☁ bar + grill

bar + grill!
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lee gahyeon 1 year ago
@christopher bang ( T.T no one took you up heck, and also I am hungry , so im hitting you up hah!)

She ended up making a sigh as she entered, looking around she noted that all the tables where taken except for one, so she thought , as she made her way to the back, being started a seeing a man sitting there, drinking.
With a small sigh , she sat down next to him, carefully browsing the menu and her lips. "Hey , sorry for .. interrupting, there really is no where else, so you don't mind if I sit here? also are you hungry ? and Mister, you should eat too while drinking, but hey I am just a stranger, you need not listen to me if you wish not to."
her lips once again, she contemplated on having the biggest steak they served, but also some spicy pork and rice, only to make a face at her indecisiveness.
christopher bang 1 year ago
[open post, tag me with your reply!]

‘Having a drink a night before his first day at the job wasn’t illegal, right?’ Bang Chan asked himself sitting at the bar, cold beer already in hand while scribbling on his tablet. He couldn’t help but giggle at himself, with a shake of his head, sipping his drink. He wanted to relax and be able to sleep, he had a long day waiting for him, getting started really early in the morning. So he might as well enjoy the freedom before the guests’ arrival.

He was checking the schedule for the weekend, making a few side notes, just enjoying the ambiance and tapping his foot on the leg of the table to the beat of the soft lounge music.


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emptyhead 1 year ago
do you guys accept trainees mostly active on insta?
Tatertot 1 year ago
Can I reserve diana korkunova please uvu
ItadoriYuji 1 year ago
Hello can I add and reserve Kim Chan Mi? (Chungha) pls <3
lilbabyghost 1 year ago
Can I reserve Wang Yiren, please?
[comment deleted by owner]
seungjjang 1 year ago
may i reserve lee seungah (mijoo), please?
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 1 year ago

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nemoli 1 year ago
can i reserve twice's im nayeon, please?
-macabre- 1 year ago
minnie yontararak pls
Ashley23 1 year ago
Can I reserve Ashley Vee the model please?
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