✞ Mansion

warning: This is a part of  Vampires territory!!

Himchan [V] 10 years ago
@Yuri [V] Himchan took Yuri's hand which was massaging his clothed crotch. "Don't do anything unless I tell you to." He warned her and placed her arm on his shoulder.
Yuri 10 years ago
@Himchan [V] Yuri smirked and Himchan's earlobe, purring softly into it. "Ya bet cha~" she moaned loudly, her hand sliding down Hanchan's chest down and cupped his crotch, massaging it gently.
Himchan [V] 10 years ago
@Yuri [V] The male vampire raised an eyebrow at the other's straightforwardness. He shrugged after a little while and pulled her close by the waist. "You asked for it, Yul." He whispered back before spanking her a couple of times.
Donghae [V] 10 years ago
Donghae entered the mansion and looked around. He smells some fresh blood on the place which caused him to go in.
Yuri 10 years ago
@Himchan [V] Yuri let out a soft chuckle "Okay, punish me than~" she whisper seductively. She bet this would be a rough one.
Himchan [V] 10 years ago
@Yuri [V] Himchan saw the girl turning around and walk away. But before she could walk away from him, he grabbed her by the wrist and swung her towards him. "You're not going anywhere miss." He stated in a whispering manner. "There should be a punishment, since you're late after all" He continued, his breath lingering on her neck.
Yuri 10 years ago
@Himchan [V] Yuri raise a brow. Was this guy serious? Or maybe if he was just teasing, she can play this game. "Well if you don't like it if I'm late, i shouldn't have come at all~" she cooed and turn her heels, walking away so casually with no care.
Himchan [V] 10 years ago
@Yuri [V] Himchan looked at his watch once again and looked up when he felt the taps on his shoulder. He smirked as he saw the said person. "You're late missy" He raised an eyebrow and tapped his watch, showing what time it was.
Yuri 10 years ago
@Himchan [V] Yuri casually stroll to the mansion. Even though she was late, she didn't rush, she took her time and admire the mansion as it came in view. Passing the gate she spotted Himchan and walked up, tapping his shoulder "So this is it?" she ask as she look around.
Himchan [V] 10 years ago
The new-comer vampire walked past the gates and into the huge area of the mansion he was led to. He stopped walking and waited for someone who he had been told to hang out with. It was a pretty random request, but the deal they made was quite an interesting thing. The fellow vampire had said that she would give him some and time that night. So Himchan agreed. He walked towards a wall and leaned his back against it checking the clock from time to time.
Sehun 10 years ago
Hello *smiles* I'm new here
Mir [A] 10 years ago
*flies over the mansion*

wuah.. that looks scary..

*lands on the road*
Jinwoon [V] 10 years ago
@Lee Joon [V] Really hyung? You must feel kind of lonely.
Tell you what, contact me whenever you need someone,
for anything. You seem like a good guy, and we could
help each other when the time comes
/nods and cleans his mouth with the back of his hand/
Lee Joon 10 years ago
@Jinwoon [V] -lightly smiles-
ahh.. i've been travelling alone, sadly
-nods slowly and leans back, any leftover blood off my lips=
Jinwoon [V] 10 years ago
@Lee Joon [V] /smiles/
Hyung it is!
Are you travelling alone, or got a family
or pack with you?
Lee Joon 10 years ago
@Jinwoon [V] Hmmm....
Originally, i am from Seoul.
But I've been everywhere. I mostly stayed in London before this.
Just call me hyung.
Jinwoon [V] 10 years ago
@Lee Joon [V] You from around the area?
And wow, I believe I should call you hyung,
I've looked 22 for 100 years.
* his lips*
Lee Joon 10 years ago
@Jinwoon [V] Pleasure to meet you too.
-nods and my lips again-
Well, I am still learning to control how I feed.. I can't have human blood whatsoever. That would be a nightmare...
What else do you want to know?
umm.. I've been 25 for 123 years.
I can't really think of anything else.
-nods and continues to drink-
Jinwoon [V] 10 years ago
@Lee Joon [V] Jinwoon, pleasure to meet you
/drinks some more/
I'm new around the area, had to really
move around, so it's always nice meeting
someone like me.
Tell me about yourself.
Lee Joon 10 years ago
@Jinwoon [V] -lightly chuckles-
Well, I've been at it for plenty of years.
-looks up and my lips-
Chansung. And you are?
-looks at you as i start feeding again-
Jinwoon [V] 10 years ago
@Lee Joon [V] Don't mind if I do!
/steps closer and grabs a spot/
Nice catch! I must know the name
of such talented hunter.
Lee Joon 10 years ago
@Jinwoon [V] -pauses and looks up, turning my head with blood falling from my mouth-
I'm just thirsty.
-lightly smirks and continues to feed off of it-
Do you want some?
-mumbles against the skin-
Jinwoon [V] 10 years ago
@Lee Joon [V] "Damn it, I was about to have a snack"
/Approaches from behind the man eating/
However looks lie you could use it more than me
You alright?
Lee Joon 10 years ago
I'm so thirst-
-freezes and quickly turns invisible, soon attacking an animal before pulling it inside-
-sits down and becomes visible, starting to feed off of it-
Taemin [V/H] 11 years ago
{ /takes room ity }


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DevourMe 10 years ago
Jun Ya is finally leaving....
KungfuPanda_ABStyle 10 years ago
himchan's leaving. wasn't on that much though i had a fun time here
Blujj621 10 years ago
TOP is leaving. Not very active.
-effervescent 10 years ago
Yoona will be on semi-hiatus. The date of return is unknown as of now, but I'll try my best to remain active. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience.
oracle 10 years ago
Hey Key is leaving..
DevourMe 10 years ago
Hey~ It's JunYa. My account was hacked during the weekend....T^T I was wondering if I could have him back?
bloupx100 10 years ago
Yongguk and Jay Park are leaving due to little rp'ing on here. I had a great time and would like to apologise to Nickhun and Gikwang, sorry guise </3
Pinkpandababa 10 years ago
So sorry but due to personal reasons. Tao will be leaving. Thank you so much for having me here!
silverlining 10 years ago
Sandeul is leaving. So sorry ;-;
Dizzy225 10 years ago
Leaving roleplay
By peeps
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