❝ plotting。

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❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
plot title: your little play thing
preferred gender: any
group: vampire
relationship type: either friends, lovers or friends with benefits (+ hints of angst/darkness)
trigger warning: corruption

plot description:
you are a vampire who is a bit bored with your current state of life, so you are considering looking for some fun - perhaps a new play thing... comes in wheein who can become that object of fun for you - that toy to play with. you have been observing her for a while and you know that she is a witch, but she seems all so pure and good. what you’ve learned is that she is passionate about nature - that’s where her powers come from: controlling/growing plants and communicating with animals. you decide to get close to wheein - to become her close acquaintance, friend, friend with benefits or lover - and use that connection as a way to control her a bit into doing things for you. consider it trying to taint her soft and pure soul... to corrupt her a bit because let’s face it, who doesn’t like to have a bit of control and some fun turning good little things into evil ones? will you be able to turn wheein into your little sheep?
❛ ☽﹕chan l。 1 year ago
♠ addiction
♠♠ male
♠♠ any species
♠♠ fwb, mutually beneficial, partners in crime
♠♠ TW: blood, possibly illicit substance use
♠♠♠ chan is... tired of being hungry. it's a deep fear, carved into his bones that he has been unable to get rid of no matter how much he is spoiled now. his appetite is voracious and unpredictable, a deep burning thirst, but you... don't mind. whether it benefited you to hold chan's weakness in the palm of your hand or simply enjoyed the rush of the bite, you offered yourself to the young vampire. and perhaps he shouldn't, but in exchange he has allowed you what few shreds of trust he has left. throwing caution to the wind in return for a momentary rush, you are the addiction he can't get rid of.
❛ ☽﹕chan l。 1 year ago
♠ arabian nights
♠♠ any gender
♠♠ any species
♠♠ soft, predator/prey, blackmail
♠♠ TW: violence and threats of murder, blackmail
♠♠♠ all lee chan wanted was to be entertained, and something about you was amusing. enough for him to hold his hand despite a job on his list, so long as you can provide him what he wants. but what that is, exactly, is something he refuses to tell you. you've got one thousand and one nights to figure it out, or at the very least change his mind before he gets bored of you--?
❛ ☽﹕chan l。 1 year ago
♠ collars
♠♠ any gender
♠♠ vampires, 100 +
♠♠ enemies, tension (both kinds), competition, bad decisions
♠♠ tw: ual, violent themes, idk sleeping w somebody you hate?
♠♠♠ attention. power. the winning ticket. it feels like you have always had everything that chan's ever wanted, and what's more, the close he comes to you the more you seem to be stealing the titles, prizes he has his eye on. he doesn't want to be like you, he wants to BE you, no-- he wants you to be collared and kneeling under him. even if he has to fight you for it, tooth and nail.
[post deleted by owner]
❛ ☼﹕seulgi k。 1 year ago
{ Thawing the Ice }

Gender: M/F
Group: Witch
Genre: Friendship, (possible) Romance
Trigger Warning: (possible) Violence

(This took place 5 years before the current timeline)
You were venturing out of forest when you noticed an old cabin and out of curiosity, you walked inside it. You suddenly met a sudden drop of temperature until you sensed a strong aura from below the floor, you opened it and saw frozen chamber and saw Seulgi hugging herself, only wearing white thin clothing, she was trapped within the unmelting ice as if some ancient witch put her there because she's either dangerous or benevolent towards them. But you decided to free her from her icy prison, but it was a wrong idea, as soon as she woke up. She sees you as an enemy and attacks you with her conjured up weapons out of thin air. You decided to (1) fight her back and defeat her or (2) reason out and hold your punches.
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
[the red rose]
preferred gender: any
group: vampire
genre: (+ in plotting)
relationship type: strangers to -
trigger warning: blood

plot description:
wheein owns a little flower shop. she normally closes it early and goes home by herself, but once in a while, she lets people come in later and stays until it’s quite late and dark.
you’re a vampire that is roaming around the city at night - perhaps looking for a midnight snack or for adventure - and you stumble upon the store. you can see the cute sign outside, the flowers framing the pretty entrance and the candles lit inside showing that there is still someone there. you decide to observe wheein. that’s until she cuts her finger on a red rose’s prickles/thorns and hurts herself. as you see and smell her bleeding, you have to make a decision: will you go and help her out? will she become your midnight snack? or will you perhaps even get curious and follow her home after she finishes closing up her shop?
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❛ ☽﹕jaejoong k。( H ) 1 year ago
(adj.) - of, relating to, or accompanied by bloodshed


― ❛ relationship type : passing acquaintances, reluctant friends
― ❛ preferred gender : any
― ❛ witch or vampire : vampire
― ❛ applicable warnings : blood and injury

Jaejoong’s seedy line of work does not come without significant risks. As such, he oftentimes finds himself at the clinic to have his wounds tended to. You’ve seen quite a few repeat patients in your time working there, but never one so frequent as Jaejoong. You have to wonder just what kind of work he gets up to if it lands him in the clinic on a near daily basis. While you tend to his injuries, you work to pry it out of him, much to his chagrin. The razor-like sharpness of his words and clipped responses do little to deter you from uncovering the truth about your new regular, and as such, you decide that you’ll continue to poke and prod until you get the answers that you want.
❛ ☼﹕taemin l。( H ) 1 year ago
(noun.) - absent-minded dreaming while awake; an abstracted state of absorption


― ❛ relationship type : mentor & mentee
― ❛ preferred gender : any
― ❛ witch or vampire : either
― ❛ applicable warnings : n/a

Lee Taemin is a very skilled and highly respected practitioner of herbal medicine. The remedies he concocts are oftentimes likened to liquid gold, a priceless treasure coveted by both the people of Illias and Cruor for their incredible healing and restoration properties. Fascinated by the concept of natural healing, you seek the reclusive witch out in the hopes that he will pass down some of his knowledge to you.

Naturally, you end up with a bit more than you bargained for. Taemin is a kind but strict teacher, and his knowledge is near boundless. Regardless, you push through it and, through your fierce determination and insistence, gain something of a friend in the process.
❛ ☼﹕taemin l。( H ) 1 year ago
(adj.) marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy


― ❛ relationship type : a complicated situationship
― ❛ preferred gender : any
― ❛ witch or vampire : vampire
― ❛ applicable warnings : blood and injury, biting

An alchemical experiment gone awry sees Taemin fatally injured, clutching desperately to those dreaded last lingering remnants of his life before darkness pulls him asunder. Just as he thinks to relinquish his hold on the mortal realm, a dark figure emerges from the shadows. They smell the blood before they even see it—sweet and fragrant like fresh honey, yet still laced with the heady, acrid tang of iron. It takes nary a look to know who this blood belongs to and, upon realizing who Taemin is, they offer to strike a deal with him.

“Poor, sweet witch,” you had said, lips curving up into a dangerous smile. “I am willing to spare you this terrible anguish, but only if you do something for me in turn.”

Taemin, delirious with pain, agrees blindly. “Anything,” he rasps. Pleads. Begs. Anything at this point to make the pain stop, stop, stop.

“Very good,” you all but purr, and Taemin can hear that saccharine smile behind that sickeningly uttered phrase. “Then, sweet doll, I should require two things from you each time I visit. Your blood, to sustain me, and your medicine, to help my people.”

“Deal,” Taemin agrees. It’s a choice he rapidly comes to regret in the passing years as your visits grow annoyingly more frequent. Sometimes, he has to wonder whether you’re doing this intentionally just to piss him off.
❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 1 year ago
“Only Love”

- preferred gender : Any
- group: vampire
- relationship: family or ex-lovers
- genre: fluff, angst (through plotting we can decide)

Tw: n/a

In Jennie’s early stages of vampiric life she was heavily abused, growing to despise the very thing she had become. But even in that time when it seemed like there was no one left she loved, there was you. You were her center piece, that even when the world was going to hell, you made everything better, just by being you. Jennie swore it would be the only selfish decision she made her in her life…but she turned you. And she will not leave your side. You can either grow into your vampiric state with her, or be completely filled with hate for your once friend or lover- but Jennie loves you unconditionally. You could hurt her in the worst ways and she’d still forgive you and make sure you’re taken care of.

extra notes: - this plot can go many different directions- could be that your characters are each others family in a cruel world, or that your character sees Jennie as the enemy even as she fights for your affections. We can discuss in pm what route you’d prefer :)
❛ ☽﹕joshua h。 [A] 1 year ago
❛ 『 arcane 』is taken!
❛ ☽﹕joshua h。 [A] 1 year ago
❛ 『 euphoria 』is taken!
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[post deleted by owner]
❛ ☽﹕joshua h。 [A] 1 year ago
❛ 『 arriviste 』─────────▸

✦ preferred gender — any
✦ group — vampire
✦ relationship — friends
✦ genre — fluff, comedy ( + more in plotting )

✦ tw — n/a

••• your father recently achieved the riches he ever wished for as a merchant in cruor leading his status in the city rise along with yours, someone who isn’t very well acquainted with the noble life. because of this, you have encountered many problems such as this is the party you will be (forced) to attend one month from now. unwanting to be the laughing stock in front of the nobles, you decided to seek help from a duke you knew all too well to teach you all about etiquette and manners.

❏ extra notes
• — just a suggestion scene while joshua teaches your character all about noble life.
• — during the party they noticed many nobles dancing with each other. that’s the one lesson joshua didn’t teach them about and it made them panic until they saw him around the corners trying out refreshments of the party. they quickly pulled joshua to one part of the venue, something more secluded yet a bit wide and ask joshua if he could teach them how to dance in a few minutes to avoid embarrassment.
• — (yes, taking inspo from that one scene in enola holmes where tewkesbury taught enola how to dance in a bathroom under 5 minutes JDSKAD i think it’s funny).
• — we could also have joshua teach your character to dance in the bathroom to make it amusing just like in enola holmes instead of an open and secluded area i don’t mind.


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grandemint 1 year ago
this is c
TheHermit 1 year ago
Hey, could I get Yoon Sanha reserved please? Thank you!
-euphoria 1 year ago
just stopping in to say that i think this a lovely roleplay ; i just happened upon it from the "may i have this dance" advert ( the graphics were absolutely stunning ) and i can just tell how much work was put into compiling that notion ( and the rest of this roleplay ). i haven't been on rpr in quite a while, but it's always a pleasure to peak and spot places like this. wishing you the best with this place, darlings.
[comment deleted by owner]
northpaw 1 year ago
hi! may i reserve kim jongin please?
xingqiu 1 year ago
hi! can i reserve kang seulgi please?
kareni 1 year ago
can I get christian as a witch please?
dubudam 1 year ago
hello hello .. may i reserve lee juyeon of the boyz please ? :")
popmycherry 1 year ago
I changed my mind… Kim Chaewon, please~
Alastar 1 year ago
Can I reserve Kim Chanmi please
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