
lake park
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo i think id like that way too much-- mmhm i know and its only one of the many many reasons my prince is the bestt! /the sudden sensation of the liquid spilling down my front invoked yet another sound to pass my soaked pair, still managing to catch the flavor of your lips amidst the brief exchange albeit far too short for my liking i didnt bother trying to silence the mewl that followed, the moment your captivating sable orbs met my own igniting a flaring warmth that instantly spread throughout my body, the delicious reaction you gave was more than my own mental fantasies could even muster up, and my body couldnt help but to react to the divinely sensual display an involuntary tremble ran through my frame, a soft grumbled sound budding in the back of my throat barely made its way out as we pull back from the far too short lived kiss, already missing the feel of them pressed against my own i swiftly lifted my arms in aid of removing the article, my own fingers clumsily rushing to undo the remaining buttons to your shirt prior to taking my time as i push it down your shoulders my eyes raking over every bit of your now exposed skin before following the same trail with my fingers only pausing to hook one of my fingers into the hem of your pants before peeking up at you. i knew youd think so too- oh but are we getting rid of these tooo hyungie?
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha im gladd my sanshine i'd only realllly want to be in a completely different way- what a coincidence, i find myself in that same situation but i like to spoil you anyways. oh!- /meeting your sculpted pair once again, it was more so a means of getting you even more messier than actually feeding you, my lips parting in allowing the liquid to waterfall over my lower brim and against yours, expecting your chin and neck to be just as drenched as my own felt thereafter, and once we parted i couldnt help the overwhelming sense to chase after every grape shaded drop with my mouth, however i paused any further advances for just as long as you needed to see through to your endeavor as my eyes followed your hands that within seconds made my shirt come undone, the notion to close my eyes and bask in the warm, moist feel of your lips against my skin heavy although the want, almost need to watch outweighed it, therefore i held contact with your meaningful peering eyes even as my breath hitched with the initial chilled wetness rolling down my bare skin, only managing to withstand the way your tongue grazed against my skin in means of catching any bit of the liquid, before my eyes rolled shut whilst your breath mingled with your tongue, firmly planted and traveling up my chest, had my lips slightly agape as i was enjoying this far more than i even assumed i would, before they were readily accepting and moving against yours again and upon your mutters finally registering in my head, breaking the kiss just to began ridding you of the stained article being your shirt first. heh- just great, i think that sounds like a great idea, actually
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo nooo you could never be a bad hyungie not to me- well unless you want to.. of coursee silly hyungie when you ask its physically impossible to tell you no! weell i wanted to uhh drink it off of you if that makes sense, actually let me just show you what i mean-- /gaiety erupted in the audible arrangement of my ousted laughter, each wave of laughter varied from tickled titters to full out guffaws of pure amusement shaking my frame, my orbs doubling back between the glass nestled amidst your fingers as i watched you down more than a generous amount of the tinted liquid at once, my lids eventually fluttered shut the closer you moved, my lips puckering the slightest bit in anticipation of the sensation of your addictive pair meeting my own once again, melting into the presence of your lips i couldnt help but to flinch at the sudden moisture gradually soaking through my clothes, an initial gasp muffled into a soft whine as the chilled liquid drizzled down to my lap, humming as i pulled away for a moment to undo the buttons of your shirt just enough to reveal your chest, bringing my glass up to at least chin level as i leaned down to press my lips in a soft kiss to your collarbones prior to descending further down where i had revealed more of your chest, peeking up at you as my hand slowly tilted the glass until the drink cascaded down the expanse of your bare skin, my tongue poking out in assistance of lapping up as much as i could despite the rest steady downpour which happened to miss my mouth entirely, a cheshire grin blossomed along my lips as i emptied the contents of my glass all over you, setting it aside as i continued a path up your chest to your neck, planting a wet kiss there before mumbling my words against your skin just short of moving further up to capture your lips against my own again, content with my little endeavour as it somehow made the bittersweet drink taste even better against the subtle flavor of your skin. now we both have a reason to get out of these clothes- how about i help you out of yours and you help with mine mh?
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha heh such a marshmallow- perfect, otherwise i think id be a bad hyung if i got you drunk on your first time pft- great i knew you'd agree! oh, suree whatever you want, what is it? /i found it undoubtedly adorable, the contort of your features with every sip you took, almost hoping it'd be awhile until you were used to it, however the longer i indulged in one of my favorite things to do in which were observe every inch of your features while that bubbly laughter of yours filled my eyes, suddenly my previous lack of decision i put on hold resurfaced again from your words that had my eyes navigating towards the item midst of the picnic blanket, although it was hardly anything more serious than a change of events decision i decided to leave up to you as i reverted my gaze back to your now risen state, eventually turning to face you rather prepared to proceed with my suggestion with my still nearly untouched glass firm within my hold, taking one last intake but only this time whereas more than just a sip occupied my mouth as i decreased the small space between us to press my lips to yours once again, awaiting access while pressing it to your chest and tilting the glass enough to expel a stream down your front, assuming it did as much worth as i imagined as i blindly set the glass down prior to majority of its contents being emptied.
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo /a fit of giggles shook my shoulders as our lips parted from the gentle kiss much to my disappointment wanting nothing more than to lose myself in the addictive feel of your lips against my own, yet saving that whim for later as for now my mind wondered aimlessly conjuring up numerous even silly questions i couldnt quite pull myself to voice out of the immense chagrin that would undoubtedly issue, my widened orbs kept a steady gaze locked on your features checking for any minute change in your expression although simply staring in paused awe as you seemed unaffected by the kick of the drink, inspiring me to take a more generous sip myself though i couldnt keep my face unfazed my nose instinctively scrunching as i still wasnt quite yet used to it albeit growing more so tolerable with each sip, another wave of fluttered laughs expelled at your suggestion the mental imagery enough to bring a flush of color to my face yet i knew i couldnt deny that sounded too enticingly fun to refuse, rising up on my knees to lean closer to you once again as a sort of unspoken confirmation to your offer, my sight fixated on the smile that spread to the beauteous crescent shape of your eyes which so happened to be one of my favorites. gehheeh i actually love sickening sweet and cliche so yeyy! mmhm and you too my beautiful hyungie! you already have that. no im glad cause this is perfect i wouldnt want to be too messed up either so its better this way! hmmm actually i think option two sounds juuust right but theres something i wanna try before we get in the water-
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha /it felt cloying and much to my dismay brought a sudden heat to caress my ears and even creep down my neck as the words came out, however eyeing the sudden sensitive narrow tug of your lips and overly glassy shield of your eyes that you were quick to rid of led a soft hum of adoration to make itself present, immense triumph i hadnt known i was looking for until then remarkably clouding my chest and i found myself applying a little extra meaningful pressure to the soft peck you captured my lips with, and then i was plunged in a pure interest as if the moment you changed your mind with the gesture you gave became one of the most intriguing things ive ever seen, my head tilting over as i watched the sloshing liquid meet your lips before reverting my eyes back to your features for any which sign you provided, although my abrupt chuckles resoundingly arose after you went for another sip, eventually bringing my own glass to my brims in sipping off a generous amount, quite used to the regular go-tos but taking a liking to the more flavorful type of drink as the sweet and bitterness overtook my tastebuds, but your evaluation was what i was most interested in and caused a eye smiling grin to morph my expression once i heard it. would it be sickeningly too sweet and cliche if i said like you- well- i dont care! beautiful like you! Thats allll i hope for. i didnt want to overwhelm you with something pure and strong- i wanted you at least coherent enough pft! Heh but you like itt, so thats great, do you think we’ll be able to finish it first or should i stain your clothes so we have a reason to occupy the niceee water and maybee finish there, hm??
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo /taking yet another whiff of the beverage as my mind tried to estimate its taste even without the prior experience of having tried it before, instead i lifted my gaze from its consumed fascination of the tinted drink to its much preferred appreciation of your features, my own blossoming into a eager simper as i mirrored your action in holding out my own glass a sudden bout of timidity swelling up as i listened to your words the pure sincerity laced throughout them leaving a warm sensation in my chest that had my formerly smiley lips drooping into a pout as the sweet toast left me feeling suddenly emotional but i didn’t want to ruin the beautiful moment with my puerile tendencies so i blinked away the welling moisture in my lids before pushing forward my glass enough to elicit the gentle clink as the two touched, leaning close enough to press a soft peck to your lips before shaking my head, at first that was indeed what i wanted but somehow your words gave me a sudden sense of courage that changed my mind, taking a breath i lifted the glass to my lips peeking up at you before tilting my head enough so that the liquid touched my lips, proceeding to hold it in my mouth before swallowing with a faint crease in my brows as i tried to gauge the flavor, it was sweet initially yet there was still a bitter tinge to the aftertaste but it was that exactly that caused me to go in for another sip finding the strange mixture intriguing to say the least, the bitterness wasn’t as strong as i had initially anticipated or even mentally compared to that of pure coffee at least. well that was beautiful either way hyungie! and i’ll neeeeever ever ever ever ever get tired of you! cheers! it’s weirddd it’s not bad but it’s not super sweet either.. i like it! welll right now it’s pretty easy to guess it’s just i dunno how i ended up this luckyy
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha /curiosity weighed obvious in my stare as you took hold of your glass, so much as wondering what you thought of the smell or if you'd like it by the color alone, in which almost had a breathy chuckle leaving my lips from the silly brief thought itself but i couldnt help it with the little bemused reaction, however i blinked my eyes to meet yours as a sudden sheepish curl of my brims were more apparent than the last grin, but with a gentle nod i refused to deny your question as if i felt you were looking forward to that part as well, and reaching for my own glass i pressed my lips together, slightly nibbling against the lower half in rumination of what i should or will mention, would i make it short or lengthy and anything else that suddenly threw itself onto my mental debate that only led to me going off the top of my head whatever i thought to say first as i tilted the rounded shape towards your own whilst announcing. i was never one to do it myself but here it is i guess! ah.. im so very lucky enough to spend such a special time with you and cant wait to have more special moments together in the future, so please never get tired of your prince okay? cheers my princess! now you want mee to taste it first or you? if you want to telll me my sweet, i always want to know
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo /my orbs followed the path that your tongue traveled along those impeccable pair, my own still savoring the mixture that lingered of your unique flavor amongst the hint of sugary sweetness the icing provided, it took everything in my power to restrain myself from throwing away all my cautions and indulging in your enthralling pair yet again but as rationality reigned in my mind i managed to push down the urges at least for the time being, instead focusing on watching as you rose to retrieve the identical glasses, the initial excitement raring up once again as i observed the rest of the process, my upper row of teeth pinching the supple flesh of my lower lip as my fingers curled around the stem of the glass, my cheeks lifting as a smile spread over my lips soon lifting the glass up to just under my nose, taking a deep inhale of the aroma before blinking in perplex when i wasnt immediately hit with the strong stench of alcohol instead the smell was majority sweet. gahh okie okiee uhh should we do toast or just drink it? y you go first! mmmhh okiee well i guess you wanna know what im thinking right now right?
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha /i found myself almost excessively running my tongue along the surface of my lip, as if you had anything more different than i have or the extra sweetness you pressed to my lips some how tasted more appealing than the original dessert itself, it left me in a state of wanting to taste them further and evenly explore the realm of second hand sweetness that still lingered in your mouth, however i had to snap out of my reverie even with the winsome shade your cheeks grew to be or any more initiations of the rest of the evening would most likely be in vain, therefore with a soft chuckle leaving my lips i rose on my knees to reach one of the glasses and sit it before you, doing the same with its identical then tugging the bottle out itself before i settled back on my calves, my head tilted lightly as i took a moment to prepare a response, the while my hands worked at prying the drink open and when eventually successful, leaning over to fill the glass closest to you a level beneath half before mimicking the same with the other, i couldnt imagine what your reaction would be to the specific, slightly sweeter brand i'd chosen and after i returned the bottle to its remains in the ice bucket, my attention was full focus over you again. yes, that! but plum wine is more.. sweeter so you should taste it more than the alcoholic acidity to it heh.. so! yes go on sanniee! well yeaah im that curious it doesnt matter what it is, i still wanna know.
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo /humming in content as your lips pushed out just in the knick of time to meet my own in the abrupt kiss, although it was quite short lived it was more than enough to excite me as the touch of your heavenly pair against any part of me always did, your reaction to my little stunt was more than i could have asked for, so perfect it was as if you mirrored my innermost wishes and sprinkled them just enough to tease me into wanting so much more as i felt a tremble spread through my frame feeling the weight of your fingers press into my skin, leaving an almost ticklish sensation in it's wake that had me tittering under my breath as i tried to remain unfazed yet poorly doing such as i felt the heat welling up in my cheeks to paint them in a soft hue of rose, a knowing grin tugging at the corners of my soft pink pair at your statement, the double connotation that shadowed your words bringing yet another wave of laughter to the tip of my tongue, following your lead i removed the partially eaten treat from its spot on my lap to place it off towards the side where it wouldn't be stirred if things took a turn as my mind deduced they would, my line of sight instead focusing on the change in your expression the way your raised brow added a hint of sensuality that only complimented your innately magnetic features. spikey? liike really cold soda? you know how it sort of burns a little? im curiouss lets try it now! hhyyung dont say that ill meltt- but what if its something thattsss hmm what could i say- oh! what if its like something thats borderline offensive then would you still want to? oo heehh dont tempt me hyungiee i really will!
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha /my lids fluttering a couple times as i parted my lips readily to accept the icing into my mouth only to erupt into a fit of chuckles along with you as i felt the coolness smear across my skin, my hand raising to swipe a bit onto my finger, however it paused mid-way once i realized you inched closer to my face, instead placing my palm over your thigh, shutting my eyes the duration i felt warmth compiled with wetness overlap the icing across my lips, rather last minute catching the press of your lips with a quick purse of my own as my palm inched towards your inner thigh solely to offer a firm squeeze against it, stretching my lips into a knowing grin as you pulled away enough for my sights to refocus on the shameless smile plastered onto your face, enjoying the abrupt mischievous act so much that it felt too short lived and seemed like a even better way to finish the dessert and reason enough to excessively claim your fair skin if i actually needed one, although from the mention of the wine had shifted my gaze towards it and lead to me placing the cake aside as i shook my head as a more taunting expression dawned on my features as my brows rose rather suggestively once. could go either way although the wine would taste more .. spikey if that makes sense- thats what immm here for! now lets try it shall wee or we finish our cake on one another first? you look so cutee, you'll look even better covered in cake and wine! i couldnt ask for better then. i do! i reallyyy do, thats alright everything isnt always peaches and cream although i wanna flash some light on the dark parts- pfttt no i was just gonna say then you can eat me too whoops!
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo /my nose crinkles at the sides from the intensity of my grin as i watched the sweet disappear behind the softness of your addictive pair, my hands immediately springing up to cup your face as it grew closer to my own, meeting your lips with a kiss as sweet as the dessert before us, my tongue poking out to run over my lips as the residue of the treat lingered on, a sudden whim causing me to scoop up a bit of icing on the spoon prior to feigning a flick of my wrist as it dove near your lips depositing the sweet substance across your perfect brims as well as a bit of it dripping along your chin, to which i couldnt help the laughter erupting from me as i leaned in again this time to lap at the icing as feeble excuse to run the moist muscle over the expanse of your lips soon pressing a small kiss to them afterwards as i pull away with a guiltless smile curling up my lips while pretending i had no idea that would happen, when in fact i just wanted a reason to taste the addictive flavor of your lips mixed with the sweetness of the cake again. it really isss hyungie i bet it'll taste amazing with the wine too- or is that something for when we finish it? i dont know how that workss hehh.. always! even if you don't yourself ill always have faith in my sweet princee. hhhhhnnn no you donttt trust me you donttt its really not nice sometimess! o-oh should we cover it up cause now i'm all curious what you were gonna sayy..
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha /a soft bubble of laughter seeped out due to pure amusement of my sights diligently trained towards nothing but your precious smile and the careful way you shifted closer, down to the lovable sound you emitted before claiming the spongey sweet into your mouth, my brows rose in the process as it unsurprisingly caused me to instantly develop a taste for it more than i originally had, inclining closer i followed your previous action in taking the piece into my mouth and expected of your judgement, i found myself enjoying the influx of sweetness the more i chewed, bobbing my head quickly in agreement much yet being a understatement however before announcing so, i couldnt help but to tilt my head and press a chaste peck to your lips. red velvet is always amazing heh.. ahh ohkay, if you have so much faith then i should too! thats alright, i want to see every weird crazy and anything else part of it. yes it isss shhh i wont hear otherwise- heh .. i have nooo cake friendly response for that!
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo /leaning forward with my arms proped atop my thighs, my head fell slightly to the side as a breath i unknowingly withheld expelled in the form of breathy sigh as my orbs filled with nothing but pure adoration followed your every moment, only now noticing the faint ache in my cheeks from grinning so hard yet i couldn't bother with attempting to lessen it knowing all too well it would find its way sprawled over my lips again in a number of seconds, scooting a bit closer while craddling the plate on my lap so it doesnt fall, i slowly opened my mouth before chopping down on the utensil with an exaggerated exclaim as i chewed before widening my eyes as i rapidly scooped up a bite of the cake before drawing it to your lips for you to taste. ttthisss is so gooodd- twehehh but dont worryyy you're the magical princeu im sure you'll wow me every single time! i'd be a little scared if you really did a lot of crazy goes on in thereee! waaaahh no lie telling hyungiee we both know thats not true! buuut you look even more yummy than all this food when you do! hehhe
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha /it still took quite a minute or realistically longer to process the very happiness etched in your every movement with a state of satisfaction that still had my chest full of fond warmth of it all, as if my eyes had no better sight to drink up than stare towards you with the most adoring presence i could naturally muster up, it was hard enough to resist being glued against you every second of this moment however i couldnt deny myself to casually reach over and the back of my knuckles along your cheek with gentle movements after the huge beaming smile you displayed, although your suggestion made the action short lived as i gave a small nod then reached over to retrieve each plate, offering one to you in rather placing it in the open space of your legs with the position you were in, before grabbing the fork for my own and occupying it with a broken off piece ready to be held up to your lips, my arms extending towards you to do just that. gosh youre so cute all excited and happy like this! oh how will i ever one up myself next year hehh! oh I was thinking the same, now say ah my sunflower ! i wishh but ohh maybe im one step closer to reading the only one i really want to— but it wouldn’t hurt to so why not! Shh you’re already there like right beside me maybe a couple steps ahead, you never need to keep up. sh im supposed to be making you blush you know! But thank you my sweet pie, im super happy and grateful for you
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo /if i had one wish it would undoubtedly be to halt time in this very moment for eternity or whatever was beyond that, the utter since of contentment that enveloped me left me with the permenant thought that very few things could get any better than this. the sound of your laughter triggered my own airy bubbles of titters as my arms constricted around you as tight as i could before i was even willing to release you from my hold, basking in every touch of your addictive lips against my skin, i couldn't even manage the slightest peep of a protest as your adoring gaze met my own still awestruct one. my lips immediately spreading into a toothy grin as i watched you retreat to the quilt laid out before us, taking no more than a few seconds to occupy the space next to you as i plop down before folding my legs in a shape resembling a pretzel, the dwelling feel of excitement never ceasing as i listened to your explanation, my cheeks rising impossibly as my broad smile somehow grew. i really doooo its ii dont know the word to say its just that! heheehh hyungieee im already suffering from massive excitement here spare me! thats exactlyy what i want! Oooo you should feed me and ill feed you! youre a mind reader tooo? how did you know thats exactly what i wanteddd! juuust when i think you possibly get any better you juust do! how am i supposed to keep up.. you always dooo its so not fair but i really am grateful and im so happy i get to call all this perfection of a person all mine mine mineee!
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha /i hadnt noticed id been holding my breath for any inch you moved or word you managed, my eyes slightly wider and unblinking as they set trained on your features, watching you take in the scenery, an aggressive fluttering battle filling my stomach with the parting of your brims, however the pushed out form of them caused me to have a still moment, as if nearly everything paused before the inevitable bubbles of laughter settled in my throat, my arms coming to life against your sides beforehand of squeezing you closer to me, every word as they reached my ears offering me a wave of intense euphoria and a sense of triumph. countlessly littering the side of your neck in softly applied kisses until i drew back, wanting to take in every bit of details that put together your attractive face, at this point i felt how burning red my ears most likely shown yet my mind instantly went over my thought out plan for the thousandth time this day, releasing my hold on you to then descend onto the blanket and pat the space beside me. your happiness is appreciation enough, and im glad you like it actual perfect one here! i wouuldd say youre welcome a million times moree but we have better things ahead of us, so yes of course i wont let you go for one second if thats what you want! first is cake and wine! id thought youd be excited to have some since my babey button is a little older now, but dont worry in case its all too sweet theres water too pft! you are so adorableee, you deserve this and more so i hope i continue to meet or.. maybe exceed your expectations in the future!
⤳Sanha 3 years ago
@⤳ Eunwoo /the overwhelming sense of excitement sent a flurry of flutters to my stomach as the various possibilities of what lied just beyond the veil of your shielding hands bombarded my mind with wonder. the one detail i managed to pick up on being was the sound of soft crunching beneath our feet and the earthy aromas filling the air around us yet i couldn't quite put my finger what it was to be exact. another wave of butterflies swarmed my insides as your hand shifted from its initial position to rest just below my chin, my lids fluttering open in a nearly frantic manner as i felt your lips press against the apple of my cheek, taking a moment to survey the surrounding area taking in each detail laid out perfectly before my eyes with a sense of utmost awe, my lips falling open to a gape as my breath hitches in my throat, my dark chocolate orbs glazing over as a pout soon took the place of my former expression, turning to you once again but this time throwing my arms around your neck as i hug myself close to you, finding it impossible to put the plethora of emotions running through me into logical words so i settled for next best thing. hyuunggg i dont even know what to sayyy this is everything and beyond! this is perfect.. you're perfectt i dont even know how to thank youu properlyyy- but thank you thank you thank you thank you thaaank youuu my perfect prince! only if you hold me cause im a liiittle scared but that sounds amazing either way! so what are we doing first? pleaase do lead the way again! hhhhhhhsfgsh i really doooo a lot lot lot like i never even would have thought of thisss gaaah youre too good to meee!!
⤳Eunwoo 3 years ago
@⤳ Sanha /excitement clouding my expression as a widespread grin graced my lips, one of my palms rested at your lower back in sheer aid in guidance as my other hand shielded your eyes from the scenery i were drawing us to, however scanning every detail with caution of it as perfect as it could possibly get, from the small blanket splayed out with plates of sliced cakes and even a ice bucket with a single bottle occupying it whilst two wine glasses stood outside of it, the last item being a unprepared lantern. nervousness mingled with my anticipation yet nonetheless taking one last look over the lake as we finally arrived close enough to the little set up, i shifted my attention back to you before lowering my hand to cup beneath your chin then press a peck to your cheek bone before announcing evenly. happy birthday my sanshine, uhm i thought so hard and long about this and at first knew hardly what i wanted to do to and i was super panicking so i reallly just thought about something i always wanted to do with you- which is this! set off a pretty lantern then float happily in the lake as we watch it fly away- wait- if you want to do that part! we could dip our feet or something- uhm anyways! yes, hi! i hope you love this as much as i will


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wikihow 2 years ago
Add me back too juseyo fhfxx
manifester 2 years ago
I clicked on the leaving button can you accept me back juseyo? unu
3ca10a1955a4b0433bd4 3 years ago
Can I get NCT's Haechan please?
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 3 years ago

Can I have seungwoo back TvT I’m back from the death ><
phenomena 3 years ago
T_T can i have joongki back today
eatYOchips 3 years ago
can I apply as taeyang from sf9?
just wanting some good guys TT
1d9304247764b7a9a99e 3 years ago

can I get Junji from Only One Of as a second please?
inandout [A] 3 years ago
+ checked +

Many characters available, feel free to check the ML and WL!
cherryeolie 3 years ago
Can I reserve Lu Han Pls and thank you
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