⬙ beach

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a great get-away place to relax against the troubles of the world。
❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 XDDD Teeheeee
❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 ()STOP I AM DUMB I FORGOT grr pls not scary at all lmao
❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 () XD why it’ll heal lol you afraid of his wrath upon her?
❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 () don't say broken , let's say just to inflict the pain on gyu hshshsh bye
❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 () XDD Jennie has a little bite, I just wanted to insert lol
❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 () not the broken thumb dvvdv help ;;
❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 (Even as he was dropping her, I do want to insert that she broke his thumb on the way down , sorry if that wasn’t written clearly).
❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 Being preoccupied with the growing voices of the spirits as the witches soul attempted to move on to the next life with push back- Jennie barely felt the hand at until the weight was pulling her up from the ground and away from the witches remains.

Her eyes clocked back into reality, staring back at the bloody red murderous orbs of the taller cousin. She her lips as she could not forcefully breathe, her cheek twitching before she grabbed the others thumb, pressing it back till it broke, which dropped her body to the ground. “Stop this at once.” She coughed into her shoulder, standing herself up despite being dizzy. “You aren’t thinking clearly. Look!” She grabbed the males arm, having to look up at him in attempts to get his attention. “It’s an earth witch- his body needs to be concentrated back into the earth in order to be with his people and keep the balance. His people will be signaled if he is not concerated and you will start a bloody, horrific war.” She growled, not afraid of the others wrath, just his lack of brains in the situation. “ his blood will be used to further the elders cause to restore the vampiric order above ground through the Kim laboratory” She looked back to the men. “Leave the body or you will have worse things to deal with than a Duchess or Duke.” Her eyes flashed red once, though she kept her anger for the majority in check.
❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 The thing that Mingyu hates the most is when someone meddles with his business. It's the most hateful thing that he ever thought that he would kill that person if they are trying to sabotage his work. With his fast and strong power, he grabbed the female by her neck and pulled her sideways as if he doesn't care whether she was a cousin or not; stopping her from whatever she's been trying to do. His cold eyes turn a little bit red showing how dangerous he can be right now if she keeps pulling the trigger.

"Don't ing try to meddle with my business. " Mingyu squeezed her neck to suffocate her breath. "Duchess or not, you're in my household so you'll follow my rules. I repeat, don't meddle with my business if you don't want to be the same lifeless body as that bastard. Just so you know, he's been stealing and trespassing in our area. " told him as he pushes her body onto the ground and scoffs in annoyance. "clear the body and dispose of them after you have his blood dry. " he gives a glare at his cousin who's on the ground right now.
❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 Jennie had worked long enough in the lab, fresh air was desperately needed. Near her cousin's home where she resided, there was a beach, marked on the outskirts of the city. It was a generally very peaceful spot. Purposfully the duchess didn't travel far from the house, wishing to get to a especially secluded spot to relax and watch the waves of the ocean, but she could hear her cousin's distinctive dark voice cut through the air... steeping out in her simple blue dress, long sleeved and going passed her ankles, her chocolate eyes widened in shock at the scene; Mingyu slicing down another male with his correspondents at the watch and ready. "No," she whispered under her breath, picking up her skirt and running toward the group. "Stop!" she yelled, gaining the others attention as she stopped next to her cousin, eyes on the body. "I command you as Duchess to stop!" she moved forward and shoved away the other vampires rather aggressively, nails extended as she hissed predatorily, fangs extending themselves. She quickly knelt next to the husk of a man- a stranger, crimson clumping up the sand underneath him. She knew it was useless, as she already felt the ice crawling up her skin, and the whispers in her ears. She cupped the dead man's face, looking over his clothes- maroons and browns. But of his ripped shirt, she noticed a certain symbol etched onto his skin. "...A witch? Are you trying to start a war?!" she demanded out of her cousin, bringing the lifeless body onto hers. She rose her wrist to her lips, biting down and breaking up her skin till her cold, black blood was dripping, then pressing it to the body's mouth. Her maiden dress became soaked in sand and red, as the gruesome slash the tall devil of family granted had done it's job. The voices from the other side grew louder, causing her to turn her head sharply once, though she tried to keep herself grounded.
❛ ☽﹕mingyu k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕jennie k。 (By the way, there is a bloody murder scene!)

The sea breeze is supposed to be peaceful and calm, but not for Mingyu. His eyes turned deep red as he watched the witches beg for his life. He had already gotten so used to this kind of scene that his heart felt nothing. "sure. You can leave now," he said in his cold tone. The witches were so happy that he bowed his head so many times at Mingyu and turned his body around to escape death. Unfortunately, Mingyu isn't someone that nice to witches (especially). He pulled out his sword and stabbed the man from behind as he crouched down on the ground. He died right away, his blood splashing on Mingyu's left cheek. Oh, how he loves the smell of this fresh blood. He pulled back his sword and stared at the blood with a small smirk. He wipes the blood with the back of his hand and tastes it. "hmm. his blood out until it is dry, and dispose of his body. Make sure to leave some for my blood stocks," he ordered his subordinates, who quickly proceeded with his order. Mingyu grabbed a napkin and wiped his bloody sword before his eyes caught up with someone who had just witnessed the scene. He heaves another sigh. "What are you doing here, miss?"
[post deleted by owner]


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grandemint 1 year ago
this is c
TheHermit 1 year ago
Hey, could I get Yoon Sanha reserved please? Thank you!
-euphoria 1 year ago
just stopping in to say that i think this a lovely roleplay ; i just happened upon it from the "may i have this dance" advert ( the graphics were absolutely stunning ) and i can just tell how much work was put into compiling that notion ( and the rest of this roleplay ). i haven't been on rpr in quite a while, but it's always a pleasure to peak and spot places like this. wishing you the best with this place, darlings.
[comment deleted by owner]
northpaw 1 year ago
hi! may i reserve kim jongin please?
xingqiu 1 year ago
hi! can i reserve kang seulgi please?
kareni 1 year ago
can I get christian as a witch please?
dubudam 1 year ago
hello hello .. may i reserve lee juyeon of the boyz please ? :")
popmycherry 1 year ago
I changed my mind… Kim Chaewon, please~
Alastar 1 year ago
Can I reserve Kim Chanmi please
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