▫ chapel

☩ hwang hyunjin ʰ 1 year ago
@☨ lee dongwook His wounded pride wouldn't ever let Hyunjin admit it out loud but he was actually scared less at the mere thought of being caught by the bulky vampire that almost reminded him of Hulk, the only difference being him seeming far more pissed in comparison to marvel's strongest super hero. It was basic survival instinct, no matter how confident he was about his abilities as a thief, he knew better than to believe that he would ever be able to defeat a fuming leech twice his size both in muscles and in overall size. The priest's presence offered him no comfort at all. The man was either going to hand him in or if Hyunjin was lucky enough to appeal to his compassion, there was no way the vampire would do the same, he didn't seem like a man of religion to respect the priest anyway. Hyunjin had caught a glimpse of the elder before, his face and his whole domineering aura was pretty difficult to forget after all. As handsome as he appeared, somehow the man's facial expressions never seemed to fail to creep Hyunjin out for some strange reason.

As soon as he heard a much too familiar cracking sound, his eyebrows furrowed in pain, thinking the crazy would take the priest down and come for him once he was done with the elder. Positioning himself at the center of the confessional booth, he was ready to kick whoever opened the wooden door and flee for his life...and his money. His expression softened as he slowly opened his eyes at the realization that the priest sounded like he was in no pain at all. Could it be that he was the one inflicting pain at the Hulk-guy? No... it couldn't be. Sure the man was tall, built and all but in no way could he be compared to the monster that was after him. The sound of the priest's voice sent shivers down his spine to the point he almost felt even more uneasy being left alone with a servant of the God rather than a pissed of vampire. Slowly he slid a hand on the pocket of his jeans, circling his fingers carefully around a small dagger, holding it firmly behind his back as he exited cautiously, eyes immediately scanning the whole room before focusing on the priest. Faking a polite smile he nodded in acknowledgement at the man, trying his best not to let his discomfort show.
"Uhm...well I'd lie if I said I'm actually here to confess. And that would be a sin, right? Right yeah...Perhaps next time I visit we can give it a go." He muttered, a habit of his to become talkative whenever he felt overly nervous. "Is there another exit around here or something?"

(sorry for the super late reply, hope you like it DX )
☨ lee dongwook ˢʰ 1 year ago
@† chittaphon leechaiyakul This vampire... Dongwook knew that he had seen him before, somewhere within the facility. The priest never really concerned himself with the matters of other vampires, and so he could not remember the man's name, only that his face was marginally familiar. However, regardless of that fact, Dongwook was much more interested in the man's apparent desire to engage in confession. Most of the people that came to him for guidance were humans. Plenty of vampires didn't believe in the chapel's message, or simply did not feel the need to confess to things that they did not believe to be wrong. This was a pleasant surprise.

Dongwook smiled and nodded with his hands clasped behind his back. "A priest's duty is to listen when needed, and guide when needed." he said warmly. The older vampire gestured towards one half of the confessional booth. "Most people prefer the anonymity of the confessional, if you would like to use it. I would simply be sat in the other half, listening and speaking to you from the other side of the divider. You don't even have to tell me your name, if you wish it. The aim is to let yourself be vulnerable in the eyes of the Lord." To make his point further the priest sidestepped around the vampire and gently tugged on the sliding door, pulling it open a few centimeters and glancing towards him. "The invitation is always open."
☨ lee dongwook ˢʰ 1 year ago
@☩ hwang hyunjin The chapel is always quiet at this time of night. In fact, it's usually quiet at most times during the day as well; besides masses and prayer sessions, and the occasional confession, most people tended to avoid the little House of God. Dongwook could be found here more often than not. Simply attending to matters or waiting to see if anyone would walk through the always open doors. Tonight he was merely tidying up the altar from the mass that took place earlier in the morning. He had just finished pulling the corners taught to the edges and brushing the cloth flat when he heard pounding footsteps enter the chapel.

The priest listened to the door of the confessional sliding open and slamming shut, and when he turned around it was to find the chapel empty, save for another vampire standing in the entrance. Dongwook smiled, and seemed to glide down the aisle towards the man.

"How may I help you?" he asked the vampire, who narrowed his eyes at the priest and looked around the chapel. His gaze caught on the confessional and he attempted to push past Dongwook, but the priest took hold of his arm in a crushing grip. He continued to smile as the man winced and stared at him. He repeated his question, "How may I help you?"

"I'm just here for the boy," the vampire said, jutting his chin towards the wooden box. "So just let me go-" He attempted to rip his arm from the priest's grasp, but it was no use. Dongwook was clearly much stronger than this vampire, and they both knew it. He squeezed the man's arm further, until he could just barely begin to hear the creak of his muscles being grinded into his bone.

"There is no boy," Dongwook said. Then he dragged the man back out of the chapel and finally let go. The man wavered for a second, as if deciding to try and get past him, before he seemed to think better of it and walked away; but not before glaring at the priest on his way down the hall. It was of no consequence to Dongwook. He had already taken an interest in the mysterious figure - clearly human, if the heartbeat was any indication - in the confessional. He wouldn't allow another vampire to get away with his potential prey so easily.

Once he was sure the vampire was gone Dongwook stepped back into the chapel and closed the doors. Then he made his way over to the confessional booth, standing before the side where he could sense the human presence. He knocked three times, quietly, and said, "He's gone. You can come out now."

[] sorry this got a little long :') you don't have to mirror ! i just went a bit overboard by accident.
† chittaphon leechaiyakul 1 year ago
@☨ lee dongwook It was another one of those bad days, awful days really if Ten were to truly think about it longer than two seconds. There wasn't any free time for a last minute class to be added to the schedule today, and his job was just to monitor rather than teach, so there was nothing keeping his mind from wandering to the darker corners where memories of his past lurked. He often wondered if his situation had simply been because he wasn't good enough and perhaps he was ungrateful to his sire for questioning his upbringing. He was immortal now, after all, and has gotten to see more of the world than he could have ever dreamed of seeing back then.

It was more by instinct that he found himself stepping into the chapel and wandering near the confessional, fingers twisting the fabric of his oversized sweater he had chosen to wear on his off day between his hands while his gaze darted around. Ten would be lying if he said he didn't startle a bit when the priest spoke, the quiet the younger vampire had been seeking disrupted as his gaze darted to take in Dongwook.

"I'm actually not sure," he spoke up eventually, honest as he smoothed out the wrinkles of his sweater, fingers twitching with nerves, "Do you perhaps have a moment to listen?"
☩ hwang hyunjin ʰ 1 year ago
@☨ lee dongwook The door of the second chamber burst open, slamming against the wall before Hyunjin made his grant exit, picking up his pace slightly as he made random left turns, having in mind that most humans always turned right whenever they faced with such a dilemma, or at least that's what he heard after spending several hours being held in the security office every now and then. It seemed like that rule didn't apply for vampires since it didn't take long for the infuriated blood er to catch up on him, chasing him around the facility which was thankfully kind of empty late at night, that Hyunjin picked conveniently for his appointments, pun intended only under certain circumstances. It seemed like Hyunjin had underestimated that particular leech, even though he seemed too bulky to run like a freaking professional, it appeared that not skipping any leg days definitely contributed to him almost catching a thief prodigy. Or he gave too much credit to himself, which he didn't since he was indeed a pretty fast jogger due to his slim frame and long legs, plus the feeling of survival instinct overtaking him, at the sight of an infuriated blood er chasing after him.

Slowly growing breathless, he hadn't noticed that he had ran towards parts of the facility that he wasn't even aware of that ever existed. As soon as he noticed the chapel he stumbled towards the confessional booth, shutting the curtains close. Finally, being raised in a catholic orphanage paid back for all the boring religious lectures he was made to watch. Even though he was out of breath, once he heard footsteps coming closer to his direction he shut his mouth close, trying his best not to make any noise as he slowly opened his fist to admire the expensive silver ring he had just run off with.
☨ lee dongwook ˢʰ 1 year ago
@☨ lee chaerin The priest had heard the methodical footsteps approaching earlier, so he was not surprised when a familiar vampire stepped out of shadows and made her presence fully known. Something that could be described as delight flit its way onto his lips, the tiniest movement from the corner of his mouth giving away his emotions. While he hadn't been expecting Chaerin today, it was a pleasant surprise to be had.

"It's not an intrusion at all," Dongwook said, and let her do as she pleased. He watched the way she circled the trembling human like a predator, serpentine touch gliding up the man's arm to latch onto the vulnerable skin between his head and shoulders. An silent death knell if Chaerin were to squeeze any harder and crush the delicate bones that visibly moved when the human swallowed in fear.

For a moment the sight of Chaerin's sharp nails digging into the human's throat inspired feelings of jealousy within the priest; a desire to have her hand around his neck instead of this pathetic being unappreciative of the gesture. It came and went quickly. Dongwook didn't have the time to dwell on it right now, though he did have to supress the shiver that threatened to run electric up the length of his spine at the thought.

"Unfortunately, the fun is mostly over for today," he said, a sigh trailing at the end of his words as he placed his hands on the human's shoulders. He carefully pulled the human away from Chaerin's grip, spying the marks left over by her nails in his skin. He could feel the man shaking under his touch, no doubt terrified at being caught between two fanged beasts in human form, truly unable to do anything to stop them. "This one has a feeding session soon. It would be suspicious if he didn't make it." Dongwook sounded almost disappointed, and he could partially admit to it. Any moment he got to see Chaerin in her element was an exciting one, though it unfortunately didn't happen as often as the priest would like. If only there weren't so many rules to this establishment, perhaps he could see her let loose more often.

He also, no matter how much he would enjoy it, couldn't let Chaerin's proclivity to relish in human suffering get in the way of his own progress with this human, or any of the others that he'd managed to ensare in his web of faith and fire and stained glass prophecies.

"I have to deliver him to his appointment, if you'd like to join me," he said. "A walk would be nice, don't you think?"

[] ahhhhhh i'm sorry this took so long TT-TT and i hope it's alright i got a little stuck on how to respond w h e ez e
☨ lee chaerin 2 years ago
@☨ lee dongwook Click, clack.

Faint clatter of thin red stilettos strutting against the cold hard ground reverberated through the house of the Lord, its echo growing stronger as a dark presence stepped through the chapel doors. The sharp sound lingered like a shadow on the walls long after the vampiress had come to a halt. From the furthest pews she kept a steady distance, always careful to guard herself from the contriving powers of faith. Yet narrow amber eyes could not resist the delicious temptation laid out before her as her ominous gaze loomed amidst the flickering flames of candles and pierced like a fine silver dagger, digging deeper into the flesh by the minute.

The Father towering above in strict authority and his devoted proselyte bowing down before the image of Christ. What a sight to behold. His guidance was hardly tender. Words barked like militant demands, a dominant touch far from the compassionate chaplain who could do no harm unto another. This was not the pious man of God who would beam with innocent smiles or jovially exchange a bit of playful banter. No, the stranger down the aisle had bite. And it was thrilling.

Tension builds within her chest and pumps an unstable pressure, weighing her heart down like an anchor the longer her stare watches such a fanciful display of secrets. What more was the Father capable of? Did he have some scheme up his sleeve or simply a pension for exerting holy authority? How far would the man go in the name of fealty and pleasure?

Before her burning questions were answered, the show came to an abrupt end. Rough commandment replaced by soothing caresses and saccharine lullabies to soften his resolve. Disappointing.

“Pardon my intrusion,” Chaerin mused with a feline purr as she approached the altar. Click, clack, click. Once more the trill of heels drifted from one end of the room to another like a tidal wave crashing against the cliffs.

Pointed claws of crimson polished to perfection trailed along the pitiful human's arm as her touch glided up to his shoulders, claiming the glooming unknown behind his backside, edging razor sharp tips against delicate skin once her hand curled around the human's throat. She could feel his every vein pulsating with blood as her eyes just barely flitter over to glance upon Father Dongwook’s visage before settling back to her new target. “If only I knew of your little toy.. Perhaps I’d join the fun much sooner.”

[] hush it was great and i love you, thank you for starting. <3
☨ lee dongwook ˢʰ 2 years ago
@☨ lee chaerin "Kneel."

He watched the human lower themselves to the floor in front of the crucifix; slowly, as if they were aching. Could feel them trembling beneath his hand as he clasped them by the shoulder from behind. This one was a bit farther along than the others. Not necessarily receptive to his message (yet), but clearly wavering, obviously hanging onto at least some of the priest's words, his personal scripture.

Dongwook smiled, brought his other hand around to trail his fingers over the human's cheek. Grabbed him by the chin and forced him to look up into the eyes of the crucified form on the cross. He delighted in the whimper that came from the young man. The priest continued to talk, words of fanciful and terrifying things. Not enough to give the human a total breakdown - no, he hadn't reached that point yet - but enough that he was clearly shaken up. Dongwook wondered, if he pushed a little more, breached the boundaries again, would he shake apart in the priest's hands? Shatter into a thousand glittering pieces that Dongwook could carefully put back together in all the wrong-right ways? Slip parts of himself into the empty spaces, until the man was a little less himself and a little more what he ought to be?

The thought made him giddy, and if anyone were to see the smile on his face now, they would see a hint of the priest's true self. The self only half-seriously hidden behind the false veneer of kindness and non-judgement.

"Hm." He eventually let go of the human, watching as he prostrated himself before the holy figure, sniveling like a kicked dog. "That's enough," he said, yanking the human up by his hair until he stood the rest of the way by himself. Dongwook's touch turned gentle as he wiped the tears that had cut jagged trails down the man's cheeks. His words turned to reassurances, and his smile to something pacifying once more. He patted the human on the cheek twice, "You should get some rest. I'll see you again soon."

[] aahhhhh sry this took so long and sry if it !!!! ;;;; my starters are always a little shaky but once we get into the swing of things my replies should be more coherent(?) i guess :') feel free to respond with as much or as little as you like !! and if you need me to rewrite i can !!
☨ lee dongwook ˢʰ 2 years ago
@† chittaphon leechaiyakul It was an ambiguous time of day in which the chapel was currently empty save for its sole chaplain. Unlike popular belief Dongwook did not spend most of his time in the chapel, but he did spend enough time there that it wasn't uncommon to find him among the pews and hymnals if you were looking for him. Right now the priest was in the process of replacing the candles and tidying things away in the quiet room. Many of the candles had belted into their holders from the previous mass, a slightly more important one as they had welcomed the return of Ordinary Time. Not that Dongwook cared, but everyone had their part to play, including him.

As he finished putting one of the candle holders back together and inserting a new candlestick he heard the sound of faint footsteps. Light enough that they wouldn't be noticed by a human, but certainly would be by a fellow vampire. The priest wasn't in any hurry as he wiped the candle holder clean, listening as the the footsteps quieted somewhere else in the room. When he finally deigned to turn around Dongwook found the figure of a man standing near the confessional. He smiled, something disarming, looking every bit the proper priest in his long dark attire and white clerical collar. "Welcome, little lamb," he said, approaching the other vampire and surveying his appearance as he neared. "May I help you?"

[] aaahhh sry if this i was a little unsure of how to start - if you need me to rewrite it just let me know !! ;;; and feel free to respond with as much or as little as you like <3


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RoseThornArchive 1 year ago
Park Jimin please? Rogue vampire
Kim4Shim 1 year ago
I would love to join. But donno wich role yet. Probably want aespa Karina
TaeKook 1 year ago
I don't know who to be
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 1 year ago
May I please reserve Us Nititorn Akkarachotsopon as rogue ♡ Vampire please~
Leeteuk 1 year ago
Hi! I have a few questions~
LadyofGalifrey 1 year ago
Can I please reserve Liana Cornell as a rogue vampire under the name ‘Sabine’? Thank you for your time.
4Ranghae 1 year ago
Can i reserve kim hongjoong as a vampireb please?
AmbieAssassin 1 year ago
Can I ask two questions?
I was thinking about requesting San and I don't see him on the masterlist so could I, please, request him?
And if I make him a financial donor to the blood farm, are there any specific things he had to do or are there any requirements for financial donors in the world? I'm sorry if it seems like a stupid question. I just want to be sure. ><
cherryeolie 1 year ago
Kim Minseok as a donor
Minwook 1 year ago
Park Chanyeol as a rogue please :)
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