Transport Center

Transport Center
the transport center houses buses, trains, and planes. when humans who live in a state need to go home for the holiday breaks, they either take their cars or get picked up by their familys'. others who do not have these options, come back through the transport center.
coded by yxgurt
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *it is true he is different. It is true he doesn’t consider any type of manipulation when consented wrong. That is all his personality. But the kiss? If this was any tactic of mental manipulation, he’d have to ask the far reaches of his mind. But to the Taehyung directly in front of you? It was simply a dejected loner sophomore who wanted to engrave the time we’ve had into his memory. Seal it with a kiss. Put all the effort he had worked on with his cold heart aside to rest with it. Had he known it would make him unhealthily linger, maybe Taehyung too would have decided not to ask for such. Afterall, what was the good in a Master that could not end a contract as per a submissive’s wishes and instead held onto it and grew overly possessive of something that wasn’t his to begin with?*

*something in him stirred as he waited foolishly for a response to his proposal. He didn’t think you would. Nothing in Taehyung’s calculations of you prepared him for such a response. You were always the one who shook your head, walked away, ran without looking back each time he pined for you after your next and next rejections. So when you came close, he stiffened holding his breath despite how his eyes glided down in desire yet refused for his body to move even an inch. Even refused to move as you touch his reached out hand. He just let you move him; by now he was aware that if he moved before you settled, he’d inevitably grow your nervousness.,Then as the plush lips pressed next to his own, he unrestrained his last thread he was holding back himself with. When you kissed him, he moved quickly as well. Grabbing your waist closer to the closing gap, he pressed his lips harder against your once butterfly kiss, moving his lips to kiss directly against yours rather than next to like you did. He didn’t use tongue but the way he kissed you was reminiscent of a passionate soul- one. He consumed your whole being for a few seconds as he closed his eyes and gripped your waist. Then he roughly and reluctantly let go of that familiar body, placing his reacher out hand right straight against his side as he refused it the tingle to hold you against him again*

*he widened the gap by straightening himself already gritting his jaw to hold himself back from doing anymore, and it only tightened at your next words.* and yet… *but he couldn’t finish the sentence. That and yet you chose to kiss him despite saying you wanted to forget him. Even if your actions were contradictory as ever, it still wounded him how you refused the feelings and apparently love you had for him. And his previous holding back too also stopped him from articulating this, causing him to just end that response there . It took everything in his power not to overindulge after kissing those lips. Those lips he hoped would be his. Those lips that he hoped would have eventually done away with these foolish human norms. But then that wouldn’t have been hoseok would it? And so he honored his slave’s last words and did nothing more despite not looking away from your eyes for even one second. You looked beautiful. Even as he watched you in this distance while engraving this last scene as a memory.*

*then when you gave him our final goodbye, he pursed his lips, looked down, exhaled quietly to himself in disappointment at himself then left your room. As he walked, he clearly heard your thoughts and yet he knew he could not offer you anything to help your heart. Instead, he kept the memory safe inside before he quickly and albeit too easily brushed off that shattering from before. Something was breaking in him but there was no reason to address it right now. Hoseok was gone. The man he wanted was gone. A man fate would not let him possess. His eyes turned icy as he forced himself and eventually did manage to push forward with no thoughts except his own schedule.*

*the rest of the day, Taehyung managed to busy himself. He knew he had to place the expensive chain somewhere in his dorm yet he refused to return back to the quiet space. Not now. Hopefully never. Since it was near the weekend, Taehyung tried to go to his favorite places. The park, the building and the library. But each time memories of hoseok followed him. Even in the library, he smirked at the he was watching only to remember how hoseok sat right there with that beautiful smile. How they kissed the first time again here. Then Taehyung felt muscles on the side of his lips. He was smiling. He pursed his lips, closed the laptop and exhaled. How the kiss from tonight still lingered. Even when his other subs texted another one of those events, he waved it off. He didn’t feel like acting like a master right now or displaying that side of him. That was peculiar but he’s sure tomorrow he’ll back to his normal.*

*then the dreaded time. Taehyung returned home. Empty. The darkness was nice though. It enshrouded him in a way. The slight smile he always wore finally fell. In the light, he still maintained his ability to express emotions. Here in the darkness, his face was blank and cold. Just as how V was truly feeling… He placed the chain into a safe box. He has no idea what he’ll do with it and he was no master that would share an abandoned gift to another slave. Every one of his slaves were special and Taehyung always did his best to emphasize this. Just hoseok received much much more of Taehyung’s attention than his usual slave. He laid in the bed, scrolling through the manga on his dimmed dark phone and slowly but surely, fell asleep.*

*lo and behold the next day, he had felt nothing more. Though it lingered in the back, it was finally emotionless in the front. Taehyung could finally go about his day more smoothly. “Ah m-master! Harder!” And the master side of V complied. What Taehyung did realize was the pets and slaves he had now felt cold compared to his previous slave. Even when Taehyung tried to smile and offer to go somewhere like the ice cream shop or mall to buy them things they wanted, what he found was he would inevitably be dragged into ing them even when he didn’t want to. It was y yes. He’s sure that before his previous slave, he never felt such a desire to treat and be treated. Even when V desired to stay inside, no one came to his door except his now only friend hoseok himself rarely. If he noticed it before it was starkly obvious now how with his slaves it was always just . Now it was very obvious how understimulating this was. But now it felt…Boring. Taehyung was growing bored yet again.*

*in his boredom, he decided to take up the next one one of the event texts from his slave. Dressing up to fit the code, he arrived in his best suit and a mask on his eyes. The crowd already murmured whispers. Even now they could tell the man with the orange locks was very handsome. It made Taehyung reminisce of the first stuffy event he attended before he decided to do away with public appearances and find his own submissive rather than the lifeless dolls he seemed to attract. But well, that is still where he gained his affinity for control. He’s not sure he would have the same interests in this much more differently themed environment but it seemed interesting enough. Maybe he can gain something here. If not, he will return home quickly.*

*“Welcome. You must be Daddy V.” The orange haired man turned his head to admire the secretary as the man handed him a name tag. Must be a baby or little. Instead of the usual black and collar, the submissives seemed to be wearing white or any other bright pastel color. Some with soft collars if taken. He sees. The dress code for Daddies was business professional while the dress code for the babies was anything adorable on them. His eyes continued to glide down intently at the now blushing baby secretary’s body. Not as good as his previous slave’s. Even now it’s ironic how he’s still comparing everyone subtlety to his beautiful. Oh how he would give to nestle his grip into his friend’s waist. Taehyung gave the warmest smile back to the other as he pulled the male secretary’s hand to his lips. Might as well do as they would do right?* Yes, indeed I am.
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@kim taehyung *How weird, when you were thinking about different ways to get his body and him, he was breaking because of rejection, feeling like a used toy. The wall he built for protection shook under the pressure and tiny pieces fall off. Hoseok never felt so lonely and broken before. Thinking about with you, remembering the way you used to touch him, it made him sick, and disgusted with his body. His skin crawled, and he held back the need to violently scratch on it.

/You will look at him, you will whisper 'I love you' in his ear, and you will see how his eyes gazed upon your face, before he pushes you away. As if you burn him. Then you will be like the rest of his broken babies. Used and abandoned in hopes.
Kim Taehyung does not know how to love./

Huh...*He should have listened. Hoseok should know better, yet he hoped and hoped and failed. Now he wanted to laugh when you begged for one last kiss. Oh, how broken it would be. Why bother kissing something you no longer want? What's the point? Hoseok didn't understand and even thinking about it, make him shiver with disgust for himself. Because obviously, he wanted that last kiss, but it was another manipulation on your part. To make his suffering last longer. His empty eyes searched your face before he pulled the sheets over his body, covering himself up. He stood up on his soft, trembling legs, and walked towards you, leaving a space between your bodies, as his hand reached out to touch your cheek as he gently guided you face down. A last sad smile adored his face, before he pressed his lips to the corner of your mouth. Softly and gently, a butterfly kiss.*

I want to forget you. *Quiet whisper reached your ears as he moved away.* Goodbye, Kim Taehyung. *He pulled the dorm card from your hand, and moved past you, disappearing in the bathroom and locking the door. Yet, he didn't break down right away. No. Hoseok was brave and strong as he leaned against the wall, covering his lips to not make any sound, waiting for the signal that you left. When he heard the sound of closing door, he whimpered quietly, before he stripped himself and walked under the shower. He scrubbed himself clean, washing away your touch until his skin was red and irritated. Running water muffled out his loud sobs, when he finally collapsed on the shower floor.*

/Oh why, why does it hurt so much?/

*Other Hoseok, hidden deep inside of him, couldn't answer that. He crawled the broken soul into his arms and tried to gently smooth it with his warmth, and his love for his Lord. Yet nothing couldn't make it go away. Nothing could cover the pain.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *Unfortunately, despite hoseok’s anxiety, Taehyung or V couldn’t see any of it. Only the aftermath of such a decision when he looked at your phone. The result which was the fact that you /did/ defend the members of the community that didn’t fall into such a repetitive stereotype. It’s not like he made himself folly to that type of bullying or criticism himself to know the things you did in detail. Or maybe he had. He doesn’t remember what website he made an account in or even if he did, which one that was. In person events were much easier without the added drama of the internet.*

*most likely it was the latter. He was fascinated and even attracted to the same fact that he wanted to control. Your caring and compassionate nature. But he wanted it to be molded for himself and only himself. Not in the uncontrollable form which was love but a controllable caring form. Something he’s now just realizing will never happen. You were a human from the other side. The normal side. The side where you believe in the same things Taehyung found had no innate value. Things like dates, gifts, holidays as couples, and many more shrewd-made couple targeted norms.*

*when he gripped your chin and your eyes struggled, oh how so much he wanted to kiss you. Take you. How vulnerable you looked. But then you reminded him why he didn’t in the first place. You shook your head no and his teeth grit harder behind his careful gesture. He was growing aggressive and quickly left your chin. Disbelief as he looked away for a second. Disbelief that you were disobeying him. Disbelief at the fact that his training he conditioned you with was breaking down. You were refusing your servitude to him. But even he could tell. How your body still trembled. You /wanted/ to be ravaged again. You /yearned/ to feel so coveted in his cold but long arms. And yet. Here you are. Refusing to look into his eyes. Refusing to be lured by him and possibly whatever love you felt in them as you looked into his colder ones.*

*to him, it didn’t matter if you couldn’t dance anymore. Maybe he’d regret it yes. But right now he needed proof. Proof that “love” you seem to claim to have could be used to benefit him- show him your utmost submissive nature. But to actually kill you, he didn’t want that. He wanted to incapacitate you yes, but what good would come to a dead body he could not take over?*

*when your eyes numbed over, his own eyes grew in desire. Oh how beautiful you look. So given into despair. He didn’t even know he wanted this. That he yearned to see you colored in black. Yes…that’s it. Succumb to him; be in Despair. Just for him. But then as the black colored you, he stared in confusion at your words as you harshly pulled them out of his hold. Harsh or not, it felt harshly done to him. What… V felt something in him break. He could hear it but he’s not sure where it came from. Was it his hands? His heart? His control? His mind? His thoughts? He wasn’t sure what but his eyes turned solemn and cold. A quiet but ringing shatter.*

*So this is different. This is different than the library. This time V /yearned/ for hoseok to come back to him unconditionally. And yet hoseok chose not to. It was not like before when V was the one who didn’t yearn so strongly for hoseok that after he left, he had forgotten that feeling. This would be different and, though he doesn’t know how, V would learn it soon enough when you leave, and he doesn’t forget but still is helpless to do anything about it since you made your decision to stay in your world already. V closed his eyes. It started to hurt not holding your hands. It started to hurt so much, he let that small pain lingering in the back of his mind go. With an exhale, he opened his eyes.* okay, Hoseok.

I’m very sorry I cannot be the way you desired for me to be. *he winces at the necklace sound on his bedside table.* That you saw it as using you. It shows how terribly different we think…so I do not blame you. It is your world afterall. The way you think of love or relationships is not mine. But because it is yours, in your world, you always deserve better.

*he stares at the necklace and pulls it up in his palm. It looks shattered like him. Trying so hard. How foolish he feels. And yet he turns to you with nothing but sadness in his eyes as he pulls out your dorm card and hands it to you. Even if it’s useless now as he doesn’t need it anymore to enter, the gesture still broke something in him he still couldn’t figure out the location of as the phrase “this is over” continues replaying in his head.* there was always use for you. For me, there was- even broken. …hoseok I know this seems arrogant of me to you but….may I please kiss you one last time? You do not have to say yes. But you /were/ my favorite slave. Even if you do find love, I want to remember you and you as well as me. You may refuse… *his eyes look downcast as his hand reaches but stays a distance away from your cheek. It is your choice to close the distance and feel him one last time or walk away and never see or feel him again.*

*all necessary. Lord V thought watching the young V stand alone without looking at anything except hoseok. The older didn’t coddle nor comfort his younger host. He only looked on coldly to his host’s shattering self, willing for it to break faster. How nostalgic. It reminded him of that time the radio played the song the original hoseok had shown him. After he erased the original hoseok’s mind of Dr. V or Kim Taehyung, he sat in his car and this song had ironically been playing in the radio. The doctor had smirked at how unironic it was. Trey Song’s Heart Attack. But this time instead of the lyrics having a meaning of still “climbing here inside these walls breaking each others’ hearts, it had felt like those same lyrics were *laughing at him. Those walls had grown immovable. And their love didn’t keep them together*

*but would the last kiss do anything? Yes. Without the kiss, it would take longer and prolong this bittersweet time apart. With the kiss, that time would reduce. As it would be V’s own memory he’d hold dearly. So it’s up to hoseok how long this bittersweet time would last.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@kim taehyung *When Hoseok firstly searched the topic alone, he was overwhelmed and definitely scared by some ‘masters’ and their posts. It took him some time to actually sign in and speak up, criticizing the closed-minded ‘big boys’ because that's what he was calling them. Did that change anything? Probably not, but if he can give a stranger a courage boost, someone who actually tries to be a good master despite their looks, then it’s undoubtedly worth it.*

*The poor, sad heart fought against the pain. Hoping, yet your words slowly put that light out. Hoseok resisted your touch, just curling and holding himself, for protection but also for comfort. Maybe you chose him wrongly. You must clearly see how emotional and loving he was. How good he treats his friends, even when they were awful. How he always asks, making sure you or others are okay. Perhaps you did hope for yourself that this emotional side won’t be developed into love for you. Because it’s always complicating things. was so easy for you, focusing on pleasure and body and not other mind and feelings. How stupid Hoseok was, to even agree to this. That soft boy with a soft heart. It was a mistake on his part, he should have let you go then and avoid the massive heartbreak he was now facing.*

*Your words cut deeply, though the skin and bone, scarring his heart forever, and he couldn’t utter another word. He needed to hear this, he needed to let you destroy him and his superficial feelings to get better later. This way, maybe he will be able to hate you to feel better later. Ah, the future was unable to take away the pain he was feeling now. The weight that’s crushing his lungs when you gripped his chin and made him look at you. He weakly shook his head as a no, unable to ask why exactly you wanted to break his body this much. If so, why not kill him instead, what’s use for a broken body? Body that won’t be able to dance anymore?*

*When you move away, be ready to speak your mind. Hoseok had a break he needed. He took a deep breath in, getting ready for the attack. In his mind he built the wall, thick and tall, using every ounce of his power. Then another one, just for support ,less thick, just there in case, the first fall and lastly, another barrier. Just for his heart to catch all the broken pieces. He was ready and prepared to survive the painful blow. Or so he thought.*

*His head falls, his glossy gaze focused on the material pattern as he listens to your monologue. /Short-minded goals, huh…/ he thought, the bitter taste in his mouth, but he stayed quiet. You were not wrong, but you were not right either. Because for Hoseok love was all above. The greed and need for another person, the gestures, the fights, the , the peaceful moment, and passionate ones. It was all raw, living emotions in moments. He was the lucky one with a loving family. He grew up watching his parents, loving each other in gesture. His father waking up earlier to make coffee for his mother, even if he was the one leaving the house later than her, and his mother making two dishes, all the same yet much more spicy for his father. The grateful smiles from both sides, both feeling appreciated and loved. Despite the years, the fights, and problems. They were each other's strength, and he admired them.*

*The way you so carefully explained in detail how much you don’t believe in love, and how unimportant and insignificant it was. How stupid and weak he was for even thinking that you would care. No. *

/He will only, ever be a good and nothing else./

*Something in his eyes change, they hold no emotions, no spark. They were glossy with drying tears, but they carried a far away look. Hoseok was no longer there. This was just a shell. The pain in his body disappeared, his shoulders relaxed, and the trembling chin stopped as he swallowed down all the hurt.*

/He was done./

*When you touched his hands, holding them in yours he stared at them, unmoved, before he pulled them out. There was no reason for you to hold them. It was a stupid, insignificant gesture, reserved for weak humans in love.*

You forgot that I am a human. I have always been a mere human being. Weak and emotional. You knew that, and you used the way it was convenient for you. *He answered, with a low, tired voice. The walls in his mind shook, as the other, hidden Hoseok cried from the intense pain he was in, but couldn’t do anything to stop it.* I am broken now, there is no use for me. *He bowed his head as his fingers unclasped the diamond choker, then he leaned over to the night table, to take the other, longer necklace out, before he placed both pieces in your hand.* Please give me back my dorm card. This is over. * Even if you tried to read his mind you wouldn’t be able to do that. It was filled with a white noise, his body numb. *

/Congratulations Taehyungie, you finally did it. You broke him./

*The other Hoseok thought, holding the hurting soul close. Trying to smooth the pain. *
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [1/2]

*Taehyung might not be well-versed in showing his appreciation or gratefulness once he figured out that his dear pet had an account in a community website and even tried to defend others like him. But he definitely made sure his actions spoke volumes by giving it to you very well that night when he found out- despite saying nothing about the situation or the fact that he even discovered about it or the ignores he was elated that you did to the disgusting masters. He was just not the type to acknowledge his knowledge of secret situations until he knew it was time to. Not to mention, he knew you could be easily embarrassed or shy had he confronted you so head on about the account*

*he’s very good at noticing and even predicting things like these, yes. But there’s one thing he’s just lacking in predicting and this is feelings. And just because he can smell something now, he was yet to put two and two together. Maybe if everything was finalized and you decided to leave him after confessing your love, he’d finally realize, at least supernaturally, he could read emotions and that what you were feeling at that time was despair mixed with love. But that hasn’t happened yet; there was no space of gap after the conversation to allow Taehyung to think yet.*

*if there was any residual doubt from yesterday in his mind of his masterdom or today when “beautiful” was used for him, when you spoke about his arms in the cuddles, it quickly faded away into nothing. Taehyung’s smile gleaned as he continued to hold you close before shaking his head.* of course not, beautiful. I enjoy it too. Your body may be average to other humans but to me it is perfectly small in my arms and fits so smoothly in the notches of my hold. *he caressed your cheek and started to on your neck soft hickeys. How adorable you are. * again* only mine.

No…? *his playful low giggling voice suddenly paused in cold confusion. He truly thought your love would allow him to take advantage of you as his slave who would do anything for him to please him. What a nice bargain, no? So when you moved away from being held so tightly against him, his “loving” eyes turned to that same cold confusion matching his voice before starting to grow distant. The heat was slowly moving away from his body. And though your whimpers as you tried to remove yourself from his grip were y, because he was being considerate of how rough he was, he didn’t push you down- even though he thought that you were whimpering because you secretly wanted him and not because you were at all hurt despite the black smell growing thicker. Maybe it’s his twisted mindset but afterall, why /else/ would a man whimper so ily?*

*But it seemed like nothing mattered between each inch you left his protective master-hold. And then when you wrapped yourself around your beautifully small body, he bit his lip. It was hurting. Hurting to see his precious slave that he was supposed to protect, protect himself. His favorite slave was not relying on the trust between them anymore but whatever sickeningly sweet idea that was love. He reached out to try to pull you back in but each second without you acknowledging you cared for him was starting to dawn on his growing colder body. What? What no…he thought in a hardening tone. Is this really happening again? After finally becoming your master you were about to pull back? Again? Surely you were not planning to play hard to get now after such a confession? Surely…*

*But as you explained what you /actually/ wanted, at the word dates his eyes grew darker. Colder. More himself. It was happening again. The two worlds that could not understand each other. You didn’t understand. How could he even make you understand. Suddenly, his throat felt irritated in dryness* Superficial… *he muttered full of the cold tone as you continued to speak. Valentines too? Hah. What a laugh…but at the sudden warmth as you lean your forehead against his chest, his heart beats albeit slowly. He wanted to stay like this. He truly did. But first, he needed to know. Was there no way to close this gap between our two worlds? Could he not convince you that dating meant nothing to him? Could he not convince you to stay with him as is?*

*But then you began speaking about love. It felt warm. The taste as your tears wet your eyes but struggled to stay inside were delicious. The way you spoke about him. How in love you were? You didn’t cite just his master self in your anecdote. You even cited his unusual quirks and even his mind. He couldn’t help but feel at least a bit of warmth on his chest despite it not coming from your chest. How nice…to feel such a strong emotion. How frightening as well.*

*How…different we were from each other as well….And at that last realization, suddenly, he couldn’t feel anything warm anymore. We were just too different. You did not want what he could provide you. He did not desire what you could provide him. He tried his very best too. To get you to see how delightful being his slave was during our time together. He treated you so perfectly inside and outside of bed. Made sure you felt special after . The best aftercare. And yet, you still wanted to feel special. He tried his best to make you learn and slowly shape you to be his perfect diamond in the rough. His “the one.” And you succeeded. Or so he thought…but with your words, he clearly had been wrong this whole time. Apparently, you had such emotions as these and he had not noticed any of them. So here all of that he was struggling his hardest to cultivate with his human that was supposed to be his “the one” was suddenly gone. All of it gone in but a second. All because of one idea you uttered. Date. It was like a stain on our relationship. Our supposed to be perfect relationship. Though we were a master and a slave, we were both consenting adults that were supposed to be equal parties. That trust. That understanding. It was all but broken.*

Yes to the above? What does that mean? *he watched coldly into your eyes as you go into this long spiel. When you didn’t answer, he tried again* let me confirm something with you hoseok. Would you or would you not allow me to temporarily dislocate your shoulder? Maybe even permanently? *he gripped your chin to look up at him.* you seem to claim you love me right? Then you should be able to do at least this much for me, even die for me, right? *Now all he wanted to know if there was nothing he could gain.*

*He was struggling to find a silver lining, a reason to keep you, even if his own master self was starting to feel helpless. Like he had been only prolonging the inevitable. He should’ve known from the beginning. But he thought he could shape you to want to be with the him he was. His true “the one.” And when you finally said fine to his masterdom, he thought he succeeded in that last step. Now he knows with what you wanted we were just too different.. But here he was still hoping for any strings he could use.*

*Still, he wasn’t completely ready to call it the end just yet. Maybe if he shows you how he thinks about your desires of dating, he could convince you to see it from his side. That maybe you too would feel the same way he felt. Just as long as he explained things and opened your eyes. Very similar to how he tried his best to quell you in the library that first time he rejected your proposal. He didn’t want that to happen again. And if he let go too quickly, maybe this time he’d lose you. Permanently.*

*As he waited for your answer, he tried* but hoseok…why do you think things like dating actually matter? Isn’t that superficial of you, Hoseok? *he gets up to stand. He needed to stand away so he could speak clearly and more resolved than melting into an embrace that now seemed to scathe at his very core. He was very much struggling with the fact he wanted to put more effort versus his own recognition and fear that he was turning into the very thing he despised. Those humans that started to fall for another to the point of compromising their own sanity.*

*He just knew you could do it. You would bring him his downfall. You would make him something he didn’t want to be. If he did this much for you to get you as a master and slave then…who knows the extreme of a boyfriend he could be trying to follow the human norm. Never did he once think the way he pined for you to even be so much as a slave was healthy either. You thought he gave up on you but he secretly never did, waiting and hoping for the time you’d finally give into him. So even when he gave up on you, if he saw you with another, he might’ve snapped-no- he definitely would have and chained you to his room. Just to be his slave.*

*So in addition to not believing in dating, this in itself was very daunting…that he could’ve gone to the very extreme and became such a thing he despised* First of all, Hoseok. The relationship between a master and slave is far more stable than any superficial “love” that the human mind believes in. Dating and love are such short-minded goals you have, hoseok. They all are menial in comparison to my own. So I hold your hand and you will remain complacent? I give you a gift and you will accept even if I give the same next time? No, the human mind is greedy. Selfish. Even in terms of ual attraction. Have you ever seen a long-lasting couple who has /not/ had infidel thoughts about another with their mind? They may not act on them but they do have them, Hoseok. And that is because the guilt and shame of being different or hurting their partner that, what you call “loyal” humans, force themselves not to act on their desires.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [2/2]

So in general, when left to solely their own emotions, people will always yearn for more and more until more is just not enough. A relationship run solely on emotions will never be stable. Relationships ran on solely truth, communication and trust are. Of course, this opinion is mine so you may have your own. After a few failures of not meeting the other’s expectations, I do not date anymore nor do I value it. But I’ve seen it time and time again. Humans losing themselves in a false promise.

And you? *he smiles gripping your chin.* you have lost yourself, my beautiful human. *then he sighs and continues talking after letting go of your chin. And what is more saddening is (if hoseok says no to dying for V: “that I cannot take advantage of it, Hoseok and that you”) that you think I would put myself in such a decrepit world. Void of any meaning to me. Void of any truth or equality.

And you say you want all of me to yourself. Do you truly know what that means? It means that if I grow ravenous for your body, I would not let you go anywhere or escape my clutches until I’ve done your body so good. Every day. That means you should be ready to respond to my every beck and call. Even if you have an exam or dance competition but I ask for you. And you have not been doing that, Hoseok. You were unavailable for /weeks/ Hoseok. It has frustrated me how much I’ve desired to you but you’re not there. Luckily, I can stave it off with others. But if you will not allow that, how can I even /begin/ to allow such a thing as exclusivity on my side? Rather than cheating, multiple partners is but a safety net for you as it is for me. And I am sad to say you do not yearn for my ual presence as much as I do yours.

And you expect such superficial acts when dating on Valentine’s Day? A commercial holiday humans who love money made to monopolize on human emotions? It is adorable how hopeful you are but yet I cannot forgive the fact you want to drag such a meaningless lifestyle even into a day that originally had no meaning at all. How unsightly to do such things on valentines…it is as if one needed such a day to parade around their lovers “love” for each other. How it is has become a contest to humans rather than true intentions. The greater the greed, the harder the downfall. This specific “special” day also has become well know to many cheaters as well. After Christmas, it is the most cheating-filled holiday. It is because of their greed. Expecting such a special day to turn out perfectly can cause any human to resort to infidelity when another does better in their pursuit of love than their partner or vice versa. So no. I do not believe in humans taking advantage of such a day.

*then he held both your hands so you can look up at him standing by the side of the bed. Oh how he wanted to push you down and take you once he saw those delicious tears. But you’d push him away. Maybe he could lie and say he loves you too. But that was not good for him. Expecting him to date when he didn’t know the first thing about it. He could not fake something he cannot do* hoseok…I have /never/ fallen in love with another, my beautiful. Nor do I date other humans. I do not believe in such a superficial world and yet… *his eyes grow a hint of cold and sad blended in*…my favorite slave does. You must know…this saddens me much, beautiful. That the human I desire all to myself wants something more than all that I can give him. And now knowing how I feel about all these topics, what do you think now? Do you understand? Or… *his eyes grow sadder as he tried to stay strong* have I truly lost you already to the ways of the human norms…?
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V *Hobi was just a bit aware of the whole stereotypical master idea, when he was researching the topic, considering Taehyung offer. He spent he time in forums and chats, even fought back when he saw something he disliked. The sunnyshuss was nothing but dedicated, criticizing the closing of 'masters' in such limiting frames. Not many agreed with him, mostly masters who very belittled for their look, and babies who 'tried'. Yet, still. Hoseok believed that even one person could make a difference, so he was pleased with the little positive follow up, even if he ends up with very nasty offers in his private inbox. *

*In his eyes you were everything. Not only handsome and y, but simply beautiful. Which fashion department agreed on. You have your own cute moments, when you were behaving like dongsaeng, rare moments but cherished by Hoseok. Especially when he lightly teased you and the following confusion. He adored it. All your side has a certain impact on him, when he either wants to whine and beg, or just hold you in his arms, trying not to coo. Hoseok was simply in love, and it was hard to stop his heart.*

I always want cuddles. I am a cuddly monster after all, and your arms are not only big enough for me to hide in them, but holds me strong and close, squishing me so close to you. So in a way, it is your arm's fault, as well as yours. *To make a point, he melted into you, hiding his face in your shoulder.* I just like being help by you, my master, is that bad?

*Hoseok observed your reaction carefully. You looked as you weren't exactly sure what he meant, and that not only bring more sadness to his heart but more feelings for you too. So, he stayed quiet, for a moment, giving you time to analyze it slowly, looking at your face. A spark of hope bloomed in his heart when you pulled him closer, kissing so nicely and slowly. Yet, the more you talk, the more his heart sink, slowly drowning in sadness.
/His feelings mean nothing./
It was just another way for you to get his body and use it as you wish, and that realization was so painful, that he whimpered softly, moving away from your kisses, reaching out to rub his chest, and looking down, at your chest, his eyes glossy, but he wasn't crying. He was just in pain.*

No.. *He whispered slowly, wrapping his arms around himself as if that could help his breaking heart from falling apart.* I am in love with you. I want to be with you, not as a slave but as a partner. I would like to hold your hand, take you out for dates. Give you chocolate for Valentine's Day. All the silly stuff couples do. Yes, to all above, but that no longer would be just for pleasure. I would like to make love to you. I would like to call you my boyfriend. Just spending time with you would be special because I would be able to spend my time with my special person, and I would like to be your special person. Your only baby. I want to have you all for myself, or sharing you with other slaves. That would be cheating.

*He rested his forehead on your chest because that was too much, too much pain for his heart. Especially when you talked about his shoulder. You still only saw his body for pleasure.*

I wasn't in love in the beginning, but I am now. I want you all for myself. I will never be satisfied with current deal, and relationship. I will always want more, and It will destroy me. But you don't love me back. You do not believe in love. *He looked up, at your face, his eyes full of tears now, chin trembling, but he tried to be strong.* I am in love with Kim Taehyung, a bit awkward nerd, who like watching anime , but who has a very interesting mind hidden under messy orange hair. Who loves junk food and obedience, and who's hoodies are the most comfy in the world. I love when you are not exactly happy when I am treating you like dongsaeng, but still letting me do that. The same boy who is trying his best to take care of me in every possible way and who should be my hyung instead. Many, many small things and big as well. I adore every side. It took me a while, but you turned from a stranger I desire to Kim Taehyung, comfort person, safe person, my person, my master. Kim Taehyung the boy I love.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *as much as he believed and trusted in hoseok’s intentions, it wasn’t the fact hoseok might’ve been belittling him that caught him off guard. It was because such a word in his past as a master /was/ engrained in him that naturally, he had his own beliefs about them. Using it against him like that would only worsen the act- no matter the true intention. And to him, being called pretty as a master was both an insult and a method to look down on those who did not fall into stereotypes. He should know since he does not look like your stereotypical master.*

*In the beginning, he started it for boredom and to pass the time after he’d finish his schoolwork and the stress it caused. It was a nice way to relieve himself. Now, though he wasn’t particularly passionate about it, he knew much about it after his major. And getting into such a community as a master was such a difficult feat as everyone regarded him as a bottom because of his “adorable features” and “pretty looks.” Some people even tried to top him using those words and so it gave a poor taste in his throat. So yes, it might’ve been unfair for hoseok to be glared at for something he did not do, but Taehyung /did/ have his own reasons that it was hard to not let go of*

*You were. You were the only one who received this treatment. This side of Taehyung. Yes, as a master he was attentive but never this extremely day by day, hour by hour watching your every gesture and expression type of attentive. And, though he would only know it later when you cut him off from you, /you/ were the reason why that strong scent affected him so but wouldn’t as much so with his next victims.*

*he kissed you happily with his low giggles, holding you close like you deserve. Like he wanted as his voice was more low while waking up.* well I thought you wanted something else though I’m relieved to see it’s cuddles. But morning, beautiful. *grins rectangularly as he saw you wince. He completely forgot how wrecked you were from last night. He tried to gulp back the sudden extremely powerful lust as he smelled that reddish black smell yet again as he nods, smiling at your thoughts about him though he had to hesitate on the word beautiful. As a master, yet again.*

*But he’s less disheveled than yesterday with how he missed you then ravaged you like his whole depended on it* alright no second round until my favorite slave gets better then. Did you sleep well? *though why did your hesitant thoughts get clearer as you reached to touch his nose and he leaned forward? He had no clue. Well…until he did.*

*love? That silly concept? That concept that had evaded him since he could remember? That love…? He thought as he stood there. There was no pain in his eyes. There was no anger either. Just confusion. He’s had been confessed to time and time again so why now did he find it hard to even digest the fact that even the guy he’s been working so hard to get, finally did obtain. Then worked so hard to convince to be his slave and finally did receive his exclusive slave. That /this/ man loved him?*

*he stayed there, looking into your eyes and the scent was stronger now than before. The black as well. You looked very serious. So serious it touched him. But it frightened him as well. But you did not say anything else so he tried to now understand what he could do next. What /could/ he do. He sits up and pulls you into his lap with your back against his chest as he pulls your face back and kisses you* so because you are in love with me… *he tries to think* would you let me… *his hand leans forward to your crotch before stroking your pretty in his hand* touch you *he kissed your nape near your hairline as “lovingly” as he could.* like this? Even during studying gif your exam. Even under your college papers? On the desk as you work? *you’ve never let him, making him go on for days at a time without your delicious body.*

*he eventually starts to kiss you harder, getting carried away with all the possible access that was opened to him. If you love him, that seemed so very advantageous for him. Could he do the things you always banned him from doing? Humans tend to do crazy things when they’re in love. He knew that from his time observing others when he thought he was human, noticing their behavior and knowing how it would never go over well with someone like him* would you love me even if I… *he hovers over your shoulder* temporarily dislocate this part of you? *he kisses the slope of your shoulder as he tangled his fingers in yours* like I’ve always wanted?
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V *Hoseok didn't call you pretty to insult you in any way. In his mind you admired you for your confidence and need to hide your beauty, to avoid people who wanted to use you just because of that. In his eyes you were confident, owning the word 'pretty', not taking it as insult. Oh, how wrong he was. He would never expect that, so maybe it's for the better that you didn't let him know how displeased you would be, hearing that. Yet, after so much time, you would still think that Hoseok would belittle you. Which shows how little you actually know him. He was kind, he was treating people with respect. You were at top of his list of 'amazing people who deserve kindness' along with his parents and sister.*

*Nothing you did tonight make him think 'humiliation'. No. It was 'how endearing'. Even now, when he knew exactly how his confession will end things he was glad that he loved you, that he fall for you. He appreciated you for many gestures, for how patient you were with him, for how tolerating you were towards dancing, when you now know how important it was. How you remind him that he should eat, and drink. Even if it was just your master side, he would like to think he was a bit more special than your other pets, and that he was the only one who got that treatment. Which wasn't, probably wise and definitely not truth, but it calmed his heart.*

/Just like last night, when after such intense ing he fell asleep in your arms, feeling so safe. How could he belittle someone, who gave him that feeling?/

Morning Taehyungie, it looks like I climbed you in my dreams, so you could hold me... *He greeted you with a lazy smile on his face, gently stretching in your arms, closing is eyes for a moment, and resting his forehead on your cheek. * Ow... *He grimaced, when you touched his , massaging it. He was sore. No wonder since he took you all in raw. He huffed, trying to ignore the discomfort.* No, I think my poor suffering needs a break... oh my. *He whines, before he gently rolls over, slipping back on the mattress, but still in your arms, hugging you.*

*He basked in your presence, in your soft pecs and touch, taking it all in. His poor heart required that, trying to preserve it because he will definitely need that later. Hoseok took his time, focusing on your glowing features, tanned, soft skin, glowing orange hair. His favorites moles, your perfectly shaped lips, stunning eyes. You were handsome, but you were also simply breathtaking, beautiful. Son of Aphrodite. Yet again, that was just your look, the whole treasure lies deep under all the beauty. Hoseok knew.*

*He smiled listening to your words, trying to stop himself for breaking this moment, but his urgent heart pushed, begged. Hoseok cave in, reaching out to boop your nose, but his finger instead of quickly moving back stayed in place, just moving on your lips, to trace them.*

I'm in love with you. *He whispered, quietly at first, as if to gauge your reaction to give himself a bit more courage, his finger not gently taping at your chin, but apart from that, he was still in your arms, while his heart was racing.* I'm in love with you, Taehyungie. *He repeated it again, louder this time. The smile on his face slowly changing into a painful and a and a sad one.* I love you, Kim Taehyung. I am sorry.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *taehyung didn’t fall as he hovered over you. His new silver convertible’s buttons were motorized so he had been positioning both seats back and kissing you as his hand expertly but quickly turned and held the knob buttons down on your side as the seat slowly started to move, push back then lean forward after each knob he had turned. The arm rest though didn’t need an automated button. Instead, he lifted the lever under the front to push it backwards so he could kiss you more freely.*

*But yes, there /was/ a time tonight in this car when hoseok would see taehyung /actually/ make a mistake or seem like he did enough for you to comfort him. That time would be later when the strong scent that was coming from you would make his hands start to tremble. And it would feel like he was smelling something otherworldly. Something he didn’t deserve to possess. But he craved to possess it nonetheless. Then he would grin against your soft giggles. But, though like usual, he tried to play along, this time he didn’t want to be playful with you. He wanted to make your body writhe under him. All because those kisses you were giving were too much to ignore any longer and how you thanked him for being here sparked his need in you. With those unwavering eyes that looked up at him like you trusted him. And so as you tried your best to make him feel comforted as you would do being your typical self, he was fighting to respond but also get to his favorite part about holding you.*

*Your eyes. Your eyes was /his/ favorite part. How they looked into his soul. How they asked, no begged him to break you even more. And especially when they’d well up with tears of emotion mixed with pain and pleasure? When they did that, it felt like it was the cherry on top. Still, rather than his nose falling on you back then and you comforting him, it was later here when his hands were just struggling a bit more to hold onto the sides of your seat that you tried to comfort him in a similar way if not the exact same. You somehow noticed it and, in a bit of humiliation, he gave a curt nod as you continued to comfort him when he didn’t need nor ask for it. He was still recovering though, so other than a small smile to try and seem amiable to his lovely slave, his face stilled as he felt it like a blow to his pride. Did you notice that? He thought he hid it well. Clearly he did not. He was faltering. As if in disbelief such a smell was making him waver as he barely heard your compliment in his already strong humiliation, trying to regain the reigns of his masterdom that was crumbling in a way he didn’t want. And if it wasn’t for how strong your scent was that could pull him to let go of his pride as well as the word you uttered “master”, this scene would go /much much/ more differently.*

*first of all. That compliment he didn’t hear: pretty. It was a thorn to his side and would’ve tasted like disgusting and expired sour milk in his stomach if he wasn’t so stuck on his humiliation. He was already extremely embarrassed and didn’t like the feeling of being this way one bit- even if you /did/ find him endearing in your eyes. Trembling and being caught by his slave was just too much for his masterdom. Yes, it was true that now he was fine with losing control of his masterdom some of the times. But even those times were specific situations that didn’t completely humiliate him. For example, letting you touch his body as he devoured you completely? That was fine. He was still in control and his slave wouldn’t question his masterdom. Same with those times when he was being a bit more than lenient with you during your punishments. Again, he was not truly humiliated to lower his hand. But trembling and being noticed for it in front of a slave? Slave aka in front of the very definition of a being that needed to know their master was in control or they’d lose some form of respect and fear for the other? That was true humiliation for not being dominant enough. And right now with your loving kisses that he’d usually enjoy or at least tolerate, you’re doing that to him. Belittling his worth as your master. It was plain mortification.*

*So add that onto the possibility he knew he was being called the same way as his pets from his own slave? Words like pretty? He’d have found himself pulling back. Then his eyes would grow cold, irked when you call him that word with a harsh tone of disgust “pretty? …me?” His eye would have twitched continuing with a scoff “are you joking with me?” Then a dry chuckle with “This must be a joke” Before trying to punish you for insulting him because he needed to show who was truly the boss.*

*but luckily, because he was too fixated on the first part- the mortification for his trembling being noticed- none of that rest happened. If it did and he /did/ hear you call him pretty right while he was still feeling humiliated, this scene would’ve been cold and ruthless. Rather than two parts of a whole missing and coming together as one in Taehyung’s car, it would truly be like any cold time Taehyung ed you. And for some reason, Taehyung did not want that. Fortunately, now your scent was just too strong that at least after recovering from the humiliation, rather than pushing away, he wanted to feast on it so much more than anything else. Not to mention the word “master” from your lips and your motivation for using it had thwarted away any of his other worries he had currently. He knew vaguely why you called him “master” and he smiled at that. From your thoughts it seemed like it was not out of pity, but out of respect for your master and a way to remind him you actually /wanted/ him to be in control.*

*Now he was calm and focused again though the rush of the scent only grew strong and he had to ask you to see if you knew something about it. Basically he wanted to know if you were you lying to him aka if you cheating on him. You didn’t answer this question and answered the question of trust instead. But he gained both of his answers with your thoughts as he caressed your lips with his thumb* I do wish one day hoseok you will be willing to let me even do what you would not want to you…*he smiled onto your lips at the thought he could one day be put above your occupation and goals. Like an ideal master in his eyes could* but I understand. Why I cannot. Do not worry…

*and with that he made due on our agreement. Murmuring out a* breathe, Hoseok *as well. But there was no more patience in him and the taste. Whatever it was, smelled delicious. Especially when the black stuff that was mixed in it. He feasted on your body that night but when your legs grew weaker, you started to shout no. It made him wonder if he should pull back despite clearly being too late to do so; he could feel he was getting nearly full. But he still reminded you* hoseok…your safe…word…*as he exhaled as you rode him then beckoned you to the back for the last round.* do not forget to use your safe word if you truly cannot take the pain or pleasure, Hoseok.. *And as long as you didn’t use your safe word but just kept yelling no in heightened pleasure, V kept ing into you, kissing your neck as his cravings were finally quelled after the 4th round. He could have ed you for even longer as a true demon now that can manipulate its victim. But you were not just any victim. You were his first yes. But you were also still his dear slave*

*it was hard not to want to hug hoseok in his sleep. But when he woke up with a hoseok on top of him, his eyes narrowed unsure what was going on. He easily had felt his masterdom being threatened. That is until he sees how the sunlight shines against your own pretty skin. but pretty. But this is a new sight for him. It was still morning? Didn’t he barely sleep yesterday? Yet he’s awake this early? And even then why did it feel like sleeping did nothing? Yes, the dreams were all there. Just this time he easily could wake up. He massaged your arm as you lay on top of him* good morning beautiful *his hands easily sunk down to your compared to his half body. He started to massage your cheeks and grind against your figure.* does my favorite slave want another round? *he smiled pushing the hair out of your sweaty hair* my you were very lewd yesterday. So perfect *he smacks a hand across your as he grinds his pants against you.*

*despite how ual his behavior was, if yesterday his face was perfect and handsome in the dim light, he suddenly looked even better today. His body was still lanky yes but his face had more life. Not to mention he was even more stunning than before. It looked like it was glowing. Like a model. No, more than that. It looked like he was unreal. His tanned skin looked warm and felt like it was being kissed by the sun despite it being even colder to the touch than yesterday. His face highlighted near his cheekbones and the sunlight hit his face and yours perfectly as he kissed more and more of your skin, flipping you around with a chuckle as he kissed your shoulders then neck then hugged you to him* i missed you hoseok. Very much… *he kisses your lips* so much… when will the dance competition be rescheduled to? *he smiles caressing you.* this time since i know, I plan to have my complete fill of my favorite slave before they have to take you from me. *he giggled lowly as he continued to peck your skin, so very unaware of what you were planning.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V *Avoiding your question was always risky, but nothing was deemed more important than being close to you. The lack of space, the uncomfortable position. Nothing as long as he could kiss your lips, and be close. Make the final moments more precious because he knew that soon enough he will be left alone with a gaping hole in his chest and just memory of your lips. *

*He leaned against the cushion, welcoming your familiar weight on top, and once again pulling you closer. How nice it was to hear your words, that you missed him. Hoseok wished he could fool himself and believe that you missed him the same way he missed you... will miss you. You were a force and primal need, yet still much more gentle than usual. Maybe because he wasn't like your typical pet, for Hoseok, no matter how rough was always more than just physical touch and pleasure. Not just body need but soul as well, it was his way to connect with you more, to ask sometimes silly questions, to make you happy. Like now, his soft giggles filled the space when your hand slipped from the edge of the backrest, and you fell softly on his chest, losing your balance for a few seconds. He gently patted your head, asking if your nose is okay, and even after the confirmation, he still leaned closer to check and kiss it, then nodding.* True, still pretty and handsome for me.

*He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes but intently listening to your question, before he smiled gently.* I trust you, master. *Hoseok knew that this will make you happy, even if he still wanted to use your name more. Calling you master gave you the power and stability you needed. Balancing you out so perfectly. He learned that a long time ago, and maybe sometimes took advantage of it, but always for a mutual pleasure. Was he afraid of pain? Always, that was the main difference between him and your other pets. Pain means no dancing, and no dancing means sadness. Yet, he trusted you enough, and his Taehyungie always fulfilled his promises. His body may be marked with bites and hickeys, but able to dance and that was the most important.*

*His eyes filled with tears, and you push yourself inside for the first time. The pain was there, and he stiffened, clasping his hands on your forearms, biting his lips to hold back a whimper. The feeling of your raw was intense, and he yelped, reminding himself to breathe, slowly, in and out. It took him sometime to relax, and find his pleasure in you, and when he did, you turned him into a whiny, begging mess. You pushed against his limits, his body protesting, overstimulated yet taking you in and for you again. He was trembling, calling your name and calling for his master. Begging you to stop because he couldn't take it anymore. The pleasure blinding him, and he was crying still pulling you closer, wrapping his arms around you and kissing you and wail quietly about “Taehyungie, that's enough. No more... ah, no more!”. Yet no, you wouldn't listen making him ride, and he did, big tears running down his cheeks, as he listens to your voice calling his name, urging him to break his limits for you, and give you more and more pleasure. Only to finally give up, resting on your body and almost immediately falling asleep. Well spent, tired, with aching muscles, but in your arms. *

*He wasn't aware of anything, just comforting black void, as he rests. When you lied his body on bed, and slipped next to him, he moved closer, seeking your warmth, curling against you, murmuring something, or maybe was it just a quiet happy hum of content. *

*Hoseok woke up first, somehow in his sleep he moved up, holding your head in his arms, while your face was pressed into his stomach, which was a very rare occurrence, usually when he was restless or before competition, and needed to move in his sleep. Adding your constant need to touch resulted in very weird positions in the morning, even with him on top of you. Hoseok giggled softly, and started to run his fingers through your hair, slowly and gently no wanting to wake you up just yet, happy with this perfect morning bliss. *

*Last few minutes before he will have to face you and confess his feelings. He just knew there was no point in waiting anymore. He won't be able to hold back his needy heart. He brings you closer, pressing his lips to the top of your hair, leaving a kiss there, his heart filled with so much love for you.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *taehyung or V wasn’t certain what to make when he walked out of the car, forgetting to look at his phone anymore to find you with your knees up. You looked very sad and fragile as your tears threatened to flow. But also very adorable. Something pulled at him to protect you from the dangers of the world. He never saw someone so pretty in this sadness. But enough mulling about why. It was too cold to be out here and talk. And he’d get his answer soon enough. And he did as he guided you back to his car and asked you as straightforward as he could what you wanted to do. He was ready. Even to drive how many hours to your family’s house if you needed to. He was ready.*

*but even he didn’t expect how you would pull him into a sweet kiss. Taehyung easily tilted his head to deepen it, sliding a tongue against your lips then maneuvering his tongue against yours and your gums.* hoseok I mean it. Ans- *but you already interrupted him with another deeper kiss before even against his lips. Then you thanked him for coming. That was enough. Enough for your ually frustrated for weeks master to forget what he needed to say. He now focused on the way our tongues started to tangle. Bodies started to mold and figures started to bolden as his hands worked fast after at first just gripping at your waist to kiss you that first time. Now as you threaded your delicate fingers into his hair and arched your back uncomfortably he kissed you as his hand positioned you back towards your seat.*

*Then he leaned over to position his and then your seat back. We’ve had in the car before but this felt so much more different than our random escapades of desire. That time he had nothing but lust in his mind when you yet again so much he drove to the back and ed you. This time his movements were slow. Not full of anger or the usual kind of lust. But need. He missed his perfect one of a kind slave. Everytime he stayed patient for you despite the many times you didn’t ask to have with him as much anymore, he lifted his brow confused. If we were that close, why did you avoid it until your own body would be shuddering in pleasure. Were you learning the gratification of holding off pleasure by yourself? Or was there more? But then that week you had to focus much more on that competition had came and he couldn’t even answer that quiet question he had. So not only did he feel lust but he was in great need of your very essence in you that was the main driving force to ask you to be his slave in the first place. Just that now he was unaware of how in need he was.*

*his movements were more slower than usual. Less aggressive and messy but a bit fast enough while still being slow enough to be clear and more driven to the point. And after both of our seats had been pushed back and leaned flat all the way, V had climbed over to tower over your side as you whispered how you missed him.* I as well… *then he starts grinding against you as you lay flat. He pushed most of his coat down his shoulders until he kneeled on the car floor in front of you in his black turtleneck sweater and pants* today let me see your pretty tears today. I don’t want to wait. I want to bury myself in you right now. Don’t worry I won’t push when your body cannot. I’ll make sure you don’t tear. Your body is much more pliable to swallow all of me now. But if you prefer more room, tell me and we can move to the back like before *he smiles encouragingly as he cups your cheek* I’m sure it will work. Hoseok, do you trust me?

*but then he smelled something. Maybe he had been smelling it ever since he had gotten into the car but now as he towered over you it was strong. It was sweet. It smelled like pink? No red. Reddish pink maybe? Wait…when could he smell color? /Why/ could he smell color? But then would reddish pink have such a bitter aftertaste? Wait…he could taste it too? He decided because he had no clue what was going on but maybe you did, it may be better to ask hoseok* you smell different than usual, beautiful. Are you lying to me right now? *what V didn’t know is that what he smelled was love. Yes, Taehyung could now read thoughts and emotions. At least powerful ones. It seemed like touching that tablet sacrificed more of his remaining humanity. All because he wanted to make sure his hoseok was safe.*

*His hands trembled as it placed itself near the sides of your seat not sure why it’s so overpowering. He was completely clueless and frightened at the smell. And then he started to make out how dark red it was. Was there black mixed in? The taste of tears? Whatever this mixed blend of bitter sweet smell was it was overwhelmingly…delicious. In the sense he wanted to keep smelling it again and again. Feast on it. It made his own eyes shut closed and succumb to it as it wafted from your body and through your thoughts. But even as it pushed him to consume you fully, he did make sure to not tear your hole despite entering into you raw. Exactly what he had ensured you. What you didn’t know was he was making your body and hole ready for his as he pretended to insert more of himself into you while kissing you against the seat and already ing into you. You felt pain but you did not tear or bleed. Just like his promise. Just like our contract. A demon? It seems like he truly was. Preparing you for him to ravage you*

*and that’s what he did that night to your body, consuming all of you in that sweet sweet but bitter smell of love as his sweat poured against your body each time you came for him. Missionary on your seat. Bareback flat as he tugged and choked your neck. Riding him as he sat and let you roll your hips against him. In the back doggy style. Until the car was a mess of our sweat and . All while your smell aded his mind and he moaned your name as well against your lips or your body* hoseok! *I love you. Your lips* hoseok ! *I love you. Your touch* hoseok! I’m ! * for me with those eyes my love*

*after your body was exhausted by him and came for him multiple times, he placed your sleeping body in the back seats. For some reason he wasn’t sleepy anymore like he’d always be after . Rather he felt more energy circulate his body than ever like he was depraved for so long. Very similar to how a fledgling vampire needed to taste real blood to become a true vampire. Except he wouldn’t have died as a demon. He pulled a blanket from his trunk and placed it on your body. Then he smiled thumbing your tears as the last remaining smell wafted into his nostrils* ve you…

*then he realized what he almost said and blinked. But he doesn’t right? He couldn’t. So why did he hear this from his very lips? He shakes his head. It must’ve been a spur of the moment confession like his other pets would do for him accidentally right after or during the of . He writes it off as this was just a long day for both of us.*

*Things were just too irregular. Surely once he returns with you back home things will be just the same as before. This was all just one big vivid dream. Feeling those feelings and acting on it too. He was eager to be back with his slave for so long. Nothing. And he does mean, nothing will interfere with how stable they were right now.*

*he continued driving until he picked you up to carry you and since you’re sleeping, he decided to check to see what part of the sleep cycle you were in. He gently lifted one of your eye lids and found your eye wasn’t moving. He let go as your eyelid closed gently. That meant you were in an NREM stage. Since you were in NREM right now and that meant you wouldn’t be dreaming, he teleported with you to your dorm room in his growing shadowy form. Then he laid you in the bed and climbed inside the sheets.*

*he smiled as he closed his eyes next to your sleeping body. He pulled you again into his chest then fell asleep with your warm body next to his. This. He wanted just this. He pressed his lips to your hair without kissing you as he had waited for a new day with you.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V To: ecchi master ( ̄﹃ ̄)
I was trying to catch a bus

*He texted back, on his breath wondering why did you assume that he was running away? You were messing with his head currently, and he has no idea what to do or say. He feels even worse, now calling himself not only a coward, but the dumb one as well. *

To: ecchi master ( ̄﹃ ̄)
Oh, you don't need to I think I should be fine...?
You are coming here, aren't you?

*Panic. That's what he felt right now. Cold, overwhelming panic. You are going to pick him up, and you will ask questions, look at him with your mesmerizing gaze, and he will break down. Because that's what he was doing, he was your pet, who now was trained and know how to obey. Hoseok was so scared. He was not ready to see you. Not used to the idea of love, not used to all the feelings in his heart with a proper name now. His heart was already happy because you cared about him enough to pick him up. The same heart wanted to jump into your arms the second he sees you, and kiss you and ask for forgiveness and kiss you again, maybe even begging you to take him in your car. What can he do now? Should he lie? Should he pretend that everything was fine? It wasn't! He was in love to his ing master, who also don't believe in love. Who also warned him about it? Who... was his Taehyungie. *

/. . ./

*His head suddenly felt so calm and empty, and he sat down on a cold bench, pulling his knee up under his chin, and wrapping his arms around it, focusing on crooked paving slabs, focusing on unevenness and fractures, and that's how you found him. He didn't even notice you at first, his gaze now unfocused, a bit watery too from not blinking for much too long. He blinked when he felt your hand, which surprisingly feel warm, probably because he was in the cold for a while. Hoseok let you pull him in, gasping slightly when he looked up at your handsome face, and outfit. He followed you without a word, like a scolded child, slipping into passenger seat. He heard your voice clear and loud, yet he couldn't find any to answer. Your eyes urgent him to answer, and he bit his lips, before he shyly reached out, to touch your face. Your skin was still so very soft, and he was yearning to touch it all day. Then, before you could repeat your question he leaned in, guiding you closer, and locking your lips together in a slow kiss. A soft moan escaped his lips, as a shiver went down his back, a familiar spark tugging on his heart, his head luckily still so pleasantly empty. His hand moved, slipping into your orange hair, massaging your scalp gently, with the tips of his fingers, the kiss turning into more passionate, until he needed to break it, so he could breathe. He closed his eyes, resting his forehead on you, murmuring a quiet 'thank you for coming', before he kissed you again, with a needy whimper. It wasn't as comfy, he could feel the armrest digging into his side, a bit of annoying pull on his muscles because he twisted himself weirdly, but that didn't matter. He just wanted to keep on kissing you. *

I missed you today... *He whispered lightly when he needed another break to catch his breath.* I missed you so much. I wanted to see you, Taehyungie. *He repeats, shyly and quietly, all the emotions crashing down on him and making him so desperate for more. Not even one thought focused on 'I'm in love with you'. It was just Taehyungie kiss me back, Taehyungie, touch me, please. Taehyungie, look at me. Taehyungie.... Taehyungie... Taehyungie...!*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago

@jung hoseok *taehyung or V paced around your room as he waited for a response. He continued to check the furniture until his phone vibrated in his hand- since he kept it right in his palm for when you’d answer. When he saw the text though, now more confusion went through his body and especially his mind. Running away? From what? Surely it couldn’t be him. He may command you do things you might be hesitant to do but he never hurt you purposely. It was part of our contract. So he quickly dismissed the thought of it being his fault from his mind. It must be something related to school. I mean, how could it be anything else right? And the way you wrote: it wasn’t like his typical hoseok’s style. Clearly, you were distraught or sad about something.*

*He bit his lower lip. He would’ve easily told you to come back home so we can talk about it. As your master, you’d obey him. But he knew he couldn’t wait that long when he has these powers now. Reluctant to do so, he pulled out the tablet like piece that he just knew the reason what it could be used for. And he knew what would happen if he used it, so he accepts those consequences. You’re too sad for him to ask where you are so he could pick you up. And the consequences are not as bad as how he’s being woken up. Maybe he’s even doing it in his sleep. He always discovers that his shovel is dirty when he hasn’t used it since his first victim which was long back before he met you.*

*He scanned for your name and found you. A station? Are you being childish? This feels so reminiscent of a teenager running away from home with just a backpack. Every teenager does try to once in their life. Some even succeed. The ones who did so never wanted to succeed, doing it so their family would pay attention to the fact they are unsatisfied with their living conditions. Could it be that? But what exactly are you unsatisfactory with? He puts his tablet back, it dematerializing into his back pocket. He texts you, appears beside his car then he starts driving in that direction for a while*

To: 3D Waifu [black heart emoji]
-Running? Like Running away?
-From what?
-I’ll come pick u up
-You are at a bus station right?

*awhile later, his silver convertible drives up and a tall man gets out and shuts the door behind him. Because it is a cold fall night, V is wearing his a hooded long jacket though the hood is down now. It was late and the last bus left for the night so all the people had left. All except you. V strides towards you as the wind spread lightly through his styled bright orange hair. He truly looked like a shadowy figure as the only thing that lighted the station were the dim yellow lights. There were no cars along this road given this was a more rural and/or suburban-like area than the city would have been. Then the tall man gripped at your wrist then waist* come *his low velvety voice was still firm but gentle as if coaxing a crying child.*
[face and hair:
Body and apparel: ]

*once he guided you back to his car and pulled the door open and shut it for you before sitting on his side with one hand on the steering wheel, he exhaled. He had noticed the packed luggage you carried.* Hoseok, you have two choices: You may come home back with me and we can talk about it. Or I will drop you off to where you want to go. You just have to let me know where that exactly is.
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V Damn it! *Hoseok complained loudly, not able to catch the bus that just left the stop. He jumped in a place frustrated with a driver, and huffed loudly, pushing his cold hands deep into his pockets, pouting angrily. Is that a sign from the universe that he should face his feelings. He tilted his head back, staring up at the sky with piercing eyes, then blew air out of his mouth, watching it turn to white vapor above his face. /What a coward huh./ He insulted himself in his mind, with an ugly, sad grin on his face. Hoseok wasn't sure what to do know. Truly ha no idea how to face you, how to hide his feeling. The love for you want to bloom, want to be noticed, accepted and appreciated, but that's not something you could give him. Resigned and defeated by his own thoughts, he collapsed onto the bench and pulled out his phone, reading your reply.*

To: ecchi master ( ̄﹃ ̄)
i'm not i was running
the competition was canceled, some issues with a scene, too dangerous or something
but thanks, i would do my best, i always do
the things you got for me, i wanted to show them off, sadly it will have to wait for another competition
shame, it looked so pretty

*He looked at his messages with a critical eye and sighed. The lack of 'Hobi' energy was spectacular, but he just... wasn't sure how to pretend. He was worried, scared, and preparing for painful rejection. Hoseok contemplated about his possibilities. Run away and make it last, or go back and face you? Will he be able to fool you? Probably not. All he wanted to do is gently hold your face, kiss your lips, confess, and then let you ruin his body over and over, and later fall asleep in your arms, all safe and satisfied. Accepted and wanted.*
Fool's dream, huh? You would never accept me this way. *His eyes filled with tears, when he realized that he ultimately will lose you. Lose the only person who really made him feel so alive and happy, made him taste a love.*
Ah Hobie, screw you, screw your dumb heart, you are such an idiot. *He cursed himself out loud, hiding his face in hands, and aggressively rubbing his eyes, annoyed with his own weakness.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *Taehyung had the worst headache from waking up without hoseok. By now even through their master slave contract, the loner otaku had gotten used to cuddling hoseok after a nice and good .*

*And yes he had been so very patient to even get to this point. But not without struggle. Taehyung had died inside again and again when hoseok and him were just “friends,” when hoseok would treat him just as one despite those eyes that clearly begged for his . All the times hoseok would give those bedroom eyes, his own tongue would his lips in hunger giving the older exactly what he wanted and how you wanted it before hating himself for doing this without anything stable once he left you. No, not nothing stable for a relationship since he didn’t believe in that but nothing stable for at least his own masterdom. It was always eating him up inside and sometimes his pets would be the “lucky” but secretly unlucky bystander to feel Taehyung’s wrath when Taehyung had pounded into their insides.*

*he was patient alright. But he never thought he’d ever be awarded nor that hoseok wanted him like that. So when you did, he was ecstatic and he did everything to shower you with his affection. Buying the best necklace he could find. Buying any toys you’d need. He’s even been looking at an outfit accessory for your dance competition that had bee coming up and was planned for this week. You were strict with him saying they needed to have the same uniform but Taehyung insisted with a “that’s nonsense. I’m sure one piece of an accessory proving to everyone that you are mine wouldn’t interfere with your performance, Hoseok.” And though he conceded it with a huff, he still was secretly looking for such an article.*

*Things like these he did for his dear Hyung. But unfortunately this week has been so terrible for Taehyung. Hoseok had told him he needed to focus and that the older couldn’t if Taehyung was next to the other. It devastated the master who only wanted to shower his slave in as many gifts and touches as possible. But as a dongsaeng he had to reluctantly yield. That’s why he’s now suffering a throbbing headache now. The nightmares all came back to him and in full force too thanks to his newfound powers he’d been finally getting the hang of. But if this is what hoseok needed from Taehyung, he’ll endure. He did before when he wasn’t aware of it anyways.*

*after he gained his powers, he didn’t need to constantly stalk as usual either. It was still a bit rough but the one second he wanted to find you, he could easily, standing behind the shadows. Though he missed doing it the old fashioned way at times, he definitely didn’t miss it enough to want it back. Same with the mind reading. He was already pretty skilled at it so it felt like more of the tedious steps he would do were removed rather than completely gaining an entirely new skill in it.*

*that is why now Taehyung is walking towards his class for today instead of stalking his Hyung the hours before his classes would start. Before he could walk further towards his lecture building, though, a voice interrupted him. “Oppa! You’re not that finally” A female one. The taller turned around and instantly recognized that female. The one that was stalking him that Taehyung had embraced his then temporary slave in front of. He lifted a brow clearly annoyed for being stopped with an* do you mind. I must get to class. *the other started to flirtatiously get close and Taehyung lifted a brow.* I do hope you remember my warning from before? Because I am not in a good mood to spare you, human. This is your final and only warning. “Taehyung Oppa what’s wrong? I can kiss it better. Come” she leaned up to press a kiss to the taller only to be interrupted. Taehyung’s eyes flashed dark cold black as he harshly slapped the female. In the dark, the female was shuddering with fear.* what’s wrong? Did you want to kiss it better now? *he chuckles wickedly before bending over to face the already losing conscious female. Taehyung keeps forgetting how strong he is now as he slammed the female in anger against the side of the building. Not one not two but several times despite the human dying after the first two. And as the female’s body turned closer and closer to a pool of mixed bone dust and blood, the taller whispered in the other’s ear seductively as his bright orange hair tickled the dead female* and by the way you keep forgetting my name. It’s not Taehyung anymore. *bites the other earlobe, grinning* My name is V.

*he easily crushed the female’s skull with his new level of strength, cleaned up the scene and continued with his day after teleporting to dispose of the corpse and evidence. So much easier. Faster. She should’ve known not to stalk a stalker. He just hopes that’s done with. Who would’ve ever thought that female would take advantage of the first time Taehyung wasn’t waiting nor stalking his precious hoseok -because yes even if hoseok was his slave, Taehyung had always stalked the other- just to get close to him?*

*after Taehyung easily finished his classes and appeared in front of his dorm door rather than walking, suddenly he felt off. Something was out of place but he wasn’t sure what exactly. It felt like something in his body was skipping breathing. He slid his keycard in before turning the door handle- only to grit his teeth, his jawline sharpening as he his lower lip in disappointment. Then he appeared in front of your door and as he reached with his knuckles to knock at it to test if you’re there before appearing inside and accidentally scaring you, before he could he stopped. He didn’t sense you. Then he appeared inside your empty room as he clambered around it. It looked…touched. Like it had been ransacked when he was gone. He couldn’t tell by what but after checking his hoseok’s essentials that were cheap, he concluded it was hoseok himself. He purses his lips but it did make sense. Though he wanted you to at least text him a bye before leaving for the competition so he could wish you luck while supporting you from afar, he didn’t expect it to end like this.* hoseok… *his hand touched his empty chest but sighs. He arranges everything nearly; you wouldn’t be suspicious of it because you’ve already handed him your key.*

*then a text. He blinks and reads it with growing cold and empty eyes. Hoseok would be traveling to the city now. One of the biggest ones, too.*

To: My 3D Waifu ?
-Are you drunk?
-Make sure to sleep early
-I don’t want you to be failing on this competition you worked so hard on just because you did not try

*even though he texted so neutrally, he was growing concerned. He knew you were not going to be here today. So why now did you say you couldn’t make it? He bit his lower lip but tried. He’s always been doubting his hoseok and telling the other exactly what to do. He should at least trust you this time to enjoy your hobby without drinking or cheating on his masterhood with other guys. But he clenched his fists at the thought. What if you were? You were clearly drunk or tired. Anything can happen. His knuckles turned white. But he waited. Waited for any good reason to not slam the friends you were with against the hard walls like that amateur stalker of a female.*

[I really like it! But bc we’re going by the assumption of that week having the competition then hoseok already had blocked Taehyung from distracting him so we may need to react more to know that answer ]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V *How could a day that started so well end up like this? Morning sun waking him up on one of the last warmer days this fall. The breakfast was delicious. Even the usual hard dancing practice before lunch went well. Everything was so smooth until it didn't. Not only his professors, who were problematic before, gave him upsetting allusion, and undergrad his work. Someone broke into his locker during practice, and smeared pain all over his favorite working out clothes, he couldn't see Taehyung for diner, and now this. His eyes watered with frustration after reading that the competition he was so looking forward to was canceled. Such a waste of hours of training. The sadness weighted heavy on his shoulder, ad he decided to skip last lecture. He wouldn't be able to focus anyway, so he threw his bag over the shoulder, and left tech building. *

/I want to see Taehyung./

He smiled, gently, wondering if maybe he could stop by and buy your favorite junk food. It was Friday, although the was no official agreement, it was given that he will spend in your room, preferably in bed, since that's what he was doing ever since he agreed to master/slave contract. However today he desperately crawled your quiet presence. You always managed to silence his loud mind and give him peace, not only during by even simply being next to him. Being next to you was comforting and relaxing, and that thought make him giggle, as he picks up your usual go to snacks and drinks, and some a bit more healthy for himself. The cashier serving him, a bit shocked by his huge smile and unexpected compliment, timidly replied the same, but Hoseok was already out the door. Jumping from time to time to walk even faster, excitedly returned to his dorm buildings. Should he surprise Taehyung with something? Dress up nicely? Play with himself? What his master would like? Lift was moving too slow for him, so he chose stairs, two at the time quickly finding a way to second floor. Quickly turned around ready to run, and then a sudden realization hit him. Dazed he stopped in mid-step, as he looked at his reflection in the window. *

/What are you doing?/

*His reflection stared back at him, cheeks flushed, giving him back a big heart-shaped smile, eyes bright, shining. He had a terrible, terrible day and yet just a few moments later he was glowing so bright and happy and all because of you. Hoseok could feel his heart beating up so fast in his chest, so excited, missing his owner. He gently touched his cheek, moving closer to the window, his hand feeling how warm it was, slowly moving down to his neck, caressing the diamond choker. He cast his eyes down, massaging his chest as if that could calm his fluttering heart.*

/You are in love with Taehyung./

*The voice in his face so unfamiliar, quiet, like a soft whisper, but the sentence so loudly obvious. Like an echo bouncing off the walls. But it was truth.*

/I'm in love with Tae... I love Taehyung./

*He whispered, slowly raising his head, and meeting his own gaze. It burns. The body was suddenly so hot, and suddenly so cold, like a feverish dream, making him shiver. His jelly like legs trembled under him, and he lightly leaned over the wall, still facing the window, unable to turn his gaze off of it. It was already dark outside, he could see all the glimmering lights, and cars, and over that his own frightened face. *

/I love Taehyung./

*This was scary. So scary because he knew exactly how this will end. There was no 'love' in Taehyung dictionary. Hoseok was aware of that. Your ex pet was generous enough to share that information. 'Don't fall in love, boy. Once you do, it's over. He won't change his mind. He will cast you aside like a broken piece you are, just like he did with me.' Dancer knew that. Not only from that warning but from the way you talked about relationships in general. You do not date people. He bit his lips, hard to stop the painful, dry sob that wanted to escape his lips. *

/Why does it hurt so much?/
/Because it's real./

*Hoseok could try to hide, act as nothing happen, but you would know. Maybe not about the love part, but you will be able to sense that something is wrong. You will ask. Push him against the wall. Possibly even assuming that he is cheating on you. Hoseok wasn't a good liar, his eyes betrayed him. His body language too. He was lost. It was over. He won't be able to hide it, his heart and soul won't let him. This was the first time he ever did fall in love this hard, and yet so quietly. Imperceptibly. Even now, when he knew how bad that was, his heart dared to hope, 'confess' it screamed at him, but he pushed it down and lock in the cage. He was not ready to face you. Hoseok checked the time, and counted in his mind. He has exactly an hour and a half, maybe even two if he came up with an excuse, before you would expect him to meet you. *
Was it enough to prepare? /No./
Was it enough to run away? /Yes./
*He checked the time again, knowing that you have fifteen minutes left of your lecture and possible another ten before you come back to your dorm. By that time he needs to be out, on his way to bus stop or already there to avoid meeting you. He nodded, turning around and climbing back up again, running to his own room. He dropped snacks on his bed, and grabbed his backpack throwing the essentials there. Charger, phone, wallet, headphones, water, and checked time again. 9 minutes left, you are probably leaving the building by now. He quickly ran up to his door, closing it behind him. There was no time for a lift, or normal stairway, as he made his way down the fire escape route, almost falling when he jumped from too many stairs at once. He looked around carefully, and pulled on his black hoodie, as far as he could to cover his face and picked up his pace, going straight to campus exit, wondering which route would be safer, and which one you will choose. Luckily it was already dark enough, to not so as not to stand out. After all, even though he wasn't doing anything wrong, he still felt like a criminal, sneaking through the back alleys to the exit and begging for his bus to arrive on time. His sister will let him stay for a weekend, maybe even Monday, that would be enough time right? Probably not. Not in this case. However, he was brave enough to text you, with many typos, and weird lack of emoji, but he couldn't waste his time now. *

To: ecchi master ( ̄﹃ ̄)
i eont maake iyt todsay, soory

[So, you can read it and let him go or tried to catch him, and corner him, but if you do, he will probably confess anyway. Up to you baby, I just wanted to get this out of my chest.*


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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