— nightclub

— about

A night club that is the center of the night life for the city. The songs usually can be heard from the street. The smell of smoke and alcohol strong.

Mark Tuanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 8 months ago
I- its okay, kiddo.
I will make sure we get you home safely with no injuries plus if you fall. I fall too.
//chuckles lightly as I turn the corner and soon catches the sight of said food truck you are talking about, my lips curving into a smile before I gasp at your words//

Really? You think restaurants make it better?
Interesting- I guess we all really do have different taste buds-
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 8 months ago
Sorry sorry
/tries to apologize for how bad I almost fell again before I'm nodding again/
I am especially sweets.
Oh oh! Berrian tacos are really good! Actually think there's a food truck that sells them near by-
/looks around for it/
Restaurants always make it better~
Mark Tuanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 8 months ago
//being sure to not allow you to fall, I let out a small sigh as I help you. Finding myself laughing lightly at your response//

Lots of cheese? Are you a huge dairy fan, then?
But do you prefer homemade tacos or restaurant tacos?
I also want to try the birria tacos…I think is what they call it…?
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 8 months ago
/following after you with a happy hop in my step just for me to get slightly distracted by the question and nearly tripping. /
Oops- ummm cheese. Definitely cheese~
/nods twice
Mark Tuanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 8 months ago
//emits a small laugh as I watch you wiggle before guiding you carefully out of the club, walking at a decent slow pace so you don’t trip//

A taco fan? Whats your favorite taco topping?
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 8 months ago
/when your arm is hooked onto mine just to let out a faint hum asni wiggle in my spot a bit before I'm letting out a faint gasp/
Oh! Tacos sound amazinggggg!
Mark Tuanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 8 months ago
//I notice your lack of balance as I reach an arm over to hook your arm with mine so you don’t fall. My eyes curving upwards into an eye smile while I nod. Finishing off my own drink before setting it on the counter//
Are you hungry by chance? All this drinking is making me crave tacos-
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 8 months ago
Nice job~
/coos glad that you had some fun as I'm quick to relieve another drink. Lifting ny shoulder in a shrug as I nearly trip as I turn back to face you/
Ah- I guess I had some fun~
/finishing the drink rather quickly with a whine/
Gone already- noo.
/whines with a faint hiccup /
Mark Tuanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 8 months ago
//being on my fourth beverage, my eyes shift to a familiar presence approaching. Finding myself simply smiling as I see you enjoying yourself, noticing that you most definitely might be drunk. I nod my head to your words//

Yup~ I’m having a great time.
I danced a little bit and I’m about to hit half a whiskey bottle in- You seem to be enjoying yourself more though~
I’m glad to see you smiling.
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 8 months ago
Got it~ I'll be back soon!
/calls back before I'm out of sight. Only coming back almost 20 minutes later unable to keep myself from giggling. It being clear I've had a few more drinks since leaving you/
There you are! Having fun~?
/wraps an arm around your shoulders/
Mark Tuanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 8 months ago
Uh huh…
I trust you and shall support you from afar.
You are indeed a queen and a lovely person!
//nods my head to the music as I happily sip away, watching the male approach you and blink between the two of you before offering a understanding smile as I raise my to shoot a thumbs up/

You got it~ I’ll be here enjoying music and probably drinking a lot…
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 8 months ago
I get it. No worries.
/gives you a smile to show its okay before I'm raising a brow with a faint snort/
Well when your boyfriend ups and leaves you, you do drastic things. Plus I can't function without doing anything secual for long and their aren't many single people around. I do what I gotta do.
/admits before a small grin forms on my lips when seeing a man approaching us/
I'm a queen remember? I don't attract stinky men.
/teases as I push myself away from the counter towards the man/
I'll be good tonight and dance a bit~
/winks over at you as I take the man's hand and leave for the dancefloor/
Mark Tuanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 8 months ago
I mean…
I don’t mean it in a degrading manner.
I simply care for you guys like my own.
//nods my head slowly as I slightly frown as if I hurt your feelings, bringing my drink up to sip casually before chuckling//

Thats a bit risky- what if that person smells bad?
I used to be wild back in my younger years…this is the first time at the club in a good while.
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 8 months ago
/shakes my head a little as I turn to lean back against the bar counter looking out around the crowd of people/
I guess it's sweet but also makes me feel like a child
/chuckles while sticking out my tongue playfully before I'm lifting my shoulders in a shrug/
Hm...normally I drink till I'm drunk and make out with the first guy that comes to talk to me.
/hums as I continue to scan the crowd./
Mark Tuanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 8 months ago
//emits an amused laugh at the shoulder bump before raising my own shoulders to shrug as I purse my lips/

Hate to tell you this ~ But in my eyes you guys are all children to me except Tim, of course.
Its my own little way of looking out for you guys.

//my lips curve into a gentle smile before I also take my own whiskey glass, bringing the glass to my lips as I sip and then glance to the crowd//

So what do you normally do when you go out?
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 8 months ago
That's the only way to go.
/chuckles lightly before I'm raising a brow in amusement at your words just to lightly jab at your shoulder/
You're not even that much older than me. Pfft.
/mutters in remark to being called kiddo but I take my drink when it's handed over taking a good sip from it with a happy hum/
Also nothing wrong with being simple. You like what you like. Can't complain or judge.
Mark Tuanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 8 months ago
Ooh. on the beach contains a lot of different alcohol in it. You really want to have fun if you are drinking that, Namsoo.
//emits a soft laugh as I follow your lead, once we reach the bar I bring my hand to lightly tap the counter for someone. Waiting patiently before my eyes shift back to you//

Well. I’m sure you catch a lot of eyes, kiddo.
You are quite the catch ~ Plus its not all bad if you try to flirt back, yknow?
I’m a simple man when it comes to alcohol, not much of a mix drink type of fella.

//once the bartender arrives, I gesture to Namsoo as I speak loud enough//

For my kiddo here, a on the beach and I’ll take a whiskey on the rocks, please.
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 8 months ago
/a small grin staying on my lips as I start to lead us over to the bar before tilting my head/
A on the beach- and not because it has the word in it. Just taste good to me.
/chuckles with a shrug/
I barely even notice when I'm being flirted with lately. Feel like I'm missing opportunities.
/sighs as we get to the bar just to try and get someone's attention for us to order/
What do you like to drink?
Mark Tuanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 8 months ago
//following your lead into the club, the loud music and crowd catches me a bit off guard but I nod in response//

A drink sounds nice. Whats your go-to beverage?
Also, I don’t think your game has been off.
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 8 months ago
Hnn I'm so ready for a drink.
/sighs out as we step inside
Lee Namsooᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 9 months ago
Letting out a faint sigh as I strut into the establishment. Eyes scanning over the crowd seeing if anyone interesting caught my eye by first glance but none did. Instead I started to make my over to the bar in which I leaned against the counter to order my drink with my usual playful smile on my lips. Satisfied once getting the drink just to turn sip on it and pay no attention to anyone else around.
Hwang Hyunjinˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ 1 year ago
@Yu Hyun Wooˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ With the patience of the caterpillar, the light yawned toward the eventide. Amid the perfume of the summer blooms, feeling the cool of the evening wash over the ‘people’ as the falling rain kiss the sun-warmed pavement. The cloudy night let through a river of the starlit sky as if the heavens had cracked open the storm. The scent of ambrosia was intoxicating the fallen God’s senses, even elevating the sting of the fresh slap of his mother’s hand. Almost twenty years in this body and the all mighty Nyx still refused to waver the punishment that she caused in her son.

Why did he even come? What was he to expect? Overwhelming frustration was overflowing in his heart, so much so he could feel tears wanting to desperately leave his eyes. Not even his brother Hypnos could convince their mother and his sisters were little to no help. The fates Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos; the three who cared only about the balance of the world. Those three could have easily swayed their mother’s wrath and yet they simply allowed her to continue hating him. Even after he pleaded with them to help, even when he did everything short of dropping to his knees to seek their aid.

“I’m sorry brother, we have no choice but to allow Mother to do what she deems necessary. A word of advice, if she does forgive you, try not to upset her again? You’ve really done nothing but burden all of us in the process. Asking for Hypos to speak to her. That only invoked her wrath tenfold, maybe she will forgive you once this body of yours is nearing the end. Or maybe she will allow you to perish as humans eventually do. Tells us bother, without you providing peaceful death, will yours be agonising?”

Their words circled in his thoughts like a song he couldn’t get out of his head. Their sick humour, and the way they seemed to relish the fact their mother was punishing him, even now.

A few raindrops hit his cheek, soon it began to pout like the heavens wanted the earth to be bathed in the clean water of the clouds. How odd, thought Thanatos, that rain is cloud born yet Earth borne, as if a reflection of the relationship between the heavens and creation. It was as if that summer rain came to remind humans of the natural reign that stayed within each soul, souls born of heaven, borne of mother Earth, each needing her support and nurture. The rain not only washed away the filth of the earth, but it washed away the filthy thoughts of how pathetic he must look. Sitting there on the wet pavement against one of the pillars that held the nightclub upright. The rain magically lifted those thoughts away, and he was grateful. In the meantime, he sat there and enjoyed the muffled music seeping from the cracks between the windows, his only companion being the rain.
Choi Sanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ 1 year ago
@Park Seonghwaˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ *he looked more and more amused as the conversation continued. His eyes showing mild flecks of light in them similar to a galaxy as he watched the man in front of him*
Riches… gems… those have very little meaning to me… you see, I sold my soul a long time ago to a demon in order to have the abilities I possess now… and now here you are, requesting my heart as payment for trinkets that I can easily possesses on my own…
* he clicked his tongue and smiled as his thumb caressed the demons cheek so slowly as he leaned closer to him with a smile that grew slightly *
I looks like we do need to make a deal then… I’ll give you my heart, and you give me your body. Unless that’s too much price wise? Because the idea of bending you until you’re on the verge of breaking… that entices me greatly… to see this pretty face of yours begging would be so beautiful to see… don’t you think?
Park Seonghwaˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [h] 1 year ago
@Choi Sanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ mhmm, I see. that’s what I smelled, then. your lingering humanity.
he raises an eyebrow and swipes a finger under his nose before he grabs the other’s waist.
I got something else I can offer you. you see, in exchange for your heart… what about riches? gold and gems as far as the eye can see? I’m sure those gems can provide in your…
he brings one hand up and wiggles his fingers in the air.
he sighs and leans his head into san’s hand. pushing his lips together in a little pout. his voice turning whiny, fingers and nails shifting into sharp points again as his patience is running out.
I don’t like to be bent to your will, to anyone’s will. you have to deserve it or fight for it. hah… this is taking way too long. aren’t you getting tired? want to shut me up?
Tyson Wongˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ [A] 1 year ago
Wait- *laughs and stops Soobin from taking my shot before knocking it back myself* you goober- lets dance?
Kim Jonginᵗᵒᵖ 1 year ago
@Lee Taeminᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ *he didn’t know if it was the alcohol or maybe it was way he was in a public place… a place where he couldn’t really do anything without potentially getting charged with public indecency if more than just his shirt were to be removed. Perhaps it was those things mixed with that random practically undressing his lover with his eyes. Jealousy was something he was feeling, jealousy and the urge to just make a point to show who the other man belong to, and yet he found himself melting at how cute the man looked when he pouted. However the feeling of those sinful hips made him swallow hard as his hand gripped the other’s tightly. He whispered as his forehead pressed against the other man’s *
I do like it… I like everything you do… but you’re teasing me… and I can’t do anything about it here… which is cruel taemin…
*his lips leaning closer to the other man’s before he gave him a gentle kiss as his alcohol riddled system caused him to soon kiss against the man’s cheek and toward his ear *
You’re antagonising me
Lee Taeminᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 1 year ago
@Kim Jonginᵗᵒᵖ /the music moved through my body like a gentle wave, for a moment i was lost in and the feeling of your warm body pressed to mine, but then you yank me back up and i squeak softly as im turned back and stare up at you wide doll eyes, lashes fluttering as my lips part with another soft sweet mewl over the way your hand squeezes me, and i lean into you, a quiver dancing down my spine at the sound of your deep voice,
Am i? Here…i thought i was being a good kitten for you
/plump pink lips pucker into a pout as nuzzle the tip of your nose, though my eyes light up playfully and my hips still move in those sinful little circles against yours
You don’t like the way i dance nini?
Kang Yeosangᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 1 year ago
oh you’re a good dancer, taeyong! wow!
Kang Yeosangᴮᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ 1 year ago
mm... i’ll take your finger to on or something, hongjoong!
*he teases and giggles*
i’m just being playful!
Choi Sanˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ 1 year ago
Rapunzel is leaving?


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PMR501 7 months ago
Hello everyone. I'm sorry but I have to leave this place. I had fun here and I would come back here in the future if time allows it.

Thank you very much and I wish all the best for this place~ ♡♡♡
gotohellu 8 months ago
Oh sehun plz
tyunning 8 months ago
hello! can i get huening kai, please?
lovestay 8 months ago
Can I get Lee Felix added?
broski 8 months ago
am back babes c: can I get bang chan pls?
Pandoria 9 months ago
Who would you like to see more Jamessu or Nunew? :3
[comment deleted by owner]
PMR501 9 months ago
Hi! May I reserve Byun Baekhyun as a worewolf? Thank you! :D
TenTentacles 9 months ago
Matthew Kim (BM) please
devilry 11 months ago
can i reserve yoo taeyang? thank you
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