# ⁞ kwon family

kwon family
The kWon Family doesn't allow anyone that isn't elite rank or head of the family to enter this room. some can be invited but that's an even rarer case. If you aren't apart of the inner core of the family, don't expect to enter without the possibility of you not leaving or walking out in one piece.
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✩ Taeyeonᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Ning³ taeyeon keep on running away from the Kwon men before she sees another way out, the vents. the elite kim barricaded her way by pushing a debris against the others and starts going to the maintenance room, she starts looking for a screwdriver and locks the door by pulling down a shelf on it. when she found one, she starts unscrewing the vents and starts to push herself through it, the vent is big for her petite figure and she starts crawling her way out of the building.
♔ Ning³ 1 year ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ Ning hadn't expected that the professor would still have something on her, since she was supposed to be stripped of all possessions when she was taken, which was extremally suspicious. When the gas bomb exploded into the air, Ning held her breathe and ran after her captee, but the elite was already flying down the hall, and the gas had seeped into her nose some and in her eyes. The younger began coughing and hacking as she jogged after her. "Paralyze the subject!" she tried to get her team to go (though they already should have been).
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Ning³ she looked at younger woman in front of her, as if time stops slowly, taeyeon starts to remember everything they have been together as sisters. how she treats ning with foods whenever she gets high score and whenever their birthday comes, they gave gifts to each other. but now, she knew how her sister has been manipulated to join to the kwons, the clan she despised deeply. she clenched the sharp object she's holding as she looked at her student, "not today, ning." she whispered before she throws the knife towards the red button, hitting it would undo the door behind her. before getting her pocket tear gas from her sleeves then throws it towards the younger girl, exploding a paralyzing solution on her before taeyeon starts running off from the room, escaping her way out of the establishment while trying to run as fast as she could despite getting stabbed on her thigh.
♔ Ning³ 1 year ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ Ning unwrapped herself from the chains, attempting to catch her breathe as she held her butterfly knife up in defense, only to me knocked down by her feet, the back of her head hitting the surgical table and the tools on the ground. The younger growled and rolled off her back into a standing position, spotting the vengful Kim backing up. "Fourteen!" Ning called the locking code of the night, allowing all exits to be sealed, leaving just her and her professor in a room together. Till the best warrior won. "Come on Kimmy~" Ning cooed, grabbing up some sharp objects from the floor as she kept level footing.
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Ning³ taeyeon groans when she felt a sharp object on her before she let go of her, the pain was unbearable before she got stabbed on her thigh. "ah--" then one on her hand. she groans once again, but she didn't stop. she must escape here, no matter what it takes. when she's on the ground, she grabbed her foot and dragged her down on the ground, making the surgical table go down as well before seeing a key falling as well. she quickly swiped the key and gets unlocks the chain from her feet. then she gets the scalpel knife as her weapon as she starts to make a distance from her.
♔ Ning³ 1 year ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ Ning tilted her head slowly to the side as the other started getting bold again. She her heels and walked back over to the drawing table, preparing another syringe for the prisoner. The other began to speak and try to connect to her, which made Ning visibly roll her eyes. The speech was old and reused, there was no authenticity, but the fact that her teacher tried to read her... despicable. There was a second too long of silence that made the red head's hair stand on end, before she felt something heavy hitting her collarbone then . Ning gasped shortly, reaching her hand into her pocket and getting out her butterfly knife. She opened in and threw it back to hit right above her professors major artery, pulling it out and feeling the blood flow fast. "Shhhh," Ning said with a grin before stabbing her teacher's thigh and on of the hands on the chains.
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Ning³ "im not giving you any more answers..." she glared at her, she's not going to give her the satisfaction of her questions. she had to find it herself, "loyalty is what driven you to this but to tell you the truth, they were just making you a pawn of them. when you're not able to comply their orders they'll just throw you away like a spoiled leftover." then the chains from her hands slipped out as she managed to wiggle every muscles from her arms. she then headbutts the girl before gets the chains then quickly wrapped it around ning's neck, strangling her with it while her feet is still bound in the chair. "i just have the place i wanted to be, closer with them." taeyeon whispers while still strangling the girl.
♔ Ning³ 1 year ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ Ning smirked and crossed her arms, antidote still in one hand. “How many years ago was this?” The Know’s for certain knew of the assassination, but the more information the better for Ning as they would devise a hostage exchange. Or kill the elite before she got home. Preferably not the latter, so she would have to come up with something good as to continue her education and not be deducted points in her family’s eyes. She wanted her degree, even with the risks. She eyed her hostage, trying to see if she could sneak more antidote in or if she would have to settle for nothing more for the cameras.
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ taeyeon looked at the antidote coming up, she sighs as she has given up with her feisty and formidability in front of her own student. "i don't remember... because they wore mask." then looks at the badge that ning wore, "but the badge, i could remember it embedded in a car..."
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ Ning watched the poor woman struggle in the chains, and groaning as the hard stuff kicked in. She leaned back as the other thrashed, waiting patiently for the question to be answered.
“Oh? A full blood Kim?” Ning was surprised, and yet not. The reason the other’s identity was hidden so well was understandably due to how high up she was in the Kim’s ranks- possibly next in line to be an heir… ‘fantastic’ Ning was stupid enough to not catch a soon to be heir?! “Ahhh, I see. Do you know specifically who killed your family of the Know’s?” Ning got the antidote cued up, checking it was running before injecting just the slightest bit into Taeyeon for relief. “Honesty , miss Kim~”
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ she gasped when another syringe was injected in her neck, she must not resist to tell her. but this time the hallucinations were stronger. she starts to hear her surroundings changed and opens her eyes to see her little version with her parents, she was happy once, living a normal life. but then... a car stopped in front of them, a man pointed their guns on them. her father protected little taeyeon as they shot them before leaving. she could see the emblem of Kwons in the car as it drove away and that's where she took the path of revenge. then she told her the truth once she overcomes the hallucination that easily, she glared at ning and told her about her.

"my name is kim taeyeon, from the bloodline of kim, you kwons murdered my family in front of me." she said without yielding, nor any ounce of fear, those who knows the truth about her is already her enemy.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ Upon the resistance, Ning stuck the next needle right into Taeyeon neck, not hesitating to push the thing in and get more serum into her system, drive her toward insanity. “Miss Kim~” she spoke in a sing songy voice as she circled the chained woman slowly. “The truth will set you free. I promise to ease your pain once the truth is spoken.” She reassured, getting right up to the professors ear. “Who are you and why are you after the Know’s?”
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ she keeps closing her eyes to avoid seeing hallucinations, taeyeon keeps struggling on those chains around her. "you won't like the truth... i will never tell you." she muttered.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ Ning could tell what the other was speaking was automated- from the way her body jolted, the rehearsal of words, the monotone of it all. She was fighting, but Ning was too close and observer to miss the lie, even though she didn’t know the whole truth. “Miss Kim, that’s not the truth.” Ning repeated, picking up another syringe threateningly. “Let’s try again. Who are you, and why are the Know family your target?”
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ when she was injected with a serum, she groans a bit and she kept glaring at her. the other told her to tell her everything she knows, taeyeon doesn't want to but then the hallucinations kicked in. she sees ning as her mother and then she saw her father with her, telling her to speak. but she refused and shakes her head. not letting herself be succumbed through the hallucinations but instead spoke the lie she lived through all of her life, "i... was once orphan, adopted a family of assassins..." she muttered and closed her eyes to not see the faces of her mother and father.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ The teacher was stubborn, which only saddened Ning further. She didn’t want to hurt someone she knew. Miss Kim was a great teacher, very kind along with being intelligent… Ning rubbed her lips together, as she could see clearly the other would resist. The younger didn’t have options though, Miss Kim had to talk.

“Please, make this more fun,” her words said one thing, but her expression spoke another, as she took one of her professor’s arm, bringing it to the needle and injecting the entire serum. She then released and went back to her board of toys, picking up a icision tool to keep the other as minimally focused as possible to her questions. “Let’s play a game. You give me an honest answer, I give you some helpful juice. If not, I give you more of the hard stuff.” Ning explained as she strolled back to her opponent, waiting for the hallucinations and pain to kick in.
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ when her masked being ripped off, she already knew what will be her primary reaction. taeyeon glared at the other and didn't speak, she will never speak of her allegiance. not even, her own parents who can make her talk, but they're dead now. all she wanted is revenge and that's all that she ever wanted. she could see the drug that ning is holding, she wanted to make her talk. she tried to struggle away from the chains.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ With the mask being ripped off the other’s face, Ning’s eyes flashed with the sudden shock of seeing her university teacher. Miss Kim. ‘What?’ Her facial muscles barely moved, but the wave of fear hit her chest and pooled into her raven orbs. ‘Why…’ “Leave us,” the interrogator gestured for the others to go, smirking as the fun was about to begin. But it was pure show. Inside there was so much anxiety. Did Miss Kim know Ning was apart of the Kwon’s? “You…” ‘No, she didn’t’ but that meant Miss Kim was apart of another gang. And that wasn’t good that Ning didn’t have that information before hand. She background checked every single teacher at the University. Most were harmless, and those visibly in different gangs were easy to be concealed from knowing Ning’s identity. So that meant…

“Your last name suits your allegiance. Was that purposeful or just ironic?” Ning casually strolled over to her table of tools, looking over what she was gonna have to use first. Maybe a screw? Drugs might be the way to go on this one (multiple syringes at the ready). Ning picked one up for schizophrenic hallucinations, gently tapping the top of the needle as she made sure the liquid was coming through correctly.
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ the kwon guards took the unconscious assassin to their lair and tied her up, taeyeon had been unconscious in a few hours until she opens her eyes slowly, waking up in a pain in her arms as it tied up above her head. she groans a bit and looking up to see her own student in front of her, before she could utter her name, she remembered before that she had interfered in her plans and that makes her blood boil. "you..." she mutters and tries to break free from her chains.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ Ning pressed hard, able to keep a strong hold while the petite assassin slowly succumbed to the pressure of no blood reaching her head, slumping down toward the floor as the silencer dropped to the ground. Ning held the pressure point a couple moments longer, just to ensure the was really down for good, before letting the body dropped. "86 secured." she let her team know, now paying attention to the different commands to see if any other assassins had been spotted in the area. "Keep sharp on the fly. Over." she reminded everyone, before pulling the other's body up, throwing her over her shoulders in a fireman carry, and headed back down stairs with a new prisoner in tow. 'This'll be fun' she thought, even as her hamstrings burned from the flight of stairs she now had to descend from.
"Tie them up," two men through the assassin into a metal chain, making sure to chain her into place. Ning crossed her arms, waiting patiently as all her tools were set on a little surgical table. She hadn't un-masked the other because she wanted it to be a surprise. This was the only assassin they had taken in, and it could make for a interesting story as to which gang wanted to take out the Kwon family, and what steps they needed to take next in order to respond to such despicable secrecy.
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ when she was about to pull the trigger, she underestimated her own student to be this fast and evasive. taeyeon groans when she triumphantly pinned her down the ground, "." she whispered as she was disarmed and tries to break herself free from her grasp, when she felt the sharp pressure on her neck, the assassin starts to slowly weaken. she glared at the other with great hatred, not towards her but the fact that she didn't come up another failsafe plan. she stared at her through her mask before she starts passing out, releasing the gun from her hand and didn't struggle anymore.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ The mask wouldn’t be too much of an issue for long, as Ning would prepare a great service for whatever hell hound seriously believe they could defeat the Kwon family.

Spotting the other tapping something in her glove, Ning heard the beeping and let go of her head lock. On most other circumstances she would’ve used the rat as a shield while the bullets flew, keeping the head lock in place, but she needed this alive, and couldn’t guarantee if the masked figure was wearing a vest since she hadn’t done a pat down.

Ning grunted as she rolled quickly away from the gunfire, aware that it would catch attention but believing in her team to not panic and start coming up toward them until she commanded. Ning was fast to roll right up onto her feet, but the masked one was on her, kicking her stomach so she slammed into a concrete wall behind her, and then aimed a pistol toward her chest. The female tilted her head slightly to the side as the stranger taunted her. “Hmm.” Ning moved hard and fast, grabbing the assassin’s wrist that held the gun, coming from down below as she knocked the arm up, a bullet releasing itself into the ceiling before Ning:’s leg swerved around, knocking the other’s knees down and right (an awkward position in which the Assasin wouldn’t expect or be able to control her knees from collapsing) allowing the other to hit the ground, to which Ning, still holding the gun wrist, turned the others arm hard up their back, the other hand using her thumb and middle finger to apply force onto the pressure points on the neck artery , stopping blood flow to the brain. “Shh,” Ning taunted as she waited for the other to pass out.
✩ Taeyeonᵉ 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ this is by far, the moment she's been waiting for her entire life. all the research she had gone through to predict the time she's been wanting to do, she wanted to kill the kwon member who's involved of killing her mother and father. she wanted to avenge her parents and she trained for years to be a an elite assassin to kill people in her contract. she prepares everything, even the contingencies in case it falls apart. she loads her sniper rifle and leans her face to the scope of the gun as she could see very clear her target, in a meeting, and see how dense the window is... bulletproof. great, good thing her bullets are tempered enough to push through any bulletproof windows.

once she has that opening, she was about to pull the trigger when she felt a sharp pain in her back and fell down on the ground. she tilted her face to see someone she used to take care in the neutral ground, she was wearing a mask with a voice changer so that they cannot know her voice well. she groans and heard the other's threatening words, she smirked and answered. "don't worry, i won't-" then she clicked something in her gloves that has a beeping sound, "-but this room will." from the ceiling she prepared a makeshift gun that points on her position and starts shooting towards them, the contingency plan has commenced. taeyeon has bulletproof vest for the contingency plan and rolled away unscathed before she kicked the young woman against the wall and pulls out her pistol with a silencer, "checkmate." taeyeon declared as she aims her gun towards the girl. "it's a shame you wasted your life at this very moment." she told her.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@✩ Taeyeonᵉ There had been a unspecified family meeting called within the Kwon circle. While Ning was favored, she was not an official member, but that didn't faze her. If anything she felt much better being put in charge of security for those she cared about. She kept watch on her rounds through an ipad, moving in the shadows around the building and waiting on code worded reports through a transparent ear piece. Her hair and body were covered in an all black suit, only her nose and eyes could be seen. While keeping her eyes sharp as her best parties checked in on her ear, she spotted something sharp and reflective from one of the top floors of a nearby building. She immediately stopped moving, putting her ipad into the hands of a friend in the same get up behind her, watching like a hawk on the same spot she had seen something. "sit six east" she noted for her teams gently, not moving an inch. She had seen it. For sure. Just needed to give it one more second to confirm...
There is was again. something metal was reflecting from the 28th floor.
"eight forty." she called for it, letting her people know she would go by herself, as everyone else needed to watch their post and keep a sharp watch for any other enemies. This Ning could handle on her own. 'A sharp shooter? How original,' she thought sarcastically, jogging to the building in the dark as she made her way up the stairs, able to keep quiet with good stamina.
Getting to the right floor in a minute, Ning kept her body low to the ground like a cat, entering the still under-construction floor, floating practically around objects and stone as she narrowed in on her target. A figure, finishing up the set up for her sniper rifle and scope, laying flat as they aimed and waited. There were bullet proof windows, but Ning would not take any chances in case there was something more powerful in that weapon.
Creeping up and staying silent, Ning finally made it behind the figure, quickly digging her knee into the assasin's back, hitting the rifle with a hard fist away from the other's grip, growling literally from the weird maneuver, then putting the on-the-ground figure in a choke hold. "Don't move a ing muscle." Ning sharply ordered the other, smelling a familiar scent, though she couldn't put a face to it, since the figure was literally wearing a mask.


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megaverse 6 months ago
╭┈      ⌕ ⋯ roleplay updates      .· * • ˚

  ❒ freshly revamped for a fresh look
  ❒ all orientations, all genders, & nationalities welcome
  ❒ , yuri, straight
  ❒ many fcs and positions available, get them while you can!
Keikeu 6 months ago
are you accepting reservations?
0e3f97d30391478699bf 1 year ago
thank you for having me loves <3
Kim4Shim 1 year ago
thanks for having me
xingqiu 2 years ago
Can you add Kim Minjeong please?
everrosie_ 2 years ago
ning ning please! :D
Kim4Shim 2 years ago
Could I reserve felix?
0e3f97d30391478699bf 2 years ago
hi, can I get choi seunghyun please
TaeKook 2 years ago
Choi San please
912c5d2bc21ae1b6c24a 2 years ago
can i have Paing Takhon as a civillian please
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