The Gardens

The Gardens
Imagine a lush green environment with many fountains off to the side of the main orientation building. on one side it's just greenery but for the students walking by, they see the college's name carefully planted in colorful colors near the sidewalk and walking pathways as they get to class. the founder's statue sits in the middle of the gardens where students can easily view it as they walk to their next class.(Please request for specific other gardens scattered around the campus)
coded by yxgurt
Jeongguk [A] 3 months ago
*after wiping his lips clean with a satisfied smirk, notices you then smirks and hides to spy despite not being visible to hyunjin*
hwang ∶ hyunjin 3 months ago
*gets to the garden and hums while typing on my computer. clicking and clacking the keys at a fast pace*
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
[] I know the feeling. Like damn, usually I can at least get one long reply answered in the weekdays but it was just too tough. Hopefully next week is easier for us both, let’s see : ) ]

So what if I am? *jeongguk only tilted his head in amusement when your inner conflict continues on until you eventually do use your voice. , were you hot for a victim. A guy who was struggling with what they secretly wanted and what the other /should/ appear to want? You wanted to be ed by him /and/ be used by others? Talk about jackpot. And when you say those words of not caring how you’re used, his thin lips pull into a signature smirk.* oh don’t worry babe, then I’ll make sure your hole’s so thoroughly abused you won’t get why you feel so ing all the time *he snickers and grips your chin to look up at him.* you down for that? Being a virus to those ass religious s? *he asked with a mischievous glimmer in his eye and a lower and almost husky breathy voice into your skin as he continued his grinding against you. Yeah, you had the potential to fulfill his goal, too. He smirks into your eyes. So cocky. So punchable. All while he’s thinking that , you got a y brain. He could get used to this. At least until you find someone you liked being tainted by more.*

*then without warning, all while stroking your length and kissing you with a slithering tongue that made a mess of your mind, you started to feel a stronger desire swell within you as the scene changed around you.*

*you woke up in a dark university dorm room. It was pitch black. Was it night already? No light peaked out from the outside of the dorm door and your body felt heavy yet feeling smaller in the dorm. Something was…off. For now you felt like you were in control and yet it didn’t look like your own. You also didn’t feel like you were in your own body; you were smaller, weaker, lighter. The bedsheets around you wrapped around you and yet it felt refreshingly cool in this room.*

*then suddenly, a light outside the dorm door. It seemed like an hour but a few seconds later, the door had creaked open, ushering a shadowy figure. This figure was hard to make out, hard to understand and hard to read in your state. And yet it lumbered forward before it stood in front of your bed. Heat seemed to be blowing from the figure as it breathed hard in front of your bed. You would try to move a muscle or wake up and yet you couldn’t. Only wrapped around your bedsheets and unable to pry them off. Then you felt the shadowy figure’s breath on top of you. You still weren’t able to make out what it was but the breaths of it had heated your body. Your body was turning hotter by the minute, more suffocated of a feeling too. Welcome. This is a version of what is called a sleep paralysis nightmare. This is what occurs when you give no specifications on a kink. Do you wish to continue in this vein or think you’ll give specifications?*

[it doesn’t make me uncomfortable no. Usually, it’s other ppl that are so I gotta ask before he goes all out with it. But alright, he’ll still wanna keep it scenario based for the first time but I can see the scenario probably containing something like that. Though again, having a kink based scenario /would/ help give us something to build off of so let me know or I’ll probably make one that works. You sure about this? ]
kim ∴ hongjoong [JayBsAudacity] 9 months ago
[] Same, I'm definitely more to-do list forgetful than RPR forgetful. This last week has been insane with work, though. >.<

The smug look that the other male wore, even in spite of everything else Hongjoong had thrown at him, did something to wiggle under his own skin. He hated the look. Hated the way the nickname fell from your lips again. Hated everything about this encounter - But most of all, he hated how he didn't really hate it, but craved it somewhere deep down. It was hidden somewhere beneath his bravado, his rage, and his fear, this... Unholy needs to be used and treated in such a debased manner. Granted, he wasn't the most likely to be considered 'holy' - He joked about being a satanist just to watch the normies scramble, for 's sake - but even this went against all of Hongjoong's better instincts and the desire he felt to control every situation. The hands at his waist reminded him he wasn't in control, for once, and his conflicted feelings were surely written across his features.

"You're only teasing to buy time." He challenged, biting his lips to keep down the sounds that threatened to rise up, jolting with each smack against his skin, still whining faintly behind his teeth. It grew with his shame, the deep wine color of his silky little boxers suddenly feeling too much, his ostentatious nature for once a source of discomfort. Were they really ed? Moreover, why the did he even care what the other might have thought about them? The commingled sense of shame and arousal, paired with the aphrodisiac that he'd so willingly slurped off your tongue had him in a literal and metaphorical tailspin.

"I don't care, just use me. Please. Use all your power over me. Be my teacher, my pastor, my pimp, anything you want. I just want you to break me." He didn't think about the words as they fell, baring his soul and his deepest, darkest, most hidden desire - the one he'd never admitted to anybody else. Off his mind and lost in the sensation of roaming hands and saliva that coated him in both a nasty slick and foreign scent that he disliked already - But he was still , hips still rutting, and still fully giving into the idea that had been laid out so neatly for him.

[I see~ None of that really appeals to Joong, but if it makes you uncomfortable, he can go with any of the above options. Give into a power play or whatever feels right lol. As I said before, he's the TW character. He's going to the most debased option he can already imagine. ]]
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
[] aight makes sense and works for me. And I might be the forgetful type but that's more so stuff personality-wise than to do lists. To do lists I'm not too bad at fulfilling. But let me know if you change your mind ]

*For some reason, Jeongguk always thought his second victim here would've been similar to his first victim. Haughty taughty and introverted beyond measure, refusing to think about before marriage. But it sounded like backgrounds here /did/ matter into which flavor of victim he received. Specifically, the flavor of a victim's possible response towards dependent on their environmental stimuli. But it's only when you were telling him off that he had came to this realization, almost as if up until now, he had been using his default approach to a default victim aka the easiest victim. However, he was not oblivious to the fact that his victims could fall in a spectrum. Would you be the type to give in right away? Maybe not? Sad instead? What about angry? Only time would tell Jeongguk which type of responses he'd drag out of you. For now, Jeongguk glared when you rubbed a palm up his chest so patronizingly. , you were hot but annoying. He's gonna enjoy putting your ty in place, he thought, as he had reached out to use his plan B had you refused him*

*Confidence regained, smirk just as prominent and brow lifted up in a cocky expression. That's how Jeongguk looked as you neared him, clearly begging for his touch but with your eyes. Especially after you had knocked him down a few pegs, he was at least pleased it worked out. Did he like how it happened? Hell no. He's rather have /not/ been insulted for just doing his job. But at least now that you're here with him and you clearly wanted his , it didn't matter much. It at least helped him. Now he knew a little bit more about what made you tick. However, when you seemed to wanna use your impulsive senses to escape his hold just because of how smug he appeared now, his hands were firmer around your waist* oh no, you don't get to run away now, babe... *his voice breathes against your skin with a slight laugh. Yet his hands weren't pinning or roughing you up so much that you couldn't extricate yourself from him forcefully if you felt you had to. It's as if Jeongguk was already asserting his dominance but also giving you breathing room if ever you couldn't /actually/ do it.*

*He laughs against your body breathily* I can tease you however the // I want and you're gonna take it like the little you are.... *he growls before he asserts his dominance by spanking you lightly on your left cheek with his right hand, positioning you back against the statue as he grabbed roughly at the fat and enclosed you towards him with his muscular arms. And then. Spank. A breathy snicker blew across your neck as his left hand now held your waist firmly to keep you still enough while his right palmed at your growing bulge. He kneaded a thumb to circle at the build only to stop at the difference between his expectation and reality. He cocked a brow, snorting* what? *he grabbed at the hem of your pants and roughly pushed them down until it exposed most of your silky underwear. Jeongguk just had to laugh as he flicked at the garment* What, you a underwear now? *he insulted as his hands eventually continued by grappling and languidly stroking your length out of your pants and the silky underwear* Fine, babe. And scene? What you into? You like power authority like professorxwhatever? like that? Maybe a crush you imagined getting railed by? Roommates? Pick your poison baby or you're gonna regret it I have to pick for you *he laughs darkly*

*He was doing this while already feeding you that aphrodesiac feeling. When you ask if he's gonna stop if it hurts, his thin smirk grew wider against your skin and lips as he answered* depends, baby boy. *But unfortunately for you, he had no stubble on his face, still displaying an almost baby faced jeongguk. So maybe this night would not be ideal if you planned to not give in. Still, the hair being styled up just enough to expose his forehead made him look older than he is. Once you give into the aphrodesiac feeling, though, the faster we can go ahead and create your idea of an ideal scene, the faster you won't have to deal with the drawbacks of ing Jeongguk directly. For example, that slobbery tongue or the fact that even as you cupped his cheeks, he wasn't, only touching your and at your body.*

*With Jeongguk acting as someone but himself, it was most usually a hit. But if you still want to stick with Jeongguk choosing your poison, you may learn to regret it. That's why as Jeongguk was massaging your and slobbering over you, he's waiting until you give into the illusions. Give him /your/ ideal scenario so the /real/ fun for you can start. If you don't, this may get into horrifying territory as Jeongguk's default behavior towards strangers is the r word. Are you sure you don't wanna give in and create an illusion for him, so you /can/ avoid that terrifying experience?*

[] cool! Well then if you don't pick anything, as a stranger to Jeongguk, I would still advise a small idea. For example, if you want Jeongguk to act romantically. Maybe Hongjoong has an ideal boyfriend or date scene to act out, Jeongguk will do it. I too don't recommend not picking anything unless you're completely fine with Hongjoong being r worded. Usually for the first time at least, Jeongguk would wanna cater to your chara's interests not his own for that reason : ) ]
kim ∴ hongjoong [JayBsAudacity] 9 months ago
[]] I really don't think tags are necessary, it's not like there's a ton of traffic in this room, so we won't need to dig around to find each other's reply. Unless you tend to be the forgetful type? That's the only way I can think that it might be worthwhile.

"Mhmm, great, right~" Hongjoong didn't even pretend to listen to the words of the other male, letting them flow in from one ear and right back out the other. He'd listened long enough, dealt with the teasing, and was slowly figuring out the way to worm his little fingers beneath the mask that this stranger wore. He had fun doing it, too; enjoying the rise in pitch and suddenly defensive answer he got to his sigma male comment. Was the little puppy not up to date on his terminology? It was funny because if there was any rhetoric that he would believe the other listened to, it would have been the Andrew Tate, masculinist, bull podcasts and youtube videos that he sounded like. "Aw, baby, it's okay. Not everyone can be an alpha." The shorter of the two cooed in a mockingly placating tone, his hand coming up to rub at the taller's chest. Patronizing, but at least now he would understand the feeling that Hongjooong was dealing with.

The idea of being so thoroughly used was a fantasy that he'd held deeply, and the snicker that it brought out of the other was the least reassuring thing he could have imagined. His stomach soured, and the third year felt himself preparing to bolt - fight, freeze, and fawn weren't needed when he could choose flight. It makes the impulse stronger when he feels the strong hands at his waist, the weightlessness, then the dull pain of his petite frame being pressed into the statue. Then, he can feel himself melting. Growing hard. Blushing as he desperately tries to form words. A protest. A snarky comment. Anything other than just the moans that are dying to fall from lips that chase after the ing smirk that he hated so much already, but somehow - for all his ing and judgement - was falling prey to just the same.

", don't tease me--" Hongjoong gasped out, the disgusting slick of saliva doing nothing for him, but the words - that was the ticket. He could melt for those alone, in the rough, taunting whisper used against him to disturbing effect. His own hands went down to join the bigger pair, helping to press down jeans thick with paint and added stitching, and the silk underwear he allowed himself to indulge in, the violet material a shock of color against otherwise pale thighs. It didn't even cross his mind that his might get rubbed raw from how roughly his hips rutted against the other's pants, but he luxuriated in the pain, indulging himself and quietly to show that he was enjoying himself, as though the thin trails of precum that are already spiderwebbing across the other's clothes weren't indication enough.

"Don't need to know anything. Just make it hurt." The smaller whined, his hands reaching up to cup soft cheeks with the kiss shared. He leaned into the action, and nipping at the tongue that parted his lips, and willingly drinking down the saliva that was pushed his way, filling his mouth with a sweet buzz that reminded him of being kissed stupid; rough, drunken make outs that leave both parties with bruised lips; kissing someone with too much stubble. He felt drunk off the kisses that were shared with him, but didn't shy from the feeling. No, Hongjoong let himself drown in it, growing shameless as the effects grew stronger. "I'm afraid you're going to rip me apart... Will you stop if it hurts? Or can you just hurt me more?" He asked, mindlessly babbling even as his hips continued to rock and his hands wrapped around the male's shoulders, hugging onto his neck and providing a spot for Joong to hide his face in.

[] Oh, yeah, he can have fun! I will let you know if we hit any roadblocks, although I really doubt it. lol
I think I understand... Honestly, I can't think of anything that would be appealing for me right now; was there anything that you were interested in using or trying?
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
@kim ∴ hongjoong [] lol noice, want me to tag you here or you ok for us to go untagged here in the gardens? For now, I'll tag but just lemme know ]

Psh you wish, I was just talking about all my hella great luck ha *You'd be surprised how much and he's gotten with this almost insufferable "bad caricature of a flirting" attitude of his. It's like the bad boy type is /exactly/ what everyone wanted from his already charming face.* that's...! *He was hurt as his eyes started to weaken in resolve despite furrowing more frustrated, flitting around your body instead of looking at you. Childish. He was starting to lose his confidence and patience. because that's right, you got who he was down to the hook, line, /and/ sinker. He's the type to dish out insult after insult yet somehow can't take it. Gets butthurt when he's patronized in a superior versus inferior way and ends up lashing out because of it and so much more. Even when you called him Sigma male, he had /no/ idea what the that was and yet as if hairs stood in the back of his neck and he had a tail between his legs, he barked back defensively* Who the you calling me sigma male for?! *all while mentally making a note to learn up on this newer word in this generation. He already learnt rizz fast enough because it was easy from context but sigma was different from alpha or beta so he had no clue and it made him only grow annoyed at himself that he didn't even know the insults you were throwing at him. Congratulations, you were knocking him down from his cocky attitude pretty quickly. But...was that actually a good thing?*

*everything up until this point had made him start to wonder and grow impatient. Maybe he should just use "that" and finally ing shut your mouth up. Yeah, hell yeah. He didn't deserve this treatment when he's just doing his job. And now it's just giving him bad flashbacks of another time with an older female he was head over heels for- or at least thought he was. His eyes burning with aggression and a smirk, he was about to use that thing as his hand neared closer to your lower body only to blink taken aback when you finally seem vulnerable*

*His confidence shot right back up as a snicker breathed through his thin lips. Without even giving you time to settle back on your flat feet, he grabbed you by the waist, making your feet leave the ground for a second as he pressed you against the back of the founder's statue. Perfect for people to know what is going on but not know who while gasping and running away* , so you can be y too huh? *He breathes against your lips with his sleazy smirk. He was into it. Into the vulnerability you showed him. And nice for him, he won't have to use that last resort now, so he's actually gonna be able to do his job the /right/ way.*

*His lips and tongue were already gliding over and every piece of your skin from your ear, down to your chin and then your neck. His hands were already working down your pants with a breathy snicker between our lips* if you weren't a down here, I'd slam into you raw and hard, babe... */then/ he lets you answer the question after, this time, asking you about your kinks slightly breathily- considering his actions changed your prediction of our future positions but not the content of our words. He rolls his hips aggressively against yours while nodding* mm got it...I only know the basics of *kisses your neck* but I got it, you're M...need to be made a true to my ... * more of your neck as he grinded harder* weird table... And prep? Want me to treat you like a delicate princess and prep you all the way? *snickers* or cause you a M, you fine with half raw? *he then kisses your lips, making you feel dazed. He was feeding you a bit of an aphrodesiac but not the full since you were a willing victim.*

[] Ok that works! Jeongguk will match that until you say otherwise. What I meant by the role thing is, because this is Jeongguk, but this is still a rp from the chat which is the university world, and yet Hongjoong has no idea if Jeongguk is a student or not, we can switch it up. Depending on what scene you prefer, hongjoong can be the counterpart. Studentxstudent,nerdxbadboy, etc ]
kim ∴ hongjoong [JayBsAudacity] 9 months ago
@Jeongguk [] tag, you're it! lol
kim ∴ hongjoong [JayBsAudacity] 9 months ago
Again? You already thanked your luck for me walking into your life?
What a good boy. /his murmur is snarky, but with a playful lilt to the otherwise sharp edge, eyes rolling again with the sleazy wink you use on him. He can't help but think of this as a bad caricature of what flirting should be, and wonders how much and this really nets you. The question dying on his lips before it can be spoken.
Aw, don't tell me I bruised the baby sigma male's ego? Guess your talking isn't great either. , I hope you're hung to make up for all this disappointment.
/the longer you two speak, the more comfortable he finds himself -talking right back to you, seeing your reactions and understanding you're not the type to dish it out but be unable to handle having it returned back to you.

Ugh, you clearly don't listen. I said I'd gladly be your victim. You can use me any way you like, babe.
/standing on his toes to be able to whisper for your ears only; the idea being embarrassing enough that he doesn't want the whole campus to hear. Since you're willing to top him, though...
... If you really want me to get off like a , use me like a toy and throw me away when you're done.
/settles back down on his flat feet, suddenly feeling very nervous for no good reason; the transparency makes his heart race. You don't seem like the type to balk at the idea but it's also the first time for him to voice such a desire out loud.

But as for likes, dislikes, kinks, scenes... Give me anything. I'm a masochist and used to having all the control, so do with that information what you will. Pretty much the only things off the tables are actual crimes and toilet functions. Oh, and I don't like puking.
/he laughs, trying to cut the tension he alone seems to be feeling, gaze focused on your chest as nervous energy starts to fill his chest, the apprehension and feeling of vulnerability more taxing than he'd expected it to be.

[]] NGL I hadn't thought as far as that but Joong is a "no-limits" character; probably to the point of TW. But I'm not sure what you mean 'it doesn't have to be the same role' - Can you expand? Maybe I can give you a better answer when I understand correctly.
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@park ∶ jimin *jungkook returned your smile as he spoke. “oh it’s not weird at all hyung! i prefer to be away from people too. *nods shuddering at the unwelcome memories* yeah some of them are difficult indeed.. he looks in the direction of where you’re pointing. “oh! yay! thanks for the snacks hyung!” he exclaims happily, grabbing sweets and juice as he sat down. he notices your eyes watching him as he did so, and turned away blushing as he pulled his knees together shyly. he looks back at you and smiles again. “oh normal ? that is a good thing hyung , youre nice by default, i wish more people on campus were like this” he nods, smiling at your reassurance, giggling when you nudged him playfully. “you’re right hyung , thank you~”
he laughs as you curse then looks at your sketch. “oh that looks awesome! i think you just need a little more practice to ace it? i do too” then looked at his lap as he took the materials out, a pencil and a sketchbook. classic. he chews the end of the pencil as he thought on what to sketch. “oh um! i like painting, though i should explore charcoal and other mediums more, how about you hyung? and its honestly ” he sighs, nodding as he continued to think with the tool between his lips.*
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook *Focused on his sketch, he lost touch with reality for a moment. There was just this one annoying perspective that was problematic, and he couldn't get it right. He huffed, erasing another part of it, ready to start from the beginning before a familiar voice pulled him out of it. He looked up, a smile already on his lips.*

Jungkook! Hi! Glad you could join me. *His whole face lighted up with another cheerful smile, as he patted an empty spot next to him.* I hope it's not too much, or weird. But I prefer to stay away from people to have a peace of mind, but I wanted to get to know you better. Does it make any sense? Oh, I brought us snacks as well! *He explained, pointing to the blanket and his backpack, pulling drinks, sprite, ice tea or coke and letting you pick what you prefer first. Some salty snacks as well as sweets.* Help yourself. *He watched as you sat down next to him, before his eyes flicked forward as he considered your words.* Thanks, but it's nothing. I am just normal…? But I do agree, this place can be a lot to take in, especially during your first year. Students here are… I would rather not say awful because that's bad generalization, uhm, difficult? Nicer ones are hiding between them, but we are there. *Jimin once again looked at you, reaching out to gently push you to the side, and make you sway slightly.* Look at you, you are not bad yourself, and you found me, so.

*Your compliment made him cringe a bit, and he pointed to the problematic part of the sketch.* Perspective can , I swear, it's always off for some reason. I can only fix it later, during painting. *He sighs deeply, and relaxed, picking up a pencil again, determinate to figure it out.* What about you? What is your preferred style? And how your first year is treating you, hmm?
[post deleted by owner]
jeon ∙ jungkook [yourwaywithwords] 1 year ago
@park ∶ jimin *Friday came around, and as expected, he got a text from jimin. He smiles, relieved that he was going to enjoy some time with his new friend and without conflict. Texting back,

to: jimin
-hihi thx for the directions! cya soon!

putting his phone away, jungkook makes his way to the gardens before stopping there and realizing he hadn’t been here before. this was definitely the go to place for winding down. he needed it because the past few weeks hadn’t been easy. jimin hyung had surely had taste in his locations.
Finally making his way to the location, he smiles as he spots you. “hey hyung!” then looks at the nicely spread blanket, it felt like a picnic and he loved it. sitting beside you, he opens his backpack, taking out his sketchbook and tools, then turning to face you. “how’s it going? you’re like the /second/ nicest person i’ve met..” he giggles softly, scratching his head. The first was hobi hyung. He hopes that through this connection, he will discover that people aren’t always evil on this campus. He spots your drawing and admires it with wide eyes. “yah it looks so cooool!”*
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jungkook *The weather was so nice. Warm with slight breeze but not enough to disturb his possible work. Spring settled down for good, and he was looking forward to it. To paint outside if possible, enjoy the flowers. Maybe this year will be better, less lonely. Well, he certainly did something to move it in that direction. Making a new friend was nice, he decided, and someone who also like art, even better! Jimin chose a secluded area on a small hill and far enough from the main alley that no one would disturb them and vice versa. He put down a big comfy blanket, snacks and drinks were waiting in his backpack. He was a bit earlier, so he decided to sit down, and start his sketch.*

To: Jungkook
I am already there, walk toward the fountain, and turn to right, I will on the hill, under the tree. Colorful blanket, that's me!
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [1/2]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *Lord V knew of the struggles. Maybe not in his current host’s body but in his previous one. The one where he met a hoseok who truly loved him. Mutually. -As abnormal as that was. Even if not the way lord V considered true love to be, it was and still meant everything to him when for once, he had someone to love him as him. And the fact it was a hoseok, too. But yes, the clash between his personality and his host was stark. More hopeful. More loving of humanity than lord V could ever be. This as well as his height made it very difficult for lord V to adjust. Lest he seem not like that Taehyung anymore he was /required/ to talk to the people his host knew when lord V would have rather killed them if they grew much too annoying to maintain. Personality conflicts like these made it very hard to truly assimilate. So what lord V had said that night in the dorm before we returned back to discussing specifically about our plan with both our hosts? He had truly meant that. He was proud of you for working that hard. Treading that line between who you were and who your host was- as much of a struggle it was.*

*but /was/ it a blessing? To live in ignorant bliss? Maybe it recalls back to how you had dealt with becoming a human ruler in that place we had met. But it did seem like both hoseok and lord V’s values were starkly different. Would this be good in the end? To truly never know the suffering lord V had faced? To never be able to completely comfort the younger? Only time would tell if it would not impact them or bring the two even further and further apart.*

*was it teasing? If it was, Lord V was doing so unaware of his actions. Because, at least to the man, he couldn’t view it as that but impulse. The way he wanted to touch your body. The way he wanted to praise your body. The way he wanted to your body. All ultimately boiling down to solely impulse. His icy eyes stare into your own as he’s tall enough to duck down. Even the way his cold breath hovered over your neck before attacking it. All impulse. And the culprit. You, Hoseok. So after the kisses and you playing with his lips which he had to chuckle at in desire, when you did not refuse any and all of his touches, he did more. Of course he did. What else did you expect from someone who needed you this much? Your grinding against his hardening crotch made his breaths shudder coldly. Impulsively, he bit down on your exposed neck until weak streams of blood fell down your shoulder. But then he stopped in realization. He was getting ahead of himself. If he continued he’d have ultimately created a contract yet again without true uninterrupted consent. He had to be sure as well. He chuckles at your thoughts as your blood dripped down the side of his right lower lip.* hm. I had not thought about that…but would you hoseok? Would you be able to refuse my touch? *and to make a point he whispers against your lips* I do not think I could no matter the circumstance… *his voice whispers before guiding you to knee against the table, completely overpowering you with his weight. It was very difficult. To not feast on his hoseok. /his/ hoseok.* funny. I suppose food play is the one kink I have never explicitly sought to perform. Though I’m very sure many of my previous babies had thoughts of a romantic Valentine’s Day with chocolate fondue or whipped cream *he nods slowly as he continues to push you down by your shoulder blades before more of your dripping blood. He bends you uncomfortably forward as if slowly beckoning you to lay pliable for him. His finger traced your shoulder blades. One slight push and you would break.*

But you are still very beautiful,. Both your body and soul. It does not matter if you do not believe it. I shall continue to repeat it, and I will ensure it is engraved into your very mind… *he the locks in your hair to make your head and eyes meet his own. Lord V always enjoyed back hugging you. You fit perfectly against his taller body consumed by his. Now your cheeks made a perfect place for his crotch to nestle against as well as he spoke of his desire to your angry but adorable self as now your upper half of your body and knees crawled against the table.*

*eventually, he pulled back though now he had wondered how you’d look in this position with red satin ribbon around your wrists and another one around your neck or blindfolded against your pretty eyelids. Truly, lord V was very bad at being a romantic. But even he remembers the feeling of losing you forever so eventually he backs away and smirks when you call him a tease in your mind. You didn’t know that it was you who was being the true tease.*

*lord V stared in awe at your thoughts as you picked the right ring gif you. Then barely a smile on his now blood ridden despairing lips. That’s right. The shadow cannot exist without the sun or any light for that matter. Even he never thought so deeply.* you have a beautiful mind, too…how you awe me *he wants to lunge and kiss you while holding your waist close but not now. V, focus. Kneeling down on one knee he was awed. This would be the man he would marry. This is the man that hopefully would even marry his immortal self. He would never regret anything then. To live and die a thousand times. A million times if he had to. As long as every dimension of him gets to love every dimension of you, he’d be so very happy. No not happy. Happy is such a flat emotion. He doesn’t know how great he’d feel. He just knows he’d look forward to each life. Learn, discover and fall in love with you again and again. For now, still only a red thread but he had hope for the time we’d use our blood to engrave it in the laws of the universe. To make his fate at least a bit sweeter though still full of despair.*

I cannot wait hoseok. I cannot wait to have you as my universally wedded husband… *he kisses your lips more and more, yet again impulse. Strands of saliva and your blood falling against his tongue and your now swollen lips as he pushed your body against the coffee table. He almost suffocated you with how he takes every breath of kiss away. This time instead of your front, it was your back against the table as his cold breath growled harder against your body. You were trying to love him but he was already loving you in a different way. He bent back down to your shoulder but this time he kisses the now dried blood stain despite how his body yearned to sink his teeth in the dip of your shoulder. Only when he feels the salty water against his cheek, did he let up with a murmuring.* my apologies. I have gotten carried away with your beautiful flesh, my hoseok.

*but after your Eskimo kisses and loving smiles as he thumbs your tear away with a cold finger, he stared stunned. He attacked you out of nowhere and here you had already offered him more. Gently, he grips at your wrist. Then he slides his nose and lips against your tin wrist. He always had found that the most fragile part of your body and therefore the one he cherished the most. But as he looks at you, he stops and continues kissing it instead.* I’m sure I’ve taken much already. Besides. I am no vampire. I also feast on flesh and well, your body ually.

*he chuckles as you hug him close.* yes, very similar to a blood pact you could surmise. But do not worry. That is only once you agree to say “I do” to my soul rather than this human body, beautiful. *cups your cheek* otherwise you do not need to concern yourself of such deep but irrelevant trivialities. I would love you either way. Remember hoseok? *he stares cupping your cheek* i would love you even in my despair…

Very well. As you desire, I shall look for a silver band. But i suppose you want this same gem too in our wedding ring? Or another? *lord V turns bright and grins rectangularly, holding you by your waist then lifting you up before giggling lowly* it is not too much, my beautiful. I did not want to forget him either. But remember. *pouts lightly* you are betrothed to me first and foremost. Not him. But hoseok… *he stares into your eyes pulling you to him by holding the palms of your hands and tugging* I need to stay honest with you. Yes, It was you hoseok, who I created this term of endearment “beautiful” for. That is true. But everytime I’ve thought I’ve fallen in love, I’ve used this term for others. Yes. For a namjoon too. For a yoongi. For a jimin. For other hoseok’s who I quickly realized was infatuation for the hope in the face. For other human beings outside of the names you know as well. *he bites his lip looking down at your fragile hands and continues to grip them as he speaks, not letting you let yourself go* this is because I did consider them to be beautiful human beings. In my search to find happiness after my original hoseok rejected me, I attempted to find another beautiful to replace you. To replace the gaping hole you left in my heart, Hoseok…*glares into your eyes seriously* though this name was made for you but used for many, no one fits this name more than you. It was originally always yours, my beautiful. But… *he looks forlorn as he massages your fingers* if you do not like the history of this name, you can choose to be addressed as something else. Just note hoseok… *looks back into your eyes with so much love.* as long as you marry all of me, I do not plan to call anyone else beautiful anymore. In the past, present nor future in any other alternate universe. *massages your arms and shoulders to look at him* now that I have the true beautiful in my arms, I do not need to keep searching to fill my hole. Because you have already. But instead with solely love, you have filled it with both love and with despair. Then you will not be just another human being I’ve called my beautiful but my life. My fate. My frustration. My joy. My everything.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [2/2]

If you do not choose an inter-dimensional wedding, well my other versions would be unaware they love you so they’d inevitably call whomever beautiful as well- of course I would make sure to erase this part of our conversation from your mind so you can live blissfully ignorant like you’ve chosen before. The version with you will not love you any lesser nor will I do as well- being completely aware. Wounded or not you will not need to worry about it affecting anything you can see.

*he had stated everything before while smiling, still hoping in your future. Our future together. Did what? *taehyung smiled confused as he returned from the bracelet he was looking at to you, still a bit playful. His eyes looked in the direction of where your own eyes trailed.* clearly, you used very cheap materials and pulled and pushed the beads into a string. Is that not what you did?

*and he was planning to tease you even more about the ring only to look up at you from where you sat. His rectangular grin turned into a small bare smile between his cold eyes as he stood up. Then he cupped his cold hands onto your cheek to guide you to look into his eyes* hoseok…look at me. *lord V stared intently into them to drive his point.* Whether it be a ring, a bracelet, your undying love, everything you choose to give to me I will cherish. It is you, my beautiful, who is giving me it. No matter how inexpensive or expensive. There is nothing in this world that I would refuse from you. And emotions…? Well though I can never truly understand them myself in the way you can, I too am awed by being given things with emotions attached to them. *he continues to stare at you before gently cupping his cold hand over the box.* but if you can not do so, I shall. *and to make his point get to you, he pads the fingers along the edges of the box, waiting if you’ll allow him to open it himself.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V *How cruel. The world's rulers using power against people just like that, with no warning, no explanation. At that time, Hoseok was still new to everything and whole breaking the fourth wall, still learning how the system works. Operating around it was tough. Keeping up with his host even more difficult. Mixed emotions invading his own, making him sad or happy so suddenly. Or when he has to watch as Taehyung take his host body, mend it to his own will, while he whines in his mind, needing his Phantom touch. Luckily, Hoseok was patient and dedicated, he could wait knowing his reward to be great and pleasant. What was a bit more annoying thought, was the fact that his own, strong emotions could influence his host. It was unbearable in the beginning, he must always to be careful, and restricted which was precisely what he is not. Always shining, true with his feeling. Honest and easy to read. To suddenly put on a poker face, not an easy task, but he did his best, and with time, it started to be easier. His host body finally getting used to him, and not reacting so violently, after a while allowing him to be more free. *

*The fact that he didn't know about anything, not losing his memory, or that Taehyung was killed, and you, blocked from accessing this world. In a way, it was a blessing because no doubt, his panicked, scared self would be in trouble, making his host uneasy and anxious. His body could even try to reject him. Hoseok wasn't sure what could happen, but now when he had you here, locking back. It wouldn't be good.*

*Hoseok romantic soul wanted to give you anything. Your happiness. It was not about who will ask first. It was a gesture itself. The fact that he cared, looked for a ring that in his mind could suit you. Every little steps he took to prepare a whole speech in his mind, that he won't probably even use, ashamed of his own cheesiness.
But with you, hardly anything goes the way he planned and wanted. Not that he was mad, just slightly disappointed that he needed to push that aside...
What if that's a good thing? That allow him more time to prepare something even more special, more stunning ring, more touching words, more... everything. You deserve the very best in his mind.*

*Isn't it strange? Your cold, glaring eyes which could scare away almost everyone but not him. It warmed his soul, touching his heart. That hard gaze, smoothing his entire being. Grounding him in place. When you gripped his wrist, pulling him closer, when he tried to move away. His breath hitched, world slowing down, and he couldn't take his eyes off you, taking you in, breath in and out. Icy blue, with drops of black, or maybe navy blue? Long curled eyelashes that every girl could be jealous off. Your tan skin, with no wrinkles, frozen in time, spotless, soft and probably cool against his fingers. His favorite moles, that he would love to kiss. Surprisingly soft orange hair that he could slip his fingers into and brush it through or pull, when overwhelming pleasure take over his body. Lingering gaze moved to that sharp and tempting jawline, and place under it, on your neck, when he could press his nose and nuzzle, feeling your vines pulsing with blood under his lips. Hoseok knew that he wasn't plain, but seeing your ideal features so close, he was suddenly aware how devilishly handsome you are. Yet, your perfect lips still call him beautiful...*

*Shuddered breath escaped his lips when you kissed him, and his melted in your embrace, easy fitting in your arms, closing his eyes, and not opening them for a long moment, feeling your body moving against him. He hums, listening to your words, a small, barely there smile pulling on his lips, when he finally meet your gaze once again.* How violent, planning to break such a nice, and beautiful coffee table. *He reached up, griping your face and turning your lips into a fishy pout, that he kissed once again with a soft huff.* Magic or not, what will you do if I stay mad after? me again? Burning hole won't smooth my hurt heart... *Hoseok pretended to consider something, unmoved against your hard touch and words before he leaned in slightly, brushing his lips against your ear. * You will buy me mint chocolate ice cream after, and will let me it off your chest. *When he let you go, his face was light up with usual, heart shaped smile, and he pressed his index finger against your nose, booping it. *

*Entity? What entity? Confusion visible on his face, but then your lips moved onto his neck, and suddenly that wasn't as important. The sensation running deep, making him shiver. Why, oh why his neck must be so sensitive. He almost purred, closing his eyes and muttering a quiet '' under his breath. Focusing on a situation like that, awfully hard, he must say. * Oh, no... *He whimpered, when you moved away, forcing him to shift his focus back on the stones. Ugh huh, teasing so badly. Demon indeed.*

*The moon. Of course, it was a moon. Two-sided orb, rarely showing his full glory that was hidden in the shadow. Shadow that can't exist without the sun. Shadows that consume all the light, turning it into darkness. It was all meaningful for him. It wasn't just the color, there was almost identical blue stone with just a sun on it, but it did not called him like this one. You are his Phantom, his shadow, his moon, regardless of the past. Although he didn't dare to voice it all out, this was your moment. Special and unique. Bringing up people from the past and ruining it wouldn't vise. Although at that moment Hoseok didn't even spare one single thought on his hyung. He did not connect it to him. The stone was picked by his whole soul and heart, and both were calling for you. For your deep love, despair. Yearned to be connected to you. At the very moment his finger touch the cool surface he knew it was a right pick. He was your sun to consume and love, and he wanted that so wholeheartedly.*

My Despair... *He murmured against your forehead, brushing your skin with his lips.* My Happiness. *Fingers touched your cheeks, thumbing it with loving gesture.* My Light and my Darkness. *The kisses continued, along the brow bone sliding down to the temple, and on soft cheek.* I'm yours during every next Sunrise and Moonset, accepting the contract, and surrendering your soul to your hands, as universally wedded bride and husband. *You could feel the smile, pressed against your skin, when moved down, looking for your lips, to seal the promise with it. You could feel a warm tear, smearing across it too. The happy one, like a promise of the future. The cute and quiet sniff when you slipped the ring on his fingers as he looks at it, amazed with its charming shine. Mesmerizing and made just for him. *

Oh... *Hoseok looked at your face, reaching up as if he tried to catch the changing appearance. He couldn't, and he chuckled, setting his hands on your cheeks instead, pressing a soft kiss to your nose.* Charming demon, aren't we? *He whispered softly, brushing his soft lips against yours but not yet kissing it.* I love you. Through all the universes and back. *His eyes light with feeling as he gave you the Eskimo kiss first, chuckling.* Do you want a taste now? Take a bite, baby. *Although he said that as a joke, he would need only one word to bare his neck, or wrist for you, and let you have it. Whichever you prefer.*

Blood pact? Hmm, yes, you will need to explain it because all I have in my mind is an old scary movie, and a woman summoning a demon, and giving her blood to chain him to herself. *His eyes closed, when you kissed his cheek, and he wrapped his arms around your neck, pressing his whole body against you, and holding you close, all warm and fuzzy with overwhelming warm affection.*

I want a silver band, shaped, so it could match this ring. *He confesses, nuzzling your neck.* ...and engraving from the inside... with 'beautiful' inside. You can choose the sentence. It can be just 'my beautiful'. *He paused, thinking hard about something before adding a bit timidly.* With 'V' in the end... and 'TaeTae' or just 'T'. It's important. He is a part of our story. I would rather not forget him. He was the one who in the way connected us, after all... oh I'm sorry, am I greedy? Is it too much, my love? *He asked, moving up to look at your face. He wanted to avoid looking avid in front of you.* If so, do tell me.

*He caught you looking at the cheap bracelet he gave, and his cheeks started to heat a bit. You had a fond and a bit of soft look on your face, and he gently took your hand, finger lightly touching the red beans of it.* I'm still wondering how I did that, but I'm glad I did.

*When you mentioned his proposal, he stilled, wondering if it's something he should do now. Would that be a good time? He looked down, at his own special ring, so marvelous and beautiful... and he hesitated. His was plain in comparing to this masterpiece. Yes, he did put his mind and soul into choosing it. Wanting to give you something special, but now he was doubting himself. The velvet box heavy in his pocket, as he looked up with an uncertain smile, taking your hand, and pressing a butterfly kiss on your ring finger.* Is that really what you want? It will never be as beautiful as yours, my love.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [correction: Still, he did not remove the bracelet you gave him even afterwards, gazing to admire it as less important as it was in the grand scheme of things.

And this one]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [correction: and then the two pasts became just one.

Because for some reason i need to be on my laptop to resend long posts since phone limits are shorter for some reason now- it’s clearly irritating me]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [1/2]

*given all circumstances had changed in the past, lord V stared ahead as he quickly relived the new past. It felt like the world was glitching and he was the only one aware of the two pasts, one quickly fading away and replaced by another. “Excuse me? Are you okay? Can I help you somehow?” The supposed to be passed out from exhaustion Taehyung who’s eyes were slowly drooping to sleep looked up from the concerned hoseok’s lap. Lord V could only watch as his host choked and kissed your body to remember only to bring your host to insanity to the point your host was bleeding through your eyes. Then in your bed once Taehyung had used his power to keep his hoseok by his side and passed out from exhaustion, you called out to him.*

*suddenly, the romantic evening sky scene at the gazebo with words “Hello my love, your bride is here, thank you for waiting for me.” was replaced by this dark moonlit night with your words “V, my love I need you. My lord come to see me, please. My despair...” and then the two pasta became just one. The moonlit night as lord V had woken up and healed your host’s bloodied body from the memory whiplash


“*once Taehyung had completely collapsed while holding his hobi close, Lord V only needed your soft and sweet voice to awoken. After observing from the back through Taehyung’s eyes after struggling to return to this world for a while, unlike Taehyung, he had known exactly what had happened. He learned of the other ruler’s crossing the boundaries to the point he wasn’t able to return with the abundance in his pocket. The abundance he had made crafted for you. Priceless to the point of a devil’s perception of quality gems. Lord V’s eyes smiled relieved down at you until you started to shift away from his body. That is good. You were untainted by what had happened. As you were not of this world, it had made sense. But still. He had panicked as well as he knew his despair knew no bounds. If fate willed you to forget him too, it would. Even outside of pure logic and reasoning. Fortunately, it did not this time ….. But here you are with nothing but love in your eyes. For a being as undeserving of it as him filled with despair. You were here. He could feel the weight in his pocket yearn for it to remember him. But not now. Not when his own hobie Hyung needed him.*” {Memory rp}


*before sharing a hungry bloody kiss to give him more of his strength back then speaking how “I missed you as well, beautiful. You do not know how much I had worried that I could not see you, Hyung…” before explaining what he knew then having to give up on his gems for tonight as both our hosts were more important.*


“*still holding you back to his chest, he continues to your shoulders with his thumb before continuing with his reveal of what had happened on his side.* i…do not know the specifics, beautiful. Solely that I could not return. And apparently my host had been killed? Not completely fortunately as the other human ruler was not aware that his soul was much different than the others. But I did think it had been too much of a coincidence. I have… *he could feel the demon like gems weigh in his pocket* much to give you my beautiful. More importantly, your hoseok and the Taehyung occupy the priority currently. Therefore let us speak more about what had happened and what you had to do:” {Memory rp}


*what a cruel fate. For a sweet scene along a gazebo to be replaced/postponed by this despairing one instead. He planned to show you all of these gems. He planned to place one on your ring finger to promise you he is yours. But yet again, fate would not give him his happiness so easily.*

*it turns out it was postponed until after Taehyung received his own hoseok back and lord V and hoseok could focus on each other. Afterall, Taehyung his host owed him that much. After helping his host, it was time for him to be paid back. And he was.*

*this time he was calm. He was not disheveled by his jurisdiction and last communication to you being stripped off anymore.*

*but it was comical really. Because that memory was so vivid to him, he remembered everything. So he was not surprised at what was supposed to be you sweeping him off his feet. Of course you would try. Romantic was your expertise in a way he lacked in. But thanks to the previous past, this time instead of his initial surprise he had felt before, he knew almost everything you would say so he could not seem as surprised lest you wanted him to lie to you. He even knew when you would hold out that velvet box. Yet again, he rejected it, this time by placing a hand on the casing. So much more calm. And yet again he explains why it is better if he does so. Then he pulled out all those gems he had been waiting forever to show you. It felt like forever as our past interrupted and prolonged the time he would reveal these to you.

*this time you were aware that he did struggle in his fight to come here but still were unaware of too many of his details behind it, only telling that his host had been killed but unaware of more than that.*

*when you start to pretend proposal to yourself, he chuckles under his breath before following your movements as he stares into your eyes. He gripped hard at your arm’s wrist that held the velvet box as he glared icily into your eyes. His stare held your gaze as if to say do not disobey. He held it tight as he beckoned you to look at his tanned skin and eyes. Beckoned you to look at your lord V. Then he pressed his lips towards your pouting one as his large hand gripped and moved down your waist as your back grew closer to his chest. He accidentally bucks his hips around your perky * , you may not know this but your anger has suddenly made me so hard. I desire to you across this clean and well-made coffee table. Make you forget you were even angry at me as I pound your insides into oblivion, hoseok *he thumbs your lip with a deep hum* but alas, I have been waiting long enough to show you these gems I have specially requested to be made for you. You can propose to me later if you still desire so but I would prefer to not wait any longer for mine- even if that entity will not be a threat to us any longer. I have made sure of that this time *his lips traced your hair and down your neck* we do not need to fear any longer…

*then he rolled out the floating soft leathery scroll inside the bag to reveal all gems properly spaced out with white display tags in front of each, inscribing and unreadable language.*

*when you picked the gem with the blue moon consuming the sun, he stared in wonder. He always wanted to know if he and the late Taehyung were ever your moon or if you had completely ripped their nickname for that other human as it pained him greatly to see you call the other your moon once the late Taehyung died. This had confirmed it. We were both still your moon. A smile softly flitted against his lips as he pulled at the ring. At first it was complete black but when the gem was placed inside, it turned silver with small blue stones designed around the ring itself. It now looked like an ordinary human ring except that in his eyes, he can see the red thread wrapped around the finger casing as he placed the ring inside his own black velvet box.*

*He had smiled looking up from his work amused at your adorable behavior looking at him work in curiosity before leaning down. Now he had to add a few more words to his proposal in the past this time around.* Jung Hoseok, born in and of another world, world unVillage, traveler of this world, Seoul boys university and now a wandering soul of many worlds. Will you in Despair and in Happiness, Light and Dark, Sunrise and Moonset, accepting this ring with the promise of Contract and Marriage, be my universally wedded bride and husband?

*when you answered, he could feel his own nonexistent heart shattering as you warmed with your pushing his hair off his forehead then pressing your warm lips to his skin. He closed his eyes with a barely but very pleased expression before taking out the ring from the box. Just as you could see glimpses of his demon form mingling with his host’s now orange hair, you could now see the same red thread that wound around the ring. But if you blinked you would miss it as it glitched in and out of the filters of this world that were visible to the human eye. he walked forward and gently pushed the ring onto your finger as the a non visible red string wrapped around his own wedding finger, returning your soft kiss* I love you. To the universe and back if it could be measured. With this, Hoseok. I can always be with you and you with me- though this is only our promise ring and I plan to add our blood during our official wedding day.

With the addition of blood, we will be each other’s in not only the future but the past and present in every world. But that will be another time if you understand and agree. I will not coerce you to without you thoroughly knowing all of the consequences for doing so. *he kisses your cheek softly* but yes, it will be our blood. Both mine and yours then, hoseok.

Do you prefer a different ring for our wedding one or the same but more refined and well-shaped, Hoseok?

*after your answer and everything was resolved, even his question for what you preferred our wedding ring to be, his muscles had begun to relax. He would not lose you anymore. Even if you lost the physical element of the ring, you now had the red thread of Fate wound tightly around you that would bind us to each other. Still, he did not remove the necklace you gave him even afterwards, gazing to admire it as less important as it was in the grand scheme of things. As cheap as it was, it was the piece and the emotions of that night in the park that touched him. More than any rich or exquisite piece of jewelry would ever have. Though yes, he would never stop ridiculing or teasing you about it. He stares at the red cheap beads before returning to you*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [2/2]

Now… *he smirks a bit more teasingly. A bit more playfully* though it has no power, you stated you have a ring for me? *he chuckles slightly amused though it did touch him his hoseok cared so much to give him one. Even if it was not surprising no longer, it still felt unreal to be able to obtain something from your earnest effort* well? What are you waiting for? *he beckons with a wave of his hand as he showed you his human and physically empty ring finger* should I stay seated or would you prefer placing it onto me as I stay standing, Hyung?
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V *You were pale as a ghost in the evening light. A sultry glow shining though your hair, before it's slowly fades, leaving only a warm touch on the skin as a reminder. Hoseok stared at the place for a moment, before he gently pressed his fingers to skin of your cheek, making it linger in place. He looked around, enjoying the view, the gazebo was far from the main alley and people, with a lovely view over the lake with a group of ducks. He chuckled at their loud noises before he turned back to you. *

*He wasn't aware how close he came to losing you entirely, if he was, he wouldn't be this happy, innocently smiling at your face, caressing your cheek with the tips of his fingers. Hoseok didn't know how much you fought back, so he could stay and have him. For him, it was just another lovely day, perfect for a proposal.*

*Which you rejected firmly, with no hesitation. That hurts, he wouldn't be able to lie about it. He pouted, moving his hand back, huffing. He was upset, of course he was.* Tss, fine, so... *He looked at the ring and smiled to himself.* Will you marry me? Yes of course I will! I love you Seokie, my beautiful! How could you do it first before me? That my dear, is a correct answer! *He imitates the whole dialogue, even changing his voice, before he slams the lid of the velvet box close, nudging you lightly with his arm, pushing you back. * Fine! I will wait! But I want to propose to you and be accepted too! I want that memory, that experience. *Murmuring something under his breath, about stubborn demon boyfriend who wouldn't indulge him, but when the first anger and sadness passed, and he smiled again, shaking his head at you. He was sure he will propose to you again one day.*

*The brown, clothed bag caught his attention, as he watched the floating stones curiously. He giggled at some with silly expressions, but every single one was pretty. He touched each one, appreciating them all, before he chose two. One in sage green color and the other, amber gold. Both with the sun engraved on top. He debated in silence, both were unique and beautiful, but something was not right. He looked up, at your face, wondering if any of his picks would remind him of you. But no, it didn't match you, so he also gave up on them, and looked over every stone carefully once again. At that time he had vague memory of your blueish demon eyes, and after the examination, he finally picked the blue one, with moon consuming the sun on top. It was cool against his skin, with pretty blue glimmering shine, and he nods happily to himself. It will remind him of your eyes every time he will look at it. Stunning and cold. He looked up, with a beautiful, heart shaped smile.* That's the one. *He confirmed, placing the stone in your hand.*

*Like a child, he leaned towards you, watching you setting the marble in the ring, then listened carefully to the words you were saying, trying to understand their meaning. But the language, he couldn't recognize it. However, you didn't give him a time to ask about it, before you kneeled before him, asking for his hands. The previous disappointment gone, replace by a pure happiness. His lower lip trembles slightly, but he bravely holds back his tears, as he leaned in. His hand gently pushed away the hair from your forehead, placing a warm, lingering kiss there.*

In the sun and in the shadow, during day and night I shall be yours forever, I shall be your bride. *Hoseok answered, looking into your eyes, letting his romantic side take over. * Yes, I will marry you. *He did notice the subtle changes in your appearance, but nothing could force him to break the eye contact. His own a bit teary still so emotional, and he leaned in yet again, to cup your face, and kiss your lips sweetly. He was gentle but sure with his words and gestures, answering your calling eyes and soul.* I love you.
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
Ghost of Past [A] 1 year ago


*Lord V wasn’t sure when it happened. After leaving the body in his shadow form to take care of something, suddenly he felt himself struggle to enter back to the world and the body. It was like…suddenly he lost all jurisdiction when he was not supposed to at all. Why can he not enter? At first it was confusion as he stared at the entrance and tried again. He continued to try and try different method until his hands were more rougher with the entrance before he easily gave up. Ah so in the end he has lost access to this world. It is fine, besides he did not care about any of the other humans there. He can tell you to come to another world and wait for him there. Then he realizes as his body turned cold as ice and his horns emitted a slow but steady stream of black smoke. Wait…your body is still in that world…you’re not here. Your soul is not like his. His black eyes flash red. You don’t have a spirit! His hoseok! His beautiful. He can’t get to you…after confessing suddenly he can’t get to you! You cannot know where he is! Panic as he felt the black smoke around him hitting his skin from all directions. His eyes flashed a silvery black- as if white stripes flashed through them in quick secession as he tried to understand what to do next. His mind was flowing a mile a minute. He could do that. But no, this is better and more efficient. But this has its risks. He could completely lose you. But what if he doesn’t execute this option correctly! No this! And he made up his mind as he impulsively decided to do the worst but most efficient choice in his book. Smoke covered his body as he turned his destination to head to the Hall*

*as he entered the long corridor, he could hear the cacophonous ricochet of voices in both the closed and open rooms violently discussing how to be a proper demon. From the way you should cause a bad being to fall to the different sets of methods. V always disliked their ideas so he never attended those sessions despite being a Lord at present.Moreover he didn’t care to. He was a Lord afterall. He had just enough power and jurisdiction to do what he wanted now all while avoiding the annoying responsibilities that being a higher level brought*

*He ignored the surprised but hushed whispers of the other demons as they stared in shock at his presence in this place as he stalks straight up to an office and glares cold and ruthlessly, slamming a hand on their desk.*

?: “Ah, Lord to what do I owe this pleasure to. You do not often visi-“ before he could continue, Lord V was nothing but persistent.*

What is the meaning of this? I had not been informed of a jurisdiction change. *his voice was icy cold* you were supposed to inform me of any occurrence of this beforehand.

?: *the figure grinned at the other then* I’m sorry about that. I’ll see what I can, Lord. *and then the other pulled out a similar tablet like V had* name is the same right? *lord V only nodded cold but impatiently as the figure started to read the screen* I’m sorry but he has been killed. Your jurisdiction will have to be changed. Is that fine, lord?

*V was stunned. Killed? And he did not do it himself? Despite it being his jurisdiction? Then he remembered…he was sharing this jurisdiction with a stranger. His eyes glowered* I suppose it is the other, yes? Who in Hell would allow such a tremendous change without informing me. I expect as much as this If I may have so oversee another world. We are work partners *he growled* supposedly…

Random Demon (RD): *the figure continues to hum and scroll down until he stops* Lord, he even ignored our ruling system too.

Then what are you waiting for? You know exactly what is to be done…

RD: “Lord…” *he stops* I can’t. They’re not a demon like us. *a few minutes toggling all options and they stop in confusion Wait…something changed. Your body has been revived, Lord. Memories of your existence erased from that world but that won’t matter much to you or taehyung, anyways

*V’s eyes narrow in cold anger. But he was relieved. He could return. He’d rather not stay any longer in concern the state of him changed again* I expect you to find a method to punish them for overstepping *then his wicked grin as he his heel, his eyes flashed a dark red once* or I will succeed up the ranks and take over their world and your work myself *and with that the figure mumbles a quick out of fear but still acting calm “yesslord” before opening the entrance for the Lord. This time he had easily entered and quickly woke up in the body*

*but it was sudden. He awoke in a darkening sky. Rather than his blonde hair and black smoke he was back in the now orange haired’s body. Taehyung had fallen asleep near the window next to your 3rd floor dorm shrouded in darkness. That’s unusual. Usually the other should have fallen asleep closer to the morning. As he gets up, he can feel the energy from the other or lack there of pushing him down to gravity. So Taehyung was exhausted…he can only surmise one thing. Taehyung was aware when the world had changed to erase his record from the beings of this world. But enough. Lord V could deal with their world later. He needed to make sure his own world was fine. Yes one human being who was his complete world.*

*he couldn’t sense your presence in that dorm so you must be in classes. His eyes narrowed. There was no time for classes. He needed to get you out of there. Even if you didn’t remember him, he will get you out of here. He will demand for a place without shared access. He /will/ ensure you and his despairing happiness will not be harmed no more than this. This crossed his lungs. He felt the weight in his pocket heave down on him as he urged to find your location with only his mind reading, forgetting completely he could just use his tablet to pinpoint exactly where you were.*

*So when he found you, his whole body relaxed. Seeing your form glowing in the sun…it made his cold body warm. His eyes warmed as he didn’t wait no longer and approached you. Even if you didn’t remember him and struggled he’d make sure he forms our contract so you were bound to him. He could always make you love him again. You’ve miraculously done it once so you could have to potential to do it again*

*he didn’t expect however that as he approached you, you had turned around and ran to his body. He stood frozen in confusion before quickly letting your warmth take over, hooking your legs around him. He kissed your lips so passionately but strongly, pushing you against the tree trunk. A smile faint graced his lips at your words.* Bride indeed…my bride, my beautiful *He had no idea why you remembered him but as his overwhelming kisses gripped at your lips and his strong hands marked your hips, he suddenly wanted you. He could smell your soft but strong vanilla scent entice him in as he succumbed to it. He your lips forward encapsuling you completely as if one second later you’d be dead, leaving both him and you breathless. His hands ran across your shirt shorts inching to push them up more. He enjoyed the feeling these shorts had given him but right now he wanted them off. Now. But then he remembered as his hand stopped from grinding onto you and ultimately, going too far. He had to restrain himself. Not yet. Not until he’s secured you to him.*

*He mustn’t wait any longer. He did not care anymore if your body was dragged with him or not before his host’s sprit and your host’s spirit even got close enough. His logic was far gone to think about any of those consequences with the other host. It was you. Only you he’d make sure to chain down- even if it would come with any other “baggage”*

*and when you thought while mentioning gazeebo, he found it very opportune of a fortune. He didn’t need to ease into it. Without waiting a second, he says in a low voice* close your eyes and hold tightly to me. *and then the black smoke from his body enshrouded us both as he kissed you chastely to distract you from the ultimate fear that seeps into your heart when this occurs. He smiles faintly when you muzzle into him. If he was not in high alert, he would treasure such a moment as your locks fell onto his chest* I love you. Let us not waste more time *When the black smoke dissipates a second later, we find ourselves right in the middle of the gazebo you had been thinking of. *

*he couldn’t help but be enraptured by you. Even if it was just a body, your smile danced in the evening light as your soft silky hair reflected back towards him. But when you pull out the ring from behind you, he knows. You planned to propose to him. He did not know what to do but he could not feel like smiling anymore in the foreboding doom*

No *his words were as curt as always*

*even if he yearned so badly to accept the proposal to make you happy for doing something for him that somehow made you very happy, he could not strongly bind you to him if it’s not by his own hands. He had to be the one proposing. And anyhow, he wanted to propose to you once he had received enough information on your ideal promise ring. He wanted to be the one to do so, to him that felt much better than being proposed to. Maybe it’s in his nature engraved in his traditional sense to find it more appealing to be the one to do so, instead*
Ghost of Past [A] 1 year ago


*his weight shifted as rather than focus on your possible crying or confused face, he shoved his hands into his pockets before he pulled out a brown clothed bag that barely made a dent in his pocket. He held the bag of engraved stones that floated across like carpet. One was green like your favorite color. Another one was the sunset. Another one had an engraved crescent moon next to a sun. Another crescent moon inside a sun. Another ovr the sun. Another consuming the sun. An eclipse shape. A sunflower shape. Yellowish green shape. Another small star and big crescent moon shape. And more shapes and colors. There were…also some silly ones as well as if Lord V had been racking his brain by the end of the excursion. A chibi smile. A hope tree. J-Hope in funny shaped font. One that if tapped on and shown to the moon would emit their memories. And many more of the silly and tech-savvy ones too* I had all of these made for you, hoseok* please pick one so I may pre-propose to you *Then he smiled faintly but said nothing*

*once you picked the one, he held the ring before placing it in a black velvet box as he closed his eyes, murmuring a language in recognizable- if it was even a language. Then he knelt letting one knee onto the ground and opened the black box that held the ring to the light as his eyes steadied a marble black, the evening sun now turning to dusk as the winds rushed around the two of us* Jung Hoseok, born in and of another world, world unVillage, traveler of this world, Seoul boys university. Will you in Despair and in Happiness, Light and Dark, Sunrise and Moonset, accepting this ring with the promise of Contract and Marriage, be my universally wedded bride and husband?

*he stared up at you with eyes that held a thousand lies, his body had transformed into a soft blend of both Taehyung’s and his own features. His sweatshirt from before looked more like a shadow of never ending darkness. His black loose pants and bare feet had black shadowy heels and his hair was an orange with blonde streaks for the time being as it seemed like two shadowy horns streamed out of his head. But one truly indistinguishable truth was always there. Love*


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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