Sehuns Apartment

I shall prettify this laterΒ 

Riley Parker 10 months ago
@Oh Sehun All the customers had gone and Riley had finished up closing the bar with the help of another employee. After the lights were turned off, Riley stood alone in the dark bar. His dirty, blonde hair was long overdue a cut and fell over sunken in eyes. He waited a few minutes and then felt his way back to a small back room, a storage room that had a blanket and a pillow in there for him to sleep. Riley had no qualms at all about his living arrangements. Several months ago, Riley had been found by a member of Powerdrive standing around in the rain, and from then on his life had changed rather dramatically. They got him a job at this bar, where he could sleep and eat, and every few days someone from Powerdrive would check in on him. When Riley wandered off, they'd go looking for him, and when he got into trouble, they'd bring him to their HQ and do their best to explain what he should and shouldn't do. Eventually, they'd started to pay off the owner of the bar in exchange for keeping Riley around. You see, he was just more trouble than he was worth. After closing up the bar, the last employee would take the keys and lock Riley into the spacious bar. Unknown to them, there was an unlocked window and the back, and tonight that was how Riley 'escaped'. Why did he wander off once again? He wasn't sure. Something kept driving him to roam the streets of the city. He felt like he had to find something or someone, but he didn't know what he was looking for. And so, Riley climbed out of the window, mumbling to himself about a mouse who flew to the moon and found the biggest piece of chicken ever, and began to walk.

An undesignated amount of time later, he found himself in front of an apartment complex. It was tall and intimidating. A young man was approaching the front door and Riley, now silent, followed him inside. Powerdrive thought he had no powers. His coworkers at the bar thought he had no powers. Even Riley thought he had no powers, but he did and now, his power to make himself unnoticeable activated without him putting any thought into it. His presence faded away until he was there, but not really. Just like that, Riley followed the young man into the building, into the elevator and into his apartment.


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hippie 5 months ago
Heyyy~ can I reserve Kwon Jiyong?
crybebi 10 months ago
louchedche 10 months ago
Hii - may I request for Lee Soo Hyuk pls :)))) Thanks!
Queenofsins 10 months ago
Oh my god I just saw Jackson Wang on your wish list and he is perfect for the character I have in mind can I still have him?
creamsoda 10 months ago
may i have oh sehun please?
creamsoda 10 months ago
you want male or female?
Oxytocin 11 months ago
hmm I'ma dive in
chungmyung 11 months ago
could i get war wanarat please?
0c119f4809feac09a276 11 months ago
Jeon Soyeon please?
kikukiyuu 11 months ago
May I reserve Mix Sahaphap for power drive
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