astro dorm。

astro dorm
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo mmnhh hyungg.. y youre not helpinggg.. /lifting myself up from the slouched state i was in rested against the support of your chest, although my mind was still scrambling to locate it, i leaned over to the edge of the bed to the side table nestled by the side, tugging open the first drawer before blindly feeling about only to nudge it back closed to instead search the lower one, heaving a sigh as i finally retrieved the midsized bottle of hand lotion, dropping it off right outside your leg before resuming my former position inbetween them.
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky /following your gaze to also be met with the sight of certain stained areas of your thighs apparent, a sense of complacency developed from just the display alone and for a moment i were grinning to myself from it knowing it was a result of my physical sense of appreciation for you, albeit after giving a soft nod prior to sparing a glimpse towards the gestured area i place one more peck atop the tip of your nose before moving to fulfill the simple task of plugging the tub, briefly contemplating which to use of the couple bubble bathes visibly available and upon deciding, drizzling a amount far more than necessary for its use along the floor of the tub until i were satisfied with how majority of it were covered before finally starting the water and fixing it to a comfortable temperature before i allowed it to run. its too late for that now, i already heard it pfhh. psh, and who do you think would still win? I think the distraction was pretty amazing, you know, something way better to have your attention instead
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha alright- heh.. i'll give you a moment to think first.. but im a little impatient right now so think quick before i make it harder again. /a grin crept onto my lips and i had to bite my bottom lip to decrease its severity, resisting the urge to litter any exposed inch of your skin with kisses as your head shifted against me as i figured it might further hinder your abilities even though i was prepared to follow through with my warning, however releasing your stiffness i opt to instead bring my palm to rub towards your inner thigh before giving a firm squeeze around what of it fit within my hand.
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo hhah wait hyungie i cant think if you do thatt.. /expelling a breath unbeknownst to myself i was even holding as the initial constricted feel of my tightened pants eased up the moment you pushed the pair out of the way, my face scrunching as i tried to mentally locate the item you had requested but my mind refused to cooperate as it couldnt focus on anything but the feeling of your fingers so deliciously wrapped around my gradual stiffening length, squeezing my eyes shut as my head rolled against the slope of your neck until it was entirely facing away from you.
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha heh- oh and point me in the direction of the.. lotion, i'll need that too- /sparing you a returned glance as i took my time in working the pair down your hips to sit at your thighs instead before bringing one of my hands to trace the lining of your underwear, soon hooking my fingers beneath the band in tugging them lower as well then turning head to gently nuzzle my nose along your jawline as i finally took hold of your warm length, squeezing along the stiffness before running my thumb over the crown of it.
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo /twisting my head back enough to peer up at you as much as i could in the current position as my back slumped comfortably against your broad chest, my breath hitching in throat as i felt the moist softness of your lips press against my skin, my hands gripping onto your thighs on either side of my own as my head fell back against your shoulder for support. mmh ookie either way is hm- fine by me hyungie..
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha /following your lead in occupying a space on the mattress but behind you as i situated my legs on the outermost of your own after scooting up to your back, snaking my arms around your torso to meet at the hem of your pants while tilting my head forward in placing open mouth pecks against the junction of your neck and shoulder. anyy other time i wouldnt mind.. but i've been wanting to do this for awhile so .. you or- rather me first
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo /tugging you by the hand entangled with my own as i lead us down the hallway towards the shared room soon pushing the door open before ambling over to where my bed was situated, only now letting go of my hold on your hand as i crawled onto the soft surface before turning to face you as i propped myself up on my knees, my head tilted over the slightest bit. mmh should i go first or do you want to hyungie? i dont mind either way..
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin /losing sense of time the moment spent taking in your features and the small habitual expressions and contorts you would do, the thought alone fluttering my thoughts with just how much I simply adored you for existing, your utterance pulling me from my thoughts, my gaze dropping to my figure and peering over each sticky patch or glistening area of my skin from the previous occasion, a titter slipping out before I began to speak, pointing over towards the bathtub with a cheeky grin. Noo noo thenn let me retract it! Pftt. Aand I’ll fight you back harderrr I don’t wanna shh pwaha. Yeaahh and if I wasn’t so distracted by this prince the fact would probably be uncomfortable so let’s get washed up yea?
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky /greatly enjoying the feel of your sculpted pair ever so soft as they rubbed against my own, each instance i came in contact with your exquisite tiers almost nothing besides desiring to linger as long as possible filling my thoughts, at some point my eyes fell shut during the exchange in the reality of indulging myself, yet prior to parting and refocusing my orbs along the closeness of your face, immediately i felt the sudden hotness of your skin before noticing the endearing rosy spread consuming it after, a grin nothing more justifiable than the vague explanation being you, casting over my tiers after attempting to cater to the abrupt extra peck you applied. That’ll be so cute, if you say that i cant help but want to hear and see it, shh you know ill fight you on that.. now, i nearly forgot what we came in here for, should we get started? You must still be sticky..
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin /the lewd sounds of your voice all my mind could focus on, every uneven breath and slip of sound was just as intoxicating as your touch was, nearly inviting me to do it all again just to have the satisfaction of witnessing such sounds yet again, it was a addiction I was selfishly aware of by now, the warm press of your palms against my cheek instantaneously beckoning me to meet your sudden leveled gaze even if just for a split second before my eyes closed the duration of the leisure kiss, my lips keeping the rhythm of yours while they moved and synchronized with the motion of your own, wondering how your palatable taste was to your own cavern though the curious ruminating was short lived once you began to speak after departing the kiss, my rested expression still bearing a smile, a smooth growth of red starting to blossom at points of my body at the lauding words of yours, gently shaking my head before leaning closer into you and pecking your lips briefly. Moonie hyung don’t make me a stuttering mess, I’ll be all embarrassed if you doo and plus thatss all you silly perfect hyung.
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky /my voice dissolved into nothing more than honeyed unintelligible murmurs drowning in the mass of overshadowing moans as i further melted into the gasping mess of rapture your agile pair brought me too, tremors of titillation still coursing through my frame with each twist and pull of your wrist drawing responsive spasms out my body as your versed palms carried out my ic release until i finished, my slanted orbs gazing almost dutifully at the following sight of your swollen tiers parted, the substance pooling around your tongue entirely lubriciously it was enough to rile me up with a newly kindled excitement, my expression contorting in a conflict of coquettish gratification as i gandered the motion of your throat as you swallowed the load, it was too irresistibly impossible to pass up the opportunity of bending down and cupping your cheeks, inching closer and until i was pressing a lingering, rhythmically slow kiss to the sensual simper decorating your tiers, a soft hum resonating from the initial taste of your cavern before i slightly pulled back with a light smirk threatening the corners of my lips. perfect .. you are so perfect.. be a little fair, i cant take it.
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin /heavenly sounds that resounded from your throat further forging the urge to fondle you that much more if exceeding the want to i had already were virtually possible, taking far too much enjoyment to the sticky mess of liquid that coated my hands and your that created the perfect slip for increasing the speed in which is exactly what i did, steadily watching the lustrous display of you emerging in the bouts of pleasure and euphoric bliss, my ears catching a constant echo between the addicting lecherous moans of yours and skin squelching against skin while i reveled in the gratification your quintessential carnal response with every gesture i exerted to your physique, finally letting my heavy lids flitter shut upon feeling the warm sweet liquid of yours puddle and coat my tongue, the very taste of you filling my mouth by the second , additionally still giving spasmodically pumping and stroking your length, only pulling off once i was sure all your seed released in my mouth to meet your orbs once again, slowly parting my lips to exhibit the milky thick substance that pooled in my cavern before wholly swallowing down the and curving my lips to form a simper. H-hhg.. Moonie ..hyung.. you taste so good i was sure to swallow every drop..
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky / in sharp intakes of air nearly resounding as gasp with how you were utterly adroit in your process, lolling my head forward and lidding my orbs in desire of descrying the titillating stretch of your glistening tiers around my girth, albeit i switched between gazing along your soiled and alluringly features through my unchaste state and squeezing my lids shut upon the deviate course of your cavern springing endless pleasure through me as it nudged and grazed over my , my body burning up inside out as i forcibly trembled, my abdomen tightening with the nearing enclosure of my , your lewd intent bearing on-churning a breathily moan to pour in hardly audible forms of curses from my tiers whilst leering down my nose in upholding the ardent stare we shared before gasping out your name succeeding the vibration against my length, the following brisk course of your fist and sinful tongue having my fingers curled tightly around the doorknob as my hips rocked forward, briefly my tip meeting the back of your throat each occurrence until a overwhelming shudder convulsed my hips astray from the prior steady into stuttered jerks, any forewarning of my release hitching in my throat as my jaw hung open in broken moans while my accumulation poured into your cavern. Ah-uhnf .. hhm.. sh-.... minhnn.. fu-ckhn.. H-hn-..
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin /my lips curving to the slightest while still wholly engulfed around your throbbing flesh, suctioning and ling constantly in a fixated aim to fill my ears with the melodious scenic moans and breaths that escaped your lips of my ministrations, both hands wrapping around your length as I took in as much of you as my mouth would allow, overlapping saliva spilling out from the sides of my mouth, and slopping sounds bounced off the walls in the room, every other now and then rubbing the tip against my inner cheek before centering aim once more, the times my orbs were open they kept towards your direction, eyes darkened with lust and fervor each time, the extent only growing past the minutes, hollowing my cheeks as I gave a long hard slurp, swallowing down every last drop that pre leaked out your swollen length, a moan vibrating out my throat when I tasted you mixed with my own salivation, my lids shutting as my eyes rolled back in bliss of the mere taste of you, the immediate want for more causing me to quicken my pace of my pumps, along with twirling and swirling my tongue to further stimulate you, one hand momentarily abandoning the stroking to caress along the grandeur sculpt of your abdomen.
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky /the roguish turn of your lips kindling a stimulated coil to unwind in flurries within my abdomen, basking in the suspenseful rushes of my expectancies attacking my aflame body in electrifying ways, the ideation alone of my sensual gratification transpiring before me leaving my countenance in a array of complacent glee, inhaling a swift breath as the warm nearly hot skin of my back came in contact with the surface of the otherwise cool door, my orbs rolling shut as the appointed caress of your breath met my tip, guttural groans as early as this playing in the back of my throat even more threateningly once your wet heat began to engulf furthermore, the regulated movements of my chest picking up as my brows furrowed with the onslaught of tingling sensations enslaving my groin, forcing my tiers apart as to ensuing reverberating moans into the air with every sliver and flattening of your wet muscle, my straining neediness for you attaining its limit that every sensual acclaiming act of your cavern sent my body in a whirl of rapture, at some point reaching to bury my fingers in your silky tresses, fortuitously the soft tuff with each rapid on-spring of pleasure encouraging the inevitable pre leakage of my length.
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin /never breaking the connection of our gazes the whole while you spoke, each word seemed to make my stomach constrict with warmth of anticipation sizzling, a kittenish smirk gradual taking a form along my lips per your utterance that sent a rush all throughout my body, it was nearly beguiling how your words controlled me, lit me back up with just words alone and set me afire with your touch, and that was just the tip of the ice burg of just what you do to me, gently nudging you further back as i hopped down from the counter top to crane down onto my knees down to be level with your length, giving a long nod of my head to the hedonistic request, a hushed whisper response muffled once i began encasing my balmy cavern along your tip, slowly and languidly taking it further in until i reached halfway then i let my tongue explore what felt like every inch and length of your and trace along the veins that spread along the expense, merely pulling off to allow the gathered and accumulated spit to slowly drip downwards till it coated your length, attaching my kissed swollen lips to each sides alternately, immediately following to plant and mound fervent kisses, imperceptibly marking and claiming the precious treasure that's mine and mine alone with my very lips.
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky /my brows lowering with the shudder that coursed through my body as your digits surrounded my stiffness with a half hearted jerk, already shifting my hips forward into your grasp for more than i was tauntingly offered as i reflexively tightened my own hold over your hand, lolling my head to the side as i stared down rather intensely your sublime countenance fixed into such a feigned guiltless expression, focusing on my mellow voice husking out a trained response to not falter in a puddle of murmured noises. it.. can wait, i want you.. i need you to take care of me, i want to feel your lips around me.. me off so damn good i can hardly breathe anything but your name. you’ll do that to me wont you, minhky?
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin confining my bottom lip between my teeth while maintaining my gaze adjacent to your ethereally handsome facial features when you moved my hand to the warm girth of your length, immediately as if by instinct wrapping my digits around the firm base as i gave lighthearted and next near teasing or two, although my expression played at a innocent wide eyed mien while i spoke with a languid and sultry tone that was all the contrary to my expression, hearing the strained exhales leaving your lips enough to have my own length springing back up reactively but i willed to ignore that urge building for now. Mmm mm i dont think so neither at all. Mnn Moon hyung.. what do you want me to do to you right now hm? shouldnt we run the water soon? Could you wait that long or should i take care of this?
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky bracing my palms against the edge of the sink as my sights set trained towards the traveling warmth of your hands, taking my lower tier to pinch between my rows as one of the corners of it rose in mere satisfaction of the air hitting my aflame skin, reaching my arm along a side of your waist in full on closing any distance between our upper halves albeit my brows rose higher into a upwards narrow as my lids fell shut upon the sudden release of the lower confinements, a soft exhale rushing out my nostrils before glancing up to peer towards you, trading my hold along your waist to reach for your hand instead, guiding it to press along the stiff base and erupting a urged hum in my the back of my throat from your addictive touch alone. mmhmheh.. i dont think.. it needs to anyways..
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin i couldnt hold back the threatening smile if i so desired to from your utterance, unconsciously causing me to skim my tongue across my bottom lip leaving a glistening coat behind, my words spilling out fluidly while my orbs wandered down your physique just as my hands made their way in a smooth run down to the free edge of your garment, balling the fabric in my palms before yanking upwards with enough force to tug it off in one go. That's a interesting deciding to go with i like it. mmyea i think so hah. /leaning my upper half forward in just barely pressing our bare chest to each other, making a up and down motion of my hands on your torso before bringing them down to your hips to slip my indexes inside your pants to shove them down, my gaze fixed downwards as i watched your length spring out from the boxers when i discard them. i don't think the day would ever come where id reject such a enjoyable request moonie hyung.
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky a light snort gradually trickling into chuckles from your words let alone your reaction, glancing back towards your orbs before trailing to the serene simper along your tiers before they averted to the premises, turning on my heel and exiting the kitchen in sauntering down the hall to the nearest bathroom, nudging the door shut once inside. im thinking with something else here .. so whatever comes first pretty minhhky. ah.. im going to remember that next time, that should be fun huh? /propping your figure atop the sinks surface before my secure hold loosened, retracting my arms to resting my hand against your bare sides as i pressed my tiers to your warm, flushed cheeks. hmmm do you wanna undress me, minhky?
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin habitually encasing my arms from your neck for support as you cradled me off the counter top, the brief moment your lips connected with my cheek my lids restfully shut before resuming aim towards you whilst you spoke, a tiny unconscious smile playing at my lips. if you’re up for it then there’s no need to choose just one option hyung. Hmm I think it changes but right now I’d say .. gushers or starburst .. maybe even the soft jolly ranchers mixed in somewhere. /looking down towards my own figure at the mention of my messy state, soon giving a nod of agreement before averting my orbs else where in mild embarrassment, blood rushing tint my cheeks. Ah right that’s a smart idea.
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky a rather satisfied simper curling my tiers in exchange of the responsive noise, albeit it was none other than amusing how your figure grown so sensitive to touch nearly inclining me to explore it, however after rounding to the other side of the counter, i was careful to slip my arms beneath your own and securely around your torso before hauling your figure from the surface to pressing against me, bringing one of my hands to hoist your leg against my hip as i pressed a brief peck to your cheekbone. i.. can hardly decide is a surprise an option, have you ever decided between your most favourite candy? ahha.. and you.. are extremely sticky so off to the bathroom first.
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin humming out a sound at the squeeze, still being sensitive from the high, even the subtle breeze of the room tugged out the blurred space between pleasure and discomfort in my body, brows firmly knitted together as I willed my orbs to meet your own gaze at your utterance, a faint but meaningful smile tinted my features instantaneously and all I could do was downward point of my chin in a sort of nod, still recovering with deep pants. Mmbin hyung... did you wanna finish off inside me or do .. you want me to blow you instead? /the corners of my mouth surged up in a coy grin, shifting on the counter to face you more, speaking in almost a hushed whisper voice.
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky enjoying each intensity of the helpless sounds emitting one after the other from you, figuring any moment you were close to spilling over the edge with how your body blatantly plunge against my buried pair, muttering a slur of exclaims as i watched the titillating display of your figure manipulated and engulfed in the eventual overwhelming pleasure of your release, sending a shudder down my own frame upon catching the drawn out expel of my name, the pace of my assaulting hands gradually nearing to a halt once i felt the warmth of your release coating my hand, slowly retracting my digits from your tight heat to caress one of your cheeks before trailing my palm to the back of your thigh, offering a squeeze as my voice came out in a moderately hushed tone. minhky ah, you created such a mess, you must had enjoyed yourself so much huh?
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin it I hadn’t been far too engrossed in the euphoric maze, I would’ve been a mess of embarrassment at the slew of different octave moans and noises that dragged from my throat, they were nonstop almost as if I couldn’t mute them if I willed to, unceasingly rocking my hips back with as much force as I could muste as your digits propelled deeper into my walls, it was hard to focus on a single pleasure when each new area you gave attention to drew my attention in albeit all that was trumped when I felt a certain bundle of nerve struck endlessly, my back arching in reaction with a particularly loud moan, there was so much stimulation and pleasure in a constant array I could last but another second longer as my body jolted while I moaned out your name, white ropes spurting over the counter and your hand, my breaths becoming a slew of gasps and pants.
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky a pleased simper of an smug nature residing along my tiers that ended up pressed to the damp skin of your nape, trailing each moist contact of my tiers down the midst of your back gradually merely to slide my tongue along the same path in the opposite direction, halting at your shoulder blades as i gave each one a slow peck, keeping the same jiving pace in motion, slightly repositioning my hand to where my fingers prod endlessly against your inner sweet spot, pressing my hips against the wall of the counter in a effort of releasing the friction every sound spilling from your lips piled up.
⤳Rocky 3 years ago
@⤳Moonbin my body trembling all over under your touch, the abundance of stimulation satisfy my unyielding craving all while building more want, my breathing heightened and irregular with every constant noise that left my mouth, it felt too good and aim the same instant overwhelming with sensation, out your name in a broken voice as I felt your finger glide along my insides, brows knitted together a palpable display of my state of mind as I became engulfed in the pleasure of your hands, my abdomen constricting as I felt my steadily coming nearer.
⤳Moonbin 3 years ago
@⤳ Rocky it was better than i'd imagined, your body's response to my every touch fueling a flame of revere and rapture of the ideation alone, my lids falling shut as i tilted my head into your feathery strands, deeply inhaling their scent merely to emit a soft hybrid of a hum and groan as an satisfying wave of pleasure gratifyingly ached in my groin, the eager shift of your hips earning the latter to join before i began stroking along your velvety walls, instantly propelling them deeply and retracting continuously in exuberance, all the while dragging my tight grasp along your base in the mirrored excited speed.


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wikihow 2 years ago
Add me back too juseyo fhfxx
manifester 2 years ago
I clicked on the leaving button can you accept me back juseyo? unu
3ca10a1955a4b0433bd4 3 years ago
Can I get NCT's Haechan please?
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 3 years ago

Can I have seungwoo back TvT I’m back from the death ><
phenomena 3 years ago
T_T can i have joongki back today
eatYOchips 3 years ago
can I apply as taeyang from sf9?
just wanting some good guys TT
1d9304247764b7a9a99e 3 years ago

can I get Junji from Only One Of as a second please?
inandout [A] 3 years ago
+ checked +

Many characters available, feel free to check the ML and WL!
cherryeolie 3 years ago
Can I reserve Lu Han Pls and thank you
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