✎ 3rd Floor

3rd Floor
3rd floor of the mostly core dorm buidling. In addition to the mostly junior floor, there are study rooms and hangout spaces here.
coded by yxgurt
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 10 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *the fact that hoseok would be the type of being to not desire the truth but live in ignorant bliss was always the reason why he had never revealed the truth of your existence to you. It was only then in the original world when you put his words together and walked away from ignorance to truly understand that he yielded for once. He knew, though, it would never be a truth you would have. He practiced what was known as radical acceptance. That means that no matter how radical a belief it was, once it was proven to be correct, he did not question his feelings regarding it. Afterall, relying on feelings was in itself a hinderance when being faced with actual logic and facts. But as you are an emotional person, this was why he had always hesitated. You valued your humanity and emotions more than he did.*

*he lifted his brow a bit doubtingly when you said you haven’t talked to your own controller* you have not spoken to your controller at all? I see…then who was that coordinator you had spoken to during your early times greeting the new others? Or was that only your own host speaking to them?

*handling Jeongguk with friendly emotions. That is what was meant by stating that your soul could handle his servant without the need of being emotion-focused. Even if there were never mutual romantic feelings, your soul could tolerate the other’s fiery yet rude attitude- which is saying a lot since many say they can but tend to not be able to. You must be able to tell but he was very fascinated when you tended to jeongguk’s needs in the original world when he had stopped by to monitor the two.*

Angry …? *a smirk barely traces his lips as his eyes glared coldly into your own. He let you drag him to lean down and take your lips in his. He tilted his head before his eyes glazed towards your lips coming closer to his own. Then without wasting a breath, he consumed you in, swallowing your mouth as he strongly at your upper lip and brushed his tongue against your upper gums. Pulling away just enough for you to breathe as his hand thumbed your jaw to hold you in each kiss as his knee slid and split open your legs. Ultimately, he kept the leg in between your legs as he brushed his knee against your tented pants, teasingly.*

*He chuckles softly as you spoke* what a nostalgic moment. I would love to have your account of such a collision, you must remind me what I had done. As for me… *before breathily uttering against your forehead* I am pleased that I held you despite my host’s terror. You are here now, beautiful. You are in my arms now. Not that human with that irritatingly gummy smile. Not that other shorter individual with those plump lips. Mine. You are in my own arms, Hoseok. I am pleased you have abandoned the notion of blissful ignorance. That you have abandoned the notion of true happiness with a human who can inevitably treat you much better than me despite their lackluster devotions. *his hand grew lower as his eyes flickered to press a long finger at your neck* all for someone like me. *he presses on the vein softly as his eyes focus on the exposed neck* I cannot wait to marry you. I cannot wait to chain all versions of you to me…

Ah my servant’s propaganda? You must ask him but I am very certain he does not believe you will be happy as a human desires to be with me. However I have never promised you this nor do I believe you would be as well *he chuckles thumbing your vein a bit more* but very well, you may continue to ask me such questions though I doubt my answer would change as long as your affection for me has not. I would look forward to falling in love with you and marrying you again and again in every world I can.

*he stares at your booping his nose, his eyes barely melt.* as long as you understand that I will only give you despair itself when you struggle to have hope. Otherwise I may break your expectations and inevitably your heart and hope for me. Even then though… *his eyes stare into yours, a bit of despair returning* you will have no choice but to continue being married to me, a hurtful individual. *his eyes turned glazed as they hovered over, his thumb brushing your lower lip before choking your neck lightly as he stared coldly into your eyes in a strong intensity* I will not let you escape me, Hoseok…

*when his teasing and kisses seem to drag you into him, he kissed back, very slightly back as he continued to knee your already hardened pants* how would my future wife prefer to be taken? *his lips whispered, starting to and attack your neck with soft bruises* would you like your master? *breathes* daddy? King? Others…?

[checking again bc no answer so not sure what you prefer : ) ]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 10 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *Hoseok on the other hand, tried not to get too deep into details, to avoid any unnecessary break-downs and doubts. It was all so very new, and so perplexing. He tried his best to accept the fact that he was not real. Which was quite depressing because the longer he thinks about it, the more he feels he needs to look for a reason, to keep going. His reason was now an obvious choice because it was you. You are his strength and power.*

My controller. Again, that's just my assumption. Hmm … *He hummed, rubbing his temple.* I never spoke with them directly, not with mine and not with yours. Just, I woke up knowing stuff and feeling them more, but it's their doing, not mine. So, whatever happened, it happened on their side. *He explained to the best of his abilities, but it was all the theory on his part. He didn't know enough. He could only give you his speculations, and some small facts. *

*Handling Jeongguk was different and much easier when only friendly emotions were involved. Obviously, he loves Jeongguk, but it is platonic love or more like brotherly love. Which pushes him to fight for him over and over and over again. Because he cared for his well-being. Jeongguk was part of his small family of three, even if the other members barely tolerated each other. He was still the bridge.*

Tss, wait for angry make – up , that will be fantastic. *His fingers wrapped around your collar, pulling you down, initiating a hot and passionate kiss, that left him breathless for a moment, with a large tent in his pants and rosy cheeks. He the saliva off from the corner of your mouth, leaning heavily against your body, closing his eyes for a second and resting his forehead on your chin, breathing you in. *

You are my reason to keep on going and not give up. I will never forget the pang in my heart when you came to take care of me after that panic attack back there in unvillage. I was dumb, stupid, and so lost, but knew that I wanted to meet you again. Look at us now, we crumbled, we were lost, we suffered, but you came, and I am here, and I have you now, and I won't give you to anyone. I am sorry that it took me so long, but I love you. I want you and I can't wait to marry you.

*He snorted gently.* I am confused what is his reason behind that propaganda, but we can gossip together at least. I can tell him all about the little touches and things you do to me that I like just to and make him cringe. But the decision is still mine, not his. *For a moment, he let himself slip, and think about the way your lips felt on his neck, before he smiled softly.*

Entertain my selfish needs, I will ask you this question many times in our long future just so I can hear it, and you can do it too. I could marry you a thousand times in a thousand different places. *He chuckles, booping your nose.* Hoping is giving me strength and desire to keep going and reaching for you. It can make me believe in myself, believe in us, and even doubting moments are easier to overcome.

Good. I desire to be your husband, be by your side and be with you. Nothing could ever make me happier. Thank you, Phantom. *He thumbed the top of your hands.* I love you, my silly demon. I love you so much. *He lets go of your hands to bring his arms around your neck and pulls you down for a kiss. Slow and deep, gradually turning into more passionate, broke by his soft gasp for air and moans of appreciation, while his fingers slipped into your hair, rubbing your scalp. He decided to take his time to explore this desire. After all, he had all the time in the world. You are his.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *maybe it should be more obvious by his account that the entity controller on his side usually took much more of a back-seated approach. And that it did so already before when it came to keeping him in the know of the many worlds theory as young V and now of the higher world as Lord V. Almost as if it usually kept the other in the dark surrounding it and just let Lord V run freely, learn and grow on his own. It seemed like his puppeteer’s motto for this was, “if the character didn’t need to know what they didn’t need to know, they just wouldn’t know- well at least too many of the details.” That was also what mostly caused Lord V to be self-sufficient and question his world by himself as himself. Because he wasn’t babysat in figuring out the truth of the world and his existence, he figured it out for himself and grew to be the more aware one given his own personality to question society- with no one else’s direct help.*

*The existence of a Namjoon he actually cared for returning had made him question the only existence he knew as young V; it was necessary to explain why a new Namjoon felt and acted differently than the previous Namjoon he had talked to. And that cycle only kept repeating with others than a Namjoon. Then later, as Lord V, the court case of him having to talk to the true controllers of this world as himself during his time in the unvillage world because he needed to know both sides of the story to address both worlds made him gradually learn of the existence of the controller. In both of these instances, which there are many of these for him both big and small spread all throughout his own history, lord V discovered the truth on his own only when he needed to address a different level than his own.*

*Afterall, how could he have really been the Lord V of today if he only ever was just spoon-fed all this information? Could he have been so independent? Self-sufficient? So narrow minded? So self-focused more? No, he grew to notice how alone in the world he truly was and gradually developed and eventually desired to search and question for answers when discrepancies arose until he /became/ your king-to-be you see today. That’s also the reason why as Lord V, he even left the young V alone and gave the bare minimal instructions for his servant to do the same in aiding the other. If he didn’t, it would greatly compromise young V’s own growth.*

*keeping the above in mind, knowing you had much more of a clearer answer in what was happening made him confirm that controllers had, well, control in what they made their puppets aware of. It also brought up a new question: why did /you/ have those details yet he didn’t? Despair? Was despair that strong?* /who/ has grown fond of me? *he asked a bit stunned; he had always thought he was alone so it’s a peculiar feeling to have support despite his terrible personality and despite not being fated to anyone nor having a soulmate. Still, as a being who had to go about his existence alone, he would never desire to completely rely on this. Emotions are fickle and shall always be* I have spoken with your controller before during a court case and individually yet have no access to speak with my own. I see…how interesting. Maybe when we have more time, I shall ask more details surrounding this.

*his eyes widened very slightly to the fire in your eyes before nodding slowly. He too understood the feeling of being controlled to the point when he was aware when it had gave up limiting so much of him before. There was a time like this as well as if it had given up pushing him to do certain things, almost like it was saying “It doesn’t help to force him to do the things he won’t do anymore. When he does, he doesn’t really act like himself. All I can do is really just create them then letting them write themselves.” Because of that experience, V did not question when you said you don’t know why but you knew you had freedom in making this decision. It relieved him a bit as well. That you decided on loving him despite everything. Though he in his despair will need to wait to verify you were not only convincing himself you could and that you were truly serious about this decision.*

*you are right. Marriage is founded on communication and yet, he finds it fascinating that you have stayed with him after such usually inexcusable wrong doings he performed against you. To him, it seemed to come down to your very soul. Especially as he watched a more chaotic version of inexcusable actions in Jeongguk and how you handled the younger as a soul versus how others handled his servant as a lover throughout the years. If your soul could handle V, he was very certain at least your soul as jimin or any other being could handle Jeongguk even without the need of being emotion-focused. Just as how he was very certain his servant would not fare well in the long run with the human he had fallen for despite it being emotion-focused; the two souls were never bound to understand each other. And yet the younger had only focused on everything but these facts. Of course, Lord V could never tell this to his servant who was not supposed to be aware of these truths. But knowing how much time the servant would waste of his own effort to entertain such notions, he /did/ at least warn him, albeit most likely too condescendingly for the servant to take him seriously, that the younger was wasting his time. Not jeongguk’s time, but /his/ time in needing to indulge his servant for his foolish, impulsive emotions.*

*lord V stared at your angry expression as his cold hands held your own to him. His eyes melt barely as he watches you. Suddenly, he could feel the despair gradually get replaced by an intense hunger for his wife-to-be. Adorable. So utterly adorable. He pulls one of your fists to his lips and presses a kiss on them* you are endearing when you are angry, beautiful…

*and yet as his hold starts to comfort you, he waits for your answer for why now with his hands slowly traveling up underneath your shirt. He parts his lips in realization* ah…how you never fail to intrigue me, beautiful. Even as you were in your internal conflict you were still thinking of how you could please me. Unfortunately though it did not initially show me I was wanted as I doubted your purpose for proposing to me, it does now that I understood your true intentions, beautiful. *he stopped groping you and thumbs your lips* I do appreciate it though. Thank you… *he utters softly then continues*

But how peculiar. History repeats itself yet again. Jeongguk has always been the one to bring out this other side of you. Though I still do not take too kindly at many of the other propaganda he feeds you regarding me, I can acknowledge some of these encounters have always enabled you to grow in a manner I could never assist in.

*he stares into your eyes that was mixed with despair and love as his usual icy cold eyes returned* why are you asking this again, Hoseok? Do you believe rephrasing your question will influence me to change my answer? My answer did not change, Hoseok… *he thumbs at your cheek* of course, I will not enjoy the fact that you desire to hope. I believe you are only leading yourself onwards to your downfall. Hoping will only make your downfall all the more painful; chances are you will only crash, Hoseok. Yet… *he presses his lips to your hair* even if it does not last for long, I desire to stand right beside you, beautiful. And when you do collapse, I shall treasure each and every moment we shared and created together. I will hold many of these instances in my non existent heart.

However until then, yes. *he stares directly into your eyes as he covers his cold hands with your own* I desire to marry you, Jung Hoseok of Unvillage. You may have left that life however you have started a new life here. I wish to be right beside you as you do. *then he presses his lips against your own, inevitably letting his desires for you overwhelm him*

[if you not in the mood for , we can just time skip like usual. Just let me know. But I guess this rp is done for now? I really liked it but yes, let me know if I assumed wrong or you have more to add onto it ]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *And Hoseok stared back, just as shocked.* You don’t? *That was confusing as he frowned, thumbing his own chin trying to understand the whole process.* I… It is hard for me to explain it. I didn’t speak with them, nothing of the sort. I just kind of know? I… *He slipped fingers into his hair, pulling on it and rocking his brain for answers.* I don’t know how.  This is my assumption, but I think they… maybe like you? Or at least are curious about our future… I think. Maybe it's because of the pain I was in? It kinda made me more aware of stuff? 

I don’t know what happened, all I know is that I have free hand and can decide what I want. So I am choosing you. This is my decision. *Hoseok explained, and his eyes shined with fire and determination. * 

*It took Hoseok a lot of time to get that confidence and openly fight you. Show you exactly what hurt him, but it was time. He was your fiance for quite some time, but marriage needs communication more than anything else. *

*Even now, when you pressed him hard to your chest, stopping his fist, he was still angry and not nearly done with it, but he manage to calm down enough to keep answering.*

First time when I did you rejected me. I was always planning to do it again, I wanted to hear my own 'yes' from you like you heard from me. It was a selfish desire. After all I am still a man and it doesn't matter if you are too. I wanted to propose as well. Show you that you are wanted as well. Have something special. But why now? *He sighs, remembering how much he cried after the fight with Jeongguk.* Guggie made me realize some things about us and my past. He gave me the opportunity to mourn my old life and friends. I never had a chance to do it properly. So I finally did it… said my goodbye in a way. *He smiled softly.* It was liberating in a way, and made me realize how strong I am. That even your despair can't make my hope go away. That I can have both. You and hope. So here I am, ready to accept you all. That's why I asked. Because I want you. I have always wanted you, but part of me was still thinking about the past. Wondering. But its over now. That part of my life has ended. Its time to start new chapter with you. *He looked up with beautiful, warm smile.* I want to marry you but do you want to marry me?
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *how playful and yet he would not pinch himself.*

*he stares at hoseok, stunned but also confused at the added details he was not aware of.* a promise? For us? Are these controllers such benevolent creatures. I have only felt the tremble inside as an overwhelming sense of apprehensiveness towards our plans for the future. I am unaware of anything else. And yet you. You, Hoseok…are more aware than me…? Have you spoken directly to them? How do you possess this high in access, my queen…? *he was more perplexed than actually trying to challenge your authority. Could it be the power of hope? While for him, as the power of despair he was not allowed to learn of the details in order to make him despair even further?*

A promise is meant to be broken, Hoseok. Did they truly promise something despite how faulty they were? And if they did so, does that not mean you are not a byproduct of that promise? That it is not you who truly is choosing me but then coercing you? What is our freedom if demanded by another? It is not freedom. Hoseok…it is a concern if they agreed that they will not interrupt our future plans. Not to mention, if they /swore/ to control this facet of our life.

*and yet as his eyes darken in despair, he lifted his eyes in confusion when after the passionate kiss and his next words, you suddenly grew angry at him. He looked inwards, confused at what exactly he had done. At least until you started to poke and mention many of those wrongdoings. When he had cheated in a dream with a hoseok when you seemed missing in action. When he left to put himself in a deep sleep when you seemed to not want him to observe your other versions no longer. His eyes look down before they traced fondly at the scar, his eyes faltering as he remembered you arriving in his original world and ultimately, wounding yourself to wake him. He purses his lips as you berate him. And yet his queen scolding him mesmerized him. However he did not expect such an emotion from you; he expected and yearned for you to cry in pain rather you grow angry in pain. Nonetheless, those lips frowning looked delicious to take over.*

*still, he continues to wait as your words fell deeply into his memories. He had forgotten. Each jab was well deserved. For another, he would have glared at the other and questioned their authority to challenge him. He did not do this with his queen to be though as he allows you to scold him. Yes, you are very fit to be his queen. His eyes looked into yours in yearning. You had the strength to scold him and show him his wrongdoings much much more clearly.*

No… - *he attempted to answer you that no, this marriage was not just an entertainment and yet it felt too much like a miracle than a true phenomena that would occur with him. But before he could say this and more, you continued onwards. And yet that same question circled around in his mind. You addressed everything successfully except one question: exactly why did you pick now to do so?

*when you started to cry in angry tears and hit his chest softly, his eyes soften gripping your hands in his cold ones to stop you before holding you close to him. He continued to bury his face in your hair* I believe you. And I am very sorry, beautiful. Forgive me, my queen *he presses his cold lips into your locks* Please answer me this though. Why have you only /now/ decided to propose to me? You must understand how unusually fortuitous this proposal is for us at such a time as you know…therefore if you can address this question *he thumbs your tears, pressing his cold lips to your eyelids.* I will understand it is not only an attempt from the world to bring me the utmost despair but more than this.

[haha you had your own backup reply? Alright, I’ll reply to it if I can. But we can take it as a branch in the timeline that could have occurred but didn’t. Still, I’m glad I gave you a nice surprise. Especially, since usually I tend to not with this kinda stuff : ) ]

*lord V looked at the ring, not overcome by despair yet. We had much of our life to continue to live, especially as we guided our hosts through lord V’s own past. Young V would have to endure more trials and tribulations before we were able to propose a proper wedding. There was much planned for us with both our controllers and their hosts. Everything needed to be coordinated. And eventually to be your proper king, /he/ must be the one to propose instead. Just as you tried with the promise ring and he stopped you because if you did, the bond would not have been strengthened as you are still only a human being. Therefore, in order to bound the promise ring to this new wedding ring, he must be the one to propose at the opportune time, instilling power into our bond to never be broken with time.*

*now this did not occur as the despair /did/ overwhelm Lord V. The controllers did stumble and collapse. The hosts were at a standstill. In this time, our dear Lord V was confident in our love. That you would wait as long as they would need to properly execute everything. Nothing meant more to Lord V than to take your opportunity of happiness by force in this timeline. Because you would allow him and you would give into despair.*

*this timeline however, lord V was not confident in our future. Nothing has been planned. Nothing needs to be properly executed as it had already felt to lord V that everything was collapsing around him. So your proposal meant so much to him despite his despair telling him nothing would begin to last long enough. That even the strength of our ring’s bond would never be a match for even your desire to still keep him, still stay with him. It was much more powerful, as long as you did not choose it because of that promise.*
[post deleted by owner]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *If you need, you could always pinch yourself and check. It was not a dream.*

*Hearing your question, he smiles sadly and a bit painfully.* I am aware, maybe even more than you. I am still in pain, I feel the broken heart inside me, even if it’s not mine. Not only that, but I feel all sorts of emotions. But they made promise that I can have my life and you. So, whatever happens there, shall not influence us, unless your puppeteer decides that. *He explained, rubbing his chest, feeling another painful tug. *

*He took a deep breath and smiled.* We can’t do anything to help them, but I know that they will keep their promise. *The kiss itself helped with the pain slightly. Until it was replaced by pure anger caused by your words. Hoseok gasped, stomping.* How ing dare you?! An attempt to please you?! Clinging into hope? You bastard! *He raised his hands in anger and turned around, rolling his eyes so hard it hurts. He started pacing around the room, trying to calm yourself down, then in two leaps he was beside you, jabbing his finger into your chest.* Me, leaving you? *He laughed.* Who cheated on me? Who tried to leave me and go to sleep? *He showed a white scar on his hand.* In case you forgot. It was not me. If there is someone who is attempting to leave, it’s you. I am doing my best to fight for you. *Another jab.* Do you know how painful it is to hear something like that from you? *And another one.* Do you know how much I ing love you? And you are going to entertain my desire? So what, this marriage is just entertainment for you? A way to pass some time?

*His eyes filled with angry tears, and he wiped them, angrily.* You are so ing unfair. This is not a game. And not goodbye. *When you pulled him into a hug, he let you, but he hit your chest with his fist. Not strong, but enough to make a point.* I want a proper answer. It’s important for me. I wanted to hear a yes from you. *He says in a trembling voice, crying now openly but still so furious. After a while, when he finally calmed down, and the tears stopped, he sighs.* See, I am still here. Can you finally believe me?

[so you surprised me when he accepted his proposal, thank you, it’s a nice surprise, but I was sure he would reject him, so I wrote this with the previous reply to be prepared. Don’t reply to this, I just wanted to show you, since I already wrote it.]

I thought that… *I didn’t matter what he thought, right? You prefer to drown yourself in assumptions instead of believing him. Hoseok took the ring, placing it back in the velvet box. His finger touched the purple stone, and he smiled to himself. It was alright because everything was perfect this time. He just wasn't meant to hear 'yes’. Maybe one day his other version will be able to hear it instead? He hopes so, as he closed the lid. The rejection stings, but part of him was prepared. Three times a charm, but he will not ask again. He hid the ring in his pocket before he looked at your face, shrugging with a small teasing smile.* I guess we are lucky, I accepted your proposal, right?
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *he continues to stare into your eyes as you adoringly refer to him as a silly demon. Nothing prepared him to expect this. Not even your thoughts. He could only imagine it may have been a dream. And yet he is not capable of having anything but nightmares.*

*he stares into your eyes when you seem unphased by his words, even predicting them. He lifts a brow barely but then closes his eyes at your warm hand caressing his cheek as he continues to listen. Then gradually, he opened his eyes and parts his lips one more time, a bit more persistently* I wish to be with you as well. Although, beautiful are you… *he his lower lip before pressing both of them together* are you not aware? *he gazes down into your eyes with his own as if discretely mentioning.* did you not receive this faltering truth as I had? Though I was not able to discover the reasoning behind it but as the true puppet I am, I feel as if something above our access level is trembling between us. Is this not a sensation you are aware of as well. The feeling that this is truly the end after everything our controllers have experienced? Especially your own. Can /I/ only sense this instead of you anymore, Hoseok…?

*his dark thoughts have only continued to spin more and more out of control as he wonders if there may be a reason your puppeteer could have hidden these facts from you. That is not hope to hide from the pain afterall.* my queen…please…do you remember any instance..?

[assuming hoseok does know. If he doesn’t, I’ll have to rewrite this portion of the reply ]

*his eyes relax despite them almost weakening as he presses his hands around your waist to firmly kiss you back, yearning for more, feeling the despair flow through his body. And yet when you say those words, despite telling you in the past that he would propose to you instead, he barely acknowledged this fact nor was playfully disciplinary that you went above and beyond. He did not care of such trivialities because it was his own beautiful’s desire to choose him once and for all. In a time when he was in despair, his beloved wanted to marry him.*

*And yet…he felt his body tremble as his cold eyes shone hurt in them. Because of his knowledge and state, he could not hope in anything more. Even this proposal had been painted in black to him. Now his faltering eyes tried to stay present despite the despair flowing inside of him. Overwhelming his senses, he parts his lips.* how cruel of you, Hoseok. You plan to propose to me as some wish to please me before you plan to leave me, beautiful? *his eyes resigned into your expression. Clearly, he had already grew to succumb to the despair. And those words pushed him very far. To him, knowing everything he could know, it felt as if you were clinging onto a string just to please him. Why did you pick this time to ask such a question? It felt like how a couple decides to have a baby to fix a failing relationship*

*And yet, you doing so has made him so terribly happy in despair, not hope. So happy that his beautiful wants to marry him despite how he can see this is the end. This seemed to mark the beginning of the end for him.* very well. I shall entertain your desires though you hurt me so, hoseok. How one may be aware of everything and yet continues to cling onto hope? How can you still choose me as the world continues to break around your soul without me doubting that it must be your desperate attempt to please me. To give me such happy memories so you can leave me, satisfied you gave me your whole…

Hoseok, mark my words. You will choose to leave me in the future *his eyes looked into yours sadly before a bare smile lifted at his lip corner* the fact that you are aware of the same phenomenon I know of. You are only clinging onto hope rather than truly choosing me as myself… *he speaks as his eyes darken, completely engulfed in happiness as he felt wave and wave of despair. Happiness in despair. Something he had always longed for and yet, now feeling such a sensation with you feels like it is shattering his non existent heart into nothingness.*

*Suddenly lord V smiles. A peaceful smile that does not fit his face. As if submitting to his despair in his happiness. He had no reason to hope that you would truly stay with him. That is how twisted he has viewed his existence to be. Nothing fortunate ever is given to him unless he took it by force. And if something fortunate does, he has always been bound to lose it. He is not fated to have the same happiness a normal human would have. So he understood the proposal and the circumstances of you being aware of our souls as: You would make him happy for a while but then realize you cannot stay longer and will leave. Like the others. Thus why he told you to your face, predicting the future, that you would leave him.*

*he pulls you towards him and into his chest as his even more darkened eyes gazed at you before burying his face into your hair. He was holding you as if you were leaving him soon. Just one second more and you’d leave him. Once happy and loved, the next second sad and alone as is the pattern. He clung to your waist as he inhaled sharply* Yes, I will be your husband for a few more seconds. Whichever short time you choose to stay with me temporarily for…thank you for trying to give me this experience as I have never experienced a hoseok desiring me…you may leave now. I am aware you desire to.
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *Seeing you so hopeless and down hurts, but Hoseok needed to say what he wanted. There was a time for warm cuddles, kisses and passionate . Staying in one place, a few steps away and looking at your spiraling self, made his hands itch to grab you and hold you. He stopped himself.*

*When you finally looked up, so confused and surprised. Did you think that this was the end? That he would give up on you? Oh, you silly demon.*

*Hoseok chuckled, hearing your words, and shaking his head.* Why did I know you would say that? *He reached out to touch your cheek, thumbing it gently.* My love, the difference between them and me is the fact that I know that I am not real. They hoped for the wrong thing. It broke them. I have hope in myself, in us, in our love. . All I know is that I want to be with you, that is something real for me, despite everything else. You are my constant and my everything. So, you better accept it.

*He listened to your words, glancing at the ring in your hand, and then at your face, smiling, before he stood on his toes to peck your lips.* Luckily, for you, I know that you are up to no good. So go on, be your evil self as long as you came back to me at the end of the day.

*He sighs heavily before he looks at your eyes with pure fire and determination.* Listen i know it will not be easy, that there are still so many things we will have to face. But I want to do it with you by my side. With you holding my hand. Even if we fight, I would like to believe it will only make us stronger. I am done standing still and taking, I wish to be in motion and start giving as well. Just, believe me when I am telling you I want you.

*He reached out, offering you his hand.* So… Will you marry me? Will you let me be your husband?
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *he was confused when you led him to hoseok’s dorm and when other’s stared, even his icy eyes made them either completely frighten or look away in fear. Something about the tall man was off. A sinner. Or terribly worse than a serious. There was no saving the tall human even through the Holy Spirit. Usually, he is very tuned to blending in as a human and yet his thoughts have continued to twist and turn. Thus, his hair was brown with green streaks. He was and still is on the brink of submitting completely to despair. But when you had shown yourself, his eyes had warmed. And his hand as well was very warm. At first it was a slight hold as if in doubt. Then later he grasped tightly at your hand as you led him the rest of the way there. He did not want this image to be the last he had seen of you and yet he gripped onto your hand as if it was.

*when you pushed him onto the bed, he allowed himself to. If this was the last time, he would make love to you and make you remember him even if you would have to forget. His kiss was strong and overpowering as he held your waist. And yet when you stopped him, you saw his cold eyes were faltering into empty ones with a hint of hopelessness and true despair. It felt like rejection and yet he tries* my Queen… *assuming it was rejection, you kissing his hand had burned his nonexistent heart. And his eyes only grew more empty when you glared at him without any thought. Truly like a hurt and lost child that was apologetic and felt nothing yet did not know what to do as his slightly wet bangs had covered his eyes.*

*he didn’t even notice when you smiled, starting to sink into his own despair. He had expected this day to come. And yet he hoped it would not. That you would choose to love him till the end of time itself. That you would choose him in every world. That we would rewrite our fates. Rewrite the stars. Together. So he as well, a being without a heart, a being no one else would in sanity actually love, would be loved by you. Even if he took your own soulmate as he had no one for himself.*

*you didn’t have to worry about him not staying quiet as that is all he was doing, not looking into your eyes like a hurt child. He nods once.*

*then when you say you love him and are choosing him, staring hurt at the floor, his eyes stare in confusion, gradually returning back to his intense icy glare with a tint of love as he tries to look into your eyes for another meaning behind those words. Why? You are very aware of everything and yet why did you choose… *then you told him to not look for a double meaning and his lips barely smirk because how does his lovd know him that well. He nods more focused on you despite the worry plaguing his eyes. What were you planning to tell him then? This is breaking the only pattern he’s known from his lovers.*

*he stares at you as you talk, slowly stopping his spiraling into despair as his eyes shine lighter and lighter. Gradually. And then the black velvet box. He stared at the ring. He looked into your eyes. Were you aware? Were you not aware? He parted his lips to ask but then you continued to explain the ring. He admired it. It was so very fitting and perfect yet simple unlike his promise ring to you. He took the ring without a thought as he stood up.* hoseok… I do not think you should strive to be the hope. Many hoseoks who have done so have fallen. My original hoseok as well. Despair falls to those who hope. Despair is inevitable. Those who hope only continue to hurt themselves further and further until they are tainted by humanity itself breaking them.

Now then hoseok…if you desire this for yourself, I have no choice but to accept it though I am not very fond of it. In the end, hoping hurts a soul more than despair as hoping brings in expectations another may not be able to meet. For example, a human hopes in the good of another and yet continues to be proven wrong that there is no good. And yet they continue to hope there is good. They exhaust themself into seeing that good. However eventually that person they were hoping in proves them wrong and breaks them, ultimately making them believe that humanity itself is evil. That life itself is a hell. Now what say you to this argument? *asks as he places the ring finger on his hand.*

*His cold eyes stare at it in a weird mixture of relief and content. Never in his long life did he ever find a human who chose him despite his despair. Even after the initial feelings had passed. *he presses his lips to the ring as if holding it like it may be the last thing he would receive from you. He lives in despair so he is not expecting that just because he has received this ring, everything would be better. There were quite a lot of concerns in his thoughts. And yet, it was a start he very much appreciated.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung *The walk towards his dorm room was rather calm, he didn’t let go of your hand even for one moment, letting people stare and judge, glaring at everyone who even dared to do so. Inside, you were pushed on bed, where he kissed you shortly. It was a hot and passionate kiss, but if you tried to bring him closer or touch him, your hands ended up being stopped. He kissed the top of them, before he moved away, taking three steps back, and crossing his arms over his chest, glaring at you for a while. His mind was surprisingly clean, so you couldn’t really read what he was thinking. His frown slightly relaxed after a moment, and he smiled lovingly.*

I have answers for you. Final answers and also questions. But please try to stay quiet because I need to say it in one go. *Hoseok took one deep breath, and ran his fingers through his heart, his shoulders relaxing slightly. His eyes focused on your face.*

I love you and I am choosing you. The last two weeks were very tough with Jeongguk, but he also made me realize some things and carefully think about everything. I mourned my old life and prepared for a new one, one with you. *He rocked on his heels, trying to find the right words. A way to explain himself in the best way.* I want you to focus and don’t try to look for a second meaning, okay? *Another shaky breath, followed by a roll of his shoulders.*

If you were hoping that I will fall into despair, well… I didn’t, and I won’t because I am hope, I will be /your/ hope. You will paint me in despair and I will take it, it all up, and paint you in my hope. I will let you love me the way you need and want. I will accept the chains if you need them. Furthermore, I will let you break my bones and take care of me after. I will let you violate me like you wanted. I will forgive cheating. Because I chose you. Because I love you. Because you are my future and I want you, my Lord. *Hoseok moved closer, placing a black velvet box in your hand, and letting you open it up.* This is your last chance to give up on me and the whole marriage. This is your engagement ring from me. If you accept it, you will accept me and the hope I will bring in.

*The ring was made from white gold, the crescent was lying flat made from cut gemstone in color of deep, dead purple, hugged tightly by silver sunny flames embedded with silver zirconias. On the inside of the band you could see the engraver. Beautiful opposite from Phantom, the moon opposite to the sun. It was elegant, and not too flashy. * The sun is supposed to be me, surrounding you with my warmth. I designed it myself with that in mind. I wanted to give you something special, but don’t worry, it’s just the normal ring. *He twisted his fingers nervously. * So um, that’s it, I think. That’s my decision. Up to you if you want hope or not.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
[forgot title]
[post deleted by owner]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung ∴ hoseok PERCEPTION OF LOVE - Alley

[before I get too far, I think you didn’t see my ooc post bruh. Here it is again. Pls tell me what you wanna do:

“[before I continue, please tell me if you want to do detailed , semi detailed or time skip. I wasn’t sure because of the way you wrote it so I went with normal detailed for now until you say otherwise ]”

Unsavory personality of mine, hoseok *he stared into your eyes as he thumbed your, was that tears? Or rain? I see…delicious. They were tears. You were still crying from before and now that he was able to do what he planned to do- that is keep you-, he finally let his desire to feast on them grow more stronger. He stared into your eyes with his own growing dark ones. You did not feel comfortable with that sorry date of yours because the man seemed too bold and pushy with a dark, intense gaze that made you want to curl up and disappear. And yet…Taehyung was that but much more worse in the beginning and later. And you fell for him.* if you understood how wretched my mind and heart truly thinks when it comes to you, Hyung you would not be saying this…*he presses his lips on your head.* and for now, I am relieved. I dare not show that side to you *not even the fact once he saw you, he was suddenly hurt-ing his ex-baby till it felt like the triggering r word. It was…not a personality of a boyfriend in your eyes. So for now he wants to convince himself he doesn’t need to think like this now even having you. You were his now. So he had nothing to fear. He didn’t have to do anything to rash that would make you worry. But how wrong of an assumption will that be once he sees you be even playfully flirtatious with someone, either friend or stranger. Which /will/ happen.*

*for now, he lets himself be consumed in you. Taehyung lets you draw him closer as the sky continues to cry. His tongue pulled ravenously at your upper lip as he tilted his head too to get more of you before his hand pinned your working hand up. Taehyung enjoys the way you respond to his movements as the rain had only continued to thread through his hair mostly as he’s taller. It barely hit your head as most of his body covered you- except for most likely your cheeks and then your hands when you lured him closer. Then when he lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he bit your now exposed shoulder, the rain started falling down and wetting your own burning with desire body. Droplets fell from his eyes, blurring part of his vision at his nose ducking into your shoulder. Yet his sense of smell grew stronger. He at the bite on your shoulder. He’s not particularly fond of the taste of iron he’s hit with though so he continues towards the rest of your body.*

*but before he could, he stared a bit surprised when you used or attempted to use force to kiss him. Needy hoseok? And he is still speaking to you right?* my dear submissive *he grips your chin before giving you the desired rough force on your lips.* can you? Mph…Do you remember how to untouched, beautiful? *but when you pull him for the kiss instead, he moans in it as he and pulled your upper lip even harder, sliding his tongue against your upper wall and clashing with your teeth. He was trying to control you through the unruly kiss as you increased in aggression and need. Eventually, his mouth pressed harder against your lips. Like a vacuum taking your breath away for a while until his hands searched for your own. Eventually he finds them as he’s kissing you as hard as you seem to want it. Slam. He pins both hands above your head until he pulls his lips away from your most likely needy and whiny.* 2 weeks and you have forgotten how I like to you, Hoseok.

*and it’s true, he can be aggressive but his pace is deep and slow as if breath stilled. He was not fast and very skilled with his tongue and mouth in speed but force. He only knew how to control well enough to bring you to the edge with both pain and pleasure rather than just solely pleasure like a true expert at could. And so it only made sense that to remind you how he usually s you, you would need to be taught how, yet again, that /he/ is stronger and more dominant than you. And after flipping you, he did just that as he stretched you out. And despite you begging to be ed, he smirked and continued to press his tongue and then his fingers at your entrance until he ed against your prostate, enjoying how your body trembled.* this. Is what happens when you get cheeky, beautiful.

*fortunately, you knew your place and started begging him with dirty words. His mouth was working on your hole so he couldn’t say anything about the taste. But yes. For some reason, what should taste bitter or salty was tasting sweet and savory. Delicious even. Taehyung could not help but his tongue further inside you and you up. Then his fingers replaced his tongue as he looks above at your slipping position. Instinctively, he held your waist more tightly to still you.* saying such words with that mouth of yours, Hoseok…

*but he must agree. The images of all those positions and kinks you were naming flitted across his mind and suddenly his spinal cord. His pants needed to air.* what a dirty slave I have for me. Then I will do just that *he grips more firm but soft at your chin.* i will you here, I will If you me well, take my punishments well, I shall reward you again and again, you in any room, desecrating every piece of furniture with the sweet scent of our lovemaking.*

*you beg one more time to be ed as he stands back up. He grips hard at your waist.* since you were a patient little slave during my punishment, I will reward you. Hoseok, look up. He made you tilt your head up before he kissed your lips.* I love you, beautiful. *he smiled with a soft smirk before pulling himself out then slamming his large length in one full force as water cascaded down his hair and down your nose and lips. He groans at how good it feels. Then choking your neck slightly, he jerked his hips into you as he kissed you breathlessly.*
[post deleted by owner]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago

… unsavory *That made him chuckle which sounded more like a sobbing hiccup, luckily your shirt muffled the worst of it, as his face was still pressed against your chest. * I am already ruined, selfishly desiring you to be mine. *He tilted his head back, just enough to press his nose against the crock of your neck. Comforting smell of your skin, with salty undertone, or maybe it was his tears?*

*His body knew what to do, melting against yours, his thighs around your hips, holding on tight. A quiet ‘mhm’ muffled by another hungry kiss, his head tilted to the side, to get more of you, tongue fighting yours in a passionate dance. You just weren’t close enough. Fingers in your hair, pulling you closer, even the broken wrist doing its best, when the cast dug slightly into your shoulder blade trying to prevent you from moving away. He was a starved, needy and not very gentle. *

Oh… indeed…*A grunt, when he tried to catch his breath, only to moan loudly when you bite his shoulder. He trembled, knees weak, as he forcefully pulled you away to kiss you again, before he looked into your eyes.* , you want me to without your ? , that was hot! ! Kiss me some mhmm… *He did it himself, biting your lower lip and on your tongue. His skin was burning, burning from all the touch and lust, not even feeling the cold rain.*

*He obediently leaned against the wall, groaning at the spank, before he turned his head to look at you, slightly shaking his head.* No… I want my boyfriend’s . He is my master, and I am his favorite ty baby. His only one baby. *He pushed his against you, meeting your mouth with a broken whine.* Yes, yes, eat me up master… . Oh , yes. Like that. *He rested his forehead on the wall, slightly moving with your rhythm.* Master… did you miss that? My taste… , oh! Taehyung. My master. *He slipped for a second, closing his eyes, his head falling back, lips parted as he just shamelessly moaned.*

Yes, me here, then me in a dorm room, I want to sleep there and let you me all morning tomorrow. Can we do it? *Hoseok yelped when you the first finger in, his greedy hole swallowed it up, so inviting, clenching hard on it.* I wish to … I intend to sit on your , so deep inside, not moving as you give me a . I want to feel how your desire grows…there are so many things I want you to do to me… , … just me already, I can take it, you know I can, please…
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *Taehyung’s desperation filled eyes relaxed when you explained how you did not understand them. He chuckled softly* then I am relieved you have not been able to replace me despite my unsavory personality... But I should state the same to you as well, Hoseok. How you manage to void every feeling or sliver of hope of behaving like an average human being…it perplexed me. And yet *he places his hand on yours that was cupping his cheek.* you do so flawlessly. This desire to be selfish and controlling beyond repair…I do not believe anyone but you, beautiful, can invoke this true, raw and tainted feeling of mine

*when you thought of how pitiful you were thinking of yourself, he had the urge to tell you differently. But also he did not do so. If this was the only way to keep you here right now- you relaying such negative thoughts to yourself- he’d be thankful for them. In a way, that is what is keeping you here looking into him with love in your eyes. Yes. Now knows. Not truly looking out for you when it came to him and yet if you felt that about another, he’d tell you differently.*

*he expected words and permission to come from those tempting lips. But instead, once yours met his, locking his lips with yours, his hands slid up your waist before lifting you against the wall. It looked like you didn’t want to talk any longer. More like let our bodies do such talking. The rain was pouring down softly now. It felt a mix of warm and cold.* hoseok… *he breathes against your lips, making sure your legs are hooked onto his waist. At your actions, his behavior grew ravenous. As predicted, his lips started moving down that very large white t-shirt of yours as he grinded against you with your back against the wall.*

*how he could do a hungry switch like this perplexed him. But now he realized it. How he behaved was not truly like a human could. How he loved as well. He already started to rip your large shirt just enough to expose your fragile skinny shoulder. He bit down and on it while grinding against you* hoseok… *he didn’t even expect that you’d want to be his slave anymore. He assumed you didn’t. But he didn’t protest just in case it was a slip up*

*his eyes looked from his hands reaching those baggy pants and then to your face. As if he was still trying to take in the fact that you were both calling him master and so yearning for even to be ed more than once* alright. Your wish is my command, Hoseok. Now… *he roughly holds your unbroken hand up before roughly flipping you around as he let you down enough. Because you invoked his master side, he was more commanding.* hands on the wall. Now *he spanked your against the pant’s fabric with a growl. Then he pushed down your pants to expose your round . He squeezed it as his throbbed at the sight.* do you desire it? Master’s thick long to you until you feel full? *Before he leaned down and his tongue started to your hole.*

*he mused at the way the pink hole switched after he lifted his tongue away and started teasing a finger into your hole. He reveled on how that muscular ring would twitch and expand each time his fingers ed into you* I’ve been waiting for so long… *hus fingers .* I cannot wait to you. Tonight here in this rain I’ll make sure you feel all of my rash unfiltered love… *he growls wanting his fingers to be replaced with his so badly as he waited after each finger for you to adjust to the expanding size. He could use his powers yes. But since he was already starved by your body, why not add even more anticipation?*

[before I continue, please tell me if you want to do detailed , semi detailed or time skip. I wasn’t sure because of the way you wrote it so I went with normal detailed for now until you say otherwise ]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@kim taehyung *You were everywhere, filling his senses. Your body pressed against his nicely. He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment to take everything in. The sudden outburst of all the emotions left him exposed and fragile, vulnerable in front of you. Every wall and protection was gone.

I don't understand Taehyungie... My Taehyungie. *Hoseok whispered, his fist no longer hitting you, just resting on your chest as he tried his best to process his feelings.* How can you be the best and the worst thing that happened to me? I tried... I tried to look at that guy and see him for who he is, but all I did was search for you. Anything that would let me fool myself a bit. Yet, you are not as easy to replace as I am. *There was no lingering anger simple sadness and acceptance of this fact. That being without wasn't quite easy and that perhaps Hoseok was just a really weak prisoner of his own heart's desire. *

/You are indeed a pitiful human being./ *He whispered in his mind, hiding in your shirt, shivering from the cold. Yet it was nice because you were holding him so close, not letting him move away, asking him to be accepted again. Hoseok could just say no to that. Not when he finally felt like he could breathe after so long. *

*He met you in the middle, kissing your cool lips, not minding the cold and how wet you both were. His unbroken hand slipped into your hair, pulling you closer. He tried to wrap his casted arm around your shoulder as well to get you even closer, yet he only bumped the side of your head. You drink soft apologies right from his lips, and he moaned softly when you moved down on his neck. Your touch was burning, as he grow hard in his pants, trembling in your arms. *

Ah... yes... *The answer was there, while his leg moved to rest on the side of your thigh, curling behind it to bring you closer.* You need to stretch me up, master. *He murmured, as his lips pressed unhurried kisses along your jaw. The arm covered in the cast took your hand, pulling on it very weakly and guiding it to his . * Go on... But oh...? I am not sure if I can get enough of you after just one time... *He didn't mind the rain or the cold, he still couldn't dance so being sick wasn't a problem, as long as he could attend some lectures. yet that wasn't even in his mind. He was focused on you, on the way his body wanted you, his tight hole clenching, needing attention, or how he could feel your hard with his own, as he moved his hips, needing friction. * Take me, master... Please...
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *Taehyung was far stronger than a measily human being so when he noticed the tug of your date, now ex-date thanks to him, he a brow as if challenging the other with a ‘really?’ Before easily pulling you painlessly into his grip- or at least avoiding too much pain. His eyes grew irritated when the muscle man tried to reach again only to smirk when hoseok’s friend interrupted. Ah he must thank the other another day. Though when he noticed you, he was not aware of anyone else nor the fact that there were two others on a date. He was hyper-focused on only you two while trying to placate his date, now fixing to be an ex-date and ex-baby as well.*

*no. He never meant to mentally nor emotionally torture you. He had not much of a filter when describing things emotionally that he tends to speak and explain step by step. Yes, even the fact he shamelessly spoke about the stairs incident. It was to explain and not hide any details. And if you asked about what he did with that baby, now about to be an ex-baby of his, he would speak in detail of the truth. It was his way of being honest. Just as he yearned to honestly say then in the library that he noticed your hands the whole time because they were so breakable and fragile. /that/ type of honest. So if you asked, he’d say: no he didn’t kiss the man the same way. He kissed him more “lovingly”- whatever that meant- as if the human was fragile. He’d say: no he didn’t abuse the body at all. It was soft kisses and touches. There was no craving to truly taint the soul like he had with his true beautiful. He’d say: yes, he called the baby the same name in the beginning. He made the man your replacement because then he felt cared for. But no one could ever live up to this nickname “beautiful” like you could.

*but yet all these thoughts, he could not address as they were merely thoughts and he knew his duty didn’t involve revealing his true nature to anyone in the human form. Maybe he could bend this rule later if you truly desired it. But as just V, he is solely lesser than a true lord of the world. Just a shadow of one.*

*but yet, his non-human form’s fate did not matter to him as of now. Not when this human is almost tearing up looking at him in love as he looks at you in a mix of now desperation and his twisted form of love. He exhaled softly when you thumbed at his cheek. You didn’t move away and that warmed and encouraged him incredibly. But then when you pushed him in annoyance, his eyes warm. Ever so confident and fiesty. Yet so y. If he was not trying to stop himself, he would’ve lifted your leg and made your body melt on his . But he just speaks* yes to you. But yet to me, it will always be. And I’m not pitying you, I am merely speaking of my epiphany, Hoseok *but he continues to refuse to let you go. He’s not going to let you get away this time. Even if he has to resort to force if this way doesn’t work.*

*how could he check on someone who didn’t want to see him and he needed to get over as well? After that first day, he truly did fake it until he made it and he was doing a great job of it too. But even for him, recovering would’ve been so contradictory if he saw you again. He knew you could survive without him. At that time he thought he could survive without you as well. But how wrong was he. He was empty when he finally realized he needed you. This was unlike the emptiness a human faced as he didn’t feel any desire as he sat there waiting day in and day out for you to come back. Just so he could stalk you. No, not even to ask you to take him back or flirt with you. He needed to just see you and be near you or else he didn’t feel anything. He never planned to take you back. He planned to keep his baby by his side but always stalk you and check up on you once he knew your location. That’s all. Even while he sat there with his baby, that was all he wanted to do.*

*but as /soon/ as another man touched something that was his, that’s when he realized he wouldn’t allow it. Not even this could he allow. You should be touched by only /him/. So when you mutter annoyed ‘possessive bastard,’ he doesn’t correct you. *

*something in him twisted when you started to hit his chest. It was light as you were always a weak human against him but it still hurt him to think he’s hurting his beautiful yet again. Especially now that he knows he needs hoseok in a way that can only be likened to live in his eyes. Oh how he wanted to kiss you into a fit of sobs but he still wasn’t sure if he could. For all he knows, you could reject him and he would have to resort to extreme measures. In this day, he’d never let you go…even if you hated his guts…*

I don’t know anything, Hoseok. Nothing! *he tried in his booming voice. Despite his booming voice, the pain and guilt was all there. He might seem scary, intimidating, cold. But in the end, he too could be in a complete mess of emotions despite acting confident and like he knew everything. He can’t change his tone if you flinched at it but if you looked into his eyes, understood his tone, you’d realize his words were true. Even at the realization that he /made/ his beautiful go through all of this. By now he’s learned how to memory read faster until it was almost not a reading of thoughts but a stream of ideas. Not completely flawless but faster than manual reading. So now as you explain with your mouth, images of your own flood quickly through his eyes. A pained hoseok. Trying to dance yet couldn’t hoseok. A dream broken hoseok when you heard the split of your bones on that fall. He pursed his lips as they trembled slightly, water droplets falling off his nose to his lips. But he held tight as you weakly hit him. He can tell why you did it and so he allows you rather than thinking you were abusing him or actually angry at him in the vengeful way.*

*he looked earnestly into your eyes as he held your shoulders to keep you in front of him* accept me…please hoseok… *he’d rather not chain you up and make you cry more but his insanity and love for you wouldn’t allow him any other choice. You /will/ be his. It would hurt incredibly so though if you refused to accept him.* im sorry hoseok, no I don’t know but I see you are in pain and so I am very sorry hoseok! Never say that. You are /not/ hard to love. It is very hard for me to love. And yet I have fallen for you, beautiful… *he says in a more hushed voice as you sob into his shirt. He tilts his head closer to yours. He yearned to see those tears. Just for him. As he too calmed down, he gripped harder at your waist. He didn’t want anymore of your swatting to decrease our gap. He felt your body and crotch against his own. He closed his eyes as the water kept streaming down* I know I am now. And I’m so sorry…now I just want you. *he forces your head up from his now soaked shirt to look into his eyes that are shouting in love. Twisted love.* only you

*something in him calmed down when he heard it before you said it.* I will not need it. *he closes his eyes as you guide him down and touch his cheek again. Warm. So warm despite the cold rain* I know you do. And I love you as well…My true and only original beautiful *and when our lips met, he quickly tightened his hold on you before pressing you slightly harshly against the alley wall as he finished off the soul chaste kiss he lost when you wanted him to pull away the first time.*

*easily, his body presses against yours as his lips trail lower towards your neck until he realizes and he pulled back. There was slight fear in his eyes* can I continue? *he yearned to make love to you against this alley wall. Perfect for someone like him. A shadow in the warmth as the rain cleansed our new hearts as one.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@kim taehyung Hoseok felt so dumb eating with his left hand. It was impossible to do so with his broken right, and his poor unskilled left hand was just shaking, the grip wasn't there. Yet, that didn't give Soomin permission to feed him, but Hoseok was just too nice to stop him. So, he awkwardly accepted the food, suffering internally, embarrassed by the whole thing. Blind dates weren't his things, and now he started to doubt his noona judgment because every time he looked up at Soomin, he was looking for Taehyung. Which wasn't fair in any way to both of them, but his heart wasn't ready to betray his love, even if his love wasn't even his anymore.*

*Somehow, he didn't flinch when a hand landed on his cheek. He wasn't sure what to say to the sudden compliment, and the dark, intense gaze made him want to curl up and disappear. Soomin was bold and far too pushy, and Hoseok wasn't sure if he likes it. When he was ready to answer and somehow push the topic to something different, a familiar voice interrupted him.*

…?! *Hoseok was speechless after seeing you for the first time in weeks. His heart seized in his chest, as he lightly gasped at the bit of painful sensation. His wide eyes followed your movement, when you out the sauce off the men finger. Some other voice, called you from the other side of the restaurant, and Hoseok turned his face towards is, seeing a beautiful and confused man. 'Taehyung's date?' he wondered, before his eyes come back to you. Everything took only a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity. The way you were staring at him so intensively. It was hurting. You didn't want him, so why were you looking at him like that? The pure confusion on his face must be clear because he didn't even register your words, before you pulled him up and away. When Soomin tried to stop you, by pulling at his elbow, Hoseok whined quietly, frowning in pain, his broken arm protesting loudly at the sudden and strong movement. Soomin let him go, almost ready to follow you outside, before Hoseok's friend stopped him, shaking his head. * /Better not/ *That was the last thing he heard before cool weather outside hit his face.*

*You were so close, caging him in. He could smell you, he could feel your breath on his face. Just one step closer, and he could safely nest his face in a column of your neck, feel your cool skin on his cheek. How tempting. His heart begged him to do it, but he resisted, finally looking up, at your face. Nothing changed. You were still so handsome and beautiful. A living, divine statue. *

*Your words did not comfort him. Especially when you confirmed what he suspected. You did not love him, and while he was still stuck, carrying you in his heart, you were already engaging with new people. That made his heart seize in pain, and his eyes for a moment left your face to focus on your chest.* Uh, I noticed. *He nodded slightly, remembering the beautiful face of your date. He wondered if you kiss him the same way. If you abuse his body the same way. If you call him the same name. Each thought hurts, like a knife cutting through his flesh, muscles to the bone, so he pushed them away, looking up again. There was no time to build a wall now, you were too close. His eyes widen when he heard about the stairs, and pure embarrassment filled him to the brim. He couldn't move away and run, yet he tried, just to be stopped and pulled back into your arms. Did you like torturing him emotionally like that? Then you pressed his hand to your cheek, and he… he gently thumbed it, unable to stop himself from this lovable gesture.*

*He wanted to hide, he felt exposed and vulnerable under your eyes. You were not only pinning his body but soul as well. You could feel the way he trembled in your arms. His heart was beating fast, but the mind was surprisingly blank before he frowns slightly.* It's not silly… *He muttered under his breath, gently pushing against you.* I don't need your pity… *The sudden rush of anger and sadness hit him hard, and he ground his teeth, resetting his shoulder and trying to stand there bravely and strong, as if he was preparing himself for a battle. The grip on his waist and your words made him huffs.* Possessive bastard… *He was ready to fight you, to shake your whole being, scream at you for being cruel and playful with his serious feelings. Oh, how many things he wanted to tell you, to give you back at least an inch of that pain you gave him. Betrayal? You have no right to elaborate on betrayal when you left him like used a toy, broken and didn't even bother to check if he will be able to fix himself. *

/Boyfriend…?/ *His mind stopped, and his heart made that weird painful tug inside his chest, and he gasped. His unbroken hand grabbed your shirt, while his eyes searched your face for any sign of a joke. He found non, and his eyes started to fill up with tears. He bit his lover lips, to stop his trembling chin, and slightly moved away, his eyes focusing on your chest. Hoseok tried his best to not break down, to not let you see that. His breath turned into irregular, spasmodic, where he tried to hold it in, but also dry sobbing.*

… bas… tard! You… ing bastard! *He sobbed loudly, his face twisting ugly when he started to cry, his hand hitting your chest. Once, twice. It wasn't hard or painful, there was no power behind it, just simple need to show you how deeply hurt was for so long. How desperately needed to hear those words weeks ago. How much he suffered, looking at problems in himself, questioning his worth, closing himself off. He wasn't looking at your face anymore, his unfocused, eyes have that far away look, locked on your chest as he kept on hitting it, his sobs never stopping as water pour down over you both.*

… you jerk… what do you know? What do you know?! *He asked, his voice distorted and a bit squeaky as he shook you lightly. Hoseok gasped for air, trying to hold back another loud sob.* When you weren't here… I felt like I was dying. *He said, remembering how numb and empty he was, unable to feel anything for so long.* You weren't with me, and I was dead… that's what you did… *His voice grew weak from all emotions and pain he was feeling when he told you that, holding on to your shirt, twisting the material in his fingers. There was a moment of silence after that, when he was gathering his thoughts, calming down for a bit, only to break all over again. He was just a big mess, whimpering, eyes closed.*

What should I do? What do you want from me?! *The second question he screamed, pushing you back which did nothing, and he only ended up in hiding his face in your shoulder.* … it's all your fault… you bastard. *He sobbed into your shirt, whimpering. His body now shaking.* … you ed up! You bastard… why did you leave me alone, why?! Am I that hard to love? You are a jerk… big ing bastard. What do you want from me now?! *It took some time, for him to finally calm down, and all while he kept on muttering broken curses, and questioning you. * You won't get any other chance, this is your last… *He whispered weakly, oh so weakly, pulling away. He was exhausted, the emotions drained him, yet he looked up with that beat up look on his face and reached out to touch your cheek, gently guiding you down.* I still love you, you bastard… my... my Taehyungie *He muttered softly, pressing his cold lips against yours, tasting the rain while he melted into you. Hoseok wrapped his arms around your neck not wanting to let you go, securing you in this position, while also standing on his toes to be higher.*
[post deleted by owner]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [1/3]

*after his supposed to be warm last kiss, when his beautiful didn’t kiss back, rather than a few seconds, it lasted a short couple because Taehyung noticed the impassioned action. Hurt, he ripped his lips from yours to avoid causing you anymore inconvenience as soon as he engraved your memory in his mind. You even refused to look at him…that wounds him. He didn’t understand. Maybe he was never supposed to. The two worlds were just that great in difference…and with that he relatively pulled away more quickly the next time. So it was a soul lack of tongue kiss yes but not for too long. But you got your wish. He was gone out of your vision.*

*unlike hoseok, after that first day where he had nothing but hoseok in his mind, he slept, woke up and everything felt like it went back to normal for him. He did just that good at convincing himself his previous slave was gone and maybe that this was always what should’ve happened. Even when and if there was a time we hung out as friends, Taehyung was so good at hiding or not having any ual or romantic-like emotions that he managed to convince himself we were always just good friends. Nothing else. Very different from the way hoseok was handling things. Which was either very badly but still genuine unlike compared to his own lying and acting to himself.*

*after going to that hotel meeting, Taehyung had quickly found another baby. The man was so adorable and maybe he wanted to try this new concept out. Especially when he mentioned to that baby* I will not be your Ideal daddy. I don’t know everything and I am more used to being more harsher. *And the cute human shrugged, “it’s fine. I’m new to this.” Taehyung felt they instantly clicked when the two agreed how tight necked this event was and then immediately chose to run out of the stuffy ballroom and the supposed baby and him listened to the other’s worn out headphones next to the fountain. Peaceful. Maybe Taehyung felt something. Why else was his heart feeling all fluttery and happy? This was so new to him. Even the rare times Taehyung decided to give the baby his was sweet. He never knew he could have such a side. Or maybe he never had such a side and was always acting. How would he know that difference?*

*one of those peaceful times the baby was listening to his own music alone before Taehyung found the other and back-hugged the other.* I found you, beautiful. *yes. That was the nickname he gave to his replacement. Because that baby did feel like a good soul. Near the fire stairs, at first, Taehyung was just being his cold but bearable self as he sat next to the other listening to the other’s music. He never found any of the songs of theirs his type. He more just enjoyed the time he spent with the other. All he did was spend time together rather than his baby much. But then out of nowhere the baby kissed him before pulling back shyly with a request. V stared coldly before giving the other a more passionate kiss.* I thought you’d never ask. Spread your legs. Don’t worry, I will be gentle. You shall enjoy this.

*To any outsider, the two couple really looked like they were in love. V didn’t really care what rumors the college students were thinking about but even he knew they were shocked and kept wondering where taehyung’s previous slave was. Especially with the way Taehyung had followed the older. While the ones pining for Taehyung pouted that Taehyung had settled down. The bullying for a certain hoseok lessened as it didn’t make sense to bully someone who was not a rival anymore.*

*the two’s pacing and breaths grew erratic as the baby moaned under him with an, “ah harder daddy!” And V did comply. V was good at it too, making sure to pace himself and hold back in order to rile his baby up- which he succeeded with the amount of begging he never completely complied to. It was easy. To tease as V ed at a rhythmic pace. But then at the sound of the fire stairs door opening, he cursed under his breath before muffling the other man’s voice very well. They were already in a corner hidden from whoever joined them. It would be fine he thought as he ed a bit faster but still was able to control himself. The baby had no choice but muffle his own voice teary eyed as his daddy was clearly not having it. The tears were nice but only quickened Taehyung’s pace the usual amount.*

*but then he heard it. That voice…those tearful thoughts and sounds. At it, he stopped his movements to peek at you and confirm who it was. His eyes widened at the beautiful scene he found. Even with a broken arm, which he wanted to look at for you, you were just beautiful. No tears or presence comparable to those teary eyes and sniffling red nose. He remembered our second time in the library when he shoved you against the shelf. Wow… you looked so perfect back then. You looked so perfect now…who was this baby to him anyways? He was trying to move on, be his normal self. But here he was, yet again having reality splash the dirty water onto his face. To reveal his true dark desires. His darkest ones. Deepest ones that even questioned his own sanity. He cursed under his breath. Instantly he was hard now by his victim’s hole with his inflated . All the emotions and desires he had always pretended never existed for three weeks had instantly flooded his body. What even was love? A desire to care for another? To be cared for? It felt empty. It lacked in true passion. /his/ passion. The same passion he felt now as he watched your beautifully y body. Oh how he wanted to kiss, and whisper the most obscene things to you. He wanted to constrict you of sunlight. Of happiness. Only see him. Only moan for him.

The baby under him had thought V was stopping, whispering a breathy “m-maybe we should sto- Ahh!” He was interrupted by V ing into the other at a much forceful pace, slamming his even deeper into the unsuspecting baby. “V-V it hurts…” the baby whispered. But V had none of it as he deeply rocked into the other’s hole. The daddy thought of no one but one broken hearted individual as he peeked to see hoseok’s unknowing glory. Oh how he wanted to the salt from them as he made you cry around him too while accidentally imagining it was you he was ing into right now to the point his baby was suddenly overwhelmed. Where was the sweet V? The gentleman? The one that promised a day and a half? Who hugged him as they watched anime and commentated on it together? Who fed him so gently and held him so gently like V actually loved him? Who the hell was this man? The victim was frightened yet couldn’t help but moan even in fear as his daddy didn’t wait for them to release and loaded everything inside of him despite the hushed whispers “n-not inside…!”*

*once he had now easily came inside his victim, he yearned to backhug you. The way you shook. He clenched his hands as he ignored the baby telling how they should leave before they got caught. He barely paid attention when the other even left. There truly was no way to get back his sanity when it came to you. And now he’s aware of this fact. Yet again. So he pursed his lips, still fully clothed as he stalked you in the corner of the stairs behind you*

*are you unlovable? At those trembling words, he wanted to hold you close. He imagined it already, pulling you into a backhug as he whispered you aren’t unlovable while and kissing your neck as you melted into him. But his eyes turned downcast as well as filled with guilt. There was the fact he couldn’t comfort you. Nor would you allow yourself to melt in him anymore. But…also, for some reason there was guilt that for some time he /did/ forget about you but you didn’t. He didn’t have the right to try to comfort you with all of this. He pursed his lips as he listened. But he could only clench his fist to hold himself back from hugging you. He hurt his beautiful…yet you didn’t want him so what could he do except watch?*

*he sat there in the shadows once his supposed baby had left. The more he stayed, the more you trembled talking to your Noona, and the more harder it had became to not walk forward. Especially as you trembled like that. Now he listened to your voice. What a beautiful voice. He closed his eyes. It dazzled on him like no other. Even at the edge of sadness…he listened intently feeling drawn by it. But it was fear. Constant fear that you’d reject him. You’d reject your own desires yet again. That cold lifeless kiss would occur again and wound him even more. And so he pursed his lips at the short conversation, observed what you said but made his own new plan. Something was wrong. And he didn’t have the other side of the conversation to know what. Just what you thought. You wanted to escape but escape where? And Noona? Which Noona? The jealousy mixed with curiosity was getting the better of him. Still…he could do nothing but observe so dumb-like.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [2/3]

*he clenched his fist when you made it back as he hid in plain sight in the shadows thanks to his power while you were still on the phone- not that he could’ve interrupted in fear you’d pull away. When you entered your dorm and closed the door behind you, he stopped in front of it. ? Even if there was nothing anymore on it, his eyes narrowed at what you thought as you entered. His eyes grew cold in realization. Those humans have unknowingly made V their enemy… he will have to conduct his own investigation on this matter. For now, he tried to blink away the sudden anger he smelled then felt. By now he understood the basic emotions and what they had smelled like thanks to more and more exposure. But then he smelled a sudden lust as he was plotting how to find the perpetrators. He realized it was the necklace. Not earrings though. Taehyung would not give earrings or clip ones. His eyes softened when you thought to still keep the gift he gave you. He wanted you to have it and wear it for him even if it was against your dance dress code for that stage again like the other more clothing-like cap accessory he bought. So he had been very pleased when you obeyed him instead of society. It served as hope that you would /be/ and /accept/ a part of his society. Even though now he knows you did not.*

*now though, the lust you felt as you remembered of our times saddened him. It’s not like he could do anything but observe and struggle himself.*

*he knew you were packing and could have entered but for some reason, he decided to respect your space for now. He noticed as he hid in the shadows how you quickly lugged your suitcase out the hallway then outside. He stood hidden by his powers and then the shadow of the lamp lights. After a few glares, the women who climbed out of the car was thankfully your sister. That’s good, he wouldn’t have to kill today. Then when you embraced that same sister, he inhaled sharply…Nevermind. Maybe he will make an exception. You were clinging onto the pretty individual for far too long. It seemed like even blood was no exception to V’s logic. More like irrational and insane logic…but can you blame him? Everything about hoseok defied his normal boundaries and he realized this far too quickly after violating his baby to the image of you so crazily half an hour ago on the stairs.*

*he felt for his knife in his pocket but and found one of his lollipops instead. Then he noticed it. A ring on the woman’s hand. He supposed he would be acting a bit too harshly if he killed the human anyways. The occupied ring finger made that point even more clear. And so he watched as you left to who knows where. He could follow you yes. He even debated on this. But he always had his device like tablet if he truly was worried- though again, he refused to use it unless he needed to. That and it didn’t seem like his new responsibility went further than the area in and around the university. Like if he left, he don’t know how to make his powers reach too far a distance. He’d need to leave and return by bus until he’d realize his teleportation capability without the tablet better. So he just watched forlornly for your turn. Two weeks right? He could entertain himself for two weeks he supposed.*

*and that’s what he did. But contrary to his growing bond with his baby, after that run in on the stairs, everything turned into a stalemate. After feeling what he did for hoseok, he yet again felt empty as if he forgot why exactly he even started to like this baby. Even as the baby persisted and asked if V remembered him while giving gifts or taking him places. Still, the young male stared at the other with cold eyes. was more a need rather than a want- even with his baby though it was clear V was not in the mood for it as before. Nor was he in the mood to act all loving anymore; before, he had emotions. Now it felt like he lacked them all and was lying to himself for even having anything. Infatuation most likely. All he could think of is when was hoseok coming back? Exactly 2 weeks? Somewhere in between? The morning? Night?*

*Stalking was much more healthier than what he was doing now. Right now he had no clue where you were so on the weekends he’d sit by the edge of the campus or your dorm and wait. After sitting there near hoseok’s door to check for your presence that first weekend, eventually he’d started skipping classes and meals in the 2nd week too. He wasn’t hungry anyways nor did he need food anymore he realized the longer he waited; he just felt nothing but empty. If it was his free time, it was his free time.*

*Being always close to the door did have its pros though. He eventually managed to find the perpetrators. And when he dealt with them, that was the first time he felt full in a long time. Especially after he had talked to one of the females and persuaded the other to paint their body with the letters “” as she begged to be ed into by him instead of by the paint bottle the seductive V had in his hands. And then when the female left to her group. And when the group started to bully each other after that night. Oh how wonderfully chaotic and delicious that was. When he saw the perpetrators turn on each other, and because no one who played a part was left out, they all sank into despair. After that, the door stayed clean as if nothing happened.*

*for V it just made him realize his other powers. Still, he’d barely eat and continue to wait at the door when he could. And when it was getting closer to the end of the 2nd week…*


*“V, where are you going?” The baby watched as Taehyung walked outside randomly out of class. V didn’t answer and continued to walk away. It was suffocating to be in class when his mind wasn’t. Hoseok was gone. He could tell you would be coming back soon. Just he didn’t know when. Still, he had set your Christmas present in a red letter. Even if he knew your favorite flower, V would have never been caught dead giving something like that. Blood red were the cards he preferred. Roses boldened with passion and desire were his choices of flowers for you. And rather than no words, he preferred them on his cards- similar to the words he typed for your new pair of shoes. So whoever that was could not have been him as he is not the type to use bright motifs. But if the letter was blood red or the flowers were roses? Then yes that may have came from him*

*He checked if the coast was clear then appeared at your door. V tsked under his breath. You were not in yet again. His eyes narrowed at the letter but other than that, he did not pick it up. What happened while he was gone? He yearned to read it but knew he would’ve disturbed the scene. And what if this daring person came back? And so he didn’t touch it and left back to his classes.*

*After checking each hour, Taehyung would return back to his regularly scheduled program while debating whether to use the tablet device. That was until he heard your thoughts for once behind the dorm door. His heart soared. You had come home. Finally. Now he wouldn’t need to use the tablet device he was starting to lean towards again. Now knowing where you were gave him a start. He could stalk your whereabouts without leaving every hour like before. About to turn around and continue moving to the library like usual, he stared at the ground confused. Restaurant? Blind? Date? His fist clenched now shifting his feet sharply. Looks like he too had plans this Saturday. Time to call his baby as well…*

*”im so happy you remembered me, V” the baby smiled as V placed a dismissive kiss on the other’s skin.* of course, baby *he returned back to using an unattached nickname. But in reality, V did not remember nor care to remember. He did not feel any remorse for leading the other either. It was the other who still had false hope when V clearly stated he doesn’t know if he can feel anything for the other anymore to be a caring daddy again. It’s the baby’s fault for not heeding his warning and still hoping.*

*Taehyung and his baby placed themself further than a normal human spying another would. Because his reach was farther than a normal human beings, he found a place easily not visible by you or your supposed date and sat there as he observed. He smirked when you two seemed awkward, very pleased his Hoseok was still reminiscing about him. When he thinks there’s nothing to worry about, he returns back to looking at the menu and socializing with his baby. Since he’s here, why not right? Somehow he had been able to enjoy human food in a way despite also smelling and tasting other abstract concepts. That was peculiar but he didn’t question that luxury. This would be a nice human feast before he tasted this human baby later.* yes coke please and I’ll take this for now. Thank you.

*but then he stiffened when he noticed the two’s thoughts and saw your date start to move closer. He gritted his teeth across the butter knife. But what could he do? He’s just relieved they’re not touching so intimately. He was concerned. That man was hoseok’s type alright. His beautiful would’ve enjoyed if Taehyung had muscles. He could tell that much. V continued smiling and talking to his baby.* I trust the food is to your liking? My apologies if I took you to a place full of heathens and this crowd. I wanted t- *he winced when this Soomin seemed to be a bit too shameless. Feeding hoseok on a first meeting? The nerve. He swears if the man makes his beautiful sad, he would get what was coming for-*

*that is enough.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [—- reply from here —-]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [3/3]

He is very soft yes.

*a tall man with bright orange hair stood with a slight smile in front of the table. V’s deep voice made each word vibrate between his lips as he intently gazed at hoseok. The gaze was a mix of betrayal and desire.* Unfortunately for you, he no longer would be satisfied by your average sized . *he smirks as he pulled your date man’s finger to his mouth and the sauce off it, his gaze never leaving you* ah how delicious *referring to the way you tasted despite only tasting sauce as he stared at you coldly but with a hungry gaze.*

*he dropped the human’s finger and continued glaring into your eyes even if you looked away. And if you did, his eyes would only command louder ‘look at me.’ Deep down he’s aware what he’s doing is wrong. But once he thought-growled ‘That is enough,’ he already showed up at the table. There was no logic that could rectify his rude table manners to your unaware date. His eyes narrowed to you in betrayal and hurt before smirking back to the other man then returning back to your eyes as he talks to the other.* my apologizes for interrupting your romance but this is an emergency so I will need jung hoseok back *he didn’t even leave his eyes from gazing at his hoseok.*

*and without waiting for the other to reply nor without allowing you to resist him, he grabbed your wrist and dragged you past the building and to an alley way. He only noticed when he dragged you outside but it was starting to sprinkle. But he didn’t care. The distance between us was enough for him to keep gazing at you. He glared down at you, cupping your cheeks to kiss you until he noticed your reaction to him and he exhales. Oh how he wanted to abuse those lips even as the rain fell on us. But…He looks down pursing his lips. But it would hurt if you didn’t respond. Instead, after stopping himself from kissing you, he spoke with a soft but deep snort.* To think you’ve already let someone slowly enter your area after me, Hoseok. I thought I could as well…. *he nestled his lips along your ear.* I did for quite a while too…successfully. But as you cried on those stairs I realized I never did nor could I truly ever…. *he pressed a hand against your unbroken wrist before bending it gently. How he wanted to break this arm as well- though temporarily.* look at you, I even missed the moment you broke your arm. *He didn’t let go of you just in case if you ran away but he did loosen his grip on your waist as he embraced you close before lifting your unbroken arm while leaning himself down to make your palm caress his cheek. He closes his eyes* what are you doing to me, Hoseok…

*he stays there like that for a while as the rain started to tread his orange hair down before exhaling sharply. Then straightening up, he continues. Still pinning you so you would not escape. He knows what he should do now, and the best way to do so. He would only use drastic measures if this could not work…* I know we are of different worlds, Hoseok. But I cannot accept this. *he looks at you with pain in his eyes* You are in love with me and yet you have betrayed your desires? Because of a silly thing called dating? *his brows furrowed as he cupped your chin. He could break your face. How fragile your body was. He exhaled.*…Very well. I cannot stay away from you anyhow. If that’s all it takes…

*he kept you pinned and unable to run away. Even if he did, being incredibly stronger than you, he could catch you anyways. But he preferred not dealing with the hurt or you trying to escape him. If you started to struggle, he only cupped your cheeks and pinned you harder to the alley wall. His hunger for your hole was growing seeing you so helpless under him. But he tries to stave it off. He needs to do this first. He’ll try the easier way first.* hoseok….I do not know if this is the love you humans seem to desire or whether I can ever love you in that same way. In a way, I do not think I was ever meant to. But you, beautiful. You have made my heart beat so fast. If this is not the love everyone muses about, then I do not know what else it could be. But…I cannot /stand/ when you touch anyone else. *he gripped harder at your waist.* Even /look/ at another with those eyes of yours. And I cannot stand you being apart from me for longer than a day. To the point I do not think I can ever feel alive with anyone but you.

So in this way, Hoseok? I love you, beautiful. *the thunder rumbled as the sky cried. He loosens his grip enough to make you relax from the distance but not enough for you to run away even as the water had fallen through his now soaking orange hair.*
will you… be my boyfriend? …It has been a bit since I’ve tried to date. So be patient with me please. But I do not care about any others I must give up to solidify this relationship. I want to call you mine. Wear you as my personal chain. *his eyes stared into you and hands caressed your cheeks* all I ask is… *presses his body against yours as droplets fell from his eyes* don’t give those beautiful eyes of yours to anyone else but me anymore *and with that he leans his lips closer to yours but stops and looks into your eyes despite how he grippingly cupped your cheeks. The fear of your rejection was still there* …May I kiss you?
[post deleted by owner]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@kim taehyung PERCEPTION OF LOVE [1/2]

*The kiss on Hoseok side was unwanted. He stiffed in your arms but didn't dare to move or push you away, letting you do what you want, yet he didn't kiss you back. His lips stayed unmoved, his eyes wide open, scared. Couldn't force himself to kiss you back, it hurts his whole being. Shaking his very core, but not with need, but simple disappointment. When you finished, he quickly moved back, avoiding your eyes and disappearing in the bathroom. He wanted you gone. *

*The following days and later weeks blended into itself. For Hoseok it felt like a pure nightmare because the world was still going, fast around him, yet he was stuck in a limbo, the echo of your words haunting him from every corner. There wasn't a break long enough for him, to fix himself. The very next day he has to attend lectures, dancing practice, and then work on projects to meet deadlines. In a way, it was nice. To just focus on something that wasn't you, that wasn't pain and his insecurities. Because broken heart started to ask questions, demanding answers, doubting itself, analyzing memories, your words, and looking for clues. While brain tried to push body into motion, fulfill its responsibilities.*

/Souls itself was hidden, and its light was almost extinguished. There wasn't any sparks there anymore. No colors. No happy giggles. Nothing./

*Surprisingly, Hoseok didn't cry after that first initial breaking up night. No. He was… empty. Doing and maintaining strict routine, but not actually putting anything into it. He was still walking around campus with his friends, eating with them, but the cafeteria was unusually silent. He wasn't laughing or joking, he wasn't involved in his friends conversations. He was just there, but he also wasn't. Blank stare, unfocused, on his plate, eating just enough to fill a stomach and quickly, so he could go away, quickly and work on something else. During the first two weeks, he finished almost all his 'long term' projects, along with ones with 'short' ones, which he also made more than one version.*

*Sleeping was a nightmare because it was the only moment when his brain couldn't focus on something else. Dreams with you haunted him if he even managed to fall asleep, and after two long nights, he gave up, and started to take his sleeping pills, just to get enough rest. Because Hoseok couldn't fail. He refused to fail just because you broke his heart. Hoseok needed to work hard because that was something that could prevent him from breaking apart. *

*Yet when his major field of study started to bloom, his second one slowly started to wither. Having no connection with his emotions, his dancing started to feel… forced. The wasn't that passion in his moves, no fire and character behind his choreo. It was just a moving, empty doll. No matter how many hours he spent dancing. *

*The final break through happened on the Thursday, close to the end of the third week after break up. By this time, everyone noticed that something weren't right with the two. Since no one could actually say anything about Taehyung change in behavior, there was obvious evidence in Hoseok's. Taehyung no longer sitting with him during lunch breaks. The sunny Hobi wasn't smiling, wasn't laughing. People finally started talking, but it meant nothing, he wasn't listening or caring at this point. Some of his friends, especially dancing crew did check out on him, asked if everything was okay, but Hoseok only nodded, shrugging at their concerned eyes. *

*He wasn't careful.* One-step, two-step, three-step, go! *He repeated his moves over and over, body knowing the movements, and jumped, just to fall. He was supposed to do the flip, he did many times. Yet, something felt wrong the moment he was in air. His knees were lower, his foot pushed him up with less energy. Hoseok wasn't sure what was wrong, but he hit a floor fast and hard, and everyone stopped, gasping.*

*He was numb and empty for such a long time, that sudden, overwhelming pain in his forearm, shocked him. It was different from the one from his broken heart, and so fresh and shocking. He whimpered, gently pressing the hurt arm to his chest. First tears slipping down his cheeks from how painful it was.* A broken radius bone and a minor fracture to the ulna. But a clean one, that's good, it usually heals nicely and quicker, less painful too. *The doctor said, before he reset the bone, making Hoseok scream in pain. He didn't agree, it hurts like hell, but he looked at the X-ray, trying to pay attention. His bone looked as if someone cut it with a knife, 'a clean cut'. Then he started to wonder, how his heart looks like. Did you cut it this clean? Or maybe you just squished it in your hands, making just a big mess of bloody muscles? Because it felt as you did the letter. Suddenly, he felt like crying again, but he held it back, watching the doctor putting a cast on his arm, and wincing as he got the anticoagulant shot. They let them chose the color of elastic bandage and he picked yellow. *

/Would you draw him sunflowers on it if he asked you to?/

Probably not.

*It was hard to move around with the right arm in a sling, opening everything up with his left. Yet, he managed, gladly walking towards his dorm room, ready to sleep the rest of the day, but he stopped when right outside his door. Still fresh, angry word '', written on his door, multiple times with red paint. He blinked, once, then twice, before his face finally showed some emotion.*


*Using his left hand, he angrily hit his door, smearing the biggest word away. He did the same with the rest, until there were no longer any words left. He didn't bother to get inside, afraid of what he will find there, opting for a public bathroom where he washed the paint away with some difficulties. He couldn't go back there, and see the pain again, even if washing it off before it dry would be better. Something inside him started to snap, and snap and snap, so he opted to go to his favorite place. The top of the fire stairs.*

*It was late evening, students already coming back from their last classes, as he watched them going back to the building, sitting on the step, head resting on the metal railing. He signed, pulling out his phones and checking it up. The picture of his door, and him angrily hitting them was already on the university main page, and whimpered, biting his lips to stop himself from crying. Whoever did it, he wanted to hurt him, and it was the final push he needed to fully break down after being strong for all this time. He sobbed loudly, hiding his face in his knees, rocking himself back and forth. He was done, he was really, really done.*

*His phone ring in his lap, and stared at the blurred screen, watching it until it stopped. Then again, and again, until he finally picked up.*

/ Seokie? Seokie, baby bro, are you okay? /

*His noona smoothing and worried voice only make him sob louder, and he couldn't hold it back.*

Noo na…? *Hoseok answered with broken voice, didn't even try to hide and pretend. There was no energy in him left to do that.*

/Seokie, shhh, shh it's okay. Hey? Your friend texted me… I saw pictures. Your hand… what happened?/


Noona… Am I … unlovable? *Hoseok asked, his voice breaking as he sobbed again, before he repeated the question again, and again, before his sobs grows stronger. He was broken. He was in pain and everything because he fell in love with a wrong person.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago

@kim taehyung PERCEPTION OF LOVE [2/2]

*Muffled crying, punctuated by Jiwoo's soft, reassuring voice, continued for some time. Hoseok's body was trembling from emotions and pain, but after a while he calmed down. *


I'm sorry noona… I'm just… it's … *He couldn't properly explain what he was feeling, so he gave up, his chin already trembling while tears filled his eyes.*

/I know honey. I am on my way, can you please go back to your room and pack what you need? I'm going to steal you away. You need a break./

*Her voice was firm, with statics noises made by her car, and Hoseok never felt better more relief. The guilt for troubling her was there, but he also needed to escape this place and be somewhere where Taehyung shadows won't hunt him.*

Noona… thank you.

/It's okay, Seokie. We will contact your professors tomorrow morning. Just, don't worry, okay? Your Jiji got your back. Just pack up. Ignore the paint, ignore everything and everyone, and wait outside the campus, I will be there in half an hour./

Can you stay with me on the line?

/Of course./

*He sniffed again, so grateful to have his sister, while he stood up on trembling legs. His arm started to hurt so much more, and he whimpered quietly, slowly walking back down, and trying his best to keep his head down. Luckily, the corridor was empty, so he ignored the door and quickly slipped inside his room, where he started to pack up all the things he could possibly need. Clothes, charger, his laptop, some bathroom necessities and then, from a small bag, the golden bracelet slipped and fall on the floor. It was a gift from Taehyungie, when his dancing crew was participating with a theater group and danced to Aladdin during the show. They have to dress up in nice silk robes, but showing a lot of skin, that was also painted with golden, sparkling paint. It was probably the favorite collaboration he took part of, and although he didn't need many accessories, Taehyung still gifted him this to wear. Beautiful gold bracelet in the shape of a circle, with an emerald stone indebted in it, and ear clips, also with emeralds. He remembered the feeling of them, jiggling in his ears with every movement, and the bedsheets stained with golden residue from paint when he ed him after. He shivered, before he picked up the bracelet and slipped on his wrist. How pathetic of him… *

*His sister was already waiting for him outside, and he slipped into her warm embrace, immediately starting sobbing once again, while she rubbed his back, rocking back and forth, calming him down.* I'm here, you will be okay.

*Hoseok disappear. Jiwoo explained the situation to his professor and managed to get him two weeks off, which he gladly took, staying in her apartment with her and her fiancé. His noona painted him beautiful sunflowers on his cast, they all cooked together, played games and went out shopping. He helped her with her new projects, and she sewed him the most comfy and soft hoodie he ever owned. He still cried a lot during nights, but being away made him better. As if he finally could breathe again. Jiwoo never asked for too much, only accepting what he wanted to tell her. They watched funny movies in silly animals onesies, while her fiancé, not very amused by it, was sent out to get snacks. He was coming back much more relaxed. Still heart broken, but that was expected because no amount of ice cream they ate could fill the hole in his heart. Jiwoo drove him back, gave him the strongest hug she could master and made him promise that he will call if anything happened.*

/Think about that blind date Seokie. Every so often, a new love interest can heal old wounds. Just try okay? At least once./ Hoseok sighs and nodded, as she giggled, ruffling his hair.* /Good boy, I will be going, see you in three weeks for cast removal!/

Noona, you don't have to…!

/I want to!/

*He shook his head, watching her car disappearing, before he turned around and started to walk back to his dorm room. Unsure and scared, but making a brave face ready to face reality and possibly another nasty words on his door but… the paint was gone, his door clean. He stared at it a bit confused, wondering who have cleaned that, before he walked in. On the floor, waiting for him, was a yellow envelope, with a card inside. Curiously he picked it up, yet cautiously opening it to see a beautiful card with sunflower. Nothing else. No words, no name. Nothing. Yet, it made his heart happy, as his fingers rubbed the picture. His thoughts automatically went to Taehyung, who knew about his favorite flowers, but he quickly stopped himself. It could be anyone at this point.*

*He texted his friend, finally agreeing to go on that blind date, and scheduled it for Saturday night at a restaurant. Did he want to go? No. But he promised his sister, and he intended to fulfill this promise. The rest of his Friday he spent catching up with his studies, and preparing an outfit. He wanted to avoid being overdressed, but still looking nice. After some time, he picked up his (https://i.imgur.com/24UHpVI.jpg) blue and white baggy jeans, and a baggy sweater with wide sleeves that he could easily wear over a cast. Happy with his choice, he went to bed to rest.*

*Taking advantage of the fact that he had no other responsibilities aside from the date, he slept for a long time and then took a long, hot shower. He styled his hair, making soft waves, and then he wondered if he should put on some make up. Finally, after sunscreen and a bit of BB correcting cream, he left his face bare. The time passed by quickly, and he didn't even notice when he was already walking to the restaurant, deep in his thoughts.*

Hi, I'm Soomin. *His date greeted him with a charming smile, and he really tried to do the same. He looked nice, washed out jeans, blouse with a protruding blue collar. Nice sense of style. Soft voice. Definitely more muscular than him… but this was not his Taehyung. He didn't need to look up to meet his eyes and search for a face. He didn't have that charming, velvet voice, cold eyes. Soomin wasn't looking at him so carefully, noticing every small change. Wasn't paying attention to his gestures, or staring at his smile. He was polite, and easy to talk and be around. He was someone Hoseok would undoubtedly admire a year ago, but he was nothing like Taehyung, and forcing himself to be interested in him started to be difficult.*

*The date continued. His friend and his date was obviously working a bit better than his, but Soomin took his behavior as a shyness and not reluctance. Hoseok constantly has to remind himself that it's okay, Taehyung no longer wants him, so being out with someone was okay, and if finally started to work. He relaxed slightly and decided to give Soomin a chance. They ordered food and started to talk, and his date switched his chair with his friend, sitting next to him. He leaned into him a bit, smiling shyly and Hoseok tried to do the same, and stop himself from moving away. He discussed his studies and passion for volleyball, sometimes when he explained something, his hand would briefly touch his while his cheeks flushed. When food was delivered, he made sure to feed Hoseok with his meet, so Hoseok did the same. Yet instead of putting it to his lips, he gently placed it on his rice and only a few times, but Soomin still looked happy seeing it. Finally, he reached out, touching the corner of Hoseok's mouth wiping the sauce from it, but then gently caressing it. He froze, not sure how to react to it.*

You are so pretty, Hoseok. Your skin is so soft. *He complimented him, and Hoseok… he just stares back at him, eyes wide in shock, not sure how to react.*
[post deleted by owner]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [I don’t have anything else to add to this one. But let me know if there’s more. Otherwise I think the rest is self-explanatory right? ]


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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