☁ night club

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lee gahyeon 1 year ago
@lee eunchae well yes I suppose that is true, we have to keep giving you money that is a fact!
*points at some rum and then bourbon before humming a little*
ooooh ? then I am glad, though I can smell you been drinking too which makes me proud hah! I am glad you are having a good night too
*contemplates at getting into trouble before looking around , knowing that one drink can easily put my on my if its strong enough*
don't worry about getting me into trouble, I am the only one working tonight, and even if people do complain, no one reads the complaint forms, whoops I said too much , well that being said only I read them so ... but yes just throw some rum, bourbon and vodka in a glass and top it off with like cola or something ... and get one for yourself too
lee eunchae 1 year ago
@lee gahyeon Kicking everyone out. Huh? I wouldn't make any money then~
/letting out a faint chuckle ar the others words just to tilt her head to the side curiously watching ypu pick out a drink. /
Yeah, it's been a good night I'd say. I can't complain.
/my smile brightening as I stand straight once more with my hands on the counter/
Did you want anything? Sure we can help you relax just a little bit and not get you in trouble~
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu () sure, pm is fine with me ^^
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee () pms? I can make a group chat and label it accordingly
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu /it took me a second to feel your lips moving away from mine, separating and a small growl leaves my lips and reach back for your lips not wanting the drugging kiss to end, wanting the intoxicating feeling of your lips to continue, but then finally your words starts to register in my mind and I open my eyes to stare at yours mesmerized by them for a moment before I finally nod my head, seeming impossible for me to utter a single word, and then lean to place a chaste kiss where your throat connect with your ear and finally utter a couple of words/
take me there then Chris, hurry
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee * the moment he felt their tongues intermingle when he managed to slip his moist muscle past those plump lips, he knew it was all over for him that night. The taste of alcohol on her tongue melding with the tequila on his own was enough to make a small groan vibrate from his throat. His eyes slightly opened just enough to see the woman’s gorgeous face and briefly catching a glance of one of his friends grabbing another round of drinks. The way he wanted to keep the kiss going, the way he wanted to just let lose and do as he pleases right there in that bar stool, but he regrettably broke the kiss enough to whisper to the beautiful woman in his lap *
Hey… ash… how about we…
*he paused to give her addictive lips a few more kisses here and there before finishing his thought *
Go back to my place so we can continue this little reunion, Hm?
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu /I open my eyes slightly to gaze up at you, while you whisper against my lips, loving the feeling and weight of your words against my lips, before they part of their own accord guaranteeing you access, letting my tongue meet yours and a naughty teasingly dual on who dominate over the other/
/so hot and bothered by the heated kiss, I still am conscious of you keeping me decent, holding the dress on place for me, making me wanting you more, and to show you more, but just you, and at the same time feel you, directly not covered by clothes, and so I start to slowly a couple of the buttons on your shirt/
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee * he knew that his friends were going to and asking him for all the details after everything was said and done. But he couldn’t help but want to keep this little event and anything that came after to himself at least for the time being. His hands sliding up her thighs to hold her dress just enough to make sure it didn’t show too much in this public setting. My head tilting slowly as my lips parted to whisper to you in a husky tone*
Open your mouth love. Let me taste you…
*he whispered softly and gently tugged on the woman’s lower with a smirk on his lips *
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu /I'm already feeling light headed at the mere feeling of your lips against mine, moving slowly and somehow feeling like they are taking control over mine, then I feel you bringing closer to you and both my arms comes around your neck while feeling my body sitting on your lap. my mind is trying to tell me to slow down, to remember where we are while my body is demanding more, and is hungry for more/
/letting the soft hum out, I part my lips and lightly flicks my tongue against your lips, teasingly, but at the same time to get more of your tantalizing taste/
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee * his hand placed his beer down on the couch carefully and brought both hands to pull the woman’s stool a little closer to his own body. His eyes closing when he felt the woman’s lips on his own. His lips slowly massaging against her lips before he slowly guided her into his lap to pull her closer almost instantly. Both arms wrapping around her waist as his lips passionately made love to her own plush tiers *
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu /at the request of a kiss, a small flutter took residence in my stomach, and the soft spoken words lulled me into leaning even closer to you, while my eyes are closing of their own and my lips part slightly, letting my tongue dart to wet my lower lip before whispering back while leaning more closer to you at the same time/
I'm glad you got the chance to ask now, and I hope this is answer enough
/then I press my lips against yours/
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee *he could feel the soft touch of her hand moving down his chest and the sensation of her nails as they dragged down his toned stomach. His eyes looking at her as if he wanted to do nothing short of devour her in that moment and yet he found himself whispering to the woman in a lower, deeper tone*
Well… am I special enough to get a kiss? I wanted to ask for one the first time we met… but you seemed a little preoccupied… so I missed my chance.
*he smiled and nudged his nose once against her nose again*
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu put it that way, it does make me feel special, especially when you look at all the women who let's say isn't that happy you aren't there anymore
/the smile on my lips a bit different, more sensual, and my voice is more like a whisper, enjoying your closeness and hums softly at the feeling of your nose on mine and the feeling of your hands moving higher, letting my own hand move down your chest to the lean muscular stomach, teasingly scratching it with my nails/
maybe you should,
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee I’d like to think it’s pretty special for me to call you a beautiful woman… you know since I calm over here to give you all my attention.
* he felt his mind going places that they shouldn’t and all he could do was smile at the thoughts pouring into his mind. His nose finding itself nudging against the woman’s as he whispered to her softly. His hand running only a few inches high as he looked at her with half lidded eyes *
Then should I be the one who feels special ?
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu /chuckle softly, the laughter lightening my eyes up/
are you this sweet talker to all woman?
or should I feel privileged to be called a beautiful woman
/bite softly on my full lower lip, at the feeling of your hand squeezing my thigh, and automatically lean closer toward you when you do the same, my hand unbeknowingly places itself on your chest, and my words comes out slightly and husky, affected both by your proximity and the alcohol streaming through my blood/
but right now it is only you who has my attention, no other people
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee Note to self, buy the beautiful Ashley flowers tomorrow.
* he smiled and tilted his head a little as his hand moved a little higher and gently squeezed the woman’s inner thigh as he leaned in a little closer. His dark, deep orbs looking at her as he smiled in a way that showed his pearly whites*
A handsome man like me? I’m sure you have a ton of handsome people trying to get your attention Ash… I’m glad I was able to meet you, even through questionable circumstances… I got to meet you, and that is a perk of my job. Helping beautiful women such as yourself with issues
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu /raising the glass to my lips, I take another loger sip before placing it back down, feeling your eyes on me, and try to act like they aren't affecting me/
that is really nice of you to say, I like flowers so if you gave them to me, I sure will be happy with them
/in the middle of raising the glass to my lips again, I still mid air, feeling your fingers on my thigh, feeling the tingling and the fine hair in the back of my nape raising/
I don't know what to say, maybe thanks for wanting to buy me drinks, and thanks for the compliment as well, especially coming from a handsome man like you
/turn to smile at you, while still the feeling of your hand on my thigh, not knowing if I want it still there or further up/
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee * he couldn’t help but to keep looking at the woman as he sat there and listened to her words. The way he remembered months ago when he helped her with her little ‘technical’ issue and now here she was in front of him again. It almost felt like fate had brought their pathes to intertwine once again. *
But what if I want to buy you flowers? Is that okay? Or would that be too forward?
*his index and middle finger walking along the woman’s thigh and stopped midway as he allowed his beer to sit there on the counter *
I want to buy them though, a beautiful lady shouldn’t have to buy a drink, unless I’m being to forward again… I’m a little nervous if I’m being honest
* he hummed and used his free hand to lift his beer to take a sip as his tattooed hand remained on the woman’s thigh *
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu yup, you can get op to 50% discount, I won't say no to such an offer
/wiggle my eyebrows playfully then chuckle hearing you telling me the flowers will be to me/
nah, I'm sure there is a lot of ladies around you, who would like to get the flowers
/smile and shake my head/
of course I want you to stay, that is if you want to stay, I don't mind at all, and true it is been a while
/playfully nudge your shoulder, to let you know I'm glad you're there, but at the same time a blush steal over my cheeks at the thumbs up your friends have you, then quickly shakes my head hearing you talking to the bartender/
you don't have to by me drinks
/I quickly added but at the same time doesn't want to offend you by refusing/
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee A discount huh? Now that sounds like a deal I can’t pass up. But who would I buy the flowers for? I can’t just give the flowers back to you can I? Since I bought them from ya, I wouldn’t make sense to give them to you would it?
* he kept on smiling as he glanced over and saw his friends giving him the thumbs up and noticed a few glances from the women wanting him to come back over to the table *
I think they’ll understand. I haven’t seen you in a bit, unless you don’t want me to stay?
* he asked as he already took a seat next to the woman and smiled softer before ordering a beer for himself and giving the bartender his card*
All her drinks are on me, thank you
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu /feeling your eyes on me, I try my best to keep from squirming and try to smile back, letting my own eyes take as much of you without being obvious/
that's good, I mean to have some good time with your friends, that is
/smiles, then my eyes focuses on your tongue for a second before smiling and nodding/
yup, my shop, if you ever want the best flowers in town, then you just have to come get them in my shop, and don't worry, I'm gonna give you a discount as well
/teases you back and chuckles softly/
nah, I won't pass out, just getting a couple of drinks, then I'll probably hit the road back home
/sees the bartender places the next drink in front of me and lift it up to my lips/
I don't want to keep you away from you friends
/says, glancing at the table you were sitting at, and catch a glare coming toward me from one of the women there/
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee * he found himself admiring the woman’s smile and finding his eyes looking at her auburn hair and then back toward her round, brown pools before he toyed with the rim of his shot glass. His own pair of brown orbs looking down for a moment before looking toward her once more *
I’m good, I’m good. Just grabbing a few drinks with the guys, you know… nothing too crazy.
* his tongue clicking as his headed nodded while he listened to her attentively *
Your shop? I might have to stop by and see what that’s about, I’m on good terms with the owner.
* he teased with a wink as he looked a little concerned *
Light headed? Do you want to maybe get a water? I don’t want you passing out here, a beauty like yourself
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu /feeling a presence next to me, I try to watch who it is without turning my head, then with hearing your voice, I relax and turn to smile at you, easily accepting your light teasing, and smile even wider/
hey, yeah, it's a long time no see
how are you doing?
/take another sip of my drink and place it again on the table seeing it's already empty and orders another drink/
I just moved to the island not long ago, and since I had my shop up and ready I thought I would get out and get a few drinks, although I'm already feeling lightheaded after just one drink
/chuckles softly/
what about you, what are you doing here?
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee I’ll be right back guys… maybe
* he smiled at his friends and made his way over as if he was ordering a drink, leaning against the bar, he smiled at the bartender and ordered another shot before acting ‘surprised’ to see Ashley there*
Oh look who it is, the mastermind herself in the flesh. Long time no see.
* he smiled as his Australian accent laced his words and his body turned to face the seated woman *
What brings you all the way out here ?
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu /hearing the high laughter from somewhere behind me, I can't help but get curious and turn my head to see you sitting with people around you. my eyes finds yours and I smile, wanting to come by and say hi, especially after how you helped me, but stay seated at my place, with being uncomfortable around strangers/
"your drink miss"
/turns back to the bartender, smiling at him my thanks before taking a quick sip letting the alcoholic drink burn slightly down my throat/
Christian Yu 1 year ago
@Ashley Vee * it had been a few hours since he got there and he was on his tenth shot of tequila. A few women coming over to his table where he was chatting it up with his friends. His eyes wandering only for a moment before he took another shot and sighed out*
So guys, how’s married life?
* the chatter between him and his friends continued with laughter and messing about before his eyes caught sight of a woman at the bar, the white dress catching his eyes as he shot back his tequila, one of his friends nudging him in the arm to get his attention *
Ashley Vee 1 year ago
@Christian Yu /having had a long day, both with moving and decorating the shop, I decided on a night at the club, as I didn't want to stay alone at home/
/walking into the club and choosing a seat at the bar, while smoothing the soft fabric of my white dress over my thighs before looking at the bartender and ordering a drink for myself/
lee gahyeon 1 year ago
@lee eunchae *quietly stretches as soon as my break started and heads into the club , looking at both the bartenders, recognising the female before making my way over to her , mumbling *
at least my favourite bar girl is working, unlike the other one
*makes a small sound before wriggling a little playfully at you *
ayo! Eunchae!! pretty much , thank god, I really am on the verge of kicking everyone out but hey , I better behave myself
*laughs a little before scanning off the drinks and looks at you , puffing out my cheeks*
seems like , you have been busy yourself
lee eunchae 1 year ago
@lee gahyeon /I let put a faint hum as I made my way behind the bar greeting the other bartender that worked the opposite side before grabbing a cleaning rag and starting to wipe down the counter. The club would be packed soon and I had to make sure I had everything set and ready./
/a few hours later the music was loud and I danced my way around the bar making drinks for whoever came up to the counter and even being sweet talked into taking a few shots myself. It left me feeling bubbly and chatty as I continued to work but my attention soon shifted to the familiar female with a grin/
Gahyeon! Break time~?
/I cooed as I leaned against the bar counter to get closer to you. This way I could actually hear over the loud music./


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emptyhead 1 year ago
do you guys accept trainees mostly active on insta?
Tatertot 1 year ago
Can I reserve diana korkunova please uvu
ItadoriYuji 1 year ago
Hello can I add and reserve Kim Chan Mi? (Chungha) pls <3
lilbabyghost 1 year ago
Can I reserve Wang Yiren, please?
[comment deleted by owner]
seungjjang 1 year ago
may i reserve lee seungah (mijoo), please?
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 1 year ago

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nemoli 1 year ago
can i reserve twice's im nayeon, please?
-macabre- 1 year ago
minnie yontararak pls
Ashley23 1 year ago
Can I reserve Ashley Vee the model please?
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