Liberal Arts Wing

Liberal Arts Wing
Closer to the campus' main buildings, classes for any form of social science (from literature to sociology) are mainly held here in this building. Also many of the freshmen pre-requisites are too. despite being small compared to the other wings, it holds very intense classes even for the honors curriculum like ethics, politics, and more. because there is no small food place of their own, most students go to the closest one- the Mostly CORE Dorm Building's dining hall.(Please request for specific lecture rooms/discussion rooms). 
coded by yxgurt
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook [1/2]

*prove anything or not, if that’s what you’re dealing with, you lack any real friends. Actual friends are supposed to be close. You know, friend-like. Humans can’t live alone forever; it’s a matter of basic science. Survival of the fittest. Being alone for a long time is a one straight ticket to depression and eventual death. Meaning jeongguk’s not gonna leave that kinda alone once he finds out. At the verbal expression, his eyes narrowed aggressively as he held you close to him* , yeah, I’ll the gay outta you alright… *he smirked at the thought of trying. Sounds like a purge- something a shady priest could do. But he just watches as his hands wrap around your body. , the more we’re this close, the harder it was to not just bend you over and take you. He had to keep repeating this is your birthday- just to keep himself at bay. That’s how bad he usually gets around his victims, especially stronger around you.*

*scrunches nose at * Yeah, well calling me gay’s gonna do the opposite a tease do though I don’t ing mind being a pastor and baptizing you in my all over your face, thanking me for cleansing you *he winks then ends up pouting when you swat at him* ow domestic violence *but he smirks and swats you back but on your , spanking you* this is me, i like being all cocky for you…you know what /else/ likes being all “cocky” for you? *he smirks and looks down showingly at his pants before taking your hand and making you palm the shape of , letting you feel how hard he already was for you, all while smirking with a wink then kissing and against your lips more*

*he grins humming before pecking your lips* it’s your y charm, baby daddy, sometimes just comes outta nowhere *he snickers looking into your eyes before they soften as you thread your hands into his hair due to his own confession. The fear in his eyes slightly diminished, though replaced by a new one at your fully embracing the concept.* what’s there to handle…? *He wasn’t troubled by you loving on him a ton as he snickers against your lips playfully. If he does, he’s earnest to a fault so he’d fight his hardest before giving up. No, he was more troubled by whether his impulsive confession would change later on; whether he’d not meet your expectation. And his emotions are so fickle sometimes if his object of interest isn’t there enough. It’s not even been a year since his last strong relationship wrecked him and he fell straight into love all over again, too. Would you truly be okay to have someone thats as fickle as that as your lover? Right now, it’s working out because you could always date someone else in your real life while ing with him in his world. But if his feelings get deeper, would you abandon him, too? If his feelings never got deeper, would you abandon him anyways once you found someone in your reality? He required constant attention to be in it. Especially since right now, he mostly stuck to you /because/ he knew you wouldn’t abandon him-he trusted you to hold his heart if he ended up having one for you. Which all makes sense given our first real kiss was also at a time he was crying at a lake, feeling hopeless for his ex.*

*Of course, unlike someone else, not naming any names, achem his roommate, he’d try to fight that feeling of letting his impulsive actions or hopelessness control him when and if we got all official but were failing. But…He gives up faster if you aren’t with him there fighting alongside him, ever the impulse driven type. Especially since his job won’t let him sit idle waiting like a good dog for his owner to come back. He’s done that way before already and lost his first body. Even the way we met proved he wouldn’t sit around to the point he ended up gaining feelings for you. Unlike his roommate, though, he had no reason to be loyal; nothing about his makeup screamed loyal. He had no fate tied to anyone, he was a dream and /wasnt/ supposed to be tied to anyone. And yet unlike the other, he had a heart and could be emotional and chose loyalty even when his body couldn’t follow through. That should prove he had a big heart, too. There was a lot here. Both the good and the bad.*

*he snickers against your lips* trust me, babe, there’s so much that’s so ing y in your work mode *he snickers before wiggling his brows* maybe I should jerk myself in front of your papers to prove my point. *but eventually, he too was carried away. Unlike you. When he feels good a ton, he s more and more. Way more a constant vocal when ing. Also a constant degrader if you into the degradation kink, calling you and stuff. So he had to snicker when you answer his ing with a cute fact. , this side of yours made him want to ram into you too. /all/ your sides did.* I meant something about me, Hyung

*manhandled? So that’s what you want? He lifted a brow when you clearly didn’t want him to stop being rough with you even though you didn’t say it-which proved to him you wanted it. Especially, when he tried his best to make the on the desk a more loving but hard and fast quickie. But when your minds desired more than that, he decided to switch his approach, releasing some of his more intense desires to your body rather than make love to it aka vanilla. Well, can you blame him? You started it so he switched over to please you first. /Now/ you’re feeding the kind of impulse he had that he snickered as he transitioned over* you love when I rough and fast deep inside you huh… want to be bent over like my personal ? *he growls growing aggressive in his approach, partly to indulge but growing more to indulge himself at how good he was enjoying his actual self. , he was growing more impulsive by the second, almost tearing your clothing off though he stopped, remembering our date. Still his eyes grew more intense, his tongue now drooling and dripping on your chest. Now you could see it was longer, his teeth bearing sharp fang as the classroom turned a hazy pink. His eyes were slightly red. Jeongguk was there, but the other monster you’d usuallly see alone when the dream turned red was there, too. How you could tell is the fact that you weren’t seeing whatever shadowy monster your brain would want to make only. You were seeing Jeongguk himself even in his dirty blonde hair and ripped jeans salivating over your body* you’re gonna ing ride the first while begging for me, then I’m gonna that so up your you’re gonna beg for both until I tear open your with both of em! And you’re gonna ing love it because it’s ing y me giving it to you good in both ways! *he growls, sounding like both the monster and Jeongguk like two voices were degrading you in sync.*

*when your clearly needed attention* he snickered as he slapped at the * look at you, what a , you’re gonna for me untouched and love every second of it! *he growled as he ed harder into you. And when you were facing the desk, he grabbed your head and held you in a chokehold from his muscular veiny right arm while spanking you hard with his left, making you arch your back to his s. If this was your physical body, you’d feel the stretch in the morning. He gritted his teeth as he drilled faster into you, feeling your hot tight hole clench around him* , you’re such a for my , love taking baby’s so raw and hard huh?! *same thing happened when you laid back on your desk. Given you wanted to be manhandled, he grabbed your neck and choked you with one hand as he pushed in and out of your hole so fast you were practically bouncing on the desk, it bruising you as he pounded hard into you that your fat between you thighs rebounded too* ! *he could feel himself too* you love taking all of your student’s milk?! Imma fill you up and you’re gonna take it all up your and for me untouched like the you are! *he growled*

*as he felt his lower stomach clench, he pounded so fast our skin sounds slapped harder until one . Then another. Each spreading his into your hole. He was a panting mess with his hair and eyes wild as his appearance gradually returned to normal as well as the guilt invading his intense eyes. was all over your body, he tried to blink out of the shock at how wasted your body got, shaking from the pleasure as he laughed it off casually. It looked like a crime scene, his panicked eyes tried to look down away as he tried to catch up with what happened. Before he apologized feigning casual even though the guilt was eating him up. That was not what today was supposed to be. Today was supposed to be loving, caring, passionate. All you wanted for your birthday to be. He continues to kiss you and hold you apologetically while he rolled his hips to let the rest of his spill into you. He continued to roll his hips apologetically into your sensitive hole.*
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook [2/2]

*Then at your words his eyes looked up at you. You felt all energy leaving you but still were trying to reassure him. He watches stunned into your tired sweaty eyes. Then he kisses your skin before he nods kissing you* o-okay, Hyung, I won’t apologize then *he laughs lightly, warmer for the fact you liked it. Afterall, he would’ve known if you didn’t because of his abilities. Then after holding you enough, like always, he pulled out his limp as he kissed down your thighs and up as he slid a tongue and started to your body clean. His fingers gripped your before he groans wiping his lips as he smirks up into your eyes* , even now you look so pretty when you watch.. *he growls before the remainder of your bodily fluids and kissing your lips salty, smirking as some of the he swallowed and kissed you with spilled onto your lips and slides down the corner of it.* you’ll never understand how good you ing taste… *he snickers before he laps up the remainder of the off your lips then holds your steadily re-energized body while kissing more onto your lips. He took way more than usual considering he didn’t plan on getting this intense or his beast making an appearance. That meant you needed energy to continue staying conscious in the dream so he was feeding some of your back into you while cuddling you close. To you, it would taste like regular so kind of salty and disgusting of a taste but he had to do this to keep you tethered, lapping off whatever fell off your lips and feeding it again to speed up your re-energizing process as he cuddles you and waits for you to recover enough to dress you and carry you to his porsche*

[no problem, you can always go with time skip if you can’t transition. And as you know, I don’t mind changes like that as long as you can incorporate it into rp
Though that’s interesting that unlike with hoseok, you let your mood affect your writing as jungkook and still choose to write. For me again, like I said before, as long as you can explain it in rp, I don’t mind that switch myself as someone who always understood that sometimes ooc /will/ influence rp and vice versa]

*too bad for you then. You wanted to keep the day happy out of the sad-ish feelings- which would’ve been fine if at least one of the two conditions were met first: he didn’t care enough about you and treated you like another one of his victims or he didn’t have the ability to understand your emotions without you telling them to him. So yeah, too ing bad for you. Not one of those conditions were met. This is a dream afterall; a dream birthday he made for someone he cared about.

*while thumbing your once happy tears, Jeongguk blinked at the sudden emotional change and thoughts. He noticed the exact instance when your somberness enveloped you. Rather than happy tears, those tears now seemed to speak to a question he didn’t know either. He was wanted by all but loved as himself by none. Well…He thought he knew how it felt to be loved when he finally fell in love. But now he’s not sure if he was ever loved back. But even if he didn’t ing know, doesn’t mean you gotta hide all that . For now, though, he’d let it go though he was paying attention to how you carried yourself for the rest of the time up until that point. He knew exactly what you were thinking. Just he wasn’t gonna reveal he knows that easily until it starts to bother you and ergo bother him, casually letting the date continue. It’s not his business to intrude in, anyways, he thought annoyed you weren’t telling him . But whatever. Let’s see how long you’ll make this “happy day” last.*

*When he was being a tsundere, you quickly pulled him back with a kiss to his cheek as his own cheeks turn pink in embarrassment* whatever, j-just pick already, weirdo Hyung. *it was hard to stay mad- even though he was a bit from how suddenly distant you treated him. Still he didn’t break our hand hold even as he looked away, softly flustered by the cute kiss from your lips. And when you pulled his hand with the most innocent smile, he laughs amused at your it, admiring it.* you look like child, ha child grandpa!…ing cute weirdo grandpa… *he mumbled under his breath the last part after insulting you the later half. It really did feel like a date.*

*He nodded to the fair vender, saying* what he said *then as he pulled out his wallet and noticed you looking at him, he mutters under his breath with a smirk* take a picture, it’ll last longer *he mutters nonchalantly as if he wasn’t just flirting with you while paying* here *he hands you the funnel cake to hold before he walked with you. He glanced at you from time to time. Then without warning, he took one between his lips to try only to make a soured expression when he chews some of it. Puts the rest back* keep forgetting… *he mumbles before he continues to chew what was in his mouth as he heard your thoughts. What the . Bitter as life? Pft what are you, a poet now?*

Why the you pretending in front of me… *his tone is more aggressive, finally revealing the distant annoyance in his tone with a sigh being released as he took the funnel cake plate away from you. Rather than gently, he did it rough like a parent scolding their child. Afterall, he was angry you held back with him, too. Didn’t we pass that stage. It annoyed the out of him.* if you’re ing sad about on your birthday, then be sad. We don’t have to go to the fair. I can cuddle you in your bed or something ty stars like that… *he said not looking into your eyes. He knows he has a tendency to fall for a crying face, wanting to protect and help them when they don’t want help. Resource cited: his ex. He puts the plate on a nearby table, choosing to focus on that than his wild emotions* anything you ing want. You can even cry in my arms. Just don’t ing pretend all’s good in the world when it ain’t
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 8 months ago
@Jeongguk *Being confident and a hermit crab that enjoys quiet are not mutually exclusive. He didn't need to prove anyone anything.  He could just be himself.*

I am just teasing you, baby boy... *The soft giggle and smile melted under your burning eyes. He chuckled, leaning in to the tip of your nose.* That reminds me of the time when I told my pastor daddy that he can't pray away the gay in me.  *Something in his eyes glints proudly when he recalls the memory.* but you can try it out of me, baby boy.  I will help you eagerly.  *He tugged on your hair lightly,  bringing you closer to show the 'eagerness' through a kiss followed by another small moan when your body pressed itself flush against his.*

*Hiden in your neck you could feel the smile forming on his lips when you told him that you heard him, yet his hand lightly swatted your head.* Don't be a smart when I am being soft for you, baby boy. *There was no better distraction than your lips.  The passion and need bleed through it and he let you in. Warm and inviting, hands wrapped around your frame, fingers pressing all nice spots on your neck. *

You like that weird. *He could see how surprising his words were leaving you speechless but did he mind? No, not really.  He observes as the expressions change when you giggle when the cute dimple shows which he kissed. The cutest smile that fits you so well and is probably his favorite. The scrunched nose. His heart swells with affection.*

*The hard kiss followed by confession surprised and it was his turn to look at you with wild doe eyes before he softened. He touched your face, squishing your cheeks lightly.* I would be honored if you do. And I would cradle that feeling in my arms and hold it dear. I love with my whole self you know? That's a lot to deal with but so far you are handling it well. *Was his answer, as his fingers danced along your cheeks before slipping into your hair, guiding your head down for another kiss. Passionate but loving, with small moan making by Jungkook.*

*Older chuckles as he closes his eyes and shakes his head.* Only you could find my workaholic self y. Even when there is nothing y about it. *He touched your back, resting his hand flat against your shoulder blades, focusing on how warm and close your bodies were, and how nice it felt to be squished against the surface under you. Just thinking about that made his thighs clench tighter against your body, as he wrapped his legs around you. Who would have thought that he would be submitting so easily to you, and how much pleasure that would give him? He was safe. *

Something you don't know? *His head fell back exposing his neck and shoulder.* um... moon can have moons and... oh ... they are called moon moons. *Jungkook said, gasping somewhere in the middle, before he kissed you.  Kissing you was so far his favorite activity, but hearing your groans and moans was bringing him to the edge because it was so ing hot. His skin burned. He wanted to be touched and manhandled.  He wanted your hands on him so when you settled them on his waist, he whimpered out 'more'. Why there were so many clothes? The growing, burning desire was clouding his mind and he called for 'Jeonggukie '. Continuing the dirt talk was starting to be difficult because it required focus and not feeling. * Sometimes yeah... but it's not as good as your touch, baby. I want to wake up one day with my in your mouth and your hands on me.  *His mood quickly changed and he pouts, letting an almost crying whimper.* I don't want a , I want Gukkie's . 

*Your hard, rough felt like heaven. Getting him closer and closer. He was drolling, crying for you, begging for more before even that turned into a hard-to-understand mumble. Just noises moans, wails, and whimpers. His sensitive body trembling. Flipped over now he could look at your face while you ed to him, and his long legs wrapped around you. The change in you the raw desire, need to it was welcomed. Jungkook was losing himself in the pleasure when he hit the sweet point over and over. In his mind he cummed many times over, gasping and panting. His swelled and hard needing attention but left untouched.* Baby... my baby *He moaned, fingers digging into your skin, as if he wanted to get you closer, before he curst, all over himself, whining and calling your name.*

No, no... *Jungkook closed his eyes trying to stop you and said in a hoarse voice.* That was... great, amazing... please Jeonggukie. I wanted it. I love it when you lose control... I... it feels so good.  Baby boy... * He said it all right into your ear, hiding in your arms, running his hands lazily over your back.* My baby boy, my favorite, my precious... *All followed by soft kisses on your neck, with fingers. This would feel ten times better if they could be both and in a comfortable soft bed when you could just hold him before the next round but this was great as well. Just holding you so close, whispering sweet things into your ear. * Jeonggukie never apologise for who you are. I like you, you know. The real, raw, and rough you as well.

[Wasnt sure how to connect to the theme park so bear with me pls :( also the theme park could possibly turn into something melancholic because I am listening to Gibran Alcocer - Idea 10  and it's giving me a lot of heart aches so sorry in advance if it won't be something you would enjoy. ]

*Stopped in his tracks his eyes once again moved all around the place, as he gently squeezed your hand.  For a moment he focused his gaze on a happy family with a small kid, and another one, proud father holding his child in his arms, letting the kid pic the ballon. How does it feel like? To be loved and wanted? Jungkook wondered, before he finally focused on you. The slight frown maerring your features. Concern. Do you know that feeling? Would you tell him if he asks? He opened his lips as if he was about to ask before he stops, and close it, shaking his head. Not the right moment to ask he decided. There wasn't a right question to ask either. It will only make him look weak and that's not something he wanted. Instead he smiled gently, reassuring you letting you wipe away the tears and . This will be a good day. Happy day, he decided. He won't think about sad things he cannot change.* I will. Thank you for taking me here.  *Jungkook eyes followed your changing expression  smiling softly seeing how proud and yet embarrassed you were. Endearing. His heart swell and once again he smiled. This time he was the one who stopped you, pulling you closer. He touched your cheek, rubbing the pink skin and leaned in kissing the other one. * Thank you, my baby boy. *Jungkook whispered in low, husky voice. After that, as if nothing happened he looked forward, pulling you with him with this big happy smile. Smile wear by many children around you.*

Powdered sugar, with strawberries. *He answered lightly, once again focusing on you face not getting enough of it.  Maybe that's good? Waiting all his life so he could create memories just with you? Maybe he waited for you all this time to come and show him all of it. He smiled to himself, looking down at his funnel cake, picking up the strawberry and eating it. The taste was more on the sour side but the powder made it sweet enough. Which was alright because it was life itself after all and you were his sugar powder now.*
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook [ I did it finally! Sorry for the wait. Had a bit of recovery time ]

*if he could read your thoughts and reasoning behind why you thought you had friends. Even to the point he heard your perception of your own birthday, he’d insult you, stuff a up your while adamantly arguing that friends need to know their birthdays or then they just not even actual friends. Just fake, ty friends. But unfortunately, he couldn’t say that because he didn’t know outside of the dream how you thought, only your emotions. Still, with how confident you were, he couldn’t wrap his head around how you’re /any/ kind of hermit. And if he did figure it out, he’d push you towards those other humans because nah, he won’t let you be miserable now he cares for you.*

*he groans as he grabs your thigh to nip at your ear as you a hickey down his neck* I’m not… *he snickers before furrowing his brows.* you planning to turn me off…? *then he growls back to your lips in response to your * , baby daddy’s a tease but you really need to stop making it difficult, with that ing a gay guy and . The image not helping *he gripped your chin turning you up to him as you sat on the desk* I’m ing you because I like- like ing you *he quickly corrected himself with his eyes aggressive and hot.*

*jeongguk listened on as his eyes closed warmly against your face, kissing you insultingly like always. He smiled admiring your passion for your work before he smirked at how you can’t get him out of your thoughts. He smirked even wider, pleased when you called him unforgettable even to yourself* I can hear you, you know *he snickered but still kissed you even more passionately. , first he was so ready to you fast like we’re dogs. Now his impulsiveness is kicking in and he wants to you in a different way.* you think it’s shocking but it’s real baby daddy…it happens way too ing much. *but he continues to pull you closer only until you are the one to push away*

*that same sentiment only grew more at your refusal to call him stress relief and the rest. It came out of nowhere for him so his eyes were widened and doe-like in a bro-I-was-just-trying-to-set-the-mood expression. Afterall, that was just him ing you into using him too like he used you. At least, that’s how he felt about it. But now you said that, it got him thinking about it in a different way. He bit his lower lip before a soft breathy giggle went to his cheeks as you melded his face, eyes crinkling as his side dimple showed on one of his cheeks, his two front teeth exposed* you’re so ing weird… *he scrunched his nose.*

*Usually, Jeongguk never believed in the whole idea of timing. If he wanted to say it he would. He believed that there was never a right time for anything or you’ll always find an excuse, anyways. That being said, he’s a good example of why your ideology was correct. Because he relies on impulse rather than worry about timing, it always gets ed over. All because he’s just saying what he felt in that moment. Who would Jeongguk be if he wasn’t that impulsive? Though I guess these days, due to his own healing heart, he /had/ been trying to slow down and think a little before he says anything. So with that slightly cautious new approach he had, suddenly he had the strongest urge to again, like always, do some he might regret later on. It was just that strong of a urge to even conflict with his approach. Even he couldn’t try to be calm and mature about it. He thumbed at your cheeks and kissed you hard* , you’re gonna make me fall for you if you keep this up…maybe I already am… *he looks into your eyes with his own slight fear for revealing his heart some and a more quieter smirk. He wanted to say it so he did.*

*he snickers lightly when you realize you’re rambling. Well, most likely the name and the actions didn’t match too closely to the Sooyoung he knew. So now he’s tuned out most of the details until you realize what you were doing.* don’t worry, baby, it was a damn boring story but you’re y so you made it interesting enough. *he kisses your body more, this time softer and more passionate.* and you look so ing y when you talk about you’re passionate about… *he presses your body closer* and you have a damn y voice I could listen to you talk about nothing for hours…

*he growled in response to your happy noises as your hand climbed up his button down shirt once we get into it. He snickered lightly when you compliment how y he was being with his mouth* tell me something I don’t know baby *he groaned as he slithered his tongue deeper into you when you pull it in to , massaging your upper lip until our tongues tangled in a long passionate moan. His hands settle to your waist, closing any escape between your desk and him- not that you were planning to escape. He massaged and squeezed your perky cheeks up into his hands during the kiss. But when you tug him harder against you, his face grows hotter and his tongue salivates until he kisses you with a tingly string of saliva between our lips, hands supporting your leaning back with an arm stretched over your waist. It’s times like these where he got hot and so fast for you. Scratch that, /everytime/ you come around, he wants to bend you over and you. Just this time he wanted to and /planned/ to do more. But whatever, he’s gonna do both; no need to be all strict, just go with the flow. Once he pulls away just enough to breathe, he whispers breathlessly.* baby, I’d love to do that. I’d even sneak and you under the desk in between boring sessions, hear your legs shake, tasting you so ing bad! Do you to me when you’re awake? Beg for daddy to take you? *he snickers, still ing but changing the subject to your reality and his* you like it when I watch you get yourself off on a ? Imagining it was me? My body?

*then when you leaned over your desk, he had started to massage your more quickly as he positioned himself. When he finally enters, he had groaned as you yelled at the size too. He smirks* only the best positions. Riding my fo sho. *he groans. But then smirks sweaty when you can’t think nor react much. When he noticed your hips in pain from the desk edge, at first he pulled you closer to him and his s, still snickering when you beg for his . When it continued, he flipped you over with a dark whisper* you want my that badly? H then beg for baby’s , baby daddy. Or baby momma. You want your precious son to fill you and you hard you feel pregnant with his don’tcha…h *he moans teasing you as he s into you*

*but at your actions and your heated, clearly gone in lust face, his body’s instincts kicked in. Slam. He ed harder into you. Rather than psssionate, he was ing as if he needed to anything and everything. And right now your hole looked so good to use, he completely forgot he was supposed to be passionate. That’s the kind of reaction you gave him. Not Jeongguk but you brought out his essence. The side that just wanted to and use others’ bodies. The only side he usually shown to his victims he didn’t care for. Now you are feeling it. That unparalleled desire to be ed again and again in every position 24/7.* I’m gonna your brains out, my pretty ! *the voice growled. It ed and came so much into you, leaving a panting Jeongguk behind who was returning back to his original state.*

*first thing he noticed was your body twitching as spilled on your stomach and spilled out of your hole. You looked exactly like his victims would when he went too far. His eyes widened realizing what happened and what caused it. He laughs lightly* sorry if it was too much, I just really wanted to rough your hole up so hard…I couldn’t hold back heh… *when you didn’t say anything to his slightly guilt-ridden eyes but just held him close, he bit his lip and squeezed you hard into his muscular arms. Maybe you didn’t understand but he felt bad and apologized through that gesture. And you, damn with your warm and loving hugs, he just ducked down and hugged you more relaxingly. You had a way of somehow comforting him too. He kisses your neck and oversensitive body better as you eventually plateau then come back up to his lips more casually. Part of him wanted to fall asleep in your arms and let you keep hugging your more softer side of your baby. But he knew not yet. He still had your special day to celebrate with you.*

*as soon as you felt tears in your eyes, Jeongguk turned to look at you before slowing you down with the hand he had embarrassingly held yours in* hey… *he eventually stops you while he places both thumbs to rub away your forming tears. He smirks* what? Got emotional before I got you anything solid? *he snickers before his eyes looked down in concern* hey you gonna be alright…? *at the peck to his lips and your adorable smile, he smirks smugly to himself. He did that. Even though his expression seemed more or less suddenly aware with quickened widened eyes as he snapped his head away* w-whatever, let’s go *he tried despite his heating cheeks. You were being so ing cute for no reason, . And then calling him a cutie pie, what are you? That’s right an old weirdo. A cute one though.* let’s go get some of dat fair food then think about the-e rest

*and so he tangled his fingers into yours in the handhold then walks with you to the stand they were making funnel cakes. All without looking at your face in embarrassment. Yep, he’s at heart what you would call a tsundere.* what kinda toppings you want? They have… *reads the menu* Powdered sugar? Chocolate. Honey. Oh there’s strawberry sauce and strawberries too. That looks like a new one… *he nods, still unable to look at your face as he waits for your answer then nods quietly as he pays for the food.*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 8 months ago
@Jeongguk *Because most of his friends were ambitious young doctors who barely had time for themselves and trying to maintain their family life, he wouldn't expect them to remember such an insignificant fact. He was a busy man that rarely if ever went out. He was a hermit crab. Not that he minded.*

*The grin Jungkook gave you was big and bright.* Gay? Aren't you one as well, baby boy? *His hands run down your sides, as he places kisses on the collar of your neck, on it to leave a hickey.* Look at that, gay man kissing your neck and is about to spread his legs for you. *He was teasing you lightly, and you could hear when he snorted hearing 'fatherer'.  That earned you one more hickey before he moved away to look into your eyes. * My naughty boy, better be careful or your father will take care of that filthy mouth of yours.*

*His fingers slipped into your hair, combing it, while his features softened.* You are always on my mind, baby. It was more of a metaphor. I do take my work very seriously. I have people's hearts and minds in my hands and I need to be careful handling them. So full focus is required. My patients have suffered enough and sometimes I am the only person who cares about them and wants to help. *He smiled sadly, massaging your scalp before his face lit up, and his smile grew into a warmer one.* But sometimes it's hard to focus when a certain baby boy is stuck in my head and I even considered a short nap a few times just to see you, but that would give us less time during the night so I can't do it. *He pulled you closer,  wrapping his arms around your shoulder tilting his head to the side and giving you space.* How could I ever forget you? *He whispered more to himself than you.*

*When you started asking questions he pulled you back to look at your face.* You are more than just stress relief or good . You never were. You are not a project or experiment. *Jungkook shook his head, and he pulled on your cheek.* You are my person. My baby boy, my friend, and someone who I have a lot of feelings for. You are my precious. *That was the closest he could get without confessing. Jungkook wasn’t ready for any confession and it wasn't a good moment. His feelings were complicated, complex and there were still many things you needed to know and he needed to learn about you.* This patient is a tough cookie, with few different diagnoses, many different opinions, and honesty getting to the middle of a problem is ing hard because she is not telling me everything yet. She is playing with me. She is treating it like a game. Well her previous psychiatrists kinda ed her up so I get it. But creating a good plan of recovery for someone like that is just... *He puffed the air out, deflating like a balloon.* ing nightmare, because you can't be sure what will work. With her often refusing medications to suddenly overdosing and ending up like a zombie and the... *He realized that he was rambling so he stopped suddenly, closing his mouth and nervously turning the ring on his lips.* sorry, I didn't mean to go overboard like that. Let's drop it, I wouldn't want to waste our precious time on work.

*He divided his attention to your body, hungry lips, and painful tug in his groin that required his attention. He made a happy noise when you kissed him again, as let you in, on your greedy tongue. One hand buried in your hair, the other slipping g under the button shirt to touch to move along your nape and spine down as far as he could reach.* ... and you are driving me crazy with that mouth, baby. *Jungkook moved against matching your movements.* , I don't know why you even wanted to hold back. I can get enough of you, baby, come here. *He grabbed a fist full of your shirt and kissed you hungrily, fighting for domination over the kiss, showing you how much he wanted you. He leaned back trusting your support.* Mhmm, you would come to my office during consultation time and ed me on my desk and muffling out my moans to not let other students waiting outside know what exactly you were doing to me. *He dirty-talked back, wrapping his legs around your middle.* yes I would,  begging for your .

*He rested his warm cheek on his desk for a second to clean his head and let out another moan when you touched his .* I don't think you would need to blackmail me. I would want you so badly, baby boy. But if you did, what you would record? What position, place..eE! ! *He yelped, closing his eyes and catching the edge of the desk for support when you . The series of curses and moans filled the lecture room as he pressed himself against you, moving with you. Any other talk could wait because Jungkook couldn't really gather his thoughts and voice them out anymore. He was praising your , softly calling your name when you roughly ed him. The edge of the desk was painfully digging into his hips with each but that didn't matter. Your dirty mouth, your kisses touch were driving him crazy.*  Jeong..ggukie... yes, ... *He was drolling, overstimulated, so close. * Don't stop! AH! No, no why did you...?! *He asked on the edge as his eyes filled with frustrated tears when you started to change the rhythm not letting him . When you turned him around he whimpered, shaking in your arms, eyes glossy as he reached out, slipping his fingers into your hair and holding onto it.* Please, baby boy, please... I want to , baby... let me . *He almost cried, so sensitive all over, hair sticking to his wet skin. * Gukkie, baby, me, please... please, I was so good, daddy was good..  *He continued answering your kisses with his a bit sloppy ones, as his legs wrapped around your middle. You turned him into a loud whinny mess with your neck thurst and he all over his stomach, calling for his baby boy, fingers twisting in your hair. For a good few minutes, he couldn't say anything. All he did was pull you closer, wrapping his arms tightly against your body and hiding in your neck, not letting you move, slowly calming down. His fingers rub circles into your back as he presses a series of kisses into your neck. When he finally let you move slightly he looked dazed, face still red and messy. He gently wipes out the sweat from your forehead, his gesture so delicate and loving, gently. Jungkook's kisses were now slow and calm, and he was still shaking in your arms after such mind-blowing . He stayed quiet in your arms, wrapping himself around you and letting you take care of the rest while his brain and body recover. His eyes were on you for the entire ride.*

*He took your hand, squeezing it gently as he finally focused on the park itself, and then the time stopped for him. His big doe eyes couldn't focus on one thing, and his lips slowly parted. With this small gesture, you healed some part of his beaten childhood. His voice started to shake slightly and his eyes turned glossy, but he quickly shook his head and bit his lower lips to stop the overflowing emotions. Everything was so bright and he squirmed as if he couldn't wait to see all the attractions. Finally, he turned towards you with the biggest, happy smile and without a word leaned in to kiss your lips. It was a short but sweet and warm kiss.* Thank you, Jeonggukie! *He said happily his eyes. His eyes were filled with stars, glowing brightly. He was so honest with his emotions. Like a sun radiating warm energy before he pulled you towards food stands.* Yes, a cake for a cutie pie and my date! *If you didn't hold his hand he would start skipping towards stand. Like a kid with no care for the world.* What we would do next?
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook [1/2]

[alright then for now, I’ll keep it pretty brief but I think that’ll be fun to include that name’s significance later. ironic though that you thought of that name lol ]

*(previously on last episode) as jeongguk continued looking through your living space though, giving you your time, the familiar name perked his ear up as he walked back to see what you’re actually looking at. Sooyoung? He hasn’t heard that name in such a ing long time. No it couldn’t be…could it…? He leaned over to look at your papers and (end of recap)*

*he leaned over to look at your papers and his eyes widened slightly at the familiar black hair. Or was it. He couldn’t tell because you closed the notebook. He curses under his breath. He couldn’t affect the human plane of existence here. But he was never the type to dwell on his past like a certain cold ex-roommate so after one second, he gave up, shrugged and returned back to his pretty baby daddy, leaving the audience, If this was a real drama, at a perfect cliffhanger with flat resolution like all those drama episode shows do to get you to watch until the next episode only to find out nothing changes. And yet since they already started the next episode, the audience would wanna keep watching to see if there’s any significant progress anyways. [dont blame me, I just wrote actor Taehyung today so I’m in that mood]

*but if jungkook used the excuse that he had friends and yet none of them knew his birthday, Jeongguk would still conclude you’re a loser because to him, that still means you don’t have any actual friends. I mean, what kinda friend didn’t know their friend’s birthday? And yet again he would frown while insulting you in a roundabout caring method. No possibility on changing that with that explanation. That’s /if/ Jeongguk could read your mind. Which he couldn’t. Only able to sense your emotions when not in a dream.*

*he grins at your compliment* look who’s talking but… *snickers against your body* don’t ing call me gorgeous though, that’s gay *he cringed with a grin as he remembered all the cringe gay people calling each other gorgeous even for fun* I like y, hot. A stud. Oh a y motherer also works too. Or y fatherer *he a brow wiggling his brows aggressively playfully as he slid an arm around you, clearly teasing you as you were the one who understood the joke better when he was ing you, his baby daddy.*

*And yet as you let him trap you, he pouts even harder when you still say the same thing while defending yourself* B-but Hyung still forgot me? Don’t do that to me, baby… *his eyes grow wider and doe-like as he nestled into your neck, kissing it more softer. More sensitive, fragile, and on edge now. It was a topic he was always over sensitive about. Even through the jokes he was making, it hurt down there at the thought that someone he cared for could forget him. Again. Can you blame him? He lives off of people forgetting him even after ing their brains out. All just to be a y memory in their lives. To see the same thing happen to someone he didn’t want to be forgotten by was stabbing him hard. Especially after his ex chose to break their bond and forget about what happened in this world. The real Jeongguk side. It was always a glaring weakness he had.* you’re joking right… *he laughed forcefully, hiding the pain* you weren’t even once thinking about me you off or ing my fingers into your hole to relieve your stress? I mean, when you were reading so hard that’s not what you were thinking about? *it also kind of ironically insinuated that when he was studying as a human, all he was thinking about was . Especially if he questioned you, a human, about it.*

*but as sensitive as he i about being forgotten, lying to him was the worst thing you can do. Especially since you’re dreaming so he can easily tell if you’re lying given he can read your emotions /and/ thoughts here rather than /just/ emotions. It’s a power he only has in dreams. Opposite to his ex-roommate who was not able to read emotions anymore at all and didn’t need to since the boss had Jeongguk as his servant anyways.*

You work so ing hard huh…*he continued hovering over your body, grinding and kissing harder as his eyes glazed over, groaning against your kisses* you’re y when you’re being a stablish, working adult… *he snickered into your lips before he groans against your gasp. He nipped at your lower lip, still smirking into your eyes as he rolled his hips, groping your so you were at the corner of your desk, almost wrapping around him. He wanted to see how good he was making you feel before he snickered against your lips breathily as you use the leverage to sit on your desk, pushing papers and not caring how dirty you’re being right now. To parallel that, his elbows helped keep you balanced as he too shoved what he could with the sides of his arms* , I think that ….if I was your student, I’d ram into your body again and again until you’re my dirty professor that couldn’t get enough of my … *he s* instead of a cold you’d be so hot all over. , would you to me? A naughty student you couldn’t help wanna get dicked down by?

Mm yeah a quickie *he s at your cheeks, massaging them when you turned around and bent over* you like that baby? , so I’m a student that needs a better grade? What about blackmail? *teases back. He smirked, pulling the hem of your own boxers and pants together down too as he massaged your flesh, kissing your shoulder blades then groaning as he positioned himself and spread your cheeks to enter into you. Luckily, with him, you didn’t need to worry about lube since he was able to execute painless unless his victims ever wanted to feel pain. Sometimes he liked to prepare you for fun though to get you all hot and bothered for him. But since this is a quickie, though he still kept with the ing and arousing, this time he focused more on making you feel good with his and muscular hands* my naughty teacher wearing pretty tight at school to get the bad boy’s attention *His eyes furrowed closed as he gritted his teeth at the heat and friction, gripping your waist then slamming all the way in then out. He ed into you fast and hard as his hands pulled you by the waist and other on the desk to you even faster until your was ricocheting off of his s. He grips at your pretty ponytail when we become faster as he groans harder. Our slapping of our skin was the only other sound that could even be heard through the hallway. Your body was hugged closer by his muscular arm at times too to randomly deep into you as his tongue your ear, spanking you with the other hand at times* my teach’s a naughty for aren’t you…you were waiting h that’s what you get…h for wearing such ing y tight h clothes.! *slams* wwaiting for your students to f you hard like this! *he smirks at your words* does it matter? You’re ing loving it, you’re /my/ ty teacher…! (I’ll make it brief bc I know you don’t like too much lol. And Jeongguk ofc wants to be more romantic; he didn’t want to do it that soon ironically actually) you’ll manage, and h if you can’t, you should just come h find me to it out of you, teach

*his groaning and your panting continued as his s turned randomly slow and teasing then fast and hard against your prostate* that was the plan…h I’m gonna ing hold your hand today until you cringe so hard! *after bending you over on your desk, he slows down, turns you around with his in you but stays there to kiss your flushed spent face* my teacher’s so y. That’s exactly what I meant h hear my pretty daddy’s voice screaming in a non-ual way h. Now lay back, birthday boy, imma pour it out, all my into you alright *he gently set you down to lie on the desk, making you lay back just enough before ing wildly into your bruising hole and spread legs, kissing you passionately then looking into your heated face with so much ardent care yet desire. He had made sure you didn’t fall off your now shaking desk as finally, the two finished. Yet Jeongguk didn’t stop kissing your body* then I’ll be the first one h take you somewhere you haven’t been to *funny thing is, he hasn’t too on a real date. Maybe for dates with the females yeah. But not a real date. Not even with his ex who he only started to go on real dates with when the other came back. So he considered this especially cringe kinda special though he hesitated on revealing it*
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook , let’s go for the ty stars before I end up starting again *he snickered with sweat gliding down his sideburns. Despite quicker, his body still turned slightly sweaty. And yet both you and him looked so perfect lined with sweat. Perfectly messy and smelling of together. He kissed your lips again as he fixed your pants up. He stayed there kissing you as you sat on your desk while caressing your face* you made me too excited *he laughs with a tired whisper. But don’t worry, give him a few seconds and because this is a dream, he’ll easily be able to continue. Something he couldn’t say was easy to do when he did have a human body. That’s a con of having one; he gets tired easily like a human would, needing to not only maintain it and but also maintain his own needs outside of human ones. Still, to him, having a body had more pros than cons- not that any of that matters. Just a thought to reflect on why he’s now able to get up, still carrying you as he kisses you lazily towards his car. All you saw was bright red though as your eyes closed. Usually, there’s a reason why he waits until the end to his victims. It’s this. Because it’s your dream, it depends on your own perception of recovery time how long it’ll take and that’s usually dependent on a human’s own perception of their limits in a dream- which usually he can avoid dealing with when you’re about to wake up since even if you feel tired in a dream, your body when you wake up might not*

*eventually, we make it there when you’ve recovered. A theme park. He opens the door to his Porsche for you to exit out of now you’re able to walk again. When we enter, Jeongguk holds your hand with soft heated cheeks. He looked away, slightly embarrassed at himself* you want some food? *points to the stands casually despite his palms sweaty like Eminem’s spaghetti* maybe a funnel cake will help your lazy energy *he smirks insultingly even though it was his fault and you weren’t lazy.*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 8 months ago
@Jeongguk [completly random]

*Jungkook has some friends, yet as a person who likes to hide his past, people don't know his birthday. Not like he needed them, either. Maybe it was because of his past and his parents, but he never really felt that urge to celebrate it in a special way. He was easy to forget about it, and only when someone actually asked how old is he, he realized that he may have skipped them all together.

Isn't it obvious? You are ing gorgeous, so obviously I will look. *He leaned over the desk, just inviting you in and pulling closer, easily letting you trap him in this position. * In my defense... *He said, tilting his head back, making a funny face.* You were the first thing on my mind when I indeed realized that there is a world out there waiting. Sometimes difficult cases require time to break it down and create a plan of action before I can pull it, or in this case, a person, back together. It's a process that requires my y brain to stay focused. *His hand slipped into your hair, making an even bigger mess. When you kissed him, he slightly pulled on your hair, making a small noise, pushing his crotch against yours. That created even more friction, which was followed by a gasp that turned into a moan when you couldn't really hold back.* Mmm... *One glance before he sits on the desk, carelessly pushing the papers and stuff off to create more space, before his hand found his way back to your neck, pulling you for another kiss.* It's a good thing that you are not exactly my real student because it would be hard. *He on your lower lips before he let his tongue in, your teeth.* I would catch a cold if you keep undressing me with your eyes every lecture. *Jungkook lightly jokes, leaning in to on your neck.* So, a quickie on my desk before we go? *He unbuckled his own pants, slipping off the desk to turn around and bending over.* Be a good one, and maybe I will give you a higher grade next time. *Another joke followed by a low laugh.* , how will I be able to teach now without seeing this? (you can make it brief or detailed, depends on what you prefer)

I want all. Especially the ty star. But I always wanted to hold someone else's hand in horror house, and on rollercoaster. Will you win a plushie for me? *There it was another soft but honest smile. Warm one, that was filling his eyes. You were endearing in your contrasting behavior.* So, give me a ride now, before we go to the real one. You know… I don't think I was ever in one… the theme park. Huh. That's lame.*And that was true. It was an evil place for sinners or some other bull his father told him once, later he didn't have money for stuff like that, and later he ended up being too busy to even think about it. *
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook [how do you know about Sooyoung? Or was that just a random name? ]

*when Jeongguk continued to wait, slightly growing irritated in annoyance when you took your sweet time to fall asleep, he trailed around the room. He didn’t care to look at his victims’ rooms usually. His mind trailed back to his ex; well except for his last real boyfriend in this state he was in. But yes, usually he s and leaves, never getting too attached. Just…something told him as you grew closer to him that he could trust you. Maybe not so blatantly like he trusted his ex. But it was there. Clear and yet he was uncertain how it came to be.*

*he smirked when your phone vibrates before ending up frowning. With that y body and that pretty face you were only getting game notifications? Or maybe your friends would wish you tomorrow? Some part of him hoped that to be the case but , he’d insult you if you’re really a loser without friends but popular like suffering from success kinda type-off course, all in a concerned way. He smiled slightly pleased to himself when you call him baby boy even here when you’re awake. you’re cute. Technically it’s his birthday too though more he uses this day to recall and party in it as a human more. Usually a hodgepodge of birthday party raves that turn into full blown-out - which he’d plan to do with his other victims who had the luck of meeting him today. Afterall, he was cocky enough to want to celebrate himself, still very attached to his human self unlike his ex-roommate forced to be a roommate due to his actual roommate in this world. Yours of course, he wanted to celebrate you, not him. Or maybe both if it worked out. No real plan other than that due to his impulsiveness. But the fact you got him to even think of something so earnestly was a feat in general.*

*as he continued looking through your living space though, giving you your time, the familiar name perked his ear up as he walked back to see what you’re actually looking at. Sooyoung? He hasn’t heard that name in such a ing long time. No it couldn’t be…could it…? He leaned over to look at your papers and (the rest I’ll have to back-track and elaborate on that next time depending on ur answer to the ooc if that was on purpose or not)*

*in the dream, once he layed eyes on you still in class but not exactly working, more tidying up, he smirked as he his lips. That fit and the way your hand stretched to erase the board made it so hard for him to not want to pull that untucked shirt up enough to warm his hands around your abs. , you look so good for him. Even as someone who wasn’t that fond of long hair and delicate looking styles, you pulled it off for him because well, you were you. And he liked you. so of course, now he’s into longer hair but only on you. That’s how it worked for him in general.*

*but it looked like we both were checking ourselves out because then when he entered, you did the same. He smirked cocking a brow challengingly* like what you see, baby daddy? And then he neared your body and continued with what he was saying.* do you forget about me too then? *he pouts playfully before kissing you. The soft kiss easily grew passionate with your hands. , his body is burning for you. You can’t do that to him because he at follow through. His tongue at his lips* well if you want it that badly, let me take care of you first and then we’ll go *looks around before hugging your waist as he pushed you to the desk* always wanted to you in your work area *he snickers as you let him move away but you already made it hard for him as he kissed and grinded against your pants.* After this mm yeah I am… *the same desire started to grow inside him. Uncontrollable hot. You can’t expect him to stop himself if his victims can’t stop themselves either* , then bend over. Let’s do a quick one, I wanna shake your desk and your insides today… *growls as his nose flared while unbuckling his pants harshly* (if this ends up happening, we can time skip this scene, going for a brief description) *he grins looking into your eyes* what if I wanna see your eyes, what if I wanna do some ty stars thing for you today? We can always in a horror house anytime but imma deny that for right now. Let’s go get some cotton candy, maybe share a candy apple… *growls as he grinds against you. How contradictory to what he’s doing right now as if his own lust had a form of its own even as he unbuckles his belt.* I wanna see you so ing happy for a y, young man *he smirks indirectly insulting you in his roundabout caring way. Especially after what you said to yourself about being old. That pissed him off so this time he’s calling you y and young.*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 8 months ago
@Jeongguk The clock said five minutes to midnight, and yet the figure leaning over the desk only flipped through the file and made another note. The table was strewn with documents, new and old, the personnel files of a certain Park Sooyoung. Medical records, police and school reports, expertise from a former psychiatrist and therapist, orphanage records. Basically, every possible information about a girl's history. Jungkook, however, looked troubled, as if something was missing, or he couldn't get a suitable solution. His chin was resting on his knee, glasses slipped to the tip of his nose. The messy bun on top of his head was even more messy, a sign that he was pulling and running his hands against many times. He was wearing a plain white shirt, way too big for him, covering his boxers and nothing else. He flinched when the old clock began to strike twelve, he flinched, startled. He sighs, and rubbed his eyes with a soft groan, and then stretched out his limbs before he reached out to grab his phone. Two minutes after midnight on September 1 his screen told him, but that didn't really tell him anything. Yet, the notification from his favorite games. 'Time to log in and receive your birthday present! Happy Birthday, JK!'. The man blinked, then checked the calendar on the wall to be certain.* Oh... *He puffed out his lips, playing with his piercing.* I am old. 31 years old. Funny. *Yet, his voice wasn't really cheerful as he stood up, and walked toward the window, opening up and taking a deep breath in.* You survived 31 years of this life. *He whispered, and then his face lighted up with a smile.* Well, it's not so ty now, huh? *He his lips, thinking about Jeongguk, his hand moved slowly across his stomach and chest, touching his neck and moving to his nape. He chuckled.* Is it my baby boy's birthday as well? I guess time to check. *He looked over at his desk and frowned.* Sooyoung I guess you will have to wait one more day, before I can help you. But I think I have an idea. We'll go through it, but right now, I want to see my baby boy. *He whispered, closing his notebook, as if the girl in the picture could hear him. He switched off all the lights in the room, Jungkook crawled under the covers, snuggling into the pillow with a smile.*

*The scenario was something entirely new, and Jungkook was wiping off the drawing of the spinal cord and brain he had drawn on the board in the now empty lecture room. He was wearing casual but well—fitting black jeans and a matching black t-shirt tucked in. Too tight for his taste, showing off his flesh and narrow waist. Personally, he wouldn't choose that for a lecture, but he would pick it up for a date with Jeonggukie. At least his favorite leather jacket was waiting on his chair. His black, curly hair was styled in soft curls around his face except for longer strands from above, caught in a ponytail at the back. *

*When you entered the room, he checked you out, so obviously pleased to see you. He body melting into your hands, meeting you in the middle, kissing you back, as his fingers slipped into the hair on your nape, grazing your scalp.* Hello there, baby boy. You look so hot. *It was hard to stop himself from slipping his hands under that button up. He chucked, his lips after the kiss.* When I work, sometimes I forget about the whole world. *His hands moved back to cup your face, thumbing it gently, so he could look at your face as if he wanted to memorize it.* Are you taking me out for a date, baby boy? Damn, and I really want to bend myself right here and now. *Jungkook lightly jokes, pulling you even closer to kiss the arch of your brow and forehead, and then lets you move away.* Theme park, not because of that guy, but because the horror house is dark enough for public, naughty kisses that I am planning to steal from you.
[post deleted by owner]
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook [more details would be added later but thought I should do this just to have it. You don’t need to respond now tho priority-wise ]

*jeongguk waits until you fall asleep before he shows up. This time rather than the empty room he’s used to being in first before your fantasies take over and provide our illusion of our night, there is an actual scene here. Which in itself was unusual because usually with his victims, there was always a scene before he changed it to fit his victim’s fantasies. Maybe it’s because you were way more aware of everything and him that usually things were emptier in the beginning.

*This time though, he changed that emptiness to a scene in the university. As if you truly were leaving work after a long day. Except in this scenario, you had the half day off, so you could end classes early. Presently, Jeongguk walked in the empty lecture room you were still in with a backpack off his shoulder and his dirty blonde hair surprisingly styled more messier than usual. The young man was wearing an untucked large white button down shirt but for pants, he wore black torn at the knees skinny jeans. On top of his button down shirt, a black leather studded jacket. He smirks walking over to you* didn’t think you’d ever ing fall asleep I was gonna give up *he snickers laughing then wraps a hand around your waist and kisses you softer than he usually would to his victims* leggo, today before we each other so sloppy and rough, I wanna take you out, do something more interesting than just “boring ” all the time *he snickers before growling into your ear* so don’t tempt me or I’ll break my plan before it even got to start… *he smirks. Then he pulled away before he could lean back in.* I’ll give you three options. What’s a place you always wanted to go with that guy that rejected you? A drive in/normal theater? Rock concert? Or a theme park?
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [] no problem! Done!
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung [] 3rd please <3 much appreciated
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [] ok I added the 3rd and 4th. So out of 1,3,4, which floor do you want for chanyeol?
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung [] okays
you can add the new floor please! owo
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [] I will. Though actually you’ll know bc /thats/ the replies I’ll tag you in. The rest I won’t but for context it’d be good for you to click on “all” rather than “just about you” to read just for fun since I don’t expect mirroring at all and it would be a pain for u to mirror all that : )

Ok! So I should add an apartment? Ok! I can add one tonight if you want chanyeol to have a 2nd floor one? But if you want a separate floor other than 2nd, then I don’t need to add one and we can just use that room until more ppl rp in that floor to warrant a separate apartment ]
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung [] of course! okays~ you can tell me when its time for me to take charge lol
so probably he would prefer an apartment xD he needs his space.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [] thanks for the starter! I have your reply ready and more context you don’t have to reply to! But first, I’m setting up the scene. After this, you can control ur character again. Where does chanyeol live? He’s a sophomore so he can be even in the apartments if not a dorm since only first years are required to live on campus in a dorm : ) I’ll reply there ]
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung [] okays

Chanyeol closed the door behind him to his room. He sighed as he dropped his bag into his desk and moved toward the bathroom to wash up. It was getting late into the evening, though not late enough for him to go to bed. While he was a studious student, he was young and did not need hours of sleep yet. He brought out his phone from his sweatpants and scrolled through the various messages. Invitations, questions, and photos were either deleted or ignored. He wasn't sure how so many people had so much energy to waste.

He plugged the phone to charge the battery, washed his face, and rummaged through the drawers for a late snack. He had always tried to avoid social events, finding them tedious and straining. Everyone wanted something from him or his family. It was the same story over and over again. While not as strict or tense, some of the few parties he had attended were either outright idiotic fools making bad decisions or an . He was quick to mark such events to avoid them. Changing into his pajamas and getting comfortable, Chanyeol settled on the couch and brought out his laptop. It was time to enjoy the night.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [] haha no problem bruh, I tend to repeat myself even when ppl don’t tell me to these days lol

Oh coercion? Maybe trigger ? Or avoiding but still a coercion scene? I can do that. That’s jeongguk’s expertise. Maybe not the public part but definitely the coercion
If chanyeol doesn’t have any scenario he wants to play out, in this jeongguk’s birthday party, that was a thing he always wanted to do with someone and yet no one was there except NPCs. So we can use that if you don’t know specifics. Let me see if I can still find it. But you go ahead and reply to Taehyung so I can transition to Jeongguk ]
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung [] xD
oops , sorry to keep making you repeat yourself ouo;; but probably the dark fantasy to make it fun, for me lol

hmmm I don't think he would know his dark fantasy. but probably getting coarse into having somewhere publicly and not having much power or say in what was happening. basically taking away everything he has learned and had been taught since childhood. take away the rug right underneath him and it will leave him rattled.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [] well…you’ll have to rp to found out how it’ll be done I guess lol

But alright! If this is cool with you, now onto repeating the question again:
do you wanna keep the scenario setting completely the same? Or rp your darkest fantasy. What kind of usually consequential fantasy would chanyeol have if you know : ) ]
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung [] Okay, that's cool.
but yeah definitely something we can explore. even if it were to be found out, eventually, Yeol likes to prevent any drama from home, coming to him at school. but we can definitely go down that route owo
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [] hm…I don’t know if this is what you mean

But Jeongguk can make it exactly that kinda scenario. A scene where chanyeol is tempted enough to explore his uality. Because of his nature, Jeongguk can give him this /without/ it affecting chanyeol’s real life and the actual reputation around him. But I won’t explain why bc again, you’d have to rp with Jeongguk to find out : ) but yes. Very possible. Maybe it’s like a slow awakening? ]
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung [] cool cool.

i think it would be fun for chanyeol to explore his uality, but he is still reluctant so he needs some corruption in his life xD
I think gguk would be a good start going down that line, though like I said Yeol will be reluctant even if tempted. lol
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [] ok I’m reinstating this rp bc Jeongguk didn’t get to accomplish his objective set.
I guess it’ll be your time to reply though I’ll transition from Taehyung to Jeongguk next reply.

So same question: do you wanna keep the scenario setting completely the same?
You also have the choice meanwhile- because it’s Jeongguk- to rp your darkest fantasy. Meaning chanyeol doesn’t necessarily have to be as strict with himself as he is in real life, call it a state of loosening on inhibitions : ) ]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [] I don’t mind dark. I can even add that to the chat rp. But alright then if it’s like that, I wouldn’t wanna force it down ur throat lol. We’ll keep the chat rp as that one only so we can either move that to room and reply there or reply in chat. Think that’s the best ]
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@kim ∶ taehyung [] i don't mind going dark if you wanna go down that route?
as for , like written yeol isn't interested in .
doesn't really feel ual attraction until he's gotten to know them better/feels something for them. thus why he is so indifferent to it, but knows how to play it up when it's needed.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [] well that’s a great question! Hm…I guess it depends on if you wanna rp a dark fantasy as well? If so, this could be two times they met but both because of taehyungs order probably. If not, then we can go with the chat being that meeting because of Taehyung’s order.

But again up to you if you prefer them to meet before
Taehyung’s order or not

So let me ask you: would you like to rp any specific fantasy with Jeongguk? ]


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
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LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
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doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
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hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
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