◈ abandoned building


◇ v ashley 2 years ago
@◈ c san ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ Ashley was still walking through the long path, trying to familiarize herself with her new surroundings, when the sky started to darken, and the first fat drop hit her upper arm. She looked up at the sky, and let out a small sigh when another drop hit her, this time on her forehead. It started raining, without any warning or sign that it would rain. Just a few minutes ago the sun shined and was high in the sky. The rain was hot, the weather was also hot, and the humidity was rising. She looked around her, somewhere to hide, somewhere to keep her away from the wetness of the rain. She wasn't wearing anything that could protect her from it, and didn't want ending with a pneumonia with no one there to help her, or take care of her. She hastened her steps, still on the look for a shelter, as the rain came on harder and harder, as if it was turning into a storm.

Finally she spotted a building, a place the looked to have been abandoned for ages. It stood there taking a huge chunk of the land, dark and looming. She shivered just at the thought of entering there, but it was still the lesser of two evils. Walking over to the door, she gave it a small push, and it jeered loudly, as if making its protest over being opened, as if it hadn't been opened in years. Tentatively she took a step inside, looking around her. "Hello... anyone here?" She said, her voice not so loud, yet still could be heard. It was creepy, the floor was old, dirty and creaked with every step she took, the wall were faded, the paint was peeled out, and the spiders took residence at every corner.
The female shivered both because her clothes were drenched, but also because the place felt hunted, it spooked her, and it made her afraid. It felt like someone was watching her, someone keeping tap with every step she took, as if someone was guarding the place from anyone unwelcomed. She headed toward the stairs, and took them one at a time, afraid they might give under her feet, and at the same time, not wanting to be surprised if there was a strayed animals, hiding there, just like her from the rain. Once she reached the upper floor, she pushed open the first door to her right, and walked further into the room, with same creaking floor, and faded walls. Once again she felt like she was being watched and turned around for her eyes to collide with darks orbs steering back at her. Her eyes widened and a soundless scream tried to leave her lips.
◇ m lalisa 3 years ago
@◇ k myungsoo lisa wasn't buying it one bit, her mind was more inclined to believe that the man standing before her could only be pretending to be as vulnerable as he seemed. playing a role that aligned with the absurdity that they were now stuck in together. better yet, he could've even planned the whole thing right off the bat. everything bent of only the worst possibilities seemed plausible because the woman only refused to let her guard down, hell, she just absolutely couldn't. one would only do as much as they could to stay alive, and get back to the safety of their mundane lives. however, speaking of which, "myungsoo? wait, what?" with her eyebrows quirked up in prominent surprise, her hold upon the rusty crowbar also almost softens up at the mere mention of a more than familiar name. matter of factly, a name that held nothing but pleasant memories for her in life, or at least for the most part, of course.

but, would this be the same myungsoo she was thinking about? the myungsoo, she knew who was a senior to her and had been around to try helping her through most of her high school days― at least before she completely detached herself from the rather suffocating setting? lisa never did hear much from him afterwards, as successful as he was thought out and seemed to be, the young tattoo artist was only able to deduce that he would be walking through a flowery path in life; probably score a good job, get himself an amazing family and just relatively life without at least any traces of worry that she would be stumbling about with. however, it did seem too good to be true.

"kim myungsoo?.. no, no. don't you with me." of all people what were the actual odds of running into someone she had a history with. it almost seemed ironic as is, even rather ridiculous. whoever thought this was going to be a funny scenario, surely had another thing coming as her grip tightens once more and her eyebrows are furrowing to much of her frustration. "i have no reason to believe that they've actually decided to bring a senior of mine just to mess with me, lalisa manoban." her gaze drifts off from one side to another, wanting to spot if anyone else did linger close by and was probably getting a kick out of the misery she was in, held captive to her fragments of nostalgia. "does that name ring a bell? i'm not falling for this !"
◇ k myungsoo 3 years ago
@◇ m lalisa Myungsoo’s breath hitched once more in his throat at the cold metal pressed against it. One wrong move could mean the end. He couldn’t even bring himself to swallow his saliva. Instead, he raised his walkie talkie slowly as to not seem like he was whipping out a weapon. “I’m a survivor,” he said. “I can’t really see and I think I’m lost.”

After taking a moment to regain his composure in his unfortunate situation, Myungsoo thought more in the girl’s voice. It felt strangely familiar. And judging by the angle in which she held him at what he believed was knife-point, she was definitely smaller than he was. Of course, stature by no means equaled strength, but again, it poked at a buried memory in the back of him mind. He just couldn’t quite pinpoint it.

“I don’t have anything else on me or laying around, but I guess I can’t really prove anything either, so it’s on you if you believe me.” He raised his other hand up just as cautiously, both to show he really did have nothing else and to surrender. A killer wouldn’t have been this cautious, especially since Myungsoo’s been in these games for a long time. His only other presumption was that she was a survivor also. Unless some poor soul taken here by mistake, in which case he would still pity her more than want to evade or attack her. “My name’s Myungsoo.”
◇ m lalisa 3 years ago
@◇ k myungsoo ( ) the sharp end of the crowbar* my bad. ; o ;
◇ m lalisa 3 years ago
@◇ k myungsoo ( ) nooo, shh. s'all good, no worries!

a million things were rushing through lalisa's head at that very moment in time, almost as fast and rampant as the pace of her palpitating heart from the pressure she unconsciously felt. pressure at one, because there was absolutely no way she could push her trust onto any other person other than herself. and two? it would be from this sudden clench at her chest, as the face that she would inevitably lay eyes upon, strangely enough, felt familiar. lisa could've sworn she had seen this individual somewhere before, but she almost refused to believe it.

for all that she truly did know, this person that stood before her could've just been part of the mind games that everyone seemed to be unfortunate subjects to. the cruel game master of faith wanted to toy with her feelings, and better yet her apparent abilities of perception; however, the female wasn't one to back down. not when she still had anything to about it, so it was with that she was taking the male by his shoulder and slowly pressing the sharp end against the column of his throat. hoping that he would get the message that she would be no pushover, and better yet? he best be having some pretty good answers to her questions as well. "no, who are /you/. and how do i know that you haven't got anything worse set up for me out here?"

sure, the male in her current state of captivity did seem blind but there was no fully blaming the way that she was acting especially if it meant having to stay safe and better yet, survive. having been trapped in a ghost town for weeks now, she's only played spectator to a handful of things that almost seem unexplainable. chaotically dreamlike at best, so this right here could not be held as an exception. just like the fervent lifestyle of a gangster in pursuit, it truly was every man- or woman, for themselves indeed.
◇ k myungsoo 3 years ago
@◇ m lalisa [] ahhh sorry this took so long!?

Myungsoo couldn’t help but to flinch at the voice echoing. The acoustics of the building made it difficult for him to distinguish whether they were near or far but it only rushed him to scramble blindly for his walkie talkie. Briefly, his hand knocked into the device, pushing it further away, but it was enough for him to narrow down its location and snag it before it could elude him further.

Using the wall as support, Myungsoo hoisted himself up and listened again for the voice. On the off-chance he found himself spotted by a killer, he needed to be ready, to know where they were, because he’d need to be anywhere else but in the same place. His heart pounded in his ears once more and he held him breath in an attempt to both silence it and concentrate. As far as he knew, there were no trials ongoing, so if he died now, who knows if he’d be revived. Whether that was a good thing was up for debate.

“Show yourself, you cowardly bastard!” The next he heard the voice was closer than he anticipated, and worse, it came from behind. Slowly, he turned so that his back no longer faced them. His adrenaline spiked but he needed to keep a cool head unless he wanted to lose it.

“Who are you?” He called out, his fingers curling around his walkie talkie tighter. “If you’re gonna kill me, I suggest you save me for last.” He knew he was only as good as a dead man so he often tried enticing killers to pursue the others who posed more of a challenge. It was bitter to throw them under the bus as a tactic to save himself for a bit longer but it’s a dog-eat-dog world. Anyone else would’ve done the same.
◇ m lalisa 3 years ago
@◇ p jaehyung all it took was a formidable sound intruding into the air of silence that she had to grow accustomed to, and lalisa would instantly snap into fight or flight mode. if there was anything that at least a couple of years' worth of gang experience had thought her, it was to eat or be eaten. so, with ounces of that mentality still stuck within her, she only knew that she had no time to waste― lisa had to act fast or else her days could be numbered had she even thought to hesitate. "hey.. hey! who's there?" she started, trying her very best to have her voice embody a certain fearlessness that would hopefully counter what.. or even, whoever she was to face.

", uhm.. weapons, weapons. have i got anything?" the moment she'd stamped over her lit cigarette, lisa quickly fumbled around with whatever contents she might have in her pocket to readily defend herself. with that attempt being fruitless, her scavenging would continue around the room she was in, her heart palpitating in menacing paces the more she'd come to find absolutely nothing that could come to her aid at that moment. that was until she'd ultimately come into reach with a rusty crowbar. its flattened end partially jagged, but more than anything? possibly the closest thing to perfect in sending harm to those that could harm her. "show yourself, you cowardly bastard! i know you're out there somewhere!" she continued, her steps slowly but surely dragging her out and into the dark, musty open once more. and although her breath would soon catch at what would seem to be a figure crouched over in a distance, never would she allow anything in this absurd vicinity to deceive her as with the crowbar readily in her grip, she'd be ready to attack if need be. "you.."
◇ k myungsoo 3 years ago
@◇ m lalisa When Jaehyung had first arrived, the town was difficult to navigate with its constant state of fog and sameness. Now it was borderline impossible after losing his sight. He could only rely on groping his surroundings, following walls of chipped brick to grimy concrete. Occasionally he’d even trip over what he hoped was simply an empty box. If the world wasn’t dark enough before, it certainly was now.

The silence grew hollow, his footsteps now echoing as he crept along. A hallway? He felt no doorway prior to the shift in environment so he must’ve entered through a hole in a wall. “Ah, crap,” he muttered. Turning a 180, he retraced his steps in an attempt to return to the outside. At least he’d be able to run freely were he to be chased down versus whatever relic of a building he was currently in. But strangely, the way he entered from seemed to disappear as he walked along the dusty walls.

Jaehyung could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand, a shiver traveling down as the panic rose up. His heartbeat thudded against his eardrums louder than his footsteps, rivaling only with the sound of his breathing. One hand went down to his leg, briefly brushing off whatever muck stuck onto it, and reached for the walkie talkie strapped to his waist. Maybe if he could just hear someone, he could calm down. However, his only connection to any ray of hope slipped from the sweat of his hands and clattered away. “Ah, crap /again/.” With a click of the tongue and a prayer that it didn’t break on him, he dropped onto all fours and began searching for the device.
◇ m lalisa 3 years ago
── ( ❛ open starter! )

lisa’s hands trembled, but not from the cold, lonesome breeze of the night that embraced her with such malice— instead, of a despicable feeling of panic that she, herself could not truly wrap her mind around just yet. it wasn’t entirely the uncertainty of ever returning home, moreover the mere taunting of not knowing what lurked around in her possible midst, just creeping, stalking, and prowling about such a flawed vicinity. it reminded her too much of her past, only the tables had surely turned and now the woman was left to feel vulnerable. whenever cooped up in quite the state, however, there was no resisting the one escape she’d truly come to know.

“come on.. work, damn you. my phone can go but /not/ you.” lisa managed to struggle with her rather shaky disposition, catching a light of flame that took a lot more than usual. but inevitably, the stick of nicotine is soon hoisted betwixt rosy, red tiers where the only sense of temporal warmth could emit from. and it was indeed in her lonesome that she would be left to her thoughts, ones of frustration at that of wondering just what in the world her next possible move could be. “tsk, ..”
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k daniel ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳʳᶦⁿᵍ Seulgi continues to move while replying, "It's nice to meet you too, Daniel." The female pauses for a moment to look back, eyes squinting in the dark at the male. "Mhm, why do you ask?" She says with a slight nod before focusing on him. She decides to stop in her spot to hear Daniel's answer. It was getting harder to see in the dark, so she expects him to suggest flickering the light on to have a better sight of what's around them.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k daniel ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳʳᶦⁿᵍ "Daniel," Seulgi repeats the male's name. It sounds foreign that she can't help but repeat it in her mind. She notices the tone of his voice, not caring at all. Her walls are up again before she treads carefully in the hallway. A short hum rings through the hall before the female mutters, "Oh, you can call me Seul." She decides on her nickname for now. It's easier to say and that she didn't want this man to know her full name anyway. Her eyes are on her feet as she notices some holes in the floor. "Be careful," she mumbles despite not fully trusting the male.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k daniel ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳʳᶦⁿᵍ "All right, what do you want me to call you then?" Seulgi quietly asks as she raises a brow at him in curiosity. His actions only make the female wonder. After a few seconds of contemplation, she leads the way before she stops to glance at him, making sure if he's following her. Her hand reaches for her small flashlight, but it may attract unwanted attention, so she pats it instead as she and the male make way to the other side of the hall.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k daniel ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳʳᶦⁿᵍ Seulgi blinks before shaking her head. "Ah, I'm not accusing you. I apologize if I did make it sound like that, sir." 'Too polite. You don't even call most people like that, Seulgi,' she thinks to herself before biting the insides of her cheeks. 'Well, it is better than being rude to the man after all. I don't know how he'll take it. Besides, I don't even know him truly yet.' Humming softly, she nods at him before muttering, just in case if he hadn't seen the movement of her head, "We should. Being a pair should be better than being alone." Her arms are on her sides as she glances at him. "Are you ready?"
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k daniel ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳʳᶦⁿᵍ Seulgi huffs quietly as the man apologizes. She is still wary of him as he did scare her so suddenly. "It's fine," she starts as she focuses her eyes on him. "It does seem like it is me since you're here in this spot, and the noise came from where I was previously." One of her hands is on her head, scratching it as she glances back to where she once was. After seeing that he doesn't have anything in his hands, the female continues to purse her lips together– though this time, a little relaxed compared to earlier. "Perhaps it was a rat or someone else that we haven't seen yet?"
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k daniel ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳʳᶦⁿᵍ A loud gasp escapes Seulgi's lips, jumping slightly at the sudden appearance of the male. Her hand moves towards where her heart is as she tries to calm herself down. "Y-You scared me for a moment there–" She takes a deep breath before exhaling quietly. "Oh, I'm not the one who made the loud noise," she says as she squints in the dark, making out a faint figure of the man in front of her. For now, she's relieved to have company despite not knowing who this is. 'Don't trust anyone so easily. This world is unpredictable,' her mind tells her as she purses her lips. "What do you think made that loud noise?" She asks him as she crosses her arms.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k daniel ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳʳᶦⁿᵍ The flashlight turns to where the noise is at. Is it a rat or some kind of animal that the world has that doesn't exist in her world? Perhaps it was a ghost or someone living and watching her right now? Should she turn off her only light source so she won't be able to see whatever is lurking? Questions fill Seulgi's mind as she tries to focus on what to do and where to go. She could feel herself regretting exploring this building for answers that could help her uncover the secrets of the place. Biting her lower lip, she decides to turn off the flashlight before letting her eyes adjust to the sudden darkness. She makes sure to stay as quiet as possible before making her way carefully to the east wing.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k daniel ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳʳᶦⁿᵍ The atmosphere surrounding her isn't foreign to Seulgi. On her hand, a small flashlight is present as she uses it to shine a light on the darkest parts of this building. Perhaps it is because she's been around this world for a while that she couldn't help but to eye every corner of the room– just in case someone or something pops out to jump scare her. With every step, her steps grow heavy before she feels eyes on her. It wasn't pleasant as the female stayed frozen on her spot before her head tilts to look around slowly, hoping to find somewhere to hide away from unwanted attention.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k daniel ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳʳᶦⁿᵍ Apparently, the energy that Seulgi had gone away as soon as she sets foot inside the building. "Ah, it's much colder in here than what I expected." Her voice is quiet as she stays in her spot, glancing around the place. Will she be all right being alone in here? She thinks as she lets out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. Her ears perk up at the small noises around her. Perhaps it was only her imagination, but it was enough to make her heart beat faster.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k daniel ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳʳᶦⁿᵍ In her mind, Seulgi thinks that exploring alone is a great idea. "It would be nice to know the world more, right?" She mumbles to herself before putting on an unreadable expression. Soon, she reaches the abandoned building and wonders if there was any information on what happened to the establishment. "But what if it's haunted?" She asks the wind before shaking her head. "I shouldn't say that. I bet there's something in there worth knowing!" With a small grin, she ventures inside.


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saorsa 2 years ago
taps my fingers together


I know I totally failed u the first time this opened but

chances of a revival are..............??????????????
18dba1cf7aea0a23584d 2 years ago
im screaming what is this
is it still open
disrespect [A] 2 years ago
ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠɪɴɢ ;
◈ upvote and favorite the roleplay before commenting or applying for your desired character
◈ your first character will always be a survivor unless you pre-reserved; requirements for seconds
are located in the rules
◈ only accepting those that are at least 19 internationally; internationals are welcomed
◈ problematic faces / those who are married / wish to not be roleplayed are not to be
reserved or applied for
◈ we have the right to reject or ignore reservations from problematic users

ʀᴇᴠᴀᴍᴘ ;
◈ will happen sometime this week. new layouts, some tweaks here and there
◈ roleplayers will be notified that the rp will be drafted for much-needed construction work and once it's finished
◈ trials will be rescheduled when things have been settled

sᴛᴀᴛɪsᴛɪᴄs ;
keep these numbers in mind before reserving or applying. we will cap at 08 killers and 18 survivors.
however, this may change in the future depending on the group's activity
◈ killers : 02 | survivors : 06
-nekotrap 2 years ago
add & reserve shin ryujin pls!
cthuwu 3 years ago
Can I reserve Momoko Gumi Company?
amateur_writer 3 years ago
hello, I got a question.
So I joined this site today with a new account because I can't remember my old username or password.
So I don't have the opportunity to upvote yet.
Do I have to wait until then to be able to join?
heartcore 3 years ago
may i have choi yoonjung/ chloe devita pls?
rosetea 3 years ago
may i please reserve johnny seo?
appletea 3 years ago
Okay, I’m ready finally. Can you reserve Park Jaehyung for me please?
hippie 3 years ago
I'd love to reserve Huang Zitao (aka Tao) for my frist character, if I could!
I do gotta let you know that I only play , so I hope that's alright ;; not that this is a relationship-heavy or -heavy RP but it still applies bc my brain is weird, i guess?
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