₈ gym

coded by yxgurt
首∙lan sehun ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙jin hoseok ᵃ sehun was beyond surprised when he heard such a loud noises leave Hoseok's mouth. he thought that the jin alpha would have pride, yet here he was, admiring sehun's girth. when the other pulled him closer and gripped onto his hard , the curves of it being visible through the fabric, sehun let out a soft groan. he liked teasing but that day he was beyond frustrated. the lan alpha slid his fingers in jin alpha's hair and gripped on the hair, pulling his head back. he leaned closer to peck his lips and whispered, his expression changing back to blank one. "right now you are nothing more but a of a lan ." he teased the other and slid palms down to his body, sliding fingers over every curve. when his hands rested on hosoeok's , he began to knead it, leaving a harsh slap on it. "I will decide" he gave off a sense of mysteriousness before grabbing hoseok by his waist and slamming him down on the nearest bench.
首∙jin hoseok ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙lan sehun ᵃ [ H ] Hoseok didn't care anymore, he just wanted the Lan Alpha to him. His thick muscled thighs wrapped around Sehun's waist while one arm wrapped around the alpha's neck, the other hand slid between their bodies and palmed at the front of Sehun's work out shorts "you weren't lying when you said Lan's have big " he chuckled dryly and wrapped his hand around the alpha's length through the fabric of his short, it wasn't only long, it was also incredibly thick. Hoseok groaned at the thought of the alpha's large stretching his hole open and ing him until he was satisfied. "So which of these machines do you want to me on first?" He smirked and dragged his tongue over the alpha's lips teasingly
首∙lan sehun ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙jin hoseok ᵃ sehun was surprised when the other pulled him in for a kiss. it was a rough and forceful one, yet somehow it was also filled with need and passion for each other. he allowed hoseok to put all of the emotions and frustration in it. he had pinned the other against the mirror and repeated what the other said. his mind was filled with the sentence of the other about his being cut off. sehun was sure the other would speak differently after he was taken by the male. he pulled the other alpha away from the mirror and lifted him up to make him sit down on one of the equipments. when he was between his legs, he wrapped arms around the other and continued to kiss him.
首∙jin hoseok ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙lan sehun ᵃ Hoseok growled lowly in his throat when he saw that Sehun was smirking at him, while blood dripped down his chin. Lan Sehun was ing crazy, he hadn't even flinched from the harsh bite Hoseok made to the Lan alpha's lips. He didn't have time to react as the back of his neck was grabbed and he was pulled by the Lan into a messy and forceful kiss. He hit the alpha's chest as hard as he could, trying to shove him away but unable to get the Lan alpha to budge. When Sehun finally let go of him, he was panting heavily and he was beyond pissed off..and he was hard.
"If I find out you ing told anyone about this, I will sneak into your dorm room and cut your off. Do you understand?" Hoseok warned in a low voice before he grabbed the back of Sehun's neck and pull him down into another kiss that was all tongue and teeth, his grinded his bulge against the Lan alpha's own, he growled in between kisses, but it was more of a 'I'm ' growl than a threatening one
首∙lan sehun ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙jin hoseok ᵃ sehun was a er for brats. the more the other acted bratty, the more sehun liked it. so when the other bit him, he did not even make a sound. he pulled away, his blood smeared on his own lips, dripping down his chin. he looked as Hoseok's soft lips were decorated in his blood, making the male smirk. the metallic taste and the smell, made everything even hotter for the male. he was not a blood thirsty monster, yet something about the crimson liquid made him hard. he did not even notice how his pants grew hard, the pain mixing with pleasure. sehun used his strength to grab his nape and pulled hoseok in. he pressed his lips against his, this time it was the lan alpha who used his force in the passionate kiss. he nibbled and kissed on his lips until Hoseok's were glistering in their mixed saliva, blood and beautiful shade of swollen and sore skin.
首∙jin hoseok ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙lan sehun ᵃ Hoseok didn't trust Sehun, not in the least. The Jin's hated the Lan's because their position as lead pack was taken away. Even if Hoseok was half Lan, his home was Jin and he was loyal to his pack. So to be babied by a Lan, it was ing humiliating and he hoped that no one would ever find out. He tried to turn his head away as the alpha pecked his lips, but the Lan second in command was insanely strong and he didn't budge. He growled lowly at the alpha "Shut the up" he snarled and this time when the alpha went to kiss his lip, he bit down on Sehun's lips, hard enough to draw blood. He wasn't going down that easily.
首∙lan sehun ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙jin hoseok ᵃ sehun looked at the other when he tried to intimidate the lan alpha with his voice and actions. he knew hoseok when sehun started his studies. the other was already a third year student when the other only started, hoseok being more experienced and older in medical field like the other. after that, he did not even glance at the second in command, their ranks making them rivals. tho, sehun's nature was playful one, he found pleasure in teasing everyone around him, even starting some wars. when the other mentioned the fight, sehun could only chuckle. he was never scared of the jin alpha, sehun was taller and it gave him more advance in the righting, tho he did not know how fast and quick the other was. sehun still held onto his chin and pulled it closer, reaching to teasingly peck his lips. "aren't you adorable?" he whispered and smirked before leaning to peck his lips once more.
首∙jin hoseok ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙lan sehun ᵃ Hoseok couldn't decipher what the Lan alpha was thinking in that moment, and that scared his shirtless. Lan Sehun was a loaded gun that could go off at any moment and Hoseok was going to be caught in the crossfire. His brows furrowed when he saw Sehun slide down the wall to make their heights even, what was he playing at?
A second too late he realized Sehun had more strength and power than he had let on, and Hoseok was ed.
He visibly gulped as the alpha broke free easily, standing up straight and towering over him. He had been played. His jaw clenched when he felt Sehun's grab grip his chin and force him to look at the other "Don't undermine me Lan Sehun, we still have the same rank. And let's make one thing clear, I'm not your baby and I never will be, and I don't go down without a fight"
守护•jiang minho ᵃ 3 years ago
@兵∙lan wonwoo ᵃ 'Smack!' It may have come across as something being soft and I should've been ready for it, but I wasn't the smack across my face came as a major surprise and my eyes widen as I hold my cheek. I wasn't preparing to be slapped as soon as I moved close to you, otherwise, I wouldn't have even come this close to you, to begin with. Slowly blinking my orbs, I would've retaliated and possibly slapped you back, knowing my anger, to begin with, however, I try to take in a deep breath and calm the blood boiling in my veins slowly but surely in order to focus on your words as I a brow and scoff out softly. "A mosquito? How in god's name would you assume I'm a mosquito?"

I can't help but burst out laughing as I shake my head and roll my eyes at you before huffing out, the anger ceasing and calming down as I think you're a dork and it amuses me nonetheless, I move to settle down in front of you and quirk a brow; even with you cracking a joke, your face still remains stoic and expressionless. My eyes curiously scan your features and I heave a soft sigh. "It's okay though about the smacking, guess I'm one attractive mosquito," I tease and then snort at my own vain attempt at a joke, before flashing a little smile. "I'm Jiang Minho by the way, I was watching you train for some time, not stalking or anything, but you work really hard and I admire your skills a lot! I also have a lot of uh training in certain types of fighting if you'd ever wanna train and workout together? Seeing as I mostly train and workout by myself, and you do the same so I say why not approach you ya know?"
兵∙jin yifan ᵃ 3 years ago
@无wen reno ᵒ /smiles softly and fans the air as if it would help eliminate my scent in some sort of way/
im sorry about that, it was the only way to get them to leave without any violence
/chuckles and moves to help you up carrying you with without much problem and sitting you onto one of the work benches near by/
so how did you get into this mess?
/i question looking at you and searches inside my bag for a towel to clean up your bloody face, same that its all messed up really, i could tell you were quite good looking despite your urge to always bark back/
无∙wen reno ᵒ 3 years ago
@兵 • jin yifan ᵃ Reno wrinkled his nose in disgust when he realized there was another alpha's scent all over the air invading his nostrils. He just felt threatened whenever they did it and he was once again reminded that he would never be like them, stuck with his omega state and weak body in comparison to theirs. "Great, another alpha..."He grunted in displeasure but felt quite guilty about it because the other seemed nice, he just wanted to help. There was no way he could withstand starting another fight anyway.
"Fortunately for them I'm in no state to kick their asses." He muttered under his breath and tried to stand up only to fall down and grunt in pain. "Okay then...I'm Reno." He sighed in defeat and introduced himself, deciding there was nothing he could do by himself without some help.
兵∙jin yifan ᵃ 3 years ago
@无wen reno ᵒ /it was early in the afternoon and classes had just ended for the say, i was heading to the gym to get in a light workout before going on to train later that day. once i had reached the gym i went into the locker room to change and prep for my daily workout session/
/i had already started with reps until the fowl smell of alphas radiating their scent came to burn my nose at a disgustingly fast rate, my head only whipped over intot he direction when i heard a curse which caught my attention, and being myself i walk over to see what the commotion was about/
whats this-
/i say while leaning onto the side of the column glaring at the group of alphas before me, throwing out my scent to let them know this will be my territory and for them to vanish from my sight in which they did/
hey~ im yifan, you look like you could use some help
/looks at you and squats my your side analyzing your beaten features and light red and purple bruising thats forming/
无∙wen reno ᵒ 3 years ago
@兵 • jin yifan ᵃ Reno knew he wasn't supposed to meet the group of alphas who kept messing with him, it wasn't really a wise decision but he valued his pride way more to even consider not going. He wasn't easily intimidated my anyone especially alphas even though they kept disrespecting him due to being both a halfblood and an omega. It turned out they were indeed all cowards and attacked him even though he was outnumbered. Of course, Reno didn't go down without a fight but in the end he could do nothing against all of them. He was positive he had sprained his ankle and he could feel the metallic taste of blood on his tongue due to his split bottom lip. "!" He cursed as he wiped his tone with his sleeve only to see red stains on his shirt as well.
首∙lan sehun ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙jin hoseok ᵃ sehun liked playing good games and he was glad that hoseok could surely lead one. it made him amused how much of a hatred the other had inside of him. sehun never knew the whole story about Hoseok and the lans and he wasn’t craving to hear about it. he allowed the other to push him against the mirror behind them. he acted weak on a purpose, gently sliding down a bit so their heights would match. the alpha wanted to see how the other would react, what would he do etc. at his question, the other could only smirk. sehun surely would never bend for anyone, it was an idea brought into his mind since childhood. he was born to lead, born to top. he other flexed his muscles and he pulled his arms away from the mirror and stood straight, his tall body almost towering the other alpha. “oh, baby, even if you are an alpha, you still look and act like my baby” The second in command teased the other as he reached to grab his chin and forcefully turn hoseok’s head to face him.
首∙jin hoseok ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙lan sehun ᵃ Hoseok's brows furrowed, why the hell was Sehun laughing? He was the one being pinned right now, not Hoseok. What the was happening here? "I caught you off guard so I'd say, for the most part yes" he wanted to wipe that cocky smirk off the Lan alpha's face, so ing condescending. It was like Hoseok was the one being pinned down, just by the look in Sehun's eyes. His eyes widened the slightest bit as the alpha spun around and faced him " Shut the up" he growled and shoved the second in command against the wall before grabbing each of the alpha's wrists and pinning them on each side of Sehun's head flush against the mirror. "Let's just get this straight, I don't like you and I probably never will. With that being said, now we can get to the main event" he leaned in closely brushing his lips against Sehun's ear "the real question is, do you want to me, or be ed by me?" He smirked and flicked his tongue against the shell of the alpha's ear.
守护•jiang minho ᵃ 3 years ago
@兵 lan wonwoo ᵃ The usual day would be me going to train at the gym, workout regime at the gym with the use of weights, and so forth. Then there's the other part of using my martial arts training and even doing a couple of dances to cool down in the end. I mostly dance for the love of it, enjoying the way I feel, stress-free and absolutely relaxed, however, today wasn't due to any of those plans I usually tend to do, today was in search of this Lan Alpha I came across a couple of times when training in the gym. I'd see how focused and intent you are but you're always quiet and tend to keep to yourself, being reserved, whereas, I'm the type to be socializing and getting to know others even if they want to get to know me or not. I tend to just talk my mind and be there, might come off as being a pest per-se.

Once I'm walking inside of the gym, I peek around the wall to spot your frame sitting down on the floor taking a break and I notice how drenched in sweat you are, knowing I must have missed out on some of the good things and acts you've put on display earlier; showcasing your talented skills. Once I'm walking inside of the gym, I make sure to walk gently and not make too much noise as to startle you, my eyes finding your facial features, sharp jawline, and stoic face. I smile a bit as I move to settle down next to you in a squatting position and I purse my lips a little while murmuring softly. "Hey there, I saw you around a couple of times in here practicing really hard and I must say you have some really amazing skills. I'm Minho by the way; an alpha from the Jiang pack, you're a Lan aren't you?" I ask in hopes of breaking the ice as I reach out with my hand towards you.
守护•jiang minho ᵃ 3 years ago
@医∙lan jisung ᵒ "Oh is that so? Well, that's good, wouldn't want your scent driving me insane and getting me all distracted from my workout routine now would we?" I tease with a cheeky grin playing on my lips as I flash a wink and I swiftly move up to your body and I keep eyeing you from head to toe and I chuckle while nodding my head. " to have to take the suppressants and have such a ed up side effect huh?" I frown a bit as I reach out to tip your chin gently to look at me and I laugh softly, my eyes crinkling into eye smiles as well while shaking my head. "You're cute Jisung-ah, you don't have to be so shy ya know, I won't bite unless you ask me to." I tease yet again with a soft hum and I rock back on my heels, dropping my hand back down as I hold the staff in front of me and prop myself up while leaning over and looking at you with innocent orbs. "Me? I'm fine, was just working out with some routines with my martial arts training mmh, wanna try a thing or two?"
首∙lan sehun ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙jin hoseok ᵃ sehun let out a soft hum of surprise as the other alpha grabbed his arm and bent behind him, pressing him against the wall. instead of looking or sounding defeated, the alpha let out a soft chuckle. he showed his perfectly white teeth, smirk decorating his face. "and you think you will defeat me with this weak move?" the alpha loved to tease the other, Hoseok's never ending need to prove himself, that he was above everyone and everything, made sehun so amused. 'jokes asside' the alpha thought before spun around, Hoseok's fingers still around his arm, yet they were facing each other. he looked at the jin alpha and smirked. "is that all you can do?"
首∙jin hoseok ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙lan sehun ᵃ Hoseok tried not to react as he felt the Lan alpha practically eye him but it was hard, extremely hard. He tried to ignore the the sweat that glided down Sehun's body and the way his muscles looked when he moved, but it all this man was hot and he knew that. He watched as the Lan alpha his lips and then slowly but surely moved closer. He tried to move but it was already too late, he was cornered and Sehun's pheromones were filling his nostrils, he pressed his hands to the alpha's chest, trying to keep him as far away as possible "You ing " he gritted out and then grabbed Sehun by his arms and flipped them around so the Lan alpha was the one pressed against the wall "You really thought you had me cornered?" He laughed and flashed his eyes and smirked "I'm the alpha now, but boy"
首∙lan sehun ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙jin hoseok ᵃ sehun's eyes roamed up and down hoseok's body, clad in the gym equipment. he put on his tank top, his blonde hair covering his eyes. sweat rolled down his skin, the perspiration on his skin cooled down his heated skin. the alpha looked to his towel in his hands, before back to the other. sehun was always up for a challenge, the more jin alpha was trying to act untouchable, the more the other wanted to break the facade. sehun was stubborn, he was born to get what he wanted. the second in command knew the history of the other, how he despised the lan alpha, tho his roots came from gusu. sehun his dry lips, them glistening with moisture. he did not hesitate, before walking closer to the other. with each step he took closer, his alpha pheromones filled the room. sehun always smelled like a mint mixed with men cologne, most of the wolves admitting that he did smell irresistible. a naughty smirk decorated his lips, when he had stepped close enough to trap the other between the wall and his masculine body. "what are you going to do about it?"
首∙jin hoseok ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙lan sehun ᵃ Hoseok couldn't help but stare while watching Sehun drink from his water. He quickly averted his gaze when the Lan alpha winked at him, ing hell. If it was anyone else besides a Lan, he would have ing jumped at the chance to such a hot man but Sehun was a Lan and that meant he was off limits.
"I was leaking my pheromones, hoping it would get you to back off but it seems that won't happen anytime soon"
守护•jiang minho ᵃ 3 years ago
@医∙lan jisung ᵒ ()It's fine, ima work with your type too! Don't wanna overwhelm you ;;

I heard a soft sound, my ears due to my wolf senses prickling upon hearing a little murmur here and there and I'm instantly snapping my head to look at where the sound is coming from, staff still in my hand as I a brow and I'm surprised to have seen that I had a one-man audience all along. "Huh, and here I thought I was all alone all along, odd though that I didn't smell you right away omega." I tease playfully and I swiftly move with the wooden staff, my movements sharp and precise as I jerk the staff at the punching bag but not forceful enough to cause a puncture obviously. I settle in pulling it back and spinning on my heels before looking at you as I eye you from head to toe. "Hello there, Jisung was it? We met earlier in the lounge, am I right? You had a headache, was it? How's that going?"
守护•jiang minho ᵃ 3 years ago

@医∙lan jisung ᵒ His look--> https://64.media.tumblr.com/e3120ac100208ef92319d9677596123f/69d308492c651c3b-7d/s540x810/92c9d1fc8dbe8fffd545219441e43e5c9212b999.jpg

Another day at it again, nothing to win, nothing to lose, just train, train, train. Sometimes I'm the type to exhaust my mind, body, and soul until I have nothing left within me to move, no more energy, no more sense of where I am. Sometimes I tend to train so hard so that I could numb the pain in my heart and mind from everything that's my life. My life isn't as bad as others, sure; but losing your parents at a young age, not taking enough time to heal, hiding the fact that you saw their death flashing right before your eyes, and picking up the slack at such a young age in your pack tends to with your mind. Training at the gym, using the punching bag, weights, and using other equipment around I do the basic workout and then start training with my martial arts skills, recalling the things I learned when I was attending classes at a younger age. When I had more time on my hands, fewer responsibilities, but now I am alpha of our pack, the protector added to that and I can't help but be even busier than before along with juggling school in the mix too and keeping my GPA up in my classes.

Moving effortlessly over the wooden floor, I feel the sweat droplets trickling down my features, down my neck, and even hitting the floor under my feet at times. My orbs are solely fixated on the punching bag before me as I throw my hands at it, punching and turning with an uppercut and lower body kick as I slide down into the position. Hands bracing on the floor while my leg jerks out in order to smack against the boxing bag. Usually, I come here at late hours in order to not bombard anyone with my 'angst training' I want the space for myself to I could go all out and give it my all; and that's what I'm doing focusing on what's at hand and forcing the vision that I'm in combat. I feel my powers churning under my fingertips itching to be let out but if I was to do that, I'd definitely make a mess of the gym area and we cannot have that. Instead, I just take up the staff and start doing some more routines, soft grunts are escaping my parted lips due to the efforts I give off from the movements I make.
首∙lan sehun ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙jin hoseok ᵃ sehun pulled away and threw the towel on the nearest chair. he reached for the water, gulping it down in one go. he winked at the other as the Jin alpha acted disgusted, but sehun knew. tho they both were alphas, he knew that he will make the other seem more interested. the male stood up straight and walked to the punching bag, tightening the gloves around his wrists. he punched the bag, yet his eyes moving to the other once more “you say that you are disgusted, but yet you are leaking your pheromones “
首∙jin hoseok ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙lan sehun ᵃ Hoseok scoffed and clenched his jaw, "I'm not afraid of you Lan Sehun, you and every one of your clan members disgust me" he growled out while he made his way past the alpha and headed towards the weights, grabbing the weight he had used last time and began to do arm crunches with the weights. He watched the lan alpha, annoyed that he had run into him of all people, if it was anyone else he could ignore them but it had to be the ing second in command who liked to flirt with anyone regardless of if they were in his clan or not
首∙lan sehun ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙jin hoseok ᵃ sehun indeed was a gym addict. the alpha most of the time spent in the gym, building up his muscles. that morning was just like any other. he had reached the gym first and started his intense work out. in the middle of the work out, he had taken off his shirt as it was wet with his saliva, sticking to his muscled body. he had grabbed the handle and began to do pull ups, his muscles flexing with each movement. as soon as somebody entered the room, offending his pack, he stopped mid way. he knew who it was, someone who held grudge against the whole pack. sehun jumped down and reached for his towel, sliding it over his abs and shoulders before hooking it around his neck. "why,?" he turned around and smugly leaned against the nearest wall, crossing arms on his chest. "are you afraid you might get and fall into the trap of one of the lan's, baby?" he visibly teased.
首∙jin hoseok ᵃ [A] 3 years ago
@二首∙lan sehun ᵃ The second in command knew that he had to keep up his shape and stay healthy so he could protect the other pack members of the Jin clan in case a bad situation were to arise. He usually had been working out at a gym in Lanling but it was currently remodeling so he'd had to improvise. Because the gym at school was open to any of the clans, he'd unfortunately come the same day at the Gusu Lan's second in command, Sehun.
"I thought I stepped in , but turns out it's just one of you Gusu Lan's. Stop releasing your pheromones before I throw up"
He really had nothing against Sehun, but he had a problem with Gusu Lan since they had taken control of command and Lanling Jin was now second in that respect.


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Kim4Shim 2 years ago
hello~ huni~
ImmortalShizun 2 years ago
Sorry Zee is taking his leave. My muse has downed lately
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 2 years ago
Lee Taemin pls pls
TaeKook 3 years ago
Can I join
HaoTaro 3 years ago
Hey luv. I'm gonna take my leave. My roleplay muse is honestly completely gone. I really lived being here. Everyone was wonderful!!! But life just has me too busy to be on rpr. I love youuu. Good luck!
Angelic_tears 3 years ago
*plops down* hello~ can I request for a character reservation?
vanitas 3 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
═════ ✥.❖.✥ ═════
↳ ☁ ɢᴜsᴜ ʟᴀɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 5
 ▸ β - 1
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 3
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ☼ ʟᴀɴʟɪɴɢ ᴊɪɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 0
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 1
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ☘ ǫɪɴɢʜᴇ ɴɪᴇ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 2
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 6
 ▸ Half-blood - 2
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ❆ ʏᴜɴᴍᴇɴɢ ᴊɪᴀɴɢ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 3
 ▸ β - 3
 ▸ ⍵ - 3

 ▸ Pure-blood - 8
 ▸ Half-blood - 1
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 0

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 8

↳ ✦ ǫɪsʜᴀɴ ᴡᴇɴ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ː
 ▸ ⍺ - 2
 ▸ β - 4
 ▸ ⍵ - 4

 ▸ Pure-blood - 5
 ▸ Half-blood - 4
 ▸ Wolf-blood - 1

 ▸ Max Number of Pure-Blood - 12
═════ ✥.❖.✥ ═════
** in need of more lanling jin pack members!
spearminty 3 years ago
i did not realize caps lock was on oops
a-anyway can i get eric sohn as a nie omega *dabs*
huniverse [A] 3 years ago
pls add and reserve yibo :DDDDDD
ashflower 3 years ago
Please add and reserve Lee Jaehwan as Jin Jaehwan?
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