
high end shops, malls, restaurants and cafes
coded by yxgurt
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *chuckles lightly, nodding*
will do, will do
*continues admiring the rest of the artwork for a while longer; even returning to a previous piece when one of the last reminds her of it to piece together the similarities and snap a few obligatory insta photos. when they finally, officially, head toward the exit of the exhibit she lets out a happy hum*
you know, oppa, we should do this more often
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *hums in concession, putting a hand pensively on my stomach*
yeah, okay, i could eat
*nods a few times before sparing the last wall of art a glance*
just let me know when you're ready
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *snorts softly, stepping back to view a taller piece*
As if I'd really try, Park
*hums, brows furrowing minutely in thought*
Should we eat? Maybe we can walk around and get street food, maybe watch some performers
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *lingers in place for a few extra moments, chuckling with a light shake of my head*
You can't get rid of me that easily, Ha
*follows after you, hands finding a leisurely home in my pockets*
What are we doin after this, hm? Birthday girl's choice
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *makes a face, somehow not finding her cliche revelation nearly as toe-curlingly cliche as that last statement*
Oof...yah, let's stop
*says, leaving the 'let's stop this present thing' and 'let's break up' double entendre to inference before turning the corner leading to the last few groups of art; letting a last moment smile portay her true appreciation*
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *blinks slowly, the words taking time to catch up in my head before my expression slowly turns to a small smile*
Ey, it's no biggie
*reaches over, affectionately patting your head before making a temple-tapping thinking gesture toward mine*
I'm your friend, Ha Mirinae. I notice these things
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *smiles, fingers clasping together as she gives a shrug*
I dunno, just..for bringing me out today. For getting me a cake, a gift. All of it, I really appreciate it
I'm having a really good time and I honestly don't think I wouldn've made it to this exhibition if you hadn't brought it up
I've been really /really/ swamped between school and practice and 'we've found someone more suited' auditions
*sighs, expelling the draining weight that seemed to return just by mentioning it all*
I just really needed this
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *looks at you, brows raised in mild confusion and interest*
Thanks? I- you're welcome?
*laughs softly, more in confusion, before letting out an airy sigh*
What are you thanking me for, Miri?
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ Moving on~
*agrees, strolling over to the next wall installation. just as before, she spends an short while just taking in the pieces as a whole, as individuals, and parsing out little details. she speaks up after another period of natural silence*
Hey, oppa?
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *laughs, nodding after a while*
Yeah. yeah, I guess we are
*nods in the direction of the next set after a few more moments*
Moving on?
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *scoffs lightly, fixing a brief look on you*
Don't act like you don't know
*responds, turning to the paintings ahead. tilting her head pensively, as she continues to take in the minute details of her current favorite, she continues*
We're just like those memes
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *hums, thinking for a moment before slowly nodding*
Yes, I think so
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *nods while looking at the Jung, a little smile working its way up*
Makes sense. They fit you
*glances over to you, scanning your outfit up and down for a moment - the black a sharp contrast to my lavender blouse - before nodding with a laugh*
Do you know those memes where the people in a history or art museum look just like one of the artworks?
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *follows you to the next piece after a quiet hum of agreement - definitely not as scary.
squints at the shiny, technicolor painting to take in all the details as we sit in the comfortable silence, even startling a little as you speak up again*
Ah really?
*looks at the Lee piece before nodding*
Makes sense...They fit you
*after glancing between it and the Jung painting next to it, I move along; the next piece that isn't being crowded by the throng of other museum goers in sight*
I might be more of a Jung guy, I like the darker tones and bigger lines. Feels like there's more for me to glean from them
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *fails at suppressing a laugh, the sound coming out as of a sharp puff of air through the nose*
No, you're right. Maybe some day
*turns on heel to approach the next wall; the thought halting for a few beats as she admires the Lee piece—"Dreamy Dream," a sky at dusk framed in a metallic rainbow circle and speckled with cloud-like holographic dashes and sparkles being the focus*
For now, I just like the catharsis. It's not as scary
*sighs serenely, gaze trailing back up to you with a little smile after some natural silence*
I think Lee Sejun's pieces are my favorite. What about you?
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *chuckles, hand carding through my hair for a moment*
It's ironic if I say "Poems like a diary" would make a really good album title...or, like, poetry collection title, right?
'Cause it would.
But, no, I get it
*exhales idly, hands finding their way into my jacket pockets*
Some things are just for catharsis, just for ourselves
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ Mhm, really
*nods before laughing softly, continuing a more understanding nod*
I know, I had that feeling
I can do it, sometimes. I write with Levi a lot. Not the really personal songs though—I don't even share those to get composition work, they're just kinda like...dairy entries?
*furrows her brow in thought, a brief hum escaping as she nods, firmly this time*
Poems like a diary, a book of lyrics just for me
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *listens intently, finding my looking more at you than the paintings*
*turns to the installation once you mention the cross-painting, almost squinting to try and discern any telltale signs but ultimately coming up with none*
Wow, that's cool, I don't think I could do that. It gets too personal sometimes.
*shakes my head, ultimately landing back on you*
Could you?
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *scoffs a laugh, following suit but taking a few steps backward to see the three pieces together*
The two of them share a studio and that's how this exhibition came about.
Since their styles are SO different—in methodology, not just visuals—they actually started learning each other's methods and trading feedback and tips...sometimes painting on one another's works. Just little things here and there, that's why it's not, like, both names on each placard, but it's still..each piece was touched by both Jung and Lee
*shrugs lightly*
And, I dunno, I think that's kinda magical. It's hard to let someone in on your creative process; let alone actually put their hands into it
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *nods along dumbly*
No, yeah, all of that.
*chuckles, looking back at the art with a tilted head*
Actually...I think I get you, I get it, yeah. What else do you know about these guys, Miri?
*gestures to the next piece before walking over*
Be my tour guide
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *laughs, strolling ahead to view the nearest set up*
If anything ever happens to me, you have my full permission to replace me with Jin as your best friend
But, we have over half a year before I encroach on Haneul day, so don't get trigger-happy
*falls silent as she looks between two pieces, briefly clocking the information placards*
What I like most about Jung Hyun Doo and Sejun Lee's joint shows is how different their works are, but they always fit together well
*points at the piece on the left, spanning over to the right as she continues*
Jung Hyun Doo's darker pieces, next to Sejun Lee's shiny, futuristic ones always seem to work. Because they both use so much color and dynamic lines. You know how they say opposites attract? It feels like that
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *hums, genuinely thinking about the comparison as we walk into the exhibit space*
Probably Jin
Yeah, Jin. "Friendship ended with Miri, now Jin is my best friend"
*recites the meme, hand poised in a one-sided hand shake*
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ Not Mudasir!
*barks out through a laugh, hands moving to clap but ultimately just meeting knuckles-to-cell phone. electing not to dignify the retort, she continues with a prodding grin*
Alright, that's fair. I accept that. Who would be your Salman, then?
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ Oh, no yeah.
*nods, unlocking my phone to let the staff scan the first code, swiping to the next as I speak*
Yeah, it'd be friendship with Mudasir, 100%
*squints disapprovingly, the slight registering later than it should have*
And I do not make a stupid face when I'm mad
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *laughs*
I am not gonna dispute that
*approaches the little ticket counter, standing off to the side to let you do your thing*
So, hypothetically, if I were to totally ignore you on your birthday—even if just for the laughs and stupid face you make when you're mad—it would not bode well for our relationship
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ It's /your/ birthday /today/, though. It should be all about you
*sighs airily, shaking my head while opening one of the venue doors and stepping aside for you*
Ha Mirinae, you are a far better person than I ever plan to be, 'cause January 6th? Haneul day, and Haneul day only
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *snorts softly, shoulders drawing up into a nonchalant shrug*
I'm like a mom, remember?
Plus, it's Sohee's birthday in a few weeks, I've gotta case if they like that particular bakery or not
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ Wahh, such a caring leader to give gifts on her own birthday
*teases, naturally falling into step on the defensive side against any potential traffic and nudging you with an elbow. soon passing on the joke, I hum in agreement*
But alright - no promises - but I'll try to remember
★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ [A] 2 years ago
@✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ *snickers, popping the last half into after bidding the staff goodbye and following after you*
I can't believe I doubted you, how /foolish/ of me
*she played along, tone holding a ton of facetiousness as she ducks out of the venue*
Hey, I don't wanna have too much on hand in the exhibit, but we should come back so I can get treats for the dorm
So, please remind me if I end up walking past later
✿ park haneul ᵍᵉᵘⁿʸᵃⁿᵍ 2 years ago
@★ ha mirinae ᵐᶦʳᵃᵉ *stands also, picking up our trash to ferry it over to the bins quickly*
the codes...?
*repeats in false confusion, hands patting around for my phone among my pockets*
what codes-? i don't-- of course i have the codes. in browser, saved to gallery, sent to myself in email AND kakao. all of that
*flashes the phone, picking up your gift bag on the way towards the door*
gimme a little credit, mir, i grew up with tech paranoid grandparents


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ab2a081678c0e67971fd 2 years ago
Hello can i have mamamoo's moonbyul please?
OC name: park junhee, stage name: june
preciosa 2 years ago
୭ hello! requesting ive's jang wonyoung as elizabeth lee, thank you in advanced!
geunyeo [A] 2 years ago
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ ғᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ᴀᴘᴘs ᴀʀᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴ!
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ sᴘᴏᴛs ᴀʀᴇ ʟɪᴍɪᴛᴇᴅ!
Kim4Shim 2 years ago
Felix of stray kids please
name Lee Yongbok, stage name Felix
huniverse 2 years ago
hwang hyunjin of stray kids please
OC name is hwang hyunjin, stage name - sam
TaeKook 2 years ago
Park Seonghwa of Ateez please
Oc name is Choi Wooshin and is it possible to be the main vocalist of Krush??
geunyeo [A] 2 years ago
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ ғᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ᴀᴘᴘs ᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴏʀᴀʀɪʟʏ ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴅ!
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ sᴇᴇᴋɪɴɢ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀs ғᴏʀ ᴋʀᴜsʜ, ᴊɪɴx, ᴀɴᴅ 7ᴜᴄᴋʏ
persica 2 years ago
It was bound to happen.
Gimme gimme gimme (a man after midnight--) Bae Joohyun, aka Irene, with the OC name Cha Yoojin uwu
SoHa_Park 2 years ago
Hi! Could I get Juyeon from THE BOYZ ^^
OC: Park Hwanseul (SoHwan)
missinkiss 2 years ago
Can I get Shioya Yuki? OC name is Azuma Reiko
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