Happy birthday Hoseok

Remember this time with us...

Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jung ∴ hoseok [from this point, can you rp as BTS jimin for the idea suggestion part? I might rp him randomly after but I’ll let you make the suggestions]

[thank you so much! I’m relieved you remember this rp. You did well, don’t put yourself down.]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *naturally. It’ll take a while to understand so all one can do is help and point to it more on the third try. Fortunately, third time was the charm and you started to grow to understand the true situation a bit more normally than just something you can just escape out of*

YG start: *he blushes softly when you say it back even if just platonically. The feelings in him would always linger for the sunshine member but he wasn’t the type to sweep in and take you. He wasn’t forward about it like his other daegu bandmate was about their own feelings. Not even that selfish. Instead, he was quiet but dependable. He would be there when you needed him to lean on and keep his feelings to himself until he knew it was the right time.

But even though the questions were always there, he didn’t ask them and stayed calm. For example, why did you decide what you did and did he at least give you what you needed during your time with him as a boyfriend who loved you so dearly. He smiled lightly at Taehyung; he knew he had in a way betrayed his daegu bandmate when he was aware of how openly smitten the younger would be for the oblivious or pretending to be oblivious hoseok. The 95 liner never skipped any opportunity to praise and support his Hyung to the point it was obvious to everyone except hoseok and Taehyung themselves. But a person can’t decide who to love either. And lo and behold, he fell for you as well. He was just more respectful and quiet of it. And ultimately did get his chance to show you his love- which he couldn’t have been more thankful for. And ironically, Taehyung remained just a dongsaeng even after we decided to stay just friends.*

*yoongi calmly nods to your nudge shoulder thanks. He understood. He smiles lightly.* can I hold you like old times? *his hands gently slide to your waist as he positions himself on the couch.* funny that you mentioned it but I rented a movie just in case everyone wanted to watch together. *he stretches an arm over your shoulder casually.* Do you want me to call the others? Or did you want to just laze around together like this? *he tilts his black head of hair into you, getting comfortable next to you*
: YG end

???: *random barking sounds that didn’t sound like a dog echoed near the maknae line’s location*

TH: *when you understand, he just smiles before his cheeks tinted pink.* Hyung, y-you’re very close to me right now…

JK: *Jeongguk gave a smirking challenging eyebrow back as if to say ‘well it wouldn’t have needed to break in the first place if /someone/ just went along with it.’ But all in all, he’s relieved he didn’t have to repeat this again and you could finally move forward. Not the ideal case since they planned for you to not understand and just play along but they needed to make it way more obvious so you even would be willing to actually enjoy this day.*

TH start: *not gonna lie, the rectangular smile on his lips widened considerably when you admitted you were looking for him* ohh right here Hyung! *changes his voice higher as he pokes his cheeks* Nico Nico Niii~ *he giggles deeply before biting his lip backing away covering his sides with his arms as you try to tickle him* ah stop, that tickles! *his deep giggles resounded through his loud body. When you travel to his neck and shoulder, he giggles turning his head away scrunching his nose as he shrugs grinning rectangularly.*

*the reason he picked Batman’s girlfriend was because you said you wanted to be Batman for Halloween. So he said he wanted to be Batman’s girlfriend for Halloween. Which he thought seemed more like Joker since there was a tension there. But when you don’t playfully push away from him like you’d always do but instead act as Harley Quinn, he smiles evily in his joker way despite gulping considerably. Huh?! You were supposed to laugh at him and push him away like always when things got too close to your own comfort; why is it different?*

*Wait… Was…Hyung flirting with him? Or just playing along. Probably just playing along. So with his still smiling evil face, he tries to keep calm and continues the act despite suddenly realizing and questioning: why did things turn out like this? Your tongue along his lip was confusing enough and yet his own intense smirk never left his face. Maybe later he would look back at this moment and blush. And that would be it. But at the next , right now, his heart is beating rapidly as he parts his lips still in character* it’s bloody scarssss, ssssweetheart.

*but when you lean forward and take his mouth in an open mouthed kiss, he stares down at your lips when you pull back with a smile. You ended it when he had no time to react. As you move back, he finally reacts gripping your jaw to neck to roughly pull you back close to him.* don’t teasssse me, sssweetheart. You haven’t given it a proper tasssste *Still in his joker character, he his lips looking at your own before suddenly he attacks your lips in his own attempt of an open mouthed kiss. He seemed very inexperienced, at first just smacking his lips onto yours. But when he realized he needed to move to kiss deeper, he tilted his head to on your tongue and lips. Instinctively his hands caressed down your back.*
: TH end

JM: *the two other from the maknae line stared in shock. Especially jimin, jaw dropping at this development. Were you guys already drunk, what were you guys even doing! His face flushed looking at the two eating each other. And Taehyung? Our adorable Taehyung was overtaking hoseok like it was so easy. The same Taehyung who had always been pining for hoseok’s affection but was never noticed. Everyone but the two knew because Taehyung’s feeling for his Hyung was so obvious and he could be read like a book. Jealousy too. That same Taehyung was now against our Hyung in a hot makeout session. The same Taehyung who blushed at accidentally touching hoseok. His shy soulmate was being nowhere near shy right now. I mean, he knew Taehyung when acting did a great job in his roles but he thought his friend was clearer at separating reality from fiction. But the way the two were now against the carpet floor and , he swears if Taehyung suddenly acts like it was all just a part of a bi he wouldn’t believe it. But , if this keeps up, he’ll get

JK: *just like jimin, he was shocked though just stared on. This…was not part of the idea. But leave it to his Hyung to do things more impulsively when it came to hoseok. Then he laughs.* hawt, ugh mind if I join as the real Batman? *okay his attempt at getting Taehyung’s attention worked. Now that the blushing bandmate had cleared their throat and was starting to straighten their clothes, Jeongguk could tell that Taehyung was indeed flustered despite the very schooled and unapologetic expression his Hyung wore.*

TH: *so confused and flustered by what just happened, he glanced over at you as if trying to smooth things over. If he could play it off as an act, maybe his lifelong friendship with you wouldn’t break and you wouldn’t feel as ashamed assuming it was all just an act. Yeah…that might be the best way to handle it; he didn’t want to lose you. But another part of him wondered. Did you like him? Like…like-like him?

TH: *welp it seemed like there was no need to wonder because of what happened next. When you questioned your murder, he hums really thinking about it.* you’re right, I’d be pretty sad and mad in this world without you *he pouts while thinking* ah maybe I’d kill myself after you died? But if I had the smarts, I might become some mad scientist and try to revive you or find a way to get your soul in a…*he blinks then blushes when you peck his lips which both jimin and jungkook shocked look at each other. His heart was beating faster but he tries to finish his sentence in pink*…body

TH: *but he giggles nodding deeply as he grabbed around hoseok’s waist* you guys are Toast! *then he smiles and quickly pecks your lips though it lingers* birthday Hyung, what do you think should team despair’s punishment be for team unnamed? *ah he did it! He kissed you on the lips! He thought despite having a normal expression. He’s very good at schooling himself to be calm and seem uncaring.*

JK: *laughs shaking head* hyung’s already giving our team a name huh *he snorts then smiles towards jimin who is still surprised at everything as he slid a waist around jimin* since they’re brainstorming, why don’t we too Hyung? How do you think we can punish them? *smirks*

JM: d-did you see that, kookie?! Don’t tell me I was the only one who didn’t know! *pouts* I was left out on this juicy gossip…

JK: *laughs shaking his head* Don’t worry, jimin Hyung. I didn’t know either *smile-glares lightly to taehyung* that wasn’t part of the plan. *turns back to jimin* But I mean, I was thinking of punishing them by doing that 7 minutes in a closet where they have to kiss dare to finally get Hyung to admit his feelings for hobi Hyung *laughs lightly* but now I feel like instead of using it for their first real kiss, they’d even end up ing in there *laughs rubbing his nape* i mean, did you see them like that in their roleplaying? Even if it was an act, I never knew Taehyung Hyung would be so bold like that. *smile-glares right at Taehyung then exhales shrugging back to jimin* always thought hoseok Hyung was the type. But yeah *laughs out of ideas* I got no other punishments in mind. I’m out of juice. You have any?

JM: *scolds jungkook when the younger used the F word so boldly* language, brat! *then he nods* yeah, taetae always seemed like that to me. When he’s acting with me, he goes pretty far too. Not to the point we kiss though so I think that’s something unique to hobi Hyung? *nods* I think it’s just in the end, his unrequited feelings got a hold of him. *he smiles to jungkook* yes I have one or a few. They’re <insert ideas here>
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@jeon ∙ jeongguk *His overthinking nature and awareness definitely ruined some of your plans. Yet, could you blame him?*

*He chuckled softly, observing Yoongi. The grunt, the slight frown when he mentioned dancing. He felt a tug in his heart when he realized that he will miss his hyung. His grumpiness, care and warmth. He reached out, patting his fluffy hair.* Aw hyung… I know. I love you too.

*The selfie was cute, and he smiled gratefully, gently nudging Yoongi's shoulder in a quiet ‘thank you’.* Hmm, we can curl up here, and watch something or simply listen to music. I am quite lazy today, I don’t want to move too much.


*The relief he felt when he found you here was great, and he leaned a bit closer to your body. Shoulders relaxing, and whole posture less alerted. If his Phantom was here, there was no reason to worry. He was safe. He nodded finally, planning to enjoy his party a bit more.*

*Hoseok raised his perfect eyebrow at Jeongguk, as if he was saying ‘it’s not like I am the first one to break it’. Yet, he smiled again, thanking him for help. Unfortunately, the last few months taught him to not believe everything he is seeing.*

Where is my little TaeTae boo! *He turned around in Taehyung’s arms, starting to ticklish his sides, and pressing his nose into your cheek, ultimately trying to get access to your neck, to blow raspberry kisses there.*

*Unfortunately, he didn’t catch your neck when you started to act like Joker. He wasn’t a good fit to be a Harley Quinn, but he played into your little act, letting you move closer. Observe him with wild, lusty eyes. He stuck his tongue to your finger, taking a challenge. He didn’t know the universe well enough to act it as well as you, but he brought a bit of a crazy glint into his eyes, tilting his head to the side, to grin. Hoseok leans in, closer than before. You could feel his breath on skin, when his tongue run along your upper lip. His smile grew wilder, and he didn’t move away.* So that’s how my Joker tastes like. * Another , the corner this time.*I thought you will be more sweet, more… dangerous. *A smirk, as his eyes fluttered, when he pressed his lips against you, finally kissing. It was a harsh and open - mouth kiss, when he swept the inside of your cheek, plays with your tongue for a moment before he ended it, the saliva from his lips.* Refreshing.

I shall do my best then. We will kick his . *He squeezed your hand, before he pressed his lips, kissing the top of it.* Ah, I wouldn’t want to die knowing you will be left all alone. Who will warm you at night when you murder me, Tae?

Deal! My Taetae will wipe that smirk off your lips soon, just wait!

[okay imo, i am almost out of battery but managed to write a reply you wanted the most. So time for a nap now, enjoy your reply, sorry it’s only this one but it’s not easy to type it out during the ride, sorry for mistakes!]
[post deleted by owner]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *enough of that. The two have now understood there was no use trying- though lord V himself wasn’t sure why. Just that you were thinking more than actually being present.*

YG: *he made a verbal grunt of rebellion as he re adjusted himself but other than that, didn’t say too much* yes I know hob-ah, saranghae hob-ah *taehyung ended up pouring too when you pushed the younger away. But then you come closer and all three pose for the selfie, yoongi doing a swag smile and Taehyung a rectangular adorable looking one.*

*once Taehyung was gone, yoongi turned more or less comfortable with you again.* hob-ah, let’s do something together. What were you thinking?

TH: *he smiled foolishly a bit staring at you. Then as the bare smile traced along his once rectangular lips, he gripped at your wrist. It felt like a grounding grip to calm you down.* I am right here, beautiful- Hyung. You do not need to panic *he said strangely cold but still remembering to not break his character’s personality too much so his cheeks started blushing*

JK: *Jeongguk blinks when you call him jungkook. He complains.* Hyung my name is jungkook, whatchu doin trying to break the 4th wall…that don’t work when there’s still peeps around *it almost sounds like a whine but he still smirks.* but fine, think you struggled enough. This is like the 3rd try so I’ll help a bit cause you’re such a airhead Hyung. The guy you’re looking for is in this room but I think you got it by now right? *winks*

TH: *though Taehyung had to be unaware. He quickly interrupted.* - where is who Hyung? *pouts.* don’t tell me you found another partner in this world. Hyung… *he pouts tugging you back with his cold hand.* or are you trying to act like Batman? *he starts to blush.* if so I can act like Batman’s girlfriend the joker. *the other two started to laugh as Taehyung got into the joker character.* why so seriousss *then he cupped your cheek and suddenly it became quiet.* wanna know how I got these scars? *he got way into it, tracing your lips with his finger before his own lips holding your waist closer until our heartbeats were against each other.* what if you taste and find out? *he said as his lips hovered so close to yours. His eyes were more intense than usual. Maybe because when he acts, he /really/ acts, getting into the character. Or maybe for another reason.*

*after he returned back from the joker bit eventually Taehyung answered you. He smiled.* Because I do not trust in humanity, Hyung. But I trust in you. So if you believe we can win, I’ll believe too *he nods being more or less casual about it. Then when you answer back, he listens.* I’ll protect you hyung. Unless well of course I’m the one who’d murder you. *nods avidly.* then I won’t let anyone else do it but me. *he growls in a colder voice.* you’re only mine.

JK: pft human.. *jungkook had said with a snide smirk before finally taking the controller.* riighht… fine let’s raise the stakes here, if you guys lose, you have to do the winners’ dare. If we lose we’ll do yours *jimin giggled behind him clapping approvingly “ah good! Exciting.” Jungkook smirks back at jimin then smiles to you and Taehyung.* deal?
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk *At first, Hoseok didn’t notice a change, far too deep in his thoughts about everything. Maybe if he wasn’t worried about everything he would pay more attention to that. Especially to trust the humanity part.*

No hyung, you are a kpop idol. So dancing skills are required. *Small nod followed by a teasing smile when he nudged his hyung arm. His focus shifted to Taehyung as he pushed him towards Yoongi to get them both into frame, taking a selfie.*

*He didn’t catch up on everything, until Taehyung and his words bought his attention. His touch was also oddly cold. Despair? But Taehyung? He was confused and his hold on the boy turned into a bit weaker when his gaze scanned the room carefully. Only then he remembered his supposed lover's words before he entered the room. Growing panic made him stiff as he closed his eyes to locate the feeling and a string, pulling on it. *

Jeongguk *He said a bit cold, his face serious, eyes seizing the poor boy up.* Where is he? *Hoseok didn’t need to add his name to let you know who he was referring to. As he waited for your answer, he tried to maintain the appearance, his face softening when he looked at Taehyung, removing hair from his forehead.*

Why do you want to call as despair? *He asked, his tone rather light, as if he was really curious, not worried.* Do you not believe that we can win?

I myself don’t know. We can win against Jeongguk, but the whole world? Well we are bulletproof, but I'm a weak fighter. So if someone decides to murder me, I guess I am going down. Expect the unexpected? That’s the beauty of it. We are just humans, after all. *He took Taehyung's hand, squeezing it up.* We can try to fight it, but winning may be tough. Everyone against us, chances are low, but we shall start with Jeongguk.
[post deleted by owner]
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *lord V noticed you nodding.* honeybun, don’t be afraid. Have hope this day will go well okay? Trust in humanity. *if the strangely sweet nicknames didn’t alert you, it should be obvious by how odd lord V was speaking about hope despite his supposedly strong desire for despair.*

YG: *grinning gummy, he exhaled slightly annoyed.* hob-ah…! Im a rapper not a dancer *he sighs giving in* but I shouldn’t be surprised. *he pats your leg.* you do a great job. Glad to see you so motivated after so long… *he smiles warmly but before the two could take their selfie, Taehyung interrupted. He ultimately looked away, cooly parting from you with a bite of his lips as you invited Taehyung in the selfie.*

TH: *he stared a bit shocked as jimin was dragging him away from the selfie.* yes! I will! *with some weirdly easier strength he easily moved away from jimin and even jungkook and sat plop down between the two older members before grinning rectangularly with a* cheese! *leaning towards you more while tugging now a reluctant yoongi in the picture. He smiles towards you then holds your hand to move the phone towards him.* let me see *but his hand lingered there even after. It was only until he left that the cold touch had left.*

TH: *yes. It was a cold nose. You were correct about that. Maybe his hands were colder than usual too. But when you pressed your lips against his head, he grinned rectangularly shyly* thanks hobie Hyung! I can count on you to be my hope in this beautiful despair *he kisses your cheek. Strangely it’s not a chaste kiss as it lingers until it softly on the apple of your cheek. But when you suggest to add jimin in our team, he’s the first to speak up.* no Hyung, it’s 2 vs 2. You’re mine only mine. I’m not sharing. And besides for team Despair it is not true Despair if it is 1 vs. 3. We could beat him easily.

JK: pft already got a team name… *lifted a brow before snorting lightly.* that sure of yourself Hyung?

TH: *he looks towards you.* Hyung as our hope in team Despair, tell me what you think. Do you think we can win? Do you think you and me in this despair-filled world can win lest we enshroud ourselves in the misery of humanity’s soiled nature. Either way we’ll be together? *he holds out a hand with a bare smile.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk *Hoseok didn't answer, just looked at his Lord and nodding slightly.*

Nothing of the sort, I'm just glad it's better, hyung. Yet, now you have no excuses. I shall push you a bit. Get those moves out of you. *He joked light hearty, moving closer to get the selfie done, yet before he could, the balloon airplane hit his in the head and landed somewhere behind him. He raised his eyebrows in disbelieve, before he shook his head.* It's okay, we were about to take a selfie, do you want to join us?

*It feels nice holding Taehyung in his arms. It awoke some old memory. He couldn't quite control the shiver he felt, when his warm breath tickled his sensitive neck, and when he felt the touch of a cold nose. He bit the inside of his cheek, and he turned his head, to press his lips to the side of Taehyung head, leaving a tender kiss there, his hold on the boy a bit tighter.*

Yup, we shall beat them up, Taetae. *He smiled, pressing his hand to the small of his back.* Always there to support my cute baby Tae.

*With the controller in his hands, he looked up with a challenging smile.* How about me, Taetae and Chim against the final boss, the bunny man?
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *even if you /did/ stand up and try to go outside, you would’ve realized sooner or later that you couldn’t. /then/ Jeongguk would come in his actual form rather than as BTS jungkook to explain about needing to redo it- hopefully with clearing the confusion more without it breaking the storyline.*

*lord V noticed how silent you were and tried to quell you before you enter the room.* sweetheart, it will be alright *he smiled giving you a reassuring very soft but chaste with no ually intensive peck with those words he uttered.*

*you have chosen 2 to have small conversations with: yoongi and Taehyung.*

YG: *he squeezes your hand lightly but firmly when you rest against his shoulder. Seeming more like the stable friend you knew* my shoulder? It’s better now thankfully. Sorry hob-ah, I must’ve worried you by brushing it off. At least it’s an excuse not to dance so hard *he smiles his gummy smile. It was nice to talk to his adorable hob-ah for the remainder of the time you chose to talk to him.* a selfie? Again? *he complains but because it’s you he immediately poses sliding closer to your body. Before he could get closer though, he was interrupted by a random paper balloon airplane whizzing between the two.*

TH: Yoongi Hyung, hobie hyung, did you see one of my balloon airplanes land around here? *he said looking around the floor. That was until jungkook caught up.*

JK: Hyung! *he ran before he gritted his teeth in a grimace towards Taehyung.* what’re you doing throwing airplanes everywhere. You’re interrupting their bonding time!

TH: *he blankly stared at jungkook.* what do you mean, I’m just looking for my balloons…jungkook-ah. *he turns to yoongi and hoseok.* I’m not interrupting anything by searching for my airplanes around here am I, hyungs?

JM: /there/ you two are. You left and a new game started without you taetae so I won. Now let’s go play *he whines pulling the two reluctant males back away from you two. Thanks to jimin you two were alone again.*

TH start:
*something in the hold as you pulled him to the side really spoke to him because the next moment he was now holding your own waist.* you heard him, we’ll beat you at your own game! *jungkook just laughed despite Taehyung’s conviction.*

Hyung? *he pulled you back against the counter he had blushingly pulled away to not make you uncomfortable on. He pressed himself against you before smiling and half embracing you until his nose rested against your neck. Despite him not being so tall, he had trapped you so you could see him and was it that intense. But then all he did was just hug you despite the sudden ually intensive eyes and actions.* thank you so much for believing in me, let’s beat these unfair humans at their own game, yes?

*he smirks towards you then winks as he hands you the game controller.* make me proud to call you /my/ Hyung *he blushes lightly.* just kidding I already am, but thanks for joining me anyways, my beautiful Hyung.

: TH end

JK: are you guys done yet? Who’s versing who first? *he asks nonchalantly.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk *Hoseok sighed with relief when he was left alone and hid his face in his hands. He didn't understand. Seeing them all was weird, pulling on something inside him that wasn't exactly pleasant. Couldn't really point out what it was, but knowing that it's not real and just some kind of illusion. The feeling was wrong. It wasn't giving him any closure. Not that he needed it. He had come to terms with this some time ago. Now, seeing them all here… it was like scratching at a wound that had healed. What was worse, he felt awful for treating them like that and possibly hurting the illusions, but he just couldn't relax. Now alone, the stiffness in his shoulders when away and he stood up, ready to leave the place and go back, but before he could do that, Jeongguk was back. *

*He wanted to say no and shake his head. He didn't figure it out. He had no idea what was going on. Yet, before he could, the day rerolled, starting again, and this feeling was even worse. He was truly stuck now? Like that man Phil in the movie Groundhog Day. He tried his best to take is slow, yet he simply couldn't. The massive déjà vu was making his skin crawls. Rubbing him from, and he tried to shake it off. He tried to change his day, but it did nothing and once again he found himself following Lord V. This time, not jumping to catch with him, just silently following him, deep in his thoughts, but not about anything particular.*

*Just like before he got his kiss, before he entered the room, this time not looking back because it's not going to change anything. Wondering how is that possible. He did his best to act surprise just for the sake of it but just as he expected, everything was exactly the same and strong déjà vu made him shiver.*

*This time he did his best to relax and actually enjoy it, doubting that anything else will change it. He just hopped that it won't magically turn into a nightmare or something scary. He thanked them for their wishes, accepted all the hugs and blew a candle thinking the same wish as before he finally settled. He rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder, telling him that he was okay, and asking about his shoulder. Because if there was someone he wanted to say goodbye, it was Yoongi. Because regardless of what happened between them in un village first and foremost they were best friends. They talked for a short while, before he pulled his phone out to take one silly selfie with his hyung, doubting it will stay in there, but at least he could try. *

*Then Taehyung appeared in the room, and his focus shifted, as he left Yoongi to join the loud troublemakers.*

Stop teasing him, hmm? *He said, wrapping his arm around Taehyung waist to pull him to his side. His hand stayed there, and he didn't let him move away.* Head up Taetae, I will be on your team and we will beat them. What do you think about that? *He fake glared at them.* We will win!
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jung ∴ hoseok *lord V smiles chuckling at your jumping as he slows down when it looks like you’re struggling. Rather than joining, lord V places a soft kiss on your lips then beckoned you off.*

*and then the birthday cake. Jeongguk himself didn’t look like the Jeongguk you knew. He looked like BTS jungkook, tattoos and all. And yet that little whisper ‘it’s me’ was enough to prove that. Not to mention a snort right after your wish*

JM: hobi why are you so stiff? Relax, here let me give you a massage *and wasn’t it such a relaxing one it made your toes curl despite jungkook hovering over the two.

YG: …*he noticed the silence so obvious* what are you doing, you look uncomfortable. If you’re uncomfortable with me go talk to some else. *he sips at his drink* i just wanted to check on you.

TH: *his blushing cheeks calmed at that as he stared at you before stuttering* no but-

JK: hah! Well either way we’re odd right now so can you come play? You can be on Tae’s team.

*as the four played together and yet you did the bare minimum, Taehyung would keep asking “Hyung Hyung cheer me on!” “Ah Hyung, that’s wrong, here I’ll help.” And the two others just were giggling to themselves watching as how flustered Taehyung would be when he’d brush fingers with hoseok.*

*after that the party continued until the people slowly filed out of the apartment. One by one people said their goodbyes. Jungkook even waved a “bye Hyung! Hope you had a great birthday party!”

*Taehyung was the last one as he lingered at the door. You seemed to be watching it like you didn’t care. It hurt. He parted his lips with a “Hyung I never told you but I l-“ *he noticed how you give him one of your beautiful but very fake smiles. His eyes cast down “n-nevermind. Have a good night Hyung.”*

*and then the door shut leaving you to the end of your birthday and yet unsatisfied because you /didn’t/ choose to enjoy this time. You just sat there waiting for the door to open. Minutes passed…But it never did.*

*but did it really make sense to call the people in this room ghosts of a past when they looked and behaved exactly if not similar to the real thing? Yes lord V has the power to create a room full of people. But those bodies have no emotion. As if only existing in one nightmarish world. This though. This didn’t feel like empty husk like humans. They truly seemed like people you would be able to talk to and interact with. You could touch them smell them. And all of them were in the place just living. Life. Is that a power lord V could be ultimately control of? Death of course but life? Not to mention you could recall walking through a door to the place though do you recall the whole pathway taken to get there? The details in it?*

*then suddenly Jeongguk in his usual appearance smiled winking at you* figure it out yet? Fine, damn I didn’t know you’d have /that/ much trouble in choosing. Aight I’ll make it a little more obvious next time. Time to reroll, birthday boy *he snickers before the scene changes and you’re back at the start of your day.*

[Feb 18]

*after the couples’ day together, lord V leads you into a room full of familiar people’s faces. Copies of your past and present friends are there. As well as BTS. “After you,” he states. But the man doesn’t join you. It’s your time to talk to the others though lord V swears he would end any of them who dare lay a hand on you.*

Yo Hyung!

*an echo resounds in the back of your head. A bunny toothed smile holds out a candle. Not just a candle but a birthday cake too. He looks like the jungkook you know too. He whispers in your ear* yep it’s me *he winks despite still singing with the rest of BTS.*

*the group sings happy birthday*
Happy birthday to you!
You’re one hundred and two!
You look like a monkey!
Annnnnd you smell like one too!
*he grins singing despite everyone else singing the right lyrics, causing the others to give him slaps which he laughs with.*

Make a wish Hyung!

*after you make a wish, people come up to greet you, including your members. Then they all start to have conversations of their own with you, conversations that could lead to fun or different story lines that will make your birthday all the more memorable if you wish to participate in them. You may choose /only/ maximum of 3 to have small conversations with. Choose wisely*


NJ: hoseok-ah, *a dimpled smile slaps a hand on your shoulder.* man you don’t look like you aged at all. What are you eating? *laughs*

SJ: whatever it is it’s clear hope-ah’s cheated death right? Really like a Angel *laughs windshield wiper style, elbowing you as he cracks a dad joke.*

*as you make your way back to the cake, you bump into another who jumps onto you*

JM: hobi! *he giggles already choking you in a tight but not too tight hold* my roomie for life, how are you doing? Not stressing out too much right? *teases then smiles* you can always cling onto me~

JK: not if I can help it *the same jungkook blowing the candles had gripped the other’s waist, preventing the other from getting too close and grins tonguing at the pouting jimin before grinning towards you.* Hobi Hyung it’s been so long since all four of us got together. After the party, what do you think we pick an apartment and chill?

*getting away from the crowd, you see yoongi chilling*

YG: hob-ah, come over here *he waits for you to sit down before sitting relaxed. He places a gift in front of you.* from me. *he sips at his drink in peaceful thinking until he speaks up* Looks like you’re taking care of yourself. I wasn’t sure what would happen….*nods once* you look healthier though.

*you hear a loud noise in the living room*

TH: no way! *he gasps dramatically* /I/ won it fair and square so /I’m/ with Jiminnie! *he pouts as he shoves jungkook aside only to be shoved harder by jungkook. The chaos makes you have to come into the scene.* Hyung! Tell him I won fair and square! He’s bullying me into /submissive/!

JM: it’s submission, taetae *he corrects with a sigh as the two continue to fight over him*

JK: *evil laughs* too bad so sad. Anyways you’re /always/ with jimin Hyung. Let a guy live a bit.

TH: that’s cheap! Taking my favorite person like that! And that’s 1 v 2

JK: favorite person? HA! We all know jimin might be your soulmate but he’s wayyy below the rankings of your true favorite person

JM: jungkook! *pouts* that hurts my feelings…

JK: sorry Hyung but it’s true. Taehyung Hyung, why don’t you go and ask your actual favorite person to be part of your team? *smirks* you know? H.o.b.I hyung *nods to hoseok who eventually entered, grinning*

TH: *snaps his head, widens eyes when he meets your eyes then blushes embarrassed, stuck because he was exposed by jungkook. And what it made it worse was when jungkook shoved the other away. Taehyung easily lost his balance and almost pressed you against the kitchen counter, turning into an even more blush mess. He quickly lets a hand go* s-sorry


*after you join at maximum /3/ of the conversations, the party starts to die down, and some of the party goers start to file out one by one. But you can choose, based on who you have interacted with, who will go and who will be staying.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Jeongguk *Hoseok followed you curiously, jumping occasionally to catch up with your long legs. He looked a bit confused as he entered the room, his eyes on you. Waiting for you to join him, yet you didn't, and he pouted slightly before he turned around to fully focus on things that were happening in the room.*

*He took a step back, and another one immediately after that. He hunched his shoulders as if expecting an attack because what he saw was unexpected. He looked over his shoulder at you, unsure, before his focus shifted back to Jeongguk. His presence relaxed him a bit, and he moved a bit closer, just for comfort. He tried to smile, accepting the song and the wishes, but the whole situation was unreal. He blinked a few times, wondering about a wish, before it slowly formed in his head. /'Happy long, life with my Lord'/ then he nodded, blowing the candles.*

*He felt awkward, sneaking glances at the door looking for his Phantom as ghosts of his past approached him. He couldn't really relax and enjoy it, stiff in Jimin hold. Stiff next to Yoongi and even more so during other interaction. He was smiling, a perfectly beautiful, trained smile on his lips, thanking for the wishes. Watching the chaos unfolding. He felt... odd. In a way, he forgot that feeling of comfort his band could give him. His eyes every so often landed on the door, wondering, before he focused back on the people. It wasn't real. He knew. He watched as Taehyung blushed, teased and defeated, and he decided to save him.*

Nah, I'm everyone's favorite.

*It was his birthday, yet he was a bit passive, sitting and just watching, interacting only when he needed to. Time passed, and as people started to leave, he did not stop any of them, just observing and remembering their faces for later.

'Yeah, I am okay.', ' Yes, I'm taking care of myself.', 'Thank you hyung, but I'm not an angel.', 'Stop joking about netflix and chill, boy'.

*There was no need to stop them. Which he found a bit surprising. Yet, there was longing for his Lord, as he stared at his cake.*

'Thank you for the party, and presents. It means a lot.' *He smiled, saying his goodbyes, and giving light hugs.*
Jeongguk [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *after the couples’ day together, lord V leads you into a room full of familiar people’s faces. Copies of your past and present friends are there. As well as BTS. “After you,” he states. But the man doesn’t join you. It’s your time to talk to the others though lord V swears he would end any of them who dare lay a hand on you.*

Yo Hyung!

*an echo resounds in the back of your head. A bunny toothed smile holds out a candle. Not just a candle but a birthday cake too. He whispers in your ear* yep it’s me *he winks despite still singing with the rest of BTS.*

*the group sings happy birthday*
Happy birthday to you!
You’re one hundred and two!
You look like a monkey!
Annnnnd you smell like one too!
*he grins singing despite everyone else singing the right lyrics, causing the others to give him slaps which he laughs with.*

Make a wish Hyung!

*after you make a wish, people come up to greet you, including your members. You may choose 3 to have small conversation with.*


NJ: hoseok-ah, *a dimpled smile slaps a hand on your shoulder.* man you don’t look like you aged at all. What are you eating? *laughs*

SJ: whatever it is it’s clear hope-ah’s cheated death right? Really like a Angel *laughs windshield wiper style, elbowing you as he cracks a dad joke.*

*as you make your way back to the cake, you bump into another who jumps onto you*

JM: hobi! *he giggles already choking you in a tight but not too tight hold* my roomie for life, how are you doing? Not stressing out too much right? *teases then smiles* you can always cling onto me~

JK: not if I can help it *he grips the other’s waist, preventing the other from getting too close and grins tonguing at the pouting jimin before grinning towards you.* Hobi Hyung it’s been so long since all four of us got together. After the party, what do you think we pick an apartment and chill?

*getting away from the crowd, you see yoongi chilling*

YG: hob-ah, come over here *he waits for you to sit down before sitting relaxed. He places a gift in front of you.* from me. *he sips at his drink in peaceful thinking until he speaks up* Looks like you’re taking care of yourself. I wasn’t sure what would happen….*nods once* you look healthier though.

*you hear a loud noise in the living room*

TH: no way! *he gasps dramatically* /I/ won it fair and square so /I’m/ with Jiminnie! *he pouts as he shoves jungkook aside only to be shoved harder by jungkook. The chaos makes you or jin have to come into the scene.* Hyung! Tell him I won fair and square! He’s bullying me into submissive!

JM: it’s submission, taetae *he corrects with a sigh as the two continue to fight over him*

JK: *evil laughs* too bad so sad. Anyways you’re /always/ with jimin Hyung. Let a guy live a bit.

TH: that’s cheap! Taking my favorite person like that! And that’s 1 v 2

JK: favorite person? HA! We all know jimin might be your soulmate but he’s wayyy below the rankings of your true favorite person

JM: jungkook! *pouts* that hurts my feelings…

JK: sorry Hyung but it’s true. Taehyung Hyung, why don’t you go and ask your actual favorite person to be part of your team? *smirks* you know? H.o.b.I hyung *nods to hoseok who eventually entered, grinning*

TH: *snaps his head, widens eyes when he meets your eyes then blushes embarrassed, stuck because he was exposed by jungkook.*


*m the party starts to die down, and some of the party goers start to file out one by one. You can choose if everyone does or not.*


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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