seonghwa's apartment

β lee felix 2 years ago
@ω park seonghwa @α gu hyunho /it had taken a bit for me to check my phone, just now getting into the company van from a solo photoshoot from magazine i just had. I let out a small sigh, lifting my up from the seat slightly to take out my phone from my back pocket/
/looks at my phone messages, eyes widening a bit. , right, my boyfriend was definitely on their heat and the thought totally slipped my mind/
/it had taken a bit of time but i ended up convincing my driver to take me to Seonghwa's place, thankfully wasn't a hard task as they knew well who i was with/
/gets out of the car with a small wave, fixing the strap of my bag on my shoulders before heading into the building on the way to Seonghwa's door/
/stands in front of the door, pressing in the code as i slip my phone into my bag before opening the door. A strong wind of a mixture of scents hit my nose immediately once i had taken a single step in, nearly throwing off my footing from shock. Ah, things already had gotten started? And here i was. Dressed all nice and pretty with freshly done hair and plenty of makeup as i had no time to truly freshen up after my schedule. It was a bit embarrassing least majority of my make up were water proof?/
/takes off my heavy boots and places my bag on the wall near the door, making sure my corner of stuff were neat. Ear twitches a bit, hearing the noises of his lovers not too far away from me. I couldn't help but to smirk, making my way towards the door of the bedroom. It's been awhile since i had delved into such activities. Opening the door, another strong wind of scent hit me, nearly making my head spin. Lucky me i couldn't get triggered by scents or i definitely would of been in trouble/
/without a word, i walk in, closing the door behind me as i lean against it, folding my arms across my chest. Watching the both of you in this intense moment with a smile/
α gu hyunho 2 years ago
@ω park seonghwa *hips snap up against your mercilessly, eyes catching sight of your fluffy tail moving. Slides a hand down to caress your tail before giving it a little tug then squeezes the base of it as my rams against your sweet spot repeatedly, the smell of your slick and my own scent mixing has my mind clouded with lust and desire to fill you*
Baby you can have it all~
*growls out huskily, already leaking precum inside you, s getting a bit more messy but my pace never lets up. Gives no warning as I push up deep inside you when I , letting you feel my seed filling you up so deeply. Pulls out only to reposition us, laying you on your back in your little nest, immediately sliding myself right back in to your abused and leaking hole*
You feel so ing good baby...
*wraps your legs around my waist as I begin ing again, leaning down to capture your lips in a heated and hungry kiss*
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
@α gu hyunho -the pleasure literally has my body squirming against yours, nails digging into your muscle up until your large arms surround my form. i slide down against you, sweaty and flushed rose, a deeper groan emerging along the moans at the newer angle.
Aah-hhn~ A-alpha
-shudders against you, arms trapped by your own more toned ones leaving me to tremble and writhe as your pace relentlessly pounds inside of my body. my tail twitches, lifting up to not get in the way.
.. mm more, wanna take it all..
-babbles slight nonsense, a choked sob escaping in between the moans and shaky breaths.
α gu hyunho 2 years ago
@ω park seonghwa *eyes glaze over with lust as I watch you greedily bounce on my , squeezing your hips and helping to raise you all the way to the tip with each desperate bounce. The scratches you leave on my chest only add to the pleasure*
Nng hwa~
My omega turns into such a beautiful in heat~
*loves the sight of you drooling as you're filled with my , making no effort to wipe it away. Lays back comfortably, pulling you to lay against my chest, hugging you against me to keep you steady as I start ing into you hard and fast, nuzzles my face against your jaw, deeply inhaling your sweet scent*
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
@α gu hyunho -your growl, even when so soft has my body fully responding, a fresh gush of slick squeezing around the toy. as you strip down i busy myself in rocking myself against the , unable to stop myself in this sort of state.
Aa— no, wanna be.. need to be full-
-whimpers as you pick my body up with such ease, the toy sliding out as i settle into your lap and then onto your , a lewd squelch of slick detailing the motion. my mouth goes slack, drool wetting the edge of my lips as your was so much better than any toy, the cloudiness in my brain only growing as i begin to bounce against you, lifting as much as i can before sinking back down with a hot moan-
-my hands flutter in the air before landing on your abdomen, nails scratching as i greedily take what i want from you, drool trailing out of my mouth.
α gu hyunho 2 years ago
@ω park seonghwa *the smell of your slick and you tugging at my clothes makes me growl out lowly in excitement, shedding the fabric quickly. the way you move so eagerly on the is truly a sight to behold even if I would prefer it was my you were riding*
Anything for you my love~
* my a few times before taking the spot beside you, reaching to pull you off the and onto my lap instead. Guides your hips so you easily sink down on my , groaning deeply at how amazing you feel surrounding me*
Keep going baby boy.
Lemme see how needy you are~
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
@α gu hyunho -ruts down against the toy desperately, quiet noises of whimpers and moans slipping from my lips here and there, oblivious to anything going on outside of the room until the door swings open. lifts my head with a warning sound prepped on my lips in natural reaction to being nested and having someone enter, only to soften as my eyes land on your figure-
-lifts my head into your touch, hips continuing to move against the deep inside of my body with a urgency that was only capable due to the heat. slick spills out around the object, sliding down my thighs and wetting the sheets; my sweat sheened skin glistens as i press closer to you-
me— Want Alpha..
-my hands twitch as i reach out to touch you, tugging at your clothes impatiently.
α gu hyunho 2 years ago
@ω park seonghwa *was on my way to the gym, bag slung over my shoulder when I hear my phone go off. Pulls it out to see your message, brow raising*
*doesnt hesitate to switch directions, heading to your place instead. Once arrived, I put in your door password and come inside, setting my bag by the front door*
*heads towards your bedroom, following the fresh scent of strawberries. Opens the door, eyes going wide for a brief moment as I take in the sight of you before me. So lewd but gorgeous. I love it*
You sure you need help~?
*teases playfully, coming over to your little nest on the floor, hand combing through your soft locks*
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
@β lee felix @α gu hyunho -groans in his sheets, having woken up profusely sweating and already soiling his sheets and pajamas with his slick, a hazy heat beginning to settle over his brain as he reaches out to pull the covers off his body. trying to focus on his task at hand- seonghwa shakily reaches for his cellphone, just barely managing to send both of his boyfriends a text before shoving the blankets fully off his bed and beginning to create a nest on the floor. he works feverishly, his ears flicked down against his head as he was focused on crafting the best nest he could out of all the blankets, pillows, and towels in the house he could get ahold of. biting down on his hand he ruts against a pillow with a choked whimper, cursing himself for washing his boyfriends clothes that had been left at his house from their past visits. finally finished with the nest, seonghwa moves like a zombie, stripping down and unloading some of his favorite toys, depositing them one by one in the sheets and falling into the nest finally after he was satisfied. a high whine keens from his lips as he slumps onto his front, the heat clouding his thought processing and bringing him to place one of his ’s on the floor, sinking onto it without hesitation.
‘heat please come help. door password 1771’
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
@β lee felix -maybe the cat wouldn't be able to find me, and i would make it to the bedroom where i had initially wanted to hide in the first place? after all, i am scentless and could be very silent when push comes to shove.. all i need is some bravery and i will do it.
-in the process of hyping myself up for the plan, i failed to tap into the clear warning alarms ringing in the back of my head, hearing too obstructed by the literal pounding of my heart.
-there wouldn't have been much to go off of in the first place as you seemed to have hunting perfected, but had i been paying enough attention i would have noticed the small creak of the floor in the living room, the same creak i have wanted to fix for months.
-a fresh round of shaking begins in my bones, almost as if my body could sense what was coming despite my own self being fully unaware.
-your voice is the first moment of realization, my figure freezing dead still, terrified to even look in the direction of the voice; turns out, i wouldn't need to. your clawed hand wraps around long silken hair, and with a high yelp i go tumbling out from under the table.
no--no no, please.. i don't even taste good!
-my eyes were shock wide, their doe-like features blown out, pupils dilated to where only a slight ring of chocolate shows through, locked into place even with the few throbs of pain lashing through my mind now and then from the pull you have on my hair.
-like a deer in the headlights, poor and innocent and incapable of fighting for myself i stare into what currently seemed like my demise, flinching as you move me around like a ragdoll and being forced to stare up at you.
i-i.. you are going to eat me.
-all rational sense has currently fled from my cute little prey mind, replaced by the cold hard will to live.. and maybe that is why i move to do what most definitely was a stupid idea.
-writhing underneath you, contrary to the definite leak of slick through my pants, i swing my weight around wildly, using the fact i was /slightly/ bigger to my advantage. to my brief chagrin i manage to free my hand and use it to push away your head, sliding like a worm out from under you-- but not without dumping your body off to the side.
-my tail comes into play, the tuft free as i crawl onto my feet in a millisecond and skid to stand behind the couch, staring at you with a quick rise and fall of my chest. i may be prey.. but this wouldn't mean it would be easy. a glint of my true self shines through, as if to show you that i was okay with things escalating.
if.. if i am already in trouble then it-
β lee felix 2 years ago
@ω park seonghwa /as soon as the deer flees from my sight, i brought my hands up to my head to tie my hair back; turning around to avoid watching where tbe deer went. No obstruction of vision. I then move to the opposite end of the apartment, settling down on the hardwood floors as i prop my back up against the cold wall./
/starting from 10, a count down went off in my head. As the timer nears 1, my features sprout from my body. Ears pinned back, tail gently brushing against the flooring in anticipation, and my fangs and nails were significantly more present than before/
/a slow, deep exhale releases from my nose, standing up just when my mental timer had ran out. I didn't stand up fully, back slightly bending forward as i was now in hunt mode./
/though i knew you were scentless, i take in the scent around me. I could smell myself and-- oh?/
/a scoff, the sudden scent of sickly sweet honey filling my nose. Someones heat must of hit them. And at such a lovely time/
/i went off, moving against the ground so lightly and swift that you could practically hear nothing. Your scent was everywhere, but i could point out where it were the weakest and strongest. And the strongest scent was coming from the kitchen./
/the urge to taunt was strong, to let you get another chance but..what would really be the fun in that?/
/a smirk rose on my lips as i step into the kitchen. The burst of your heat scent filled my nose strongly, impossible for me to hold back anymore than i already were. My eyes scanned the area, seeing everything almost as clear as day; just until my eyes had spotted a big table within the kitchen. There?/
/moving forward, I'd taken my time. I could feel your fear and anticipation as time passed, and it'd only gotten stronger/
/i decided to stand there for a moment. I was only able to do this without you noticing as i could hide my scent and trail/
/i suddenly spoke/ I thought about giving you another chance...
/i didn't even really bother to crouch down to your level fully , only enough where i could reach out and grab you; getting a fist full of your hair surprisingly enough; tugging on it as i yank you from under the table/
/i watch you slide from under the table, facing up at me as i stared down at your fear stricken features. So afraid, it only heightened my arousal/ this was so desperately unfair but... i can't wait any longer..
/i smile down at you, hand still latched onto your hair as my grip tightens/
you smell so sweet.. i just need to have you right now..
/lifting your head up, i push you onto your hands and feet, walking up close so i could use my foot to push you onto your back once again; placing my feet on either side of you so i could sit and place my weight on you, grabbing and pinning your wrist at the same time/
Look at you.. poor little deer looks all scared.. /my eyes scan your body/
Trembling... and why so?
/i ask, nearing your face as my tongue at the slightly swollen flesh of your lips. A low moan comes from me at the taste of your blood, ling on the flesh a bit more/
Fear only gets you in more trouble, dear Hwa~
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
@β lee felix -my fingers had only ghosted over the handle to
my bedroom when a shadowy presence appears to my side, pupils dilating, a quietly choked shriek leaves my lips once you snatch me off to the side-
-despite being built taller, and a bit bigger than you, your aura made you seem a million times larger; i had no choice but to tremble in your grasp as you lean in closer-
-the growl causes my knees to tremor, hanging onto your every last word with an almost desperate amount of obedience-
-the very second you say i am free to run i peel off again, fingers moving to shut all the lights off as i move throughout my apartment, slamming shut the blinds and closing my blackout curtains-
-once the space was drowned out in what was pretty much pitch blackness, i get low to the ground and start to move slowly toward my destination; honestly it was near impossible to hear over my heart, and unfortunately for me, this experience was the last straw holding back a premature heat cycle-
-scentless or not, pheromones couldn’t lie, and currently as i crawled into the kitchen, i was positively oozing them- mixed in with the sharp scent of fear and the unmistakable cloying smell of slick-
-trembling, i manage to slip my way under the kitchen table, sitting pin still and listening out for you; terrified that i couldn’t hear anything abnormal-
β lee felix 2 years ago
@ω park seonghwa /i let out a husked out chuckle, running a hand through my hair. my scent came out from me in waves; masking the almost the entire apartment with it/
/i could see that you were just about to open your door already. You were fast, i liked that, but nothing i couldn't handle/
/i took a simple step forward, darting out as i caught up to you in no time; barely even letting you take another step/
/grabs at your arm, yanking you back to push you onto the wall behind me. In the same motion, takes both of your hands and pins them on the wall near your sides/
Let's play a little game, hm?
/growls out, face hovering over yours as i stare at you with a dark smile/
Since we can't go outside right now... why not compensate for inside ?
/slowly raises your hands over your head, another heavy growl following my words as i lower my tone/
you go hide n' turn off the lights as you go and.. I'll find you. And wherever I find you, I'll you. How does that sound, hm? /i smile, trying to feign innocence but it only heightened my sinister demeanor/
When i say go..kay? /the grip on your wrist loosens/
/i narrow my eyes a bit, almost scowling/
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
@β lee felix -at first your reaction seems normal, a tick of silence spreading throughout the entryway before that growl has the hairs all over his body raising-
-something inside myself seems to take over at the same time as yours, eyes wide and mind sending massive warning signs as i am cornered against the wall-
Y-you miss what feeling?
-my breath skips in the back of my throat, heart rate picking up the closer your mouth gets to my throat; your tongue brings out a soft whimper, my legs trembling naturally as both your beta heat scent and your predator aura drowns mine out-
-the tips of your fangs scratch at the underside of my jaw, and for a split second i really debate on if i was going to faint-
-your nail slices against my lip, shock consuming my features as you stare at me like.. well as though i were your meal; funny enough it seemed to be the last reason i needed to move-
I.. I-
-soft furry ears appear atop my head, and with the grace of a deer I slide out beneath your touch to dart for my bedroom door; my heart crashes against my rib cage, fully thinking of your animal side and no longer at all your cute, human self.
β lee felix 2 years ago
@ω park seonghwa /body tenses up, closing my eyes at the sensation of your fingers tugging my hair. Your voice struck slow chills down my spine, so husky yet so gentle of a tone/
/my mind fuzzed out for a moment, a low growl rumbling down my throat as my eyes stare down at you. I could feel my pupils dilate/
It's been...such a long time since I've gotten the urge to *hunt*
/the grip on your hips tightened. In that moment, i walk forward, pushing down on your hips so i could maneuver with me; soon having your back pressed against a near by wall. Dips my head down, nose buried in the crease of your neck/
I miss that feeling... /you could hear my tone harden as i spoke, voice rumbling in my chest/
/my nose grazes your neck, tongue pressing against the soft skin as it made it's way up to the edge of your jaw/
I miss the taste of blood on my tongue... how it always smelled like warm honey and tasted just as sweet...
/my lips move against the skin as i speak, the tips of my fangs grazing/
And I really don't know if i can help myself this time around..Hwa..
/i raise my left hand from your waist, now caressing the side of your face; lifting up my head/
/my thumb then gently swipes your bottom lip, placing a good amount of pressure on the flesh near the end where my sharp nail had made a cut/
/my now emerald eyes stare down at the blood that trickles from your lip, down to your chin. The sight was mouthwatering/
Will you let me get my fill, dear Seonghwa?
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
@β lee felix -the change in the mood was very apparent as you use the grip on my hands to pull our figures closer, my brain deciding that now was the time to key in on your sweet heat scent-
You know.. earlier when I mentioned being a prey animal, you stopped it before I could continue.
-my doe eyed stare abandons it’s usual glimmer for a more intimate expression; tone taking its own spin and becoming deeper, a soft whisper as i lean in to speak-
-my head dips past yours, voice low as i murmur my next few sentences in a calm manner, the tips of my fingers tugging at the hair on the back of your head-
The idea of you two being predators.. do you know what that does to me Lix? I know you two want to be slow with me, and as far as the romance goes I understand that entirely.. but you won’t be able to scare me off ually. Not even if you both hunted me down, and took turns eating your fill.
-a soft brushing of my lips against the base of your ear as i finish, inhaling your scent with little hesitation-
β lee felix 2 years ago
@ω park seonghwa /i didnt expect for myself to get so caught up in your words. The subject at hand made my mind reel through many things, and a lot of it did not slow my arousal from my heat. It was difficult, to say the least. Not to think about these things or feel such a way when it were a simple talk but... i could not stop it/
And i like that. There's always something about slow, deep and gentle that always gets to me.
/chuckles softly, bringing my hand up a bit to cover my mouth/
/lowering my hand, i reach out to you; grasping both of your hands in a gentle yet firm hold/
/tugs you close to my body, guiding your arms and hands for you to wrap them behind my neck as my own hands found their spot on your hips/ and... don't be so scared to show something like that to us Hwa...
/i lean a bit closer to your face, lowering my voice to something a bit more sultry/
Its only natural for animals like us to like that...
To be controlled, to be treated with no mercy as long as the pleasure numbed our minds-- /my lips slow to a low smile, hands gradually roaming on your lower back/
it's arousing..
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
@β lee felix Ooh.. I see, that actually fits you quite a bit Lix. From your personality down to the clothes you wear.
-locks the door and also steps out of my shoes, placing them beside yours for now.
Ah.. well usually outside of heat I like gentle ? I’m a pretty calm guy for the most part, but what I find extremely embarrassing during my heat- I literally become a different person Lixie. -rubs the back of my head- I like it rough, to sum it up. Tears are a common sight in my bedroom during heat? Maybe that’s why I’m a bit nervous for you guys to see. A deer with a penchant for being used up.
-chuckles semi-awkwardly, hands moving to show just how much i meant by the words-
Thank you! I tried to make it cozy for a single apartment.
β lee felix 2 years ago
@ω park seonghwa /i hum softly at the question, genuinely thinking as honestly i just did whatever felt good/
Hmm... it depends on if I'm in the mood to something or want to be ed. And from there /i shrug/ i just.. go with whatever mood I'm in
/as i spoke, i couldn't help but to stare at you. From your slender, long fingers, your damn near perfect jawline to your beautiful features. I was honestly lost for a moment, thankfully coming to once i notice your gesture/
/takes off my shoes once i enter the threshold, placing them neatly near the door/
What about you? Anything you like to do to yourself or.. *be* done to yourself during your heat? /gives you a little glance as i walk forward, then moving my head to look around a bit/
I really love your place, Hwa. It's so cute
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
@β lee felix -leads you to my door, humming softly under my breath as i search for the key-
so lixie, what kind of things do you like when you are in heat?
-fishes out the key and glances over at you, unlocking the door and gesturing for you to enter first-
-casts a glance around before following you inside-
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
i roll over, dropping my phone next to the side of my pillow and letting out a quiet sob. sometimes crying was the best way to let it all out, especially when my way of handling emotions like these are to bottle it up and wait until i’m alone to release them. the last thing i want to be is a burden to those around myself so.. this as the only way. my eyes screw shut, fat tears slipping down my cheeks and wetting the surface of my pillowcase.
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
as i scan the room for anything out of place, the clear lack of mess became increasingly obvious. looking around for one last time i store away my lint roller and pull aside the sheets, crawling into bed. my lips purse as i busy myself with my phone screen, but nevertheless the bright screen begins to waver as tears cloud my vision. in a shaky breath, i pull the covers over my head.
don’t be a baby seonghwa.
ω park seonghwa 2 years ago
blows my bangs out of my eyes, sitting back on my heels from where i was lint rolling the rug in my bedroom, scanning the fabric for any more defects. satisfied with my cleaning job, i stand up and throw away the used sheet. a cool breeze blows through the opened window in my room, rustling the stray hairs on top of my head and sending a fresh fall scent through the room. i had fallen back on cleaning, not exactly feeling the best mindset wise the past few days. nothing served as a means for distraction like cleaning.


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KouYaten [A] 3 months ago
I miss this place :3
DiabloEaterMfkr [A] 1 year ago
Hey loves

It was fun while it lasted but I think I’m officially out of here
It’s been real
/heart hands/
See u around!
Leeteuk 1 year ago
Hi~ is this place still open?
-topline- 2 years ago
Jisung and Soonyoung has left.
Thanks for everything. Love you guys ♡
lovestay 2 years ago
Can I possibly have Minho back? I miss my tiny monkey
Silvershipper 2 years ago
Can i have an omega na jaemin reserved?
ApplePieCrumble 2 years ago
Imma drop junhee
sayonarababy- 2 years ago
This place is awesome~ give it a chance. A lot of good memories are made here^^
BlackRose21 2 years ago
Dropping Baekhyun.
It was fun while I was here
--latarantella 2 years ago
Dropping Taec. Thanks!
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