gone. I really lived being here. Everyone was wonderful!!! But life just has me too busy to be on rpr. I love youuu. Good luck!
Angelic_tears 3 years ago
*plops down* hello~ can I request for a character reservation?
vanitas 3 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
═════ ✥.❖.✥ ═════
↳ ☁ ɢᴜsᴜ ʟᴀɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 5
 ▸ β - 1
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 3
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ☼ ʟᴀɴʟɪɴɢ ᴊɪɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 0
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 1
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ☘ ǫɪɴɢʜᴇ ɴɪᴇ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 2
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 6
 ▸ Half-blood - 2
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ❆ ʏᴜɴᴍᴇɴɢ ᴊɪᴀɴɢ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 3
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 8
 ▸ Half-blood - 1
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ✦ ǫɪsʜᴀɴ ᴡᴇɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 2
 ▸ β - 4
 ▸ ⍵ - 4

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 4
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 1

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 12
═════ ✥.❖.✥ ═════
** in need of more lanling jin pack members!
spearminty 3 years ago
i did not realize caps lock was on oops
a-anyway can i get eric sohn as a nie omega *dabs*
huniverse [A] 3 years ago
pls add and reserve yibo :DDDDDD
ashflower 3 years ago
Please add and reserve Lee Jaehwan as Jin Jaehwan?
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