Black Lotus Lounge

Owner/Manager: Seo Inguk

Bartender: ⥈Park Jimin 

Burlesque performer: Bambi Naka

Recreational Dealers: Kang Daniel



♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni 2 months ago
@❖ Chris Roma You draw away from me and this beautiful dream you've constructed loses some of its luster. My eyes widen, tinted lips pulling into a broad smile. I reach out for you once more, my hands finding the front of your trenchcoat, pale fingers curling into the thin fabric. "Your brother-" A light, airy laugh slips out of me. Pain replaces joy as I realise that Calvin never told me he had a brother, in all the thousands of years we spent together he'd never said anything about you. Did he not trust me? No. I shake my head, a soft smile returned as I look at you. I'm looking at you but all I see are the overlapping features. The way your brows raise, the curve of your lips, the glint in your eyes. He didn't tell me because it didn't matter, I decide. We were never going to leave his dream. We were going to stay there forever, happily. I nod. "Yes, of course. We were so happy together... He brought me to a dream too, and we spent a small part of eternity together." I sigh wantonly as I call up the fond memories of the two of us, the endless days of bliss we had spent together. I reach up to cup your cheek and lean up towards you. "You look like him... What's your name again?" I shake my head quickly. "It doesn't matter. Kiss me again- please-"
❦ Jeremy Xu 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang Zhengxi eyes down cast to the shorter man. A thought cross his mind in the same manner as the other was having toward him. [why is he still as short as I remembered?] it remind him when he first met christopher, or at least the man that save him back then. how the human was not as tall as how book would of describe of a man to be. the height which was much more close to his height in his true form was more like it. all that thought soon was washed away the moment the younger man voice ringed in his mind again. it seem that the younger man has heard his slip up prior. a pause given to have him think of the respond before choose to speak the truth. nevertheless, he approaching the man with a purpose though it was nothing impure that need to be hidden. better yet, perhaps by speaking the truth that he could have let the other knew his intention for approaching was not of ill manner.

"You are correct," he reaffirming what the other man has heard before explaining his reason of approaching. "you remind me of a man whom has saved me before and that was the reason for my slip up as well as for my approach. I wish to befriend you and offer you some help in time of need for whatever it may be, as a way to repaid the savior whom happen to look just like you." if anyone that knew him were to be present, they would be surprised at the amount of words he has spoken in one go. often enough, his words were short and precisely to the point, or at time, not enough to get his point across.

what he said just was enough of an answer to what the younger has ask of him and he silent himself until christopher has more to say. as for now he take the silent invitation to settle onto the empty seat on the couch but keep a good distant between them. his hands fold on his laps like a obedient student listening to lecture.
❖ Chris Roma 1 year ago
@♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni () love you too. Thank you for waiting
♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni 1 year ago
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@❖ Chris Roma The only way someone knew his name, and purposefully singled him out in a crowd of people, was for one reason and one reason only; they know about his double life and, more importantly, they have a job for him. Granted, they've only met in passing and the strange man that easily towered over him, making him feel significantly smaller than he really is, Christopher had no clue what his intentions were or who exactly he was. Curious, though. Oh so curious he was. The smoke, especially, intrigued him and his senses told him that he was in the presence of a dragon. Christopher steadies himself and diverts his gaze elsewhere, pondering if this is a good idea or not while he takes a sip of his drink. He gave no response to the question, remaining completely silent while the other spoke and only when he stopped did the mage finally look over. Perching on top of the table now with his feet just barely touching the floor, Christopher leisurely leans back with one arm propping him up while the other held the glass steady on his knee. His head tilts back then turns towards the stranger, mismatched eyes glinting despite the poor lighting.

'Do I at least get to know your name before I go and do your duty work?' finally came a response as a well-groomed brow quirked up coyly, glass raising to his lips while Christopher scans him head to toe, not even bothering to make it subtle. Oh so curious he was. 'With a presence likes yours, I'm assuming what you'll be asking of me will be no easy feat... It's interesting you seek me out specifically, though--" His eyes snap up, meeting the pair in front of him. "--what is it that you seek?"
❖ Chris Roma 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang [SH] Giant, heavy footsteps stalk behind you as the dragon enters the open space, and the crowd begins to thin. Roma took your silence as an invitation to join you. Satisfied that the pair were in a less occupied space except for the older drunk in the far corner baring his teeth in the bread loaf, ripping away a corner. Roma slips into the empty seat beside you, staring at the dim neon lighting of the second bar. It has been a month since his freedom from his capture in Materia. And Roma looks stronger and healthy now. He hums in a light groan finding the stool bar behind him squeaking underneath his massive weight. He places his cigar betwixt his lips and exhales a cloud of smoke colliding purple and blue hues, then turns his amber eyes over to you.

"Christophe Bang. You are Christopher Bang I presume?" The Dream Lord waisting not time for you to answer.
"There was something of mine that came through this part of the city. Something I believe you can aid me in finding." Smoke curls around his blond hair, twisting and spiraling into that air like a protective cloak.
"I want it back."
❖ Chris Roma 1 year ago
@♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni The Lord of Dreams presents you with a stare that couldn't be misconstrued by anything other than pure lust. His appetite growing with the need for it had been centuries since he'd last had this feeling of need quenched. Not since his previous lover Tatinna, queen of the shapeshifters, not since his captivity in Materia 500 years ago had the dragon felt the warmth and embrace of another. Here and now, Roma is presented with the most opportune moment to share his bed with a princess of Hell. His hand reaches to frame and cup your face, then frozen in place at the mention of another man. A familiar man. A man that he'd once called brother.

"C-Calvin?" His concentration broken, and that one stolen iron will of a disciplined ruler resurfaces. His hand slowly fleets away from you, only to be stored in the pockets of his trench coat. A quizzical brow raising and a perplexed expression waist not time surfacing on his visage. "W-Wait, do you know of my brother?"
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@❦ Jeremy Xu Christopher's mismatched eyes narrowed at the man standing in front of him, having to tilt his head back just to gaze up at the tall male ('must I live in a world of giants?' he distantly thinks to himself). The expanse of this throat was exposed, adam's apple bobbling as he takes a swig of his whiskey before settling the glass down on the side table. A soft chuckle leaves his plump lips, which soon pull up in a lazy, lop-sided smirk. 'A connection, huh?' He mused, voice now lowering an octave or two. 'Was that the reason for that slip up a moment ago? You addressed me by 'my lord', am I correct?' It was clear Christopher was only teasing the male, taunting him almost just to see his reaction. Would he hide it under stuttering words and flushed cheeks? Or would he look him in the eye and say it again but with a purpose?

The mage's exhale sounds more like a faint hum, a brief glimpse into what his voice sounds like. It's not that he couldn't talk. He very much could. He was selectively mute, choosing telepathy as his way of communication and saving his actual voice for something that mattered. Something that moved him. Whether it be good or bad, time will only tell. But then and only then is when he'll speak. However, something about the stranger before him gave him the urge to stick around for a little while, figure out who this guy was and what it was that he saw in Christopher.

Nudging his head to the right in a subtle gesture, Christopher silently slid the invitation across the table to let the man join him in the couch if he so pleased. He could even take up the space the boy had occupied a moment ago. It was a signal that the other could get closer. Leaning back into the cushions to get more comfortable, his legs spread apart leisurely, his eyes remained on the man in front of him and never wavered. 'What sort of 'connection' are you looking for then, hm?'
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@❖ Chris Roma The man was calling out to him again. Christopher could even hear the footsteps approaching from behind, getting closer every few seconds or so. He moved easily through the crowd until finally reaching the vacant and secluded booth, tucked away in a not-so busy part of the lounge. The mage turns with a sigh, mismatched eyes gazing curiously back at the pair of amber hues as he half-sits on the table lazily; one hand holding the glass of whiskey up to his lips and the other hand laying flat against the table behind him. Christopher doesn't answer with words and instead beckons at the man approaching to come over. He was curious to what the other had to say, after all. Perhaps he could even get a name.
♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni 1 year ago
@❖ Chris Roma Mini resisted the gentle finger tucked under her chin, for a moment, but then moved following his guidance and looked up. Her gaze quivered, and her breath hitched. For a moment the world stood still. The dragon's body felt hot to the touch, although perhaps it was her own radiating off her exposed skin she was feeling. In this second the princess of hell, the incarnation of Gluttony, sister to Lucifer and daughter of the original founder of Hell, all her fancy titles and descriptors fell away. She stood flush against Roma as if stripped , just another shy girl about to give herself to a man who would devour her whole. Mini lost herself in his stare, dazed even as he started to swirl the colourful smoke around them. "Mhm?" She broke out of her daze, not fully understanding what he had said but saw his hand and took it.

Then, the world changed. Gone was the grand hall where lust and had begun to seep into every crevice, every surface, and contaminate it like a parasite. Gone were the pairs seeking to intertwine their bodies. The ocean air rolled over Mini like an unexpected Spring rain. She gasped and closed her eyes, her hand clutching his tighter. Slowly the sounds seeped into her mind: the gentle breeze, the waves, then came the smell of salty waters and warm air. The princess breathed in deeply and whimpered. Her eyes still closed she reached for Roma with her other hand, clinging to him as he kissed her skin. Mini was not eloquent enough to express what she felt at this moment: distress, pain, bliss, healing, devastation, joy, ...

Her eyes opened, tears stinging her dark orbs and she reached up, holding the dragon by his neck and face. She held him gently, as if she were embracing the ghost of a long lost lover. A tear broke free of its restraints and spilled down her soft cheek. "It's a dream..", she whispered, shortly after followed by a gasp as emotion overcame her. "You brought me to a dream... How can this be?" Her heart ached so painfully she could scream. It was telling her this was not him, but every other fibre of her body begged and hoped for the impossible to be true. "You're just like him... like Calvin.."
❖ Chris Roma 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang Amber eyes were highlighted in the dark, watching the mortal with a neutral expression as the exchange continued. Another string of smoke plays at his lips, filtering through the air as you exit. "What is it with mortals and their fascination with shine objects?" He asks no one in particular, and his eyes shift over to the man gasping for air on the floor, then back to the shape of your back. "Years I've spent captive in that presents of mortals, and yet I still do not understand their ways of life and the values they hold." With that in mind, the dragon stood to follow you in hopes that he could inquire some information. "You there, may I borrow a moment of your time?"
❖ Chris Roma 1 year ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni The lord of dreams stayed silent for a long while. He finds himself far more enamored with your sudden coy nature. For a woman to have been so bold only moments ago to a meek mouse in record is astonishing.
He wants to see that expression again. He wants to see innocent masked faces perform more than just shy expressions. The Dragon wanted to watch her twist and squirm with lustful need and scream out in a saturated world of pleasure that only he could provide. His index finger reaches underneath your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his. Beautiful, simply beautiful, he thought, shifting through his lecherous feelings and inquisitive instinct.

Roma nods his head, more than happy to accommodate your request. "As you wish, Princess," He reaches his hand inside his jacket pocket to retrieve his cigarette. His lips wrap around it, waving a free hand over to light it. The embers of ash flare to life as he exhales a cloud of odorless smoke between them. Vibrant clouds of purple and blues spiral around the pair, and he reaches for your hand. "Take my hand; we're entering the realm of dreaming." Upon arrival in the Dragon's bed chamber comes the fresh scent of sea salt mist and ocean shore waves rolling in and out of the tide. Warm stone and adobe tiles greet your suddenly bare feet. High Mediterranean arches of the decor and open windows invited the ocean breeze into the bedroom. Gold and ivory threaded sheets decorated the large bed that dipped into the center of the room, resting on an equally dramatic platform. The Dragon whispers into your ear, placing a trail of kisses from your eye to your shoulder. "Is this vision more to you liking my princess?"
❖ Chris Roma 1 year ago
@დ ♕ Tati A string of purple and blue smoke filters through the lord of dream's lips. The vapor twisted and pulled in the air from a mini seahorse before it raced across the room, vanishing into thin air. "Good evening, Tatianna, queen of shifters." He turns his medallion orbs onto you. His expression neutral posture relaxed as his gaze swiftly ran over your figure. "I see some things don't change. Your beauty has not faded a single day."
❖ Koda Kumi ¥ 1 year ago
/enters the lounge wearing a bunny masquerade mask over her half her upper face and a drink in her hand as she got a good spot to watch the performace currently happening
[post deleted by owner]
❖♕ Bambi Naka † [A] 1 year ago
/slams back drink after drink after drink/
♆ ♕ Huang Mi Ni 1 year ago
/sneaks in wearing a disguise and takes a seat in the back rows
/orders an array of 10 different drinks and sips on the first one greedily while I watch the performance
♅ Shin ¥ 1 year ago
@⥈Yusuke Hida ¥ -walking through the room following the pattern since certain people have the right to demand you to make way and as a slave, I’m the person who needs to make way. I carefully sip my drink occasionally looking to the stage as I keep closer to the walls of the room trying not to get into the center where everyone is meeting and greeting each other. After some time I spot someone I might find interesting as before I carefully make my way through the room when suddenly I bump against someone.-

I’m sorry.

-Apologizing with a smile I wonder if I should just move on or stop. I give a quick one-over and decide I should be polite and move on so I just give a short nod repeating my apology as I turn to move on.-
⥈Yusuke Hida ¥ 1 year ago
@♅ Shin ¥ /walks in to enjoy myself since I have nothing to do in my home so I decided to make myself go outside at might and stop by here instead/ 'Hopefully this place will keep me entertained.' /hums to myself since I haven't gone out much due to my arrival and settling myself in my home after being sentence to slavery for a crime he didn't actually commit./ 'I'll just enjoy the show, drink, and maybe make some new friends.' /chuckles lightly as I show the guard my ID before walking in and look around./ 'Nice place.' /hums as I have decided to take a seat at the back and just watch the show since it's about to start soon; while waiting, I request the waiter if I can a bottle of ale before paying them and take the drink before tipping them./ 'Now to enjoy the show.'
♅ Shin ¥ 1 year ago
@⥈Yusuke Hida ¥ -Entering the lounge with a yawn I look around to see what is going on tonight normally such entertainment is not my cup of tea after all for thousands of years I was controlled by wrath and righteous rage but after becoming powerless I find it more and more entertaining to watch all of them gathering around sin and greed as they drink and lust for each other with no shame. I watch the people travel through the halls in agreed-on patterns as they all follow an unspoken rule.-

One Tequila Sour

-I order the milky white sour drink I have come to enjoy over the last few days. It is cold and refreshing and Tequila is a surprisingly good base for a drink. Not that I know much about alcohol but I have to admit I have gained interest in drinking my way through the menu and finding out what makes all the drinks on it different. But not tonight. The game for the night was hunting rather than drinking. Those easy to manipulate and easy to give in to sin were all found in places like this where sin and lust gathered for dinner. My goal was to find someone strong and capable to twist their head and get what I want.-
❖♕ Bambi Naka † [A] 1 year ago
The lights came down to a low dim lumination. The rambunctious chatter of the patrons ascended to a dull roar as the spotlight hit center stage. No matter how many times I've performed, I'm always nervous/ My heart collides wildly against my chest while I await my queue. The moment the needle touches the record player, I felt my alter ego ignites to life. An enticing smile crawls across my lips when I open the curtains to reveal myself to my eager audience. The light caught the glittering diamonds cocker around my neck, and the Rudy color sequence lingerie glimmered brightly. My hand goes to tip my top, and I strut the stage's walkway, taking center. A slow seductive smile vixens my lip as I flash a wink to you. "Hello, big boys~" I snap my fingers, and the band begins to play my song.
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@❖ Chris Roma It was always a good time at the Black Lotus Lounge. If there was anything that ever weighed heavy on his mind or on his shoulders, he could go there. Being a loyal customer has a lot of benefits, like free drinks and a private booth where he could relax and smoke all he wanted. And with the week he's had, a visit to the lounge was definitely due. He found himself wandering in and being greeted with warm smiles from the usual faces he saw around the place. The bartender was a friendly one despite being rather snarky. He was a vampire, always warning Christopher that it was never smart to come here alone. Being human made him vulnerable. And being one of the very, very few humans around made his warnings more dire; for some reason, the guy thought Christopher would get hurt here. The only one getting hurt would be the one who thought they were slick trying to steal from him.

With one hand containing his first glass of whiskey for the night, the other was currently wrapped around the thief's throat. The other thrashed about trying to free themselves from his iron grip though it was useless, he wasn't letting go until they decided to toss up what they tried taking. Christopher was comically calm, eyeing the other with a bored and unimpressed look the entire time while taking a slow sip of his drink. Eventually, it was coughed up. The thief's hands fumbled around in their pockets before tossing over the item. His cellphone clattered at his feet. Christopher rolls his eyes and shoves the thief away from him before glancing around the room, soon finding the one who had spoken up a moment ago. He knew this man. Well, not /knew/ knew him - they never really did properly exchange names, did they? 'Enjoy the show then?' He asked telepathically, cellphone now returned into his own pocket. The mage moves around the thief, who was crumbled on the floor trying to regain a normal breathing pattern, and starts moving towards one of the empty private booths.
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ Well, i would never go back on my roots.
*Sighs and looks at you*
Where are you going?
❖ Chris Roma 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang A string of smoke flows through Roma's lips. Through the dim lighting, it swirls majestic purple and golden patterns before vanishing into scattered clouds. Golden-slitted eyes peer at the patrons through the shadows of the lounge, landing on a particular human. The man didn't reasonably appear to mesh with the common seedy folk of the underbelly of the Blacklight distract, but then again, that's the thing about first impressions. You never know who someone really is until they reveal their hand. Creating stirring series of imaginative questions for the stranger, Roma amused himself by studying you for a long while. Questions ranging from wondering why a creator so fragile as Mage would think it safe to be in residence of the most notoriously violent creatures in all of Heleo gather. He wonders about the relationship and your allegiance to the Materia Highlands.
Furthermore, he ponders when you would notice the pick more pocket relieving of belongings in your satchel. "Be vigilant, my friend, or what yours will, in turn, become someone else." The Dragon warns, shifting his intense gaze to the thief retreating through the crowd.

[finally was able to get my together and drop a starter this time; we finish, damnit :}. Thank you for being so patient with me.]
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina “Yish~” / Sora snorts with confusion, failing to understand the undertones of your logic. She gives a nonchalant shrug, then downs another shot./
Never did I think when I fought you in the ring, I would meet a Demon with her own demons to deal with. Eh, barkeep, one more of these, please, and thank you. /She tapped her finger twice against the glass, pushing it toward the bartender./
Sounds like you take yourself entirely too seriously, deary. We are what we are. Though we can grow, adapt, learn, unlearn and relearn the ways of life at the root and heart of it. You are still what you are. None of us are an expectation from the nature of our origins. Thank you.
/nods at the bartender then, throws back another shot then, and slaps it down on the table again./
Just food for thought.
/Sora committed before making her way to a private booth stuffing the reserve sign between the leather sofa cushions./
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ "It's hard to explain..." She looked at the beverage and gently takes the drink and drinks it empty, "Demons are apathetic and cruel, never they considered mutual with humans and any other creatures. In my case, I've adapted feelings that humans have, sympathized with them, in the end, I am not one of the demons."
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina "Please do explain how that works my dear demon princess. How can you be of the demon race yet not of demon culture and society?" Sora shifts a dubious eye unsure what you were getting at while sliding the bartender a copper coin. "Spicy vodka for the demon not demon princess." She grins handing you the beverage.
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ "Yes, I'm a demon and no, I was never one of them." She told her with mysteriousness in her words as she looked at the other before leaning against the bar, "Vodka, sliced up with spice and lemon." Karina told her the specific drink she used to tell to every bartender in the bars.
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Karina "They?" Genuine curiosity played on my lips when you mentioned 'their' as if you were excluding yourself as a demon. "You a demon are you not?" I took no offense sipping the drinking for myself. "Well then please tell me fair princess what is your drink of choice?"
♆ Karina 1 year ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ Karina looked at the demon whiskey and takes a sip on it, "It's their fancy, not mine. But..." Then she looked at the contents of the whiskey, "It taste good yet not my type of drink." She gives it back to the werewolf.


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Midnight_Muse 1 month ago
this rp still exists XD
[comment deleted by owner]
4c3716b565ea1078e468 6 months ago
kim jongin (kai) as a kitsune please?
enchantedrixue 6 months ago
hewo, for my last character - could i possibly get wi hajun as a hybrid?
Keepyouwarm 6 months ago
If it is possible to return, can i please have kim myungsoo as vampire
vronvron 11 months ago
Hello~ I'm so sorry for going inactive and disappearing last time ;;
May I please join again? as Park Seonghwa as a Dragon
[comment deleted by owner]
[comment deleted by owner]
Keepyouwarm 1 year ago
missing this place already.
Daddysbabygirl 1 year ago
Hi may I join this rolelplay???
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