


The park

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posted 00/00/00

In character only

α Choi Seunghyun 2 years ago
@Λ Kim Woo Seok (ω) Playful teasing continued to light up Seunghyun's eyes in ways he hadn't experienced for a time. Wolves were inherently social creatures and being away from this, being alone, the Alpha's good mood sweetened his demeanour. Usually short tempered with a burning desire to lead, to be dominant, where he had failed previously it had felt like Seunghyun had so much catching up to do. He knew in his heart he was a good leader and yet he had nothing to show for it. Nothing in the strange world that he had found himself a part of with people who couldn't understand him. Something about the omega's temperment was amusing, the way his face scrunched up and his arms flailed. His weight was heavier than the alpha had thought, Seunghyun laughed under his breath. That low rolling thunderous chuckle which sounded as if it emanated from the darkest caves. He continued to watch the omega, the vanilla scent he had breathed in from before was now much closer and much more fragrant. Sweet, it reminded him of the forest berries, of home.

When Wooseok spoke, peering up to look at him Seunghyun leaned closer and nuzzled his cheek, pressing the side of his face against the omega's in an attempt to soothe him. He could sense the other man's panic and on reflex Seunghyun's hands reached for Wooseok's sides to steady him. He was comfortable here and he was confused as to why the other wasn't, surely he had climbed trees before? That was the best part about the human body, it could move in ways a wolf couldn't, not restricted by hind legs but with the strength of a wolf climbing trees was effortless for the alpha. Seunghyun leaned back to look at Wooseok's face to judge his reaction, tilting his head to one side with a thoughtful pout. He could smell the fear, sense the way Wooseok's body tensed against his, not wanting to scare the omega Seunghyun reached up behind him. He pulled on the branch above, wrapping his legs around Wooseok's middle whilst he carefully lowered him back down onto the ground. Using his upper arms to hold them Seunghyun made sure the omega's feet were on the ground before he slowly unwrapped his legs from around the man's middle, swinging himself down from the branch and gracefully landing on his feet beside him. He lightly nudged the omega's arm as if to say, 'no harm done.'
Λ Kim Woo Seok (ω) 2 years ago
@α Choi Seunghyun WooSeok noted the pleased look on Seunghyun's expression and the Omega's lips only pursed out further, a click of his tongue and a huff expressing his sudden disadvantage. No matter. He'd find a way to gain it back. His eyes turned determined and he glared at the tree trunk before him, as if the poor piece of wood had kicked his puppy and then began to reach for it. All he had to do was climb. How hard could it be, right? He stuck a foot tentatively against the wood and then looked at Seunghyuh with squinted eyes, "Just you wait. I'll catch you even if--" The Omega froze when the ground disappeared before him and then he was in the air and then suddenly he was atop something warm and quite... fragrant, a little woody, a little swampy.

WooSeok's eyes once shut tight had begun to open and it took little time for him to nice the painful lack of floor below him. He stiffened, squirmed in panic for a second, a cat on a suddenly unstable surface, and then gripped for dear life onto the soft thing below him. Wait. The soft thing-- What soft-- His eyes flew from the free air to the body in front of him and even faster than he'd realized the lack of floor, he realized the sudden intimate position he found himself locked in with Seunghyun. The Omega felt a wave of flustered energy crash the shore of his consciousness and in an act of self-preservation, released the iron grip he had on the Alpha; a millisecond material, however, and he realized that was a stupid idea, off balance while his arms wrapped around Seunghyun's middle to keep himself flat to the Alpha and to the branch that held them up. He swallowed and then looked up, pretending the strawberry redness of his cheeks was merely in his imagination while he squinted back to the grinning Alpha, "You-- Put me back down this instant, mister. I-- I'll... I'll... I have nothing yet to threaten you with but I'll figure it out." The branch creaked with the sound of WooSeok's voice, a sickening alarm in the Omega's head and he offered a soft sound of surprise, stiffened, much too caught up to move for fear that he would either tumble off or the branch would break with any sudden movement. He silently cursed the agile Alpha in his head for even having the strength for pulling him up with him so effortlessly. Who was he? Tarzan? Did this make him Jane? ... He was Jane, wasn't he? He sighed. Great. He was Jane.
α Choi Seunghyun 2 years ago
@Λ Kim Woo Seok (ω) Λ Kim Woo Seok (ω) 2 days ago Reply
@α Choi Seunghyun WooSeok felt instinct kick in, a soft determination that furrowed his brows and forced him to move faster, all in name of catching his prey: the speechless Alpha. He found himself circling the tree a few times before he realized that Seunghyun was gone. The Omega stopped, paused and then looked around, all the more confusion in his features, "Where did he--" And then he heard it. His eyes looked up and sure enough there was the other man. How he managed to pry himself onto a branch so seamlessly whose thickness seemed to just barely hold his weight he'd never know. His hands came to his waist and he frowned, lips tucked into a pout, "Hey! No fair. I can't catch you if you're up there." He gestured to the ground, whining to express his distaste.

Playing with the omega reminded Seunghyun of his pack, reminded him of the younger cubs who would roughhouse with him for some entertainment and at the thought there was an ache in his chest. He didn't know who the omega was but Seunghyun decided he would protect him at any cost, smiling as the precious fool searched for him underneath the tree. The alpha outstretched his large hand to ruffle up Wooseok's hair in a teasing motion, that low thunderous chuckle emanated from Seunghyun before he reached for Wooseok's shirt and with a swift yank upwards the alpha launched Wooseok above him, turning onto his back to meet the omega. Now Wooseok was in the tree too and resting against Seunghyun, the alpha grinned. He tilted his head to one side, his dark eyes searched the omega's face for a reaction to their new and much closer position.


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gotohellu 2 years ago
Baek left. Thanks for having me
DreamlessMaiden [A] 2 years ago

- Wonho (Head Admin)
ashflower 2 years ago
seonghwa and jongup are leaving. thank you for having me.
L4naM0ch1 2 years ago
Can I reserve Jungkook as a hybrid?
cherryeolie 2 years ago
I would like to re-reserve Chanyeol please ^^
ThePorcelainHeart 2 years ago
Sanha is leaving, thank you for having me
ThePorcelainHeart 2 years ago
I don't think kookie was a good idea, ty for those that tried

I will stay as sanha
skypuppy 2 years ago
may i request Seo Changbin please?
[comment deleted by owner]
-lait- 2 years ago
so is this open?
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