# ⁞ the heirs

the heir's
The futures of each family meet here, whether it's just some of them or all of them, to discuss the future or to remedy a falling out between the heirs. The current heads of each family encourage the heirs to meet regularly and stay in tune with one another so that things can keep flowing smoothly when they take over. The heirs only allow others in by invitation, and that usually isn't a good thing, especially if all the heirs are to be present. They also gather here just to hang out together.
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⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 4 months ago
@? Christopherᵸ Soobin easily remained quiet as Christopher went through the throes of getting himself together. On top of that, he was trying to be feisty right back. It never seemed to work completely when it came to Soobin but he didn't mind letting Christopher think it did. He wasn't an easy opponent when it came to their bantering and when it came to someone trying to get him flustered. Once in a while, someone could really catch him off guard. He could be honest and say that Christopher has managed it here and there.

He melted into the kiss, relaxing a little before cocking a brow at the other's bold touch. He smirked and just continued to keep quiet. As the car came to a stop, Soobin tilted his head upon hearing Christopher's response to Yeonjun's question. Soobin simply nodded once to both of them and exited the car behind the other heir. He was able to hear Yeonjun expressing that he didn't know whether to be happy or scared by what he'd just heard. Soobin couldn't answer that for them and he wouldn't try.

After giving his greeting to the guards, he entered the building as well and led the other heir to the elevators. Once the lift had reached their current floor, he let his guest board first before stepping on as well and pressing the button to take them to his apartment floor. Quiet for a beat, he finally glanced at Christopher, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to scare my men. They're going to be scared to talk to me for the next couple of days." He tilted his head, eyes locked on the counter, watching as the number increased. Getting closer to his floor, he locked an arm around Christopher's waist and tugged him off the elevator with him that way, not letting go even as he walked to his apartment.

Once he'd gotten them inside, he toed out of his shoes and hung up his coat, offering to take Christopher's jacket as well. "Before you get comfortable, do you want a drink?"
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 6 months ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ The more Soobin spoke, the more Christopher became aware -- or, well, /re-reminded -- of exactly where they are. They were still very much in a public place. Seated in the backseat of a moving vehicle... that could stop at any given point. There was a privacy divider placed between them that was shut... but whose to say that it won't just slide open with not one but /two/ occupants upfront? Perhaps it was wise to reel back for a little while. It wasn't entirely /his/ fault of course, not when it was Soobin who pulled him into his lap, but Christopher /did/ get a little too... distracted.

Mismatches hues slowly but surely start to focus in as he takes a deep breath, hissing softly through his teeth and eyes falling shut. When they re-open a moment later, Christopher is much more aware of his surroundings, and of the fact that they were -- thankfully -- still moving. "You know, you're one to try to make me feel embarrassed about this when you were the one who start it." the heir began, looking off to the side to peer out of the window; trying to get a glimpse to see where they were. "I asked to be /held/, Soobin... Not d. I think there's a distinct difference between the two of them, right?" Despite it sounding as if he were scolding the other heir, Christopher was merely trying to act as if none of that had affected him as much as it did. "Besides, you were enjoying yourself, too." Christopher commented, just to throw it in there for good measure while his hands busy themselves with fixing his wardrobe.

His face was as red as can be and that was enough to show just how flustered and worked up he truly is. The deep flush had worked its way across the hills of his freckled cheeks, consuming both ears and even stretching down the sides of his neck. The heir reaches to the side and lowers the window a little, just enough to peer outside. "We'll be there in two minutes," the heir informed, rolling the window back up.

He's only been to Soobin's place a small handful of times now that they've begun their... whatever it is one would call it. Friends with benefits? A "situationship"? It wasn't nothing but it surely wasn't anything exclusive or official. Chris has been patient this entire time and never once pressured Soobin for an answer or reply regarding his feelings. Doesn't mean that the heir wishes that they could be more open about their affections, he understands why they can't be right now.

With his clothes all neat and tidy once more, Christopher reaches up to grab hold of Soobin's jaw. "One more thing." He muttered, pulling Soobin in for an electric kiss that sent sparks down his legs. Their tongues meet in a dance for dominance, the metal stud jostling around in the midst and eliciting a few faint noises. His hand soon releases Soobin's jaw to slip over his nape, though it was his other hand that became much bolder. It snuck behind himself to splay over the other heir's groin, palming him through his pants. He applies a decent amount of pressure to the ball of his palm as he swipes it down, fingers caressing over the spot where his balls might be. The car eases to a stop and there's a soft knock on the divider. Christopher breaks the kiss and leans forward just as the small door slips open to reveal a pair of eyes looking at them.

"We've arrived." One of them announces with a cheeky grin. Was that Yeonjun or Keonhee? He couldn't quite tell, could only see their eyes and didn't know them well enough to know to tell their voices apart. "How was the drive?"

Christopher laughs softly and swipes a thumb at the corner of his mouth to get rid of some saliva, meeting their gazes with a small grin. "Why don't you ask him?" He deflected, reaching for the handle and opening the door. "He was the one driving." And with that, Christopher slips right out of the car without another word, missing the reactions his words earned. The duo up front watched him go, slack-jawed and wide-eyed before slowly turning their heads to look back towards their heir. Chris heads towards the entrance with a small grin playing on his lips, knowing exactly what he's doing and what sort of bomb he just set off in that car but -- fair's fair, right? He dips his head to greet the two guards stationed at the entrance, who bowed back to return the greeting before opening the door.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 6 months ago
@? Christopherᵸ "Sounds like you're trying to make a demand when you're in no place to do so," Soobin whispered in his ear, "If I stop teasing you, there'd be no fun in you getting what you really want. Or do you really want it to be over that quickly? It's best to feed you gradually than to fill you up in one go." His words are simple and pretty clear cut, despite the analogy. On top of that, zoning out like this and getting too into it could be dangerous for the both of them since neither of the heirs are paying any attention to the world around them, at least not to the point of knowing where they are at the moment and how much farther they have to go before they've arrived.

Soobin pressed a light kiss to Christopher's neck and then another one, doing so periodically as he continued dragging his fingers over him and listening to him. "If it makes you feel any better, I know more than I've had the chance to actually experience. Depends on your perspective though, I guess," he answered quietly, a bit of a chuckle passing airily through his lips, "But I can say I have enough...understanding to pick up on the fact you might become quite the in the right hands."

What had once been downright aggression and passive aggressiveness between the two of them had gradually slid more into playful banter and teasing territory. All Soobin was really aware of though was the fact that he was treading further and further into unknown territory and it wasn't making things easy for him in the slightest. Being around Christopher had made him realize just how many walls he'd put up over the years but, even more so, just how terrified he was of letting them down. Christopher was making his way past them but somewhere in the back of his mind, he couldn't help wondering if he'd ever truly be comfortable around anyone. Even more so to let them see the side that he'd alluded to just now. He didn't have a very eventful past, not to anyone's surprise, but he'd earned himself experience in a number of ways just by chance. There were things he studied, such as martial arts and technology and even learning language and some psychology. These were things that truly piqued his interest and he found use for them. Most things he'd learned into becoming the young adult he is has been by chance, situations he hadn't intentionally gotten himself into but made sure to make the most of while there. Learning.

"You'd want to be filmed? Be able to watch back and see the mess that I make of you," his hand picked up pace over Christopher's shaft, thumb using what droplets of precum he got to slicken up his . His fingers pinch down on the pierced already between his fingers, "Maybe we'll do that when we get back to my place, let you watch yourself fall apart for me." He presses down against the other's base, hold tight and not moving, "So, maybe we should have you save this for when we get there and get inside."
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 6 months ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ "S-So what if I do..?" There was no point in denying it now. It was way too obvious. "Guess we'll just have to pretend that you don't enjoy rendering me to pieces?" He lets out a low whine of protest as a firm grip halts all movements of his hips. Chris really wants to put up a bit of a fight for that one, he wanted to be able to move and press into the addicting friction. Then he remembers where he is and realizes that he's /not/ the one with the upper hand right now. It's Soobin. And it doesn't entirely seem like he plans on being all that merciful. "A-Alright, fine," he conceded, going still to avoid falling off his lap. "Just-- stop teasing so much."

With both hands working at his s, it was rapidly getting more and more difficult to keep himself contained. He started having a few near misses, sounds that were almost a little too loud if he hadn't either caught himself or covered his mouth just in time. God were his s sensitive, especially the right one. It was pierced, had a small metal stud sticking through it and ever since, the sensitivity had practically tripled. It could be a gust of wind or even the brush of fabric that'll cause him to have some sort of reaction. And with the way Soobin was fiddling with it made his head spin, reaching a hand back to smooth it over the back of his nape, fingers tangling into the shorts hairs that were there.

It was almost embarrassing how quick and easy it was to work him back up to being hard again. Chris wasn't sure if one would call it having a legit libido or just having good stamina. Or maybe it was simply this: he never really let himself venture out that much. He never explored himself, never let anyone else explore him. A part of him was "content" with touching himself every once in a while but never really going any further than that. In fact, the last person he had been with before Soobin was a man named Adam, and they had dated for nearly a year almost a decade ago. Adam was someone well known amongst the families. Not someone necessarily higher-up, but in the Won family, Adam was a highly respected security guard -- and he immediately made his affections for Christopher known, regardless of who was around. He made his move even when Soobin was present. And when the news broke out of them officially being together days later, a part of him always wondered how the other heir had reacted.

And, truth be told, Adam /was/ the last person Christopher had been with and it's not like he was very... passionate, or even into him for that matter. Everyone knew how their tale had ended: with Chris walking in on Adam in bed with a woman from from the Kwon family. So it's not like Adam touched him a whole lot even when they were together. This was the most he's been touched, especially in such a long time, that it's almost like all the pent-up tension and desire was starting to unravel layer by layer; it surely will take more than just two rounds for him to be coaxed.

"I-It could also be because I'm not all that experienced..." The heir muttered, chest stuttering. "I..." A pause. Soobin would probably /eat/ this up. "...I've never been touched like this before. Adam wasn't into that k-kind of thing... There's s-so much I've wanted to do and try, so much desires and fantasies. But I've never r-really... found the right person, I guess. Nothing ever felt right... Until now." Chris' eyes were transfixed on the way Soobin's fingers wrap around his shaft to begin offering leisure , spotting the other hand returning to his pierced bud. "So yeah... I guess a-a part of me does want them to hear," the moan he lets out is a bit louder than the previous one, "Or maybe watch, film as I become putty in your arms.... /Maybe/ I do..."
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 6 months ago
@? Christopherᵸ "Let's not pretend that you don't want me to ruin you. It seems to be something you always want me to do," he whispers with ease into his ear. Soobin's lips pull into a thin smile, quiet enjoying full-on teasing the other. He lets out a quiet, breathy groan into Christopher's ear with the way he's moving and then drops his hand from the other's throat to grip at his hip, stopping the other heir's movements. "Keep still. I don't want you sliding off my lap," he coos, "I'm the only seatbelt you have at the moment."

Although he says that, he doesn't make any attempt to make it easier on the other. Releasing his hip, those same fingers find their way under Christopher's shirt, teasing him some more by smoothing over his skin. He gets just close enough to his chest before drawing his hand out from under the fabric. Soobin does now give Christopher's chest attention, finding it quite easy to locate those hardened buds that are pressing at the cloth and begging for attention. Both of his hands take hold of one each, pinching lightly at first before gradually squeezing harder, his mouth simultaneously working over Christopher's neck again. Although this was a more impulsive action and just something that wasn't like him at all, he can't help thinking that it's also fun. Having the other heir squirming in his arms could really be something he grows addicted to. He's never known himself to have this affect on anyone so it's nice to see and feel and plainly experience it for all that it is like this.

Undoing the other's pants, he slides one hand inside, giving the slightly smaller heir more direct friction. "How is that you're this pent up already after I just let you release back in the meeting room? Or are you just that needy for me, Christopher," he questions, knowing it's rare that he actually says his name. It falls so easily from his lips this time though. His fingers filter through the necessary layers of fabric before getting a full-on proper grip of his shaft, just stroking him slowly. Now, he's allowing his hand to inch back up under Christopher's shirt, giving his chest direct contact as well now.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you like being absolute putty in my arms."
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 7 months ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ He was so lost in his thoughts that the sudden pull catches him completely off-guard, a surprised noise coming from within his throat. There's no doubt those up front didn't hear that. Christopher tries to push that thought to the back of his mind because, well... there's more 'pressing' matters at hand. Like their current position, for instance. Yeah, he really liked being in Soobin's lap. He liked the feeling of being held in his arms while in that position, could never grow tired of that feeling. But this... this was unexpected. Christopher's back against his chest, Soobin's lips at his ear and hands on his thighs. He can feel almost everything like this.

"S-Soobin..." He trails off uselessly, unsure of what to say or do. His wide eyes dart up to the privacy divider and notes that it was still closed. Could they hear what was transpiring back there? "T-This isn't what I was... e-expecting--" A squeeze at his thigh causes him to clamp his mouth shut. The hand at his throat is warm and he strangely loved the pressure of it against his jugular. And the words that fell from the heir's lips did nothing to cleanse his thoughts, they only seems to make Christopher's entire face go alight, /burning/ so hot with embarrassment that they might just be able to cook an egg on his forehead.

"You're..." A tiny whimper manages to slip out when Soobin's grip on him tightens, knees pressing together instinctively. He trembles in Soobin's hold and lets out a shaky exhale, back arching subtly before relaxing, slowly easing back against him while letting his legs gradually come apart again. Gaze locked on the way Soobin's hand is kneading him, Christopher mutters quietly in a voice that wavers due to the hand still at his throat. "You're... g-gonna ruin me, I swear..."

His lips parted like they wanted to release a moan but nothing came out. To his credit, Christopher was doing his best to remain quiet and only allowed the softer, smaller noises slip out because he really wasn't about to risk either of the men up front hearing him. Being on the vocal side of things, this was easier said than done. He had to grip at Soobin's forearms to able to keep himself grounded enough to not get /too/ lost in the pleasure that he ends up forgetting their current position. Christopher's head lolls back against the heir's shoulder as his eyes flutter shut, teeth digging into the supple flesh of his bottom lip, fingers digging in. His hips start to rock forward a little, growing to quite like the roughness of Soobin's palm. Inadvertently, though, this also causes him to grind back against his groin. The amount of clothes they wore made it a bit difficult to feel every bit of friction, however Christopher could distinctly feel the tent in his pants pressing perfectly against the crevice.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 7 months ago
@? Christopherᵸ The raven-haired male glances at Christopher again as the other’s leg slides over his own. He raises a brow at the movement before resting his hand on Christopher’s thigh, a soft sound that resembles amusement bubbling from behind his lips. He spares a glance to the partition before uncrossing his legs and drawing the other into his lap, arms draping around his waist. A small smirk pulls at the corner of his lips, something Christopher can’t see with the way he’s being held at the moment.

“Since you seem to need a distraction,” he whispers in his ear, letting his lips brush the shell, “I’ll offer you one but you’ll have to keep your voice down. Keonhee may get why but he won’t be afraid to tease you.”

The warning is clearly teasing but it’s still a warning nonetheless. His hands grip at the other’s thigh, giving quite a firm squeeze as he makes sure Christopher’s back is pressed firmly to his chest. “Or maybe you want him to know, want him to hear you,” his voice is in its natural lower octave as he continues to whisper. One hand slides to cup Christopher’s throat, long fingers brushing along his jaw, “Just breathe.”

This isn’t the first time he’s held the other heir, obviously, but it’s still new in this vein. Working through his lack of experience and simply falling into what feels right has been doing him incredibly well so far so he wasn’t seeing any reason to stop just following his intuition. His lips brush against his nape a few times before he gets comfortable, properly kissing over his skin. His grip gets firmer, one gripping lightly at his throat and the other squeezing at his thigh. That lower hand kneads circles, inching closer to his groin. He loosens his hold before the heel of his palm is dragging down roughly in a single swipe before cupping and kneading him.
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 7 months ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ Christopher's head had been filled with all sorts of imagery, glimpses of the possible heated moments they could be sharing. Whether it be in one of the many meeting rooms, in the elevator... or even here, in the back of this car. But then his mind reels back a little and he fully registers the fact that he's sitting in this car. The realization has him inhaling slowly through his nostrils, mismatched eyes nervously scanning the interior. "No, no. I'm alright, I assure you. And I don't doubt your driver's skills on the road," he says after a brief moment of silence, "but I've never found cars all that... comfortable after what happened with my family. It's why I got my license for a motorcycle instead, I just... have a lot of trouble with riding in cars now, so it's not that I'm nervous because of--" The heir lifts a hand to vaguely gesture between them. "I'm just... uh-- suddenly very aware that I'm in a vehicle I've never been in before." He looks away from Soobin to peer around a second time, fingers curling into loose fists. "Very, very aware..."

Ever since he met Rose, there's been only one driver bringing Christopher to and fro, and that would've been... Changbin. His longtime closest friend, one of the very first people he met in the family, someone he's had at his side since childhood, someone he trusted immensely... someone who tried to kill him in a fit of rage fueled by jealousy. His fists clench tighter, blunt nails digging into his palms. "On second thought," Christopher inches closer to the other heir and ever so slightly lays his leg overtop of his, "I'll take you up on that offer, but..." Why did he suddenly feel so shy? He tries to look at Soobin, tries to keep his gaze on him, but is - ironically - too nervous to. Christopher looks away with a soft laugh and pink cheeks. "Huh... How silly of me... I was going to ask that you hold me."

Call it some weird obsession but he's had this thing with Soobin holding him. Perhaps it started after Yuto, when he was in the state that he was and had reached out to the other in an effort to seek comfort, warmth - and how he's seemingly had a habit of doing it months later even if it's not very subtle.

When he looked back over, Soobin was looking at his phone and looking rather amused. What he says has the corner of Christopher's mouth twitching into a small grin, feeling something akin to pride swell in his chest. "Is that so? One's in disbelief and the other thinks he's lying, huh? Well," a brief glance to the privacy partition, "what shall we do about it?" It's like it was an unconscious habit, asking those questions that had a clear underlining meaning to it yet making it sound so sweet and innocent, almost alluring. Christopher tilts his head to the side a little and lets his gaze run along Soobin's lean figure. Temptation bubbles in his veins. He kind of wants to sit in his lap again, just like earlier. What he doesn't realize, though, is that he accidentally mutters this aloud.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 7 months ago
@? Christopherᵸ Christopher manages to draw out yet another small smirk from Soobin, another one resulting from amusement. To be able to exist in any space, let alone with just the two of them, they would never be able to escape this game they had, the banter they couldn't have one single conversation without. It was proving that they couldn't even converse in non-verbals without that back and forth. It didn't seem to be intentional but more so just how they communicated. From the inside, from their point of view, they could understand what almost appeared to be riddles. They were upfront but not really, backing down right at the edge of being completely clear. From the outside, it could easily be seen as miscommunication, as though they were never on the same page. People on the outside weren't privy of course though to the kind of physical aspects, their non-verbals that they were showing right now in the elevator. This wasn't a direction Soobin would have ever guessed he and Christopher would head down but it was a textbook enemies-to-lovers trope. Something ripped straight out of a romantic comedy and drama crossover.

The two words Christopher utters cause Soobin's expression to stiffen. Not in a bad way though. He questions why the other had said it that way but, simultaneously, he knows that this is still their game. Christopher had said it that way on purpose. "You really like playing dangerous games, don't you," Soobin's gaze locks with the other's before he steps off the elevator.

In the car, he glances over as Christopher takes a seat next to him, prepared to respond to his words before his phone dings. He grins at the messages but takes a moment to respond to the male next to him first, the grin slipping away just as quickly as it had appeared. "Do you need something to hold on to? You look quite nervous," he questions, a hint of concern dancing in his words. He knows and has seen some of it for himself. Christopher has been through a lot, and that's putting it mildly. It's highly unlike him but he can't deny that he's not aware of all of the other's triggers, whether positive or negative emotional response. Soobin is the type to make plans, to take everything step by step but to also think incredibly far ahead to be prepared for any and all possible outcomes. Between Yuto and Christopher and everything that's happened with the both of them, Soobin has found himself to have more so fallen out of character, to have been pulled from himself as a means to make sure no one dies because of him.

His gaze returns to his phone as he sees the text stream, a sort of glitter sparkling in his eyes, his face otherwise not visibly showing a response this time. 'The next time you two want to talk about me, make sure you use the chat I'm not a part of,' he quickly sends, utterly amused by the sound he hears Keonhee make from the driver's seat before the car is quickly pulling off. It does make him wish the privacy divider hadn't been up so that he could see just what his face looked like when he read the message.

Soobin returns his phone to his pocket and glances over at Christopher, "It seems you joining me has discombobulated my men quite a bit. One let you into the car himself and can't believe it and the other doesn't believe him."
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 7 months ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ ( and this one if you could manage it osjdosjd but it'll be up to you >< )
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 1 year ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ Was it partly because of his odd fascination with getting some sort of reaction out of the stoic male? The man rarely reacted to anything so, sometimes, Christopher would (gently) prod here and there just to see where the other's head was at about certain subjects. With this situation... it was tough. He wanted to pry, but he knew that if he did, it was going to ruin their night together. So Christopher took a deep breath, told himself to let it go and stop trying to pry his way in. It hadn't done him much good before. The heir takes a moment to close his eyes and release the leftover tension in his shoulders, lips parting with the intention to speak but the only sound that leaves him is an airy gasp as he's whisked forward. Christopher stumbles a little, hands lifting and falling onto Soobin's shoulders to brace himself. Pressing the other heir against the wall now, he feels a new wave rush over him and now his lungs feel like they were being squeezed. They're inches apart again. Christopher's fingers curl into his trench coat, overcome with the desire to taste those lips again.

"How can I leave you be?" He exhales the words in a soft, drawn-out sigh; eyes fluttering open to stare into the pair before him. "How can I hope to leave you be when you occupy my mind day in and day out? You..." A pause then, quieter, "You're all I ever seem to desire, Soobin... So if you can... Tell me a way to leave you be, and I will do you the favor." Another deep breath in. One hand lets go of the trench coat to slowly move towards the back of his nape. "I... I don't have plans," Christopher whispered against his lips before stealing a brief yet spine-tingling kiss that lingered for a beat longer than normal. He pulls back slowly, lashes fluttering against flushed, freckled cheeks. "Take me."

What an interesting phrase to use. Of course he could have easily said, "Take me back to your place" but... well, where's the fun in that? The elevator doors open and he has a few seconds to compose himself before following the other heir towards the vehicle. Keonhee was waiting beside it and just so happened to make eye contact with Christopher after greeting his heir. The other male perks an inquisitive eyebrow whilst scanning him head to toe. There was an obvious question in his gaze; 'What's got you all flustered?' Christopher looks away quickly, feeling his cheeks flush hotter, and the only thing he manages to do was dip his head in an awkward bow.

"Hello, Keonhee." His voice remained leveled and calm, thankfully. At least his stutter hadn't kicked in. Thankfully, it appears that the other decides against voicing his curiosity because no other words were exchanged other than the basic pleasantries. It was quite clear though; Keonhee was bemused as to why Christopher happened to be joining them for the very first time. Hopefully, that will be a conversation that does not include him.

Sliding into the car behind Soobin, he moves into the seat to the side of him, sitting close enough that their thighs brushed together. And with that, the door closes behind him with a finality, sealing him into the car with the choice he made. The windows were tinted so that it was difficult to peer inside yet easy to peer out. Christopher watches Keonhee move around the car towards the driver's seat before turning his head to look over at the man sitting beside him, as poise as ever. The privacy divider that was placed between them was luckily closed, sparing him more embarrassment. "I'm going to have to learn new breathing exercises," he muttered to himself, diverting his gaze and instead curling his fingers into the fabric of his dress pants. "I've been having trouble keeping my hands to myself lately." Again... look at the mess he's made him become.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 1 year ago
@? Christopherᵸ Soobin is leaning back against the main wall of the elevator shaft with his arms folded across his chest. He isn't sure what he expected Christopher's response to be but, if nothing else, he had expected it to take much longer for him to come to a decision. When the elevator door is suddenly stopped, he lifts his head and raises a brow, watching the other enter. His arms drop and his hands push his coat back to slip into his pants pockets. This back-and-forth bantering doesn't seem to have stopped even with the shift in their... relationship. Soobin's beginning to realize they cannot function in the same universe without some form of push and pull. He's sure he's noticed this some time ago but he's only really paying attention to it now.

His movements are sharp, and precise, as always. Reaching out, he catches a belt loop on Christopher's pants and draws him closer, "And you just won't let me be. So, it's only fair I do the same, right?" He leans in and lets his nose brush against the other's before leaning back, his head against the wall again. He doesn't let go of Christopher though, and makes no effort to do so, "So, will Keonhee be driving us both back to my place or do you have plans?"

He eyes the floor count above the door and makes a note that they have a little time left before they reach their destination, not long though. Soobin takes that chance to kiss his forehead, leaving his lips there for a moment before pulling away. When he leans back again, he remains silent but his gaze doesn't leave Christopher's face. He's studying, not even intentionally. It's habit. He has to study, has to make sense of things and, now, that's exactly what he's doing. His senses have slowed down and the adrenaline in his veins has calmed. It's an interesting thought to him as Soobin considers he could probably have described Christopher's features very well even before having been in such... tight situations with him. Of course, his body is a different story but he's willing to explore and learn as much as he's allowed. From the looks of it, Christopher will allow him to do quite a bit.

When the elevator dings, Soobin brushes his hand over Christopher's hip before slipping his hand back into his pocket and then stepping out. He spots Keonhee waiting for him and bows his head, walking toward him to head to the car. He slides in as Keonhee opens the door for him, bowing his head in thanks.
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 1 year ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ Soobin has changed over the years. Given they all have, change is inevitable. Everyone has to change at some point in their lives, however, the other heir changed in a way that only showed how much he has grown not only as a person but as an heir. Watching him over the years, Christopher has made many keen observations. He doesn't claim to know Soobin like the back of his hand, goodness no. That doesn't mean he doesn't know what makes the guy tick, when his patience is running low, when he's tired and needs another cup of coffee before proceeding with yet /another/ boring meeting. He's been able to read Soobin fairly well over the course of time and has been getting better at doing it, slowly but surely. Of course the man leaning over him is nothing like the man Christopher first fell in love with all those years ago. That man was... much more guarded, much more closed off. Back then, he stood no chance because love was clearly nowhere near Soobin's radar -- and neither was he (at least, not in a good way).

He almost feels dizzy, like he had gotten hit by the worst case of whiplash known to man. Was this all real? Was it all /really/ real? There was only one way to find out, and Soobin's tempting offer could give him the answers he is looking for -- that /both/ of them are looking for, it seems.

His breath is stolen yet again by another kiss and Christopher sighs into it, eyes falling shut before whispering against the other's lips; "It is not a bad thing... Especially not when you've worked your way under my skin long ago. I guess it's only fair that I return the gesture, right?" So cunning, so coy, so... cat and mouse-like. It was Christopher's favorite game. He loved the chased. The hunter and prey aspect always entertained him, but perhaps that was because it was /he/ that was the hunter. It was a closely guarded secret, however, Christopher has spent the longest time wondering (hoping) that someone would eventually come along to challenge him at his own game. He just liked to mess with people, that's all. He was a tease, a menace with a charming smile.

There's a lop-sided smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as a soft, airy chuckle leaves his lips just before they claim Soobin's in a final kiss. Christopher lets him pull back and just watches him quietly, listening to the sound of his voice and letting his words sink in slowly. The other heir was considerate enough to even help him get dressed again and Christopher is thankful for that, he most definitely didn't have the coordination to be able to fit his legs through those pant legs again without tumbling into the table first. And even with the pair of strong arms coiling around his waist to help keep him steady for a moment, Christopher feels his knees buckle at Soobin's next words. Mismatched eyes widened a little as they peer at the taller male, faintly trembling hands loosely gripping his biceps. Speechless. He's quickly rendered speechless in the matter of seconds.

This was... This was new. This is a side he hasn't seen from him before.

And now he has a choice to make. Watching Soobin leave the room, Christopher remaining behind with a tornado for a mind, there was a choice that needed to be made. He's always ran from temptation, from pleasure, from letting himself go and sink into the blissful heat. He's put everything else before his own desires, even risking his own life before entertaining the idea of making a move on someone. Despite this, Christopher wants change. He craves it, desires it, /burns/ for it. He's stayed the same the entire time, remaining that same scared boy that was trapped in the wreckage. Living in fear and anxiety, he let the past dictate his future choices and he let the fire of tragedy be the only heat he'll ever experience. Soobin awoke a different kind of fire in him, a type of fire that jumpstarted his heart with a rush of emotions and made his fingers itch for the other male; a scorching fury that would never be satiated until delving into the object of his desires and, for once, giving in.

'Come home with me...' Christopher is moving before his mind can fully process it. 'I don't feel I'm done with you...' He opens the door and looks down the hall, catching a glimpse of Soobin moving into the awaiting elevator. 'You... You're doing something to me.' A hand shoots out and the door starts pulling back to reveal Christopher, who was slightly out of breath from the whole ordeal and jogging down the hall to make it in time. His eyes are on Soobin the entire time as he slowly steps into the elevator, reaching blindly to press the button for the doors to close promptly behind him.

"You say I do something to you..?" Christopher steps closer and closer until he's directly in front of him. The doors come to a close and the elevator dings quietly before slowly descending lower. "You have no idea the things you do to me, do you..?" His voice is soft, like he was wondering aloud, eyes scanning the other's features before flicking up to meet his gaze. "Look at the mess I've become because of you..."
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 1 year ago
@? Christopherᵸ He’s not fighting anymore. He has no reason to have his guard up anymore, at least not in the ways he used to. So much has changed in so little time that Soobin knows he’ll get mental and emotional whiplash if he isn’t careful. What’s scarier is that it’s like, as of late, he can see his walls crumbling in front of him. Everything he built up and worked hard to put into place feels as though it’s turned to sand, like he has no foundation to build upon anymore. What hasn’t been helping is that the saying “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” has been stuck in his mind. Soobin’s been finding it hard not to question if everyone’s been right about him over the years.

Heartless and cold.

Emotions had never been impossible things for him to process. He felt things, vastly and deeply. He just couldn’t express any of them. Soobin wouldn’t blame his parents. He couldn’t even say it was the world around him shaping him that way. Soobin knows it’s something he initiated on his own at some point, a form of protection most likely, but it simply became his way of life as he’s gotten older. In the past, when he hasn’t been able to act on or think of a viable way to express an emotion, he would give it up. He would just let people think what they want and respond however they would see fit. He wouldn’t let himself get upset over small things and would do his best not to carry too much on his mind. Some things are easier said than done though, of course. Soobin has accepted that, whether innately or something he’s learned from keeping this mindset, he just doesn’t have a knack for expression. In any form, really. Even his sense of humor seems to be broken, as he’s learned from both Yeonjun and Keonhee. They’ve learned to tell when he’s amused by or throughly enjoying something. They’ve spent the most time with him so it would make sense for them to be able to read him. Although they’ve never called him cold, except for in a joke here and there, he’s been wondering if that’s not just his aura but more so how he actually is.

The heir is thankful that he’s managing as he is now. How flustered he’s managed to get Christopher, the way arousal and desire are rolling off of the other in waves that Soobin can feel. /He/ is doing this, making the other male feel this way. That leaves more questions on his mind though. Aside from questioning just what it is about Christopher that’s broken him, cracked his psyche in some way that he’s allowed himself to slip in through the cracks, Soobin can’t help but wonder just /why/ Christopher has been attracted to /him/. Had it just been when Soobin broke in and saved him just in time, it would make sense. It would just be the short bursting flame of adrenaline that comes from a life-saving rescue. Or even Christopher falling in love with him from having been watching him for so long to make sure he’s safe, still sort of a heroic tie but in the opposite direction. Something akin to a savior’s complex. But it’s been years and, if Soobin could bet, he’s sure he could say that Christopher’s interest in him helped sparked the deeper investigation. Absolutely none of it answers all the why questions.

Albeit wanting an answer, now is not the time. Although these thoughts race through Soobin’s mind, he’s not nearly focused enough or honed in enough on just one thought to even attempt getting an answer. There are scars over Christopher’s body that are stealing his attention away instead and Soobin finds himself kissing over the ones he can see and reach with ease. It’s not a distraction per se but it helps, reminds him the person in front of him is real and that he’s got a lot more to learn about the male and the body of said male. He wouldn’t know where to start and there’s definitely no running now. Christopher brings about the irrational side of him, taps into that unknown half, where Soobin has control but into which he has never delved. It’s leaving control to seemingly be something he’s only made himself believe he has. While his logic is an arrow hitting a bullseye, this mess that Christopher creates in his head is a blind shot into a dark, windy sky.

As the other answer, Soobin finds it mildly reassuring that he’s not along in trying to figure out how they’ve gotten to where they are now. Being drawn in closer, he moves even closer so there’s no space between them, his chest against Christopher’s abdomen. He wraps his arms around his waist and holds him tightly. He’s quiet for a moment, contemplating his answer. It feels longer than it is actually is as, soon enough, he’s opening his mouth to finally reply. Speaking softly, his gaze stays locked with Christopher’s, periodically scanning his features, “I don’t know if it’s a bad thing but I would hope it isn’t.” He’s being honest, which isn’t anything new, but to be this transparent is a little new, and makes him uneasy as well. “I would hope you wouldn’t break me like you are and hold it against me,” one hand come up and cups the other’s cheek, his thumb tracing his sharp jawline. He presses his lips to his and lets his hand fall back to Christopher’s lower back. He wants to speak but he’s having trouble figuring out how to word it. Soobin eventually just whispers against his lips, “Come home with me… unless you have something else to tend to, of course. I don’t feel I’m done with you.” Soobin has more to say, many words weighing on his mind and hanging on the tip of his tongue. He’s not done with the other heir in a number of ways and he’s having trouble trying to sort it all out right now.

Leaning back, he mindlessly some of the other’s from his fingers, his other hand reaching for the handkerchief he had in his pocket for the day. He wipes his hand clean and helps to clean Christopher up, peeking at him and continuing to speak softly, “I’ll leave you like this for now but I can take care of it if you come see me.” Folding up the handkerchief, he tucks it away and then starts helping Christopher straighten out his clothes and get dressed appropriately again. He then gets up and helps him down off the table, arms secure around his waist and holding him closely, “You… You’re doing something to me.” Soobin curls a fingers under his chin and just stares at him in silence for a moment, clearly intending to say something else but deciding not to. He lowers his hand and just presses a kiss to Christopher’s cheek, getting his trench coat on and fixing his own clothes. He flashes the other an actual smile, a small smirk, and then looks away, making his way out of the room.
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 1 year ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ Despite the drastic, yet hopeful, turn of events regarding their relationship, Christopher still has yet to really hear how Soobin views him. Of course, the other heir had always been a man of very few words -- and when he did speak, it was never about his feelings. There was no doubt in his mind -- now, at least -- that this was mutual given their current position but it doesn't mean Christopher wished to hear what Soobin felt and thought of him. Maybe it would help reassure the tiny part of him that is still vehemently convinced this was a dream and that he'd wake up to rejection, to nothing. That part of him doubted this moment, doubted the hands moving over his hips and sides; it doubted any of this was real. In a weird way, Christopher still felt as if Soobin was way out of his league. There's no way he'd be into /him/ of all people, not when he's got countless beautiful women and striking men clamoring at his feet... Right?

'You're so pretty.'

Christopher has to turn his head away. It was unexpected, he wasn't the least bit prepared for those specific words to fly past the heir's lips. It caught him off-guard because up until then, he had never heard Soobin utter such a thing -- especially not towards him. His cheeks had quickly reddened so deep that even the hand raising up to cover his face did him little justice. Who knew he'd like it so much? Praise, laced in Soobin's deep voice -- was it selfish if he said he wanted more? Most definitely. Is he going to ask for more? Most definitely /not/. Christopher was, by no means, a greedy man nor was he one to beg for things and he is most certainly not about to make demands when this is the most he's ever gotten in literal /years/. Asking for more would probably ruin what he's being given currently, and he's soaking it all up like a sponge; unsure if he'll ever get to experience something like this again.

What if Soobin wakes up in the morning regretting this? What if he changes his mind? What if Christopher wakes up in an empty bed? To a cold shoulder? To a blocked call and unanswered texts? It's happened before, surely it'll happen again, right?

He almost wanted to smack himself. Honestly, his own head will ruin the moment for him. Trying to avoid dwelling on such thoughts, Christopher's focused on his senses instead. Touch; Soobin's fingers are moving towards his a second time, moving with such delicacy that it jumbled his mind up even more. Sight; Christopher noted wondered if Soobin was even aware of how flush his cheeks were or even how dilated his eyes were (either way, it was seriously a good look). Taste; a hand on his nape guides him down into a kiss and the first thing he tastes is the drink Soobin was sipping on during the meeting. Smell; there was a faint musk in the air lingering around them now. A mixture of sweat and desire, passion and lust with accents of their respective colognes that still stuck their skin. Hear; Soobin's voice is filling his ears once again, murmuring more words that he never expected to hear. The flush sitting prettily on his faintly freckled cheeks darkened, if possible, and now the tips of his ears are scorching hot. Despite this, a breathless laugh manages to fall past his cherry tiers.

"Y-You're telling me... I'm still having a h-hard time believing this /is/ happening." He was only half joking. Only half. A particular has Christopher gasping for air, head tilting back as his eyes start to flutter. All of the muscles in his body are taunt despite him sitting almost boneless on the table; not having fully come down from his first just yet before being worked towards another. A strained groan rumbles in his throat that ends up getting lodged somewhere in his adam's apple, which bobs when he chokes on the noise when Soobin's hand moves faster. One hand moves to the back of his nape while the other scrambles against the table, struggling to hold himself up. Christopher tries to gather himself by lifting his head and brushing the tips of their noses together, panting against Soobin's lips. "I'd make a mess, though," Christopher chuckles softly, looking into his eyes, "But you say that as if... it'd be a bad thing." His thighs part slowly, using the hand on the back of Soobin's nape to gently pull him further between them.. "It wouldn't be a bad thing though." A pause then he pulls his head back slightly, gazing back into the pair in front of him. "Right...?"
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 1 year ago
@? Christopherᵸ His fingers move slowly, drawing out every drop he can as Christopher's washes over him, the faint smile on his lips lost in the other hair's skin when he feels the fingers in his hair. Soobin raises a brow and looks down at his hand, amazed at how thick Christopher's release is as well as the amount of it. Bringing his gaze back up to the other’s face, there's amusement flickering in his dark eyes.

"You're so pretty," Soobin utters aloud, completely unintentional at that. He hadn't had a reason prior to give much attention to Christopher. After all, what they had over the years until recently had been a heavy tension that drew out their fight instincts, or at least his own. Maybe he'd been misreading signals all along, which wouldn't surprise anyone not even himself. Social cues weren't exactly his strong suit, especially intimately. For some reason, it felt like Christopher was determined to pull him deeper and deeper into unknown areas, literally and metaphorically. Later, when he would come down from this and have time to actually process it all, there was no telling what was going to happen.

"You're still hard," he was thinking aloud again and it wad just a mindless observation that came about from the weight of the other in his palm. That logical part of him, his strongest side, was really doing its best to regain control. It was trying to get him to overanalyze and over-process everything already. Soobin presses his face into Christopher's chest, kissing lazily and then making his way up to the heir's jaw. Cupping his nape, Soobin guides him down into a kiss and lets the feel of Christopher's lips dissolve his logic, which to his surprise works better than he thought it would.

Soobin's fingers trace over the other's hips and side, his other hand stroking his length again. "Had you told me, I never would have believed something like would happen," he speaks lowly, pumping faster, "And here I am imagining how pretty you'd look in my sheets. You get a kick out of toying with my rational mind, don't you?"
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 1 year ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ It's funny. He honestly can't remember the last time someone touched him like this. Moreso, he can't remember the last time he /let/ someone touch him like this. It's not like the heir was modest or innocent, he was anything but. Christopher just... couldn't. Simple as that. He always used the excuse of him being demiual to avoid people trying to set him up with a quick hookup or even a one-night stand (because they happened more often than he'd like). Truth be told, if those hands didn't belong to Soobin, they didn't belong on him. If those lips didn't belong to Soobin, then they don't belong on his. And if those eyes don't look like Soobin's, then they don't deserve to bare witness to him in this moment nor do they deserve to drink in the sight of his body arching, bending, aching. trembling.

There was only one person who ruled him, body and soul. A part of Christopher truly hated how much of a vice grip the other heir has on him. Sitting prettily in the palm of Soobin's hand, oh so willing to be there -- eager, even, that he didn't mind being squeezed from time to time. It only made things feel more real.

And normally, if this was anyone else in any other kind of situation, Christopher would be doing almost everything in his power to gain the upper hand. He was, by no means, a dominant or top but that didn't mean he liked to act as if he was in control. His men, especially Changbin, would always call him a power bottom. Some made fun of him for it, in a loving way of course, however the others seemed to kind of... feed off of that idea. Either way, Christopher never let anyone take the reins. He always fought them for it, refused to have anyone have any sort of control over him. Now, he'd putty. Now, he's so pliant, it's ridiculous. Now, it's like every fiber of him craves Soobin because those reins have always sat in his hands.

Christopher is drowning in pleasure, in warmth, in all of these sensations that leave him gasping and sighing. And, unsurprisingly, Soobin doesn't let off despite his pleas. The only response he got was a little bit of manhandling and-- oh, now his pants are off. There's a hand in his underwear now, fingers coiling around his and-- . Christopher's head tilts back, eyes rolling back, and he's /done/ for. The tongue twirling around his pierced is behind the electric jolts constantly shooting up and down his spine, making it arch into a smooth curve. However, it was Soobin on the piercing that ended up sending him over the edge. A single flick of the tongue and Christopher's entire body convulses. Legs attempt to come to a close but only end up trapping Soobin between his trembling thighs. And his hands-- they went from propping him up against the table to plunging into raven locks as Christopher held on the best he could or else he'd up toppling over. He cums hard, spilling over Soobin's hand with a raspy and hitched cry.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 1 year ago
@? Christopherᵸ [] Me realizing all my typos. FML I'm so sorry. ><

It's the pleas. Every whine and whimper of the other tightens that coil in his gut that much more since he's the one responsible for bringing them out. In the back of his mind, he's surprised that his body just seems to know what to do but he's thankful for it. He prefers to not overthink things if and when he can help it. Fingers repeatedly tracing the curves and dips of Christopher's back and hips, Soobin pulls off for a moment to peek at the other heir's face. His hands slide the male from his lap, only to get his pants off, getting him to sit on the edge of the table instead. Soobin then shifts his seat closer, fingers and palm rubbing back and forth, up and down, over Christopher's length as he attaches his lips right back to the other's pierced . The heir doesn't say a word and just puts in the work. If Christopher releases now, he'd be fine with that since he won't be done with him.

Soobin is aware that, as they've gradually gotten closer, especially since Soobin found out the other heir even had more romantic feelings for him, he's been reading signs from Christopher. He thought he might have been reading too much into them, making the present feel something like a fever dream, but the heat rising on his skin, under his skin was keeping him grounded in reality and all he could think about was how much he wanted to hear and see and feel so much more from Christopher. This felt like it was just the beginning and the sounds alone from the other had him sure what was to come would be more than worth it.

In between lapping at his again, he was continuing to mark up his skin, his mind hazy from the mix of emotions Christopher could bring him. There were times he questioned if he'd opened that door too soon, curious but hesitant if he was just falling into a new trap. As things with Yuto had gone, it wasn't any surprise that he found it hard to trust someone that he's spent years around already. The scariest thing was that this was all just unknown territory to him. Maybe he had a particular aura to which people just avoided him. Soobin was aware that some people took to his fashion or his cleanliness or just the overall way he carried himself but no one had ever confessed to him as Christopher had. That was what was sitting in the back of his mind and weighing on him.

Was it just because Christopher was another heir that he didn't feel scared off by Soobin?

His nails unconsciously dug into the other's skin, seemingly clinging to him as though he would vanish in an instant and this really would end up being a fever dream. He slid his arms out of his trench coat and tugged up the sleeves of his turtleneck. One hand then disappeared into Christopher's underwear, stroking the other slowly as his tongue circled the pierced bud at the same pace. He hard on it, quite enjoying himself, maybe a little too much.

" for me," he whispered into the male's skin, teeth gently tugging at the little silver bar with his thumb simultaneously dragging and dipping into .
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 1 year ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ It's been years. Embarrassingly so, it's been years. It's not like there hasn't been people who have... offered themselves to him, to say simply. And it's not like there hasn't been others who have proclaimed their feelings to him, whether it be publicly or privately. There were names and faces that he could point out easily that have seem to have something lingering towards him. His personal bodyguard was amongst them and had been considerably obvious about it over the past few weeks. Christopher never really paid them any attention, though. He just wasn't attracted to them. They didn't... make him feel. At least not like how the other heir did. Not like how Soobin could. There was just something about him that made his heart race, his fingers tingle and palms sweat. He never could look the other in the eye for long without having to look away, all flustered but trying to mask it because - back then - they were most certainly not on the level they were now.

What a whiplash this is, honestly. Soobin went from glaring at him from across this very table... to practically pinning him against it, mouthing at his chest with a hunger that Christopher has never seen before. Who knew one man could possess such intense desire behind a stoic appearance.

His head was spinning. Soobin's lips, teeth, tongue - holy . His skin was being marked, his whole chest practically covered in them by now. And Christopher is rendered /weak/ in his palms as they grab at him, hold him. "T-Touch me... More, p-please--" All words he attempted to utter caught in his throat and nearly made him choke. His entire body lurches when Soobin suddenly latches down onto his pierced , thighs trembling and quaking with every and le. It eventually got to the point where Christopher was shaking softly, barely able to keep himself upright even with the added support of the table behind him. His arm gave out and his elbow met with the glass with a clear noise. Soobin hit the ing nail right on the head because the reaction was immediate, instantaneous. Back arching into a delicious curve, narrow hips grinding down in distracted grinds - wanting more friction but not all that coherent to properly seek it out alone - and hands diving into midnight locks to grip loosely. Christopher's head is tilted back, throat exposed and as he moans so /lewdly/, so beautifully, his jugular vein could be visible for a few lingering seconds.

And, //, he was already wound up so tight because of this man - this /one/ man - that he could already feel that familiar heat coiling in his gut; he was close. Embarrassingly so, he was close. If this continues, Christopher would have an right in his dress pants before they could even be taken off. "//-- oh my god-- I... Aahh~ mmnh! I-I can't, I'm-- -- s-stop, I-I'm gonna --"
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 1 year ago
@? Christopherᵸ Soobin would have liked someone to explain just what reaction it was that his body had to Christopher’s answer because he sure enough couldn’t explain it himself if he tried. There was a heat that coursed through him, a kind he definitely hadn’t felt before. Not to mention the way his gut tightened while his heart thumped a bit harder at what felt to be the exact same time. He considered himself to be well-versed when it came to work, especially coming up with solutions. When it came to leisure activities, name lot pleasure, Soobin didn’t necessarily doubt himself at least not until now. It was more than just lack of experience though. It was lack of knowledge. He wasn’t sure to what extent Christopher knew how this whole intimacy thing worked but he was aware the other would give him time and space to figure it out. For how long though, he couldn’t say. He was just glad that he had some sort of instinct feeding his body directions. Doing what felt right seemed to be pleasuring Christopher and that served to thumping in his chest. An excited sort of rhythm to say the least.

The Lee heir wasn’t one to really work on his own body exercise-wise. He trained in many ways, albeit hard and often, but he kept it at that. Looking over, as well as feeling, Christopher’s torso was showing him just what hard work and dedication in the gym could lead to. He wouldn’t say it was something for him but that didn’t mean he could admire and appreciate what was presented in front of him. He pulls back for a brief moment as the other calls to him, well, for him actually, aware of just what caused the response. He shifted them a little closer to the table so that Christopher could lean back against it as both of his own hands were now busy. “Here,” he questions in his soft voice, both thumbs circling over both of the male’s buds, “You seem to like it here…” He gently pinched his s, applying pressure for a bit before releasing his hold and tracing circles over them with his thumbs again. Soobin continues to use his hands for a moment before whispering the question, “or is this better,” leaning in and circling his tongue around the pierced bud. His teeth imitate the pinch by lightly biting down. A hand returned to the small of Christopher’s back as he ended up on the already between his lips. “They’ve got hard and puffy,” he comments casually as he switches to the other , giving it the same attention with his mouth. His free hand rests on and squeezes quite desperately, the heat forming between his groin and in his gut making itself known again. It just makes him and lap harder at the already abused buds on the other’s chest, Soobin not hesitating to mark him up even more. It’s as though he can’t help himself in doing so, something like a voice in the back of his mind telling him to leave his mark amongst all the others present on Christopher’s warm skin.

“You are mine,” he utters sharply as the thought streams seeming lot from his subconscious.
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 1 year ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ "Anywhere..." murmured Christopher. "Any way... Any how... Any time... I... I am yours to explore at your own leisure, Soobin. Yours." Each was button was coming undone one by one and if it wasn't for him remembering last second about his tie then it probably would have choked him a little. The tie is the first to come off then the shirt soon follows suit, both articles of clothing falling down to the side for later recollection. Now his entire torso was exposed. All of the tattoos that he himself created by spending countless hours sitting uncomfortably in front of a mirror only for each piece to come out so detailed. Wide shoulders, thick biceps, veiny forearms, defined abs, and even the smallest hint of a v-line on narrow hips; going from a broader upper body to a slimmer lower body.

Christopher's body, despite being toned and showcasing how much effort he put in the gym, had curves. One of them was being the impressive arch of his lower back that eventually lead to an even more impressive . His men would constantly cat call him when they'd spot him in the gym. He'd often be shirtless there and in shorts, sometimes doing squats or dead-lifting and there's definitely been several times when someone passed by just to smack his . It was all jokes, though. At least, that's what Christopher thought. He never really took it seriously. They would sometimes even comment about his piercing, how there was only one and not two. Ignorance is bliss because apparently they did not catch on to the fact that it hinted at his uality and, more specifically, which position he preferred in bed. It was on the right side so that meant that he was a submissive, and the way he bends and arches in Soobin's palms only helped show that.

The kisses trail along his skin and Christopher refuses to look away, too entranced by the show of growing confidence in the other heir; liking every second of it. And when those lips reach his chest, Christopher sighs so sweetly and his body is so warm in Soobin's palms. So warm and pliant, arching into him in a silent plea for more. Every time he got even close to the pierced bud, his breath would hitch noticeably. "S-Soobin-- aah.." The accompanied teeth digging into his skin elicited a quiet, nearly in audible noise as marks started to bloom across his tanned skin.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 1 year ago
@? Christopherᵸ Soobin raises a brow at the other’s response before his lips pulled into something resembling a smile, which it was for him. He wasn’t the type to indulge in frivolous thoughts, let alone bring them to reality, but Christopher seemed to be working to change that, intentionally or not. Soobin was tempted to take him up on that offer.

The request stubs the heir for a moment and his eyes lock with the other’s again, gaze softening some although darkening at the same time. “Anywhere I want,” he asks, getting himself to keep his hands still for the moment, “Any way I want?” It takes about a beat and a half before he’s getting Christopher’s top half undressed. His slight spike in eagerness is for a couple of reasons. Yes, he’s just curious as to how it would feel to hold him in such a manner but, simultaneously, he just wants to /see/. He know Christopher has many scars, battle scars really, hidden among his tattoos and his curiosity is getting the best of him. Something that only seems to happen with the other. He’s learning he’s had a lot of habits and tendencies and quirks that only awaken with the other. They would show with his mother, Yeonjun and Keonhee but they were all family really. He couldn’t exactly describe his connection to Christopher the same way and he was more than just okay with that.

With the other heir’s shirt now ed and set aside, Soobin eyes are just as eager as his hands as he traces over the mix of scars and inked designs he can see and feel. He brings up one of the other’s hands, kissing his palm and then over his knuckles, making his way up his arm from his wrist, gaze periodically locking with Christopher’s. “You smell nice,” he utters softly, “Taste it, too.” He repeats the motions on his other arm before leaning him back some, both arms around his middle and bracing him as he starts kissing over his chest and lightly marking it in places.
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 1 year ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ Soobin was... warm. Very warm. As soon as Christopher settled down, he did not want to get back up no matter /who/ entered that door. The very second those large palms were smoothing over his body was the same second every ounce of attention he had focused on the male in front of him. His eyes dilated a little as they locked with the pair staring back at him, heart hammering away in his chest that he's sure Soobin could feel it when their bodies pressed flush together. Christopher let out a shaky exhale, eyes fluttering as the space between them decreased until there was nothing left separating them except for their clothes... which were starting to become rather annoying, and tight.

It feels hotter now. The air around them feels hotter. "Not to sound desperate, but..." Trailing off into a faded whisper, Christopher's hands slowly run over his shoulders, up the sides of his neck, over the curve of his jawline and the hills of his cheeks before delving into his silky tresses. "Hold me, by all means..."

Christopher was at his mercy. Puddy in the palm of his hands. A patient kind of desperate, kind yet eager hands. He wanted Soobin. He's wanted him for /ages/. He's waited /so long/ for this. Years upon years. He waited. And waited... and waited. Of course things took a really bad turn and lives were nearly lost, including their own. It brings the distant realization that they both risked their lives for one another. And just nearly lost. The numerous grazes with death Christopher endured during that time period was enough to nearly drown him in all the feelings he kept buried and never said. All the words he wanted to say to Soobin ended up choking him in the end. Now, none of that truly mattered. Not when they're having this moment. Not when Soobin's lips tasted so sweet against his. The heir sighs softly into the kiss, fingers curling faintly in his hair, and almost melts right into him. He kissed back softly, slowly, but it was thick with the honey of desire and lingering passion. "Touch me... Please, Soobin..."
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 1 year ago
@? Christopherᵸ Soobin hadn’t paid much mind to anyone else that had been in the room. Only Keonhee was there with him that day and was able to read his heir very well. He escorted himself out and decided to wait around for when Soobin would be ready to go. As the room quiet, Soobin seemed to grow in confidence. He did always seem to manage better in one-on-one situations or similar smaller group situations.

As Christopher settled in his lap, he rested his hands on his thighs before gliding them up toward his hips, his palms pressing against his lower back. “I should hold you more often,” Soobin blurted out, his expression unchanged, of course. He was simply speaking his thoughts and it was something he was gradually getting used to doing with Christopher.

“It feels nice to hold you like this,” he felt content like this but one hand slowly made its way up to the other’s nape, bringing him down for a kiss. He started it with a peck before kissing him slowly. He still wasn’t good at this, at least in his own opinion, but he could practice with Christopher. The other didn’t seem to mind too much, thankfully. Tightening his hold caused the other heir’s body to press more firmly against his own and he liked it that way.
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 1 year ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ The hand remaining on his thigh is what made Christopher not get up to join the rest of the lot in leaving, not even when his mother turned with a questioning gaze. He just simply gave her a 'I'll join you later' look and that appeased her enough to flash a smile before following Changbin out. Now it was just them. Just him and Soobin. Christopher turns his head to glance over with a surprised look on his face; he clearly hadn't expected the other heir to actually, well... give the invitation. He never had before and /that/ was when Christopher started to catch on to what was going on here.

Now it's his turn to blush.

Swallowing thickly, he gently pushes his chair back then gets to his feet, moving to stand in front of Soobin. The first thing Christopher did was slip off his dress shoes to avoid any mishaps and then reaches to gently tug his pant legs up a little so they wouldn't end up ripping due to how well these pants fit him; form fitting in every way possible. Then, carefully, he climbs into Soobin's lap and his hands soon find purchase on his shoulders as he settles in; nearly chest to chest.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 1 year ago
@? Christopherᵸ Just as his eyes were scanning over the other, he could feel Christopher’s doing the same. This much wasn’t different. They were typically lost in a world of their own although, previously, it was always tension of a different sort. The tension building now was something hotter and something that Soobin was still processing. Christopher was bringing out a lot of different sides of him and, despite the strangeness of it, he found himself welcoming it.

When the other heir brought back his hand, he instinctively gripped his thigh, the comment making his ears and cheeks dust pink once he realized just what the other meant. His brain drew a blank and he just gripped his thigh yet again. Soobin’s hand stayed in place but his gaze followed everyone as they began leaving the room. Once everyone was gone, his eyes were on Christopher again.

He drew back his hand and then gave his own thigh a few pats. “Come take your seat,” he finally responded, shifting his seat back a little and spreading his legs a bit.
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 1 year ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ The only response he got was a question, which certainly did not answer the question he himself had asked. This caused Christopher's brows to raise just before a slow smile tugs at the corners of his mouth, dimples showing in a charming showcase of warmth; eyes distracted as they scanned Soobin's features. Frankly, he's glad that their dynamics have changed in the way it has. Christopher was able to joke around with him, from time to time and provoke him, albeit without knowing most of the time. He knew he was fairly attractive but then again he was also oblivious to the effect it would have on the other heir.

"It is. I think I'd rather have a different seat." A quick glance down provided enough of an implication that the 'different seat' was really Soobins lap. His smile broadened slightly into a small lop-sided smirk. "And for the record," Christopher reaches forward to gently guide the hand back on to his thigh before moving his hand so that his fingers could graze along the inside of Soobin's wrist briefly. "I'm not doing anything after this."

He quite enjoyed the touches and the palm providing warmth that could be felt through the fabric of his dress pants. Of course, Christopher was a greedy man when it came to Soobin; he could never get enough of him. However that doesn't mean he would push and pry or even force him to do anything. They haven't had really.. delved into each other yet. In an intimate way, at least. Christopher was more than happy to make teasing and provocative comments here and there but was also patiently waiting for Soobin to make the first move, wanting him to be comfortable enough to do it on his own regard. Christopher perks up slightly when it seems like the meeting is finally over; people were dismissing themselves and filling out of the room with haste and annoyance. He simply dipped his head in farewell motions though remained in his seat until eventually, it was just the two of them.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 1 year ago
@? Christopherᵸ It wasn’t the least bit surprising that Soobin wasn’t invested in the meeting. He only ever paid attention if he felt that his services were needed or if it was something that somehow pertained to him. As per usual, that meant his attention was on Christopher, albeit for a slightly different reason than usual. His relationship with his fellow heir had been getting better recently so, although Christopher could still get him riled up, it leaned in a much different way now. That much being exhibited in the way his gaze shifted down for a moment as the other spread his legs. Internally, he questioned a lot of things and it was clear the other still couldn’t tell just what was crossing his mind. Soobin felt that was beneficial, especially since they were still in their meeting.

“Is your seat uncomfortable?”

Not only had he answered a question with a question but it wasn’t even the question that had been sitting on the tip of his tongue. His hand moved to rest on Christopher’s knee, tempted to run his fingers up toward his thigh. Resisting the sudden impulse, he just gripped the male’s knee. The Lee heir had clearly gotten more comfortable with at least physical contact with someone other than his two bodyguards and his mother. Christopher was, at this point, easily climbing into those ranks it seemed. He soon withdrew his hand, the impulse to grab at the other much more than suddenly making his fingertips itch. This was a new feeling for him but he wasn’t against it. “Are you busy after this?”
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 1 year ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ Another long meeting that could've easily just be a brief phone call. Or even an email. They were wasting time here over a very small matter that was mainly revolving pettiness and thievery. Christopher was starting to lose his patience, watching the two heirs bicker and back forth. He leans back in his chair with a sigh, thighs spreading as he gets more comfortable in the seat. There's a pair of eyes on him. They're staring at him intensely, watching him shifting his chair, watching his legs open slowly. Christopher can feel their eyes on him even when he's not looking in their direction; he knows it's Soobin, eyeing him the entire time despite being seated right next to each other. That's when Christopher finally glances up, mismatched hues meeting Soobin's heated gaze. The other heir's expression was rather stoic, as per usual, so he couldn't tell what was going on in that head of his. "What are you thinkin' 'bout?" He asked softly, low enough for him to hear.
𓆸 Christopherᵸ 2 years ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ ( take your time sweetie < 3 )


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megaverse 6 months ago
╭┈      ⌕ ⋯ roleplay updates      .· * • ˚

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Keikeu 6 months ago
are you accepting reservations?
0e3f97d30391478699bf 1 year ago
thank you for having me loves <3
Kim4Shim 1 year ago
thanks for having me
xingqiu 2 years ago
Can you add Kim Minjeong please?
everrosie_ 2 years ago
ning ning please! :D
Kim4Shim 2 years ago
Could I reserve felix?
0e3f97d30391478699bf 2 years ago
hi, can I get choi seunghyun please
TaeKook 2 years ago
Choi San please
912c5d2bc21ae1b6c24a 2 years ago
can i have Paing Takhon as a civillian please
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