✮ jossup's room


jossup’s room!
— about

 make sure to be polite and knock before entering!

✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup with eyes locked on you as you turn, a breathless moment of suspenseful anticipation unfolds, a juncture of on-edge hanging, both literally and figuratively, proposing on his knee at the balcony of a skyscraper. he patiently waits for you as you bide your time to digest everything--a willing last bit of sacrifice just to hear you say 'yes' in his biggest question to you yet. time seems to have been held steady for way too long until you open your mouth in an expression of surprise in some unexpected revelation. all he could do is bow his head as he chuckles at your response, your words ringing a bell but sure are nothing close to what he expected you would say first to answer a 'will you marry me' question. it's only then that he realizes a much-needed laugh to release all his chest's pent-up tension, leaving him in awe of how effortlessly you could make him feel calm and at ease instantly even in a moment of dragging anxiety. his laughter wanes along with the early-night wind for another lingering moment, this time already noticing your fond gaze, holding in them the pebbles of tears teasing to fall, which proves to be contagious as his own also begins to well up on cue.
an emotional exhale seems to have wiped along with it all his nagging worries after hearing you say yes. more than relief, it's joy that he feels of finally being with you for always, excitement of building a future together, and euphoria of knowing you'll be there for him and him for you. the breeze in that urban altitude becomes colder as the night further deepens, yet his heart becomes even warmer as he feels your hands on his face. soon enough, your lips touch and he finds himself looking up at you one second and then craning down to you next. tears start trickling down his cheeks, with his arms blindly wrapping around your waist as you cling onto him. once he pulls away and you automatically settle comfortably on your position as a baby koala on your eucalyptus tree, he rubs your back as you sniffle deep in his neck.
bro, no sleeping before you even wear this ring!
seemingly back in his silly self, he releases another chuckle before setting you back down, taking your hand and carefully putting the ring on your finger. he cups your cheeks and presses another kiss on your lips before raising his fist and shouting at the top of his lungs.
after moments of quiet emotions, this ecstatic response colors the darkness with unwavering light--declaring his love loud and proud. he picks you up once again to make a couple of spins as his energy and volume dwindle to just look at you and speak with his low, airy voice.
i am the happiest man alive right now. i love you.
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. Each of your vague little non answers does nothing to lessen his worry. Brows creasing and appetite long forgotten as you rise from your chair, mind busy working through the moments leading up to this one to try and pinpoint when exactly you became so distressed and what he could do to fix it. Seeing you so on edge and anxious unsettling him in a way that made him want to wrap you up in a cocoon and hide you away from the world. Standing up at your prompting, his body mindlessly following your silent instructions as his brain works itself into near trepidation. Blinking out of his daze as he stares at the wall, pretty letters curling neatly, reminding him of the yellow sticky note from this morning. Eyes squinting reflexively as he reads the words before him once, then twice-- thrice for good measure. His lips parting in a soundless exclamation and his heart thundering loudly in his ears as he spins around on his feet to look at you, skyward gaze soon dropping when he doesn’t catch sight of your bashfully smiling face like he expects to. He might gape at you for a moment or two, his racing mind having gone eerily blank at this sudden revelation. Then there’s a flurry of movement as he closes the meager distance between you, arms closing around you securely as his chest tightens and his eyes well up with charged emotion. Once his brain resumes normal functions and thought patterns, the first words out of his mouth are:
This isn’t how I thought it would go.
The words tremulous and familiar- reminiscent of their first time together- as he sniffs quietly, carefully wiping at the few tears that managed to escape; marvelling at how you always seem to surprise him. He lets out a little chuckle as he pulls away to peer down at you; gaze misty and affectionate and incredibly fond. All of your nervousness and apprehension, the insistence for him not to help you finish painting and just wait for your call. He feels warm, he feels happy, besotted.
Of course I will marry you.
He says so softly into the air between you, only for you to hear, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Hands reaching out to cradle your face, his touch featherlight as he leans down to press a kiss to your lips. The touch fleeting but the warmth that it leaves behind lasting. The endearment level he’d felt from your thoughtfulness earlier easily quadrupling as he pulls you in for another embrace, seemingly not knowing what to do with himself and all of the emotions that he’s feeling. Affection building up in his chest and his only outlet being to cling on to you in true baby koala fashion, another barely heard sniffle further muffled into your hair.
✦ joss w. 2 years ago

@✦ m. jongup holding your hand seemed to have worked wonders, even more than the wine did to give him much-needed courage. clearing his throat, he stands on his feet to walk over to your side, leading you to stand as well. standing by the sliding door, he breathes deeply once again as he lays his hands over your shoulders, guiding you to turn around and face the wall opposite the door--one that was on your blind spot when you got in. he lets you read the message painted on it written in gold pigment. he was apprehensive about his handwriting when he was painting it, but it's now how you'll take the message and respond that's his primary concern.
he doesn't know if he'll hear a "you could've just said so bro. why you gotta make it sound all dramatic and like a final goodbye" just like when he first sent you a picture of him to say he wants to hang out. someone seems to not like a lot of drama. or will it be a "you're grounded. go outside bro" just like when he chugged a bottle of your red bull and broke your bedroom door for some reason. someone doesn't wanna share his drinks, and obviously hates a broken house. will he hear again that "i can't believe you bro. i wasn't going to hurt you, but now" just like when he 'insulted' you and said he would just use 2.3% of his strength to take you down. someone clearly hates being underestimated. dang, will it even resemble a "Joss, that's it. you've officially overstayed your welcome. get out" when he asked you about maybe needing oil or anything for some aftercare. well, someone seems to despise talking about IT. it that his all too familiar making-up trick of offering you McDonald's seems to be out of the options--its 100% success rate appears to be useless at this point. calling you 'hyung' like how you always wanted him to also sounds like out of context for this particular matter. even inviting you to start your own version of a can't say 'no' challenge looks like a late realization. yet, he wants to bank on words he had already heard you say before:
you're a bro I kind of fancy.
you're a big happy hormone.
you make me happiest.
i love you so much.
i always want to be with you.
shia bro
that last one may or may not really be one of them, but the point in his head is quite clear. he doesn't mind if he has to buy you racks of red bull and save his last piece of nugget for you every time; be your handyman and fix all the broken doors and pipes in the house; and pour 100% and more of him to make you the happiest you can possibly be. he doesn't mind and he doesn't care because deep down your tough, walled-up, sometimes even mean facade is this amazing, loveable, loyal, sweet, and caring person that he has gotten to see--and love--in the last six months you've known each other.
right before you finish reading and turn back around to face him, he kneels down on one knee, this time holding a ring to ask for your hand in marriage and not to meet you at eye level when you're seated; or get you up his shoulders to start a room painting session; or get you off of them after a job well done. he thought those moments would be nothing short of a good rehearsal for this moment, but oh boy, he was wrong. the feelings are not at all very much comparable, with his trembling legs, weaker knees, tumultuous voices in his head, and almost liquidy innards flowing violently inside his abdominal cavity. finally, after fighting all the anxiety, he opens his mouth with the best hopes the right words he practiced a million times would come out perfectly.
Moon Jong Up, you make me happy as it is. but will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the universe forever?

✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. soon enough he has eaten half of the chicken nuggets, his cheeks puffed up a little as he chews. pulling his plate of pasta closer to himself so that he can take a few bites. not understanding why he's feeling so hungry even though he didn't do anything all day but wait around for you to call him home. shooting you a lopsided grin at the words, squeezing your hand as he shifts on his spot.
we'll do most things anyway, bro.
chuckling as he finally releases your hand, propping his head up with it instead. his gaze turning fond at your words. reaching over to poke your cheek before his knuckles brush down the side of your face. unable to find words to that, all of the air in his lungs suddenly evaporating, leaving him a breathless and mute. your sudden burst of rambunctious energy bringing a familiar smile to his face; eyes disappearing with the force of his laughter. raising his own glass of wine to clink against you own.
yah, bro... what kind of toast is that?
teases before he takes a gulp from his own glass. setting it down to return to his food, pushing more pasta into his mouth. it takes a few moments to notice that he's the only one stuffing his face like a piglet and his gaze raises to peer at you curiously. noting the apparent nervousness rolling off of you in waves, he lets out a soft hum. leaning back in his seat as you finally call out to him, the worry that is slowly starting to build in his chest spiking a bit as he reaches over again to rest a hand on top of yours in a bid to comfort you.
what's wrong, bro?
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup blows a robust amount of air before smiling in relief at how you appreciated the rooms, designs and decors still limited to just a couple of items on the bedside table and a sun-and-moon wall clock by the wall opposite the bed, thinking you both have a whole lifetime decorating the rooms together anyway. yet, his 'thank you' comes spontaneously, both for your approving remarks and just for giving him reasons too numerous to count to even start doing all of these. it's as if the work he poured are all worth it the second you smile. suddenly the discomfort on his fatigued arms and shoulders disappears the moment he sees your eyes curl in delight. the burn on his thumb from some kitchen mishaps turns irrelevant the minute he gets that concurring answer.
woah. so yeah? we'll do everything, huh?
he'll take that response from you--whether it's because he offered you nuggets or not doesn't even matter anymore. a warm smile crosses his face as his empty hand catches yours, feeling the warmth traverse through the nerves from his fingertips to fill his chest with immense contentment. it's too early in the night and he feels his eyes swelling, which he chooses to subdue to keep himself from being a melty mess.
bro, are you kidding me? you mean, what would i be without you? it's all for you.
he chuckles as he opens the wine bottle to fill both glasses in both emotional suspension and unfeigned celebration, offering a toast thereafter.
here's to you and me doing everything from sleeping to not sleeping at the balcony!
a clink of your glasses and he takes a sip of his wine, all the while sending you a smile. he cannot get tired of just staring at you, just like how the two sunflowers set on the table face each other now that the sun has fully set--an all too familiar and meaningful reference he can't miss out on. it's as if he can just look at you and watch you eat everything he prepared and still feel full afterwards. that, or his sympathetic nervous system amplifies the tension building up in his chest that he cannot make a single bite. he downs more of the wine and pauses for a moment, brushing his shaky and sweaty hands off. another of air and he blows it along with the only syllable he can seem to say at this point.
[post deleted by owner]
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. his mouth automatically curling into a smile at the sight of you, switching from explorer to baby koala as his arms curl around your shoulders and you lift him off his feet. his eyes drawn almost automatically to the cute little dimple on your cheek, moving to perhaps place a peck there only to be stopped short when he meets your lips instead. leaning into the kiss readily but it doesn’t last long before you’re pulling away. his arms tightening around you and he places a kiss to your cheek at the words.
the living room looks really good.
turning his head with a fond chuckle at you when you touch his nose. straightening up when his feet are back under him to follow you into the bedrooms. his mouth opening as he admires the carefully arranged bedrooms. a swell of pride building up in his chest as he thinks about how well you’ve done. His favorite, their bedroom— looks very cozy and like he could get the best sleep of his life. everything so wondrously dark but cozy. steps pausing when you lead him over to the balcony and he looks at the setup before looking at you. gaze dancing between the two for a speechless moment before you’re guiding him to sit. silently appreciating the effort and thought that you put into this as his eyes shift over each of the carefully arranged dishes.
hey, bro..
his words of— he doesn’t even know what he was going to express. gratitude? surprise? love? he doesn’t get to find out as he opens his mouth at your prompting to accept the nugget. humming as he chews the tasty morsel. reaching over to pick up another nugget to eat before he starts on his pasta. sputtering softly at your unexpected question, cheeks warming as he looks at you.
I’m sure we can do all of the above, bro.
he says with a mirthful gleam in his eyes, reaching across the table to grab your hand. thumb brushing over the back of your hand, across your knuckles.
really bro, thank you. this is above my expectations and everything is so.. beautiful. what would I do without you?
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup fresh off the shower, he comes out of the bedroom to welcome you, a hand twisting the knob to shut the door close behind him. he spreads his arms wide to catch you in, picking you up on reflex to carry you like the baby koala you are. with a charming smile on his face, he stares at you and presses a kiss on your soft lips.
have i? hm, it's all for and because of you.
he boops your nose just as he brings you down on your feet, clearing his throat before guiding you around the newly painted rooms--the guest first and then the master's bedroom next. it's as if his world would crumble and his knees would shatter at every step inside. his big, tailored bed right across the room, the neutral blacks and grays covering it to match the walls and curtains. he walks with you to the balcony, swiping the black curtains aside and sliding the door open.
we can have dinner out here tonight, bro.
a dinner set-up welcomes you at the balcony right at the golden hour. he guides you to sit on a chair with the table having some chicken pasta this time, though the all-time favorite nuggets occupy the center bowl just to give it proper and well-deserved respects. the dishes simple and straightforward because he knows you don't really like things too fancy, choosing McDonald's over glamping for a date, for example--or so he makes himself believe since he didn't get enough time preparing the menu. the only value-addition would be some red wine and a couple of fancy wine glasses to match. still, this set-up seems to be a compromise between McDonald's and glamping for a myriad of reasons.
aah-- open!
putting a piece of nugget by your mouth, he waits for you to open it before tossing the meat inside, shooting you a smile thereafter. this moment's only witness would be the indigo skies, with the rising moon about to greet you as the sun sets, the city lights adding sparkles at every turn of the clock's hands. he clears his throat to prepare eating as well, trying hard to make it pleasant and sweet and warm, but he cannot help but to you a grin along with a nearly inappropriately placed remark--either he is naturally silly or he cannot keep his restless energy to unnoticeable levels, or both.
still wondering if we "not sleep" here? lol
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. waking up without that now familiar weight pressing down on him was a bit weird, but he sat up slowly. sleepy eyes squinting around as he takes stock of the room and of himself, noting the quiet that greets him. reaching out to collect his glass of water with a little yawn. taking a few sips to reinvigorate his parched throat as he swings his legs over the edge of the bed. the bright yellow of the note catching his attention and he picks it up to read as he finishes his water. oh right. he had forgotten that you were supposed to be leaving earlier without him. humming softly, he sets his empty glass down and sets about freshening himself up and getting some food into his body. by the time he’s settled to just get into his car and go help out, it’s a good few hours into the afternoon and his phone lights up; with that, so too does his face.

to: eucalyptus tree
from: baby koala
\o/ I’m on my way bro. See you soon!

the drive takes no time at all as oppose to the wait he’d endured earlier. climbing out of his car and heading into the lobby; getting on the elevator to wait through the first 20 floors before finally getting off on the 21st. a little spring in his step as he fishes out his key, unlocking the door and letting himself inside. looking around with curious eyes as he makes his way inside. bare empty space from the day before suddenly filled and he eyes around the neatly set up living room with a small smile before he starts for the hallway. calling out to you.
eyy bro, you’ve really been working hard, huh?
✦ joss w. 2 years ago

@✦ m. jongup it's an early morning and he finds himself driving to the apartment, the movers are on their way and he's got to lead them in all furniture matters before finalizing painting the walls. however, he didn't go solo flight without leaving you a note beside your morning water, hoping you won't worry a thing about him throughout the day to come too early. unusual for a work-laden day, he dons a breathable dressy button-down with his expression in a mix of excitement and restlessness--not to mention his all too loud speakers blasting inside his pick-up as a form of distraction and release. a few more moments and the supervising job starts, pointing here and there for perfect arrangements, lines straight and not crooked, paths clear, furnitures down and steady, before he bids goodbye to the hardworking staff. alone in the apartment, he takes his shirt off to start working his off to finish painting and decorating. the task isn't in any way different from yesterday, but his hands seem a bit more shaky this time, for some reason--something he hopes you wouldn't mind when you scrutinize the of paint on the wall. blowing some air after an exhausting work, he flops on the couch to breathe briefly, seriously considering taking a bath before you arrive.

to: baby koala
-i just finished, bro. drive safely! :*

✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. glancing up at the dull popping sound that comes from your vertebrae, his brows furrowing in mild concern before he rests his cheek back against his thigh pillow. eyes dropping shut as he relaxes, humming softly in agreement at your words. giving your leg a gentle pet, at your flustered outburst. cooing softly he reaches up, fingers brushing underneath your chin as he gives you a fond smile.
you’re the cutest bro.
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup he bends his neck up and down and sideways as it seemed to have been fixated at just one position all morning, cracking sounds escaping along with pressure bubbles that gives him instant relaxation--the feeling of relaxation with you around still remains unmatched though. he brings down all forms of resistance and lets you roll in between his legs, not denying subtle reflexive twitches at your touch. he shakes his head at your stubbornness though, getting even closer to him--and over him for that matter--after telling you to back away a little. it's a gesture he doesn't really mind after all.
yeah. it's tiring. if you want, i can just come here early tomorrow so i won't bother you while you sleep. please come a little later in the day, okay?
he chokes on air at your remark unsure how to read the room, but it sure does made his heart skip a beat. he rubs his chest to give his disarrayed thoughts some badly needed composure.
hm. yeah, i also wonder.
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. humming softly as he places the order making sure to order drinks that doesn't require straws; saving the turtles. his gaze shifting over to you as you sit down a little suspicious of your intent, though he does smile at your little placating peck. he'd deserved that hard earned kiss after all the things he'd been through today. dropping the phone onto the floor next to his head, he eyes your half form before rolling over your leg to lay in the spot between them. resting his head against your thigh as he looks around their half painted room.
I'm hungry too. whoever knew that painting could be such hard work?
that sentimental feeling settling itself over him again and he breathes out a little sigh. hand rubbing along the outside of your thigh.
I wonder if this is how newly weds feel like.
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup he chuckles softly at your silence, shaking his head at how stubborn you can be. his mind wanders to when that one-day limit expires tomorrow, thinking how fitting it is to hear you say it when you get back here exactly 24 hours from now. his musings mix in a blend of nerves and excitement as he finishes a couple more sections to give the room the desired dark motif--a moon around and this feels like such a jongup sanctuary. he blows some air out of his mouth as he completes it, walking slowly as he wipes the sweat on his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt. with a soft 'whew', he sits beside you, casually taking his tiny-bit-wet shirt off, instinctively using it to wipe the sweat on his face and back.
bro, you know i didn't mean all of them. you're so cute, please. and i love everything about you!
he steals a kiss on your cheek as you busy yourself on ordering food, instantly saying 'yeah' when you shoot the question. he extends his legs flat on the floor and his hands on the floor on each of his sides to support his laxed weight on rest.
yes. that. i can literally eat anything right now. move back a little or you'd be first in the list, bro.
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. pressing his lips together at that. begrudgingly he’d admit that the word is a little but fun to say, but just because you said that he can’t not say it he’s going to not say it so hard. blinking lazily as he watches you work diligently, sliding his arm under his head.
but before that you almost threw me on the ground, you kept pinching me, you called me short, and you said I weigh as much as a house. is that what you call a loving disposition?
crinkling his nose distastefully for show when you turn to look at him, but his lips twitch upwards at the sight of your cute little dimple. still annoying but awfully cute.
rice? I could eat some rice..
picking up his phone to scroll through, humming in thought as he ponders what would be good to eat for lunch.
wanna have an unagi bowl, bro?
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup it's too irresistible a word to not say, bro. i'll give a day, even less, and you'll say it.
with a lopsided smile, he lifts the roller again, picking up where he left off a while ago. repetitive up and down he goes, completing one section after another, little by little making the room one that speaks jossup just by the color. carrying you on his shoulders didn't hurt so bad until he has to make ~100 more reps of this new movement.
telling you i'm crazy for you is annoying, bro? i'm in a very loving disposition. ;)
he looks over his shoulder to catch you lying on the floor, sending you a wink to charm his way out of your annoyance of him, adding a dimpled smile just to increase his chances. more sections get darkened as roller sleeves touch the walls, the thought of adding all furniture and other designs excite him. the grumble of his stomach, however, shows his excitement for something else--food.
whew--food would be great. i feel like i need 10 cups of rice, bro.
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. yes it’s bad bro. just for that I’m never saying it again. ever.
he teases with a chuckle, unable to put the claim passed you but not really finding it in himself to mind now that the initial shock is out of his system. hand that’s not holding the paintbrush dropping to smack your assaulting fingers every time they reach up.
bro you’re in an annoying mood, right? you feel like bothering me?
surveying the room one last time from high up, not sure When he’d ever get the opportunity to be this tall again. he looks down finally when you lower yourself down. climbing off of you carefully and stretching his arms over his head. rotating his arms a few times before he moves over to set his paintbrush down. dropping back into his previous spot to watch you start painting. flopping onto his back as he watches you.
when you get hallway done let’s order lunch bro.
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup is it bad that I just wanted to hear you say 'shia' on that little slip?
he replies as if it was a deliberate prank when his reasoning just sounds like a ridiculous joke. hearing you endearingly say the word though does not fall astray from what he really meant and wanted, probably much like the feeling you felt every time you forced him to call you 'hyung' from when you just started hanging out—wow, those days.
again, you make me crazy.. crazy for you.
he responds with some honey and syrup like it would mask all the craziness he just said and did, nevertheless obediently moving along at your cues--every once in a while collecting a spot in your thigh when your tug becomes a bit stronger.
really? doesn't feel like it, bro.
he teases, all too aware that you want to concentrate on painting but there seems to be no stopping himself. after many more rounds of taunting and teasing, it's a surprise you're even able to finish. he kneels down on one knee to guide you down and off his shoulders, draping an arm over yours as he gives the walls an ocular. he hums and gives the job well done an approving nod, moving over to the walls to complete painting them.
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. well it’s thanks to you that I lost 50 years off my life just now.
he complains back, his tone pitched a higher octave with his whine. looking up at the wall when you step sideways, dipping his paintbrush and resuming his painting carefully, he almost delivers another hit on your head but just barely contains himself.
bro. I can’t believe all this victim blaming that you’re participating in right now.
grumbles as he continues his work, every so often giving your hair a little tug- his own little reprimand for your actions- to indicate he wants you to move on. letting out a breath at your words, both amused and exasperated.
… well any that I might have had from having your head between my legs has long died after that lil stumble. so just be a good pack mule.
continues his duty and is immensely thankful as you slowly but surely make it all the way around the room, his own arms starting to ache at the constant repetitive task that is painting.
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup ya- why bro? don't worry, i'd rather drink cyanide than let you drop on my watch.
he compains from the hit on his head. it's thanks to his occupied hands that he cannot hit you back, though not really determined to, if ever, not forgetting to reassure you of your safety, thinking making clean on the wall is already enough of a worry.
just.. don't make me laugh or whatnot.
blaming you yet again for his own misdoing, thinking he wouldn't have answered that way if you didn't ask him to explain. he obediently makes a side step, slowly with his right foot first then his left following suit, knees just a tad bent to ease some of the weight from his gastrocnemius to larger and stronger muscles on his core, glutes, and quads. he sure is enjoying these new movements, a rather good deviation from his normal workouts.
feeling your bulge on my nape is way too much of a distraction already. so don't make me lose more focus, bro.
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. yah, bro.. do you even hear yourself when you’re speaking?
He questions with a little shake in his voice, trying and failing to cast away the sounds of amusement pooling in his chest. in a soft breath at your stumble, his hand gripping at your hair in a very profound moment of panic, his legs squeezing around you for a second before he loosens again, not wanting to choke you out or break your neck or something if he really did fall; but you basketball player reflexes kick in and save him from a fall to his doom. whacking your head as soon at his heart drops from his throat.
huffing as he calms, finally getting to painting, squinting as he tries to make sure the coats are neat and as even as possible. reaching down every so often to dip his brush in the paint. lightly tugging at your hair to get you to do a sidestep.
move along bro.
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup bro you make me feel things, for starters. and you look like the main course of a five-star meal. who am i to skip that sweet dessert? i couldn't help it.
carrying your weight on his shoulders, he stands straight and carefully moves closer to the wall.
i'm saying you ignited the mukbanger in me.
just as you reminded him not to drop you, he laughs at his food metaphor response, briefly losing control over you. he luckily regains his balance and supports your back with his free hand, but not without blurting out a hearty 'oh ' as he feels his heart skip a beat for a moment.
that was close lol
he sturdily mounts his feet over at one side of the wall while waiting at you complete brushing the topmost side of the section, one hand on your thigh and the other extended upwards to hold the can of paint for you.
tell me if i need to carry on and move, bro.
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. huffing out a ‘hmph’ sound as you pull away, going back to idly stirring his paint, watching the viscous liquid move about.
how’s it what I did when you’re the one that did scandalous things to me? explain it to me, bro.
looking around the room slowly as he wonders how many coats of paint it’ll take and how long it’ll take. maybe more time than they originally thought thanks to all their bickering; his lips pursing to stop the amused smile from forming as he returns his vision to you as you start working. setting his brush down after a moment and moving over to dig around in the bags. Pulling out some tape before he crawls closer to the wall on all fours. Internet on covering the baseboards with the tape to protect it from the paint. Pausing to look at you skeptically as you kneel down again.
.. fine bro.
collecting his paintbrush and carefully climbing onto your shoulders, a hand resting in your hair as he looks down at the top of your head from seated atop your shoulders.
Don’t drop me.
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup he retracts readily as soon as you point that brush onto him, chuckling at your growing exasperation.
we both cannot claim innocence now, bro.
a good amount of paint dipped into the bucket and he lifts the roller up, making that first touch of paint over the dry wall. he extends his hands up to reach the topmost part, then moving it back down to cover one vertical section. he eyes you from over his shoulder as you send him that familiar squint that could cut his flesh even from a six feet distance.
ya! even i cannot reach the ceiling, bro.
all he could do is shrug a shoulder with a defeated sigh, bringing the roller down to walk over at you with what he thinks is a good plan. he reaches you and turns around before kneeling down again on one knee, grabbing your can of paint ready in his one hand, the other tapping his shoulder twice.
alright, bro. hop on.
if you cannot reach it by yourself and he also cannot by himself, might as well join forces to complete it together.
let's finish painting the top sides and corners first so they won't drip down on dried paint later. :)
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. looking up at you as you move close before his eyes drop to your hands as you open the paint. watching the process as you distribute out the paint. accepting the offered can, making to mix around the paint just to wet his brush, he pauses and tips his head back to look at you. clearly unimpressed with that comment. clicking his tongue as he angles his paintbrush towards you.
Yah. Don’t blame me. I’m innocent in all this.
His gaze following you as you rise again. scooting forwards toward the wall, before setting the bucket down and leaning back on his hands, content to watch you for the time being. narrowed eyes moving over to you at that comment.
now you’re just being petty. all of these attacks bro, first my weight and now my height? you’re feeling really brave, right?
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup he walks back towards you, kneeling down on one knee to meet you at eye level, or nearly, as you sat down. a pop of compressed air and there goes the can's lid open. he quietly prepares the roller's sleeves and transfers the paint in another bucket, a pan set up in it for a good roll. he chuckles at your question, shaking his head as he opens another can of black paint and transferring the contents on the bucket once again, although this time leaving a quarter of it in and handing it over at you.
you mean, what /you/ did?
a lopsided smile crosses his face as he gets up to face the wall, something you had asked him to do once or twice before to scold him for being 'obnoxious'--it's a bit hazy if he ever really did yet it seems familiar in either a memory of the past or a glimpse of the future if you get too annoyed and/or hungry as you both work on this thing. he then glances back at you as he dips the roller in the bucket.
bro, you can use that brush to finish the sides and corners of the walls. goodluck reaching the top though. :D
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. his own stare blank as he stares at you before he looks down to conceal the smile that threatens to slip. letting out a long suffering sigh as he raises his head again, shooting you a small pout.
what did you do with my shy al bro? I miss him.
following after you on your journey back into the bedroom, he drops to sit with his legs crossed underneath him, sitting down on your freshly placed newspaper as he watches you move around the room. grabbing one of the brushes and holding it at the ready as he practices his upwards and downwards to get into the proper mindset for the painting. Staring around the room, at the vast expanse of wall and he pulls out his phone. Putting on a random playlist as he waits for you to use your barbarian strength to crack open the paint lid so that you can get down to business.
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup tilting his head, he shoots a frisky look as he wiggles his brows, before sending you a smirk just to even highlight an already blossoming blush on your cheeks. some pent-up chuckle builds up at the back of his throat watching you struggle to make a comprehensible sentence under your startled babbling--an all to amusing sight that he thinks will never get old. he hums in a seemingly deep pondering, but who knows in which depths his typically superficial thoughts could be?
oh, yeah you're right. i think 'thrilling' is more fitting!
guess not so deep after all. he tries to keep a straight face, his laughter more inwards as he nudges your side teasingly and looks away nonchalantly. a grunt escapes his chest as he straightens up, nodding at your pick of paint and grabbing it from you, along with a paint roller and a big brush. instantly dropping all materials once inside the bedroom, he sets old newspapers at the base of the walls to make sure no paint goes anywhere they're not intended to--though it helps that these odorless paints he brought are entirely water-based.
hm.. well, we'll try finishing the two rooms today. or, uh. maybe at least one.
he responds, almost as if knowing and accepting the fact that he'll do most of the work.
✦ m. jongup 2 years ago
@✦ joss w. his expression going from scrutinizing to curious as he looks at you, letting out a quiet ‘what’ as he eyes your grin skeptically. knowing from countless experiences that the expression you’re wearing always means you’re up to no good. the thought further reinforced as you let the silence stretch on for a dramatically suspenseful moment. a brief moment of nostalgia hitting him as he recalls how he used to tease you about your theatrical dramatics in the early stages of your relationship. your words surprising him out of his thoughts and he stares at you with wide beseeching eyes. sputtering out a bunch of half formed responses as his cheeks grow hot.
what’s intriguing about that you idiot.
His tone loud at the start of his sentence but breaking off into a mutter by the end. footsteps trailing behind you back into the living room, a full circle, as he attempts to rub the warmth away of his cheeks forcefully. stopping next to you to rummage through the bags in your possession and making his selection; unsurprisingly the black one.
Think we’ll finish it all today?
he questions, already deciding to himself that he’s going to watch you do most of the work.
✦ joss w. 2 years ago
@✦ m. jongup cool, then. that's exciting!
the corners of his lips hold up a sudden curl at the nod, although not without thinking twice if it was either you got nearly cornered with his already-settled list of guests or just convinced given the poisun-poichan contingency plan.
hm, i may or may not have thought about that when I chose a unit this high. but you know what's more intriguing?
donning a wide grin, he pauses in a playful hang of suspense, pretending to quietly wait for a response before leaning in to whisper.
..if people could look when we go and "not sleep" at the balcony.
he snickers in a crescendo, mirrorring the shift from small reluctant steps to big certain ones as he follows you to the living room then to the kitchen. he leans his shoulder against the wall, arms crossed over his chest while watching you explore a bit more. he bursts a sudden 'oh' at your question, jerking up off the wall and turning to get the bag of painting materials by the main door.
let's get this started. we have black, white, gray, dark blue, some gold effect pigments, hm.. we could go with black or gray. yeah?


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knthroystn 2 years ago
apa saya bisa bergabung?
BlowYourMind110 2 years ago
I'm considering to join cuz suju are my ults but I can only be really active during the weekends and sometimes weekday evenings ;-; will that be okay?
_FrappuccinoDelight 2 years ago
Can I join?
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 2 years ago
Are you guys like not accepting?
Cause I tried to apply 2 weeks ago and like...
I see its active...but no admin has reply..
Felixs_Egg 2 years ago
Could I reserve Lee Felix from Stray Kids please?
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 2 years ago
is this place ouo open?
nomsnom 2 years ago
hi i would like to roleplay
galaxy_crystal 2 years ago
Could I reserve Xu Minghao?
[comment deleted by owner]
Junhyuckkie 2 years ago
Can I reserved for Park Jisung?
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