Slow Room

slow/lengthy chat
think of this as a place to rp anywhere but with relatively slower and/or lengthier replies. after a starter has been given a reply, any party can explicitly or implicitly add in a location for where the chat is taking place that day. 
even when tagging, make sure you don't ignore the rest of the chat. if where the location is doesn't make sense to include them, acknowledge them in ooc if you can't in ic.
realize this is mainly an all-inclusive slow chat so if it becomes a two person rp that you cannot pull others into, move the rp into a room.
this is also a favorite place for the hidden sinners here.
Beware of the colored red.
coded by yxgurt
Jeongguk [A] 7 months ago
*sighs in boredom before smirking at his watch* oh…it’s almost time… *snickers*
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
*jeongguk smirks at the formal response* well /try/ to enjoy your time here I guess *laughs lightly*
[post deleted by owner]
hwang ∶ hyunjin 8 months ago
*raise a brow but thanks the lad for greeting me oddly. Bows at the way. More on the formal side
hwang ∶ hyunjin 8 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook Of course and thanks for the welcome.
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
*jeongguk widens eyes then smirks at the other greeting another. Amused noticing the new role of the professor then waves to hyunjin* welcome to hell, babe *snickers*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 8 months ago
@hwang ∶ hyunjin I am pleased to announce that a new student has joined us. Let's all greet Hwang Hyunjin. Hopefully, you will enjoy your stay with us. Make sure to respect our rules and don't cause any troubles. If you have any following questions, feel free to ask me or any student for help. We will be happy to assist. Check out our clubs and pick one that suits you the best.
Welcome to a Private University!
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
@kim ∶ jongin Riight… *he snorts in subtle confusion* telling me I’d realize soon but can’t get the guts to tell me why… *he mutters under his breath for you
*smirks lifting a brow when you call him out and insinuate he’s bi. Well, it’s not like you needed to know how his actual life is* I can be whatever you want babe, I know what I am. As long as I can hit it *he winks leaning closer since it didn’t seem like you were shunning his advances at least*
*he smirks even wider when you pretty much call him out for his way of life* so what? Don’t you experience FOMO too? *leans closer that now you’re up against one of the lockers’ walls* don’t you wanna know /why/ my mermaids /like/ to be pretty ty thangs for me? *he whisper-talks, closing in on the moon.*
kim ∶ jongin 8 months ago
@Jeongguk "I predict no such thing," he says with a grin, "But take that as you will."
"Hmm, bold for someone who says he isn't gay," Jongin states with a fact. "Bi?"
The student was curious to hear the reply. Jeongguk was one of those who refused to think they were anything but normal, how boring. But he supposed he could see if there was any reason for his confidence when it came to sticking his into a hole.
"Oh? Pretty sure you have plenty of mermaids willing to swim in those pools of yours already."
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
@kim ∶ jongin What the *laughs lightly* why does they sound like you ing predicting my doom, babe? *snickers lifting brow.*
*he hums smirking* and your body? You don’t mind if my went in and out of it right? *he snickers playfully before we finally made it to the pool*
Here we are, babe. *still thinking of how to accomplish what he wanted to do to you as he his lips* here’s the pool club and , but you know… *stretches a hand against the locker* these pools are fine and all but our frat parties, we have some nice pools if you like being a mermaid *snickers*
kim ∶ jongin 8 months ago
@Jeongguk “Hmmm, if it matters enough you will realize soon enough,” he says with a shrug.
“I suppose it depends on the day, whether in our out,” he grins in response.
Jongin follows the other without another word, thoughts swirling in his mind. It would seem he would have to be wary, as always, to who he hung out with again.
Jeongguk [A] 8 months ago
@kim ∶ jongin *jeongguk blinked at your quiet conclusion before snorting* they? They who?
*then he grins, lifting a brow* jongin or jongout? *he snickers playfully, still nearing you. He was finding ways to discretely execute his goal while leading you towards the pool. All while appearing touchy and friendly enough.*
kim ∶ jongin 8 months ago
@Jeongguk He raises a brow, tilting his head. He can't help but grin, realizing a few things.
"They got into your head pretty well, did they?"
Jongin pulls back, smiling still.
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
@kim ∶ jongin Jeongguk 3 weeks ago Reply
I know but like…a whole outfit? I just put whatever that looks good on me *laughs forcefully* a whole ensemble- that’s kinda…gay… *and now it should be obvious as weird as it seemed he never considered himself gay*
*he tilts his head playing along for now though the more you hold out on him, the more he’d inevitably pushed to one of the two extremes. Either completely refusing himself from you or completely forcing himself on you. Depending on how you shook it.*
*but at your leaning towards him, his tongue started to feel dry. He smirked* jeongguk. Make sure you don’t forget it babe
And now? Will you give me yours baby?

kim ∶ jongin 3 weeks ago Reply
"Well duh," he said with a playful roll of his eyes.
"Have to look good if you're going out," he adds, laughing.
He offers his smirk, shaking his head at the other's words.
"Want a taste that bad?"
Jongin walks beside the other, leaning toward him.
"As I recall, you didn't offer yours."


[]ok we ready to continue jongin, let me know if you still wanna tag or not. For now, I’ll tag so you can see it : )
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook [ part 1/2]

*Jeongguk was the type to get hot-headed out of nowhere. At your warm delicate touches, he is only slightly pulled back* You're right you're right, sorry... haha *though his mind was still swirling so many thoughts a minute even when you told him to focus on you. Like the fact that he wouldn't put it against anyone who liked him to be into the other psycho. Their original hoseok hyung always talked about how they were both similar but different even if V hyung and him didn't see it like that. But also, if you did go for the other, he probably deserved it, too after ing with V hyung's last long-term lover. Something he only realized when he was kicked out from the apartment. It would be karma for revenge- even though he already got his share of Karma during that time what with what he had to deal with being kicked out even to the point of losing his body. Well, this Taehyung in this world reminded him of what they were- even if Jeongguk clearly was keeping his distance from the other. Back then, he didn't know what that guy was capable of even towards the people who were supposed to be that guy's "friends" when they were technically friends through his original hyung. Now he does. That in the end only cared about one thing and would even hurt his "supposed friends" if he had to obtain it. A random fresh copy of that same guy ain't gonna somehow remove those memories and make him start anew with Taehyung. At least, not to that blissfully ignorant and naive state he had been in before* Anyways, all these thoughts kept floating in his now slightly less angry mind. It was a lot and yet because jeongguk was a fast thinker, it only took a few seconds, no time at all, to think that much. It was only when you started kissing him, he instantly kissed back before closing his eyes, already , his face now flushed as he pulled you closer to him* , even the way you comfort me is hot, hyung... *he laughs lightly, quickly but temporarily forgetting what he was mad over as he grins focusing on your y brain and soul.*

*Jeongguk hums nodding with his eyes still glazed over* yeah...h *then he starts to think about it with a chew of his lower lip in concern* ...are you really sure? I know how trauma is too, ain't easy that's for sure *remembers how you pushed him down to ride him when he still didn't trust you enough to do so. He just reverted back to then. Now he trusts you more he'd be fine with you even pushing him down right now too- which you ended up doing. He groans nodding avidly when you roll your hips* yeah I ing do...but stop teasing or I'll switch our positions and pound into you with no ing shame like a favorite ragdoll...! *he insults habitually while as he bucked his hips harder against you to make you as as he was for you.*

*he ends up groaning when you start thinking before impatiently, he already started to grab and fist at your , pulsing it.* If you wanna think, ing get off of me... *he growls though yes, even now he found your thinking attractive. He's attracted to y brains, can you blame him? Though most are clearly smart enough to avoid the red flag that is Jeongguk. Even not being in the same vicinity as him. It's only when you ask an interesting question, he pulls you by the thighs then fastening you to him, rolls on the grass until you fall from your sitting position and roll with him too. Then he smirks smugly proud at himself for preventing you from overdoing the teasing before he could answer* Damn you're smart, yeah it does. *he smiles remembering the time when he had a body here temporarily before his smile weakened at the memory. When he had a body...when he had his ex...He tried to return back to our conversation. But it was true, even in his temporary body, he was ing all the NPCs all while insulting and trying to woo his ex through behaving like his past self who tended to bully the people he liked. It was always a silent test to see if the two were "reincarnated" with full freedom, would the ex still choose him. He received his own taste of bitter reality when that ended up becoming false. You can expect that if you get far with him, you'll be put through that same stress- so if you're not ready to feel that pain, maybe that's your indicator to avoid him or at least keep it casual so you don't feel that tremendous pain. Keep it casual meaning that once you learn about him, you don't worry about it*

I mean, yeah. I love and ing, pretty much anything to do with a delicious body like yours, baby *he smirks teasingly before he answered slightly more quiet from thoughts about his past* But...yeah it could work outside of dreams- I mean. if I still /had/ everything I had back then... *he snorts lightly*
Haha so you a voodoo sciency nerd *he smirks insultingly* cause you don't believe in god but you still around with the concept of the soul and even reincarnation. ing weird ... *mumbles under his breath. /How/ did he get stuck with liking you anyways? You didn't even make any sense to /him/. Then when you revealed that you prayed, his brow cocked slightly. He wanted to ask if it had anything to do with that traumatic response he saw from you before. He didn't know that you'd tell him later. He nods slowly before snorting* Look at me, Hyung. Do I even /look/ like a to you?

*When you answer, he leans into you so much that only you heard, no one else could hear us [the rest of this is in pm]. He laughs and leans back* now did you get it?

[Now that I've censored Jeongguk's reply already, you can use that as an example on how to censor. If you still need help, pm me tho ]

*he smirks and just runs his hands through your hair as if to say looking forward to it.*

*His eyes widened slightly though when you decided to tell him now. Suddenly, a fear of apprehension spread throughout him but he continued to grip onto you as reassuringly as he could And despite your older and more muscular frame, you suddenly felt smaller in his arms as he pulled you to his chest while you talked. He thumbed at your cheek, also surprised because we had similar stories but different flavors. His never went that extreme like yours. Maybe he'd tell it if you asked but in his case, he might've always /been/ the poster problem child. Still, he didn't agree that all parents were supposed to be warm ones. Not every parent could be that affectionate. Just, if they showed love in /some/ way, and actually /meant/ it, that would be a good parent. Which clearly, not only did your parents lack but hella on. When you apologized for rambling, he laughed under his breath dryly* yeah , that was so not what I wanted, even hella boring, I don't get why you told me that when I just wanted to you...

Is what I would've said if I didn't already care for you... and even was curious enough to know *he mutters against your ear lobe, He d your waist* Thanks for enduring, baby daddy...I would've /definitely/ killed myself earlier if I had your life... *he laughs dryly in half dark humor, half truth* You're safe now *laughs lightly* well I ain't a saint either so probs will hurt you, too- but definitely way safer than your ty parents *nods slowly into your neck, still holding you to him*

Wait...*he laughs incredulously* you're a real doctor doctor too?! Damn you get ier by the minute... *but ends up , parting his lips to feel your tongue as well* maybe cause I was a pre-med major *he snickered but then growls, growing harder as he grips your waist close against him. Under the stars you looked pretty. Maybe a cry baby but a pretty cry baby. And for now, that seemed to be the best option. Let Jeongguk feel before rashly and impulsively jumping in and jumping back out. Even /if/ right now, he regretted not telling you*

*he d himself to your show and when you praised him, his face flushed as he d himself even more furiously. His jaw was already growing numb at the thought of your hole replacing his hand, being that friction that sends him over the edge. Overly sensitive at even just your and his desires combined. When you told him gently to slow down, he growled having a hard time with that command as he d even faster at first before abruptly slowing down as his fingers trembled to stop himself. Obey his pretty daddy who wants it a certain way.*

*When he finally could touch you, his hormones grew even more wild, even ripping your buttons of your shirt in the middle. It gave him the perfect splash of abs mixed with a nice scene and your gasp made him growl deeper* you like that? Like when I waste your clothes? *he insults teasingly as his fingers already were shoving into your hole. He only snickered when you scolded him for being a brat, his moans groaning harder as he ed his fingers hitting your prostate for once as you pinched his * brat I like that, makes me wanna make you mad until all your complaints are muffled by my can't think about nothing more than how good your baby is ing you, wanna try this brat? *he snickers.*
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook [ part 2/2]

*but when you had another plan, he smirks with a lop sided smile, letting you have a turn. Maybe next time then. Still, his eyes furrowed as his teeth gritted violently when your hole eventually engulfed his head and then swallowed clenching the rest of his hard . It was so tight, so hot, he already was jerking up into your hole before you could gain a pace. His tongue slid against yours as he jerked up hard and fast, making you bounce on his * F-! sorry daddy, I-I can't hold back...! *he groans needily as he ed right again to your prostate. This was way different than with his victims when he'd be patient with whatever kinks they had and do them all perfectly. Which makes sense since this time, there was no illusion. It was unapologetically, Jeongguk as himself you were ing* Like that ? *he snickers spanking your before he slid his heels up. This way you would be taking more of his each bounce and each time you rode down on his length, he could drill up into you, all while your s*

I love it when baby daddy gets desperate, you wanna on this big and long forever huh? I'll Make your insides form to the shape of my only? *bites his lower lip while his face grew numb as his thighs made continuous slapping noises against your . His muscular arms were already hugging your waist as he moaned against your skin* mmgh baby *he squeezed at your cheek, gripping it hard before smacking it. Then he dared to shove two fingers into your already riding * Like being filled up like the you are daddy, no one can see you so desperate for my but me! *he growls ing his middle and index fingers into your hole at each . All while sliding his tongue into your mouth to kiss you aggressively. He tilted his head and rolled his tongue to run along your side gums before flicking up your tongue underside, entreating you to play with his tongue too all while your lower lip.*

*As the slaps of our ing echoed across the grass, feeling his stomach clench, he ended up rolling to the side while gripping at your thigh to keep himself inside you. He could kiss you more now as he ed his fingers and his hard then soft, rolling his hips to match your kisses and our inevitable . He spanks you once more before hugging you close to him* , tell me how much you love daddy's thick long hard abusing your insides! *he growls aggressively as he gnashed at your lip in the kiss then gripping at your neck so he could jerk his hips faster against you, nailing your prostate harder and harder as yet again the slapping of our skins and moans are all we could hear*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 9 months ago
@Jeongguk *Right in front of his eyes were you and your changing emotions, and Jungkook observed them. The change, in the beginning, was subtle to suddenly be very abrupt. What was the cause of it, he couldn't tell, but he reached out to cup your cheeks, slowly making you breathe in and out. * Jeongguk, I don't want him. I don't even know who he is, it was a light assumption. *He explained patiently, thumbing your cheeks.* Stop it, you are working yourself up, assuming. *Jungkook's touch was delicate, just like his voice. Calm and collected.* I am looking at you, baby. Only at you, focus on me, hmm? *Once again, he sounded calm without even a hint of uncertainty. Just a second later, he was kissing you, making a quiet noise which you drink off his lips.*

I am, am I? *Words, followed by an amused chuckle and finished by another weak moan. * Sss fine… I just need to get used to it, you are not them. Sorry… *He squeezed your shoulder like he was trying to make sure you were okay, closing his eyes.*

*This boy wasn't even aware of what he was doing to you. His gaze was absently moving around and not stopping on anything as he analyses everything step by step. He his lips and looked down, raising his eyebrow at your question. * You like that daddy nerdy , baby boy. *He snickered, rolling his hips again to tease you. *

And here I thought you liked blowing me out. *He giggled for a moment, smiling, before he turned more serious and started to think about the answer.* So… you are not exactly a dream walker. Does your power or whatever it is working beyond dreams?
*Your questions pushed his deductions further but in a different direction.* I am not a believer, I like facts. So the whole god create a universe? Yeah, no, but I do believe in the soul. And I am sure there is something after death. And I do believe in reincarnation. There were a few examples concerning it. *He chuckled.* Haunted places, ghosts, demons, I do believe in them. Angels? Not really. I used to believe, I prayed hard asking for help, yet nothing, but I was a magnet, and I attracted the worst kind of people. *He pouted, thinking about it.* Are you a ghost? Demon? Succubus?

[what should I censor, please let me know]

Inpatient are we, huh? But no worries, I will take care of you, baby.
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 9 months ago
@Jeongguk *His expression fell. There was sorrow, shame, fear, and disgust all mixed on his face. He looked down, at your chest, nervously playing with your shirt he bit his lips, weighing his options. * I never talked about it with anyone, I don’t even know where I should start… I… *Jungkook stilled, recalling some memories. For a moment, he was 5 years old, hidden under the coffee table, watching his drunk, angry father. * Hmm… *He hummed, raising his hands and looking at their insides, rubbing them against each other. The kiss on his forehead felt foreign, but it brought him back. He touched the mark you left on his forehead. * I was born into a very conservative Baptist family, my father was a pastor, and my mum was his quiet slave. Exemplary family outside, and rotten on the inside. *Two shaky breaths in before he could continue.* My father was an abuser, who liked to drink, and my mother never wore anything that would show her arms or legs covered in bruises. If he forgets himself and gave her a black eye, she would pretend to be sick for as long as it takes for it to disappear. He would never yell, but he would beat as both calmly explaining that it is a form of redemption of sorts, I don’t remember the exact words. He set the rules, that we followed. Each mistake was punished. *The soft, broken chuckle escaped his lips.* Once, I broke a mug, accidentally during Sunday church classes and cut my hand, and a kind woman, our neighbor, took care of it and hugged me, trying to calm me down. She thought I was crying because I was hurt, but I cried because my father saw it. I had trouble moving around for a few days after the beating. I was 8 then. *He rubbed his finger as if the cut were still there.*

My mother was the most soulless human I ever met. I can’t even recall her voice. She was a shadow, or a pupped. Not even once she tried to stop him. She wasn’t warm or caring. If I attempted to hug her, she would awkwardly stand there. *He looked up at the stars, smiling sadly. It was difficult to talk about it. It’s been years, yet some things he could remember so clearly, while some he buried away.*

I was good at following rules in the beginning, I was doing it to avoid a beating, but something broke in me around my neighbor kid's 13th birthday party. It was the first party I was allowed to go to, and I saw how drastically different the family is and realized that mine is not normal. He had so many things, while my room was filled with books, and some old toys from my childhood. His home was so colorful, and warm. That was the first time I ate chocolate cake. Do you believe it? I was envious. I wanted that. I wanted a mum that would hug me, and kiss my forehead, a dad who would pick me up and carry me around. This party changed me and the ‘god’s will’ no longer mattered. I started to show my character, started to fight, and question my father as often as I could. He didn’t like that, and the punishment got worse.

Beating with a leather belt wasn’t working, so he would starve me, or make me do mundane things for hours, and then he found a bamboo stick, and he broke it on my back. I was 17 when I found myself homeless and on the street. I wish I could say I ran away, but no. I was planning to after graduation, but the hell broke loose way before when he caught me at the party, smoking, drinking, with a half- girl in my lap. Around local teenagers, people who knew him. His ‘precious’ son, a little angel boy, signed his purity off to god. A son who was supposed to be a pastor as well. He dragged me back home. We fought. When I pushed him away, trying to protect myself, all bloody from his fists, he grabbed a knife. He told me that he will kill me if I didn’t leave his house because there is no room in a holy place for a demon like me. So I did just that. Walked out of their lives and never looked back. My mother didn’t even say a word. *He finished, finally looking down at your face, with a long sigh. You could see that telling you that was exhausting, remembering years of physical and mental abuse. His whole demeanor was dimmed, and that radiant smile and playful gaze was replaced by a pale face, tight, wary smile, and scared eyes.*

That was only the beginning, but forgive me, I would rather not waste any more of our time together on this. I need a break, and maybe some time to rethink this. Talking about it’s not easy. *Something finally clicked, and he frowned, and the smile disappeared.* I… I rambled a lot, just, I must have bored you out, I… I, you… err. I am sorry. I am sorry. *Last words turned into a whisper, and he covered his face with his hands, hiding away. He was embarrassed, scared, and insecure, the feeling of his young self mixed with a present Jungkook, leaving behind a big panicking mess.*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 9 months ago
@Jeongguk Psychiatry is way more complicated. Each person is different even and each person needs their specific plan. I usually need 3 meetings before I can prepare one. Some people seek forgiveness before they move on and some... *He leaned closer, teasing your lips with his tongue.* Something different.

*Your reward was a soft, quite fond smile and Jungkook did not push the topic further. It settled like that, and it was way too early to go into feelings. It could potentially be hard for you both. Instead of talking he preferred to spend his time touching, kissing, and pulling on your shirt.*

For you, enjoy. *Jungkook said, tilting his head back proudly, and giving you a proper show. His eyes never left you and your body,  curiously observing what you will do and what your reaction will and he wasn't disappointed.*   you are so ing hot. My baby boy is so pretty like. Present yourself, show me how ready you are for daddy hole. * He pleads as he moved closer, smiling.* Just like that, feel yourself, but don’t go too fast, leave something for me, baby.  Mhm, you are doing so good baby. So handsome and beautiful all for me. *He let you touch him, gasping when you popped his shirt open. *

Mhm, yes. Yes like that, you have nice and long fingers... baby! Mmm. *He his lips, groaning and grunting pushing himself against your hand, letting you prepare him. There was a slight noise of surprise and he bit his lip, feeling your teasing him. He let you do it, but when you purposely used your fingers instead of his he pinched your . * ing brat *He muttered your hands away and placed them on his stomach. * My turn, now relax and enjoy the show. *He pressed one last lazy kiss into your mouth and then without any warning took your whole length in with a loud whine.* Fing big... * His eyes were closed, as he put his weight on his arms which were resting on your shoulders, and helped himself up moving for the first time. It took him a few slower hip rolls before he could relax enough to pick up his pace and fully ride you, making sure that you could feel how he clench on you during each . He was loud and shameless, throwing his head back and your name, touching his neck and s, sometimes brushing along his hard . * Yes baby, you are so good, so ing good. My baby, my best boy... *Jungkook moaned, trembling all over, jumping on your .*  You are so pretty, so ing pretty under me, baby!
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook [] I feel like this is obvious but if this is a trigger warning: conversation about Christian themes ]

Pft nah, if he's got even /one/ romantic bone in his body, then the world's gotta be ending *he scrunches his nose playfully as you pressed at it.* Nah, that might fool you too but he don't care about but what /he/ ing wants. *snorts* It's all just some ing act. At least I /try/ to care cause I genuinely wanna. *his jealousy randomly comes out* But why? What, did you meet him? Are you already interested in him? Wanna him, too? *he glares lightly then internally tries to calm himself down. That's right, you're not his...He needs to keep that in mind. But it's so hard as if a habit to feel easily jealous* Well it's unfair for me to tell you no, so I guess you could. I can't force you to only look at me when you living in your reality... *nods yieldingly. Everything from before mentioning the moon, which was his boss's favorite thing to call themselves, was giving him a sour taste in his mouth to even /think/ about his "romantic" boss that even had his hoseok hyung fooled. Knowing that guy, it was always just another way to keep the "queen" close and not leave. And not to mention, you praising his boss made him remember that his ex had this weird interest in his boss, too in the beginning when they were still on and off. For multiple reasons, it was hard /not/ to get strangely jealous yet defensive when you seemed to indirectly compliment that guy.*

*But finally when you moaned all overstimulated, he growled husky against your lips.* that's a nice voice, baby... Stars fits, baby, you such a pretty star, y romantic *whispers as he harshly rolls you against him, so eager. When he noticed you stiffen, he mumbles apologetically* Sorry, it's a kink of mine, you wan' me to stop? *he mumbles quickly, willing to even agree to stop one of his strongest kinks for your comfort. Again, he's only saying he'll stop, impulsively saying so without even thinking if it'll be really okay for him or not in the future.*

*But as for your response to his question and then his own response, maybe calculative wasn't the right word to describe why he had hesitated in his reaction. Hesitated, yes. Someone calculative would've purposely felt a certain way or portrayed it rather than feeling any sort of hesitation like he did. No, he was too emotional to be like that in this case. More so, it was as if he was shy in revealing his sudden flattered self, quickly hiding it. Giving compliments and insults was easy but as soon as your words were clearly so fond of him, it made him stop in his tracks. The best word to describe it was someone who acted cold or mean towards someone they clearly liked. A tsundere. And this case he didn't thank you nor agree he was starting to like you for that reason. Notice his flushed cheeks and stutter when he repeated "Fond? Y-yeah" combined with how he acted next. The poor guy didn't know what to say to such genuine a compliment as you played with his hair.*

*When you turned professional, again, he returned back to look at you. , you were playing with your piercing again as you were thinking. He remembered our first meeting when he was angry at you taking over the body while you did that same thing. That was probably /the/ exact moment when he started liking you. At that time though he was just annoyed at everything, so when he saw you blatantly thinking when he was hurt, he was annoyed even by how y you looked when you were focusing. At that time, he was just annoyed and didn't /want/ to pay attention to it. By now, though, he just watches you and appreciates the view on top of him while snickering* , you're in your weirdass nerdy phase again huh...h? *he stopped rolling his hips despite clearly hardening under you while looking at the older's cute but absent-minded focused expression.*

*Then he hums finally answering* you got half of it. Dream walker ain't the correct term though yeah, I technically /do/ walk through dreams. I do /wayy/ ing more than that though. *he bites his lower lip as he thinks, too then nods* Yeah...take your time to ask your questions but lemme answer this one at least. So usually, if you were like most mofos here, I could tell you more directly. But cause you got a sciency brain, it would blow your mind if I did. *smirks* So as fun as that is, I won't traumatize you in your sleep. Instead, I'll have to go through what's called: deductive reasoning until /you/ come up with the conclusion your brain is satisfied with on your own. This way your brain /won't/ be weirdly on high alert cause of me *winks* [when Jungkook figures out the conclusion, please censor the response here but pm me the exact uncensored answer, too. That way it still remains a secret to others. Ex: Oh are you ___! ]
Tell me, baby daddy, how much do you know about the religion of Christianity? Do you believe in any part of it? And if so, which parts do you do or don't believe in? What's your take on what happens when you die? *now it was his turn to be the smart one*

[time skip? This'll be a conversation for sure long probs so we should keep the time skip. No need to time skip if, of course, you decide you want this conversation to happen /after/ they have instead lol. I'll leave that up to you. Just that'll be our assumption for now. ]

*once you figure it out, he continues to kiss you with a soft snicker to your hi* hey...h you lucky I'm patient with your y . Thought that would never end...*groans*

*and yet, we start talking about your baggage and a little of his. To yours, he just continues to give you a reassuring smile though something hurt that you weren't ready to tell him, yet. So you didn't trust him huh? Or you did but weren't ready? Well /something/ made it hard to talk about it with him* No worries, baby papa *kisses your forehead* If you need that time, ing take it. Don't apologize for it. *when your body trembled, he pulled you back down in his muscular arms into the grass next to him, hugging you close to his chest as he kissed and bit at your ear with those reassuring phrases. And when you reassured him, he laughs dryly again your lips* what's a psychiatry guy doing not practicing what they preach? *he teases with a cocked brow before snickering then smiling lightly* Thanks... *Both kisses as we shared a bit of ourselves felt strangely fulfilling. It didn't help the craving for your body but it /did/ make him feel more whole than with a stranger could. In a way that only a touch from someone he trusts could. Still, he was about to say something else impulsively but he probably shouldn't. Even if it became untrue later, he should say it later rather than now.* I-I do too... *He revealed though his impulsive side yearned to say other words. It's weird how he was crying a while before after realizing he wasn't okay only to let you in like this. noticed him in his lowest of lows and didn't ignore him but embraced him and displayed how much you cared for his well-being. You deserve it.*

*Eventually, we /do/ get to and strangely enough, Jeongguk, the one who usually doesn't prefer to take things personal, took it personal.* , keep using that nickname and I'll make sure to express myself into you real hard, too, Hyung. But when you mysteriously stood up, he tilted his head playfully as he lolled his head. When you started taking off your clothes, his breath hitches* A strip tease? For me? *he laughs husky as his hands searched for his pant's bulge. He started palming himself as he watched you, biting his lower lip* hyung, I wanna do so many ing dirty to your ty hole *he groans before finally pushing down his own pants opening, lazily watching with a hand supporting his leaning back position as he grabbed his shirt and muffled it between his teeth aggresively. His right hand grabbing a hold of his length before groaning as his growing larger length stood up against his thighs*

F... *he groaned along his slobbering lips on his now wet shirt, stroking himself harder with each grunt and groan. Then you finally neared him and he welcomed you though he wanted to feel your s so he slid a hand to rip his nails down your buttons, popping them open one by one. He let you keep the shirt on just in case if you were into clothed * Mm , please baby daddy *he moaned, his wet shirt faling back down to talk but his hand movements only growing faster and faster. When you asked for his assistance as you neared him to at his chest, he whispered breathily* don't gotta ask me twice

*he groans before rubbing his pre- onto his fingers then shoving his fingers into your hole, extending and kneading you inside while already ing quite fast* How does that feel, love my going in and out, dirtying your tight ty hole *he insults s* Love being filled up with baby's fingers like the needy little baby daddy you are...h? *and yet when you kiss him, he groans and kisses back, his left hand groping your waist close to him while tugging the back of your shirt up, more fingers added to squelch inside your hole while ing. He smacks your cheek with his left hand too.

*After preparing you, he then uses his left hand to position his into your hole while kissing you slightly slobbery* , I want you, baby...h Put it on me, I can help my pretty daddy, too *he teases his , rubbing his head against your hole with a bite of his lower lip as he looked at your face, his own slightly flushed in anticipation as the rubbing slowly protruded in and fell back out. Jeongguk smirks into your lips. Clearly, he was teasing. He wanted you, his baby Daddy, to want him so much you'd sink down eagerly to stop him from teasing anymore, all as his fingers brush your prostate after ing into it inconsistently hard out of nowhere. Yep, a tease*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 9 months ago
@Jeongguk *Jungkook snorts, wrinkling his nose. * That someone must be very romantic, huh.  *He ran his finger across the bridge of your nose and pressed the tip lightly. His expression was rather relaxed, maybe a tiny bit amused. *  Poor you, I am rather romantic as well, what you gonna do with! *Jungkook holds his breath rolling his hips and pressing his into your hands.* Fine, I think stars are better anyway.

*When you didn't let him move away he gave in easily, stiffening for a moment when you called him a again but he quickly let go of the echo of memory, pressing himself against your body and on your lover's lips. The noise he made was half the moan and half the whine, when he felt how hard you were against him.* Baby...

*Jungkook wasn't stupid, he noticed the way your reaction was and how carefully calculated it was. He didn't comment on it, letting you talk as he leans closer playing with your hair. When you asked his expression turned into a more focused he absent-mindedlydlyy played with his piercing, rolling it with his tongue.* I do actually. Who are you? Was my nickname, the dream walker correct?  But you know I think I will have to work on some proper questions in between our meetings.  *Jungkook who was sitting on you for a moment lost himself in his thoughts and was the professor you know him as.  He started to curl a strand of his hair in on his fingers, sighing and later biting his lips in frustration when the theory he worked on in his brain wouldn't be as useful. Your touch did bring him back and his serious expression melted away replaced by a delicate smile when he rested his hands on the sides of your head and captured your lips again in a lazy but nice kiss, running his tongue along your teeth.* Hi there...

*He wasn't sure why he admitted to his past, usually he avoided talking about it and now hearing your words he felt that familiar tug in his heart, ache. It was both pleasant and painful. He always wanted to be cared for in a way and painful because he wasn't as ready as he thought he was. His expression slowly changed to a sad and then fond, with a soft smile. His fingers danced on your cheek and your lips. Before you got any answer he leaned and kissed you. It was barely a lingering peck, way different than previous hot and passionate kisses.* Thank you, baby. With time Jeonggukie if you still want to know. It's not easy talk. I am not even sure how to touch on some details and if I would be able to talk about it. Just... I never really discussed it with anyone. I will think about it, maybe process my trauma alone before that...I...  I don't know... sorry, I am a mess *He chuckled, embarrassed by his weakness, looking down at your chest shyly, as his hands rested there, trembling slightly. *

*When you moved on to sharing your own story, his focus shifted, and he listened intently while rubbing calming circles into your skin.*  You know, as a psychiatrist I should probably tell you to apologize, and maybe seek forgiveness because it may free you and help heal and some other therapy bull... well okay it will work for some people so it's not exactly bull. *He chuckles.* Yet, as me, I will tell you this. You don't need to apologize or explain things you did to repair what someone else broke. *He thumbed your cheek.* It's in our nature to act on impulse when we are hurt and in pain. You are still here. I am happy that you are Jeonggukie. *His voice lowered to a low whisper and captured your lips in another kiss. Less slow, but still sweet. Ad if one kiss could smooth all the pain and show you that he cares.*

Really. *He nodded, watching as your face lit up, his heart feeling lighter now. * You bet I am the hottest after all. *His breath hitched and he closed his eyes exposing his neck to you while also resting his cheek on your head, hugging you closely.* I like you too Jeonggukie. I feel good... light when I am around you. Happier.

*Jungkook was burning under your gaze, taking short breaths in before he bit his lips when you touched his . * Yeah...? *His head falls back, as he leaned against your hard , slowly rolling his hips.* Mmm... I think I like it the best when you are being yourself as well. *He looked down, his eyes a bit hazy.* You are hot in any scenario, but the hottest as my Jeonggukie.  *When you asked about the position he smiled mysteriously slowly standing up.  With slow, calculated motions he removed his pants and boxers, leaving on a long shirt and letting it cover everything, his eyes never leaving your face.* I am going to ride you, baby... *He was slowly crawling back on you his hand raising your shirt, as he started placing kisses on your toned stomach, on your left , before he looked up.* But I may need your assistance. Would you mind stretching me up a bit baby boy? *He ask, his lips now lingering on your neck and jawline, before he captured your lips in a hot kiss.*
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook So maybe you flying too close to the sea while I'm close to the sun? *grimaces* moon gives you hella weird vibes to me cause of... *clears throat showingly* /someone/ I know *snickers squeezing at your plump cheek. How can you /not/ expect him to moan? He's the type to get easily no matter how you stimulated that side of him. Yet he enjoyed your struggle, his bunny grin and two front teeth ever pronounced as you squirmed under him. And when you took back the momentum, he let you just smirking when you straddle him and kiss him as his back softly hits the grass, tongue only sliding deeper as he pulled your towards his already hardened * , you such a y ... *He growls, so ready to just go all the way* Turning my actions like that to your advantage... *whispers breathlessly during the kiss, not letting you pull away to nuzzle his cheek. You made him , you suffer the consequences babe.*

*He heard your words and yet when you say how you're really fond of him, his face flushes. , he knew he got by insults from /and/ to him. But praising threw him off guard* Fond? Y-yeah *he closes his eyes when you kiss his forehead* I'll...answer. *But he did notice how you changed your mind though he wasn't the type to verbally thank you for not treating him like your experiment still nor to agree that he might be starting to like you back. At least- not in this very genuine with feelings way like you were doing for him.* Any...thing you good to know right now...?

*Still, the way he showed his appreciation and possible trust and affection, even without direct words or actions was obvious through the other things he did. Like after his test, resigning himself to you-if you wanted him to- to stop what he was doing. A reward for you passing his own test. After thumbing your face when your voice grew quiet* Don't be ashamed, at least you did it for a legit reason in the beginning. You know... *his eyes look down shyly then look into your eyes* I wouldn't mind getting to know your baggage.. *which is a lot for him since he usually steered away from getting personal with his victims on their side* I mean- if you wanna...! *He hmphs lightly*

*Would he have done the same? He tries revealing a little despite not usually the type to take things seriously* for me, I was hella bad back then *laughs dryly* At that time I didn't know any better with my first *nods slowly* she ed me up probably *laughs lightly* And then I just ed up anyone who got close. At that time, I was probably addicted to feeling something it didn't matter who came to me for what reason. Yeah... *laughs lightly* Even those taken es which you can only guess their guys were ing jelly of my hot streak. At that time I had a choice to stop but I never did. *then gulps as he looked down* I might got all the freedom in the ing world but now I don't got that choice to stop- at least not if I wanna function properly and . But I'll do it, it ain't ing impossible- the rules, I live in the fast lane and don't care if hurt or die in it- if I could *laughs dryly. He told you the bare minimum for now which is already way more than he told anyone else*

*But when you properly address your jealous and yet resignation, almost refusal to make him suffer the consequences, he looks down, actually thinking and remembering the past. That's right. He lost his first vessel because of that fact, too in the original world. And before this world opened up, he had been fading away staying here with no one to , even a stubborn ex-roommate named Jimin was proving himself difficult to sustain himself he lost his first vessel here as well. Only to make an agreement with his boss when his ex arrived that he would have a temporary vessel up until the first soul entered. It was a way to give him a chance with his ex and the new hoseok to instill memories of him in them before he had to go back. Sadly, it only worked with the latter being hoseok than ex since he was forgotten almost instantly despite Jeongguk's desperate attempts to revive his memory of himself. The fact he didn't think about any of this that would happen to him again showed he had a bad habit of impulsively agreeing to because of his emotions rather than logic- and only then suffering the consequences later when things fall short. Sounds very similar to his relationship with his ex. He impulsively went for it without worrying about where that put him and his self-worth.*

Oh...okay, hyung *he smiles looking into your eyes. It seemed weak at first as if in resignation that yeah, this was probably the best choice if you wanted him around for the long-term- as painful as it was for you. For him, was nothing; it was separate from romance. And now also his job. And yet when you said you trust him, his eyes brighten* ...Really...? *he smiled brighter in disbelief. Then he nodded avidly* I'll try my best to keep to that, hyung but no promises cause I got no control if that's what they want. *he smiles and nuzzles his nose into your neck* but I'll say this, you calling me baby boy's gotta be the hottest *he laughs breathily against your neck* I l- *he clenches his fist into your side* I really like you

[ok, I can predict now so continuing as stated before]

You love this cringe *he wiggles his brows towards your face. He laughs before his laugh stopped as he watched you now above him. His voice growls in desire at the way you look. His movements are now faster than before. Maybe it was because of what you said before but , did he wanna make you feel like the baby Daddy you were. /his/ pretty baby daddy that would moan for /him/. His hand pulled up your hem of your shirt just enough to tease at your s as his lips pulled you down* ...Can't wait anymore baby Daddy. You gon' keep teasing me or start putting it on me. And nah, I'll leave the nurse scene for later. Today I wanna do your /own/ body good /as/ yourself *laughs kissing your lips with a hum as his hands ravel to your * What about position...? *whispers against your body* Wanna take my riding like the pretty daddy you are? Missionary? Whatever you want baby I gotchu....
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 9 months ago
@Jeongguk Sun is too bright... *Jungkook enjoyed seeing your messy side. The way you could hard hold yourself back when he only just started kissing your neck. * I think I'm moon man ya know baby, it's pale and perrfectly round just like your . *He said just as you grabbed his own cheeks, massaging rather roughly, which he didnt mind, biting his lips when you spanked him, grunting slightly.* and I think you are too...

*Back and forth from pleasant touches to torturing tickles. Jungkook managed to held back a war cry filled with protest, squirming in your arms.* No, no, no! JEONG JEONGGUK! *There was only way to stop which was to tilt your head back and kiss you, with loud protesting moan, when he tried to stay still and focus on the kiss, pushing against your body so you would lay on the grass. He stopped when you did, but continues kissing you  fist full of your hair pulling slightly till you both needed to breath again. Even when he stopped he didn't moved away, your lips still brushing against each other. Jungkook nuzzled your cheek, with eyes still closed, holding you close *

I want to know everything about you. Every little thing, but I don't want to make you feel like you are just an object or research, because you are not. You are a person. I care about you. *He whispered softly against your skin before he place a kiss on your cheek, and another one, higher on the cheek bone,  and then on the eyebrow. He rested his cheek on yoir forehead  raising in yoir arms and holding yoir close.* If I ask will you answer? And tell me all the things I will remember and things I won't? *He pressed another kiss to your forehead, moving away to look at you.* I am just so fond of you. I like being around you.

You saying that means a lot to me, Jeonggukie.  Because I do understand how hard it may be, I did a lot of to survive. People payed me just so they could me and I accepted so I could buy food. Things they made me do and things they did to me. *His voice grew quiet.* I am ashamed of that, but here I am, still alive. *He looked down, with such a fond look on his face, rubbing your scalp with his fingers.* I don't want to share you, baby boy. , I do not. Thinking about others who could possibly have you and call you that. It's awful, painful, it's sad and I am jaelous and have those thought with 'what if, what if' but I won't let you suffer the consequences if you stop doing that. There is a lot of things I do not understand yet but I will accept it if you come back to me after it.  I trust you. *He said following with another light kiss on your nose.* and, um... if you possibly... could keep the baby boy thing just for me...if you could ... ... could be my baby boy *Jungkook's cheeks flushed and he looked away for the moment, obviously embarrassed but bravely trying to explain his needs.* I... um. Deal? Oh  wait... is there something you would like from me, please ask right away.

[Okay, that make sense, i think I responded to everything but if I didnt do let me know.]
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook *Jeongguk's nose flared in desire as you could hear a growl in his voice at the colorblind joke before his own soft moan turned into a husky groan as he his lower lip. His lidded eyes started to close as his own hands were traveling towards your waist, pulling you closer and closer onto his lap* baby h you really tryna fly too close to the sun today huh...h *his hand traveled to massage and grip at your , sliding his hand between the cloth and lazily spanking the skin to skin inside your pants, pulling at the elastic and massaging downwards to expose the curve of your to the grass.*

*Jeongguk threw a smug smirk with a of his brow at the nickname* Mr. Jeon huh? That's a new one *and yet at your playful nature, he grins scrunching his nose as his fingers sneaked before.* Or what, I'll turn into a muggle? *Then he smirked widely. Attack! A Tickle attack near your sides to be exact. He snickers with a scrunched nose as he watches your reaction before eventually showing mercy, letting your sides go. He grins.* You more than just cute, babe, remind me who was making me moan so good a couple of minutes ago. *He grins as he locked his arms around your waist to parallel yours hugging his neck. His eyes soften at the nose tip turning wet. He scrunches his nose again* Ew cooties *he playfully pretends at the kiss to his nose *

Fine by me *Jeongguk smirks, slightly dejected but understands. Though there was one thing you mistook* But babe, when I mean you wont be able to remember in reality, that means no amount of diary writing would make you remember this kinda , baby Man. It's something peeps from this world just aren't allowed to acknowledge.

So ing badly, yeah h *he breathes hungry against your lips at the way you repeated and even explained more on /how/ exactly he'd get off to you. He watches as you thumb his skin breathlessly before snickering* So you prefer to the pain away huh? That can be arranged... *He smirks and yet you keep taunting him as his voice breathes* , give it to me, I wanna feel your swelling on my ...

*He watches, worried but he needed to know. Were you truly okay with this? You didn't care at all? It was so contradictive. He wanted you to be jealous. He wanted to see you cared enough about him to be jealous. But that would mean he would be stuck with only your body to function and he couldn't do that. The other side: yet he couldn't afford you to be jealous in fear you'd eventually give up waiting for him. Search for your own happiness in your /own/ reality. He didn't wanna keep ing others for fun and not find anyone to really do more than his job in.

*Truly damned if he do, damned if he don't. So his eyes only widen at your words. You were still jealous but...understood? A stunned expression lingered on his face before it broke into a large grin. Suddenly, he wrestles you in his strong arms despite your own muscular body. And yet the voice that comes out are soft breathy but giddy giggles* I like being next to you too, dorky Hyung. And no, they don't usually call me baby boy but they can if they into that kink. *a thumb traced your cheek* Most people ain't with it more than Daddy doe

But... *his thumb caressed your chin* Sorry baby Hyung, I had to test you. If you don't want me to others, I won't. *nods* Even if it's gonna hurt me and this world, I think I can trust you on dat now *his eyes flashed in sudden memory relapse. Wait- he did that exact same idea with his ex. He tested his ex- in a different way, too. Bitter deja vu. *

[I'll leave the rest till next time. I don't think I can predict anything until everything is responded to up until here
Once you respond, you can just cut it off there and I'll pick up the last 2 paragraphs I stopped before ]
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 9 months ago
@Jeongguk *Jungkook looked up, his soft smile turning into playfull and teasing.* Jokes on you  the red flags won't stop me because I am colorblind. *He on the skin of your neck, leaving a hickey before he tubbed it with his tongue. Your moans definitely making him more bold with his kisses which turned into more open mouthed and hot. No longer soft and innocent.*

*The wild attack on his nose made him snort at first and he started laughing, moving in your arms and wiggling around.* Mr Jeon! Stealing noses is unacceptable! I don't want to end up like dear Lord Voldemort! *He frowned, sitting on you but the expression melted at your comment and actions. Is his cheeks flushed? Ugh, huh. It's the lighting!* Tss, someone need to balance out your y . So I will be the cute. *He wrapped his arms around your neck, locking you in place so close before leaned in and... the tip of your nose with wild, stupid grin.*

*He tilted his head back to look at the start and think for the moment before his curious gaze focused back on your face.* I do, but maybe not today. I need open and calm head, with no disturbances.  And I need to learn how to remember more. Notes help, a lot. Even if my dream notebook started to be a novel. *He chuckled at that relaxing in your hold to press his lips to your cheek.* So before you tell me more I need achieve some things.

*He growls as well when you planted that image in his head.* mhm, ... baby boy likes to watch huh, watch me getting off on his ?  *He bit his lip, closing his eyes and huffing.His hand found yoir face and he made you look at him, thimbing your skin.* I have only short moments with you and whole days without you. So I rather be sad and crying when I am awake then waste another good moment with you. I wNt to remember good stuff baby boy. Not bad. *And he kissed you, it was short, but hot and needy.*  But I do appreciate you for trying.

If you say so... its just curiosity. Itz not Bout being chill I am fascinated, curious but I also simply ing like being next to you. It's easy. It feel so normal despite how weird we both are. It doesn't make any sense. *He raised his eyebrow* Jaelous? Do they call you baby boy as well? If so I feel very jaelous.

I am, because despite everything I don't understand  a lot. And yes there is this annoying thought that I may just be another plaything. I may be worried that you are like that with them as well but I know I am missing key details why. And its not like I can stop you. This is something that you need, its nessesery. So go on, others but came back to me as well. I will be waiting for you Jeongguk.

*He turned his face towards you to give you unimpressed expression.* You are the one who is cringe right now because constelations are not only about zodiacs. There is 88 constellation out there. *He nudges you with his arm but then you kissed him and he moaned softly melting.*

I want to continue. I will be fine. I don't want to waste any more moments today on being sad or scared. *He moved lost dark strand of your hair out of your forehead.* Nurse office would be fine, or labs. Go on, be my y surgeon baby boy.
Jeongguk [A] 9 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook *maybe the term was incorrect but it was clear Jungkook /was/ still hiding whatever emotion you'd wanna feel. Afterall, you /could've/ just cried alone if you /weren't/ hiding your emotions. But no, he was the one who somehow dragged that part of you out. The inevitable result of not being open and social /was/ linked to a decrease in exposing those emotions aka "hiding" those emotions in a way. It's a basic human response when not having anyone to rely on talking to. You stop feeling it over time, even start hiding it to convince yourself you're fine. Jeongguk smirks slightly sad* same could be said for you, babe... *his voice is soft but distant as if you couldn't convince him that he didn't deserve it. For him, in a way it was probably his own karma. And yet at your next words, he made sure to cringe visibly exaggeratingly* Haha almost made me believe that with your own rizz game *he smirks* Don't ignore the red flags, baby man *his voice tapers off at the now more consistent repetitive kisses as he moaned lightly*

*Jeongguk smirks amused as he saw the fingers rubbing over his impacted area before smirking up into the eyes executing that act. Then without warning, he started aggressively pulling and pinching your nose with his hand before changing our position as he made you straddle his hips* so you're aware how ing cute you're being right now? Tsk *he holds your nose between his teeth yet clearly, his was growing harder as his laughs turned into slight whispery growls.*

*Not him, you thought about the sliver of innocence slipping out due to your answer. And yet you had so much to learn about him as he was before to realize he's more than just what you see on the surface. Big question was, once you learned about it, would you lose interest and run away. Or at least, at the very most, decide to stick to the y persona Jeongguk played into for everyone. When you mentioned blow, his innocent eyes had been shaded over, replaced with his signature smirk before growling and eagerly biting your lower lip* , you want me to, baby Man? Cause I'd do it fo sho... *then his smirk turned slight as he thinks about* you.../really/ wanna know...? I mean, I can tell you but you won't be able to remember it outside of the dream- you know, just keeping close to the theme for all them other souls here *nods*

*He too was enjoying your touches, even the playful teases even though some of them got dangerously close to him just bursting in desire. But when you used the word baby boy in /that/ playgul context, with /that/ y tone of voice, it shot straight to his * , hyung d-don't tease me... *he growls in desire, feeling that exact feeling you had as your thoughts ran wild* and I want my pretty daddy riding me so desperately, begging me with their eyes to take over and him silly. I'm trying *he grits his teeth despite finding it incredibly hard* Trying to be a good guy and not think with my when you're clearly ing sad but ... you keep doing this baby, I won't ing /care/ even if you're sobbing in trauma! *he snickers whisperingly huskily*

*Jeongguk starts rolling his eyes when you seem interested in this guy* He really ain't that ing important, serious. I even forgot what his name was so that speaks a ton *shrugs* I mean, if you're curious I can show you that memory but nah, don't really pay attention to them, it ain't part of anything life changing in my life to remember for me. *His eyes still look at you as he now thumbs your cheek* , you're being so chill with all this ... *smirks* now I kinda wanna make you jealous doe

*His smirk only grew* Aight praise kink with doctorxdoctor on the surgery table or like that. That works. I usually like insulting more but only when I'm doing it. I can't stand being insulted even if, cause of my past, I can get off of it. But damn... *he massaged your shoulders* you taking this really well *laughs dryly* I refuse to believe you just chilling with that fact I'd still have to /forreal/ okay with that, babe...?

*Jeongguk's fingers grazed up and down your hair, neck and back comfortably in the new position as he listened to your words. He couldn't help but admire while also gulp in slight worry under his tone at the way the night sky reflected in your eyes. A slight but ever present twinkle in your eyes as you name off some annoyingly boring astrology concepts* Don't tell me you believe in those ty zodiac stuff. That's cringe *he insults with a snicker despite his eyes warming towards you. He kisses you back slowly before his eyes grow sharper, more bolder. And yet you didn't answer him* , I'm not playing around, Hyung. You gotta tell me /with your words/ that you is actually fine to wanna continue. And remember, here it ain't like a dream where we can go anywhere. Here it's gotta be somewhere on campus- cause yeah, for other peeps to join in

[by the way can you tell me is this going to be the doctor colleague scene, insinuated, etc? Or that's another day off campus? ]
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 9 months ago
@Jeongguk *It's not about hiding anything. It's about the lack of trust in people a Jungkook being not being overly open and social. Not having good friends or any relatives only adds to that. If you have no one to talk you are not sharing things, simply like that. *
It may be the past it may shape you but it doesn't mean you deserve it. Even if it happens for a reason. *He whispered against your neck, placing kisses in between sentences.* I mean it, you are not half as bad as you think. You are just you. I like you. *He was smiling but you probably could only feel it against your skin, right before he place another kiss.*

*You heard a chuckle as he shifts in your arms, he kissed his fingers and gently rubbed his fingertips over the place he pinched earlier.* You are 10 out of 10 because I am 100 out of 10.  I am blessing you right now. With my endearing presence. *He jokes, laughing as well, rubbing his nose against your chin*

*The doe's eyes came back and he grew concerned for a moment. The question was so innocent. So delicate. So not you, but Jungkook only smiles, gently.* Really. *He confirmed right before you kissed him. His hand moved to cup your cheek and hold you in place making the kiss last longer. * Would you like to blow something else? *Now he was the one that wiggled his eyebrows at you, joking lightly.* I mean I am a researcher, scientist, and doctor. If there is someone who will try to understand and not question you it would be me. But also because I am just one very curious bastard.  *His fingers danced around your chin and cheeks before he slipped them into your hair.*

*Being held and being around you helped. Never before had he any sort of comfort, physical or psychological. Until he tried therapy but spilling his guts never truly touched some parts of it the way it did today. But you are warm, breathing rhythmically, holding him so close and tight, and simply just being next to him. He didn't know how to react and didn't know it would bring so much comfort. Jungkook always has to fight and be there for himself alone. Never really could just break down. *

You were a mess and I was a mess and it turned into a nice and hot mess. Baby and daddy. I liked that.  *His head fell back as he parted his pips and laughed breathly.* I am feeling hot thinking about it. *He looked at you.* My baby boy. *He said in a husky whisper not really trying to be y but just doing what feels right.*

It feels good *He says, eyes a bit glossy when he let his thoughts run wild* ...letting you be on top I mean. Partly because I can finally give up on the control I always have to have. *His glossy eyes turned a bit more alive when he looked at you.* Party because you are also very hot. *A small smirk* and party because I want that. I want the baby boy.

A stubborn guy? *He raised his eyebrow.* I want to meet him, I am curious what could make you all worked up like that. *He hums quietly.* Okay I think I get the memo but still, Jeonggugie? If you ever want to do something, you want, stuff you dreamed about do let me know. I may not be a perfect actor like you but I would like to try to give you the real me. And honest effort.

*He wasn't surprised but eager at your words just chuckled.* Age doesn't matter a colleague, who would me good while I praised his well-done surgery. Because I may like praising people I admire. And I want to let them know how hot it is when they are thriving in their success. *He his lips.* In scrubs.

*When you shifted their position Jungkook relaxed next to you, growing quiet and focusing on the stars. His eyes followed every constellation, murmuring their names like he is calling an old, close friend.  You could see how his stress and the rest of the pain and fear fade.  When he finished he stayed quiet before he explained.* Each time something ty happened I would do that. Watch the sky. Whisper names of constellations. When your brain is overloaded and your body hurts it helps to shift your focus to something stable and rhythmic. Like counting. And that was my way.  No matter what happened I was still under the same stars. * Finally he looked at you, with his gaze soft and calm. Without the word he lifted himself, shifting gently to your side before he kissed you slowly. * Thank you for being here, baby boy. *His fingers slipped, clutching your shirt as the world around you both started to get a bit blurry as if it was ready to shift and shape into new scenery.*
Jeongguk [A] 10 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook [and I appreciate it since that means maybe I can write however long I want and you won't have to feel like you have to mirror it right? : ) ]

*Well look at him, he's a big boi with multiple weak moments, probably more than you as someone who wouldn't hide whatever emotion he wants to feel. Keyphrase "wants to feel" because even he wasn't aware he'd be sobbing near the lake but when the realization hit, he sobbed without holding back. As they like to say, an ugly crier/emotional type of person. Jeongguk could only smirk dryly when you say those next words about wishing he as well didn't suffer. He's already accepted his reality, even his past, too. It may have debilitated him back then, always influencing him to make the wrong decisions even now. But also now, because of it, in a way, he was able to take back his own life. He got to do whatever the /he/ wanted to do, finally. Sure, he regrets how he got there but , is he gonna cry over spilt milk.* Too late for that, babe. We can wish all we want but that's all it'll be. Empty lies and promises... Sadly, we just are what our past makes us but that don't mean we only are that side. *The younger laughs dryly, it making his neck vibrate against your lips that were kissing near the mole on his neck*

*Jeongguk snickers before wincing with an exaggerated pout * Ow, baby man. You hurt me, now you have to kiss it better. *he continues his act before a soft giggle-like laugh uttered through his thin lips before his voice grew huskier* 10 out of 10 huh..? That's rare to even get on Yelp. I gotta be such a y product huh *wiggles brows playfully while grinning at you with his bunny teeth. And yet, when he remembered that choice was just an illusion for him, he expected you to hesitate. Many people did. Yes, his ex as well. Who would want to be romantic with someone who had to have smexy times with others as their job? His eyes widened from short to slightly doe shaped. But this time it wasn't trauma but the pure innocent self he had underneath the person you saw* really? *he asked both confused and slightly eager. He looks down and smirks dryly* something like that yeah...I just don't know if you want me to blow your mind- *laughs dryly before seeing the lower lip stick out and quickly kissing it* especially since you believe in all that sciency only

*Jeongguk watched you turn silent. It felt like you were still not ready to talk and yet were trying. But he /does/ wanna answer so he does. He'll try to ask it or take care of you right after* shoot *he confirmed casually as his fingers still grazed your back, leaning into your touch. Then he snorts lightly* why the would I get mad at that? Yeah. Yeah I have my own kinks. But I mean, our first meeting you kinda already matched it so I don't see any reason to extend that detective . *he snickers lightly before he answers matter of factly. He would've grown defensive if it was a stranger asking him this and yet he doesn't because you already did it without him saying * Riding my . Calling me baby boy, babyxdaddy. In that specific order, not daddyxbaby. Dominant or submissive pretty much don't matter as long I'm putting it in. My job of course lets me do both but just because it's my job, don't mean I'm into that part. *snorts relieved* luckily, I've been able to confuse even the toppest of tops to bottom. *snickers proudly* But *grimaces* That wasn't always the case. There was one ing stubborn guy who thought my title matched what I wanted. What a stubborn *he continues referring to his original world's purpose then nods* but anyways, I still did good cause I'm a ing god in bed, but yeah no, dat bottoming ain't my kind of and ain't it for me even if it's there

Ah and other than that, well since I used to be a pre-med major, I might have a thing or two for any medical scenarios like doctorxnurse or doctorxpatient *he was clearly very touched you even /wanted/ to fulfill his kinks and yet the way he talked showed him being too nonchalant about it as if it was casual and not like he was embarassed or touched. Truth be told, he was and yet didn't know how else to express it. But then when you mentioned your own kink, he smirked.* That can be arranged, baby man. You want a older one or younger? Same age?

*Then once he's answered your questions, he grabs you by the waist and lays you down on the grass with him as he fell over onto his side* romantic enough for you baby man? *he teases snickering before his snicker turned into a slightly more restrained smile* Hey a lot of happened. You sure you fine for ? You were trembling like some weakass grandpa *He laughs insulting you. Hey He's trying in his own way, give him some credit*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 10 months ago
@Jeongguk [No problem, I just didn't want to repeat myself]

*Well, it is quite different, holding someone so muscular, maybe even taller, who gets a lot of attention, so broken in limb in your arms. But honestly? it. Jungkook didn't even want to waste a moment thinking about it. So what? Just because he is a big boy, he can't have his weak moments? Everybody does. It's a human thing to do. He also knew well enough that he was not your shawty. Even if you were looking for similarities in them, Jungkook was someone different. He also wasn't really mad at you for doing so. We all clutch to hope until it's gone.* Mhm... you could say that, yes. *His eyes focused on the stars.* Yet, I wish you do not have to. I don't want anyone to suffer like that. Especially you. *He pressed his lips against your neck in a calm, but caring kiss.

*Jungkook couldn't help but smile just a tin bit when he heard your next words.* You do have your way with words. *He pinched your arms, shaking his head.* It was romantic, I liked it. Definitely would do that again. 10 out of 10. *Again you slipped, for a moment, and Jungkook managed to catch it this time, as he tilted his head back to look at you. * I know. *He said quietly.* I did put it together, I may not know the reason, but it is the way it is. If I want you here, you will need . Something like an equivalent exchange of sort, for your presence? I do not have a better scientific theory, but I am working on it. Do you… is it some sort of your energy? *He sticks his lower lip out, quite deep in his thoughts, before he managed to pull himself out. No time to waste his energy.*

*Jungkook nods, smiling gratefully and just for a few minutes, staying quiet.* Can I ask something? * He started, touching your chin and gently rubbing it.* Do not get mad, I am just curious. Since you are always fulfilling other people's kinks, do you… perhaps have some of your own? That you would like to try out? If so, would you like to try them out with me? *The question was rather calm, and he truly wanted to know the answer.* It doesn't need to be now, but in the future? *He gave you a way out, just in case you weren't ready for such thing just yet.* I, on the other hand, wouldn't mind being ed by my y colleague doctor in my own office, but… give me a moment. I do enjoy this ty romantic scenery. It's calming.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 10 months ago
@choi ∙ yeonjun [] no problem, this rp is more self-paced for the most part so you can go at your own pace : ) ]

If this surprises you, you may find quite a bit more about this place surprising as well *he hums as he shut the door*
But you do not need to thank me. If you pay heed to this advice, that is thanks enough *he nodded curtly yet professionally.*
*The question you gave to him made his lips curve slightly in a smirk* that is a very good question indeed. Questions about the world in general: you can ask me or the other admins. Questions regarding your enrollment: you will have to ask the adults, both NPC and non-NPC alike regarding the subject you are curious about. My apologies. I assumed you did but do you know what an NPC in this world refers to, yeonjun?


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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