✎ GU GU's Ramen & Bubble Tea

GU GU's Ramen
& Bubble Tea
also in the small city's main square closer to the side, settles a nice and quaint bubble tea place. here they serve ramen and boba as well as some coffee and other tea choices. most students who want to rest in a more peaceful environment than the hectic coffee store find themselves here.
coded by yxgurt
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin *jungkook had been so intently listening, amazed but also baffled by the fact you didn’t even try to use what you had. He was so amazed for a long time. And when you looked like you didn’t want to talk about, he did lower his head to his feet before returning back to listening just as into it as possible. He was just that attentive and interested in jimin. So it was unusual when out of nowhere jungkook’s eyes zoned out. He was still smiling and his eyes were planted on you- and yet they were not looking at you like they were before in warm concern but consideration not to shake the bridge.*

*jungkook was like that for the rest of the time. He still answered back but for some odd reason, newer conversation topics were just a bout of smiling awkwardly and nodding.*

*but at the mention of , jungkook’s zoned out self came to looking into your eyes. Except this time the eyes didn’t look innocent anymore. More like staring at you except still faded.* that sounds…real good Hyung… can you tell me more detail? I don’t have any experience; maybe you can teach me…? *A slight smirk slid onto his lips before he walked forward as he starts to close in on you. But before he could, he coughs interrupting us. Dammit…Jungkook appears to turn away. And if you ask if he’s alright, he answers this only if you do.* I-I’m fine Hyung. Just g…give me a minute.

*so much for all this. He decides it’s better to just end it here for tonight. For tonight? That means he can try again…Will there ever even /be/ a continuation where he could try again? Judging by the current state, It’s really looking like a no.

*as for you, you can feel light flood your vision as you start to forget the end of your dream. You’re back in your bed. That’s right. It was all just a dream.*

*Or was it?*
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon jeongguk *Jimin's head tilted to the side, curiously. His fingers thread through his hair, creating a mess on his head, while he sighs.* I didn't. *He nodded, a small smile brighten his features while he looked out of the window, to see campus.* My dad is a great and highly intelligent person, but I am not like him. I don't need his surname or money to prove myself. I am a proud person and hard-working one. *Jimin shrugged as if it was nothing, but you are soon will see how much of it was truth and how hard he can put into his school work and dreams.* Only once I actually used his influence and to this day, I feel horrible about it, but only he could help me. *His eyes focused on something behind you, far away look in them, deep in thoughts. Remembering how miserable and yet stubborn he was. Back then, his relationship with his father wasn't great. The constant pressure was choking him, while the other couldn't just pull back. Then the injury happened, and Jimin found himself in his father's arms crying in pain, asking for help. The bright spark in his eyes disappeared, when he let himself sink into that hole filled with so much pain, and he carelessly patted his left thigh. Deep down, he will never recover. A moment of silence in the end, interrupted by a quiet sigh full of resignation, before the strong Jimin returned, hiding his bad emotions behind a mask. His eyes told you that he'd rather not talk about this anymore. You will understand soon anyway.* Yes, I am, on the paper, but I don't use these privileges. I just like the atmosphere here. It's a less stressful environment, but I would feel terrible there. All of them, tough majors, while I am stuck there, in the middle, artsy rat. Using his daddy money… Ugh, I can already hear all the gossip. *He visibly flinched, making a disgusting face, before he shook off the feeling. * Well, I will be taking additional business classes, so I guess I will have to visit that unit for possible group projects.

You didn't, but he is my pride and joy, and you will be hearing a lot about him. My baby brother is also starting uni this year. *He wiggled his eyebrows, making a face, knowing that he will be true competition for you. *

*Jimin was worried, just worried. He already knew how blind and narrow-minded you could be. You were fresh and new, not tainted by this world, just yet, with no experience with people. You looked at them superficially, thinking that they won't hurt you. Which was simply stupid. So, obviously Jimin was worried because he was a caring person, and knowing that someone can hurt you. It was scary. That's why he warned you. Which was already shrugged off by you, so he wasn't planning on continuing. *

Dancing club was fun, I am sure the new one will be nice too, although I will have to see how much my body can take because that's even more dancing hours, hmm. *He pulled away, leaving your red ear, and you space to lean again the chair.* Mom-ness? What do you mean? *Confused, he tilted his head to the side, sticking his lower lips up in wonder.*

Different? Alive? Huh? I guess I am. *The smile on his face was big and maybe with a tint of sadness.* Well, That's all I have left now. Dancing, on the floor, instead of ice. I love it. Moving my body to the rhythm, seeing how much I can push myself. It's easy to forget where you are and what you are doing. But no, I am just an art major. Dancing club is only an activity. Hobby.

Oh? *He didn't expect the question, and for the moment he stayed silent. Looked to the side, wondering for a bit, before he nods slightly.* I am not counting some occasional hook up, but I dated a girl, back in high school. It wasn't love, but it was nice. She was my first everything. *First with girl, but not first at all, he wanted to add, but he didn't. Now, knowing what you think about gays. His very first kiss was stolen by his friend in the changing room. One thing led to another, and end with some wandering hands and a far too quick , which also led to Jimin questioning himself, and later dating this girl.* She confessed, on the beginning of the second year, and I accepted. We dated each other for almost a year. We fall apart after my injury, she just couldn't handle my depressed and dropped me. We are still friends. *He finished his story, thinking about that time. He never managed to fall in love with her, her kisses weren't as exciting as his friend's one. Her body felt nice against him. was okay for inexperienced people like them, but it wasn't it. He tried hooking up a few times, testing it out, but the real pleasure, the real feelings of ecstasy could only give him another man. Yet, that was something he could never have told you. Which also mean that any action need to stay out off campus, where you couldn't see him.*
She had long hair, and she would ask me to braid it for her. She also had a charming neck. *He acted his role perfectly, trying to look like a boy who is daydreaming about his old love.*

Do you have any experience, Kookie? Or you are just curious?
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin [ok I think I overdid the stuttering last time. Let’s just call it jungkook stuttered that much only for a while. When they were talking about gay and being normal. Maybe as if he mind was trying to calm back down. But yes, no. He’s supposed to do it lesser in general. I might’ve accidentally confused it with mafia. My bad.]

*to say jungkook was amazed was an understatement. No, he was a bit intimidated. No, not a bit. Very. /very/ intimidated. Like something in his competitive genes he’s cultivated since an early age said he’s supposed to win at everything and yet he was and could possibly inferior to this adorable looking Hyung.* oh… *is all he could answer to this. So you were competition. Friendly rivalry except he wouldn’t take it friendly as a competitive player in everything. Just another person he had to win against to prove to his father he could do it. Not someone he could be comfortable with. He smiles slightly* o-of course Hyung, I wouldn’t. *but in a way, he did. You told him not to judge you so quickly and yet he did. I mean, can you blame him? You were practically bragging about your dad without him asking then after all that added ‘but anyways, forget about that.’ As if jungkook didn’t need to know despite you being the one to tell him when he didn’t ask that kind of detail. The only saving factor is you’re not in his year or major. If you were, this would quickly turn into a rendition of the Cold War. But before you solidified it, he blinks suddenly confused at the last line* w-wait…you d-didn’t use any of it…?

*he hummed wondering what kind of dumb person wouldn’t take the offer. He would’ve in a heartbeat. But also. Maybe that’s exactly why he would’ve. That’s all he had seen education as. To make money, to make his parents proud. Nothing like passion and he always thought he was fine with that. So for you to throw the title away despite still getting into a top college? It perplexed him. It intrigued him. He’d never sign himself up for that type of suicide.*

I-I’m confused….y-you’re a honors student but rejected living with them?… *He was in denial. Jungkook stayed silent. But even in this logic, he didn’t get it. If he wasn’t waitlisted rven as a honors student, he’d accept rooming there because that’s what an honor person would do- at least what he /thought/ they’d do- even though these dorms were more modern than that building*…why.?

*the younger just smiled amused. He didn’t get it at all but yet smirked at your suggestion of loving his father, giving you a doubtful but in sarcasm expression as if to say ‘really’? Instead, he blinks confused.* Hyung…did I ask about your brother…? *that was kind of rude of him but he meant it at face-value. Something he does a lot. Say things that could seem rude yet he meant it as is.*

*he tried to not make it so noticeable but he was really bad at doing so when he truly felt it. So you could see his puppy-like disappointment followed by shining hope in his innocent brown doe eyes when you decided to come. Then that hope was followed by restraint and hesitant as he repeated.* o-ok Hyung. I-if you’re really okay with it…let me know if you decide not. It’ll be okay *he smiles tryingly to assure you. But most likely, in addition to the females, with Jimin’s looks around a lot of self-dignified straights, drunk guys would’ve let loose enough to either flirt, bully or possible take advantage of a guy like you that looked like a girl. So if we’re talking about reasons you got sick of the parties, most likely this could’ve happened as well given your face.*

*his eyes widened as his cheeks tinted a soft shade of pink as he rubbed his nape at the compliment. He couldn’t thank you verbally. Just not. It was like his anger quickly shot up and was quickly put out, easily moving onto the next topic* o-ok Hyung! I’ll be careful! *but when you give him advice on how to seem confident, his nods get more avid. Just now he really treated you like a Hyung that was an expert on everything- because that’s what you sounded like just then.* oh- h ok! *but his body still stiffened after closing his eyes. Clearly, he was thinking about them. As if he avidly told himself to not think about then but ended up thinking about trying not to think about them while accidentally thinking about them.

*jungkook gullibly widens his eyes.* r-really? A smile?! *he repeated in quiet hushed disbelief. He starts feeling a bit nervous. He fidgets with his hands.* t-thats a lot of people to friend… i- I don’t know, Hyung… [if we ever do this, you can be jin. I can be namjoon. Jin’s a graduate of this university. The past Namjoon would have dropped out to achieve his dream. Possibly succeeded. Not sure because never fleshed it out enough]. *and as jungkook quickly checked his nose, his eyes widened when you took his phone away. He smiled hesitantly. He wanted so badly to say to give it back but before he could he winced at the ear pull.* okay! I w-will! *his laughs turned a breathy snicker. He felt like a child. He held your hand holding his ear in his so it wouldn’t be pulled too far, leaning it towards your face with a grimace.*

*once he found an opening, he roughly but quickly pried your fingers off his poor lobe and high fived you back absentmindedly* w-what? What do you mean the same club… *And when you started speaking so avidly about this leader and the club that hasn’t started their first year yet, he thinks you must be referring to the dance club, the basic one before the elite Tree one. He laughs breathily as a smirk traces on his thin lips when the story continues with a hoseok scolding jimin and the other teammates for leaving him behind albeit a bit playfully.* I see where you got it from… *he nods pointingly with a smirk made to get a reaction from you. His confidence is coming out a little as he didn’t stutter when he teased you.*…your mom-ness *smirks as his smile exposed his two front teeth*

*he almost. Just almost forget to catch himself staring with an amused smile. Wow…you looked like you really loved ice skating and/or dancing. Did he have anything like that himself? The way you lit up…he wonders what could be his. Or maybe he didn’t have anything like that. He points it out* y-you look different, Hyung. Alive *but eventually he remembers what he wanted to ask as he shakes his blurry-ness away.* …i-I’m confused, so Hyung’s a dancer /and/ a art major…? *he teethes at his nail in curiosity.* I kinda wanna try even more then…d-dancing with you… *he nods softly.*

*jungkook smiles relieved. He was sorry you’d blame him and whatnot for saying how difficult it was to smell stuff that was clearly a part of your lifestyle. But for some odd reason you didnt mind.* oh- okay I think that works… *though he couldn’t lie and his eyes couldn’t either; he still felt like he might’ve inconvenienced you though he didn’t voice it out. Just that it was so obvious. And so when you added something he could give back with, his eyes lifted and he quickly responded with a* d-deal!

O-ohh ok…*he bites his lower lip. He knew a question he wanted to ask but now he’s not sure if it would be too inappropriate. He glances up hesitantly then back to his hands* h-have you dated any girls? *he wasn’t super interested in things like asking about colors. You’d figure out his favorite color is red very soon. What he was more interested in was lifestyle questions like his precious one or talking about the taboo with a fellow Christian man. He tries to add on to explain.* if yes, w-what was your first experience like? Like did you d-do anything more? You know… *he could feel his face heat just slightly but he left it at that despite how his heartbeat picked up the pace and something else down there he’s ashamed to admit* like k-kiss…f-fall in love?
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon jeongguk *Your reaction did amuse him a bit, but he guessed any time would be good to explain.* Um, I could be? Ugh, okay, better explanation. My dad is rich, as if the third richest in this country. The Park industries. Anyway, he has this whole program, or rather an education investment fund that regularly makes exorbitant contributions to many colleges, especially the smaller ones or the one with nice programs. In addition, he funds scholarships at the best performing universities, and then offers the best graduates internships in his company. Which is brilliant if you ask me because this gives him not only smart people, but loyal too because they usually stay. Anyway… *He waved his hand as if he dismissed an annoying thought. You could see that maybe Jimin wasn't the daddy's fav son, but he respected the men.* Obviously, college wanted to repay for it in a way, so they offered his kids, me and my brother all they could. Honors building, scholarships, everything you could ask for because not only this would be prestigious of them, but would honor my father. Yet, before you judge me like a rest of students, I don't give a single about all of it. I have chosen this place because their art major is relatively new, and they have a fresh and young set of teacher which work I do admire. I politely rejected all the honors they wanted to give me, and here I am. Just normal art student that also like ice skating, and please do treat me like that. My father may be rich, but I am a regular student, good but not extraordinary or anything.*Jimin bowed his head slightly. He was still the black sheep of the family that news likes to throw dirt at, but since he wasn't relevant, he was left alone. His poor brother on the other hand as a main heir has to deal with far more bull.*

Yes, my dear future bestie, bromance! Just pure friendship and comfort other people can give you without making it romantic or ual. I am a huger, I like to squish people, sneak under their blankets to get warm because I'm often cold. It's all about trusting and being around your close friends, but you will catch up on it soon. *He nodded, trying to ignore how much your closed-minded thinking started to not only annoy but also hurt a bit. Of course, the 'God' card worked on you. But then Jimin quickly deducted, this is not his fight to fight. You have a lot of growing up to do, and a lot to see and experience. He can only guide you occasionally, to show you that the picture is not only black and white, but the rest is on you. He did tease you, putting a finger on your forehead and gently pushing it back.* Yah, but I very much love my brother, he is great, and I am sure you love your father. *Then he laughed, dismissing the topic by adding.* Okay, I know what you meant! I do, and yes, you are doing okay.

Oh! I need to go with you, show people that they shouldn't mess with you. Because I am sure some would do. Parties are not bad with nice people, I can pull some friends with me too. So yup, we shall go. I started to avoid it because everyone wanted to meet and see the 'Park' but I think it should be okay now, they are used to me. *He hoped it's true. It was quite annoying to be constantly flirted with, especially the 'girls' who just wanted a rich husband or some other bull, Jimin didn't understand. So, after a few parties, he gave up.*

*He looked at you and smiled gently.* It's impressive of you, to look at people and see good in them, I think I lost that ability a while ago, now I am just wary of most of them. After all, rumors are not spreading itself. Just be careful, Kookie, that's all. *He made sure to let you know that this topic was quite over. He really did not see the point of fighting you over 'her' and 'her' friends. Your eyes were glowing in admiration, whatever she did for you, she was remarkable and nice.*

Just stop thinking about their stares and everything. You are looking good, and they tare because they know it. So heads up. *He patted your shoulder gently.*

Seokie hyung? Hmm, I think he likes them, yes. We will definitely drag him with us, his smiles can get free drinks, but we will have to make sure to drag him all the way back to the dorm. Unless I will drop him on Joonie's or Jinnie's mercy. You should probably meet them, too. *He calculated in his thoughts how much effort it will cost him to drag his hyung out. Certainly, a lot.*

Your nose is okay, I swear. It is matching your face and looking nice. *He took your phone and quickly locked it, pushing aside, as he pulled on your ear.* You worry too much, just believe me when I say you are handsome. I wouldn't lie to you.

That's great! Bunny, you will be me in a club with me. Yes. *He raised his hand up, so you could high five him, then he excitedly tells you a bit more about some dancers, and the main leader, Hoseok. He told you a whole story about their last competition and trip and how they lost Seokie in the middle of the city, and barely made back in one group. He was smiling and laughing a lot, lively gesticulating with his hands, and even gently touching your arm, pulling you into your stories. Making you forget about previous stress, and just pulling you into his world.*

Me, a good dancer…? *He chuckled, tilting his head to the side.* I am junior golden medalist ice skater. I have to take ballet dancing twice a week as a child, later I was interested in compulsory dancing too. I… I can't remember a time when I didn't dance. Probably after the injury, that ended up my ice skating carrier. If there is something I am proud of, it's dancing. I'm delighted it's something you would like to try as well. We could bond over it. *You could see the fire and pure happiness in his eyes when he talked. Even when he mentioned the injury, it didn't dim that pure excitement.* But go on, do your best and I will tease you forever.

Night bunny, huh. We will get along just fine then. *He nodded and smiled, understanding.* No problem then. I usually paint with water-based watercolor paints or crayons or pencil, sometimes acrylic. Fortunately, these paints do not stink. I'll keep all the others in the studio, but let me draw you every so often. To practice. Deal? *Jimin pulled his hands towards you, ready to shake your hands.*

You can ask the same question or ask something you are curious about. Up to you, Kookie. Is there anything interesting enough in me for you to ask? *He turned his head to the side, smiling like a hunter, ready to jump on his prey.* I want to know your favorite colors, and why, and colors you dislike as well.
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin [ROOM MATES]

*it’s most likely going to be something jungkook will start to aid on when being a roommate: noticing jimin doesn’t focus on food enough. But jungkook himself doesn’t act like a Hyung or anything like that so possibly, it’ll be more like a friend and a quick question on eating as to not be too rude to our dynamic despite calling you jimin informally.* okay Hyung!

*his eyes bulged when you nonchalantly talk about the honors building* y-you’re in the honor’s program t-too Hyung?! *that opened so many new avenues for him. We could talk about his politics class. His literature class. Those even harder classes. But it also didn’t make sense. That program was very exclusive. You couldn’t use your money to get into it. You had to not only apply to it but do a lot as an all-rounded and intelligent student to be accepted in. Everything that jungkook did to get in as well as writing an honors worthy application. And from jungkook’s angle, quietly judgemental as he was, you clearly didn’t look like the type. First of all, your major was art. Not something honors-worthy like science, business, pre-med. So already for such a school, if you were plainly a liberal arts major, you wouldn’t have…*

*it was hard as his nails gripped harder into his own hand hold as he looked away. But his eyes started to lift at the fact you called yourself normal too.* br-bromance….? *He smiled slightly* oh… I-I had no idea… *it was a bit confusing but he didn’t have any close friends to really feel attached to. So maybe? He tried to recall his years as a high schooler. There were a few very touchy females but males? Maybe because his high school was in a conservative neighborhood he didn’t see any of it. The people never changed between schools. The students he knew in elementary were there in his middle school as well as his high school where he ended up skipping a grade and graduated past his original class. So this university place, even if mostly Christian, you’re right. They could come from anywhere. Be more liberal. Some not even Christian at all.*

*Then at the way you talked about God, his eyes relaxed in relief. Of course! Of course you had to believe in God! Only religious people talked about God so friendly in everyday conversation like that. Well…the fact you did made him hesitant because he had his own waverings about a real god despite being a proponent of conservative theories. But even if you were a devotee more than himself, it was enough. He smiled more open recovering* sorry of course y-you’re not like that, Hyung. But I only believe female and males can love each other. Same s-es no. *he pats your back hesitating to do skinship but trying* im g-glad we agree. A-am I doing it Hyung? *referring to his parting as an attempt to bromance.*

*thanks to that, jungkook was able to recover and though he still kept to himself while walking, he didn’t hesitate when he’d accidentally not be looking and get closer to you during our walk, distracted by the scenes that he’d forget to walk in a straight line. He was so amazed about the college party but when he noticed you didn’t want to come, he smiled lightly.* oh no, Hyung. Are you sure? I-it’s okay if you don’t w-want. I c-can try going a-alone *he nods giving you his best smile. He didn’t want to burden you if you clearly didn’t want to go that badly.*kk

*he was mad. He had no idea why or how he could be. But he was mad. Like it was seething at him how cold you were being to his perfect Noona. He was about to continue giving you a piece of his mind about it as well-especially when you said she’d break his heart when literally she didn’t talk to him after that. That was until you started to talk about yourself and the rumors. He bit his now trembling lip from fighting with you.* I…I. Hyung, from what I s-saw, I d-don’t think. No. *too short and to the point and offering no explanation. He couldn’t say that at least from what he saw, you didn’t show anything bad. That even if he can’t predict the future, at least by how you’re treating him so well, he refuses you to push him away right now. He might seem weak and talk like he was. And although he can be a bit influenced by others being still young and inexperienced, he still had his own mind so he’ll decide what he thinks. It’s why even though he hung out with his high school friends and was influenced them, he still never considered them close friends. He was able to distinguish that cleanly. But who knows right? If that was strong enough for what was going to happen in the future between his roommate and him.*

*when you nudged him in his lack of confidence, he quickly straightened up.* c-confidence? H-how…?

*jungkook was grinning at the picture he took of your nose when he lifts a brow in a confused smile. Bunny? You said bunny* y-yes. Carrots are g-good. *his eyes widen when you say people like him* d-does he like parties? So I-I don’t burden you, I can go with h-him? *but he kind of preferred to go with someone he knew which was you. Still…if this man’s that nice and approved of by jimin Hyung himself, maybe it wasn’t too bad. He’s not the scared type of shy. Just the afraid to stick out or embarrass himself type of shy. [by the way, because this is the past jungkook rp, I’d have to rp as hoseok in addition to Taehyung- which I don’t mind but you might. Anyways it’d be fun for you to see if ur curious how a similar jungkook who is 18 instead of 17 could’ve met]

*he blinks with a confused smile before he looked at his nose through the phone. Micro? His nose is very big…* micro not macro, Hyung *his nose is almost sticking out big. It’s just more shapely even if bigger than yours. Suddenly, his confidence drops though as he quickly starts to examine how ugly he must look. He said nothing but the panic was in his eyes as he quietly but quickly turned his face to look at the camera on his phone.*

*his head snapped when you were so loud, quickly checking if we’ve been caught before he smiled quietly as you apologized to them. Can his Hyung be so cute? But he fidgets suddenly holding his hands together. Unlike you, he sat poised, very aware of his surroundings and conservative trying not to disturb others. His eyes brightened at the idea of being a part of a gaming club before they lessened. Would that be fun…but he’s sure his dad would call it a waste…* That sounds s-so nice. But…p-playing video games is just my hobby. Nothing else-e.

*he bit his lip kind of curious as he lifted his head* f-father wants me to pick something active. I found a club like that af-fter orientation finished in the booths when the p-parents had to stay behind-
*he nods before sipping at his drink* b-because it has to be something active, I want-ted to do some-thing fun-n, so decided on hip hop d-dance instead. App-parently there’s two. The class and-d the club. The class has a professor. But the c-club’s new right? It’s called Tree? One of the students at the booth gave me details about Audi-itioning. *though he didn’t know it, it was the founder himself, hoseok.*

H: No way man! Ya got that much experience in ya? You’d probs be shocked but ‘fore this year, there was no competitive dance club at all. So I founded Tree! Well- I say founded but I don’t do all the paper stuff. I kinda more prefer to dance with an’ teach the team than lead it, ya get me? I leave the actual organization stuff to my co-leader Jiminnie unless I need to pitch in, too. I mean, I would’ve made him greet ya but he’s kinda busy movin in and stuff ya know. But yeah, we’d need at least 1 more member to call this a club an’! I can see you bein that one! With that much dance education, Tree could use a kiddo like you. This year I /really/ wanna go to competition with our very best, too. Finally win somethin for our dance program here. Oh, if you’re worried bout time commitment, jus look at me. Im a business major minor in dance. Cause yeah, gotta take over my dad’s dance academy. So since we’re still kinda new, we’re pretty flexible with the timings. But even if we don’t go to competition jus yet, I definitely wanna make a name for ourselves around the campus. Ya know, like in those tv shows? Also… *Hoseok laughed leaning forward. With that face o’ yours, you’d be super popular with the girls~ do you have anyone like that? Someone ya might wanna impress?~ *hoseok laughs as he backs away handing the details* anyways, think about it, yeah!
[just let me know if you don’t want jimin to be the club organizer. This was the past I made for Jeongguk but if not, it’ll be a random NPC. But are you starting to see? It’s young 3J]

So I thought maybe it w-wouldn’t hurt to try? *jungkook continued. Clearly, that conversation grabbed jungkook’s attention. Not only was the proposal something interesting but it served as a real motive. It was already really admirable that the man was literally founding something new. They’d not only be the first but maybe Noona would notice him.* Hyung, I-I’d really like if you tried out with-h me, too. E-even if you’re not a good dancer *he smirks a bit teasingly* then-n we can embarrass ourselves tog-gether.

*he makes a face when you add bunny to your question, but he answers* n-night def-finitely. *then his eyes widened as he bit his lower lip.* I’m-m very sensitive to chemi-ical smells. Smells generally. S-so if it’s okay for you, Hyung-g? But I’m sorry if it’s a-a bother.

*he waits in the silence. You didn’t answer him so after a few couple of seconds he tries again* h-how do you play t-ten questions again…? S-sorry…you didn’t-t answer.
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon jeongguk *You will learn soon enough that focused Jimin is in a way absent-minded Jimin, and stuff like food is not only forgotten but losing importance. In one extreme situation he was only drinking water for almost two days while he was working on the big painting. He knows how bad he can get, so he often carries many mini snacks on him. Just in case. Just to fill an angry stomach. So now, as he looked at his new, shocked dongsaeng, who couldn't quite believe that food could be forgotten, he thought 'damn cute you are Kook'. Finally, he nods, with a happy smile.* Okay, that works! Thank you! We shall discover the best take out places, okay?

Ah, I know. My parents wanted to put me there, but I prefer this. It's... more normal? I already am known because of my family I don't need people to think I am using them to be more comfortable. But the atmosphere of this place is better. More crazy but also more calm... uhm, I know you have no idea what I mean, but you will see... ah my new roommates is a smart one. That will be interesting. *In a way it should be, art student with pre-med? Weird combo, he just hoped they would be able to work it out and be friends.*

*Jimin raised his eyebrow when you moved away, murmuring bull about being normal and not gay. A fire inside him started to burn against his edges, yet he stopped the harsh words that were about to destroy you. This was not your fault. This was on your parents and family, on the society but not on you. You were raised this way, and from what he could see, you were raised harshly too. If your father was any indication. You just made your first independent baby steps to discover this world, and it's true colors. Jimin understood that his burst of anger will not only hurt you, but could start that spark of hatred and prejudice, and he wants to avoid that. So instead of being mad and aggressive, he took the other route. The 'I'm a hyung'.*

This is a judge free zone, and people should be able to be with whomever they want and love, but you, my future best friend. You have a long way to go. I need to teach you what healthy skin ship and bromance is! Because you missed so much! Not every touch is ual, and I am normal too. *A lie, but a one with good intention.* I know I am pretty, delicate features. Trust me, I used to hate it. I wanted to be manly, but it's not me. So, either I can embrace what the God gave me, and be a pretty boy, that can affect both sides, or be miserable and unhappy trying to fit. I chose the first, and you don't need to be harsh on yourself for that. *He pulled the God card on you, knowing that it may help you look at him with more soft eyes with less hatred hidden in there.* Unfortunately, finding a girlfriend is quite hard, when they are jealous of your beauty. Sadly. *He sighs, long and slow, shaking his head.* But do not be afraid Kookie, I am a good boy who just like to tease, and you are very easy to tease. I needed to get back for that remark about my tiny self, hmm?

/did i managed to recover it huh?/

Yes, exactly like that. it's boring for me because I was in far too many to count, but I will take you and show you around. You need to try this new college life after all, and I don't mind. Really. *The sudden change in you when he talked to the girl. Hmm, hos interesting. Well, it wasn't his business after all. So, he raised his hands up, protecting himself.* Do what you want Kookie, I just want you to be careful. Don't break that heart because your hyung will have to break twice as much to fix it. That's all. Moreover, maybe you should stay away from me as well? People created many very nasty rumors about me, and I wouldn't want it to harm you in any way. *The tree was painfully stabbing his back, and he huffed painfully. Damn you, strong boy. That hurts. When you moved away, he carefully moved his shoulders back, with a slightly painful expression. *

Sorry about that. *He nods, and nudged you with his elbow.* Head up boy. You are no longer in high school. You are in college, be confident, or they will eat you up. *He will stay away, he decided. It is your life after all, and he won't be able to protect you. He will be there to take care of everything that will come after happiness or sadness. *

You are a bunny, you have cute teeth and big innocent eyes. Add bunny ears, and you would be a perfect rabbit. Do you like carrots? *He teased gently, but with a soft smile because you do indeed remind him of one. Small and young.* Good, he will adore you too. He is the nicest and people like him, I am sure you will too. *Even more teasing for him, but that's fine, he shall be fine.*

OH! *He gasped, covering his perfect nose, shaking his head. * My nose is perfect, thank you very much! But if mine is small, what about yours mr micro? *He teased back, enjoying himself, and taking his phone back, and smiling at your contact picture, changing the name into 'bunny' immediately. *

WE ARE SO KICKING EVERYONE ASSES IN NEXT OVERWATCH TOURNAMENT! *He said back, maybe a bit too loud. Which he quickly apologizes for. * We have college competition, the IT department is in charge, it's small, but you can spend few hours with other nerds, talking about games which is very nice way to relax. We should try it.

Uhm, I am definitely a night person, but I can turn into a morning one if I stay up for far too long. *He snorted, combing his hair with his fingers.* And you? Morning baby bunny? Or night, owl bunny?

And what about your smell? Do you mind the paint smell? I am trying to use things that are not smell too strong, but it can still happen from time to time, so if I need, I can move my work to uni studio.
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin [1/2]

*as much as it could be a low-blow insult to someone homophobic, which yes it definitely would be, jungkook came from a conservative family too. That meant that stuff like guys wearing earrings was unheard off. Maybe without earrings, you’d look more just like a pretty boy. But yeah, nothing can stop jungkook from making his own judgements of you- even if possibly unhealthy or possibly rude ones.*

*when you casually stated how easily you forget food, his doe eyes turned alarmed. How could you forget food? New foods were delicious. All types of food were exciting to him; he wasn’t picky either. But the fact that he had limited food would definitely be an interesting conversation if you verbally asked about possible mistreatment. But /was/ he purposely limited for the purpose of having little food rather than just solely for health purposes? No. That would completely go against the families’ constant ideas of perfection in the face of God. It was more just the lack of junk food or food that tasted delicious but wasn’t too good for you. That’s the type of food he was limited to eat. For example no sugary stuff like soda. No salty junk like those popular branded chips. And it wasn’t like they didn’t have some of these items- though a very small collection if they rarely did. But eating it. /that/ was the restriction placed. He couldn’t sneak into the cupboard and just get any of the small amount of junk food in there he wanted /until/ his mom approved- which she rarely would.* oh no Jimin! *he nods determined* o-ok we’ll eat together or else… o-or I’ll ask e-every meal in a day, Hyung. I never try-y to miss them *smiles shyly in a bit of guilt when he remembers the most important meal of the day.* …maybe breakfast because timing… *he smiled shyly while nodding and looking down.*

*he didn’t think bragging about his grades or his major was good nor did anyone ever encouraged him to brag. He needed to be humble in the eyes of God. Not to mention as a conservative, bragging would be weird and overwhelm another. So suddenly having someone complimenting him, you his new roommate, well it was hard. His family never did. Especially when he’d hope his mom did. But no, his mom only complimented his older brother- even when jungkook’s accomplishments would be higher in level or importance or difficulty than his brother’s. So this compliment of yours. He was flattered really. But if you asked him if he believed in what you complimented, he didn’t believe in himself as himself so he would shrug it away or appear overly “humble.” Appear because in reality, his confidence of accepting a compliment as himself was too shot. For example, even he did notice after removing his glasses and replacing them with contacts, that suddenly people were paying more attention to him. But because of his confidence being oh so shot, he misinterpreted it as maybe he looked too different. Only until someone finally complimented him outright, did he really understand. But even then he’d laugh softly under his breath and wave it off unable to really mean his statements of “thank you.” That’s how he approached your constant compliments about his face. Waving it off but not meaning it with a* um t-thanks

*But would he really become just as unhealthy and breakdown like those pre-med students? Or was there some other breakdown in store for him and his innocent self? Only time would tell.*

Um… t-there’s no dorms exclusively devoted to majors- except for the honors *he hums nodding slowly hoping he didn’t step on your feet by correcting you. But it was true; look at him. He’s in your dorm despite being an honors student too- so it wasn’t required to live in one place. Just to live on campus for your first year of university rather than an apartment. Still, He really would regret it if you felt stepped over or showed how peeved you are because of it. Just like how his own bullies were annoyed when jungkook would indirectly correct them during Advanced Placing (AP) Literature round table discussions or other public high school discussions where jungkook /would/ be forced to talk and give his input for credit. And the bullies would think they were so smart as they talked a lot without even truly thinking prettty much the whole class while jungkook thought about it and when it was his turn, easily knocked their thoughts down with just a few words. But maybe you just meant the dorms next to those buildings? But already correcting you was too much so he didn’t add more. It could be seen as rude or too shy but secretly opinionated by his bullies how jungkook didn’t try to expand and explain his correction. As if jungkook was indirectly calling them dumb for even trying the whole class- and maybe he was a bit with them in slight salt though not purposely; just very annoyed at their dumb selves. But with you? No not yet. With you, he was just trying to be polite in his correction.*

*when you complimented him, his cheeks flush with wide doe eyes* r-really Hyung? *before smiling and trying to hide it in himself. It was not good to feel this influenced by these compliments. He needed to humble himself.*

*his height. Yes jungkook was taller than you but the average human height kind of taller. Not more than that. (Think close to rl jungkook’s height). It was Jeon Jungkook afterall. Not Jeon Jeongguk. So when he’s just giggly and much more confident in teasing you while getting close, suddenly he felt his breath hitch as you started to knee at his already twitching member from before. You… As someone who never had , his breath instantly got foggy. As if he was overly sensitive down there and overly pent up. What…You were clearly a guy so what was. Going on…h and why did even something like this feel good. With. With another…man… Unknowingly, he pressed closer to you as he his lips nervously before looking down at you with soft teary doe eyes. He was now bucking his crotch against your knee without meaning to. But once he does, and can hear your breathy voice or his, panic sets in.*

*Before you even had time to threaten him with a name that sounded like but was not his own name, at the notice of your Adam’s apple and every other indication you gave him that confirmed you were actually a guy, jungkook’s eyes widened wildly scared and shoved your shoulder away from him. A weak shove that made you only gently but quickly hit the wall softly as he stumbled back then looked down.* I-I’m sorry. I’m not a gay. I’m normal. *even with the short words and not using the real term for gays around here starting with an “f,” that phrase “I’m not a gay. I’m normal” had so much more of a negative tone behind it. Almost venomous as he indirectly denounced all gay individuals. Even with his shy and humble seeming personality, suddenly you were seeing the less humble side of jungkook. The less polite and puppy-like side of jungkook. Did he know 100% if you were gay or not? No. But now it made sense. Your clothes. How you looked like a girl. That meant you /were/ gay. He was now forced to room with a ing . Suddenly the future had changed as he stared at you in fear mixed with hidden disgust as he backed away.*

*And the fact his fingertips tingled wanting to shove your blocking leg to the side. And go to town grinding and against this guy like how straight couples would do in . The fact he wanted to rip your sweater with his force and abuse your whole body. The thought of hearing those high pitched moans as you scratched at his skin and made your mark on him. Like a girl. The fact he wanted to you like the girl you were. All these facts was scaring him. He has to be normal; he /can’t/ be abnormal. He just can’t! But just as the word “ ” repeated in his mind in wanting to shove his into your tight little hole, panic and fear had settled in at all these facts and had suddenly took over and made him shove you back.*

*Now as he watched himself lose his only possible best friend just because jungkook finally showed some of his true subconscious hurtful colors as a narrow-minded conservative, he doesn’t know what to do. What should he do? Could he even do anything? He doesn’t want to seem like he’s completely ignoring what we just did so maybe if he forgives you and forgets, we’d be fine? Or maybe… he could change his roommate? Unknown to him, roommates couldn’t change that easily. And though tomorrow morning or another day later, he’d probably try to change it without you knowing, he’d learn everyone /had/ to live in their room assignment for at least a semester before they could switch any such dorms.*

*He looks down at his hand that was still holding the measurement of how short you were. He smirks grinning at it. It was amusing and he doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s shy insanity that he’s now laughing at his hand like this? Mixed with a new style of panic that he just lost any real genuine connection with a guy that could be his best friend for life. He didn’t know. But with a smirk and a dry grin, he showed you the measurement in hopes you’d laugh with him. At least that we’d be fine tonight since he’s gonna have to sleep here* hehehe see here, hehehe you’re still very hehehe short, Hyung

*maybe it was a poor attempt but what could he do? Jungkook always tried to be the good polite man his parents had raised him to be. Even if his execution of it was terrible.*

*If we didn’t succeed in recovering and you too didn’t try anything on your side to make us both good again, well. This day would be completely different. Even unpredictable. Would jungkook and jimin now awkwardly sleep in the same room? Would jungkook stay outside because he couldn’t deal with the awkwardness inside his room until he’d pass out? Or something completely different? Even jimin and jungkook’s past was too unpredictable to know what exactly would happen if they failed to recover.*
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@park jimin [2/2]

*but if he /did/ succeed in us recovering, he’d then mildly escape your scolding as he walks to the sink to turn on the faucet and splash cold water on his face. He’d exhale thinking. “God, why did you make him look like a girl?! But still he’d have cooled off by then and walk with you to the place.*

*Still, once we were out and about outside, Jungkook would try not to touch you much- which he wasn’t doing as much anyways since he was walking with you with his hands to himself when we got near people, overly conscious of standing out in a bad way by doing anything different. But other than avoiding touches like that, he’d try to recover too. Even though he couldn’t stop thinking about the fact his guy roommate and him could’ve done something very wrong if your guy self and his own family didn’t flash into his mind. And the fear. That bloodcurdling fear.*

*But at the scenes, he was easily amazed. Excited even. Then he turns to you with wide eyes and a soft whisper* a real college party…?! Just like in movies? They have that here too?! *then he hums. The way you describe it, you made it seem like the worst thing.* o-ok *his cheeks flushed at the nickname- especially after what we’d done.* if you say boring, m-maybe it’s better not to then. My mom says I’m not allowed to drink anyways… *but anyone could tell by that expression and those forlorn eyes that he was trying to hide to not show his disappointment that he /really/ wanted to see how it was even just once. Even without drinking! How real people partied for once! Just once! He was never invited to any high school parties. But if he ever was, he wouldn’t have been able to go to them either. So his eyes were so begging and pleading as he tried to shrug it away with that forced laugh to act like it’s no big deal.*

Huh what do you mean H-Hyung? *when you tried to ask him If you were alright, jungkook widened his eyes as you suddenly talk about the girl* I- I wasn’t looking at her, w-what are you talking about?! I-I have no clue who you’re talk-king abou-ut! *he was on high alert yet again but for a different reason, suddenly panicking at being caught. But when you start talking back about her, not really listening to what you were saying but how you said it, he glared at you with hurt eyes as he pins you against a tree.* d-dont say it like that…! You don’t know her. Noona was s-so nice to me when s-she didn’t need to be…!

*his breath ghosted against your skin while glaring down at you. Because you gelled his hair back to fix his emo mop of black hair, you could see his bold and perfectly sharp eyebrows. Suddenly, thanks to his exposed brows, his glaring but still soft doe eyes looked incredibly more sharp in his anger. More intimidating. Then he noticed it. Under this dark light, you looked more like a girl. Suddenly nothing was on his mind except the soft whimpers of your body pinned to the tree trunk. No Noona. His angry glare was fading while narrowing down to your body. But when he saw the clear lack of s, he huffed in realization and ripped himself from pinning you.*

*Getting frustrated at himself, he quickly lets go of the tree trunk and walks faster with a huff. Stop seeing things, Jungkook…and jimin Hyung just doesn’t get it. Don’t let it get to you. Noona had probably a good reason she did that to another guy. Maybe she felt bad she didn’t have feelings for them so ended it. How respectable of Noona.*

*As you can probably tell, he really admires Noona. What Noona did back then made him so grateful. So much so she made him want to pick this university to enroll in. Because she was just so nice. So angelic. So everything to someone like him. His impression of what she did influenced his impression of the whole school. Out of all the private Christian universities, this was the one. For sure. He knew he had no chance he’d ever get to be with her. She was way too pretty and too perfect. And completely out of his league for someone like him. He thought he was not as good looking. Not as confident. Not as muscular or strong enough like that man by her side was. Her boyfriend /looked/ like a man too unlike jungkook’s constant soft baby face. But it was fine. Even if he can see glimpses of her, that would be all worth it.*

N: *unknown to jungkook, though, her friends were already talking about the young individual*
F1: did you see that guy next to the Park?
F2: i know right, so cute. What’s he? A FISH?
F3: probably. Haven’t seen him around campus until now. Suddenly I feel lucky to be single. *smirks* I have a chance
F1: aah!! Why am I taken!! Ugh babe *she turns to her boyfriend* don’t worry he might be hot but you have my heart~
N: *she just rolled her eyes at them while trying to move subjects.* can you girls focus? We still have a lot to do. You can talk about your love lives later *but she too was amazed. That innocent nervous high schooler gave up on the eye glasses? Why? Was it really for her? She could see the younger look at her with forlorn eyes “notice me.” They begged. But she didn’t mind the appearance change. The younger looked even more irresistible than before. She could feel her s harden as she bit her lower lip to resist the images. N-no. Everything was perfect for her. She finally had a loving boyfriend, a stable reputation. Her grades too. Why did /he/ have to come here and make her think about him again. Just because she was just trying to be polite to him? Jeon Jungkook, you’re a very unfair kid…*

*it was just bad. Jungkook tugged at his shirt sleeve. He really wanted to hide. Every female was giving him the look. Did he look that terrible? He tried to look good for his first impression with his roommate, too…wearing this white button down shirt because he thought you were just as conservative as him. He thought everyone in this university was just like him. At least that’s what it advertised on the pamphlet. Christians having a community here, not exactly praying, but just doing Norma college activities as well as more quiet reflective activities too. When you still talked to him despite him blowing a fuse at you were insulting his Noona, he hesitantly looked down at you before a small shy smile slipped through his thin lips.* w-whos that? I’m k-kook…but…thanks… *he keeps walking before clearing his throat. A habit he was starting to do a lot as a way to get your attention to talk*…I’m sorry. About there... I j-just didn’t like you insulti-ing N-noona like that…heh

*slowly but surely we were recovering back to jungkook’s own confidence. He laughs softly before more confident, corrects you* it’s jungkook, not guk. Kook *he smiles lightly* you’ve been pronouncing it wrong, Hyung *he said as he handed you a napkin to help with your coughing. He’s a bit confused about this supposed hoseok. He tilts his head slightly but bites his lower lip keeping his questions to himself though he did give you a look like he’s confused why you keep talking about him. He’s already trying to get along with you. He thinks it’d be very hard to already try with another. At least in this stage where he’s trying to understand college life in general.* I’m meeting him then. *just the thought of teasing you more was enough for him. If you disliked he’d do it even if he’d usually not care.*

*when you showed him his picture, to get a good picture of it, he leaned far into you as his head rested on your own. He laughs lightly.* weird… *he was referring to the fact he looked too weird like that. It really didn’t fit all the black skull t-shirts he had.* and spell my name correctly. *Without asking, accidentally he took your phone and with a giggle, called you.* jimin, look here…! *and when he did, he zoomed on your nose before snickering with his own nose scrunching then shows you the masterpiece of a photo.* short nose jimin *he grins with bunny teeth, having a little too much fun as he bumped his shoulder with yours.* like they say. Nose equals hehe…h *then points to his contact.* save that photo-o *telling you to save your nose photo so that he’d be able to update it for his own contact.

*he turns to you a bit interested. You were an interesting Hyung. You knew exactly how to keep the conversation interesting* y-yes Hyung! U-u-um I like COD. And O-overwatch too *he nods naming the popular shooting games* *then he realizes he didn’t know how to play ten questions. He really never needed to talk about himself. His only friends wanted him around for doing their homework afterall. His eyes widened stuck* u-Um do-o I ask the same q-question or-r? Different?

*he’s assuming he answers a different question.* m-morning or night person? *if he was going to ask questions, he would ask more related to what our living conditions would be.*
park ∶ jimin [hobibuu] [A] 1 year ago
@jeon jeongguk *Maybe do keep a comment about Jimin being a girl to himself. He was proud of his style and taste. He knew that his beauty was not typical or masculine, and he did his best to used is wisely. To carry himself proudly, and be confident in his own skin. Calling him a girl was a low blow often used by insecure people. He has been there, experienced that type of mockery and moved on, no longer reacting. *

Of course, we can, although I tend to forget about food quite regularly, you see. So whenever you are hungry tell me, and we can eat. That may be a good reminder. *He agreed, smiling at your excitement. Jimin was already found of you. You were so honest and happy about such a simple thing like food. Which led him to another question, were you mistreated? Not eating enough? He didn't dare to ask, and he hides his concerns focusing on task at hand, which was making you look like a student, not scared first year. *

- Oh my, pre-med? You must be crazy good and a bit insane. *He whistled, impressed by your choice, and later smiles, patting the top of your hair. He was well aware how med students were. The living dead, insomniac, malnourished, with a nervous breakdown waiting around the corner. He had a hope that this will not be your fate, but instead he looked at you a bit confused.* Oh, but shouldn't you be placed in the more fancy dorm? The one for all the med's students and law's students?

*Done with his work he smiled, satisfied with his the outcome.* Better than good, you look ing great. *He swore to make a point, clasping his hands together and smirking at your bit flustered face. Oh, how Jimin enjoyed himself. The whole breaking you from your shell, and giving you new confidence and boost. He likes when people are happy like that, especially when people deserved that. *

*But then you stood up and all his dream about being the favorite hyung kinda broke. You were so damn tall! And you would be even taller. He huffed at you in annoyance, his hands moving to rest on his hips. To make things worse you did about it, and his eyes narrowed. You even have an audacity of backing him against the wall. ing hell you were hot like that. That pure confidence and the way you were holding himself. It picked his interest, but Jimin was experienced enough to be able to hide his amusement and slight arousal. You were not the first one who tried to take advantage of it, and he decided to play your game. His arms wrapped itself around your waist, as he slid his thigh between your legs, pressing himself against your body. As if by accident, he did it in a way as to move over your member, so that you could feel the material of the pants teasing it.* Jeon Jeongguk you are not the first one who tried to use my height against me, and you won't be the last. So if you value your ability to have kids in the future I advise you to be careful, you never know what kind of beast I hide. *He smiled so innocently and quickly letting go, acting as if it whole act was nothing. Like he didn't just feel your crotch and teased it with his thigh.* You can call me hyung, or Jimin, but I honestly don't really care that much about honorifics. So whatever suits your giraffe self. * He teased back, again, because two can play this game. Jimin was indeed small, small but vicious.*

*During this very short tour around the dorms and outside he was patient. Waited every time you stopped to look at something curiously, watching with a slight smile as you do. You were so cute it warmed his heart, but he tried not to overthink it too much. Yet, not many people could show their true emotions and excitement so admirably like you, and it pulled all his strings on his heart. He knows that it may change in the future, that you may change. College and people will influence you. You may even grow to hate him later. It was all more precious that he could experience this with you now.* It can be wild, especially wild here. I can take you with me to the party if that's what you want Guggie, but it's started to be boring after a while. Drinking people doing stupid things, ing around in the corners. Not exactly my vibe, but it is an experience 'baby'. *He made a face, joking, and then started to walking again, but slowly to give you time to catch up. *

*He noticed, of course he noticed the way you looked at that girl. How could you not? She also knew you if her smile was any indication. He watched as you slowly lose your spirit when you noticed her boyfriend, and the way that bright lovely shine in your eyes dulled. So he waited with answer till the girl and her friend disappear. He then sighs, shaking his head.* Just wait for two weeks, and you will get your chance. Her boyfriend never lasted for long. This one somehow survived the break, but that's even more reason for her to change it. She always does it, finding the most interesting first year and date him, for a short while. She tried to woo me too, when she found out about my family, and she was really unhappy when I turned her down, even spreading nasty rumors about me. But yeah, I think you may have a chance just be careful. Have fun, but with no feeling. You never know if it will last. *He patted your shoulder and then as if the hard topic was gone he relaxed to his old self. He will not waste energy on people who don't deserve it. * That they do, but you can try a few and see what's fits you best. I am in dancing club, love it there. Great atmosphere and people. I have very happy hyung, I think you would like him. he can really cheer people up with that happy smile. * Sensing your discomfort he nudged you with his arm slightly, giving you a silly but warm smile. You were self-conscious he could feel it.* Chin up Guggie, you are looking great I swear. *He reminded you, before you finally find his way inside the restaurant.*

*Orders have been placed, and Jimin slumped slightly in his chair, much more relaxed, sipping his water. Which also lead him into choking hazard when he heard your next words. He snorted and started coughing, before he whined feeling that unpleasant burning in the back of his throat.* That's a way to murder your roommate Guggie. Rude! *The tone of his voice was amused nonetheless as he leaned towards you.* Is it wise to judge something you didn't even see, hmm? Jeonggukie? *The face you made, make laugh once again, before he shook his head. * Brat, Hoseok hyung will adore you. You will team up on me. No, you are not meeting him. No way. *Even still, he quickly pulled his phone and take a picture of you and then type something on it, before he moved it towards you.*

Here, give me your contact info. *As you looked down you could see your own face staring back at you, from contact information, signed up as Guggie. When you typed it in, Jimin took his phone back, satisfied and sending you a greeting text.*

Okay, let's play 10 questions, so we can have something to talk about and get to know each other. Be honest or will steal your pillow. *He warned with his finger, taking another sip.* I will start, do you have favorite game and if so, what it is?


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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