✎ 1st Floor

1st Floor
1st floor of the mostly core dorm buidling. In addition to the mostly freshmen floor, there are social events hosted here in the hangout spaces.
coded by yxgurt
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
@choi ∙ san [ moving to rooms just as discussed
By the way to answer ur ooc, you can choose ur dorm but mostly if Choi San wants to room with the same majors he is, it’ll be the STEM dorm. Since San wants to room in the mostly core though, posted here. But!
Please request a roommate in the request room and if you want a separate dorm room as well! ]

Here is the heavily edited response from main chat now we moved it to a full rp room : )]

*How to stop him? Sadly, there’s no specific solution. He just does his own . The best way to avoid him was not getting him to approach you- but you’re already a goner there. Now better just ride this ride, babe. Chances are you might enjoy it- if nothing else. Especially as a questioning straight man.*

*Jeongguk a brow when you pull out papers from your backpack and then tell him* oh core dorm, that’s where I used to room. *he smirks grinning. When you muttered about accusing him of bullying in a more modernized way, he scoffed gasped exaggeratedly* bullying? Whaat me, babe? Nooo ah that hurts, and here I was just trying to show you around! *he was clearly exaggerating his offended response. But modernized? Pft. You had a funny mind. A dumb but funny mind. Yeah, so easily able to manipulate for sure.*

*but with his thin lipped grin, he continues* The auditorium for that one’s right around here. It’s very small like a lot of the classes held here are like rhetoric, yeah. More from one of our rich alumni. *he smirks beckoning you towards the place. Then he opens the door before nodding his chin to the person behind the more smaller community desk* talk to them and then they’d give you your id card and . Then we can head to the actual dorm- together if you know what I mean *clearly he was still drunk though surprisingly able to hold and behave in a complete conversation as if he /wasn’t/ a few minutes before moping over his lost love of his life and best friend.*
hwang ∙ hyunjin [lovestay] 11 months ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook Sighing he grabs your wrist before you can leave, looking at the wall beside you instead of at your face because he knows he won't be able to say anything if he's looking at your face. "I meant it when I said I wouldn't stop you. If you wanted to-- try to change my mind." He said, awkward and unsure how to tell you that he was willing to give you a chance if you were willing to take it. He would never be able to say it out right, but if you tried and maybe if you fought for it, his feelings might develop over time.
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 11 months ago
@hwang ∙ hyunjin *expecting an answer similar to this, jungkook nods quietly as he decided to go to his dorm for a bit for space. “i don’t blame you” he says before leaving his stuff in your room and hugging you before leaving. he was numb for love too and had his own feelings about relationships and such. “see you later” he mutters blandly once he takes his leave.*
hwang ∙ hyunjin [lovestay] 11 months ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook This was the exact kind of conversation he was hoping they wouldn't have to have because they always made him hate himself a little more every time. "I can't tell you how to feel or what to do with your emotions, or your life. I can't say that I feel the same, I'm too numb myself and ed up for that. I don't know if a relationship would work because I've never been in one and I just don't think I'd be good at it. But, you do you. I won't stop you."
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 11 months ago
@hwang ∙ hyunjin *softly holding your hand hesitantly, he goes into your room as he turns around facing you. “okay i know you’re tired and done with everything so i’m gonna make this quick- i um..like you..” looks away embarrassed. “and i get possessive of the people i like. its very much unhealthy but yeah. also i know how you feel about relationships but i do think you’re boyfriend material but im kinda numb to love and so there’s that. we can just stay friends. its all good” he gives you a thumbs up as he concludes.*
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook [tagging tho it may get buried.
plot name TBD for later - Jeongguk from the main chat and jungkook - the first forgotten night ]
hwang ∙ hyunjin [lovestay] 1 year ago
@han ∙ jisung I knew you loved me Sungie
/flashing you a smile when you walked in he immediately went straight for the cookies, shoving one into his mouth and grabbing two more before he went back to his desk to enjoy them. He'd always had a sweet tooth, and he enjoyed going to cafes and bakeries when he found his way over to them. He rarely sought them out though, so he was always glad when you baked something and brought it back to the dorm/
How were classes?
han ∙ jisung [popmycherry] 1 year ago
@hwang ∙ hyunjin *inhaling softly, making my way back to the dorm with a soft hum and a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies in hand, greeting people in the hallway as I walk past them*
Hyunjin~ I brought cookies!
*opening our dorm room door with a smile on my face*
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook [lol no idea. I only know this one and this smile :) everything else tho you do isn’t creepy. By the way, since this is a rp room, we can talk in ooc more in the ooc room but let’s wrap it up here bc this is more a rp room ]
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk [why is everything I do creepy? Lol.]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook [lol that’s a creepy sounding laugh ]
hwang ∙ hyunjin [lovestay] 1 year ago
@han ∙ jisung /lighting up the blunt he made sure the window was cracked as he leaned against the wall next to it, he probably shouldn't be smoking inside his dorm but he couldn't be ed to care/
/ the smoke into his lungs he held it there for a moment before releasing it, his eyes fluttering closed as he felt the tension melting out of him. It had been a long day of classes, demands from teachers, homework, it was constantly dragging him down/
/glancing at the time he realized you would be back soon and muttered a quiet curse as he quickly put out the blunt and tucked it away to finish later when he wasn't also risking getting you kicked out for breaking dorm rules/
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk [hehehehe]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook [oh? That’s fun! Great, I’ll have something to look forward to when I come back later tonight : ) ]
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk [okay sounds good, btw I have I surprise to show you once I’m done with it!]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook [I should thank you, actually. But again, unless you say you explicitly don’t wanna rp with me anymore, this was only just one chapter. I’ll be around. As always : ) ]
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk [ok no problem thanks for giving them a chance and you too!]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook [yep I agree, I don’t have anything else to add here. Thanks for replying to this and helping give them both an understanding of things : ) usually, I wait until after work but bc it’s gonna be busy for me until the night and bc work was slow today I decided I couldn’t wait that long just for this important idea to be resolved.

But now it is, have a great rest of ur day! Btw I probs won’t be in chat until the night bc I have to accept someone into the rp when I’m around too]
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk [okay I guess we can conclude it here? Reply wise?]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook *Jeongguk smiled weakly as he nods* yeah haha… *it’s either like he wasn’t heard or he was forced to accept something he didn’t believe in. You could prove him wrong of course, but how do you expect that from the get go when he knew what usually happened? When he knew the truth about how he’s thought about his presence in another human being’s life.* you don’t remember but you told me that before… you want me /both/ ways that’s the problem *he laughs rubbing his nape* I don’t mind keeping it casual, babe. Really. I don’t. *because even you being here has psyched him. He thought the people he’d here would be boring. Like usual. Just ing to . So already this is a lot. He just hopes you don’t forget him, having a one sided existence. Usually does. Dreams too are forgettable when you wake up. He nods as you start to walk away.* I’ll…always choose you… *He groans as you walked off. that walking away from him as he felt seething boiling. But…Okay. He held back just enough. At least, he’s saved you. He winces as you disappear from his sight. The sky was turning red as Jeongguk slid on the ground, relieved despite the throbbing pain and desire swelling through him. His eyes lidded about to attack as his nose flared before fortunately, you wake up in your room with a natural colored evening sky. Unaware yet again.*
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk *still feeling misunderstood, jungkook clenches his jaw, shaking his head slowly at your words as his brow furrowed with anger and impatience. He pulls himself out of your grip. “I ing wanted you both ways. You just don’t see it. I liked you even when you’re dead.” Then corrects you with a glare. “Acting like I don’t wanna see you. /If/ you plan to stay. You choose.” He walks away, about to explode from fury. Then the dreams fades into mist as he wakes up in his room.*
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook *jeongguk’s eyes slightly widened when you kiss him back before his grip tightened slightly. It reminded him of the past and yet… it’s only him. He has to remind himself of that each time you respond positively. He’s pretty sure you wouldn’t respond to his past self so easily but…he can hope right? Still, his eyes stay downcast while smiling whe you continue* no babe, you’re all that and more. Im sure someone like that’ll have someone else *he reveals a sliver of his real feelings before laughing it off jokingly. He knew you were the type who got scared of others’ feelings when you weren’t invested in them enough* haha what did I say? *then his eyes weaken when he’s looking forward to see you again the next night only to throw back the reality in his face. He needed a body. Everyone’s like this. And yet he hoped you’d be different. /this/ is what he meant by you’re the same as everyone else. No one was willing to love him without one. He exhales slightly teary eyed. He should go before he makes a scene. Then when he comes back, you’ll just remember his teary face.* babe *he inhales* if you want me to come back to life, /That’s/ the problem. That’s what I mean by my non existence don’t matter. I only matter to peeps if I exist in the world with a real body. *he the side of his gums and hugs you* I’m not going nowhere. I’ll be back the next night. The next night after that too. As long as you still want me even like this. Even if my existence is erased…I’ll be right here. Waiting.
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook [hey, these are all great concerns! I’m at lunch so I can answer them.

Hm maybe we should talk about it in pm? But the summary is I’m not really assuming the worst yet. Ofc I’ll sympathize with my chara but really in the end, I’m just questioning myself what to do next as Jeongguk based on what happened before. I’m always wondering how do I keep a story flowing. But Jeongguk /is/ assuming the worst and so it’s up to you, what decision you make for your character. I have no right to make that decision. But there’s always a chance to change his mind.

But I’ll agree with one point and that is, I as an ooc don’t want to stop ur character from rping in /any/ way. That’s not right of me. I want you to enjoy urself here. So if you think there’s no point in romance, I’m not gonna try to convince you there is. That’s what rping in a public rp means. Unlike pm, you have full freedom for ur character to interact with everyone unless explicitly agreed not to in ooc. That’s the beauty of a public rp

So! Try to have fun! Rping is fun when interacting with very different types of personalities that affect your character and develop their new story! Jeongguk will be in his emotions yes but worst comes to worst he’ll have his own story as I try to move him along too you know? It’s not the end for either of us until you explicitly end it bruh ]
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk *jungkook only looked at you with a sad furrow of his brows as you backed away. He was trying to fight only for it to slip away little by little. Then when you kiss him, he kisses you back, letting you hold him as he does the same. “/If/ I have a boyfriend..he corrects. You know I ain’t all that. If I can get somebody. But you’re gonna be here anyway.. listen. Your nonexistentence /matters/ to me okay..” he grips you firmly, shaking you as he looked you in the eyes, then sighs. He was slowly starting to give up. At this point, he doesn’t fight when you try to leave. Instead drops his head and doesn’t say anything. He hated anything related to goodbyes, even a “bye”. “Can you still come back to life..?” He asks weakly with the little strength in him that was left as he was growing exhausted.*
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk [I guess there’s no point in trying to change Jeongguk mind because if he thinks both of my characters are the same then there’s no point in romance.]
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
[don’t assume the worst yet. And it hurts hearing how Jeon was the same.. how? He thought he was unique to Jeongguk. ]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook [haha okay. Not a goodbye. For now. Just let me know when ooc-wise whoever is there ends up changing ur mind yeah? It’s not my right to do that for ur character ]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook *Jeongguk continues to tremble backing away from you. He wasn’t enjoying this feeling. And yet…even his new younger boss’s right. He brings all this on himself. He only understood one thing. His non-existence doesn’t mean to you. Just like everyone else, he repeats in his mind.* you were trying to dig up a body that’s not mine, so it doesn’t mean . I get I meant something to you when I was “living there” but yeah, no, Shawty. Right when I’m like this, *snorts dryly* I gotta admit how ing empty this feels…Jeon Hyung is just like everyone else, too. *He smiles weakly, watching you talk before his own sliver of hope brightened. Not much but just enough when you told him to not leave. Though his eyes were still a lingering sadness.* as long as you still want me around, Shawty…I’m not gonna force you. It’s not like you’d remember this kinda *laughs. Then it was still there but darkened when you said you’d be open to others. He laughs dryly.* right… *but it makes sense. It goes both ways. Since he too can’t wait for you to come back here; he can’t rely on only you too* guess that makes sense…I’ll have to anyone I can anyways…

*holds you close to him* i guess…just let me know what your future boyfriend thinks *laughs dryly* having you when hes sleeping *winks then steals a kiss from your lips, knowing you’d get disgusted since you still don’t know him like he does.* you won’t get it but I ain’t ing planning to hurt you here. But…heh yeah *holds you close* over there with people that’s the guy I am- like my past: like I dont have a clue. But I’m always behind that guy, babe. *he groans stumbling back* , it still hurts… *curses under his breath, realizing it’s getting too much for him but unlike himself in the past, he wouldn’t wanna take advantage of the people he cared about. I.e. you.* I’m…gonna go now *smiles weakly* see ya later yeah?
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk [HAHA SIKE]


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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