↷ labyrinth

obsidian labyrinth
obsidian labyrinth - is a labyrinth on the back yard of the palace. it is a labyrinth made out of black stone walls.
coded by yxgurt
首∙jiang fengmian ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@守护∙toni wen ᵃ [ H ] Correct!

Toni Wen from QIshan Wen scored a point
守护∙toni wen ᵃ [ H ] 3 years ago
@首∙jiang fengmian ᵃ labryrinth
首∙lan qiren ᵃ [huniverse] [A] 3 years ago
@医∙lan jisung ᵒ DING!

兵∙lan chengcheng ᵒ [ SH ] 3 years ago
首∙lan qiren ᵃ [huniverse] [A] 3 years ago
@☾∙lan zhan ᵒ Ding !
Wrong room!
首∙lan qiren ᵃ [huniverse] [A] 3 years ago
@医∙lan jisung ᵒ Ding !
Wrong room!
☾∙lan zhan ᵒ [A] 3 years ago
@首∙lan qiren ᵃ Labyrinth
首∙lan qiren ᵃ [huniverse] [A] 3 years ago
@学∙lan yangyang ᵃ Ding !
Wrong room!
学∙lan yangyang ᵃ 3 years ago
@首∙lan qiren ᵃ Answer: Labyrinth
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ Yes yes. A happy crush. Of course. If I did I'm sure I could handle that.
*smilrd and tilts my head*
You really don't have to hide from me. I promise. I would never hurt a fly
*smiles in content and rests against you, closing my eyes*
Mmm I'll try not to be jelly.
A nap sounds good
学∙nie chen ᵒ [ H ] 3 years ago
@爱∙nie dejun ᵇ If you did, just a happy crush okay? Just like how I was crushing on the professor.
*Laughs softly* I'll try not to, but I can't promise.
*Wrap my arms around you, spooning you up to finally give the cuddle you desire*
There you go, no more jelly.
It's break time now, we can nap too.
*Yawns softly*
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ I already told you! You're very handsome. And funny and welcoming. You're totally crush material, Chenny! Just don't run and hide from me! *smiles at the hand squeeze, looking up at you* It is pretty scary, huh? That we can just click so easily.
*hums and curls into your arms, smiling happily *
But I can't help being jealous! I want love too
*nods my head *
We're good
学∙nie chen ᵒ [ H ] 3 years ago
@爱∙nie dejun ᵇ I've experienced people liking me for some unknown reason, but if they get, I don't know, pushover. I run and hide. *Chuckles softly, giving your hand a squeeze* True, maybe I was scared of how comfortable it is to be with you too.
*Looks over at you and smiles too*
I'll try too! If you look closely it's really only Minseok who I've hug.
Don't be jealous now you big babie, come here, let's cuddle while taking a break.
*Open my arms up at you*
We good?
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ I've never experienced romance or liking someone so I don't even know what that's like. If I even do end up liking you or whatever, I would never ask you to rush things. But we just met so who even knows.
*smiles over at you and slowly nods*
Dont alienate yourself from me! I won't bite. And I like your company! And I'm still jealous, not gonna lie! I want cuddles to have cuddles. Not from a stranger. Even if technically you are a stranger I don't see you as one
*hums as you take my hand, nodding my head*
I understand that.
学∙nie chen ᵒ [ H ] 3 years ago
@爱∙nie dejun ᵇ I'm sorry too for assuming things, it's just based on my experience it goes like that at first and it's on my wrong for thinking too much too.
*Sits beside you, nudging your side*
Let's say that I've been too independent for too long that I am alienated from things like this. I said omega rights too but honestly it's only Minseok that I cuddle. *Chuckles softly.*
Let me try then? *Reaches for your hand, gently squeezing it* people scares me too, specially attachment.
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ *glances at you as you speak, humming and sitting down. Stays silent as I try to gather my thoughts.*
I--- I don't know anyone at all and.. when we met I just... Im naturally just very clingy and so when I asked to cuddle and everything its cause I feel a sense of security around you and... I just feel comfortable with you. No one else. I'm honestly-- Ots scary cuddling other people like Seokkie.
*sighs and stares at the ground, playing with a leaf*
Its fine. Im sorry too.
学∙nie chen ᵒ [ H ] 3 years ago
@爱∙nie dejun ᵇ Okay, let's take a break,
*Takes a seat on the ground, looking up at you*
About earlier, you don't really need to completely back off. I tend to overthink things and assume, and everything overwhelmed me because I literally just met you. You can say I got scared too.
I'm sorry if I ever hurt your feelings, I didn't mean to hurt you...
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ I--
*shakes my head, unsure of how to respond. I ran into the wall of vines before sighing and turning around to face you*
Let's take a break then. I.. I'll be careful put let's take a break!
学∙nie chen ᵒ [ H ] 3 years ago
@爱∙nie dejun ᵇ .
I'm glaring at you because you won't slow down. What if you fall? You'll be hurt.
Nonsense. *Blocks that pathway with vines*
Just want tou to be careful.
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ *stops walking after I see you glare at me, my mouth hanging open*
Are you-- are you mad at me?
*frowns and slowly follows until seeing a separate path*
Fine. I'll find my own way out.
学∙nie chen ᵒ [ H ] 3 years ago
@爱∙nie dejun ᵇ Because I said so.
*Clicks my tongue and glares at you.* Okay, don't slow down.
*Continues to walk and let the vines grown on their own*
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ Why should I stop?
*grins brightly, enjoying myself a little bit too much at this point*
If I slow down, I'll lose you! Why should I slow down?
*hums in satisfaction when I didn't trip this time*
学∙nie chen ᵒ [ H ] 3 years ago
@爱∙nie dejun ᵇ Oh stop, oh my god.
*Despite my words I let you be, chuckling*
Maybe you should be the one to slow down.
*Waves a hand to downsize the root that just grew, saving you from tripping for the second time*
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ *grins when you start to squirm*
Ha! I found a spot~
*walks faster so I could try and poke you again, tripping lightly on a root*
*quickly catches myself, frowning at you*
Slow down. Ita dangerous
学∙nie chen ᵒ [ H ] 3 years ago
@爱∙nie dejun ᵇ Yes, you must. That's the only way because there's no way I would tell you.
*Squirms when you poked my side, walking faster to make it difficult for you to poke me*
Careful on your steps, big babie.
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ Oh? Should I probe more to figure it out then? I must find all of Chen's weaknesses!
*laughs and starts to poke your side, biting my lip im excitement and making sure to keep up with you. I ended up not paying attention much to the path despite your words*
学∙nie chen ᵒ [ H ] 3 years ago
@爱∙nie dejun ᵇ Why would I?
I would be a fool to expose my weakness, you big babie.
Also, walk beside me so you won't fall.
*Roll my eyes at your wink, hiding a smile as I look away*
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ *watches the roots grow in astonishment, trying not to trip on any of them. I hummed and poked your back more before tilting my head to the side*
Then show me your weak spots, hmm?
*smiles lightly, giving q soft wink *
学∙nie chen ᵒ [ H ] 3 years ago
@爱∙nie dejun ᵇ *takes the lead, roots starting to grow on the ground below my feet instead of the walls, taking turns*
*Cranes my head to look at you, quirking an eyebrow*
That ain't my weak spot, boi.
爱∙jiang dejun ᵇ 3 years ago
@学∙nie chen ᵒ *nods my head, grabbing the dagger and shyly walking behind you.*
*stays quiet for a while, enjoying the calm of the daisies. After a bit I started to gently poke your back with the sheathed dagger*


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Kim4Shim 2 years ago
hello~ huni~
ImmortalShizun 2 years ago
Sorry Zee is taking his leave. My muse has downed lately
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 2 years ago
Lee Taemin pls pls
TaeKook 3 years ago
Can I join
HaoTaro 3 years ago
Hey luv. I'm gonna take my leave. My roleplay muse is honestly completely gone. I really lived being here. Everyone was wonderful!!! But life just has me too busy to be on rpr. I love youuu. Good luck!
Angelic_tears 3 years ago
*plops down* hello~ can I request for a character reservation?
vanitas 3 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
═════ ✥.❖.✥ ═════
↳ ☁ ɢᴜsᴜ ʟᴀɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 5
 ▸ β - 1
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 3
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ☼ ʟᴀɴʟɪɴɢ ᴊɪɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 0
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 1
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ☘ ǫɪɴɢʜᴇ ɴɪᴇ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 2
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 6
 ▸ Half-blood - 2
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ❆ ʏᴜɴᴍᴇɴɢ ᴊɪᴀɴɢ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 3
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 8
 ▸ Half-blood - 1
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ✦ ǫɪsʜᴀɴ ᴡᴇɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 2
 ▸ β - 4
 ▸ ⍵ - 4

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 4
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 1

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 12
═════ ✥.❖.✥ ═════
** in need of more lanling jin pack members!
spearminty 3 years ago
i did not realize caps lock was on oops
a-anyway can i get eric sohn as a nie omega *dabs*
huniverse [A] 3 years ago
pls add and reserve yibo :DDDDDD
ashflower 3 years ago
Please add and reserve Lee Jaehwan as Jin Jaehwan?
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