✗ dining room

dining room!
— about

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel.

kim taeyeon. x.x 1 year ago
taeyeon is beyond mad at this point, seeing the two males arguing again and the other even has the audacity to pull of his outfit before she walked in between of them and plunged the bread knife on the shepherds pie with a force as she served it to them, she smiled grimly at them but still angry at them. "please respect the halls of the manor as well as the premises, you are all guests here however, 'do not' abuse your opportunity when staying here." she raised her tone at the 'do not' part to remind them that this is not their house to argue with. "are we clear?" then she looked at them both. taeyeon is patient towards guests but those who are rude enough, she couldn't handle it and she really has an intimidating aura inherited from her father.
seo inguk. x.x 1 year ago
inguk watched the younger man with a confusion as his eyes watched the journalist. why was he-- no. he wouldn't, would he? be this shameless. the composer quickly proved his suspicions correct when the used, mildly sweaty shirt ended up in his hands. he held it between to fingers, confusion now mild disgust as he took in the article of clothing. the composer shook his head and threw the short back towards the other man, "here. take it. not having a replacement is better than having... whatever this is." he scoffed and shook his head. he leaned back into his chair, now a vision disgruntled. his hand picked up his glass of wine and took a generous sip, "you would be one of the culprits of why it's such a strange night. who are you anyway? and why are you here? how do you know boddy?"
lee dohyun. 1 year ago
things were growing more tense at the table and dohyun looked at the angry composer with a nervous grin. "Well, seeing as you were so generous in giving me your notepad I'll give you the same courtesy." He slipped off his button up waist coat and unfastened his shirt, handing it to the man beside him before buttoning his waistcoat back up. "Sorry if my shirt is a bit used, you won't mind will you?" He smiled at the composer and nodded to the man who took his squished food away. "What a strange night."
kim taeyeon. x.x 1 year ago
taeyeon comes out from the kitchen to get a bottle of the most expensive wine before pouring it on mr. boddy's empty wine glass, she smiled at him a bit before bowing at him lightly before putting the wine on the trolley and went back to the corner.
× john boddy. 1 year ago
Comes in and takes a seat at the head of the table.
kim minjeong. 1 year ago
minjeong smiles sweetly before looking to the foods with frown, still not pleased with what happened recently. "i just hope you don't mind me being such a nuisance to others." she sighed and eats another set of appetizers.
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
My smile widens at Taeyeon's response, showing her a thumbs up.
I'm very happy to hear it and I also hope you taking good care of yourself!
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
I shake Minjeong's hand in return before politely pull away. I listen to her response, humming in thought.
I see, but I do hope you feel comfortable soon, maybe I can change that? I also feel out of place because this is my first time meeting new people, so what if we keep each other company? Aha, I promise I'm harmless.
kim taeyeon. x.x 1 year ago
"oh no, im fine. i ate already so you don't have to worry about me." she chuckles a bit.
kim minjeong. 1 year ago
"sabrina, nice to meet you." she smiled a bit before shaking her hand a bit, still not trusting the other. "im feeling out of place, recently boys bickering and some maid just tripped and made the glass shatter. not my best time so far."
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
Taeyeon, I hope you get to eat soon, are you gonna eat with me?
Smiles up at her.
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
I wave towards a man who was currently eating from across the table.
Hi there, I'm Sabrina!
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
I grin at her introduction, offers an handshake towards her.
I'm Sabrina, it's a pleasure to meet you, Minjeong! How are you feeling thus far?
kim taeyeon. x.x 1 year ago
taeyeon refills some empty glass with wine and gives yunhyeong some wine as well.
song yunhyeong. 1 year ago
eats some food.
kim minjeong. 1 year ago
(okok ur good ahshdhsh)

"my name's minjeong." she introduced herself, "and you're name is?" then asked the older woman her name.
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
[] wait i thought taey said her name, i apologize, im fkin blind TT pretend she asked what's her name c":
kim minjeong. 1 year ago
(they don't know each other yet ahshbssh and minjeong is her name o/////o)
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
Hi there! It's a pleasure to meet you, winter! You look so adorable!
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
I'm really happy to hear it, Taeyeon, and thanks for telling me where to go or I'll be lost.
I let out a shy chuckle at my response. I turn my head to look at the cute person next to me, grinning.
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
[] it's perfectly okay, bb !
kim minjeong. 1 year ago
she looks at the blonde girl and her eyes moved from head to toe, she then cracks a smile on sabrina. "hello."
kim taeyeon. x.x 1 year ago
() sorry i didn't noticed that gahsshshs
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
[] oh sabrina listened to taey btw, she already sat down next to winter dbdhd
kim taeyeon. x.x 1 year ago
she smiled more and nodded, "thank you, ms. sabrina. please have a seat and enjoy the foods." she then ushered the woman next to the spoiled girl, hoping the other won't mind with the newcomer sitting beside her.
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
I listen to Taeyeon's response, doing as instructed. I grin up at the pretty woman.
Hi Taeyeon, it's a pleasure to meet you! I hope you're doing well thus far.
kim taeyeon. x.x 1 year ago
taeyeon smiled at the newcomer and bows her head at her, "hello, sabrina. my name is taeyeon, butler serving for mr. boddy. you can sit next to the girl over there." she pointed at the vacant seat next to minjeong.
sabrina carpenter. 1 year ago
I walk inside the dining room, look around then at a few people who already sat. Despite the nervousness, she goes over to the table before sitting on one of the chairs. I waved at everyone with a grin.
Hi everyone, I'm Sabrina!
kim taehyung. 1 year ago
He faltered for only a second when he realised the question was directed at him, hoping to avoid conversations like this he quickly tried to think of a way out of it. His gaze flicked between Taeyeon and Junhoe a couple of times before he leaned back into his chair, letting out air of confidence despite the nervousness he was actually feeling, "Familiar? Couldn't be me. As for how I know him? That's for me to know," He shot a playful wink in Junhoes direction before his eyes were on Taeyeon again, "It's a pleasure Taeyeon and Junhoe. My name is Taehyung,"
koo junhoe. 1 year ago
junhoe blinked and turned away from taehyung and rose a brow at taeyeon. "you have lovely eyes, miss taeyeon. I almost died. I was asking this lad over here." he motioned towards taehyung and smiled. "born and raised here? what's it like? from the outside, it sounds like a portal to hell once every few days. I'm Junhoe by the way. landscaper. we've partnered with boddy estate for years now."


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Gengar 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ↳ full name: jung hoseok
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: bts
ㅤㅤ↳ age: 29
0e3f97d30391478699bf 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ↳ full name: lee dohyun
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: actor
ㅤㅤ↳ age: 28
mileage 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ↳ full name: wong kahei
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: loona
ㅤㅤ↳ age: 27
acuteassmess 1 year ago
ㅤ↳ full name: sabrina carpenter
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: singer/actress
ㅤㅤ↳ age: 23
parsley 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ.ᐟ welcome to « murder at tudor close » ― please check the masterlist to assure your desired character is available, reservations last for 48hrs!
ㅤㅤ.ᐟ please follow the comment format to reserve your character! if you do not follow the format we will not reserve the character! thank you! ❤️

ㅤㅤ↳ full name: (ex. song yunhyeong)
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: ( ex. ikon)
ㅤㅤ↳ age: (ex. 28)
shinigami 1 year ago
leaving an upvote and fave to support!
--lascivious 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ↳ full name: kim jongin
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: exo
ㅤㅤ↳ age: 29
hyperstellar 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ↳ full name: cindy kimberly
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: model
ㅤㅤ↳ age: 24
devilry 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ↳ full name: yoo taeyang
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: sf9
ㅤㅤ↳ age: 26
-macabre- 1 year ago
↳ full name: kim suhyeon
↳ group/occupation: billlie
↳ age: 23 years old
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