


The nightclub

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posted 00/00/00

In character only

α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “I can yes.” Ren nods as he led him into the store to get all the ingredients to make homemade ramen like their mama used to make including freshly made ramen. “Go get what you wants snacks or sweets.” Gebtly nudging Yuzu before snorting “and YOUR room terrified me, it looked like a neon paint bomb went off in your room and the noise.” He wrinkles his nose before shaking his head “it’s not that dark anymore, and there’s some noise. So hopefully it won’t scare you.” He said
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "ramen? are you going to make it like mama used to?" he asked before suddenly looking sad, soon shaking his head a little as if shaking off the sadness. "yah, your room used to scare me all the time, it was so dark and it was too quiet when you had to leave me." he followed the other quietly, putting his coat back on to cover his exposed skin.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “Ok let’s go. We can get some food like ramen to my place. No it’s not creepy.” He said with a slight smile as he heads out. “There’s a store near by I like going to to get food when it’s pretty late and we can go to my place. It’s not creepy, I hope you don’t think it is either.”
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai feeling his brother patting his back, he groaned and straightened, wiping off his mouth before he slowly nodded his head in response. "okay. you never told me where you live, though.. it's not some creepy den is it?" he asked as he used a napkin to clean himself off properly before he looked up at the other with a curious expression.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “I wasn’t referring to glitter but highlighter you guys use.” He said before humming noncommittally seeing Yuzu glare. But the moment the movie took a turn for the more violent and gory scene did his brother take off. He got up grabbing the coats and took after him rubbing his back “it’s too much isn’t it? Why don’t we go to my place and maybe watch a movie we used to watch?” He suggests
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "first of all, asshat, I don't wear glitter that much. it sticks to my skin and never goes away. second, you." he growled softly and glared at the screen, resisting the temptation to smack the elder. "I do say so. this could've been...worse" he trailed off as the violence became more brutal before he suddenly got up and ran to the nearest trash can where he vomited and let out a quiet whine.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “Hmm you are? I thought the glitter you wear blinds people.” Smirking at his little brother amused before raising an eyebrow hiding a chuckle. “Ok if you say so yu.” As he leans back glancing at Yuzu then At the screen as he yawns.
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "my face is perfect, why do you think I'm always at the fromt of the stage?" he asked with a huff, shaking his head a little at his brother. when he was asked to leave, he scoffed and glared at the screen, trying his best to not seem disgusted by the gore. "if I can hunt, I can watch a little violence in a movie.."
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai Ren laughs “I don’t you do.” He said with a grin before looking down at Yuzu, “Hmm I can sleep and wake up easily, “But if its boring I do fall asleep.” He admits with a grin before looking at his brother then at the movie seeing how violent it was getting. “Want to leave and try another movie?” He quietly asks.
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "maybe not for you, you have a weird face," he stated as he watched the movie, blinking when he was flicked and raising a hand to rub his nose. "no, of course not. I'm not a baby like you, I mean you can't even stay awake for an hour?" he huffed out dramatically, flinching ever so slightly at a small jumpscare onscreen. "besides, like I said its just a movie.. it's.. not real," he muttered, looking down when the movie gets too violent.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “But sometimes good looks doesn’t always work.” He said before looking at him and chuckles “worst side of me is a last resort of thing.” He shrugs flicking his nose fondly. “Me not really I tend to fall asleep Watching them, you?” He asks Yuzu with a playful grin. “Is my little brother afraid of scary movies?”
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "if I'm gonna manipulate people, I'm not gonna need manners. that's what my good looks are for," he teased as he let out a soft, content sigh. "you don't need to be subtle with me, though. I've seen your worst already, it's too late for all those manners." at his brother's words, he tensed ever so slightly and sat up straight. "is the big bad alpha scared of a movie?" he crossed his arms, a pout making it's way to his face as he glared at the screen.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai Ren chuckles “it is subtle manipulation yes but it helps you get away with things.” As he leans back making himself Comfortable. “Yes I was and I still am but more subtle now.” He said with a soft chuckle “hopefully this won’t be too scary.”
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "sounds like manipulation to me.. what would I be suspected for, anyway?" he asked as he laid his head on the other's shoulder, smiling softly. "you used to be worse than me, you know." he huffed softly and got comfortable as he looked at the screen, biting his lip as he worried about the movie being too scary.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “Crying can .” Ren agrees with Yuri before shrugging “Hm manners can get you far, get people on your side, and make others not suspect you.” He said listing some points in how manners can help you survive. “I did but I didn’t teach you to be that sassy.” He replies amused as he hugs the other as the lights got dim, “Oh the movie is starting.”
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "oh.. I don't like crying," he said quietly before whining as his nose was flicked, rubbing it quietly. "what? why?" he asked before he giggled and shook his head. "and how does that help you survive?" he asked as he leaned fully against the elder. "of course. you're the one who taught me that, anyway."
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “Yes you can cry happy tears, scared tears, sad or angry tears. I guess you’ll have to read some romance novels and other books to get it.” He said before rolling his eyes flicking his nose, “You’re more adorable for me.” Ren said with a faint smile before laughing “I have to have some manners to survive in the city.” He said grinning as he wraps his arms around his brother as the trailers started. “You’re cute Yuyu, but still sassy as ever.”
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "happy tears..?" he repeated quietly, not sure what the other meant. "you're adorable when you get so protective." he grinned, letting out a soft laugh before he snuggled closer to the other, still seeming to be cold. "manners? you? who are you and what have you done with my big brother?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at the other.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “It’s complicated for sure. I guess when it’s a happy ending you cry happy tears.” He shrugs and raises an eyebrow “You can get kicked out even banned from movie theaters if you go beyond cuddling. And I will lecture you if I do find out what happens.” He said before looking at Yuzu, “I wear it for manners and in case someone is cold like you.” He replies
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "what? why would it make you cry, isn't it supposed to be a happy thing?" he shook his head, confused about the topic before he snickered quietly at his brother's protective side. "what if I try to go beyond that? are you gonna yell at me?" he pouted at the other before grinning and hiding the lower half of his face with the jacket. "really..? why are all of you always wearing jackets then?"
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “You can romantic things can make you smile and in some cases cry. It really depends on romance book you’re reading.” He said before looking at Yuzu. “Yes but just cuddling, nothing beyond that.” He informs his brother “if someone tries to go beyond that punch them and leave.” Ren said his big brother side coming out. He smiles at the sight of his little brother snuggling into the blanket “Hm yeah I am. I think most alphas always run on the hotter side body heat wise.”
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "so? I've heard people say romance books make them cry.. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to cry at romantic things," he said, clearly having no experience with any type of romance. "you mean another reason for people to be intimate in public?" he asked as he gratefully took the jacket and draped it over himself, nuzzling into the fabric quietly. "you're really warm.. is that normal?"
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “Really?” He said before shrugging “it is a movie but there’s a reason it’s called a horror movie.” Ren mildly said as he noticed the other was shivering “they keep it cold for some reason so the drinks and such doesn’t get ruined by ice melting and perfect for couples to cuddle.” He said shrugging his jacket off and gave it to Yuzu. “Here.”
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "just because I look thin to you, doesn't mean I am." he crossed his arms, hating that he was getting lectured like a child. "what do you mean? it's just a movie, it can't be that bad," he said as he followed the elder, settling in his seat with a soft huff, hugging his knees to his chest. "why is it so cold in here?" he whispered, wrapping the coat around his frame in an attempt to keep warm.
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “You look thin. Dancers always think they have to starve or not eat as much and it’s fine if you eat. You can eat a lot Yu.” Before snorting “no you won’t die, but let’s see how you handle the movie.” Ren said with a sly smile as he led his brother to their seat and sat down.
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "I'm not too thin. what makes you think I am?" he asked before huffing a little. "I eat enough, I swear.. I just don't want to eat too much." he shook his head slightly before blinking at his brother's words, hesitating as he stepped into the room. "I'm not going to die in here, right?"
α Ren Funai 1 year ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “Why not? You’re too thin Yu.” Glancing down at his little brother “and we have high metabolism.” He said looking puzzled before shrugging. “Hm in horror movies or people that are superstitious number 13 is bad luck.” Ren explains
ω Yuzu Funai 1 year ago
@α Ren Funai "I mean.. I can eat a lot sometimes but I try not to. I don't wanna gain weight" he shook his head as he took the bottle, subtly stuffing it into the inside of his coat as he followed the other. "wait- why is the number 13 ominous?" he asked, not knowing the stories associated with the number.
α Ren Funai 2 years ago
@ω Yuzu Funai “Down side of alphas is the metabolism.” He grimaced as they moved up the line where Ren ordered the Ramune melon flavored another bottle for Yuzu, and his own order along with a water bottle. After he paid he handed Yuzu his drink and got his own things, “ok our movie is over here, number 13. Huh how ominous.” He commented handing their tickets over
ω Yuzu Funai 2 years ago
@α Ren Funai "the melon one," he stated, nearly falling against the other as he was hugged. "you can actually eat all that? that's almost impressive." he laughed softly and shook his head a bit. "I'm okay with just the drink, don't worry."


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gotohellu 2 years ago
Baek left. Thanks for having me
DreamlessMaiden [A] 2 years ago

- Wonho (Head Admin)
ashflower 2 years ago
seonghwa and jongup are leaving. thank you for having me.
L4naM0ch1 2 years ago
Can I reserve Jungkook as a hybrid?
cherryeolie 2 years ago
I would like to re-reserve Chanyeol please ^^
ThePorcelainHeart 2 years ago
Sanha is leaving, thank you for having me
ThePorcelainHeart 2 years ago
I don't think kookie was a good idea, ty for those that tried

I will stay as sanha
skypuppy 2 years ago
may i request Seo Changbin please?
[comment deleted by owner]
-lait- 2 years ago
so is this open?
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