⤷ jingoo's office

jingoo's office
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 1 year ago
@† yeo jingoo Hakyun couldn't stop himself; he laughed. There was something so endearing about the near-comical twinkle in Jingoo's eyes. It was good, to see him like this. Happy. That's not to say either of them had necessarily been unhappy, but, well, usually it was rare to see the vampire this content.

"Hey now," he said. "Just because I said I wouldn't let you die doesn't mean you can slack on protecting yourself when I'm not there. You better be taking care of yourself." The hunter tsked, unable to help smiling around the sound. "Or else."

"And if you want to apologize and thank me you'll make sure to take care of yourself, alright? I didn't almost get drained for you to throw your life away." Once again, it was said in a more joking tone; a half-truth, because Hakyun didn't want Jingoo to feel such intense guilt over the whole ordeal, but at the same time he recognized that it was always going to be something to deal with between them.

[ f l a s h b a c k ]

His ears were ringing. One moment Hakyun had been kneeling in front of Jingoo, and the next he found his head slammed into the ground as he was shoved onto his back. The hunter groaned; his instinctive reaction was to curl in on himself, but the weight on top of him prevented him from doing much moving at all.

"Jin-" he tried to get the vampire's attention, but it was no use. Through the black spots in his vision Hakyun could just make out Jingoo's face; it was unseeing, like the vampire was looking right through him. Looking at him like he was nothing but a piece of meat. , this wasn't good. Hakyun tried to lift himself up again but he didn't get very far as Jingoo dragged him into place by the legs.

Things blurred a bit after that.

Hakyun felt himself being forced down after he tried - again - to sit up. He could hear something tearing, felt the cool air of the church against his leg; and then the sharp pain of fangs sinking, no, /tearing/ into his thigh.

He cried out. For a brief moment he had control of his limbs again, one hand coming to rest on what felt like Jingoo's shoulder, the other grabbing at the vampire's hair. He went nearly limp again soon after. He felt sluggish and heavy as the vampire drank from him like a man starved.

"Stop," he gasped. "Jingoo, stop..." Hakyun didn't know what words were coming out of his mouth. They eventually petered off into nothing; mumbles and breathy sounds as stars danced behind his eyelids. He was sinking into darkness now, his grip slackening, fingers cold. He couldn't move, could hardly breathe, let alone say anything. If Jingoo didn't stop, if he kept going, then-

[ e n d o f f l a s h b a c k ]

Hakyun blinked as the vampire positioned himself even closer. It wasn't unwelcome, not at all, it just wasn't expected. The closest they normally got physically was fighting or feeding and occassional off-hand circumstances. But it was nice, the feeling of Jingoo's forehead pressed against his. The proximity. It was easy enough for the hunter to let Jingoo hold onto him.

"Someone's extra sappy today," he said. It must have been the time, the distance; five years might not seem like much to a vampire, but then again, Jingoo has always been a bit different than the rest.

Unfortunately for Jingoo, when he took the time to be serious, Hakyun was /serious/. "What are you talking about, hm? You know I'm only human, Jingoo-yah. One day..." He slipped one hand out of Jingoo's grip, turning it over to clasp around Jingoo's own. "Well, you shouldn't put so much importance on one little human like me." Even though Hakyun felt similar, hypocrite that he was. He knew he could survive if Jingoo were to perish, but he could admit to himself... he wouldn't enjoy it. He tried not to think about it, all things considered. Would rather live in the moment, here and now.
† yeo jingoo 1 year ago
@✠ shin hakyun Jingoo rarely felt aches in his heart — a sign he long had forgotten the pain and turmoil of human life yet Hakyun, since the beginning of that brief vision, had managed to make Jingoo feel all kinds of heart aches known to humanity. At that moment, it was like someone had slammed the Big Ben right through his core and the ringing was not a pleasant experience though the meaning behind it rang louder and clearer. There were damn butterflies fluttering — not because he was scared. His mind lingered on the comforting weight of Hakyun's hand and he couldn't help grinning and turned his face away until he schooled his expression back to more calm and composed.

"Was that a declaration that as long as you're alive you won't allow anything or anyone to end my life?" He was perhaps teasing, yet unable to hide his own giddiness, the way his eyes glimmered with anticipated hope, "So I trust you with my life, Hunter Shin. I'll be in your care."

He laughed, patting the back of Hakyun's palm. "No, I don't know how to thank you and apologize."


Jingoo was delirious. His vision was messy blotches of red and black overlapping each other. It made him frenzied, his nature ripping the humane appearance he maintained. His intellect was fast declining, everything turning into buzzing, a sharp ringing echoing in his head. It didn't help that he picked up the sweetest scent so ing close to him.

Shin Hakyun. Your Shin Hakyun. The last thread of sanity supplied before he attacked the nearest source of sustenance avail like a savage, mindless beast.

"Ha—" Jingoo struggled forming words, more like growling, "run."

Though he was holding onto Hakyun's jacket for dear life. He didn't want to leave this world. Not yet. Not now.

The rest — he was offered a way to survive. He thought he could do it.

The next thing he knew he came to the cold skin beneath his claws.

[end of flashback]

He let a small glimpse of giggle escape. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You said you would do it again. Darling, don't make such statements. It might bite you in the — here," he painted to his neck, holding a cheeky grin, "in the neck again."

He cupped both of Hakyun's hands in his, moving until he's glued to Hakyun's side, pressing his head lightly against the other.

"Honestly. Don't. I'm still scared. I don't want to live if you are not here."

And there he said it. A thought he had been keeping to himself. He hoped Hakyun would disregard it as a senile vampire's rambling. Nothing much.
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 1 year ago
@† yeo jingoo "If that's what you want to call it."

Maybe it was fate that they met, or maybe it was just a freak coincidence of the universe; stars aligning and all that mumbo jumbo. Hakyun didn't really care what the /reason/ for it truly was, he was just grateful that it had happened in the first place. He almost laughed at the thought. His younger self would think him insane for being "grateful" such a thing had occurred. Their first meeting had been nothing but a bloodbath after all. It was funny, that it had turned into something of a fond memory for the hunter.

Hakyun eventually brushed those thoughts aside. They weren't the focus of the current discussion, which brought him back to the matter at hand.

"Yes, the entire stash in that place was either gone or destroyed. I only had enough in my personal supply to bandage you, but there wasn't any blood around," Hakyun squeezed Jingoo's hand, then scoffed. "Of course I told you tp drink from me. You would have bled to death otherwise." In a quiet voice, "I wasn't going to let that happen.

[ f l a s h b a c k ]

"-" The hunter ran a hand through his hair in frustration. There were no blood supplies left. Everything had either been used or taken, and all that remained was spilt and long dry.

He made his way back to where he had left Jingoo against the wall near some tipped over pews. The vampire seemed more out of it than he was before, no doubt from the injuries to his back, and the blood loss. "Stupid vampire," he hissed under his breath, attempting to keep his worry at bay while kneeling in front of him and ripping open his own pack of supplies. He decided to patch up as many of Jingoo's injuries as he could. It would at least help stem some of the sluggish blood flow.

When he was done, however, they had to face the increasingly pressing issue at hand.

"Jingoo," he said, tapping the vampire on the cheek to get his attention. "Listen. There are no blood supplies left here. We're going to need- You're going to have to feed from me, alright? We can get you stable and then figure something out."

He leaned back and reached up to start ing the collar of his shirt. They normally did this below the belt, but they didn't really have the time for that right now.

[ e n d o f f l a s h b a c k ]

At least, that's what Hakyun had assumed back then. Everything after that point in his memories is somewhat hazy. He can't remember how he ended up on his back, Jingoo must have found enough strength to push him and hold him down. He still remembers and feels the pain of the bite, and he recalls phantom flashes of himself struggling, getting weaker, until eventually everything slipped into darkness.

"You didn't know it would happen like that," he finally said. He squeezed the vampire's hand again and gave him a small smile, attempting to be reassuring. "I didn't either, but I would do it again. In a heartbeat. You and I are both still here, aren't we?"
† yeo jingoo 1 year ago
@✠ shin hakyun "No. You are not. You are way too kind for your kind. I mean it," Jingoo sighed, his gaze softened and a hint of amusement lingered on his lips, "yeah… I kind of realised it now. too late but better than never. Fate is a strange thing. Don't you agree, Hakyun?"

Jingoo hated the word fate. It meant all his sufferings and pain were already decided by the heavens and nothing he could do would have a different outcome, trapped in a miserable cycle of hate. He believed fate had nothing good stored in for him, bound to wander the earth in search of something he didn't know was missing — simply loving because he didn't want to die. Death is terrifying, painful, suffocating, and uncertain.

Enter Shin Hakyun. It was fate that led Jingoo to the young hunter. It was fate weaving intricacies between Hakyun and Jingoo, all tangled up so badly that Jingoo could not think of life without Hakyun.

He was as surprised as Hakyun to find the hunter in this blood farm, but maybe, deep down, he knew their paths would intertwine at some point in future when he was ready to face his past.

[ flashback ]

Jingoo turned to Hakyun, stretching his ruddy lips into a smile, reaching for Hakyun's hand and patting the back of his palm. Jingoo's voice came out a growl, blood spilling past his lips as he spoke. "Hakyun, I'll be fine. I just need blood. That's all."

Jingoo being beaten to a pulp wouldn't be a lie. Some bastards managed to pierce his back with the silver arrows while he was taking care of the foolish vampires.


He never dreamt his kind would stoop so low to take help from the hunters to hunt him as well as the hunters to sacrifice one of their own. Jingoo felt no remorse for wiping off the entire parties of vampires and hunters alike (thus, his current state)

"Hakyun, this place…. See, if they have any blood supplies." Jingoo gave in, dropping to the floor, leaning against the run down wall.

It wasn't unheard of vampires to stash blood in places like these — abandoned churches were like tourist spots for vampires.

[ end of flashback ]

Jingoo's hesitated for a moment before he reached out for Hakyun's hand, held his palm gently in his and traced circles while looking at him in the eye, breath hitched.

"You remember how there were no blood supplies and you were kind enough to offer despite my state? I should have refused. I was not able to control my instincts. Do you remember your body turning cold? Or that you were gasping for breath? I still think it's my fault. But I also…. "
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 1 year ago
@† yeo jingoo ('I thought you would carve my heart out and hang it over your head...')

"Tch, I'm not a barbarian," Hakyun groused, though the small smile on his face betrayed the surly tone. It was obvious he was merely playing around and not actually irritated by Jingoo's remark.

He wasn't expecting the touch to his thigh this time. The hunter supposed that maybe he should have. The action was certainly welcome on his part, though he could see from Jingoo's conflicted expression that he was clearly thinking about other, more serious things. The slow drag of the vampire's fingertips against his skin was so much more gentle than the bite that gave him the scar in the first place.

"I am angry with you," he said, sipping at his drink again and watching Jingoo. Hakyun winced as the vampire finished his drink without a care for how hot it was. "Just not for all the reasons you seem to want me to be." The hunter sighed and leaned over to place his drink on the small table next to the couch. Then he faced Jingoo once more and laid his hand over top of the one resting on his thigh.

He nodded and said, "I remember."

It was supposed to be a meeting like any other. The kind where the two of them would dance around each other, Jingoo with his fangs and claws, and Hakyun with his wits and blades. It /did/ start out normal enough, until they had gotten caught in the crossfire of a vampire-hunter battleground. He wouldn't have escaped the fight had Jingoo not managed to take him by the arm and drag him away from the chaos, though not before the vampire himself had been injured.

[ f l a s h b a c k ]

Hakyun hadn't even known that there was an abandoned church this close by as Jingoo practically strongarmed him through the broken front doors. The adrenaline was still pumping through the hunter's veins from narrowly escaping the sudden war between vampires and other hunters. Thankfully, Hakyun only had a few minor cuts and bruises, but as he turned his attention to Jingoo...

"Hold on," he tugged his arm out of the vampire's grip and pushed on his shoulder so he would turn and face him. "You're hurt."
† yeo jingoo 1 year ago
@✠ shin hakyun From their first encounter to all the years they spent knowing each other, he was certain that Hakyun wasn't a threat to him — not the one he had grown fond of. His Hakyun would never hurt him. Though his vision showed otherwise and Jingoo loathed himself for thinking about it once in a while — that tiny doubt creates great displeasure because he feared the worst could happen to Hakyun. Jingoo wasn't the beloved darling of the vampires after all.

But again, he would not mind getting an end to his long and lonely life. But that would only be if it was a decision sobre and sane Hakyun would make.

He shrugged off the unpleasant thought with an amused smile, hiding behind the cup in pretense of enjoying the beverage, he humoured, no longer tense and felt like he would lose one person he treasured the very next moment, "I'm nice, ain't I? I thought you would carve my heart out and hang it over your head — so….. maybe, you should be gentle and kind to me."

As Jingoo said so, he slowly reached down for Hakyun's thigh with the bite mark, fingertips brushing over the bumpy flesh and sighed, the guilt was quick to choke him again. He couldn't stop thinking that he should not be asking for consideration for what he did and how he handled it afterward.

But he also wanted to touch Hakyun so, so, so, so ing bad. His focus shifted south.

". You can….no, you should be angry with me. I'm….sosososo sorry." He heaved, drowning the rest of the hot liquid in one go. The heat of the drink calms his nerves, an eccentric habit he had developed so long ago.

"Well, you see….you remember how we were supposed to meet just the two of us but there were other vampires and hunters. The fight. And we barely escaped alive….then I lost control."
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 1 year ago
@† yeo jingoo He felt the hand on his head and blinked a few times in surprise, frozen for just a moment. Normally the hunter would find the action condescending and lean away from it, but from the vampire it didn't feel like that. By the time he was back to himself however, Jingoo had already walked away from the couch.

Hakyun leaned back against the cushions and made himself comfortable, eyes finally surveying the room since he wasn't necessarily able to before.

When Jingoo returned with the two cups he took the one offered to him, relishing in the warmth it provided. He wrapped both hands around the ceramic to feel as much of it as possible. Hakyun hadn't realized just how cold he was, no doubt from giving blood, so the heat of the mug was a small blessing. "Who doesn't like hot chocolate?" he asked, smiling into the lip of the cup as he took a small sip. It really was quite good. Jingoo had prepared it well.

"Yah, I'm clearly fine," he said, nudging Jingoo's knee but not pulling away afterward. "And it's my fault anyway if I keel over, expending all that energy. You're being very considerate to someone who tried to stab you in the heart a little bit ago." Hakyun knew it was a lie; not the stabbing part, because he could have gotten a nick or two more in there if he had wanted, but he definitely wouldn't have actually plunged the blade into Jingoo's heart. He hadn't thought about following through with that particular action in, well, years.

He took another sip of from the mug and turned so that he was facing Jingoo, head tipped to the side partially against the back of the couch. He ran his finger over the edge of the mug and thought for a moment. "I guess to start with, what exactly happened that night? And don't leave out any details. I don't remember as much of it as I would like."
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun "Very funny, patient Han, hahaha...." Jingoo whispered, scrunched up nose as he closed his eyes for a moment. He was uncertain whether he should admire Hakyun's wit or feel sorry for himself.

Jingoo's pettiness didn't last long. He was smitten with Hakyun and the man himself looked so small and adorable pinching sleeve and using a gentler tone. He wondered if he was allowed to sit close and touch Hakyun as much as he can or do they need to talk more. Jingoo hoped Hakyun wouldn't mind being touched so patted Hakyun's head lightly, "Since you didn't say anything, let me get you something to drink."

Jingoo moved across the room and poured hot water into two ceramic cups, added coca powder, milk powder he imported from outside, three sugar cubes, and a pinch of salt.

"I hope you're okay with hot chocolate." He sat next to Hakyun, close enough that their knees touched but not enough to invade personal space, while holding the cup for Hakyun.

He cleared his throat after a large sip and faced Hakyun. "Earlier I was thinking whether I should call for the emergency room. You look pale and need sleep....... wait, , I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you up here right after donating blood. I'm sorry. But anyways, I'm sure you've questions to ask, Hakyun. I'm here."
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo "Ah, of course it is," Hakyun said, observing the 'custom made' couch with amusement. "It's very you."

The hunter didn't expect for Jingoo to continue holding onto his hand once he lifted himself off the ground, but he wasn't about to start complaining about it. It was nice, and also served as a physcal reminder that Jingoo was still there, still /planned/ on being there for the time being. Hakyun allowed himself to be led to the couch, chuckling as Jingoo gently but firmly guided him to sit down.

"No need to fuss," he said. "But something to drink would be nice. Whatever you think is good," and because he could never resist such a good opportunity. "Nurse Yeo."

Now that the adrenaline and somewhat frenzied euphoria had started to wear down, Hakyun noticed that he was more tired than usual. A little dizzy, though not dazed enough to be incoherent. With enough rest and fluids he would be right as rain within a few days. (He knows that it would normally take longer, but ever since he arrived at the Blood Farm Hakyun is almost certain they've been giving him something to shorten the process. He hasn't pursued that suspicion yet though.)

Hakyun looked up at the vampire who's attention seemed to have slipped away again. He pinched Jingoo's sleeve, fingers brushing against the outside of the man's wrist and the back of his hand. "What are you thinking about?" he asked softly, semi-sweet. He didn't want Jingoo to go too far away now that they had already gotten this far. "You know you can sit too."
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun There it was — the adorable crazy glint in Hakyun's eyes. Jingoo, on any other day, was fully capable of handling it but today was different. Jingoo offered Hakyun a pair of defiant eyes, his lips trembling with rebuttal. Both of them knew the obvious answer. How could you? He scrunched his nose, "I....I'm....you—"

He pushed away the tiny dissatisfaction at the loss of Hakyun's weight on him (a blessing for now) and took the offered hand, pulling himself up with ease, "Glad you noticed. It's custom made….."

For you. And admitting that would be quite humiliating because he has no one but himself to blame for all the stupid thing he did while longing for Hakyun. That couch had been comforting; lying down on it and reading all the genuinely caring and sweet little notes he received from Hakyun over the years. Jingoo may or may not have gotten emotional and his eyes wet as well.

He held onto Hakyun's hand, pretending it wasn't out of sorts to hold your favourite human's hand — he held Hakyun's with gentleness, his palm pressed to the back of Hakyun's and his thumb slotted in space between the thumb and index.

"Are you not feeling weak at all? You donated blood…..what I mean is, do you want something to drink? I can get you anything you would like……while we talk."

He led them toward the couch, made Hakyun sit down while he stood next to him, a little lost in his head. He chewed the inside of his cheek, hands on his hips.
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo Hakyun firmly believed that a centuries old vampire had no right being as cute as Jingoo was acting right now. The pout that emphasized his plush mouth, the crossed arms that made him look more like a petulant child than something scary. The only thing Hakyun had a problem with because of it was Jingoo's hands no longer touching him like before. Without the grounding contact he might have felt like floating away if he wasn't so desperately clinging onto whatever Jingoo's answer ended up being.

Because it was important.

Because he /needed/ to know.

He was sure that Jingoo could feel his relief once the vampire said those words, 'I won't run.' His body finally relaxed, tense muscles giving way to something softer, less high strung. He... didn't fully believe the vampire; not entirely, if only because he did remember how Jingoo had just up and vanished the last time. No notice, no warning. It could just as easily happen again.

"I'll hold you to your word," Hakyun said. He would take it as truth for now. He let out a sigh of his own, and with it the rest of his tangled up emotions unraveled a little further. Then he smiled, eyes glittering with mischief as Jingoo made a motion in the air to himself and then to Hakyun. "Do you not like being under me, Jingoo?" he asked. Seems he still couldn't help himself from teasing as he leaned over the vampire, looking as if he was going to do something, like lay on top of him, before suddenly swinging up and off him instead.

Hakyun stood, stretching with his arms above his head and peering down at Jingoo on the floor.

"Are you going to stay there all day?" he asked, mirthful. "You have a perfectly good couch."
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun Jingoo pouted. He couldn't hold it in him anymore; Hakyun, whether intentional or not, had the nerve to pull off such a stunt right in front of his touch starved self. Was it mocking or provoking? If Jingoo needed to around af find out, that is, if he wanted to find out.

Hey, were you trying to seduce me?

As if he would ask that. He grumbled, grinding his teeth and shook his head, bringing his arms over his chest and crossed them over. Though he couldn't put his guards up longer. Hakyun's gentle actions said more than the mouth and Jingoo felt smaller and smaller beneath the other. Jingoo, for the past five years, believed his actions were correct; the sacrifices were necessary and most of all he would be protecting Hakyun.

But all he saw at that moment was a man with a broken trust and anger and frustration — miserable but unable to let it out.

"Well," he sighed, all resigned to his current fate, "I won't. I won't run. I'm ……I'm sorry."

Since his change, Jingoo rarely apologized to anyone. And it was awkward. He felt unpleasant at the same time, somewhat relieved as if the time bagan moving again. He stared at Hakyun, opening and closing his mouth a couple of times but coherency seemed to escape him.

"I'm not running away. So," he gestured between them,"can we move to the couch or something?"
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo "Heaven? That's sweet of you," he laughed. "To think I'd go anywhere besides straight down. You're not the one sending me to either though." Hakyun marveled at the reaction he received from the vampire. The almost animalistic response - focused entirely on getting that one little taste, the possessive grip on his thigh that would no doubt bruise even after Jingoo let up. Beautiful was the first word that came to mind.

(' you.') Yeah, he probably deserved that.

"Now, now," Hakyun said, as if Jingoo was a schoolboy in need of reprimanding and not 177cm of terrifyingly strong vampire underneath him. "You don't need to be so rude, Jingoo." He pulled his hand away from Jingoo's mouth at last, leaving behind a bright stain of red on the vampire's lower lip. The cut in his thumb was so small, a superficial thing that would no doubt heal within a day, and the bleeding had mostly stopped. The hunter stuck out his tongue and lapped up the last of his own blood from his finger; he tasted iron and felt the phantom sensation of Jingoo's tongue against his.

The energy from before had fizzled out into something more mellow as Hakyun placed his hands on top of Jingoo's where they rested on his knees. Felt the tremor in the vampire's grip, and saw the bright clarity in his eyes. Ah, perhaps he'd gotten carried away a bit, like he always did in Jingoo's presence. Still...

"Point proven," he said, rather cheerfully compared to the tone he'd had earlier. There was an undercurrent of seriousness there too, because as much as he teased and liked to throw Jingoo off kilter, he wasn't just messing around with him. Never /just/ any one thing with Jingoo. "You're so good a restraining yourself." Hell, Jingoo hadn't even tried to throw him off earlier, or even take more than what he was given. "Maybe even a little too good, since you still refuse to tell me anything. I swear, it's like pulling teeth with you sometimes."

The hunter extended his uninjured hand to play with a few errant strands of Jingoo's hair absentmindedly. For a moment Hakyun got lost, just... looking at him. Like he was trying to memorize Jingoo's face in the event that he disappeared (again). "You aren't going to run away again now, are you?" he asked, not even demanding anymore; just a question, quiet and unsure for once since their unexpected reunion. A little glimpse behind the mask of manic delight he always insisted on wearing to cover up the softer parts of himself.
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun (One time)

“Stop,” it was like a switch got flipped and Jingoo found some strength to fight back. He made a pathetic attempt at restraining Hakyun's terrible and foolish by grabbing the hand pushing against his fang, while his grip on Hakyun's thigh hardened, narrowed eyes locked with the other, though he was certain he couldn't intimidate Hakyun, “one time? That’s enough to send you to the heaven,” then a slight pause, and he whispered, “or hell, so…. ….”

He could not speak further — a guttural growl filled the room, his lips closed themselves around the thumb, tongue pressed against the punctured skin, taking whatever little amount available. His attention for that moment shifted toward the delicious offering — Hakyun still tasted like a delicacy from a faraway land like his favourite blend of herbs and tea. So, so, so, so ing.

He swallowed every little droplet he out (like a dog on a bone and made some pathetic whining noises) while he had loosened his grip on Hakyun's thigh and wrist and, unconsciously out of habit, sought to hold Hakyun's knees.

Why the was I denying myself the luxury?

Because —

Jingoo prayed he blanked out for mere seconds and not for hours.

" you—" Jingoo, with great self control, the small wound clean of blood, then opened his mouth, allowing the air to wash away the scent of blood (not effective at all), "this is dirty," yet another pathetic and eager swipe of tongue against the skin (at that point whether he wanted blood or just devour Hakyun in some way, he was uncertain), " you!"

He felt so good but also humiliated and also kind of adoring the little ish move (maybe he should see a psychologist or something, if they provide that kind of services to vampires).
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo Normally Hakyun would have pushed harder for Jingoo to answer him, but it was clear that the vampire was determined to keep his mouth shut on the matter. Trying to force the issue right now would probably backfire, and then how long would it take to get Jingoo to admit something?

Besides, as he felt Jingoo's thumb brush over that spot, he figured there was the more pressing issue of finally confronting what had happened that night five years prior.

"I figured." Hakyun said, quieter than before as he too became lost in thoughts and memories. "You don't normally lose it like that." It /had/ been scary, for more than just a brief moment, when Jingoo was forcing him down and wouldn't listen to the hunter as he tried to talk to him. The bite had been different too, not a shared thing like it normally was. Just taking, taking, /taking/ until Hakyun thought he wouldn't have anything left. He'd made peace with the fact that, if he were to be killed, it would have to be Jingoo and no on else. In that moment he hadn't been afraid anymore, but he'd thought, if he died then, 'Ah, it's too early.' And then he'd slipped unsconscious.

Woke up. Alone.

Five years on and Hakyun really couldn't care less about the potential danger. "One time," he said. "It was one time out of how many? You're a smart man, Jingoo, but you're also insanely stupid sometimes." Ignoring the blatent hypocrisy of such a statement coming from him Hakyun removed his hand from Jingoo's jaw. Nudged the man's lips open and dipped his thumb in, this time not just scraping against one of the vampire's fangs, but pushing against it, as if aiming to puncture himself. "You think I don't know how easily you could kill me? Yet I still put my life in your hands over a dozen times. And you know there have been moments when I could kill you just the same. I've seen you blood drunk, Jingoo. You get soft like putty and seek touch like a pet dog."

For a moment the hunter was mesmerized at the sight below him. Jingoo, chest heaving, eyes wide and collar rumpled. A pretty picture belying the threat underneath. Perfect, at least to him. "You can't kill me with this, Jingoo. You never could, and I wouldn't let you. So you'll have to forgive me," Hakyun said, hissing as he tore his skin against the vampire's fang, and smiled crookedly while letting his blood drip onto that dishonest tongue. "My greed is yours times two."
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun (Because it sounds like you’re saying you did something to me without me knowing, Jingoo.)

What happens to a vampire who lies? Nothing. Jingoo could spout white lies and no was there to question his authenticity. But does he want to lie? Is he willing to loose Hakyun’s trust? The vampire frowned, chose to kept his mouth shut. He would deal with that matter some time later when Hakyun would be more accepting of another selfish and rude act.

How can I ignore you when you’re like this? I’m very much focused, heck, you’ve gotten good interrogation — Jingoo wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t come back with a flirty reply to Hakyun’s enquires though he knew better than anyone to speak his thoughts.

Jingoo grunted like a dying animal. “because I was lucky enough to come to my senses.”

Jingoo felt the skin around, brushing his thumb over and over in gentle and slow manner, lost in his thoughts. He never forgot that night, never allowed himself to. His chest rising and falling faster, lips pressed into a thin line. “You will die. You are a human. A mere, fragile, little human who needs blood..... even a small amount for me can threaten your life. My greed..... I don’t want to be your killer and I don’t want you end up dead in some place. Is that too much to ask?”
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo Even now the vampire was trying to avoid him by keeping his eyes closed, like the vision of Hakyun above him was something painful. And maybe it was. The notion stung, because as much as Hakyun enjoyed their games, their fights, he had assumed that anything truly negative about them had petered out forever ago.

('It's vampire stuff.')

Hakyun swore he was going to actually die before he could get a straight answer out of the vampire.

"Then explain it to me," he said, the impatience in his voice obvious. "Because it sounds like you're saying you did something to me without me knowing, Jingoo. Whatever it is, it involves me. I think I at /least/ deserve to know."

A part of him wondered what had happened to that no-nonsense man who, frustratingly, used to always remain composed until they relaxed around each other. Where was the vampire that tried so hard not to lose his cool around Hakyun?

"How am I supposed to know all that if you don't /tell/ me? I know you won't die, not that easily. You wouldn't let anyone else get close to you, touch you... not like this." When the vampire turned away from him Hakyun removed his hand from Jingoo's lapel to grab him by the face. Thumb against one cheek, four fingers digging into the other as he forced the vampire to look up at him again. "Don't ignore me, Jingoo," he said.

('I almost..... I..... I can do it again. And again. And again.')

For only a second Hakyun pulled back the heat into something gentler, and said, "I'm still here." (Stop thinking about what-ifs. I'm /here/, and I'm not going away.)

Hakyun then found Jingoo's wrist laying by his side and lifted it suddenly, fingers skittering across the vampire's palm until his hand opened and the hunter placed it on his thigh. He purposely guided Jingoo's hand inward, until his fingertips lay over the spot Hakyun remembered from that night. Unlike most of the other times Jingoo had fed from him, that one had left a deeper mark, two points of scar tissue that could be felt through the fabric of his pants. "Do you want to, Jingoo? Do it again? Why are you stopping yourself?" he asked. "I'm used to you taking what you want from me. It's insulting otherwise."
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun Jingoo knew Hakyun intended to stab where it hurts the most but that didn't stop feeling like he was cut open, the poisonous herb sprinkled just enough to keep him in agony, waiting for it to be over. He didn't know whether he felt relieved that he no longer needed to keep his distance or worse for having the talk which might turn worst. The worst of all of it was Jingoo felt if he were to reach out and touch Hakyun, a harsh rejection awaited him at the moment yet the voice inside his head harassed him to do so. There was blood in his mouth and not because he was feeding.

"It's vampire stuff." His lips moved barely moved. It was weak, a pathetic excuse. It brought humiliation to his face but was spared from the obvious flourish of red due to deficiency of blood. Sometimes feeding late was helpful.

While Jingoo still figured out his intentions, ignoring his domineering thoughts, he was taken aback when his view turned around, followed by confusioned grunt. Jingoo was rendered malleable under Hakyun's touch, wide eyed before he gave in. So, he lay there, hands stuck to his sides, eyes closed.

If he pretended he saw nothing, it would hurt, maybe, a little less and maybe the guilt wouldn't be that obvious, mocking him. Jingoo hated using the species card but he felt cornered though not to the point he would reveal all the details.

Jingoo whispered. "I won't die." Not by the hands of any else but you. "I mean, you'll know when I die. I made sure of that."

"That wasn't the case—"

Jingoo swallowed. He hated the power Hakyun had over him; with the amount of times he had the blessing to sink his fangs deep into Hakyun, one would assume the mattered was trivial but Jingoo fell deeper and deeper each time, loosing a bit of his self control.

And exactly at that moment Jingoo knew he was a gone case. He couldn't even feign normalcy, his heart racing so loud in his ear, the sudden fever spread all over him. He turned his face to other side, lashes lowered. "I almost..... I..... I can do it again. And again. And again."
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo Sometimes it felt like h̶i̶s̶ this vampire did nothing but piss him off. Hakyun studied his face, the pinched brow and the forlorn eyes; the obvious secrets still hidden behind his tongue. He had the urge to reach into that traitorous mouth and pinch the muscle between his fingers until he felt something give. The anger from the hunter made itself known again like a rising wave, only this time instead of a blazing fury it was something quieter, colder.

"You have your ways, huh? How frustratingly vague, Jingoo-yah," he said. The familiar address with the additional endearment was not meant to be nice at this moment. It was mocking and sharp, meant to hurt. The new piece of information didn't help either. So Jingoo had a way to keep track of him then? And he seemed to have been for quite some time now, which only irritated the hunter further.

Hakyun let go of the vampire, releasing his hold on both his hand and his elbow. He could tell Jingoo was distracted and took the opportunity to change their positions. With one hand on the vampire's shoulder he shoved, slipping out from under him in order to put himself on top until he was the one straddling the vampire's hips, pinning him to the floor.

"Do you think that's fair to me?" he asked, looking down at Jingoo with a raised brow and dark eyes. "You get to know if I'm okay or not? And you demand to know where I am now, when you were the one that ran away and didn't give me /any/ indication of whether /you/ were okay? Where /you/ were?" He laughed, a callous thing that almost felt foreign coming from his mouth. Hakyun reached out to grab the vampire by his lapel, holding on just as tight as Jingoo was to him.

"I don't need protection, Jingoo. Least of all from you." (You wouldn't kill me. I wouldn't let you. Stupid vampire.) He wasn't sure what prompted his next actions. Maybe there wasn't a reason. Maybe it was the bone-deep sensation he refused to acknowledge as some kind of yearning after Jingoo just up and left. Whatever it was, Hakyun found himself reaching out with his free hand until his fingertips brushed over the vampire's mouth. He pressed against Jingoo's lower lip, his other fingers skimming over the vampire's cheek as he just /barely/ let one of those fangs drag against his finger. "Are you thinking about the last time you had these in me? Is that why you're so wound up?"
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun (That's more than one question.)

This is not the time to be technical, Hakyun — Jingoo swallowed his voice back, a bit flustered because for one, he was supposed to be the one demanding not begging (not that he minds on other occasions if it were Hakyun but that’s beside the point) and /he/ was the cause of the whole mess but, damn, it then sounded pathetic to demand from a man who /you/ had ignored for like five years.

For a while he struggled after Hakyun delivered a couple brutal but honest facts, his head lowered and staring at Hakyun through his lashes.

(Do you think I wouldn’t already have escape plans set up?)

He nodded slowly; yes, I know how capable you are, then lifted his head, brows pinched; unwavering eyes locked with Hakyun’s, gripping the hunter’s shirt a little more tighter; still that doesn’t mean I won’t be concerned.

Though that tough gaze cracked with a flinch and wince, drowned in guilt. He did up in that aspect. He avoided Hakyun’s eyes, took his little moment to gather his thoughts before he spilled more than he should in the heat of the moment.

Yet he couldn’t help entertaining the thought if he were to reveal the secret, Hakyun might be more careful or at least worry about Jingoo feeling sad and that might stop him (though he knows better, Hakyun won’t change so easily and despite his irrational fears, Jingoo doesn’t want him to but they are irrational fears for a reason).

“I have my ways.” He spoke in a soft voice, no strength left in his person and if Hakyun were to wish, he could flip them around. And Jingoo wouldn’t dare change that around again. “I will know when you are in life threatening danger. So all I need to know is where are you.”

Hakyun is there to get answers.

And maybe, Jingoo himself is tired of hiding away for so long.

“I did it for your safety,” his pitch was an octave higher, somewhat panicked though he calmed down quick, “no, wait, I am sorry.”
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo Hakyun saw the far away look in Jingoo's eyes, felt the tremor from his body. It happened as soon as those sharp claws pressed a little harder into his skin. Not enough to pierce even the surface layer, but enough to imitate the same action that a vampire might perform with their teeth. Based on Jingoo's reaction the hunter had a pretty good idea of what he was likely remembering.

But he wouldn't bring it up yet.

"That's more than one question," Hakyun said, though he did listen to everything Jingoo had to say. He could be polite enough for that. "And you say that like my entire job isn't dangerous," he huffed. "No one's found out yet - besides you, if that makes you feel any better. I'm not stupid enough to get caught, and if I was, do you think I wouldn't already have escape plans set up?" He did. At least five of them, more to come if he felt the need.

He frowned up at Jingoo before eventually looking to the side. There were a few papers and pens littering the floor, from earlier when Hakyun had stepped onto the desk. He wet his lips and said, "There's a young girl, sixteen, possibly seventeen. Her family asked me to find her after she disappeared. All she left behind was a note saying she had come here," He looked back up at Jingoo again. "It's not that it's more important than my life, but I'm a /hunter/, Jingoo. The whole point is to risk myself for other people, whether you like it or not." He attempted another smirk, though it came out more as a bitter smile. "And you would have known, if you'd bothered to show your face in front of me."

Expecting the vampire to keep his strength Hakyun tightened his grip on Jingoo's arm and suddenly pulled himself up until they were facing each other head on. "If I what, Jingoo?" he asked, studying the vampire's face and absentmindedly dragging his thumb over the crook the man's elbow. "If I was killed? If I died?" Perhaps it was a bit cruel, the questions and the tone he asked them in, but no one could ever have called Hakyun a saint. "I could have been dead before I even came here in the first place, and you," he breathed in, stare darting from Jingoo's eyes to his mouth to his starched, pressed, bleach white collar, and back again. "Would have been none-the-wiser."
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun Jingoo shook his, imitating the humane need to swallow emptiness; he was more than powerful yet the moment Hakyun enters the scene, Jingoo found himself surrounded in mundane feelings — nervousness (not because he believed he could be harmed but rejection of any kind from the source of his misery itself) and greed (again, because of Hakyun) were the two he rarely felt yet whenever they catch upto him out of sudden, it was unbearable.

He worried his claws would accidentally cut the tender flesh, a fountain of red splashing on the floor and Jingoo himself and the vivid image of that night flashed before his eyes. He trembled ever so little, grounding himself with his knees squeezing around the other's while he gently gripped Hakyun's shirt.

It was a long time ago. That was in the past. It won't happen again.

The warm slowly seeping from Hakyun's into his palm and wrist worked their charm, drawing him back to the present. He sighed. Resisting the urge to free fall into the arms of a patient, he straightened himself up. He would get that later.

"Why are you here? You know facilities are more organized and tight knit that bunch of rouges or stupid freaks. These people are trained. It's so dangerous for you to walk into here. What if they find out you're that? Do you think they'll wait for you to hear and fight? What if they poison your food? Or tie you up and throw you somewhere down after drugging you? Is that mission that important? Important than your life? What would I do if you—"

And he would rather not finish that sentence. The thought alone was nauseating.
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo He realized that Jingoo clearly didn't plan on letting go of him any time soon, so instead of trying to make another futile escape attempt Hakyun just turned over onto his back once he had enough room to do so. The vampire was quick to resettle his full weight in order to keep him there, but at least his arms were free. Hakyun rubbed at his wrists for a moment, wondered if they would bruise and found he wasn't all that mad at the prospect.

"This is fine," he said eventually, glancing up at Jingoo with a knowing expression. This isn't the first time they've ended up like this. He hoped it wouldn't be the last, if Jingoo didn't off to who knows where again. It was a bit cute, the way the vampire's brow furrowed in confusion and frustration. It made Hakyun want to even more, just to get him riled up, break him out of that prim and proper act that even now he was trying to slip back into. No, he couldn't have that. It would make it easier for Jingoo to close himself off again, be a little more in control, and the whole point of Hakyun 'letting' himself be captured and trapped right now was to finally find out the reason for the vampire's unannounced disappearing act.

With one hand he reached up to hold onto Jingoo's arm, just above his elbow, the same arm that currently led to his neck. He swallowed, felt his Adam's apple knock against the vampire's cool palm. Smirked and placed his other hand on top of the one resting over his heart. "Aren't you getting a little lost?" he asked, tilting his head a bit until he felt Jingoo's nails gently scratching against the skin of his throat, fingertips pressed right against his jugular. "I thought you wanted to know who I was here for, if not for you." Though Hakyun might be getting a little lost himself. It really has been a long time since they touched like this. "Go ahead. Ask me again."
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun "I don't know who is dumber than the other." Jingoo sighed, the tension finally ebbing away. He allowed himself to find a moment of breather, grip loosened around Hakyun's though still not completely free — his doubts were absurd given Hakyun's current state though habits don't die quick. He was used to being cautious when Hakyun was in a certain mood.

Jingoo waited it out as he made made some space for Hakyun to wiggle around and shift to lie on his back while still being caged within Jingoo's limbs and finally realesed the wrists — it was not about taking safety measures but simply giving into his urge to see the man up close and well he likes the view from up there and being close. He argued that since nothing could be done might as well enjoy the oppertunity presented.

"Is that enough or did you mean like.....sit in chair kind of let go." Jingoo quirked a brow, attempting to present a calm and unaffected demeanour, catching Hakyun's annoyed but amused face. Unbeknownst to him, his hands had wandered off — one was pressed against the neck while the other layed across the chest, attentive to the heavy pulse beneath.
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo (I have my reasons.)

Well, maybe that's what truly set Hakyun off, a powder keg explosion of fury that propelled him forward. He didn't expect to actually land a blow on Jingoo, and was proven right when the vampire dodged his attack. His dagger stabbed into the wood floor instead, stuck for a moment enough that by the time he'd yanked it out and stood, Jingoo was already upon him.

"Bastard-!" he snarled, attempting to rip his arms free, but it was futile. The blood loss had caught up with him and the adrenaline was starting to fade. It was times like these that Hakyun cursed the measly one inch Jingoo had on him in height, because even if he was at full strength it would take a whole lot more effort to even try and throw the man off. He steadfastly ignored the way Jingoo's body felt pressed against his, how it still felt the same way he remembered it even after all the time forcibly spent apart.

Being slammed to the ground wasn't very appreciated though, even with Jingoo's weight settling on top of him. The hunter still struggled to break free, losing his grip on the dagger as his fingers were pried away from it. It clattered loudly on the floor. If he struggled any harder as his arms were pulled behind his back he would be at risk of pulling, maybe even dislocating something. Here, like this, pinned and technically defenseless, Hakyun felt more like some kind of animal than a human being. It's not a new thought, something he'd noticed over the years of fighting and killing, in the few seconds it sometimes takes for him to come back to rationality. Like now.

He huffed, breathing heavy as he finally went still. "Looks who's being the stubborn one now," he said. He flexed his hands and winced at the ache in his fingers. He couldn't tell if it was from his own tension, or from Jingoo's strong grip. "Yes, yes, I'm here for someone that isn't you. Happy? If I'd known you were here I would have barged into this office a lot sooner." The last vestiges of Hakyun's bright white anger dissipated into the air. It would come back, no doubt, but for now it had been replaced with the greater need to have answers. "Ah," he sighed, pressing his cheek to the smooth floor as he looked behind himself to gaze up at Jingoo, smiling with mock satisfaction. "If you let me go I'll tell you more, if you promise to do the same. Fair trade?"
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun If I knew, would I be asking you, idiot?

But somewhere in his mind, Jingoo assumed he was the cause, resulting in a contradictory mess of emotions. Either way, he wouldn’t like the present scenario which was kind of stupid, putting the vampire in an awful mood.

Who could be more important than him for Hakyun to take such risks?

/Five years./

Jingoo visibly flinched as he turned to face Hakyun, regret and guilt flashing through his eyes. There was a moment’s hesitation, nothing came out of his mouth. “I— I have my reasons.”

He kept his eyes trained on Hakyun, certain that the man hadn’t simply walked in empty handed, the smile he often dreamt of for the past five years — Hakyun looked so ing pretty when he is confident and proud in his skills. It sends shiver along his spine everytime and the thing called butterflies too. Either good or danger, Jingoo always revelled in the energy.
And maybe he was a dumbstruck fool, taking in the beauty that he was seconds late to react against the vicious attack. It took him by a surprise, thrown to the ground but not enough that he would allow that damned dagger to his heart.

He has no plans of dying yet. Not until he sends Hakyun away or..... Jingoo shrugged off those wandering thoughts, putting them aside for later.

With a hiss he rolled sideway and got up in a blink, covering Hakyun’s back and reached to unhand the dagger, struggling to unclasp the fingers while the other hand grabbed onto the other wrist. His legs were caging Hakyun’s while he pushed Hakyun face first to the ground with a thud along with his body.

“Why are you being so stubborn. Who is it?”

He managed to remove the dagger, brought both of Hakyun's hands to the back and held onto them tightly while straddling him from back.
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo If Jingoo was a tense bow string pulled taut to snap, then Hakyun was a live wire with enough volts to match his ire. Which was to say a ing lot. Only his desire to actually hear what Jingoo had to say is what kept him in place when the other approached him, both too close and too far away for comfort.

Hakyun didn't miss the way the vampire's stare was fixated on him. The way that gaze would dip from his eyes to the lower half of his face, or even further down, to the exposed column of his throat that, if he were in his hunting gear, would be at least partially covered up. But it's not like the hunter could fault Jingoo when he was doing the exact same thing. He had to admit, the vampire was still breathtaking, with a supernatural beauty that spoke of danger and power. Even the plush softness of Jingoo's mouth was easily contrasted with the sharpness of his fangs, which Hakyun spotted through parted lips.

A normal hunter shouldn't think about wanting a vampire's teeth in their neck, but when has Hakyun ever been considered normal?

"That's good to hear," he said, still smiling, still pretending that they were merely being pleasant with each other and not playing a risky game of predator and prey. Hakyun clasped his hands together behind his back and walked further into the room once Jingoo had backed away. How satisfying to still have that effect on him, the one that causes the normally so put-together vampire to stumble in his presence. "Why do /you/ think I'm here, Jingoo? Surely you can take a guess." The hunter made his way around the desk instead of going straight to Jingoo, looking around at the walls of books, the items on the desk. The middle of the desk was mostly empty, save for a few documents and letters scattered about. He stopped on the other side across from Jingoo, and finally his smile dropped into a disatisfied lour.

"Glory? Money? And here I thought you knew me better than that," he scoffed. "Though I guess one does forget things if they haven't seen someone in over five years. I expected a vampire to have a better memory, but clearly I was wrong." Hakyun reached out to play with the corners of a few papers, gazing down at the desk before looking back up at Jingoo with a half-mad smirk, the familiar one that speaks of violence. "Are you worried about me, Jingoo?" he coos. He had to play this right, considering he was running on less blood than usual, but Hakyun had done with worse circumstances before. "Maybe you should worry more about yourself."

Not a second later the hunter jumped on top of the desk, papers crumpling beneath his feet as he placed a solid kick to the vampire's chest. At the same time he reached behind himself for his dagger, flipping the weapon in his hand before he leapt down, aiming straight for Jingoo's heart.
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun He was tensed like a bow string, jumping out of his seat the moment the door closed behind Hakyun though he made no haste in approaching the human at once. If he knew Hakyun as well as he thought he did, the man was not only pissed at him but also got some fancy trick up his sleeve.

And Jingoo wasn't sure what to do with his own self, holding his breath — his eyes refused to see anything but Hakyun, taking in every detail that if it weren't for his vampric hearing, he'd be a fool looking at those lips; the limbs that struggled keeping it to themselves or take a leap and wrap themselves around the other, or the mouth that held so many sorries or accusations, and lastly the burn in his throat coupled with the sudden urge to sink his teeth into the pool of sweetness he was familiar with.

Oh, the things he wanted to and not too.

Jingoo really hated the desires he had suppressed for the last couple of years raising their heads like the venomous snakes, bent on dragging his rationality down to the mud.

It would have helped if Hakyun could be less attractive with a hateful smile. But no, Jingoo had to fall harder and the need to replace that unpleasant stretch of lips into a trembling pair swallowed his voice.

"I," he sounded as if he got ice in his throat, "I am."

And he paused because he had allowed himself to breathe in. For a human of that age and he still smelled so ing good.

Jingoo took three steps backward, his back hitting against the desk. He thought he had walked too close but he barely even crossed half way.

"I wish I could say the same for you, Hakyun. Why would you even be here? You could get killed?" A cautious step forward, fists balled. Once he found his thoughts strung together coherently, he went off, unaware how idiotic and presumptuous he appeared. "Are you foolish enough to enter a facility for glory? Is it money? Supplies? Whatever, I can provide. If you promise to leave."
✠ shin hakyun ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† yeo jingoo [ tw: needles ]

For a split second Hakyun felt the urge to spring up from the bed and cross the room to take Jingoo by the wrist as the man turned to leave. There was a surging spike of fear at seeing him go, an irrational thought that if he didn't stop the vampire he wouldn't see him again for who knows how long. (Another five years? Ten? Hakyun could very well die any time between then, without getting to confront Jingoo for all his bull—) The feeling of fear was replaced with a self-reprimand soon after, as he forced himself to relax back into his original stance and watch as the door closed.

The two vampires still in the room looked at him warily, not doubt wondering just what exactly the other vampire wanted from him. Based on their reactions it seemed that the man had a pretty high authority here. The revelation grated on the hunter. Hakyun wasn't self-absorbed enough to think that he knew /everything/ about Jingoo, but to have missed a fact this big... To say it was irritating would be an understatement.

He simmered silently with his grievances for the remainder of the session. If the nurse had anything to say about his odd behavior - quiet and distracted, finger tapping against his leg every few seconds - she kept it to herself. It felt like it was both forever and barely any time at all when the needle was removed, and Hakyun found himself being guided out of the chamber and into the possession of a security guard, a big, muscly vampire that didn't bother to try and be gentle as he gripped Hakyun by the arm and started to drag him down the hall.

"Hey, hey," Hakyun made a show of dragging his feet, though the vampire was clearly much stronger than him and easily kept them on track down the hall. He reached out to pat the guard on the arm a few times. "Hold on a minute, big guy, can you at least let me use the bathroom first?" he asked, and finally the man stopped. Hakyun smiled disarmingly and said, "I'll only be a minute. I was in that room there for the past hour you know." The vampire grunted - truly, the meathead officer type - and started to pull him along once again. They stopped in front of the men's bathroom and Hakyun was uncerimoniously shoved forward.

"One minute," the man said.

Hakyun pressed his palms together, the universal sign of apology, and entered the room. He made a beeline for the last stall, quickly checking to make sure no one else was present in the room before standing on the toilet and reaching for the small window. He dragged his fingers over the dust and cobwebs, feeling for an indent in the wood and concrete in front of the glass pane. When he found it he lifted a small piece of wood to reveal a hidden storage place. This is why he asked to stop. It was a to get even a single one of his weapons inside the facility, but Hakyun had managed with enough tricks and practice. Here was just one of a few hiding places he used for them, because he couldn't hide them in the dorm they'd shoved him in, where there were routine checks. He really shouldn't even carry them on his person, but right now is the exception. He isn't stupid enough to meet with the vampire that's nearly killed him time and time again (though never followed through, always kept coming back) without a weapon.

He tucked the blade in the back of his waistband, put back the piece of wood and flushed the toilet. He ran the sink for a moment too, actually washing and drying his hands before exiting. The security guard was on him immediately, once again manhandling the human down the hall to their destination.

This vampire had the same reaction as the other two did once they were directly in front of what appeared to be an office door. He acted more submissive, like someone who knew his place as he addressed his superior. It only took a moment for the guard to open the door and push him inside, and the door locked behind Hakyun once it closed. An audible click that sealed both him and Jingoo in the room together.

The hunter acted nonchalant, looking around the room with all its fancy furniture and books and items. "Nice place you've got here," he said, turning his gaze back to Jingoo. Smiled, though one couldn't really call it a smile when it dripped with derision. "You seem to be doing well for yourself, Yeo Jingoo."
† yeo jingoo 2 years ago
@✠ shin hakyun What's worse than knowing you are being mocked? And mocked for being a coward — Jingoo assumed the man is upset with him to the extent of adding 'mighty vampire' 'sir' when the usual one would consist of 'er' or 'young bastard' or......

Jingoo suppressed the urge to make a pathetic scene (whining doesn't suit a man of his calibre).

/Missing the human *you* have been avoiding like a plague sure suits you./

Sometimes, he loathed having an conscience.

You stupid, crazy, senile old man. The words didn't left his mouth. Even if they did, it would sound more like a confession rather than insult. He was afraid the heaviness growing in his thrist wasn't because of hunger alone.

"Ok," uttering those simple syllables seemed like a task, his fangs aching painfully, "see you soon."

Jingoo exited the room in a calm manner, made sure he closed the door like a model resident of the facility should, and made sure the walk back to his office didn't warrant curios glances from his fellow vampires.

Once he was within the privacy of his office, Jingoo felt loss as he dragged himself to the chair. There was an ugly mixture of feelings churning inside. He immediately needs to take action before the old fool gets himself in a dangerous situation and the danger is no other than Jingoo himself.

He knew Hakyun was capable of besting any other vampire — and maybe he could put an end to Jingoo too but their past; whatever crazy thing they had going on, still do and Jingoo can not bring himself to end it despite his better judgement.

The more he grew restless, the easier he got clouded by his decision to send away Hakyun out of the facility either by hook or by crook.

There was a polite knock at the door, followed by the guard's voice. "I've brought human donor xxxxxx646, uhh.... Shin Hakyun, as you re— ordered."

"Just let him in. You can leave. I'll see him out myself."


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RoseThornArchive 1 year ago
Park Jimin please? Rogue vampire
Kim4Shim 1 year ago
I would love to join. But donno wich role yet. Probably want aespa Karina
TaeKook 1 year ago
I don't know who to be
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 1 year ago
May I please reserve Us Nititorn Akkarachotsopon as rogue ♡ Vampire please~
Leeteuk 1 year ago
Hi! I have a few questions~
LadyofGalifrey 1 year ago
Can I please reserve Liana Cornell as a rogue vampire under the name ‘Sabine’? Thank you for your time.
4Ranghae 1 year ago
Can i reserve kim hongjoong as a vampireb please?
AmbieAssassin 1 year ago
Can I ask two questions?
I was thinking about requesting San and I don't see him on the masterlist so could I, please, request him?
And if I make him a financial donor to the blood farm, are there any specific things he had to do or are there any requirements for financial donors in the world? I'm sorry if it seems like a stupid question. I just want to be sure. ><
cherryeolie 1 year ago
Kim Minseok as a donor
Minwook 1 year ago
Park Chanyeol as a rogue please :)
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